Genshin Characters might be DOOMED TO DIE...

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I know what you’re thinking. The BIGGEST CURSE in Genshin is the fact that  GOOD ASS LORE is hidden in artifact sets,   miscellaneous interactables, and NPC  dialogue that we can never retrigger again. Okay maybe that’s not it, but as a lore  content creator it might be part of it. I know you probably feel that  Version 4.5 is a dry patch,   but I need to tell you how INSANE the lore  drops were. My BRAIN literally opened up,   and I think I just found the truth  behind one of Genshin’s biggest secrets: the Curse of Death. With the release of Version 4.5, you  can now purchase Volumes 1 and 2 of   Perinheri in the Fontaine bookstore,  and it’s a brand new book series that   contains a lot of shocking information about  Khaenri’ah. It also reveals the TRUTH behind   Teyvat’s worldwide curse and apparently  Zhongli is involved. But to be honest,   when is Zhongli ever not involved? Because of  the new details of this Hilichurl epidemic we’re   familiar with… I was able to discover an even  scarier curse that’s happening at the same time… Today’s video will be a deep dive into Perinheri,  the Khaenri’ahn secrets that were revealed in it,   and its MASSIVE significance to Genshin’s  overall lore including the Hilichurl curse   that horribly plagues Teyvat even today.  Then we’ll discuss Genshin’s DEADLIEST Curse… I’m your leify lore streamer Minsleif and I read  the Genshin Impact lore so that you don’t have to. Since we’ll be discussing new information which  I’m sure is going to have even more incredible   literary payoff in Genshin’s future Archon  Quests, I have some good news to share with you :) Today’s video is sponsored by Raid:  Shadow Legends. Raid just added a ton   of new features and if you’ve been playing Raid  since 2021, you actually might NOT recognize the   game today! Live Arena is a BRAND NEW 4v4  PVP Mode complete with character picks and   bans. Cursed City is a MASSIVE new feature  with 100 stages to complete and clearing   its stages will earn you valuable rewards,  like a FREE Mythical Champion! New Champions   and brand new MYTHICAL Champions - which can use  Metamorph skills to transform between two Forms,   bringing high levels of power. All of these  features were released just 6 months ago! But that’s not all! Raid: Shadow Legends is celebrating its  5-Year Anniversary with the Festival of   Creation and the rewards they’re giving YOU  are INSANE. The Festival of Creation is a   month-long party with events, tournaments,  summon boosts, free gifts, and so much more. Use my link in the description or scan my QR  code to download Raid TODAY and get bonuses   that are worth up to $100! Including Epic  champion Lady Etessa, 500k silver and many   more right from the start! After reaching  level 25 you’ll get additional 500k silver,   Epic skill tomes, potions and more. And after  using my download link or QR code, use THIS   festive promo code Festival5 to 500k silver and  another Epiс Champion Tayrel, as well as endless   amount of other rewards. Raid: Shadow Legends  is constantly adding new features so commemorate   this momentous anniversary with me and search up  “Minsleif”, join my clan Keepers of Khaenriah,   and let’s be legends together! Thank you so much  Raid: Shadow Legends for sponsoring today’s video! Let’s go over the new information we learned  about Khaenri’ah from Perinheri. Keep in mind   Perinheri might not be 100% accurate. I know  I hyped you up for it and you should STILL be   hyped I just thought for lore and theory crafting  purposes I should disclose that. The author of the   first edition of Perinheri claims to have  based this tale on a legendary story known   throughout Khaenri’ah and CONVENIENTLY there are  none left who can verify this. Perinheri is the   collaborative effort from various authors and  contributors over several generations and some   of these names might be familiar to you! This  means, it’s very likely for things to have been   misinterpreted, misremembered, or even re-written  for the purpose of entertainment over time. Until things get confirmed or de-confirmed by  our alive Khaenri’ahns then we still have some   reason to believe that Perinheri is reliable. And  that’s because of the Irminsul Tree. If you’ve   gotten to the Sumeru Archon Quests, this should be  familiar to you but as a recap the Irminsul Tree   is essentially a database of all the memories  and events that have ever happened in Teyvat.   The Irminsul CAN be tampered with and Teyvat’s  memories and events can be altered drastically. To   prevent that, Teyvatians have recorded historical  events in the form of allegories or fairytales. I   think Perinheri might be an example of Teyvatians  preserving history in the form of fairytales,   and if that’s the case I don’t want to rule  out the possibility that a decent amount of   it was passed on carefully from author  to author across several generations. There’s also several things in canon lore that  corroborate the evidence we do find in Perinheri,   and again it’s the clearest explanation for one  of Genshin’s BIGGEST problems: its fatal curse. Before we get to the CRAZY lore bits,  let’s start with the new information   we learn about Khaenri’ah. Khaenri’ah  had at least 2 dynasties. Previously,   we only knew of one - the Eclipse Dynasty.  But now we have information on the era that   preceded the one we’re more familiar with and  that’s the Crimson Moon Dynasty. The Crimson   Moon Dynasty ruled over Khaenri’ah during the  Archon War. The Archon War ended 2000 years ago,   and we’re actually not sure when it began.  All we know is that 600 years before the   war ended 2000 years ago, Barbatos would be  the declared the Anemo Champion and Archon. According to archaeological records  discovered by the Narzissenkreuz Ordo,   alchemy and the Beastmaster Knights enjoyed  the peak of their influence during this time.   The "Darksprites" mentioned in Perinheri's  legend refer to the first version of black   wolf warbeasts created via alchemy. The  Riftwolves. From this information and   the note references at the end of Perinheri,  the Art of Khemia was developed and explored   during the Crimson Moon Dynasty. Khemia is a  form of alchemy that focuses on the creation   of life. Only those who have reached the peak  of learning and alchemical skill could create   synthetic life. The only one known to achieve  this is Rhinedottir “Gold” Albedo’s master and   creator. Another piece of evidence towards this  is the mention of the Universitas Magistrorum,   a scholarly organization whose area of expertise  seemed to be alchemy. It was previously mentioned   in a Fontaine log by Jakob Ingold, a Fontaine  researcher who researched Khaenri’ahn alchemy. Rhinedottir was allegedly the  creator of the Riftwolves,   so it means she was probably around the time of  this Dynasty and the Eclipse Dynasty because we   know she was largely blamed for the  Cataclysm. The Eclipse Dynasty came   AFTER the Crimson Moon Dynasty and we  don’t actually know how much time each   dynasty reigned. What we can get out of  this is Rhinedottir is pretty old (lol). There is a hint at the beginning of the  text: “This is a story from very ancient   times indeed. In those days, a crimson moon  shone down upon the subterranean realm,   and not the dark sun of latter days.” Which could  mean that Perinheri was written during or after   the Eclipse Dynasty and LONGGGG after the Crimson  Moon Dynasty. So yea, Albedo’s mommy is OLD. These are just assumptions we  can make about Rhinedottir,   **BUT** there is a name in this  text that SHOULD be familiar to you. Alberich. A member of the Alberich clan was listed as  a commander of half of the knights during   the Crimson Moon Dynasty. This Alberich  clan member were considered one of the   strongest warriors in Khaenri’ah at that  time. So Kaeya’s family clan existed as   long ago as the Crimson Moon Dynasty, into  the next dynasty, and obviously up to today. Speaking of the next dynasty  - the Eclipse Dynasty. At some point, the Eclipse Dynasty  replaced the Crimson Moon Dynasty,   likely during the Archon War. This Dynasty was  infamously involved in the Cataclysm and should   contain a handful of your faves. According to  the reference notes at the bottom of Perinheri,   while the Crimson Moon Dynasty focused on  alchemy the Eclipse Dynasty focused on mechanical   engineering. This means the Ruin machines you see  were likely produced during the Eclipse Dynasty. But why did they need all these war machines? Perinheri states that “Due to  the Kingdom’s unique position,   things from outside this world were always  leaking into it. The Kingdom's weapons   would wipe out the calamities slipping in.”  Khaenri’ah is an underground civilization,   and we learn this from Albedo’s Character Story  and Kaeya’s line from the Caribert Archon Quest.   BUT if Khaenri’ah is UNDERGROUND, how are things  from “outside this world” always leaking into it? Perinheri states that Khaenri’ahns were informed  of sea people who believed that the gods came from   the oceans. Each time these sea people discovered  a shipwrecked person, they would treat them with   the utmost honor, for they believed that the  gods would take the form of the shipwrecked   to investigate the mortal realm. According to an  author’s note, no oceans in the traditional sense   existed in Khaenri’ah (since it was underground).  Only people who were allowed to leave Khaenri’ah   for official duties and returned could relay what  they saw in the world of Teyvat. The majestic   silhouettes of the mountains blur under the sun's  searing glare, and the rippling reflections of the   moonlight falling upon the sea's surface  like a scattering of pearls. The authors   clarify that the ocean and sea were often used as  a metaphor for the “space projected by the stars.” So basically, Khaenri’ah needed these war machines   to fight against calamities that tried  to leak into their world from space. BUT there’s an even more important  question you should be asking:   if Khaenri’ah is an underground  nation, HOW DOES IT HAVE A SKY? The explanation is the famous “Fake  Sky” Theory. A thought originally   propagated by Scaramouche during the  Unreconciled Stars event where he says: “The stars, the sky... It's  all a gigantic hoax. A lie.” And this was information he  himself learned from Pierro,   a Khaenri’ahn man who we now know  works under the Tsaritsa for the Fatui. I’ll try to briefly summarize the “Fake Sky”  theory for you. Teyvat might look like a   firmament, since it’s referenced in several places  in the game. A flat earth with a dome over it.   The Amethyst Crown mentions “Invaders descending  from beyond the firmament bringing destruction,   overturning rivers, spreading plagues…” The Chaos  Oculus says that “In the ancient past, these ruins   were once part of a civilization mighty enough  to almost touch the dome of the firmament” In Biblical cosmology, the firmament is the  vast solid dome created by God during the   Genesis creation narrative to divide the  primal sea into upper and lower portions   so that the dry land could appear. This  means the sky of Teyvat is actually a dome,   and the sky we see is just a projection  of perhaps what Celestia WANTS us to see. This theory is often paired with a sister theory:   Either the Real Sky is in Khaenri’ah or it’s  in the Abyss. It’s even more mysterious in   Chinese. The Abyss is also known as the Void  Realm according to lore in Enkanomiya. The   Chinese name for the Void Realm includes  the character for “empty space” or “sky” This is a visual representation of what I think  is the easiest way to show this theory in action. We segued a little bit, so to recap. This  is a Perinheri video. The ocean mentioned   in Perinheri is a metaphor for what might be  the “real sky” in Khaenri’ah. And calamities   from space were leaking into Khaenri’ah,  thus Khaenri’ah had to make war machines   to combat the space invaders. I felt that  explaining the Fake Sky theory was the best   way for this piece of text in Perinheri  to make “sense” with the “laws of Teyvat” So, Khaenri’ah had 2 Dynasties that  we know of so far: The Crimson Moon   Dynasty and the Eclipse Dynasty and  both are references to, obviously,   eclipses. The word “eclipse” comes from the Greek  word meaning “abandonment” and in Ancient Greece,   an eclipse was considered an omen of the  gods’ anger and abandonment of the earth.   The “Crimson Moon” is likely a reference to a  lunar eclipse. Lunar Eclipses occur during a   full moon. When the Earth is positioned  precisely between the Moon and Sun,   the Earth casts a shadow on the Moon causing the  Moon to appear red in color - hence Crimson Moon.   The Chinese version of Genshin accurately has  the “Eclipse” Dynasty listed as the “Black Sun”   Dynasty. This is a reference to a Solar Eclipse  which occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun   and Earth causing the Sun to be obstructed from  the Earth’s point of view - Hence “Black Sun”. According to NASA, a solar eclipse  looks like an eye with the central   “pupil” created by the bright  sun covered by a dark moon…. “but Perinheri did indeed see an illusion. The  crimson moon, hanging high in the pitch-dark   night sky, suddenly turned around, revealing  itself to be a titanic, horrified eye.” This might be a reference to the Herrscher of  Corruption from Honkai Impact which appears   as a crimson eye. Although I do play Honkai  Star Rail and make videos on it, I’m not too   familiar with Honkai Impact lore unfortunately  but feel free to tackle this observation! Now that we’ve covered some of  the historical lore of Khaenri’ah,   what exactly is Perinheri even about? Even  though I’m your leify lore streamer Minsleif   and I read the Genshin Impact lore so that  you don’t have to, I still HIGHLY encourage   you to read books and texts in Genshin  ESPECIALLY this one if you have the time. But if not, I’ll summarize it for  you since I’d love to anyways. During the Crimson Moon Dynasty, Khaenri’ah  became aware of the existence of Descenders   around the time of the Archon War (at least  2000 years ago). In anticipation of the   arrival of these Descenders, Khaenri’ah built  an orphanage to take care of them. Later on,   the orphans of the Kingdom and those who  wandered in from the outside were accepted   as well. This might also include people who  came from Teyvat and stayed in Khaenri’ah. Perinheri seems to be a child who was told by “the  adults” to crawl through a tight chimney-corridor.   At the end of the chimney-corridor they’d  ask him “Are you dead?” The adults refused   to accept any of his answers or pleas to leave  the corridor until he answered “Yes! I’m dead!” The “adults” asked him if he saw it  - the illusion of the moon actually   being a horrified crimson eye. When  Perinheri confirmed he had seen the   illusion, the adults opened the door and  embraced the soot-covered child saying: "You have traversed the fire of two worlds  within the hearth, and here you are reborn.” Perinheri would later stay and presumably  grow up in Khaenri’ah and become a leading   figure amongst the kingdom’s knights.  Perinheri’s best friend was Hleobrant,   a fellow knight, and their friendship  would morph into an unfortunate rivalry… In Volume 2, we learn that the  orphanage welcomed a newcomer:   a beautiful woman named Angelica who claimed to  be a noble princess. During the Archon War, her   nation fell to a god named Deus Auri. She refused  to submit to Deus Auri’s new rule and so she fled   to Khaenri’ah. Recognize the name Deus Auri? You  should cause it’s SUPER familiar trust me. If not,   it’s actually revealed in Neuvillette’s voiceline  to be Rex Lapis. Our beloved Geo harabeoji. Angelica declared that she would marry  the strongest warrior in Khaenri’ah,   and Perinheri’s best friend Hleobrant was  smitten with her. So smitten, in fact,   that he was driven to madness to the point where  he’d cause trouble and randomly fight with the   other knights. Perinheri was incredibly SUS of  Angelica and her bad influence on Hleobrant,   so he devised a plan. Perinheri  was going to kill Angelica. This would cause Angelica and Hleobrant to flee  Khaenri’ah, with Perinheri in pursuit. But once   the three crossed Khaenri’ah’s borders, Hleobrant  turned into a monster as the result of a curse.   Hleobrant was the “the descendant of those  who forsook their god and came to Khaenri’ah.” Here are the BIGGEST takeaways from this story. Volume 1 reveals that Khaenri’ah was searching  for Descenders. What are Descenders exactly? In   the opening cutscene of Genshin, the Unknown  God refers to BOTH Traveler and their Sibling   as “Outlanders.” Outlanders are beings who  have come from outside of Teyvat. Aliens.   Perinheri defines Descenders as beings who can  transcend the gods. This definition is further   expanded upon in the Narzissenkreuz Questline  by Fontainian researcher Rene de Petrichor. Descenders are Outlanders but with extra  steps. Rene concludes that Descenders are   beings that have "wills that can rival an entire  world.” They have the power to create, protect,   sustain, and destroy worlds. He makes a clear  distinction between Outlanders and Descenders   in that not all Outlanders are Descenders.  So Outlanders AND Descenders are both beings   that come from OUTSIDE of Teyvat, they’re both  alien, but the difference is Descenders have   “wills that can rival Teyvat” and transcend  the gods but regular Outlanders don’t. This   is further supported by Nahida’s statement about  Traveler and their Sibling. Traveler is the Fourth   Descender to be identified, but their Sibling is  NOT a Descender, just a regular normie Outlander. And Genshin added something REALLY sneaky  in regards to our Traveler and Sibling… Perinheri’s pronoun changes in Traditional  Chinese depending on which Twin you choose   to be your starting character. If you  choose Lumine you get the female pronoun   for Perinheri and if you choose Aether  you get the male pronoun for Perinheri. I ACTUALLY WENT TO CONFIRM THIS MYSELF.  On my main account Aether is my Traveler,   and for my EU server account  Lumine is my Traveler… The only problem is my EU account  hasn’t been touched in almost 2 years,   and I haven’t even finished the  Mondstadt Archon Quest on it to   unlock the Sumeru Desert Waypoint that takes  you to Fontaine. So I did what I had to do. I traveled from Mondstadt to Chenyu Vale,  then from Chenyu Vale to Fontaine in order   to get to the Fontaine Book Store that  sells Perinheri Volumes 1 and 2 to see   the text change in Traditional Chinese in  order to CONFIRM that this was in fact true. All in the name of lore. Does this mean I did all this to confirm that  Perinheri . . . is actually Traveler? I know   what you’re thinking. This just  makes things EVEN MORE confusing,   and that’s true but it’s also very… INTERESTING. Because we learn several things about Perinheri  in the story. Perinheri is an Outlander since they   successfully “traversed the fire of two worlds”  BUT Perinheri doesn’t seem to be a Descender,   since Angelica states that Perinheri does  not “have the nobility to shoulder a world.” And we JUST established in the Sumeru Archon  Quest that Traveler IS A Descender so how can   Traveler be Perinheri? Perhaps not having the  “the nobility to shoulder a world” just means   Traveler isn’t at their full potential  yet. Perhaps they WILL unlock the will to   rival all of Teyvat LATER. Just note that  Perinheri’s pronoun change is only in the   Traditional Chinese version of Genshin and not  in any other language as far as I’m concerned. But we know for a fact Traveler’s  Sibling ended up in Khaenri’ah. If this is confusing it’s okay, I’m  sure details and speculations will   be clarified with that sweet juicy next  Dainsleif Archon Quest. BUT do you wanna   know something that was made WAYYYY  clearer with the release of Perinheri? The Hilichurl Curse of Genshin Impact. and I know I know we’re gonna cover  the super deadly curse in a sec. But Minsleif, we already know that when you kill  hilichurls you’re essentially killing people so   what do you mean? The information in Perinheri  helps us out A LOT with the Genshin timeline,   especially since it’s a common belief that  hilichurls had come from Khaenri’ah exclusively.   I don’t care how many fanfics you’ve read, but  if Perinheri is reliable then this is the first   time we have the clearest picture of how the  curse works and for how long it’s been around. In the story, Angelica explains that Hleobrant  is “the descendant of those who forsook their   god and came to the Kingdom. This  is why the Kingdom's obstinately   pure-blooded aristocracy persists. This  is the price of betraying your own god.” During the Archon War, there were people  who refused to submit to the newly instated   Archons. This resulted in Celestia putting  a curse on humanity. The people who refused   to live in Teyvat under the jurisdiction of  Celestia’s appointed Archons fled to Khaenri’ah,   the “nation without a god.” If those people went  to Khaenri’ah and tried to come back to Teyvat,   they would turn into hilichurls - them  and their descendants. The pure-blooded   Khaenri’ahn curse operates differently  than this Celestial curse on Teyvatians   since pure-blooded Khaenri’ahns don’t turn into  hilichurls, but we’ll cover that in a future   video. This means that the Celestial curse  has been happening for thousands of years! The Archive states that Hilichurls have  existed for over a thousand years. BUT   their numbers experienced a dramatic increase  500 years ago. This paints a super dark and   very sad picture. In the Caribert Archon  Quest, we know that Khaenri’ah was also   home to immigrant Teyvatians. Perinheri confirms  that those none pure-blooded Khaenri’ahns have   already been cursed for refusing to submit  to the gods… them AND their descendants… So   that increase in hilichurls 500 years  ago? Well when the Cataclysm happened,   and people started fleeing from Khaenri’ah INTO  Teyvat for safety… they turned into monsters. Dang, just imagine you and  your loved ones turning into   monsters and all you’re trying to do is run away. And yes while that’s poetic and  sad, you know what’s even sadder? The possibility that Khaenri’ahns  can’t ever return home… Here’s my theory: This would be the DEADLIEST Curse in Genshin  if it ends up being true. Khaenri’ahns can’t   even return to their destroyed homeland  if they wanted to, cause they’ll die. In the Chasm Archon Quest, Dainsleif tells us  about Khaenri’ah’s national flower: the Inteyvat. If you take this flower out of Khaenri’ah,  the flower hardens. Only when you return it   back to Khaenri’ah, will the petals grow  soft once more and finally turn to dust… At the end Caribert Archon Quest,  Dainsleif and Traveler unearth two bodies:   male and female corpses, the latter being  Caribert’s mother. This male corpse was   buried way after the other body and it  was holding a silk scarf. A silk scarf   Clothar was holding onto when Caribert  went missing. Dainsleif is shocked at the   possibility that this body could be Clothar  Alberich’s meaning Clothar figured out how   to break the curse of immortality that  was placed on pure-blooded Khaenri’ahns. And I know how. He went back home to Khaenri’ah, and died there -  allegorically similar to an Inteyvat. After all,   Khaenri’ah is very close to Sumeru. The Abyss  Order has been trying to revive the nation of   Khaenri’ah, but they can’t because they’ll die  if they step foot in the land. This is probably   why the Loom of Fate is so important - they  need it to break this fatal curse. But then   how did Clothar’s body get buried? It could’ve  been a reborn Caribert. Clothar did say that   Caribert is now the Loom of Fate, free of  the curse and can write his fate anew. If   he has a new body he definitely could’ve  brought his father’s body back to Sumeru   to bury it next to his mother’s. Since only  the two of them would know the burial site. But Khaenri’ah had envoys and diplomats that  could leave the country and come back! This is   true because it was mentioned in the Enkanomiya  World Quest and backed up in Perinheri. I’m   guessing this Fatal Khaenri’ahn Curse was  placed during the Cataclysm 500 years ago,   or hear me out. This is crazy I know, but the  Khaenri’ahn envoys might have been Outlanders.   Descender rejects cause I mean Khaenri’ah  was literally farming for Descenders and   Outlanders. But the Curse being placed 500  years ago probably makes the most sense. Dainsleif mentioned wanting to return “home” at  the end of his journey… but bro he can’t ; - ; It’s that reoccurring theme of being unable  to return home. Teyvatians can’t return to   Teyvat if they’’ve abandoned their gods,  they’ll turn into Hilichurls. Khaenri’ahns   can’t return home because they’ll die  if they step foot on Khaenri’ahn soil. And Traveler and their Sibling can’t return home… Perinheri was actually inspired by the Italian  poem Orlando Innamorato. It’s referenced in the   text as “Hleobrant Innamorato”. The story is  about a paladin named Orlando who is trying to   win the love of a beautiful princess from China  named Angelica. The poem is actually incomplete   since Italy was invaded by French troops headed  by King Charles VII at the time of Boiardo’s   writing. Orlando Furio, the sequel, was written  by Ludovico Ariosto and in it Orlando goes on a   rampage finding out that Angelica had fallen in  love and eloped with a man named Medoro. FUN FACT:   Angelica and Medoro are actually IN FONTAINE.  They’re local legends who can be found in   Salacia Plains. The sequel Orlando Furioso  was written by Ludovico Ariosto. The fact   that this love poem and its sequel were written  by different authors is reflected in Perinheri’s   description - it was a Khaenri’ahn tale that took  several generations and several authors to write. Speaking of Angelica, if she’s supposed to  be a princess from Liyue, then why is her   name “Angelica”? The authors make a note of this  stating: Note that the ancient people of Liyue   did not use such names. Now that I consider it,  her name may have been "Lady Miaoyin" (Lady of   Wondrous Sound) or "Tianwang Nu" (Servant of  Tianwang). The name Tianwang was mentioned in   Genshin’s Developer Insight #4 in regards to  Xiao’s design inspiration. It describes the   well-known Daoist Huaguang Tianwang, a guardian  deity. And his name means “Heavenly King of   Radiant Light”. Angelica being “one who is as a  divine emissary”, the Servant of a Heavenly King,   and later referring to herself as “freedom,  that which has broken free of fate” does   sound suspicious. Now what I’m about to say  next requires prior knowledge about Teyvat’s   EARLIEST history regarding the Primordial era.  But my guess is that she could have been a woman   from a part of the Primordial Civilization  that was ruled by Phanes and the 4 Shining   Shades and settled into what is now Liyue.  The Primordial Civilization was massive and   her nation may have worshipped Primordial gods  before the Celestial Archons came to take over. The name Perinheri is interesting as  well cause when you google it the only   thing that comes up are links to Genshin.  According to the FEW sources I could find,   Perin in Latin means “Beautiful Angel”  with “heri” meaning “yesterday”. Although Perinheri might very crudely  mean Yesterday’s Beautiful Angel,   it could be TODAY’S hint towards  Natlan… see what I did there ;) There’s a line that stood out to me  in the story. "You have traversed   the fire of two worlds within the  hearth, and here you are reborn.” … or Resurrected. Either we’re resurrecting the possibly  dead Pyro Archon, La Signora, or… perhaps…. Something else… If you enjoyed today’s video please LEIF a like  and subscribe and I’ll see you on the next video!   I’m your leify lore streamer Minsleif and I read  the Genshin Impact lore so that you don’t have to.
Channel: Minsleif
Views: 89,004
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Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact trailer, genshin short, genshin lore, genshin impact lore, genshin impact theory, genshin impact analysis, genshin theory, minsleif, minsleif genshin, genshin archon quest, genshin secrets, genshin, archon quest, fontaine archon quest, fontaine recap, archon quest recap, fontaine summary, arlecchino, 4.6 trailer, 4.6 trailer reaction, arlecchino guide, 4.6 recap, 4.6 reaction, natlan, perinheri, story, dainsleif, caribert, khaenri'ah, celestia, fontaine
Id: JtrUUjUmRZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 4sec (1564 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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