Running Out of Time? - Stephanie Ike

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hey family i'm pastor toray i'm pastor sarah and listen you're getting ready to hear an incredible word for the lord i believe it's going to bless you i believe it's going to be timely do me a favor share the message if it moves you share the message and then also you have an opportunity to be a part of not only helping to spread this message but to be a part of our outreaches we're doing a lot of practical things to be a blessing to someone so feel free if god so moves you to use the information here in the video to support what we're doing we're being a blessing not just people spiritually we're being a blessing to people practically we love you get into this message and change your life [Music] family such a pleasure to be with you today i'm excited for what god is doing let me know where you're tuning in from it's always amazing to see you know where our community is we are sending love to your city love your way and we're believing that you are going to be a change agent in your community and in the nations hallelujah you see family i want to just get into the word while you're telling us where you're from let us pray heavenly father we thank you for what you have purpose to do today i ask o lord that you would have your way holy spirit do only what you can do when we call upon you i submit myself and i surrender myself as your vessel that you would flow through me and speak to the lives of your children in the way that it will shift them from where they are to where you have purposed them to be in jesus mighty name amen family we're going to be going we're just going to dive into the scripture i'm going to be reading from genesis 18 verse 11 to 11-14 and the scripture says now abraham and sarah were old well advanced in age and sarah had passed the age of child bearing she had passed the age of child bearing therefore sarah laughed within herself saying after i have grown old shall i have pleasure my lord being old also and the lord said to abraham why did sarah laugh saying shall i surely bear a child since i am old is anything too hard for the lord at the appointed time i will return to you according to the time of life and sarah shall have a son you see to be honest i've been wrestling with this word for a couple days now i'm like lord what is it that you want to say to your people what is my assignment today because i recognize that every opportunity that we can have this moment it's it's a moment where the word of god where god what is it that heaven has ordained to be released on the earth on this day and i have been in a fight because i'm like god i'm not i'm not seeing it i don't know exactly what you're trying to tell me to say and all of a sudden this morning i reached this point and i said god i am running out of time you need to make it plain to me what is it do you want to say to your people and the lord began to speak and he said that's it it is the idea that you think that you are running out of time as though you are the one that controls time you see the lord began to show me that there is this anxiety that is coming on his sons and his daughters because they have this idea that i am running out of time that lord the very thing that you promised me the thing that you've told me is mine the the family the the you know the children the business the ministry the promises that you have placed in my heart it feels like i am running out of time but you're the one who said it and you're not a liar but you see what the lord began to show me and why this message is so necessary is that sometimes what becomes a hindrance to believing what god says about you and believe in the promises for your life is when you look at the promises and you look at your reality and you're like there is no way that this promise this word of god can happen because it looks like i am running out of time i don't have the time that is required to manifest this i don't have what it takes right now time is not on my side time is against me and when we have this mindset that time is against us then it's like how can i how can i be who you say i am when time seems to be against me how can i do the things you've said that you said i would do when times seems to be against me this is something i should have done 20 years ago but now you're telling me this lord and i am running out of time i've been working at this thing i've been trying my best at it and maybe you i didn't hear properly because it hasn't worked lord and time is against me and the temptation is to relinquish and to release the very thing that god has said about you because you've come to this place of i am running out of time you see in the scripture that we just read many of you may be familiar with the story about abraham and his wife sarah but you see abraham there's a moment that god encounters abraham and he tells abraham you know what leave the familiar and go to a land that i would establish you and that he tells abraham in you all the nations will be blessed because as we know the lineage of abraham leads to our lord jesus he tells abraham all these amazing things and abraham i mean abraham just has a history of obedience just a walk with god that is so beautiful but abraham comes to a point and he's like lord all of this sounds amazing and i believe you at your word but who is going to inherit it that all these blessings are going to come upon me but what am i going to who is going to be my heir and the lord promises abraham he tells him that you will have an heir he talks to him about this child of the promise and so of course i'm sure abraham had this a conversation with his wife you know i mean we don't hear that in you know prior to this scripture but i mean they're husband and wife right so at some point in the day he had a talk with sarah he's like wow the lord visited me today and this is what he said that there would be a child of the promise now can you imagine just look at it even in our day-to-day life that abraham comes to his wife and he tells her look i know that right now we are you know we don't have children but look at this great promise that the lord has spoken to us and he has promised us that i would have an heir that there will be an heir to this that it's not just going to go to one of our our workers that we're going to have a child then imagine the weight of that because you see during this time it's not like you know they they had to go to the doctors to check you know um sarah's ability to have a child or abraham if you know he's everything is working down there you know in the process of having a child they didn't have all that technology but it wasn't even needed but sarah has this burden because i'm sure they were trying and as they're trying and nothing is happening sarah comes to this moment prior to all of this right sarah comes to this moment and she's just like look it seems like the lord has not given me a child it seems like the lord does not want to give me this child she's looking at herself and she's thinking about the timing because when she's looking at it from a natural perspective for women i mean the doctors would even tell you that this during this you know age bracket is the is the best time for childbearing so sarah must have also realized that look i i don't have that much you know left good years in me for this body to conceive a child right so sarah is thinking about the situation and it's like okay the lord has made a promise to my husband and i know that it's for our family and i don't want to be the one that becomes a limitation i don't want to be the reason that he does not experience the promise of god sarah comes up with this plan she's like abraham and i'm just giving you my version of this but read the story it's amazing she comes up with this place she's like abraham you know what get someone else pregnant she actually offers the person that who abraham should impregnate because sarah is like you know what since i can have a child perhaps you can have a child through her sarah is burdened by this promise and it seems to her like look i'm out of time i don't have that much lung in me and we still haven't had a child and i know that this is a promise that the lord has spoken to you about and you're excited about it so why don't you have a child with this woman and perhaps i would i would feel like a mother through her right that's that's what sarah starts to believe so all of this happens that's where the story of ishmael comes in but then years go on and now the lord encounters abraham once more and he's telling abraham that not only will you have a child if i didn't make myself clear but that's it would be through sarah sarah is listening to the conversation and that is why in this scripture she's laughing and she's just like look even the scripture tells us sarah doesn't even have to tell us the scripture tells us that she had passed the timing she had passed the age of child bearing and so when sarah is hearing this conversation with the lord and abraham she laughed because she's just like um who is going to have this child because i know this promise sounds amazing but i'm out of time my body has passed that stage it's not going to happen but the crazy thing what sarah didn't realize is that the promise of god is not convenient to the timing of man but it's about his appointed time because something i've come to learn in my walk with god is that god gives us time and we give him faith timing is not what we give to the lord it is what he gives to man the word of god talks about how times and seasons belong to the lord times and seasons are fixed by the authority of god and when god is doing something in your life when god has purpose to do something the word of god requires god anything that comes from god reveals his nature and so when god gives you a promise when god gives you a word that something about the manifestation of that word should reveal who he is it should reveal his glory it should reveal his majesty it should reveal that he has authority over any limitation because limitations were already killed on the cross but you see in that moment sarah did not realize that your limitation is not does not hinder the appointed time of god and this is what the lord began to show me that we have to realize that the word of god serves many things but it doesn't serve your timing the word of god is connected to the appointed time of god you see there's another story in the bible and it's a story about a man named lazarus and i want us to read it really quickly there's some things i want to pull from there so in john 11 1-6 the scripture tells us that now a certain man was sick lazarus of bethany the town of mary and her sister martha it was that mary who anointed the lord with fragrant oil and wiped his feet with her hair whose brother lazarus was sick therefore the sisters sent to him saying lord behold he whom you love is sick when jesus heard that he said the sickness is not unto death but for the glory of god that the son of god may be glorified through it now jesus loved martha and her sister lazarus so when he heard that he was sick he stayed two more days in the place where he was this is so fascinating to me because he loved martha mary and lazarus he actually delayed his coming you see there are three key things i want to share with you when it comes to trusting the timing of god trusting god's timing and the first and family is to recognize that god heard you the bible tells us that the sisters of lazarus the certain word to jesus and jesus received it but you see sometimes we think that if god doesn't respond according to the way that we desire then maybe he hasn't heard us that maybe he hasn't heard my cry maybe he hasn't heard my plea i need to do something so that the lord can hear me but the moment it was in your heart the lord heard it the moment you were burdened by a situation it touched the heart of god but again it is not according to our timing it's according to his timing and i'm going to explain this just in a little bit but the first thing you have to know is that god heard you family what is it that you've been praying about and you feel as though god is far from you simply because he hasn't done it the way you request it i often say this god is our genie i mean god is our lord not our genie a genie does things exactly how you tell him he comes up as like the movies you know haven't met a genie in real life you know that would be nice but in the movie like aladdin the genie shows up and he's like hey you have three wishes what do you want whatever you tell the genie he does whether if it's gonna harm you and that's actually key whatever you tell a genie he does even when it's actually to your detriment we see that even for those who've watched aladdin if you haven't please go watch the movie you know it's something for your childhood but anything you tell a genie to do they will do even to your detriment they will do it the lord is not like that he is rooting for you say his plans for you are of good and not of evil to give you a future and a hope and sometimes the request of our heart it comes from the place of impulse where we're like something just happened and we're like god you need to do this right now if you don't i'm i'm i'm done i don't know how i'm going to survive this how many times have we brought requests to the lord that we felt like god if you didn't change the situation right now i don't know if i'm going to survive it and nothing changed but something changed in you because it was never about the situation changing god heard you but he answered in a way that would actually benefit you there are times that you're like god you need to come through in this way and when he didn't all of a sudden something else started working in you that there are some situations that it never has to shift but your perspective is the thing that god is working on you're like god if this money doesn't come through today i'm done if this thing doesn't change today i'm done and the lord nothing happens you're praying and sometimes you're fasting about it and you're like god something needs to change but what you think needs to change is not what god sees is the thing that has to change god heard you god heard you but the way god answers is not always according to the way you requested it because again he is your lord and not your genie we submit to him he does not submit to our impulsive nature there are things that now when we look back on it we're like god i am so glad you did not answer that prayer i am so happy that what i thought i needed what i thought i was asking for what i was longing for i am so glad you did not give it to me the appointed time because the very things that you need god knows when the timing that he will give it to you that it would be a blessing in your life and not a burden and so god heard you the second thing i want you to realize is that delay is not punishment you see i'm sure a lot of us are familiar with the saying that delay is not denied and that is certainly true but delay is also not a punishment mary the the message goes out to jesus from mary and martha and the message is lord the one you love is sick it's almost as dull i mean we already know lazarus the lord knows lazarus saying that lazarus is sick is enough but is the lord the one you love it gives this idea that lord if you love him you will not leave him in this condition lord if you love him the one you love is sick so if you love him you can't leave him like this come and heal him quickly you see how many times do we feel that when something was didn't go our way we begin to question god do you love me god are you really good god where are you because this thing did not happen the way that i desired so god where are you the time time seems to be against me and you're showing me and i'm i'm hearing the preachers say that god loves me i'm hearing the preachers say that god is for me and he will never leave no forsake me but in this season of my life it looks like you're you're far from me and that is not the case because just like i said god heard you but if god doesn't answer the way that you desire then you have to recognize that because his ways are not our ways and his thoughts and not our thoughts that the way you may be seeing something might not be actually what serves your best you see one of the things actually about love is that the bible tells us that love is patient and why is love patient because there are certain things that have to take they have to go through a process there was a purpose for what was taking place in the life of lazarus and it was because jesus the love that jesus actually had for lazarus is what caused him to delay the scripture we read earlier about it in the whole thing with lazarus and mary and martha we see that it talks about how jesus loved mary and martha and as a result he waited two extra days to get to lazarus jesus was aware of the will of god the will of the father in regards to what was going to take place with lazarus jesus was aware of everything and in his in his love response he said it is best i stay in alignment with the will of the father concerning this because i love you there are some things that don't happen in your in your timing and it's actually because of the love of god you see there's a scripture that tells us that there is a way that seems right to man but in the end it leads to death we are not called to lean on our own understanding we are called to lean on the understanding of the father because oftentimes the way we see life and the way we plan our lives can actually work against your destiny and so as a child of god you come to this place where you say lord not my will but yours be done the prayer of not my will but yours be done it's a prayer of surrender lord i'm gonna surrender my timeline i'm gonna surrender my schedule because you see family destiny moments cannot be scheduled moments of glory cannot be scheduled even to your best effort you cannot put on your calendar on march 5th at 10 am glory no it doesn't work like that destiny moments by nature are disruptive when you least expect it all of a sudden boom something just happens and it's god disrupting your norm to bring you into a new normal all we have to do is stay in that place of expectancy because just like i said earlier time is what god gives you faith is what you give him because god gave you a word he did not give you the authority to assign the time of the word god gave you a promise but he did not give you the authority to say when this promise will be made manifest what you give him is faith what you give him is the position of expectancy what you give back to him is working towards it being prepared for what the lord has said so that when the time comes it will meet you ready when the time comes that you will be one with open arms saying yes lord i am here i was expectant time is what god gives us we give him faith you cannot plan destiny moments when the lord began to show me this this morning what i began to learn is that for many of us the ability to be flexible would allow us to encounter glory the ability to be flexible would allow us to encounter the moments that could radically shift our lives even our pastor he preached about this he talked about do not sacrifice yourself on the altar of your calendar don't sacrifice your life on the altar of your calendar make room for disruption because when god is about to do something when the will of god is going to manifest in your life it is disruptive you can't say that well lord you know this is not according to my five year goal my ten year plan there are some things that the lord would radically shift in your life and it has nothing to do with what you think is best for you because at the end of the day we don't know who we really are you see i love it in the book of genesis when adam was naming the animals when he named all the animals the bible tells us that whatever he named it it was his it was its name so adam was moving in the revelation of the lord that he was moving in things according to how god saw things adam was naming the animals as such but the animals did not name themselves when adam looked at the eagle and he said you're an ego then the ego began to do what eagles do you know every time the moment adam named an animal it took on that identity of the name you see god is the one who names us i'm not talking about the name you received at birth i'm talking about when god shows you a word that word becomes a mirror to your truth when god shows you when god speaks to you about something all you have to do is receive it the lord this thing you have said so shall it be and sometimes those moments come in the form of disruption that you are just going by doing your own thing and all of a sudden boom something hits and the lord said this is a moment of revelation this is a moment to reveal and to bring forth what i've always known about you when god shows you who you are he's not showing you what will be he's showing you what is it's just being revealed and those moments you cannot schedule them all you have to be is expectant it is the love of god delay is not about god trying to punish you many times we feel as though like okay god is delaying on something that i desire and so maybe i didn't check off enough good points and you start going through all the things in your head you're like well god if i had done this better maybe if you know this relationship may have been a thing maybe this thing would have been a thing lord and you start going through this list of things you need forgiveness for no this is the enemy trying to torment you it's not always because that oh there was something wrong you did even in your mistakes god knows how to reroute you god is for you delay is not punishment you see i even sensed this for some of you that there are people in your life you may need to forgive because there are things that you feel as though you were running out of time to do simply because there were people that you believe that they had the ability they had the resources to help you and they didn't and then all of a sudden now you're holding grudges because you're like god this person could have been a helper but they chose not to and you come up with a narrative you begin to assume things about them that is actually maybe even not the reality and even if it is you have to recognize you see something i've learned about the lord is that the lord is advocating for you so much so that if something will cause you to be out of alignment that he can disrupt what would actually be a catalyst for it and sometimes the very time when you feel like you have this comfort and you're like you know what i'm good i have the relationships i have the connections to make this happen and everything fails it's not to shift your focus on blaming people it's not to be start saying you know what this person could have done this and they did and i called this person they didn't respond to my call the lord is showing me even in this moment there are people you need to forgive because it's the lord who is the one who holds your life you see there's a there's a story in the in the scripture it talks about the tower of babel this story is so fascinating because it reveals to us something about the character of god in the scripture it says how you know what all the earth they everyone had the same language i don't know what language they were speaking but they all had the same language right so they all have the same language and in that time there was a command of the lord and the command said that they should go forth into all the earth right they should just you know have dominion and just multiply everywhere but all of a sudden you know they were like hey we don't want to be scattered you know i know what the lord said but hey i'm not trying to be scattered and they're like why don't we build for ourselves a tower that reached the heavens and so like a skyscraper right and so let's build for ourselves this you know this building and then we could all be together we don't have to scatter and the lord you know sees what you're doing he comes down he's like okay wait these people are united in foolishness and so he does something in that moment he confuses their language that they would not have the ability to understand each other but you see the confusion setting the disruption setting because they were moving they were building towards something that was out of alignment what they were working towards to was out of the v was out of alignment with the very will and commandment of god god is our helper even when it comes to your alignment the things that he can do he would work it his way on it when the lord said that they were building he said oh this is nice you know what what they got here is a nice project but it's foolish because they don't realize that there is territory that they are called to claim and they're building this out of their fear and in god's love for them he caused a disruption that confused their language that they were forced to actually go into all the earth and so there are people in your life that you feel like you they're the reason you're where you are that if they had if they could have done something according to your request that you would have been much further in life and that is a disservice to the lord that you serve it is to say that god you are not the one who holds my life man does that is exactly what it means that when you're saying that this person didn't do something and so that's why i'm here and that's why i'm stuck it's a disservice sometimes god will cause people to actually be hesitant to move on your behalf because it is not in the appointed time the timing of god is what shifts our life from point a to point b when god has what when god's word goes forth he knows the time of it but our job is to receive and say yes lord this is who i am and i'm gonna work towards i'm gonna prepare myself i'm gonna believe it i'm gonna stay in that place of expectancy and i'm gonna believe that your timing is what will serve me best and this is why because at the end of it it will end in glory you see what is glory glory points to the greatness of god glory points to who god is it points to the nature of him it is when our lives begin to point people back to the father this is one one side of it there's glory can be a whole series but for the sake of this context that's why i'm this is the part i'll share you see in the end of it when jesus was talking about lazarus jesus said that this will not end in death but this is to actually bring glory it will not end in death and jesus was right because he was talking about the final outcome that yes lazarus died and actually he was in the tomb for four days but it did not end there because at the end of the story spoiler alert if you haven't read the story lazarus was resurrected his spirit came back to him and as a result of this many people began to follow jesus and actually disappoint us to even recognizing the the story with lazarus was so symbolic even for jesus himself because shortly after this he would go to the cross and he would die on the cross but he would be resurrected again in this moment it was to show that look the power of death death has already been conquered but it is for glory the truth about life and this is what if you receive this you will not be you know finding yourself in this like you know back and forth situation at the end of the day each and every one of us our lives is to bring glory to who god is our lives the purpose of our lives is to glorify the lord and so you don't look at disappointment as something to to take on the narrative of god failed me you look at disappointment as an opportunity for miracles you say wow it didn't work in my time god must be up to something much greater that you begin to take on and you you live life this way everyone it's normal it's normal to have you know we it's normal to plan your way it's normal to say you know what lord this is my desire for one year for five years for the next 10 years it's wisdom to have some type of plan right but then you also have to remember the word of god says many are the plans of a man but it's the purpose of god that will stand we have our plans but the purpose of god is what will stand and this is the beauty about god's purpose god's purpose is your truth revealed it's not that one of the things that i have learned to embrace about god nothing that i do makes him more god or less god nothing that we can do with ad make him more or less of who he is he is he said i am that i am he is and so when i began to understand this then i recognize then everything god does is actually for my good that it's to reveal me in my truth you don't know all of who you are you don't you have a glimpse of yourself but there is so much more that god knows about you and in the appointed time he begins to give you mirrors to destiny and the appointed time he begins to shift your life you can have your plans you can have your expectation presented to the lord but do not take on the narrative of discouragement when things don't work your way actually get excited and say lord if it did not work my way then actually it's making room for yours and what you can do i mean on my best day i cannot even i cannot even think about it you know one of my favorite scriptures ephesians 3 20 and it talks about how god can do exceedingly abundantly more that we can ever think hope imagine all of that according to the power that works within us and so on my best day i could have an amazing imagination about what my life should be like in five years i can have an amazing plan but god wants to exceed it and this today i came to encourage you that don't look at your life and feel like time is running out recognize that time was never yours to give but time is what god gives you the appointed time is what god gives you you don't you don't hear a word from god and say okay this is what causes a lot of anxiety that god speaks to you about your life and you begin to believe okay if god said it this day then you know what let me just start doing some calculations it should happen in three months no stay in that position of expectancy do the things you can do on your level and let god be god you see one of my favorite scriptures it talks about how you know there is one whose souls and there is another one who waters but it is god who causes a thing to grow and so you may feel like god i've been sowing i've been i've been watering this thing and nothing is happening it is god who causes a thing to grow according to his appointed time and so family you're not out of time you're coming into god's appointed time i love it because even as the lord began to put this on my heart there were things that also start coming back to memory things that you're just like huh i wonder if i stopped you know how there are times where you you it it's not even like it's a far it's a distant memory it's a distant thought some of the things that the lord has spoken about you and you're like did i count myself out of that because of time you know this this whole month the lord has really been pressing on my heart about us becoming everything that he says we are about us walking in this place of belief and so really tackling and going against every barrier to belief and this is one of them time the idea that time is running out and it's not family it's not if sarah only knew that the promise of god was not based on her timing it was not based on her convenience it was based to reveal it was it was according to the power and the authority of god she would have never gone through the whole ordeal with ishmael and all that stuff she would have simply said you know what god hasn't done it this year but it will happen and i believe that for you some of you it could actually be as literal as believing for a child and you're wondering god can my body actually can can i am i in the place am i healthy enough can my body go through this do i have what it takes has time run out on me it could be other things i believe that whatever it is that you have counted yourself out of because you feel like you felt like time was running out that the holy spirit will bring it back to your heart and he will put it in your heart not with the feeling of disappointment or discouragement or the memory of failure no but with the power of faith that god can you see when the lord says all these things and he's like why you know why would sarah laugh and he said is is anything too hard for the lord i want you to write that down write it in your journal you know what even set an alarm actually want you to do this you're when you're the time that you wake up you know for me i have my alarms all my morning alarms i actually they they have there's something written on there there are things that are written to remind myself of who i am my first one in my prayer time like i said my favorite scripture is ephesians 3 20. so my prayer time is actually 3 20 and i pray according to that scripture like there's just something about that moment and i'm like boom okay lord i'm awake right i like to connect things just to the word of god that's you know my personal thing but even right there 320 on my alarm clock it would say meeting with god then other times i would have certain things based on maybe the promises of what god has said to me i will have it written on my alarm clock i want you to set an alarm on your phone whatever time that you wake up and just write this there in the note is anything too hard for the lord that every time you wake up you are reminded that there's anything too hard for the lord that when you're looking at the timing on your phone that it is a reminder that every promise that god has said to me it is not delayed everything that god has declared about my life and everything every spoken word that he has given to me every dream that he has placed in my heart it will come to pass i just have to trust him the word of god requires god the word of god reveals his nature it reveals who he is it reveals his authority god wants to show off through you god wants to show off through your life would you let him he wants to show the world that what what seems impossible with man is possible with god and all i'm here to ask you is that will you let him i want you to receive joy right now knowing that lord i'm not out of time i'm not running out of time i'm actually walking into your point of time and so i want to pray with you if this word speaks to you and it's it's ministering to where you are right now i want you to put in the comments in time in time hallelujah god's timing is something beautiful everything is going to happen in his timing there's a word of the lord that talks about that he has made all things beautiful in its time i want you to receive that i want you to receive that lord in your timing it's all going to make sense all i have to do is receive what you say about me receive your promises i don't need to manipulate my way i don't need to lose my integrity i just have to receive it you see there was a man named joseph in the bible and joseph i believe that what anchored him is knowing that god's appointed time would meet him he went through so many things he was sold as a slave he was confused about what was taking place i mean he was lied against he was thrown in a prison but joseph never lost his integrity and i believe he didn't lose his integrity because he recognized that the promise of god because when before all of this happened god gave him a dream god gave him a dream to a dream it was a glimpse into his future a glimpse about his destiny i believe that what kept joseph anchored one of the things that kept him anchored is knowing that a god dream is not manifested in my time a god dream is manifested in his timing and it's going to be beautiful family you want god to do a thing that it would cause it would bring blessings into your lineage you don't want god to open a door that would end up feeling like a curse that's why the blessings of god it comes without sorrow that means that when god is ready to appoint something to your life that he knows that you have been through a process that you are mature enough to handle the weight of it you know i have a nephew who i love so much and my nephew he i mean he's not afraid of anything he wants to do it all he i mean it's it's fascinating what this kid you know believes he can do and he can't but not everything is good for him there's some things that he desires to do that i have to stop him because i'm like you know rico it's not time you're too young for this what you're trying to do like this could this could harm you wait just just be patient he may cry he may whine he you know he may have a fit and i'm like you know what you're fake crying that's why even the lord he understands there's some things he will look at and he's like look i love you but i recognize that when you want me to do this could actually bring more harm than good you just don't see it yet trust the lord relinquish your control about what your life should look like make room for god in your schedule make room for disruption in your life and say lord is anything too hard for you every word that you have spoken you will fulfill you are not meant to lie you will do you you you are not bound or limited by anything and so family let's pray into that and if you don't know the lord and perhaps this even anxiety and all of that is coming because you have placed so much of your trust in man you have placed so much of your trust in what people can do and i'm here to say that your life your there's your life has so much weight that it's not it doesn't even make sense to put the weight of your life to entrust the fullness of your life into someone's one person's yes even god doesn't do that the promises of god the the the what the lord has purpose to manifest it is too dear to his heart that he does not even tie it to one human being when the lord wanted to bring the israelites out of into the promised land it wasn't tied it wasn't bound to moses because he understands that he our human nature that sometimes we can be wishy-washy right so even when the lord when the lord has a desire to do something on the earth it's not tied to one person it's tied to himself he is the word and so if one person fails he says you know what i would erect another when moses had you know some moments the lord said you know what joshua would lead them into the promised land he will finish the job and so if the lord recognizes that look i'm i'm bound to my word i don't bind my word to people i bind it to myself to see that it would actually manifest then who are we to bind who we are to other people if you don't know the lord perhaps this is the one thing that will set you free and would release you to actually forgive those you feel harmed you or wronged you in any type of way simply because they said no when you start to recognize that my life is in the hands of the lord and not in the hands of anyone else it shifts everything for you when you recognize that god you are with me in all things and in this place too even even in the wilderness in the valley i know that you're with me i want you to receive him i want you to open your heart and say lord i want to know you more what does it look like saying yes in this moment and being committed to a walk with god being plugged in to our a church like this hey if you love love this church then get plugged in for sure getting plugged into small groups community groups getting getting being around the community we're having a lot of amazing things happening right now virtually just to make sure that there is a community that helps you build in your faith and in your walk with the lord and so be committed if you want to know that lord i want to know you and i want to actually have the confidence of knowing that my life is in your hands then say yes not just with your heart today but also with your actions and so let's pray heavenly father we thank you lord god that none of us are running out of time it may seem like that in the natural it may seem like what we are looking at if we are to look at your promises and look at the reality of our situation it may seem impossible but lord you are the god of possibilities and so in this moment we say god we trust you we trust that you are able we trust that you are willing we trust that in your timing that it is what will serve us best and so lord we relinquish control and not only do we relinquish control of god we release lord god anyone that we have we that has actually we've held in our hearts and we're saying that lord i can forgive this person but in this moment lord god i thank you for the grace o god to release even people and to recognize that it was your love for us that caused even a disruption in the lives of the relationships that we thought would do things for us but you said my son my daughter i'm more focused on your alignment than what you think you can get from this person and so lord we thank you have your way in every single thing that we do we will make room for you we thank you lord that you your way is better your way is better in jesus name amen and lord i just commit everyone right now who is saying yes to you and who is opening their hearts to you oh god and they're saying lord come into my heart make my heart your home i'm tired of all the back and forth i'm tired of giving myself to so many things i want to surrender to the lordship of jesus christ and as they say yes in their hearts i thank you lord god that they will also say yes with their actions and so lord have your way in them we welcome them into the family of the kingdom of god hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord family i want you to do something also in your journals or in your notepads just sit with the lord and ask yourself is there anything that i counted myself out of because i felt like i was running out of time i want you to write that down and as you write that down right next to it is there anything too hard for the lord if there is something on that on on your notepad or in the journal that seems too hard for the lord you tell me but i want you to stare at it i want you to look at it just like even when our pastor was preaching last sunday that sometimes you have to stare at the word when you stare at the word that says is there anything too hard for the lord look at that and look at all the things that you counted yourself out from and believe that god has an appointed time and that it would work out for your best we love you you
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 59,056
Rating: 4.9606357 out of 5
Keywords: LA Churches, TPH, The Potters House, TPH LA, The Potters House LA, One LA, Toure Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts, tphla
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 40sec (3040 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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