"Atmosphere Changers" - Stephanie Ike

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greetings family pastor Toure here I'm excited about this message that you're getting ready to watch I'm also excited about the countless lives that are being changed by wholeness winning in life from the inside out in fact I want you to watch this short testimony is gonna bless you and then that message will be right after it when the book of wholeness launched I was an assistant of brokenness heart and disappointments that Sunday pastor preached about the book and I was enthusiastic and intrigued to find out what the book was all about just when the first reading of the chapters I was able to get in touch with my emotions face my fears and insecurities there's this part that says being made whole requires an authentic encounter with your heart I was able to get into that and ever wait why am I feeling they were I'm feeling from that moment I was able to get him to this tonight to find out who is really the person inside me and the book of wholeness of me discover that and my only aim is continue being full and whole in my everyday living I encourage you to get the book it's real resourceful [Music] [Music] this is go straight into the word as we're standing and so we're gonna look at first Kings 19 from 11 to 13 and then it says then he said go out and stand on the mountain before the Lord and behold the Lord passed by and a great and strong winds and as great a strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks and pieces before the Lord but the Lord was not in the wind and after the wind and earthquake but the Lord was not in the earthquake and after the earthquake a fire but the Lord was not in the fire and after the fire a still small voice and so it was when he lighter heard it that he wrapped his face in the mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of the cave suddenly a voice came to him and said what are you doing here Elisha father God I thank you for this word I think you Lord God that you are gonna move through this word like only you can I think you Holy Spirit that you are in this house father God have your way do that which only you can do when we are gathered in your name we stand in agreement Lord God that we are here to hear a word from you I thank you Lord that I come as your vessel as your mouthpiece speak and flow through me to your children may you speak individually and uniquely to each and every one of them holy sprit we love you have your way in Jesus name Amen amen amen so today I'm gonna be teaching on initially I had the message of mind was the title was the simple presence of God and it's connected to that but the message I'm gonna be speaking on this atmosphere changers you see I believe that in this time God is building an army God is building I've been talking a lot about a revival that is coming into this city and it's gonna come through each and every one of you in this house is gonna come through those that are watching and God is building up his people and part of that as worship was going on I just it's the it was so clear the link between the two because God is calling you as an atmosphere changer and but I'm realizing that to recognize that you can change any atmosphere you enter it's the first recognize that the presence of God can be very simple you see the passage what we're reading is Elijah the Prophet had just ran away from a woman named Jezebel who had threatened his life and when he ran away now God encounters him but it's interesting I just love how God moves because he starts off with earthquake you know the windstorm and and an earthquake and fire but he's not in any of those things because the way he's introducing himself is gonna speak to us when we understand Elijah's background that what the Lord was in was this still small voice the thing that could seem insignificant when you think the Lord is going to speak to you you're thinking like the earth should just open up the clouds to just like come down a little bit you know and you hear someone like Mufasa speaking from the cloud but it was so simple it was a still small voice you see Elijah had run away from this Queen named Jezebel what happened was Elijah just killed over 400 prophets of their false god and this woman was enraged and she swore by her false God that they should kill her if she doesn't kill Elijah within 24 hours of sending him that message there was a confidence that she had that it's her fight Elijah and he runs away afraid for his life and when I read about him running away it's it baffles me because I'm like this is the same Elijah who prayed for it not to rain and there was a drought for three and a half years this is the same Elijah who witnessed the miraculous hand of God through him in in in a widow and her son in being able to you know have them survive of what was less than a meal honestly we see this and I believe its first Kings 16 and 17 this is the same Elijah who raised the same widow's son from the dead to life the same Elijah who calls down whose prayer calls down fire from heaven and he's afraid of the threat of a woman who says you know I'm gonna kill your life look that way no you should be afraid for women from with you know what there's some bad people but this prophet is afraid of her threat even though he just prayed and fire came down from heaven and I wondered why did he fear in that moment and how is it because even when we even if we think about the story so the story with Jezebel and Elijah basically Elijah comes to the town Jezebel was someone who had this agenda to get rid of all the prophets of God so either she had killed them or they were in hiding and now when Elijah when the Lord leads to come back to Israel he he gathers you know he tells the people bring all of Israel to meet me at a certain place and he gathers the prophets of Bala he tells them I'm some of you may know this story he tells them you know what why don't we both build an altar and is that we're gonna build an altar we're gonna book put Bulls on the altar and whoever whoever God answers by fire that is the true God and so the altar they build the altar which is you know just a structure where they put their offering on and so this offering its sacrifices in those times you know animal sacrifices to God and those symbolize you know maybe your your symbolizing like your dedication to God or where God when you know they encounter God in such a powerful way they would build an altar before God so they both build this altar the prophets of bow they build their altar they put the ball on it and they're crying out and they're calling to this false God bow and Elijah actually starts mocking them he's like you know maybe he's asleep or he took a vacation and nothing happens and you're crying out of this false god and then he lied you know it's his turn and he says you know what why don't you even pour water on mine they pour water and here's three times and when he prays and calls fire fire comes down from heaven and consumes the whole thing so Elijah was moving like a bad man and then he goes and Jezebel gives him this message swearing by the God who did not even answer the prophets and Elijah runs away and I realized that what Jezebel had over Elijah was that she was able because this bow God was a false guy he doesn't speak that they don't have any relationship or whatnot but she was able to build her confidence in silence she was able to build her confidence in a God that didn't exist without hearing him she believed in a God even when she never had a relationship with him and the advantage that we do have is that we know our God is real but you see when he Liza Elijah was so used to the presence of God showing up like being manifested in such a you know a dramatic way fire the clouds shut up people are being raised from the dead that I think that he didn't realize that even when he was being threatened that he was still standing in the presence of God sometimes for us when we we we only feel energized in prayer when we have goosebumps we're like oh man I feel God here oh gosh start saying all the prayers you want to say you only feel engaged in worship sometimes when you can feel it in your flesh we are moved when we feel like there is some evidence of the presence of God but the fact of the matter is that we are always in the presence of God you see I love that our first lady preached a message called to come up and she talked about when the angel Gabriel came to Zechariah to tell him to give him a message that you would have a son and that son will be John the Baptist who had a pivotal role in the life of our lord jesus and when Zachariah questioned that he tells her he says I am Gabriel I stand in the presence of God and it's interesting because he says I stand in the presence of God but he's standing in front of Zechariah and I remember one time I had this experience that I don't even know how to explain it but that experience made me realize that this is the truth that although while we are standing here when I'm standing here and speaking to you I'm also standing in the presence of God I come from his presence I'm standing in his presence and even as I am with you his presence because we are in the room his presence is here that is what we have as children of God the Word of God says that we are sitted with Christ Jesus in heavenly places while we are still here we are there and even while we are here he is here because he feels all things and I'm saying this because for me I want you to realize that even when your Netflix and chilling the presence of God is right there and when we begin when we are awakened to this reality that God's presence is always with me it changes our level of intimacy with him because sometimes we confine God to a particular time now it's powerful to create time to be intentional about spending time with God because like any relationship if you want to see it grow you have to be intentional about spending devoted time but it doesn't mean that you know my best friend and I some of our greatest moments is really when we might just be sitting on the couch and why not even say anything to each other that we're able to sit in silence because it's a place where it starts building intimacy with your friends with with your relationships when you can that is one of my tests in relationships if I could sit in silence with you oh we going somewhere if I don't feel the need to have to engage you in conversation I'm like wow this is beautiful and this no for real because sometimes you just be having conversation to just you know wow that weatherman who something isn't it but family when we are able to recognize that even when it seems that God is silent he's still here and what this does the more that in for my testimony the more that I've been awakened to the fact that everywhere I go God is with me then I don't need people to supervise me in certain things like you know like when you go to the mall and you pick something and then you don't want to know more you want to drop it somewhere else and then I'm like oh god you you're watching me aren't you huh let me let me go put it back somewhere what this does is the fact that you can go to the store and someone might be going through something and then you realize that I'm standing in the presence of God I'm an atmosphere change and what that means is that you are a seed of the kingdom and then your time on the earth is that God is planting you here to manifest his kingdom what that means is that any time you're going through any circumstance or difficulty when you realize that I am NOT just going through this by myself that I am in the presence of God it changes your posture it changes your attitude some of the most powerful prayers are not based on what you said is how you said it because when when you believe something there are things that you when you believe that no no no this is gonna be okay your your posture is different because if you pray from fear it's almost counterproductive because you're going against the spirit that brings fear and so you're praying from a spirit that knows that spirit that you're praying against it's almost counterproductive but when you have a posture that you say no God I am with you I'm standing with you I'm not afraid of what's in front of me because I know that you are with me it's a different posture family because the power in your words the power when you're praying about certain things is not just what you said is when you believe it in your heart because that's what gives it power because if you think about it how does a mute person pray how is it that God will answer the prayers of someone who is mute the power is comes from the heart when I believe what I'm saying I could change things with my prayers when I believe that what is coming against me is not greater than who is in me I can change things with my prayers but if I'm praying from fear and anxiety I am praying in the same spirit of what I'm going against but this comes when we start realizing that I am in the presence of God it cultivates a deeper level of intimacy with God because you're moving you know how they have that thing what would Jesus do every moment you're moving in the awareness that God you're right next to me you're moving in the awareness that Jesus you're with me so when that person came up to me when that car cut me off if I cursed them out even though I'm 20 miles away from the church so hopefully it's not a church member I'm the only one that was there but when you start moving in this relationship with God and then you start asking God the simple things and it comes and even if you're doing your nails and you know that even in the nail shop you can have a conversation with God Oh God tell me about the people in the nail shop Holy Spirit open my eyes is there anyone you want me to talk to in the nail shop when we start making every place every environment every atmosphere a place for the Holy Spirit to move this is how we go deeper in relationship with God this is what builds our love for God there are some shows there's a particular show I have been such a fan of I was telling everyone when the new season was coming now I was so excited and then when the season comes out I'm getting ready to watch it I got kettle corn because kettle corn is better than butter okay so I got some kettle corn and then I'm like oh yeah somebody watch this show as I'm going to put the show the Holy Spirit tells me no I said why I've been watching this show my whole life is this this is not convenient and when the Holy Spirit tells me no and it was not that the all the all along you know maybe I don't know if Jesus has enjoyed the show too I don't know but what happened was that the more I became aware that I'm in the presence of God then he started revealing to me certain things about the show that doesn't glorify him and I'm not saying the show had to say Jesus no but there was the message behind the show didn't glorify Him and so it built this it builds this deeper level of intimacy I know that I'm in a room full of people that some of you have been asking like God I want to move deeper in the in spiritual gifts and I want to move deeper in the things of God but the scripture that that even starts that it said it says that pursue love and desire spiritual gifts and what the Lord is was showing me for for you in this house and those watching is that love is the foundation of it and the deeper you go in your love of God trust me you would move in power so it doesn't come from just saying that god I want to move in spiritual gifts it starts with love because love is what purifies your expectation and your hunger but that love it starts with God that love it starts with this deep intimacy with God and it comes from recognizing I am always in the presence of God if Elijah had known that when Jezebel threatened him he didn't need fire to fall from heaven in that moment he didn't need God to tell him that you know what called the Thunder to strike her for saying such things all he needed to know was that the same God that was with me then is with me now and Jezebel cannot touch me even when it seems that God didn't say anything to him because you see Elijah being a prophet all his actions were driven by the Word of God so the fact that he was afraid when Jezebel threatened him it tells us that in that moment God was silent and in the silence of God I wonder if he felt the act was the absence of God but family I came to remind you all that everything in your life whatever it is in your life that you feel like God are you just silent on this case No there are some things it's not just about you wanted to receive a word it's about you knowing who the word is because when you know a lot of times were in a situation and we're just we're like God I need you to show me what is gonna happen with this situation but it's different because when you know who the word is then you realize you you you start to understand his desire and his heart for you and so you don't just need him to speak you just know him and when you know him and you realize you know what I am a seed of the kingdom of God there's something that you don't even need to tell me for me to know what your heart is towards this situation because if I serve a God that will never leave a forsake me if I serve a god that would never put me to shame then I don't need you to reaffirm me if I'm gonna be victorious in this thing I just need to know who you are and so no matter where we go we say that no I'm standing I'm in the presence of God and this is how we change atmospheres this is why you don't need even if you might be you know jogging and someone meets you and they're there something happens that you need to pray for someone on the road you don't have to go into a 30-minute worship session to pray for them you're like oh let me get in the presence you know let me just put some Hillsong oh gosh no lie sometimes you know I don't know I don't know if I should say this or not if I'm progress or not but sometimes on my way I remember one time this is funny so um I was on my way to church right and so I had like afro beets in the car you know like um some good my dream music but it's real dancing right so I'm in the car I'm just like having a blast and then probably like 15 minutes closer to church I was like oh man when was that Church I put some Hillsong you know there get my mind right but the song I was listening to it wasn't like bad you know but it's like a program anything I was like oh gosh I didn't know you know put some oh jesus the atmosphere is changing and when I did that the Lord the Lord spoke to me said no I actually enjoyed the other music too I say you know that's some good news because it girl is about to jam and when I started learning is that because if we think that we have to create this pattern to get into the presence then we miss out on a lot of opportunities to manifest his presence because you might just think man up and jogging I'm just sweating you know this is a lot going on right now think I can pray for you I don't think I can do this but when we realize that no I'm always in the presence of God and so everything I do I do it intentionally everywhere I go I use it as a moment to to manifest God if you were here what would you do if you are watching me right now would you be proud of what I'm doing in this very moment you are walking in God's presence and that is how you start changing atmospheres it's interesting Elijah who would become like the spiritual son of Elijah there was a moment in 2nd Kings chapter 6 and there were these there was there were people that came against Israel and they came with chariots and they came with horses and I mean they were armed and they were ready Elijah servant was afraid and he's like Master like look at the chariots and look at all this is that is happening and Elijah says and he prays and he says God opened his eyes and when God opened his eyes he looked and on the mountains were chariots and horses that came from heaven that the Lord already had them surrounded by his angelic force you see the difference was that Elisha whether he saw it or not he knew that he was standing in God's presence and because he's standing in God's presence it doesn't matter what's coming against him because the Lord already has his army around him and so family I want to encourage you because as we we're gonna go we're gonna start talking about even a lot of things that deal with the manifestations of the spirit but before we go into those things in upcoming weeks and prayer and all these powerful things that that allow us to move deeper in manifesting God's kingdom the foundation of it has to start with your knowledge of it because the enemy's greatest weapon against you is ignorance that is his greatest weapon it's not that he if you don't know who you are he has the upper hand if you don't know what you come with he has the upper hand I remember one time I was walking actually this two stories one interesting one I was with a friend of mine a really good friend of mine we were on the train and we were heading home and so the train was like it was like I remember what happened but I was late at night and there was this man who was like you know it was a bit mental but it was more than him being mental in the physical something was really off with him and so he's running around the whole train and he's acting like he was acting like an ape like doing stuff with his body and hitting the glass and he was like harassing people basically and so when my friend and I were sitting and so listed like this is a line right here well he's not aligned as a train but I'm just imagine like this is where we were sitting and the man is just running around the whole train so he's coming closer to us and then my friend is telling me she's like Stephanie I think we should move I said no we're not moving I said what she's not gonna cross this line and so we sat down and this man is just running and the moment he gets to where that chair was he runs back he runs again he runs back like he never crossed that path and when she looked at me I said not what is happening I said we just have to pray for him we'll just pray for him where we are because if I'm not led to go do things I'm not let to do so sure if I'm not letting and trying to get slapped okay I said where are mama just send the prayer to you you know the Word of God said God sent his word i'ma send my word okay so what was interesting to me though family was that even though I said it actually intrigued me when I saw it I said God bad man this man never crossed and he will look at us and he will scream but he will run back and I almost if you witnessed it it felt like there was a force stopping him from coming close but this is when you realize because there is a posture there is a way you would look and the enemy knows he cannot mess with you there is a way that you can stand there was a confidence that you can have and it's not coming it's not just be coming from being a Christian it's coming from being a Christian who knows who they are then no matter what comes against you at some point they're like you know what let's just stop trying because um she's not budging he's not budging you see the reasons why sometimes for some of you it feels like you've been tested with the same things over and over because the truth of the matter is that the enemy only knows your patterns the patterns that you show him so if he knows we've touched them there and that's how they react so let's just keep touching them there because we know that we can always get a reaction if we do that to them and so even though you come to a place you like God I'm just going to go into fasting this week or God you know what I'm just gonna be mindful of what I say this week I want to use my words to glorify you I'd only use my words against me you will find yourself that when you make you know this you you you come to a place where you're making decisions to better yourself like God I don't want to self-sabotage and all of a sudden something happens and takes you right back because when you make that agreement he's like oh no we know where to poke them because they still don't know who they really are and you find yourself back in the same cycle all he needs is the wrong to call you at the wrong time you find yourself in the same cycle but when you know that you are in God's presence even when that happens the question now is God if you're watching me what how does this speak of you yes I've shared my testimony some of you may know it you know in in college I used to oh my gosh I loved you know partying was like I was like you know the chief of the party committee because I was just you know you give me I could I had a very high tolerance for drinks they were not apple cider and I just go crazy I you know at some point actually even struggle the pornography and what changed me was not was not like what what's made me stop those things was not um how do I put this it was not just the fact I wanted to please God because I did what made me stop was when every moment I turn on you know things I'm not supposed to be watching and God would be speaking to me in that time and I'm like God this is the wrong time hey I'm over here trying to entertain myself and you're trying to tell me about who now I would be in the club and I'm just having a ball and that he's like oh I want you to tell that person her father would be okay I'm like god I got two bottles in my hands and you want me to walk to someone you tell them oh jesus loves you and your father was gonna be fun he's gonna survive the surgery what and so the more I was aware that oh my gosh like you are with me in the club you're with me in my bedroom you're with me down the street that that was what changed me because and I realize I'm like god I don't want to be I don't want to make a fool of you I don't want to make a fool of your time with me I don't like I I love you and the fact that you love me so much that you're just there with me and you're entertaining this nonsense I'm entertaining that is what made me change and that shifted everything in my life and it made me go into this deeper place with God that even when I go to whether it's going to the nail shop and I'm like oh god what colors we get in you know but that place of intimacy because remember it was a still small voice it was a thing that would seem insignificant and when you can acknowledge God in what seems insignificant that is where he starts building you that is where he starts training you he starts grooming you but if you if you put boundaries on God that God only know when you speak if you do this then you have put a limitation on a God who is in all things when you can acknowledge him in every single way that is where your intimacy grows and it builds and it's sharpened thank you Jesus you are atmosphere changes but in order to be that you have to know that you are walking presence of God that everywhere you go because you're even in that room the presence of God is in that room you don't have to the fact of the matter whether you see it or not they're angels all around this house whether you know it or not sometimes God may give you the ability or God might just open your eyes to see it but the fact is the same the fact is when you're walking down that alley is with you there's an angel in the car with you when you had that accident God was with you and rather than complaining and just you know trying to lose your head be like God thank you that you are with me when you know how to praise God and what the enemy wanted to take victory for God would it it's almost like when somebody just wants to go crazy over you like oh let me just bless this child let me just give a double portion like he did for job because the matter of the fact is you see one thing that the Lord taught me and he was teaching me this and he was teaching me this even through spiritual warfare because there was a point where there were things that I was like God okay this has been a little you know troubling now but he taught me something he said even if you wake up and you see something you don't like if some random spirit you see something he said in that moment praise me say Jesus I thank you that you know what your word says that you have prepared a table for me in the presence of my enemies and so even if I'm seeing something I don't want to see it's because they're watching the table you've prepared for me when you know how to flip it when you know how to flip things for the glory of God when you say that you know what this accident happened god I thank you that you are with me you did this because you just you have better plans for me you saved my life when you know how to see God in every single moment in every single thing there's someone in this house the Lord was showing me to revealed you to me that it's almost as though you there are times when you panic because you don't even know what you're gonna eat or you don't even know it's like even when you leave the church it's almost like you you serve in the house or something like that and you're just it's it's almost like you're at the mercy of is there gonna be food in the house of God and not and what he showed me it almost made me chuckle even though it's not funny he said no I'm actually grooming them in fasting he said because that's why what you're going through you're someone who prays constantly for the things of God and he said I'm actually disciplining them have called them to be someone who who is disciplined and fasting and prayer and so and if you know this this person you're in this house if you know this it's almost like the every day it's like a certain time of the day you don't eat you don't choose it but it's almost like a certain time frame you find yourself just not eating and you think it's an issue and God says no actually I'm training you when you know how to praise God in everything you will see God in everything the presence of God I am standing in the presence of God and this is how we shift atmospheres that no matter what is taking place I'm standing in the presence of God you hear someone has said God I thank you there was though someone I saw that was going through something recently and it actually made me give God glory and this was someone close to me I said God Wow because you're actually gonna use this to show your power I said oh god this is gonna be so cool and I remember sometimes I will be like God why is this happening to her like why they wear especially when it's like it's close to you and I was like no God you're gonna use this to show your power god I thank you when you raise his name up oh no wait because when you glorify God what you're doing is that you're almost putting a mandate for him to show himself when you know how to glorify Him that even once the check didn't come through oh god I thank you because you just have greater plans for me when you know how to praise God in everything you will see him in everything you are an atmosphere changer and that is a word gap to me the word he brought me here with is that to understand his simple presence to understand that he's always with you and then he showed me that actually this is what makes you an atmosphere changer when you know in every single thing God is with you and your story this might seem very really funny but we all do it then when I would like if I'm taking a shower or something I'm like god I hope your eyes are closed okay that wasn't necessary but but the fact is it's this awareness that even in the shower god I can be talking to you I can start praying the shower I start saying it off just because I'm like God you are with me everywhere David even talked about this that way can I hide from your presence family in everything when you're going home because you all these things whenever a word comes you will be tested on the word someone caught you off remember Jesus is with me in this car right now someone says something rude to you don't be so quick to want to fire back don't be so quick to want to prove your points if someone if someone does something offensive to you just say no Lord you are my Avenger I don't need to fight this battle you will fight it for me everywhere you go use it as a moment to manifest his kingdom use it as a moment to show his love to show His goodness to show his mercy unless you're led otherwise and otherwise we'll still be in the parameters of his love when you do that family there's a way that the Holy Spirit can use you that is the answer so what many of you have been praying for that god I want you use me mightily for your kingdom but it starts with love it starts with you it starts with your relationship with God going deeper it starts with the things it starts with the simple things it starts with the small things God was not in the earthquake he was not in the fire he was not in the windstorm even though he's used those things to communicate his presence but he said I am just also in the still small voice and if you can start there with me you would see me in the fire you would see me in the earthquake and you will see me in the windstorm you would talk to the wind and tell it to be still like Jesus and it will be still because Jesus could see God in the still small voice don't be afraid family whatever is coming against you do not be afraid recognize I am in I am standing in the presence of God what can come against the presence of God that's how I look at life these days now no matter what is coming against me I said god I thank you that you're gonna use this to teach me something I don't look at it anymore it's like all the enemies attacking me now so that even when I see things even if I'm seeing something in the spiritual room that I don't like I'm like God who I thank you that you're teaching me the strategy of the enemy I look at it differently and I'm like oh god what is that what is the name of that one so we know how to deal with it and that's how because yeah and the enemy actually gets frustrated from that because he thinks he's sending you something to scare you and I'm just like oh God who's that who's this guy right here hello and they literally when you praise God I'm telling you from me the way they scatter because they know they didn't have victory know who you are in God when something even challenges you in the natural know who you are oh god I thank you I'm telling I want you to do a challenge a 30-day challenge you can even start with three days and just some three consecutive days every three three days I'll see you get to 33 okay I want you to challenge yourself to say you know what I'm just gonna thank God in everything no matter what I want to say and I'm telling you watch how it will change and transform your life and watch how you will begin to hear God in a clearer and more and a more definite manner some of you that there's a way that you're just like god I feel like I'm not hearing you but watch how when you can incorporate a spirit of gratitude he will begin to reveal like oh so you see me oh you see me here and all of a sudden he starts revealing that he's actually there you start hearing him better but it starts with recognizing that even when I don't hear you you're actually still there when you respect his presence in silence you would see it in the noise you would see it in a loud and demonstrative way you would see it in power because all of it is still the power of God family stand with me thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Lord the Lord is raising an army he's raising an army and he's calling you as an atmosphere changer because of where he's also sending you the rooms he's gonna send you to and what is gonna be so beautiful that the things that would move people would not move you because you're like no no no I'm standing in the presence of God I come from a different place I'm here as a seed to manifest the kingdom so I cannot be moved by things that is not moving the kingdom when you see situations that don't look like God you know that I can pray about this in boldness because I am in the presence of God and so if I'm in the presence of God that means what's around me has to look like heaven there was a different boat that's when you remove yourself from the equation when you stop thinking of you know I just I'm not even sure if I know how to pray I'm not even sure if I'm doing the right thing am I supposed to hold your hand or your head no when you realize that this is because I'm in the presence of God I can speak things that are not as though they are because I'm in the presence of God I'm an atmosphere changer because I'm in the presence of God I'm not an atmosphere changer because of myself or anything like that I'm an atmosphere changer because I'm in his presence thank you lord thank you Jesus speak to that thing that has been coming against you as though you know who you are now speak to it as though you're like oh no no no I come from the throne I come from the throne room so so so why my father is the king he is the head why should I be dealing with something beneath me unless God is using it to train me and in that I thank you Lord job said though he slay me yet shall I trust him god I just thank you that even this very situation I don't understand but because I am in your presence you are using it for my good change your language start to recognize that no God God you're in this too earlier today was almost like something tried to challenge me in this word I got a phone call this most like probably around noon and the phone call it brought me to tears because that was my natural reaction and but while in that moment I said but God you're with me oh we're gonna do this together and it turns from someone crying to laughing I said oh god I'm gonna know you deeper even through this oh god this is gonna be an exciting journey that we can share together God yeah I'm interested about what you're gonna teach me on this process in a second because in that moment he allowed me there is a time there are things that would bring out emotions from you it's natural its natural but in that moment from tears it turn to joy because I said God I'm not in this by myself I'm not in this by myself and somebody needs to know that I feel your heart right now that you're going through something and you feel like you're in it alone and you think the only victory is when you come out of it and the victory is why you're in it knowing that God is with you thank you lord [Music] family if you're in this house and you're saying that god I want to honor you and everything I'm gonna make a commitment to see you in everything I don't want to just recognize you when I have goose bumps I don't want to just recognize you when when it's everything like wow did you see the power of God move I want to recognize you even when it doesn't look like you're there even when it looks insignificant the still small voice was not just about the voice of God it was about how God moves it was not just about that Oh God communicates and you know you have to be still and you have to be calm and you know meditation it was not just about that it was to show you that sometimes you're looking for the noise you're looking you're like oh god I wanna I want to see you in this way in a way that it's loud and it shows everybody that oh yeah you're sure you know certainly you're a child of God but God is saying that sometimes I'm not even in that sometimes I mean the thing you might be overlooking the simple presence a lot of senses and the simple things is in the things that may seem insignificant the wisdom of men is foolishness to God if you're here and you're saying god I'm gonna make a commitment to see you in all things to see you in all things just raise your hand with me I'm gonna make a commitment with my words with my life with with with my everyday activity to know that you are there with me because when I know that I am with the Lord when I know that I am in the presence of God I'm more mindful about the things above I'm more mindful my mind is not about you know who offended me or who did me wrong oh no how can I show God's love God who is that person by the way in the moment that it happened God can you show me what happened to them to do that to me God how can I pray for them because this is still someone who was created in your image where were they broken that they thought it was okay to do that to another person I am fighting the wrong battle when I'm fighting with a broken person because I'm not even fighting with a real you what happened to you that you thought it was okay to do that rather than fighting you whether then rather than wanting to curse you out rather than wanting to prove a point in that moment God who are they who are they who are they really in your sight and how can I pray them into their destiny I am in the presence of God you see why the Bible says pursue the desire love a pursue love and desire spiritual gifts because when the Holy Spirit manifests in however way it chooses to manifest it's not for our ego it's for the people it's not to say that wow you know did you just hear me say that word give a round of applause for me no it's for the people the Bible talks about how Jesus would have compassion on the people and heal their sick [Music] but this starts in God's presence God who is this person when you're more committed to pray for people you're gonna hear God a lot more when you're more committed that someone hurts you and you say God what happened here you start hearing the voice of God in new fresh ways because your heart is for his people you wanna move in power love Jesus love his people move like you know that he's watching your every step the things that you do when no one sees it he does act like you know that he is right there with you thank you lord thank you Lord God we're making a commitment to you they were gonna see you in all things we're gonna know you in all things even when it seems like oh god what why is this happening no no no no no when we realize oh no I'm always gonna come before God with prayer with petition and with thankfulness I'm gonna be grateful god I just thank you for this moment I thank you for this thing that seems against me because you are for me oh it's gonna be beautiful family you're gonna move in the joy that that cannot be it cannot be be faked it's a joy that will come from your spirit and people would be confused that why are you so happy because it's not it's coming from your spirit it's coming from uh knowing that I'm gonna be fine I'm gonna be okay a lot of times people want to know what's wrong what's wrong but when you know you're in the presence of God you're like no I'm really okay because he's with me family just raise your hand up to heaven and bow your heads what I thank you for your children I thank you Father for what you're doing in this room that you're bringing us to the place of awareness that we are in your presence and that we are atmosphere changes thank you Jesus we will be mindful of how we use our words will be mindful of the things we say the things we do because we're in your presence god I thank you that for those that thought that it's been a struggle but they would change their perspective to knowing that no God is with me if anyone's old job that what happened to him as a result of your doing it would seem crazy but we are in your presence and wherever we go Lord we will be mindful that we are in your presence raise us Lord groom us shape us mold us we are clay and you are the father we thank you for who you are you are forming us to become who you are calling us to be to be mature in our love to be maturing our patience and how we see people to look through the lens of your perspective thank you Lord that for some they're releasing offense right now that many they're released and unforgiveness right now because they've been fighting the wrong battle thank you Jesus thank you Jesus that you're having your way you're touching each and every heart Holy Spirit I thank you [Music] you're touching every mind you're renewing their minds father God we worship you thank you lord thank you lord God is ministering to many of you right now thank you lord thank you lord have you a girl [Music] thank you Jesus perfect it Lord sealing in their hearts and in their minds we're not gonna be ignorant of who we are we're gonna stand strong and firm in our identity we're gonna come before you in boldness Lord not from fear not from anxiety not from worry but that we would know that you are for us that we come from the presence we are in the presence we're moving presence of our Lord and Savior Jesus for you are in us and we submit to you Lord that we will be vessels to make your kingdom known on the earth have your way father in Jesus name Amen amen amen [Music] thank you lord [Music]
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 28,986
Rating: 4.9103642 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 17sec (3437 seconds)
Published: Fri May 25 2018
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