"Starting Over" | Stephanie Ike

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[Music] so we've been doing the book club for first lady's look it's an amazing if you're not screaming suspicious you haven't been paying attention to it but the book is truly amazing and I definitely recommend for everyone to read it there is there's a chapter that something she said that stood out to me and coming to speak today that was highlighted again and so it's on Chapter two the chapter is called learn your pattern and so there's something she says and it's our read so if you have chosen to maintain an unhealthy mindset out of fear of starting over you will never be able to realize the full potential of your life so today's message is called starting over so so she talks about if you are afraid of starting over you will never go back you will never be able to realize the full potential of your life so there is a connection between realizing the full potential and starting over you see starting over is a word we don't like you know it has this negative connotation of it doesn't mean that all the years have been wasted resources wasted you know what does that mean for everything I've invested myself into right we hold on to you know for some people you're holding on to a place some people hold on to positions some professions some people right and we're holding on to this because of what we have invested in it and so the idea of starting over it's like okay lord have I wasted my time have I wasted my years you see there was a time that the very thing you're holding on to now you work for you the times that you know everything seems right it seemed like it was all great but in this moment if you're honest instinctively you're disconnected from that thing and God has allowed you to encounter a door that is supposed to be open to you if everything was right but it was shut and so you see found like this is a season of open doors right if and that's exciting but it also means that if you're in front of a door that is closed God is not requiring you to knock not you know knock knock now that's nothing for those that song oh oh that is not real even listen to that song it's not on his playlist right listen so that is not he's not requiring any knocking he's not requiring any effort there is open doors in front of you there open doors for your destiny so if there is a door that is shut then perhaps you're in the wrong place you see starting over it's not even about wasted years it's not even about highlighting the wrong decisions you make or the wrong choices you make because ultimately you know a wrong decision is a decision made in darkness you cannot choose right if you don't see right and darkness is not something to be afraid of darkness is not an evil thing creation started in darkness God has a way of abusing darkness at the beginning because without darkness without darkness you will never value or understand the essence of light you know in Genesis 1 it talks about how the earth was without form and it was void and darkness covered the face of the deep but it's so fascinating to me because in that darkness God says let there be light so in that very thing that seems scary that seems like oh my gosh I just made all the bad decisions light is contained inside it because God wasn't creating like he just said light be and you see we're in the season where God is speaking to you let there be light and what that means is he's calling forth your true self and so starting over is not about it's not everything that you've been through is what will cause you to value where he's taking you and so it's not that you wasted years you see a lot of times we like to probably stay in relationships with something because you invested a lot in the relationship you're like listening I don't pay for views on you I need a return but it's not even that because if that relationship is not meant to be what if you know everything that went wrong with that will show that you would value what is right when God brings your person [Applause] [Music] y'all need some my husband's alive oh great I just a lot of learn y'all to tell yourself but but let's reel back right and so when God gave me this message about starting over I understood that it really deals with a renewal of the mind it deals with you seeing the same thing but differently so you want to send how to make the right choice you see the Bible talks about as a man thinketh so is he so that means the renewal of the mind ultimately is the reinvention of yourself and that self is that is the true version of you that God is calling forth you see in life we we make a lot of a lot of decisions we make a lot for a lot of choices we make you know the truth is there's a lot of things even when you're in Christ and you're you know Jesus yes there's something that you make out of your own wisdom there are some things you make out of the counsel of people that might not be led by God there are some decisions you make based on what it looks like and what society says if it looks like this it must be this and so we make these decisions and you know I love it Hebrews 12 talks about how when God will shake things up so that which cannot be shaken will stand and so God is aware that we create things in our lives and it comes to a place it comes to an appointed time in the season where he starts causing things to be shaken up so for some of you this is a season where your frustration for some reason has increased you're very like you're just it's kind of like this disturbing thing like what is going on with me what's you know I'm not really sure I just get irritated easily it's you're not weird it's not a it's not like you know there's no spirit against you right it's just the atmosphere of what's happening spiritually there is a shaking taking place and so define that properly God is calling you to yourself but you see in order for this to happen we have to come to a place of surrender we have to come to a place to say god I am going to lay down everything I know of myself even what I believe is my purpose even what I believe is my calling even who I believe is for me I I am willing to lay it all down to you so that you would show me what is your willingness not being afraid to say you know what maybe I had it wrong not being afraid to say maybe I followed something that wasn't led by you but it seems to be you see the passage in Proverbs this proverbs 3 and we can pull that up it's proverbs 3 4 to 5 right and this is a very familiar passage of script because it tells us to not lean on our own understanding right but in all our ways we should trust in the Lord right I'm paraphrasing but yeah depends no lolly you know trust the Lord with all your heart right really and that's especially versions trusting the Lord with all your heart and do not depend on your own understanding and then verse 6 says seek his will in all you do and he will show you which path to take we see some versions talked about and he will make the crooked path straight so that means that sometimes in life we are on a crooked journey which leads to closed doors and we're trying to figure out why is the door in front of me but it's supposed to be open closed and then God reminds us do not lean on your own understanding seek me let me find out what is what is my will in everything you're doing that you also say it's for me you see sometimes the very things that we that becomes a stronghold it's a stronghold sometimes because we believe like this is what God wants me to do but you see if that is what God wants you to do there's no issue surrendering it to him because if it is he will give that thing back to you Abraham and Isaac God is the one who told him I would give you a son the same God tells him sacrifice the son is not making sense but are we willing to surrender everything we think we know about ourselves so that that which he has purposed will stand you see the path we're going to look into and the passage of familiar but the person is not really someone we talk about and it's someone by the name of Ely AB Elias was David's oldest brother you see we can actually even go to First Samuel 16 if you know the time we're obviously you know Israel one in a king God picked the king he takes the King Saul and then solve it some things that were just a little you know out of hand God said look Brock we're going to choose somebody else all right here so that says God tells his prophet he's prophets I'm oh he says you know what go to the house of Jesse he has eight sons I have chosen a king amongst his son and I will show you who to choose who to anoint right and so the prophet Sam wall he goes to Jesse's house and this is what happened so Wednesday so he you know he comes in he tells you know the father Jesse like you know bring all your sons and all that stuff so that we would see who the Lord has chosen so when they answered Elia is the first time he looked at Elia and thought surely the Lord's anointed is before him verse 7 but the Lord said to Samuel do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature these two things are very important because I have rejected him for God sees not as man sees for man looks at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart now that's a powerful Scripture God looks at the heart beautiful but that's not a message but if he wanted fascinating that word we you know I have rejected him I was looking into that word and it also carries the the meaning of to disappear and what I to not look at it even in a negative way what what I understood about it it's almost as though you see what God was appointing right a king for Israel you know what something disappears it's not it's not even existing he could not see Ilia because it was never for him so it's not just rejection in the terms of I have rejected you it cannot see you it can only see who it has been appointed to but now Helia my heart went towards Iliad because you see why I said it's very important to notice appearance and height when Israel needed a king so God had been ruling over Israel Israel gets up and says we want a king like every other nation and God is like you know first the Prophet summer was like you know what are they doing God says it's okay it's not you the Prophet they're rejecting it is media rejecting all Israel knew was that they want a king now when God gave them King Saul you see who they saw was God has BC got actually chose King so it wasn't a random thing he appointed handy he said okay you know what this is the person anoints him and all that stuff right but when God chose King Saul he wasn't choosing the king in the manner of who he would have chosen for Israel his chosen nation he chose King Saul in a manner of what every other person does because the motivating factor behind Israel one in a king was we want to be like every other nation so let's go to 1st Samuel I believe is um verse 9 you see when God chose King Saul there were things that were very distinct about him so now he had so he had a son is referring to Saul father so he said he had a soul whose name he had a son whose name was Saul a choice and handsome man and there was not a more handsome person than he among the sons of Israel from his shoulders and up he was taller than all of the people Saul first of all this is God God chose him the people don't know the motivating factor be Wow God chosen nothing like that oh they know is that God has chosen a king now this King is someone that when you see him there were things that were very distinct about him his appearance and his height so he was chosen among the house of Israel among all the men of is girl God shows the man who was the tallest and preferably the most handsome so the standard of what it appears is that when God is looking for a king it deals with beauty and height now comes Aliyah he's aware of that now jesse is in the house yeah I mean um prophet Samuel is in the house the Prophet is saying God has you know God God brought him here to anoint a king le AB when he sees himself amongst his brothers he sees a man who is the tallest and the most handsome now but first of all we know that the firstborn does not always me or the tallest right or the most handsome right I've seen a lot of firstborns there were the shortest and not the most handsome okay but for some reason when God created and formed Elia and when God was aware of all the other brothers he was going to bring on the earth through Jesse he caused Ilyas to be the tallest and the most handsome even the prophet the prophet of God in his own wisdom believe this is definitely the one that God has chosen what they didn't realize is that that was never God's standard you see Israel is a chosen nation when God wants to do things based on the fact that you are chosen by him it is never the same as what works for other people and when he was calling when he chose David he was not going to choose David in the manner because now it is his choice now he's making a choice based on what he desires for the people you see I share this to say a lot of times you can have the gift right let's say you think you see someone else that is saying gain and it's working for them this person is singing God this person is you know making money fame all of that you're looking at yourself and I'm a singer you know hook why do they happen for me what is going on thank you very much but what you don't understand is that God can give you a very similar gift but how what he wants to do with that could be very different and so we have come week we have accustomed to you know what I have this gift I have this talent I have this ability I can do this this should be the profession I go into you know I am this this should be the place because of this and things are like this is a place I should live you know this is my budget so this is where I should be we have this idea based on what society what people what the Council of people have told us and so when it's not working in our wisdom and we don't think of it this is the truth you're not thinking of it as your wisdom you're just thinking of it as what makes sense it makes sense for iliad to be king all they knew of God's standard was when God chooses a king well he's obviously beautiful and he saw see some of you are in this room and you're angry if you're honest there's this anger because anger just masks hurt and the anger is that God why is it not working and it's not just why is it not working because someone within your very missed the same thing that could work for you is working for them Elia was David's brother his oldest brother and now he's watching his brother be anointed king if the prophet Sam will thought that Iliev should be the one anointed what do you think Ilya thought you see Ilya after this it appeared to be that he he carries some bitterness and some hurts because if we go to first time wall I believe it's 19 there was an encounter that he had with David 17 hallelujah as a counselor he had with David Soucie their father so ilya first of all was in Saul's army right and this is when God the very thing that you believe about yourself God will cause something to come in the mist to show you this is not the door I have for you you see there's a point where you know Ilya is in the army Goliath obviously we know you know the story of Goliath Goliath shows up the finished signs of fighting the Israelites right the lion is a warrior he's not good life is not the king he's just a warrior like Ilya was a warrior the lion shows up and he says look look look we don't need to do all this fighting each other I am a warrior select one of your warriors and let's fight whoever wins you know the loser would submit to the winner you know if you guys went to the philistines of submit to the israelites so during this period their father david father sent David on an errand he says you know what bringing food to your brothers and let me know about your welfare David goes over to meet his brothers David hears about Goliath he hears about what's happening here is that you know Goliath is saying all these things you know just define the name of you know the God they serve and all these things about what he's going to do so David starts to inquire so now it says now Ilyas his oldest brother heard when he spoke to the men so this is when he's hearing David speak to the men so David is interested about what would happen to the person who challenges Goliath now Goliath has said give me a warrior just like I am a warrior David even though we have knows you have an anointed king it's still like here see the shepherd boy I don't care what happened right so Ilya and it says an ileus anger burns against David you see like I said anger is only a mask for hurt eally ab is in a place I believe of confusion how is the thing that was supposed to be for me it makes sense that the should be the path for me is given to my brother and now my brother is here for what if his insecurities about his inability to perform as a soldier because all along you know they're doing things that every soldier can do they go in for battles you fight all that stuff but now Goliath is trying to single out a person Ilya is very aware he's not going to fight Goliath because if he was he would have signed up for it so there was a door in front of him that he cannot walk through and David who he has watched anointed that probably obviously has the ability to do it he's angry at him and he says why have you come down and with whom have you let those few sheep this is just anger talking right in the wilderness and then he says to David I know your insolence and the wickedness of your heart for you have come down in order to see the battle so in helium's mindset David seeing the battle carries an evil motivation he's thinking that perhaps David is here to watch me fail and he's angry at that you see from Elliott's perspective and from what I believe God was doing with Ilya AB was given him the opportunity to surrender what he had believed about himself all along Ilya was a warrior in Saul's army and if he looked at himself when when the Prophet comes in he's probably thinking I should probably be the king that they're going to anoint but this is an opportunity for him to start over it was an opportunity for a new beginning in his life but the fear of failure and failure is never really failure failures morale is it's more of the perception of how people would view you that we fear because failure in itself is always a lesson we learn something we are taught something we are taught how to do something different it's what trains that is what builds us the fear that we have is how people would perceive us Illya what was what what would he went when the story comes out that way God chose David and not you aren't you like the most handsome in the family aren't you the tallest in the family you see family what God showed me in this room those watching there certain gifts their talents their places their professions their things that you're holding on to their people and and there is a disconnect for some reason you cannot move forward at this point it has been working all along and I'm not talking about you know enduring or you know you know waiting it out I'm not talking about that instinctively you know that something is wrong it's not about you have a need for patience there's something wrong and in this season God desires for you to be in front of your open door he's not desiring for you to be in the wrong place and so seeing a shut door is just room for redirection it's wrong to say Lord maybe I got this wrong and that's okay because it would it would allow me to value what's right you see when I was reading this there were four thoughts I had about starting over and I'll share that the first one we could put that up the first one deals with the God thing is not designed to fit you is designed to stretch you you see we like if Iliad was king if they chose him right it's what fits him he fits the part he has the look he has the height it fits him but when God is calling you can we have the background in black please when God is calling you God is never calling you to something that fits he calls you to something that will stretch you you see when I was prepared for this message there was this almost this image God gave me when when when God calls us right it's almost as though God is let's say right here there's a version of me right here when he calls you I see my friend guy in the back guy key please stand up we're going to do a demonstration here when he calls you so stay right there you're all the way you're all the way for those watching he's all the way back there you're all the way back there and you might be doing all kinds of crazy things right party and do around what you do but hopefully not now right but there was a version of you that is with him that is the highest version of you so when he when he says the whole thing about the calling of God that's why you never talk yourself out of the calling God is very aware of where you are he's very aware of all the stuff you're doing but when he calls you just like when he says a name so if I say and guy right come forth first of all he has a decision to say yes that's the whole thing when we say would you give God your yes he has a decision to say do I want to do I want to answer the calling do I not want answer the calling if he says yes he starts walking towards me right and so every step you could walk every step he takes he's walking into a higher version of himself a higher version of himself and so what God does and ultimately so if this is if this is where God is standing and the final you know the final thing obviously heaven when guy is now standing right here with the Lord right and so when when he calls you every door he opens is to call you to a higher version of yourself it's not about it's not about what's supposed to make sense because you haven't even met that person you knew the person at the door you don't know the person here but God knows every version of you and he knows what would ultimately cause you to be here and so the calling of God is a process it's not because he called you that means oh my gosh I need to get my life right I don't know why I keep doing this Lord I'm not sure you called me because I keep doing this no God was aware and he knows every platform every door that would lead you to a higher version of yourself you see with Illya it was not about him becoming King no no no no no there was a purpose I believe those a very powerful purpose on on his life but if we are stuck in this place of anger which is not even dealing with the real emotion which is just hurt if we don't say God I feel I'm hurt about this guy you're there thank you very much if we don't say if we don't say god this thing I know I haven't had a belief about where my life is supposed to be right now I had a belief about what this profession was supposed to do I had I had a belief about this relationship I had you know I had add an idea about this an idea about that it's okay to be hurt it's that's you know that God is not afraid of me it's just like saying it is the answer worried about the question you know it can be an answer be scared if you give it a question the answer needs a question right so so God is not afraid of you bringing your questions to him he is the way right he is the truth and so your questions it does not bother him your questions does not mean you you are an unbeliever God values relationship that's why it's a visible scripture that says that come let us reason together God desires for you to talk to him and so if something hurt you like Ilya was hurt bring that to him I thought this was supposed to be like and this is supposed to be like this why is it not working could it be that the even when you know there's a profession that you love let's say you you love to run or something right and for some reason the mindset the career that you had in mind with running it's not what's panning out and what if God has a vision of you training high school students oh I don't know something right he has a vision of maybe it's not about you doing what you wanted to do but I want this to become a purpose for you to use this and build other people what we have we have a vision based on what has been working for others and that brings to my second thought that the idea that that you know the idea that God no that idea I can't even read what I'm writing the idea that inspired your birth wasn't an existent idea you see that the scripture talks about that God is the beginning and the end but in him there is no end so he's just trying to tell you that everything is in me I am infinite I wouldn't create you to duplicate someone else you are not the copy of someone else's life as a child of God you are chosen by him he would not operate he would not function in your life like he does for or like you see for every other person and so whatever it is that is a weight on you when I was praying about this message I pray that the Holy Spirit would reveal to each person listening what their it is what is that thing that is is weighing on you that you cannot seem to figure out God but what is this disconnect this was working at a point in time and he wants to show you that look if your mindset is based on what you have seen there's a renewal of the mind that needs to take place because I am so endless I don't need copies God does not need another you walk in the streets even twins there don't come out at the same time and the third thing third thing there is more to life than winning hashtag winning now when I say this I'm not talking about you know being a conqueror in God I'm not I'm not talking about that way because and that we are always winners why we have the victory to try Christ Jesus I wanna say trust we have the victory through Christ Jesus what I'm talking about is our generations obsession with winning that we are so obsessed with this idea of winning at the cost of destiny we are so obsessed with with looking like we have we are winning that we are we are winning as things that have no business in our lives you see I remember just are in college though this guy was talking to him right he just looked like a you know daddy would is he right yeah I mean just a beautiful man our our best conversations where when we didn't have conversations as also and get to Eppie if he opened his mouth I was off you know I'm just okay why why why what you see because of his beauty I was winning I felt listen I am winning in this some relationship Fame because why people would see here I'm like yep winning you know haha but when nobody was around I'm like lord have mercy this man should never speak he should not creep because when he speaks I'm just like why am I here right and so I should I share this to say that sometimes this obsession with winning it's all about validation it's about how would people perceive me you see was it could it have been that Elia prostrations had nothing to do with if he was king if he wasn't king who could I mean he wasn't king right there was already a king he was fine with that but now looking like a failure before people that when God decided to pick someone in your house he picked the one that doesn't look the part what is this obsession we have with winning and not in God's Way I'm talking about the world's way where we will restrict to things just to look like yes hashtag CEO hashtag boss hashtag winning and you know and the CEO is not the purpose that God has called for you it's a beautiful thing to run your company is a beautiful thing to be an intrapreneur but it's even better to be authentic and so all I'm saying is that God can call you in in a variety of things but is it your but let it be that which he called you to do let it be that okay you know God this is this is a theme that you're telling me to do so you know yes and it might not look like I'm winning in the beginning but if I'm walking in my truth that's the real definition of winning that is when you have the victory in Christ Jesus because the truth is God will never you know validate something that it's not his and so I bring this up to say even as we are here what is that thing that you are so obsessed with people knowing you have a hand over and is that saying God or is that based on this need to for validation this need for people to you know like you if it's garden that's beautiful because guess what got to here know he's a boss see hashtag winning but he wants you to win in your truth he wants you to win in what He has called you to do not to win in a life the fourth thing is do not be afraid to seek you see Elia it's so interesting the name Aliyah actually means God is my father I don't think it's coincidence that he would have such a name because there's a passage in Matthew I believe is Matthew 7 or so 9 to 11 when it talks about hallelujah you see it says what man is there among you when his son asks for lo will give him a stone and then it says or if or if he asks for a fish will he not give him or will he not give him a snake will he doesn't interesting on work now if you hallelujah if you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask him family I'm here to tell you that where there was confusion God desires to give you clarity if Ilia God being a good father if Elia was willing to seek the Lord and we don't know the end of his story so perhaps Munoz maybe it's open-ended but even I will remove his name and output your name what is it that has caused you confusion what is it that is causing you hurt and and God is saying look I am a good father don't be afraid to seek me because God is willing this season is so critical God is willing to show you who you really are so you can walk down the path of open doors don't be afraid to seek things out don't be afraid takes time for some people perhaps you might need to go in too fast and I don't know but take some time it is so important that you in this season be willing to surrender everything you think you know about yourself and sick father Who am I what have you called me to do you see I have some really good cheekbones right after them but that's another story with that i'ma show sorry yes Oh what you got listen so for so long people will tell me Stephanie you should model because you got cheekbones right I'm like you know it's sort of natural right so everyone said like Stephanie shamalia smiley smile on my life you know and I used some other when I was younger in Nigeria and I just I never liked it right to naija I never it was never my saying I just I just didn't like it I was just like I don't want to model and then everyone will keep telling me Stephanie should model you should model you tomorrow you should model and so you start hearing so many people's voices and you're like God I even talking about a conversation I'm even having the Lord I'm just like God you know everyone is telling me the model I don't want to be afraid to miss something that would bless me you see we have this thing where we are afraid to miss God we are afraid to miss the purpose we're afraid to miss the calling God knows how to get information to you there's no need to be afraid of something and so oh my god you know I don't want to miss this you know what but but something deep down I was not connected with it right and so one day and I would get these messages and oh my god are you the one talking about modeling and and there are tongues where he would talk to me about modeling but I never really inquired further so I assumed that the moment he says modeling I filtered that through the counsel of people oh you know what God said Marlon I think I should be a model so one night you know I was like okay god I really need to understand this thing you know am I missing out on my blessing you know is there like checks out there for me that I need to be cashing in on lesson so one night oh my god really talk to me about this thing so he says to me very simply he says just give me your yes towards modeling and I will show you what it is I said okay boom I say okay yes God you know yes two hours later a friend text me she's like hey girl what are you doing tomorrow at 6:00 a.m. I'm like um what do people do at 6:00 in the morning I don't know coffee front chatter of what 6:00 a.m. that's just crazy like what am i doing you know studying I don't know um so I'm like what's up all right because I can't really answer that question and so she's like hey you know um she's like XS Hollywood needs a model for something I'm supposed to be there I can't make it can you do it normally I would be like yeah right but I'm like God I were to give you a yes oh Lord I was like sure girl you know wink face haha looking excited but I'm not emojis or deceitful so the next day I'm just like Stephanie why what are you doing right so I go there I'm like okay fine I get to the studio where like you know so I see where you know they have the clothes or whatever he goes ahead and she says she tells them like oh you know she's a pastor I didn't know she told him that so I'm in there I see the outfit they had laid for me and you're like what we heard your pastor said Oh awesome just great Oh My isn't that fascinating and so they had they had this dress if with the dress there's a story behind it there's a story that would cause you know give praise to Jesus so what is jazz they had the giving keys for the necklace they had two given keys from China have one of them on me somewhere in there the lady comes in she's like so one of the the hosts he comes and she's like wow that is so fitting for you being that you're a pastor so praise God you know hallelujah the whole time I really do to be here but I'm here because I said yes God so funny enough every other model there and not really models you know one was an actress on the show I love another one was talk-show host but everybody's there to model I'm like okay right so the show is going live and they're like hey you're going to go first I'm like sure so I'm out there walking on the camera and you're like wow you know she's a pastor this is live TV I was like yes do you want a sermon oh I didn't say that though well I guess the hello praise God I get off the stage I don't even know if he's here or not one of the guys in the studio who works with them he comes up to me he's like passed and I said oh I say hi first wow you model as I sure do praise God and so he's like yeah you know I just you know once you're just one Church ha ha praise God um so when I left I figure out what what did I do is I sign up for what was this right and the Lord spoke to me he said I told you I would show you something he says I have not called you to modeling the way everyone models I have called you to represent because modeling right is about representing a brand that's that's what it is he says I have called you to represent me and so even having even having the chain for the giving keys the given keys is a brand that you know when you look into their look into what they're about every every purchase you made they use it to actually support people that are transitioning from homelessness right forgive to offer them jobs and things like that so the very thing I had on was was what was representing the hand of God and then he tells me he says look at the look at the necklace they gave you what does it say so I looked at it it says create and it said I'm calling you to create I never knew what that meant I was like okay god I say first of all i'm i'm glad to clarify huh this modern situations are bye-bye and so we accepted that god starts speaking to me about you know there's a movie that i want you to do with the movie i want you to make oh my god I've never done that that's not me no you know that's not what we do but I was very fast to say yes even though in my mind I'm like god this movie sounds crazy right this idea like this is the first time we're doing this and it's a very weighty topic but what I'm sharing this is because out of something that I wondered god is this you is this not you being open to him he used that to show me first of all I'm calling you to represent me so even though you were in a place to model all they were talking about is pastoring what you were representing was a brand that is almost like my hand and I caused them to give you something that would show you an open door I have set before you you see even when the idea with the film God God gave those connected to this project know that that are involved with it it's been a god thing all the way there was no need there was no knocks it was open doors all the way from the beginning to what is happening right now and so I'm sharing this family because for some of you God is going to redirect you to a door that you're very unfamiliar with but if you say yes to him say yes ask questions later right because he will answer the questions but just give that if you went when you have a relationship with him you have that trust in him and so you can just say God you know I am not really sure but hey um you know I'm in and he would explain the details as you go well family don't be afraid to seek don't don't define yourself by what everyone tells you you're supposed to do don't define yourself by what it looks like you should do what is God saying God what is your will in this what are you showing me in this season who am i if your will is engaged in this question I guarantee you from what he showed me concerning you he will show you and why say if your will is engaged this is not a question you ask in passing it's not a thing of God just let me know who I am and I'm going to run off to do other things it's a it's a question you ask in waiting God Who am I show me who I am show me myself if I'm going to wait on you in prayer if I'm going to wait on you in fasting give me myself because he desires to do that all he's waiting for is your voice and for you to mean it family stand with me thank you Jesus thank you Jesus you see family if you are here and you know that you're holding on to something but it feels like there is a disconnect everything we talked about and you're in this place of God I just need to know who I am I want to know who you've called me to be in the season so I can walk through the door that already opened I'm not where God is not in the business of trying to have you struggle jiggle wiggle you know none of that is it's open if that is you come on down thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus Who am I Who am I God that's a question that it's on your heart come down Lord show me myself give me me I don't want to just do things just because I'm told to it's just because I've been doing it all my life Who am I God desires to lead you to the door that he has set before you but it's the race that the renewed mind is that it is a different version of you that would see that door thank you Jesus thank you God if there is a hurt you're carrying and it's been mashed with anger you're you're in this house you walk into this building you're watching a live stream but you're angry you're angry are you willing to surrender that heart to God calm down thank you Jesus you don't have to be you don't have to be see we're children of God no matter that you know we have this idea of age on the earth you know you're babied whatever dot but we're all children of God there's no need to be tough before him it's there's no need he's not afraid of your questions and he's not afraid of your pain he's not he's not require you to have this robotic life of just like no pain no gain no no not some pain there is some game right it's not a gym lifestyle with Jesus you can't have pain right if you're still out there and you're holding this hurt and that is even what is limiting you from walking down here because if you're honest and I will speak what's in your mind it's like it doesn't even matter that's what you're saying to yourself it doesn't even matter if I go down there if I go down whatever it doesn't really matter but the truth is what pulls you to this house shows that it does matter and so you're standing your ground almost as though you don't really believe he's going to show you something if that is you come down thank you Jesus I see you thank you Jesus thank you Jesus I feel you see from me God will wait on you he will wait on you thank you Jesus it doesn't matter it doesn't matter Wow have your way God you see if you're battling with the idea like and not to say this again you have not lost anything you have not lost any years you have not lost the relationship didn't work out that doesn't mean your life the years your you invested in that was in vain the job didn't work out that doesn't mean a lot that whatever you invested was in vain someone might you might have I don't know if you're here watching a live stream and it's almost like your apartment might have caught on fire and and there were so many things you lost in the process but that does not mean everything you've worked for was in vain it doesn't mean that you had a car accident and the car was totaled and you couldn't there was no insurance and it was almost like it was lost there's there is no loss in God it is not in vain I need to keep saying this for someone you have not wasted your years you move somewhere it didn't work out you have to move back then you move back again and and it's almost like if my life just in this cycle of loss it is not in vain you see the Bible says that the ways of God and the thoughts of God are higher than our ways we believe that you know if I if I put this in here it has to give me something back right if it doesn't there's a loss but with God if you're patient enough you might not see anything you see that's why they're studying trees they're selling seeds if once you throw a seed in their will and growth there are some things that it takes years before you ever see something shoot out and so you're upset because it seems like well that was wasted but at some point if you're patient if you if you're willing to trust him that you know what all things do work for my good you will see the very thing that you planted there is no loss in him thank you Jesus thank you Jesus let us pray and even as we pray if anyone if there's an illness in your body just touch that part of your body if it's a thigh if it's the ball just touch you know we got bones everywhere as well hey you know if there's anything lungs touch your chest just touch whatever part of your body and let us pray father God we thank you we thank you Lord Jesus without which you are doing Lord and I thank you that your children would know you as the resurrection and the life you are the resurrection and you are the life you conquered death so there is nothing that can die in our lives time cannot be wasted resources cannot be wasted they're all serving a purpose I thank you Lord that even the things that seemed and still you know they I hear I there are many they're thinking about how I'm this age and I haven't done this and I haven't done that it doesn't matter what if your your purpose and your create and and the reason he created you was not for you to start at 18 but for you to start at 45 I thank you Lord Jesus that this this this mentality of comparing ourselves this this obsession with winning as culture to find I thank you Lord God that it is broken in this house in Jesus name I thank you Lord that every hurt your children carry that has been masked in in this anger I thank you that as their undivided altar they are laying it down before you I thank you Lord that we all hear everyone listening that we are willing to say God I surrender I surrender all of me to you I surrender who I think I am I even surrender what I've what I think you said because if you said it you say it again I thank you Lord that we would not live in a fear of missing you or missing is or missing missing the the time of the purpose Lord God but in this moment in this time in this season we're willing to say God have your way that maybe I've been doing things by my wisdom of a Council of people that were not instructed by you I want to hear your voice Lord I want to know you because in you I find me for some for some God is calling you to a place of intimacy with him he's not calling you to rely on the voices of people but he's saying my child come to me he's saying that it's almost like he's like where have you been I'm waiting for you I want to speak to you make time for me God is your father he will not die for you to not speak to you he will not give the ultimate sacrifice and withhold his voice so withhold his voice is to withhold himself you see I'm praying and I'm speaking thank you Jesus in Genesis the Lord was known as the voice and we'll talk about how the voice was walking in the cool of day for him to not speak to you is to withhold himself God desires to speak to you are you willing to listen are you willing to shut out all the voices and say God I am Here I am here talk to me are we willing to lay it down and say Lord what do you have to say in the midst of every other person's opinion and mine Lord as we are standing before you I think you that this is an army of people that are waiting on your command I thank you Lord that we would be okay to pause for a second to know if the path we are going is the crooked path or the straight path thank you God guide us lead us we are yours and I thank you for everyone who has touched a part of your body that needs healing I thank you Lord because you are the healer and I thank you Lord that you are having your your angels are surrounded in this place and they are touching your people and so we thank you God for that which you are doing in this house in Jesus name for this for someone even as we talk about as we talk about praying for healing I want to qualify something you see sometimes sickness is not always what we call sickness because I only there's someone in your family that might be battling with something sometimes because it's all about the perspective and and how the perspective of God sometimes an illness is almost God's Way of allowing a person to slow down it's almost God's Way of allowing a person to just pause for a second and and become in tune with their life becoming feeling what their surrounding and so for someone it seems like you know you feel as though you've been praying for healing and it's not happening you feel like you know God why isn't this thing happen but I want you to also change your perspective even in that area seek God because what we often may call illness might not be an illness sometimes a person might even pass away from something like let's say someone passes away from cancer but the truth is cancer then kill them you see the cross is not what killed Jesus even though he was on the cross he gave up his own spirit and I believe that is an example that often times we look at it as though the sickness took a person away but no God called them and it could be that this illness was just to allow them to slow down say goodbye for someone that might be mourning someone and you're wondering why didn't God heal that person what if that thing just allow them to slow down and for someone else you're going to be praying for someone who might be ill and God is just trying to give them a chance to just catch up catch up with your family catch up with the people around you and so whatever area it is family all I'm saying is that I don't have all the answers but he does give that give that to him to where it's so easy to just want to both you know be healed but what if what we are calling sickness is not an illness and so open these areas to God thank you Jesus thank you God for we would move and we will live by your wisdom by your voice by your truth because you are the way and if there is any way that we needed seeking would be through you and so I thank you for people that are not afraid to seek you they're not afraid to ask you because they know that you will not withhold yourself from us [Music]
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 61,592
Rating: 4.9212437 out of 5
Id: GqvQU1iOW9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 1sec (3901 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2017
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