Our Sibling is DEAD - About the Gnoses (Genshin Theory and Speculation)

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to a brand new Theory and speculation video today I want to talk about the origin of the nois and why I think our sibling could be dead I know this is one of my crazier ideas so bear with me as I explain now this video does contain spoilers for the quests listed on screen now so if you haven't done those you have been warned with all that said though let's get into the [Music] video let's start off by discussing what we know about the nosis a nois is an item used by the seven archons of tat to resonate with Celestia with it also acting as proof of their status as an archon furthermore they represent the Heavenly principles and the control they hold over to that according to niita destroying a nosis May awaken the Heavenly principles and attract their attention as for how the archons obtained their nois they were given out to those who emerged victorious in the archon war over 2,000 years ago now a vision is considered primitive to the power of a nosis as such a nosis can increase the power of an individual way more than a vision could the archons are all quite powerful without the help of their nosis but they still do help for example after Jang Lee willingly gave up his nosis to Senora he says that he can no longer create MOA meaning that the nosis likely gave him that ability also it is unknown if an archon can use a nosis of a different elements dor said that Nita had no way to use the electro nois she took from scaran Battle however she did use along with her dendron nois to access the final memories of Ruka deada so the exact limitations aren't clear here now we recently learned quite an important piece of information regarding the nois during the Fontaine AR conquests skirk told nalet that the nois are the remains of the third descender of course this must mean that the descender is dead but what if they're not I know this sounds confusing and that this may seem a bit out there but let me explain as we know descender is the title given to those who come from outside of F however not all who come from Beyond are descenders this is told to us in a note from Renee located in the narsis and ches Ordo here we are told that the title of descender belongs only to Wills that can rival an entire world a descender can also freely wield the elements just like the traveler can as such characters like aloy are not descenders as even though she came from Beyond toat she cannot freely wield the elements and relies on a cryo Vision anyways as we know the traveler is the fourth descender interestingly though our sibling is not a descender and they even have records in UL these records claim that our sibling suddenly appeared in conri and we were told that this was because the heavens responded to the summoning with our sibling being recorded in UL that eliminates the idea that they could be a descender right well it's not that simple The Traveler and their sibling crashed together on toat meaning they both Came From Beyond since they possess the same power how could one be a descender while the other isn't going back to Rene's note the title of descender belongs only to Wills that can rival an entire worlds so for a sibling to not be a descender they would have had to lose their will at some point their will could have been taken by the Heavenly principles turning them into a husk of their former selves after waking up into that they would eventually side with the abyss and the abyss order hoping to overthrow Celestia interestingly the power the abyss sibling has is very similar to the power we see skark uses later on with both having themes of black holes of course both reside in the abyss so this makes sense now let's talk about how exactly our sibling's will could have been taken in my opinion I think this could have happened during our battle with the unknown God shown at the very beginning of the game however this fight took place 500 years ago during the cataclysm so how could their will have been placed into the noes which were given out over 2,000 years ago well the answer here would be isero the shade of time in Ryan's Second Story Quest We witnessed how a was able to plant the sacred Sakura in in Zuma's past as a part of mako's plan in the quest a speculates that Mako likely got help from istro as the whole situation revolved around time therefore it wouldn't be out of the question for another loop to be created if istro took our siblings will from the future to create the nois after all estrath is one of the four shades of the primordial one so she would answer to them early on the primordia one may have ordered esto to go to the Future and take the will of a descender in order to create the nosis in the past past all of this maybe why istro seems to be the most defiant of the shades when anomia fell beneath the waters istro was the only one of the four Shades to lend a hand to the stranded humans her mission to retrieve a descenders will may have shaken her faith in the primordial one causing her to help people no matter what as for why she would have chosen to take the will of our sibling they awoke first when we reached to vat after they awoke they would travel to cona where they would eventually witness the cataclysm firsthand knowing that they would likely be more defiant the unknown God would have given our siblings will to ISO to send back in time even without their will our sibling is still incredibly defiant while they may not have known the truth when they woke up after the fight with the unknown God they certainly found out by the time they reached the end of their Journey with daniff after this they would join the abyss order in hopes of finding a way to take down Celestia still with all of this said we don't know why their history is recorded in manil it may have been added when their will was taken either as a side effect or a preventative measure this history would only stretch back to the time they spent inat which is why the records start when they appeared in cona additionally we are told that the records become fuzzy at the end of our siblings Journey perhaps this is when our sibling regain their original Power allowing them to somewhat challenge the world again still without their will they may not be able to take down Celestia alone which could be why they joined the abyss order as for why the fouille didn't list our sibling as a descender they may just not have a way to figure out the true identity of the third descender after all if the power of the third descender was sent to the Past by ISO it may be hard to trace it back to its origin even through Erol so in the end the traveler sibling is both dead and not dead their will as a descender would have been taken away into the past to create the noes leaving behind their body since this is still the body of a descender they were able to resonate with the elements of tat and use their powers for now their goal may be to regain their complete will by overthrowing the Divine Thrones to obtain the seven nois if the this is the case then we could see them come back into the main story sooner than we may think once we get to nlin the foui will be able to obtain the Pyon nois which is the last one they need by the time we get to snea all seven nosis will be in one place our sibling could use this opportunity to regain their will or alternatively this could have been the s's plan all along she may want to use the seven nosis to revive the Third descender or even use their will herself to take Celestia down if our sibling is able to retrieve their will then Celestia would have two descenders fighting against them still I don't think our direct fight with Celestia will be inah's ar conquests instead I believe that we could have multiple stories between scha and kria that involve us going around to the previous Nations to awaken the sovereigns and prepare for a war anyways that's pretty much it from my thoughts on the origin of the nois and the fate of the third descender if you want to hear more of my thoughts on topics like this I recommend my recent video on visions and the power they could hold as well as my recent video on nlin speculations of course I definitely want to make more videos that further discuss the topics I mentioned in this video more nlin speculations will be coming in a few weeks but in the meantime I would like to make videos about what the s's plan with the nois could be as well as fure stories in previous Nations I would love to hear what ideas you guys have about the nois and the third descender in the comments below as well anyways that's it for this video thank you so much for watching sources and further readings are also in the description if you want to check them out I hope you all have an amazing day and I'll see you all in the next [Music] video a
Channel: SiliconOneFour
Views: 43,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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