"Unashamed" - Stephanie Ike

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[Music] and I'm very excited about it you see it's interesting you know when we think about being led by God I believe that I'm in a house full of people that a majority of you you're not worried you have a belief that God I know I am who you say I am God I believe that I would do the things that you have called me to believe oh you've called me to do but there is a hesitation that sometimes happens and that hesitation is when we assume that even though we have this belief in God we are waiting - it's almost like there there is this lie that masquerades itself as the truth because it sounds righteous and that lie is I'm still waiting to mature into this position I'm still waiting to look like you know what will make God proud in order for me to step into this position my god I believe that this is what I'm gonna do with you but it's almost like I'm still believing that God you know I think I have a few more steps to go before I become who you say I am it sounds amazing it sounds beautiful it sounds like music right because it's not that you're saying no you're just saying that God maybe you know I just want you to help me in this area god I have weaknesses and I have this brokenness and and I feel I shouldn't be broken if I'm moving in this capacity that you're calling me to and so it's almost like there areas in our lives that we think that God is ashamed of you know what I find interesting about the concept of wholeness when I look in my life i reaiiy regard myself as someone who is hold but not because I'm whole I regarded myself as someone who is whole because God has revealed to me the broken places in my life and I've placed it in his hands that God if there is something about me that could cut somebody be my shield if there is something about me that that that could that could make the wrong turn God order my steps I don't believe I'm hold because I've attained this level of perfection but I trust God with my pain and I trust God with my scars and I trust God with my brokenness and so there is this word tonight that I recently changed and titled unashamed because I believe that is God's Word to you tonight that the areas you think that in a sense of righteousness we're seeking God I cannot serve you with this thing of God I want you to help me in this area before I move forward he's saying I would use that very thing I want you to start exactly where you are and I want us to look at this Scripture and this is a message that I believe that you know the sense of many of you have been feeling this sense of urgency and this sense of now is the time to do what God has called you to do and I believe that this message is being repeated of back to back because in order to renew your mind I don't think it's something that happens overnight in our senior pastor he puts it in this way that the process of the renewal of the mind it is the accumulation of new information and so I believe that this message tonight is going to target an area that the enemy could attack you with while you think it is God now you know what maybe I'm just waiting you know God I just want you to mature me I just want to become this I just want to heal from this I just I'm just waiting to reach this place that is actually a journey and so I want us to look into the story of foreign lepers because what is fascinating about these lepers is that they were lepers when God used them there were nah it was not that God healed them before he used them he used them while they were lepers leper leprosy in the in that time was something that was unclean to the point that if a leper was approaching someone or if people were approaching a leper they had to scream unclean unclean so that the people would move away from them leprosy was something that was not to be associated I mean they could not even enter the temple so if I cannot enter the temple because of my condition how could I serve the one that they serve in the temple how could that how could the very purpose of the temple the very person that they serve in this temple how could he use me when my condition says I cannot even enter the temple can you imagine if you think about it their very condition meant they couldn't come into the house of God but then God has purpose to use them while they were still in that condition could it be that in your very mess that it's not that God is waiting to change you and clean you up but he's saying in that very place that's the starting point that in fact that you may think that you know what God I'm just waiting because I've made so many mistakes enough I've made this and I'm just waiting to heal I feel like my mind is not right I feel like I might just cut somebody if they look at me the wrong way you know what's funny Peter actually cuts somebody's ear when they try to attack Jesus while he was a disciple and I was all this look at his circles it's a few things I want us to highlight and something is something beautiful is gonna happen tonight so the passages in 2nd Kings chapter 7 and it says then Elisha said so then Elisha said is a follow up so in this time in the Land of Israel there was a great famine because the Syrians who nobody really cares about Siri who you know but the Syrians had attacked or raided the Israelites territory and so there was a great famine in Israel to the point that people were eating their children that's how hungry they were and that's how there was just such a lack of food that people weren't literally eating their children and when the king heard about a woman who cooked her child and you know and her and her friend ate the child and she's like but now she doesn't want to cook her child and let us eat him and the King hears this and he's just like what is going on and it troubled him so much that when he communicated this to the prophet Elijah Elijah now responds to what is happening by a Word of God and so this is Elijah's message so then Elijah said hear the word of the Lord dust says the Lord tomorrow about this time a seer of fine flour shall be sold for a shekel so this was a SIA was about like eight gallons of flour and a shekel is just really cheap by this point in time and so seers of of barley for a shekel at the gate of Samaria so an officer on whose hand the King leaned answered the man of God and said look if the Lord will make windows in heaven come this thing come come could this thing be and he said in the fact you shall see it with your eyes but you shall not eat of it the Sutton family in this passage um if you read this passage on your own and you go further that particular man when this happened when the Word of God that manifested happened he was at the gate and there was I mean first of all if you tell people who were eating their children then now there's food there was a stampede and the stampede they trampled on this man and he died but moving on to better news so in verse 3 it says now there were foreign lepers men at the entrance of the gate and they said to one another why are we sitting here until we die if we say we will enter the city the famine is in the city and and we shall die there and if we sit here we die all so now therefore come let us surrender to the army of the Syrians if they keep us alive we shall live and if they kill us we shall only die I want to stop your rape for just a brief moment you see what is fascinating this story that I believe the lepers had a sense of is that we have nothing to lose you see sometimes in life we are we are holding back because of this sense of what is they gonna cost me if I tell my story the full version of it what is it gonna cost me if I tell if I say what I actually did in response to God's Word what is it gonna cost me you see what is fascinating about this passage is that first of all the prophet Elijah releases a word and says that the word of the God says that the word of the Lord says that by this time tomorrow basically there's going to be food in a land that was not famine now when the Word of God is released as a passage in the Book of Amos chapter 3 I believe it's verse 7 when it says certainly the Lord God will do nothing until or unless he reveals his plans or his secrets to the to his servants the prophets and what that is is basically through I mean it doesn't have to be through someone who is in the office of a prophet but in our days it is through prophecy right and we all have the gift of prophecy because we have the Holy Spirit so when it says that the Lord will do nothing unless it is spoken on the earth unless it is revealed to someone and released on the earth so the moment Elijah the moment the prophet Elijah decreed this word heaven was ready to back up the ones that had the assignment to bring it to pass you see what we don't recognize sometimes about our lives is that there are people that have prayed for you people you may know people you may not know that God would release a secret about your calling and they begin to release it upon the earth and heaven is ready to back you up what is fascinating is that these lepers I mean first of all as lepers one of the things that I mean they were not allowed in the cities so they had to sit outside the city so they have been there for a long time but on this interesting day they decided that you know what why are we gonna sit here until we die you see it's funny that you know one of the way that God communicates to us is through an inner voice a voice that sounds like your voice but when you think about what that voice said it's never something you would think about you know because I remember someone asks me like how do you know when God is speaking to you or when you say something is what the Lord said I said because I'm not that smart to say that it will not be my natural thought trust me so when you have thoughts that are that are out of your norm you have to think about it that way where is this actually coming from God had communicated to these people through their mind but they thought they were the ones thinking it so all of a sudden they're like wait why are we gonna just chill here and die that's what they've been doing all along but the moment there was a release of a word from the prophet Elijah who had no connection to the lepers all of a sudden something is is it quickens their spirit and says we have to we need to get out from this place you see there are things there are thoughts that God has given you their ideas that God has given you and when you go back to the - how it came in the original form before we dilute you know ideas you know it's funny how sometimes let's say for me if I say let me use the example of let's say fasting right and if God tells me you know if I feel lead and I'm like why I need to go into let's say a 10-day fast right when you when you sit with it for a little longer you start compromising huh three days wow crucifies and then you go from ten days maybe that 10 days was like water or fruits or whatever this is just I'm using Meister here I don't want to go in so fastens the whole different message but just catch the story so I go for ten days water to just focus on what God is saying I think about food and I think about all of that but just being the presence of God and if I don't move on at the moment I received it if I wait to respond to it a week later how I respond to it would be that you know God you know ten days is just doing too much you know it's not that serious maybe I could do three days and then the three days would be you know what maybe I could not eat from like six to six and then eat and then if I sit with it a bit longer I'm like you know what I could just fast on Monday and maybe I'll fast candy and then eat everything else so why I'm saying this is because when we think about how the word came in the original form there was there was a sense of movement was that there was instruction for movement now but when we kind of like play around with it and we start to dilute it add to it take away from it and that we start questioning we start asking people you know making the word a democratic job and we starts trying to seek advice like what do you think about this do you think you know I should do it then we start listening to the advice of people that God never spoke to about that word and so for many of you in this house what God is going to do is going to remind you of what he already said to you of what he already put in your mind to do in the original state not in the state that has been watered down to fit your life or to fit your comfort or all that stuff but in the original state as crazy as it sounds you see the lepers are saying let us go to the king of Syria and surrender our lives listen we have nothing to lose we're gonna die here or they're gonna kill us there and what we fail to understand is that in obedience there is never lost you will never have anything to lose when you obey God the Bible says that seek first the kingdom of God and every other thing all these things will be added to you not taken away from you but when you begin to fear that if I move in this way it could cost me this then you have to question am i worshipping that thing above God has that thing I'm so afraid of losing become my god because the truth is what appears as loss was simply what your truth exposed to never be a part of your life it was never that you lost something but there are things that you created and there's what God creates and when you come in alignment it cannot fit because it was never intended to be there and so there is literally the mindset of this leprous is the mindset that we all have to adapt I have nothing to lose when I obey God and even if I'm afraid that oh you know if I if I do this and especially if it's something heavy you know disclaimer pray for confirmation okay so just run around and do my some mad things God is not afraid to confirm his word he's not challenged by confirming his word it would not he does not want you to be in confusion or put you in a situation that will put you in detriment if it's something heavy that God has placed in your heart pray for confirmation God will confirm his word but when you pray for confirmation don't be closed don't pray for confirmation believing you would not receive confirmation because then you're shutting yourself up to actually see that no this is really something God is telling you to do and if you're afraid of God what if I lose this relationship what if I lose this job what if I lose this friend what if I lose this partnership what if I lose this thing then you really have to consider have I put my trust more in this platform in this person in this position in this relationship more than I have put my trust in God as we were worshiping the songs that I will put my trust in you alone and I will not be shaken when our trusts are in things are in people that's when we we start having anxiety and depression and panic attacks because we if we if we do something that does not fit their habits then we start tripping up and if they don't call you back you're like oh oh they're just gonna do me like that and then you start like you know how you want to text and you delete it so that you see if they're gonna text you back if are you watching this text but we have to come to a place where it's that God I'm not gonna be afraid to lose anything because in obedience there's never lost and the scripture continues and it says and it continues and it says and they rose at twilights to go to the camp of the Syrians now these are the lepers and when they had come to the outskirts of the Syrian camp so they're surprised oh that is so beautiful you see first of all that what I love about God is even when he's leading you in a place there are things that you know there's a scripture that talks about the Lord who would do exceedingly abundantly more than you can ever ask or think you might be going for one thing and God is gonna surprise you beyond your wildest imaginations but it starts it starts with a step of faith and and trusting in God God I'm just gonna even though I might what I'm looking at the reward to me sounds great I mean so this lepers look if we can just survive look we could you know but God had much more for them because what we would we you know later in the scripture I didn't put all of it because I believed that you know you guys are people that love to read your Bible and so you're gonna read this passage later but later in the scripture these are people that were just coming to just survive but what they would receive in the end is food gold silver I mean clothing everything beyond their wildest imagination so it says and so they're surprised no one was there for the Lord had cost the army of the Syrians to hear the noise of chariots and the noise of horses the noise of a great army so they said to one another look the king of Israel hired against us they hired against us the kings of the Hittites and the kings of the Egyptians to attack us therefore their rules and fled that's why light you see this is so fascinating the lepers they leave at skylights the moment they decided to step out at skylights they start hearing noises that didn't exist at the same time you see what is fascinating I'm reminded about Moses last week I spoke about Moses on the message what is your burning bush I encourage you to watch that message and what is interesting about Moses is that you know Moses had all these questions about you know God I don't think I can be used and God you know I don't think this is for me I can't speak and all this stuff Moses had murdered them I had murdered an Egyptian and when they found out he murdered Egyptian you know the people he thought they would he would they would believe or he wanted them to believe that look I came here to save you they're looking at him and these are now his fellow Israelites are looking at him like oh are you gonna kill us - Moses runs away from Egypt and he knows and hiding and all this stuff and so when God encounters Moses and Moses has all these questions that God I don't think I'm the one for the job God tells him and you know they have though this this dialogue back and forth and then Moses is saying that how would they believe that you sent me how would they believe that I spoke to you and the Lord tells Moses he gives him instructions on how to do certain signs so the first sign he tells Moses is a Moses had a staff and he tells him throw the staff on the floor the moment he throws the staff on the floor it turns to a serpent and Moses is like you know imagine if I throw this my god and it's our soul ih I'll I'll be the other way you know because it's like come on that was a microphone in my hand so the Lord tells Moses you know throw this stuff on the floor and it turns to her serpents and Moses you know a little panics maybe he was trying to act cool you know and then the Lord gives them instructions to pick it up and it turns back to a staff and what I love about and there are two things in particular that he said but the first thing he said about the staff what is fascinating about this is that it was just an ordinary staff but with the instruction and with the partnership of God he took what was ordinary and made something supernatural out of it you see with these lepers walking is an ordinary activity but there it is not a coincidence that both events happen at the same time because God needed what was ordinary to them that every step they would take would release a sound to the Syrians that they did not even hear you see what that looks like is in your obedience to God even in the place that you're like god I think I just need a little time so you know grow up and I need a little time to you know figure out life but if you start there in your obedience every step you take God is pulling the investors you don't even know it God is creating a hunger for what he has put in you you don't even know it God is creating an audience for the words that you will speak and you don't even know it you see the lepers had no clue about any sounds they were just walking but every time they took a step God used their steps to create a different sound so cause the Syrian army to flee what you don't know is that every action you take in obedience to God even while it scares you even while you quite maybe I'm just too old for the job God maybe this platform is not the right platform to produce this thing God maybe this story is not the right story people see me one way and if they hear this story I don't even know what they're gonna think God maybe you know what I never went to business school so I don't know how I'm gonna put this business together God I don't have experience in this field but what you don't realize is that every time you put a pen to the paper every time you make that phone call every time you move in faith heaven is responding to you and God is going ahead of you that when you reach the destination that he has a point said you to you would see his works you see what is fascinating and also about Moses the second thing that God told Moses to do he told he he tells him take out your hand put your hand in your cloak so put your hand in your jacket or whatever and then he tells him to bring it out and when he brought out the hand the Bible says that the hand was leprous the hand was representing what was unclean you see Moses like I mentioned earlier Moses with his hands murdered a man with those same hands Moses buried a man the very hands that Moses would have even used against himself Lord I'm a murderer Lord Lord I've done things with this hands that I don't think this hands should deliver your people that same hand was what God said use this as a sign that I spoke to you use this as a sign for my glory it was that same hand God could have used anything else I mean even thinking about this makes me a little emotional you know and I don't like to cry but God's use the same thing that Moses God could have used his feet I mean first of all he's God he could have just said Moses spit in a and just watch your spits unto a while fo I mean it could have been anything family but he says no bring out your hand I'm aware that this hand killed somebody but I still want to use this hand to show my glory there was no wind that came to the lepers to heal them or to cleanse them before God put a word in their spirit they went as lepers they came back as lepers when you read the story all of this happened in the states of their leprosy the very thing that we would think that God maybe this will make you ashamed of me maybe this is what is gonna make other people ashamed of me God says I will use this for my glory I will use this to testify about my greatness and my goodness on the earth what is it that you're questioning what is it about yourself that you think that it is still like God maybe maybe this is just not the thing for me maybe I should do something else because of this and you're doing it not from a place that you don't believe or you don't trust God but you think that God how can the hands of a murderer save life how could a leper one who is unclean one who should not touch anything how could a leper be the one to bring good news about food and clothing and gold and silver how could be how could a leopard that is not allowed within the cities be the ones to bring the city good news whatever your story is God is saying I will use that for my glory that I am unashamed about you when I see you I don't see any shame I don't see anything I see the sacrifice of my son Jesus and it was that sacrifice that took everything put all your shame on the cross there are some of you and there's a weight you carry in your spirit about things that nobody else knows about for so maybe one person two people but the people close to you have no clue about what you're dealing with and the weight that you feel that you carry of guilt and shame and and things that mean you may have done in your past for some you moved from one state to the other and you left everything in that state but it still haunts you some you question that God maybe you know what this this part of my life maybe you know kinda just heal me I don't think my mind is right I don't think my mind is clear but you know that sometimes healing takes place when you step into the place God has called you there are times that God would give me a word to speak but that word honestly is for me this word is also for me so it's not that I'm speaking because I just hadn't figured out no there are times that even to study what God is telling me it makes me emotional because in the process and the journey of my purpose is also the place of my healing and so while you're thinking that God maybe you know I'm just not ready I'm just I have so much in my head and I have so much weight and so much baggage and God says I will start there I will start right there I just need you to be willing the lepers were willing we have nothing to lose so I want us to take a time in prayer can you stand with me thank you Jesus thank you Jesus there is someone in this house and it's the first thing I need to do and even before you came here you had so much questions you you are you are fighting it's fighting and even while you were here you you want to leave and you question thank you Jesus you question if God can use you your question if this if this God will accept you because you have ties to witchcraft and you're questioning that and someone of the thing you said is that God if you are real you will speak to me today and you felt the presence of God in this house the Lord is calling you to come to him the Lord is calling you home you've been wrestling a lot and you feel there's been a lot of oppression and attacks on your life when you go to bed you feel sometimes it's like you're being choked in your as you're laying down because anytime that you start thinking about Jesus and you're thinking about things they try to oppress you but you're in this house and I pray that you will not be ashamed to come to this altar because I want us to pray with you if that is you I want you to meet me here thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus God would stop everything to go after one do you want to receive Jesus in your life amen thank you amen amen amen amen [Music] [Applause] thank you Jesus thank you Lord God is not ashamed there is nothing about you that will make him ashamed about you there's nothing about come come come close we family we family amen father Oh family heaven is rejoicing amen amen [Applause] [Music] see there's a scripture that says I have set before you life and death choose life Jesus is the way the truth and the life you cannot dabble in one and the other as you walked up here you're saying Lord I choose you and only you then my trust is in you alone it doesn't matter what your past look like it doesn't matter what you dabbled in out of curiosity out of family ties none of that my trust is in you alone if you are here and you want to just receive Jesus into your life come down and join your brothers and your sisters brother amen [Applause] God is not ashamed about you it doesn't matter what you have done in your life there is no shame there's no guilt in Christ Jesus [Music] there is someone and you're still wrestling I want you to know that this is a safe space we love you I just I want to give you a hug and then pray don't question yourself the Holy Spirit is tugging your heart [Music] don't question yourself thank you Jesus that you're touching them now don't be afraid don't be ashamed it's a safe space [Music] I break every spirit of guilt every spirit of shame you have no place I come against everything that wants to keep you bound in the name of Jesus the Lord release your own God is calling you and so this person in your mind you're saying that no she doesn't know what I actually deal with she doesn't know what it is I go through she doesn't know that they will be angry with me and the Lord is telling me that as you take a step in faith every step you take that this is his word that he promises you what used to torment she will torment you no more then he will fight for you he will cover you and he will be your shield come on down thank you Jesus there is no need to be afraid there is no need to be afraid thank you Jesus there is no need to be afraid thank you Jesus Lord amen amen amen amen Tommy can we praise God in this house [Music] thank you Jesus family can we just stretch our hands and press B and pray for these ones these are God's children father God I thank you for your children I thank you Lord God that even as we stand right now we stand against everything that oppresses them in the name of Jesus everything that says they will not be who you have called them to be repeat after me Lord Jesus I accept you into my heart you are my savior you are my lord I put my trust in you I trust in you alone Lord God I stand before your people and I say that you are my god that you are my king father God come into my heart Jesus I receive you now Holy Spirit make my heart say it Holy Spirit make my heart your home in Jesus name father God we thank you for your children we thank you Lord that what used to torment them will torment them no more we set fire against everything that is against them in the name of Jesus Lord God we cut the ties whether is generational whether it's things that they were exposed to Lord God we cut every ties in the name of Jesus these belong to you they belong to you Lord God and you have called them for a time such as this they would have rest at night they would have rest at night Lord God I thank you that you will give them strategy that even as you open their eyes to see they would know that it is a weapon against the enemy and not a weapon that the enemy would use against them Lord God I thank you for your children I [Music] thank you Father God they are covered by your blood we set a bloodline upon them father God that anything that is none of you will pass on by it will not see them it will not torment them I thank you Jesus are the things that have been held up against their lives that you're releasing your release and I break stagnancy in the name of Jesus everything that has said they will not be who you call them to be Lord God we break it now in Jesus name everything that tries to come to them at night Laurie God they will see it no more in the name of Jesus thank you father can we just glorify God in this house thank you Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you lord family if there's anyone and you're in this house and you just feel like God you were speaking to me just raise your hands as we close that this message it brought something to light in your life and you say God if you are not gonna be ashamed of me I'm not gonna be ashamed of my story either and I'm gonna walk where you tell me to walk I'm gonna go where you tell me to go I'm gonna do what you tell me to do because Lori God and it's not even me father God it is what your son did that brings me to the place of righteousness it is what your son did on the cross then I can come boldly before you and that you see me as your child you don't see me for my mistakes you don't see me for my past you see me as who you called me to be and so I will come in agreement with you father God we thank you we thank you in this house that you met us here Lord God you met us in this house [Music] thank you Jesus thank you Jesus we will not be afraid we would go where you tell us to go we would say what you tell us to say no weapon formed against us shall prosper and I condemn every tongue that rises against your children in the name of Jesus family I want each and every one of you to take a moment and say a literal prayer over everyone in the front right now there's a love of God that that is gonna fill there's gonna fill their hearts even as you pray but I want you to use your words and pray the blessings of God in front and for everyone that came to this altar with boldness because what you're gonna do is gonna be similar to what the prophet Elijah did you're gonna release a word and it's gonna release a path for them thank you Jesus father God we thank you we thank you that whatever area of their lives have been stopped Lord God we thank you that doors are open Lord I see where doors are open even in marriage I see where doors are open in business I see where doors are open in partnerships Lord God we open every door that the enemy thought he could shut larga we open every door connected to their destinies Lord God we call them change agents in the name of Jesus that they would be the change in their families lorica that there would be light in the dark places Lord God as you have told them from darkness to light they would be the light in the darkness in the name of Jesus Lord God we thank you do a mighty work in their lives father God do that which only you can do in Jesus name Amen [Music]
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 21,405
Rating: 4.9184785 out of 5
Id: xx8Rolv5Xt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 33sec (2673 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 27 2018
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