"Finish It" - Stephanie Ike

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hey family pastor T here god bless you listen you're getting ready to hear a powerful message and I wanted to also remind you about the message that is in this book it released as you know on February 6 it's already number one new release on Amazon in three different categories if you don't have this book in your life get it in your life it is changing the world one whole person at a time but God bless you for now I've got a great message that I want you to hear check it out [Music] whenever how God brings things into alignment on the earth how his purpose is manifested is always through people it's not like a snap like a genie you know it's always through people whenever God is gonna do something new it does it through a person and that's what he says that how but before he even does a thing he has to reveal it to the people and so if what God is gonna do to bring alignment is through each and every one of us and alignment comes in different ways there's a ways that brings healing to the world this is a ways that brings order to the words your community to your family in some times your call to the family you're in and there's certain things that God will place on your heart to do there are certain things that needs to be you know clothes or something else can open and the word he kept giving me is tell my people to finish it and we're gonna go into detail and first scripture I want us to open is in the book that is about to come up look listen so it says now just a little back story so Jesus at first he's speaking to he's speaking to a people that it's almost like their hearts were hard against him right and so the message is when he's given this parable it's connected to a message of repentance so he's telling the people ultimately to repent and to repent just means change your mind change your ways repent is not a word that comes because you're just you know in the dump or you're just like some you know high-class sin or something like that I don't know repent is literally when you're moving in the direction that God has not called you to and he's saying change your ways change your mind we knew how you're thinking about what I have showed you and so repent is a word of order it's a word that brings us back into the place of alignment so then in speaking to these people about repentance this is the parable that he gives so he said the passage says then he told this parable a man had a fig tree growing in his vine yard and he went to look for fruit on it but did not find any so he said to the man who took care of the vine yard for three years now I have been coming to look for fruit on this victory and haven't found any cut it down why should it use up the soil sir the man replied leave it alone for one more year and I'll dig around it and fertilize it if it bursts if it bears fruit next year fine if not then cut it down you see family it's so interesting because for three years you know God is showing up or you know it's like okay is there any fruit is there any fruit nothing so he comes back he's like you know what let's cut this down this is taking up space but what fruit symbolizes the end product of the tree the fig tree the purpose of the fig tree is to produce figs so when there are no FIGS it is it's it's job is not completed and so when the man says okay you know what the end product what the purpose that this was planted was not just to be here and be pretty it was to produce figs and so when when he says you know what let's cut this down and the keeper of the tree says you know what let me let me take really good care of it give me one more here to take really good care of this thing and if it produces fine if it doesn't you know what cut it down what this is showing is that everything you need you have not producing the thing is not because you're lacking resources so when Jesus is saying repent he's showing the people you have everything you need this is a matter of the mind you see family there's a passage in Ecclesiastes I believe it's in chapter 3 verse 1 it talks about that for every that there is a time for every purpose under heaven there is a time for every purpose under heaven everything that God is invested in your life has a purpose but that purpose has a timeframe and so it's not that when the scripture says cut it down it's not about like God is like rejecting us or anything like that no it's saying that this the time the window the window for these things are produced it's coming to a close you see at the beginning of this year our senior pastor you know pastor Troy Roberts declare that this is the year of becoming and I and I believe with everything in me that this is a year of impacts because you have impact when you become who God says you are and the things that God has put in your heart to produce and to finish you may not realize it but there could be a different wind of things that happens in your life in the next season that may not give you the opportunity to finish what God has given you and so when God is putting things in your heart and then we find ourselves procrastinating which is just an enemy to your destiny don't it's a it's a deception that I still have time but time is not according to when you commit time is the grace period that God has given you to execute what he's put on your heart and so when we're pushing things back because we are consumed by distractions and we're consumed by things that look good but are not God then we find ourselves I could do it later and the Lord is saying no finish it now because you may not realize that you may not have the time that you think to execute this you see when it comes to finishing it's it's interesting how big Jesus takes finishing not only did he say on the cross it is finished but I studied why did he have to say that when it's already done and I found it so fascinating and I would love for you to study this in your own time because to really get the full story is to look at every the same story in the different Gospels you know John Mark all of them and there's the story of when Jesus is about to be crucified and ultimately when he's crucified you see when he was on the in the process of you know him take it carrying his cross and heading to the point of crucifixion it was custom that they would give people being crucified sour wine mixed with gal now gal is it's like a it's like a painkiller when they gave Jesus when they gave him to drink this the moment he he tasted it I knew what it was he rejected it now a painkiller obviously you know anyone who's had painkillers it could number your senses a bit I remember funny story I had to take this was last year I had to take like all four of my wisdom tooth out you know and I was like oh my gosh I was like Lord you know just give me a speedy healing I have a wedding to attend tomorrow and so you know they take everything out I'm on pain meds I'm over there looking for the dentist I was like who is that beautiful dentist talk say all kinds of nonsense and when I got home I remember man this stuff feels so good like I'm chill not I'm not recollecting anything honestly so the next day I didn't even need the pain meds I take another one I'm like wow that felt amazing please don't do this at home because I took another payment and then I'm looking at my hand my hand is moving beyond me I said what is this I thought I was tripping I say you know I'm gonna put this in the trash but what I recognized with those payments is that it numbs your senses like you're slow kind of like it's just your whole body just it's you're not really aware of what's really going on and I think that if Jesus first of all him rejecting the pain the the the sour wine mixed with Bao which is to ease the pain and normally that is for them to help them endure the cross so first of all he's even more conscious about every single thing happening to him but Jesus needed his full senses if he was going to articulate it is finished and so he's going on the way and then he's finally now he's on the cross and then when he defiled that the words before the final words is him saying I thirst and you see cuz the whole process when he when your body is so dehydrated it's hardly to even speak up so when Jesus is saying I thirst and now they don't give him the sour wine mixed with with God they just gave him sour wine and in that time that was a custom it was like a common drink to quench thirst so when they give him that that would actually keep him more active for a longer time but i I've read this and I'm like wow Jesus needed that strength so he could say loudly it is finished it was that important to him not just to whisper it for that for it to be written in the scriptures but for him to echo it so everyone present that it is finished he took pride in finishing and in that same way we suffer God who takes pride in being known as the Alpha and the Omega that he is not just the beginning but he's also the end you see the enemy would always if he cannot get you to not start he would attack you finishing and so oftentimes we could start a thing and we get excited and it's like expecially with social media boy I tell you you're like listen first day CEO hashtag boss and then two months later you know I don't know what's going on right but if the enemy is to even in the life of Jesus when Jesus was born and then through the the King at the time was a king named King Herod and the enemy influenced him to make a decision to kill every child every male child under two because the enemy was trying to kill Jesus at his beginning now the plan failed obviously and so he was looking for every opportunity how do I stop him from going to the cross he infiltrated his inner circle he tried so many things but you see Jesus was ready for the battle and his mind was said that I did not come here for my will I came here to do my father's will and so he finished and so family before I even go to how I believe there's certain key elements to finishing but they're different finishing may look different for many people on one hand finishes for someone to be to literally complete what God has given you that God has put a project in your heart he has given you something that will bring alignment into the earth alignment in your family alignment in the for the people around you in your community you see when I think about what happened in Florida it made me so much more appreciative of when of men who have like mentorship programs after school programs because it may look like nothing but their changing lives of these young boys that in and that in that period that that formative period of their lives their showing them your life does not have to end this way that you can be much more than your environment tells you and those are visions that God gave people and say you know what start this after-school program in this inner-city school and they're changing lives and in the same way what god you're the vision is never you a week never we should never compare even like what I'm doing this is what you do you're doing because everything is to bring order into the earth and so for some people it could literally be that God has given you something to do it might have been a book it might be to start to a nonprofit that you have started and you have not finished the filing the documents finish filing the paperwork you have not finished setting your board it's something that God has put in your heart to do and my prayer before coming in here is the Holy Spirit would reveal to each and every one listening what is it that is stalling because I might be in the position that I have the grace to finish it and for some other people it could be finishing is a lifestyle of yes finishing is that I am in the place that God has called me to be and I always have to say yes god I'm always gonna move forward in this thing it doesn't matter what it costs me because it will cost you something it will perpetually cost you things and that no matter the cost is just like you know our pastor is a G you know yesterday he had an allergic reaction breath sometimes you know if my barber cuts my hair too low I'm like I don't know if I can go out today because this is looking like an upside you know and he had an allergic reaction that his top lip was swollen and he had an important interview to do and he did not say you know what I can't go out looking like this he went he owned it he's like you know what the message of what God has called me to do is more important than my image hey I was blown away I said know what this is this is so inspirational and I stopped tripping about my haircuts and so no matter what comes against you you have it's it's it's a it's a lifestyle that nothing is gonna stop me from moving forward that no matter what challenges I may face I am gonna keep on the road that God has called me because some finish it it might be at the end of your life it could just be the lifestyle that God has called you to and it's saying that will you be committed till the end and for others finishing it there was something I was when I was praying about this and then I have a vision of someone turning a page on a book and I was like oh what is that and I understood I was like wow for some people finishing it might be turning a page and what I mean by that is sometimes you have a bookmark on your past where the the thought of what if leaves a crack in the door to say you know what maybe I could still revisit this in my life and the more time that you you make room for what if you know what if this change is what if that happens you are jeopardizing the time of what God wants to erect in your now you see there's a passage I want us to read it together it's in the Book of Isaiah and the verse we'll find out together 43 it says and this is the Lord speaking right it says forget the former things do not dwell on the past it says see I am doing a new thing now it springs up do you not perceive it I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland you see what this looks like when God is doing a new thing it begins with a word and when God is telling you don't you see what I'm doing this does not require sight this requires faith because it's not gonna manifest until you come in agree with God and so the longer the longer that we are holding on to the past and we're like we're leaving little rooms before you know what if this happens maybe I could just you know fall back and there are times where falling back is just even that's this deception right and so when the Lord is saying forget that the past has nothing new to tell you the chapter is closed so why are you still on that page for some people there are people in your lives and you know that this relationship is not going anywhere and it may be romantic it may be business it may be whatever friendship because that relationship is taking you to the you that God is saying that that is not you it's not speaking to your truth is not speaking to your identity for some it could be it could be a number of things and the Lord is saying will you turn the page can you remove the bookmark that you've placed there that ever any time something goes wrong in the present or when you feel like you cannot see my hand you run to what is familiar because every time we're going back to what is familiar we're jeopardizing the time that God is saying that this season this purpose has a time and that time is now don't you see what I am doing in your life and that requires faith is that Lord I am gonna forsake what I can see that feels familiar what I what it's comfortable when I can touch something but the promise would always be bigger than where you are and so it requires movement and a lot of times that movement is mental it's to say you know what I'm gonna let go of this constant what if this occurs what if and God is showing you that that is never gonna be the case this is a finished after this season is closed move on and so there are three things there are three things I believe that that would be key in us finishing what God has called us to do and I forgot to give it to them but I remember okay but the first thing is to embrace help you see even the Lord Jesus when you know Jesus it was know that he would always pray by himself you know when something comes up he would go to the you know secret place and pray by himself but when it was time to face the cross he took three of his disciples that were like his inner circle and he opens up to them he bares his soul to them that my soul is sorrowful unto death and he tells them will you watch with me so it was almost opening up to them and saying will you pray with me and he moves a little further and goes to pray because it was a moment of struggle that God if you can take this cup away from me please do here you know because that's a lot of struggle you know over here now even though the disciples were a bit ineffective because they fell asleep the principle is still the same that if the Lord could could embrace help how about us that sometimes you it's whether it's a trusted circle that you can open up to and say hey to seek counsel whether is to say you know what I need help in building this vision God can you show me the people I could open up to and not to question yourself you know what are they gonna say yes are they gonna say no and they're gonna think it's stupid if God is leading you somewhere even if they say no it is gonna breed errect you too who is gonna say yes and so it's we have to be okay with seeking advice maybe a mint or something where you are not a lone ship God created us in a way that we need relationships it's never just you and God it's you and God and you and people because if it's just you and God you're gonna be a very weird and maybe destructive Christian but working with people it also keeps us humble it keeps us in partnership it keeps us united because we are united body God orchestrated that we work together and so we have to be open to saying maybe I need help maybe I need a prayer partner in this maybe I need a mentor maybe I need advice maybe I need counsel maybe I just need help maybe I need to build a team around this vision maybe I can may not be able to pay them but who knows God may give you favor so we have to be ok with saying I need help the second thing is to expect warfare you see when you don't think that the first the scripture says that trials or tribulations will come because of the word because of it because how would you know that you truly stand on what God is telling you unless it's tested and so when when you are tested and when you are tried and when circumstances begin to approach you if you expect it you're not going to be afraid of it if you expect it you're not gonna be shaken by it or say God why have you forsaken me where are you Jesus I don't feel you right now we have to expect warfare because this is the thing we are dealing with an enemy who understands your nature now when you're under the blood he cannot he he does not know your future but he knows your nature because he knows what will trigger you and so when we are submitted to God we have to be renewed even in our actions because you see with Moses Moses started something but Moses didn't finish it because the enemy understood him so well he had studied him so well to know what would shrink Moses anger and so he would use even the people that Moses is supposed to be delivering to trigger his anger because the enemy you see he knows God he understands he he'd lived with him you can say that they shared a time period together to understand I mean he does not know the fullness of God cuz nobody does you know but he understands even how God moves and strategizes and and sometimes what could cause a person to fall out of what God is saying that is for them so he's very strategic from a place of intelligence and so with Moses he was using Moses's what he had studied about Moses his nature or his anger is the problem so let me trigger him and it was his anger that denied him entrance into the Promised Land you see Jesus said something that was so powerful he said it was a scripture Google it's cuz Google you know what will give you the scripture jesus said he said that the enemy the enemy came to him right but he found nothing in me that means there was nothing he could use to manipulate me he he could not there was nothing he could use there wasn't that he had no way so pull me outside of my destiny he found nothing in me there was nothing to associate me with him there was nothing in my character there was nothing in me that would associate my actions with his ways and so when you're in a position you have to expect warfare because the enemy would use whether it's people whether it's in the physical or spiritual to attack you but you will survive the attack that's the first because the first thing is that we have to understand that we are coming from victory but in other to come from victory we have to come from the one who gave us the victory so we have to come in his nature because sometimes a lot sometimes people would would quit a job that God gave them because they got offended because they got angry you know what these people are pissing me off and then when you look at the nature of God it says God is patient so patience and being quick to respond from temper if that's those are two different things and so when he understands the falling nature of a man he uses that to try to manipulate us but we have to be people that say look I am expecting this day and so I am NOT going to give in to how I would react because to stay in the door that God has opened for you is to become like God is to become his attributes that's the whole essence of wholeness right be holy for I am holy behold where you are not moved you don't need to be prideful you don't need to prove yourself you don't need to tell someone you know how you feel in anger that you are okay with yourself you're okay with you for looking like a fool if it's not changing the price of water okay that's a joke that we say in my country but the thing is that we have to come to a place where we're not easily shaking because we wonder we want to tell someone how we really feel oh you you think you did that to me I want to show you I remember one time true story this is real this is real bad I remember I was I did it was like a business partnership I did with someone and he tried to play me I said you forgot I am Nigerian I'm not American yo y'all want to go to court you know we handle this personally now this is real I called this guy say look first I'm not a fighter mm-hmm I said look I'm not trying to fight your man first of all you're like six seven but I know people oh I said he thinks he's messing with the wrong one so it was he calls my brother he's like your sister is threatening me I said that this is facts ok I'm not threatening you what I'm about to do to you and my brother looked at me he's like Stephanie what's going on I said this guy's gonna play me you see we don't accept that you know and I remember at that moment the Lord started speaking to me he said what does this speak to your brother about me I said God oh oh bad you know and he had me he told me to call that gentleman and apologize to him because that was me trying to protect myself and the Lord is like I am your shield I will fight for you you don't need to start trying to fight for yourself and prove that you know what how you handle things in your country none of that because that was just pride that was arrogance and pride long mixed together in the one big mess you know and and so I called him I was like you know what I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry that I said the words that I said to you and I just apologized over the whole thing I was like you know I was just a bit hurt you know that you were trying to play me and I'm over there feeling all vulnerable and weak I was out gosh this is horrible but the key in that moment was what God showed me cuz even though that was a little crazy I was still submitted to God and I my god I'm sorry because this is not testified good of you to him or to my brother you know so in that moment he showed me you don't don't have the fight for yourself let me fight for you I do it better than you and so family we have to expect it we have to expect it we have to expect it that things will come to threaten you out of your position but you have to stand that the question is how I'm gonna react how does that reflect the ways of God and if it doesn't I should just stay still because the enemy does not know your mind he can only he can only understand what what got to you based on how you react he said oh that got them oh yeah I'm gonna try that again I'm gonna pinch that same button and so we have to be people that say you know what I know that in the past this isn't how I would have reacted if this very thing happened but I am under the blood of Jesus and I have been empowered to not act the fool like I used to another thing is that sometimes it could even be spiritual warfare and and nomads and spiritual warfare can come even also in the form of I mean people who want but it could also come in the form of circumstances but that no matter what I'm gonna fight this thing sometimes they could come even in the form of physical illness and you're like you know what I'm gonna keep pushing there at times no lie that to even stand up here and speak I would be smiling but my body is in excruciating pain for no reason the moment I'm done it's it's it leaves because it's it's fighting you to say just just say you can do it and I'm like no no no I would do what God says I can do and so no matter what comes against you it's that I'm expecting this thing but I'm coming from victory so this is a lie I'm not it's not even it's not even a fair fight because I'm coming from Jesus finished works another thing is to engage in prayer family like I said earlier prayer is your greatest weapon because you're not just praying from an empty place you're praying with the Word of God you're declaring the word of God into your situation you're using it to prepare you for what is to come Jesus would never go out to a town to preach or to heal if he did not come from a place of Prayer everything he did came from prayer because that becomes your shield you see that the scriptures say that angels are ministering spirits that are that are helping us right but angels are not released except by the Word of God and so when we come in a place of prayer we start to release angels into areas that we may not physically be able to touch because sometimes there is a door that God is opening for you and you need favor to go ahead of you and there are times where and God will send an angel to distance almost like dismember the plans of the enemy in that place because if there is if there is an evil influence in the room and they can war for you where they would remove the influence of the enemy and saturate that place for the purpose of God because when Jesus why would you wonder why is Jesus praying I mean isn't he the Son of God but he was man and so not only is he praying for strategy he's praying to be empowered he's praying for his way to be made clear so he from a place of prayer that's why Jesus could easily go and say be healed be he'll be healed because he fought the battle in prayer sometimes you see someone and and they're doing this you know here like 10 hours in that prayer because you just started the battle in that moment Jesus started it before he encountered it and so sometimes we're wondering why is it that you know getting like Jesus did things so fast and we over here struggling no he fought it before he met it and so when you start your day in prayer when you start when you engage prayer you're fighting the things that are trying to look for you before you even meet them because their time selling the place of Prayer I will give you a testimony I remember in college even though back then I did I should have done things better but I remember I was I woke up one morning and I was just praying just about my day and in the place of prayer God gave me a vision and he showed me do not go out to where you're planning to go to because that car would have an accident on the passenger side and that would be where I'll be sitting so now I should have called my friend and say hey girl you know your car might have an accident but I was like oh my gosh look at God saving me I did not call her that was really messed up so we have planned this the day before that we were going to carpool to where we were going so she calls me she's like hey I'm gonna pick you up in soso minutes I said not good you know Sharon I'm good Jim plans changed everything changed five minutes later she calls me and she's like oh my gosh definitely I just got into an accident I said where did the car hit I was not even here an accident I said I saw Brett I was like really where what angle you know the bumper she was like no they like hit me in the side I was trying to get on the freeway in this car like hit me I think you mean like the passenger side and I was like I'm over there like oh thank you Jesus Jesus I'm not even engaged to what she's saying I felt bad later on when I spoke to my mom about it but what I'm saying is that in that place of Prayer he prepared me to avoid something that was coming against my life and there are times that things would happen there are times that things would I mean it would just happen but from the place of Prayer you are strengthened to know that you can overcome it your strength to know that you know what perhaps God allowed this also for a purpose in my life and so when you when you know that you know I got it it's I am NOT doing this life by myself so even if something occurs in my life that looks like it is against me you are for me and if Jesus is for you who can be against you and so we have to be people that engage in prayer it has to become our lifestyle it's not something we do real quick you know to check the list of note that we are intentional about our prayer life there are times that in prayer God will lead you to a different course of the day because prayer is saying God I'm inviting you to reveal to me how does this day align with what you ordained because I could carry out this day in so many ways but I want to carry out this day as you ordained it I want to know God what did you envision for this day before I woke up to it because there is the path that we can take and there's the path that God is saying that you know what no do this this is what I have for you in this day there are times that God will change your I mean there are times you could be heading to you know somewhere on the freeway and God would tell you take this exit and then the very thing you're looking for you encounter it and there are times where you just have an impression on your heart you're like you know what I was gonna do this today but maybe not pray or prepares you it brings you into alignment so you can bring God's purpose into alignment and so family we have two people that finish because the victory is at the finish line it does it we can we can you can go so far that's what I love how pizza describes mediocrity went because you know when I always heard mediocrity I just thought you know rich life or something like that and it's like no it's it's it's the halfway point it's like you're you're you're halfway up the mountain you have not arrived where you're supposed to be we have to be people that finish finish it this spoke to me - there were things that God even exposed in my life and he's like finished that you may not have the time you think I remember this was even last year and there's so many stories I can tell you child this was sometime last year there was something that God told me to do and he said it so clearly to me he said if you don't do this in this time you would have to revisit it in ten years okay yeah that's a long time but ten years if I didn't do it in that period he's like you're gonna revisit it in ten years because the season for that may reappear but not tomorrow or maybe not next year ten whole years I said Lord tell me what do I need to do how do I need to do it or the what are we doing have you ever has ever been a project do you you were working on a you abandoned and you find yourself like six years later going back to it and it's like oh let me you know but what if there was a grace then and the next time the grace came for that thing to be completed was literally at the six year mark again but what could that have cost us now God is a restorer of time and he's a redeemer but let us be people that do not take advantage of of you know like okay God is gonna restore he will restore he will redeem but in this time in this present moment let us finish because the benefits outweigh the you know waiting for the whole restoration period because he will restore that is a fact but there is something that is needed and it's beyond us family their lives that are connected to this rise with me thank you Jesus thank you Jesus I just want us to seal this in prayer and so I believe that there is an impartation in the house when the Spirit of God for you to finish your race that in whichever element that you may fall whether it is a particular project whether it is just your commitment to God and saying God it is yes it is me and you all the way or whether it is turning the page and letting go of the past wherever we may find ourselves if that is you I want you to just come down and let us seal this in prayer thank you Jesus [Applause] thank you Jesus we're gonna be people that finish we're gonna be people that finish thank you lord now if you might be here already but if you're here and you might have come up already but I don't know and you're having nightmares you know and it almost how do I describe it like it's almost like you're afraid to pray sometimes because there's a connection between when you pray and sometimes you have what feels like sleep paralysis when you're laying down and all of a sudden you feel like you can't move amen and I don't know there may be some what they means someone else too but you start having this sleep paralysis and and then you start having these weird nightmares and so you feel like the connection is when you're trying to pray or something like that and it has put a fear on you but you see to just bring clarity to that what may seem like a nightmare you see first of all God's hand is over your life and sometimes what he's allowing you to see is not a nightmare but he's exposing the plans of the enemy so you can reverse it so you can declare his word so if for example you see a friend this is just an example and it may scare you I mean however the details may look but you may have a dream and you see like a friend or a family member maybe in a coffin or something or you see yourself getting shot and you're terrified by this dream because you're thinking like what kind of dream is this it's not it God is giving you he's revealing to you what the enemy is trying to plan against you so you have the upper hand and it's not to scare you is for you to stand in your victory and claim life over yourself or over the individual now sometimes when it seems like you know if this happens to anyone let me just see where you might be laying down and when you're about to pray your whole body goes numb is there anyone here that I want you to come down because it's it's it's like and you don't understand what it is and it's like you can't you can really move or you can't speak it's not like we you see when we come from victory it's never to be afraid but what because when you understand that the name of Jesus is higher than any name he is the head of any principality or power what happened all these are just little tactics where the enemy is trying to you know shake your test you do you really know who you are because all of a sudden you might just say the name you the first thing that might come out of your mouth is Jesus and your body comes back to you feel like okay I can move again but what happens is that sometimes when you're praying what you're doing in prayer is disarming the enemy to the point that the only way he can come against you is through your own body but that does not even last because when you know who you are you're like oh no I'm gonna keep on going cause real talk they were in a pen and I know even I I know what that feels like because there are times where prayer there was a period where prayer at the point used to scare me because the atmosphere would change and I'm like listen I'm over here trying to keep things cool okay I don't need nothing trying to hear don't come at me but when you know that you're coming from victory it's not it's not the case you were always victorious in God so whenever that way if you feel like that husband that I'm a God if there's anyone else come down we're gonna seal this in prayer any fear is gonna be cast off because that is not from God he will not allow something in your life to scare you it's a perception we just have to see it different thank you Jesus come on down come on down it's crazy because saying it to some people it might be like that sounds crazy but it's some people's reality because it happens it happens and God is concerned about you just as it's concerned about the next person you don't have to be afraid you just have to take your stand in your authority that you have in God that's all let's just say God not today you know tell the devil no no you know what God is so fun and he's so simple and so it's a beautiful relationship it doesn't have to be anything crazy it's about knowing who we are that that ends it when you know who you are in him it does not matter how the attacks come it's like you know what I am a child of God first of all and so you cannot affect me he can his tactic the enemy's biggest tactic is fear so whatever would come to you that would that would trigger fear that's what he would use against you but when you know who you are you can declare the Word of God and we move by faith we live by faith everything we do we please God by faith and so even when our circumstances and our environment is not echoing God's Word we are moving in a realm that says it is and I'm just waiting for it to manifest but it already is so whether I see it or not whether my body is not feeling the way it should or not I am living in what God has declared it and eventually it manifests because you see when we say that God is patient we also have to understand that what he produces isn't his character and so when his manifestations would oh it would also require your patience so sometimes I could feel like you've been praying about something praying about something and it's not manifesting it also comes in the manner that he is so it's not for you to give up hope or to give up faith is to understand that the very God that is patience would also require your patience so you cannot give up hope you cannot give up faith you keep declaring what here showed you you walk like it you talk like it film uncie Uncle Phil preached the powerful message rule the air you walk like you know what this is already done let us pray family thank you Jesus thank you God that you have given us the victory thank you God I thank you for each and every one present here Laurie God everyone watching Laurie God that are joining us here even in spirit lord I thank you that we would finish our race I thank you for your spirit that is empowering us Lord God that is revealing to us you're not revealing to condemn us or none of that you're simply telling us to change how we're looking at this thing so not entertain procrastination or entertain distractions but to be intentional about reaching the finish line I think you God that we would know that we have everything that we need thank you Lord Jesus I thank you that no matter what comes against us no matter what stands against us that we would know that we are coming from victory we would not we would not give in to the ways of the enemy because we are your children and you know us by our fruit you know us by our character and so we are choosing wholeness we are choosing to walk like you to talk like you even when we are tested Laura we thank you that for your strength and your empowerment Laura God that we would produce an action that looks like you Laure God we thank you I thank you for everyone here that may may have been scared based on things that look like nightmares but I think you Jesus that it's not a nightmare it's just a different type of strategy and they will stand in their victory and they will declare Lord God that you are God and that the word over their life will stand and nothing will come against it I thank you Jesus for what you're doing I thank you God that you are having your way in each and every one present watching listening thank you God thank you God I thank you that every fear every spirit of fear is broken in this house I think you got that any anyone in this house or listening father god that feels like they have been capped they have been held captive by anything that is none of you I think you that in the name of Jesus that authority of the enemy is broken over their lives thank you God thank you God thank you Jesus and I thank you that no one leaves this place filled with any sense of condemnation because that is not your spirit that is not your spirit who the Sun sets free is free indeed I declare freedom over your children right now in the name of Jesus have your way guys have your way God and even in this moment we stand as one and we pray for this nation Laurie God have your way in America have your way in the White House we thank you for divine influence in the name of Jesus have your way in the laws Lord God have your way in the lives of your children in this country gnorga we thank you for people that you would raise up that more leaders are being raised up to impact hope and impact change in the lives of these young ones Laura God and we thank you Lord Jesus that your very own z-- will be in the positions of power in the positions to influence change in this country we thank you Lord God that for every country represented here have your way Lord God have your way Lord God [Music] thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you for a healing father God thank you for healing whether it's in the soul whether it's in the body whether it's in the mind I thank you for your healing power being released in the name of Jesus any thoughts Lord God that did not that did not edify you that came against who you said your children are we cast it down in the name of Jesus nothing would have a hold on their life that is not you thank you God in Jesus name Amen [Music] hey my friend I pray that that message blessed your life it blessed me for sure I want to also encourage you to pick up wholeness winning in life from the inside out this book is going to change your life god bless you I'll see you next time
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 26,489
Rating: 4.9240761 out of 5
Id: p4Erga-mxNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 22sec (3202 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2018
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