Venti and the Hexenzirkel are Planning Something | Genshin Theory Lore

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venti is very likely the most powerful of all the archons I'm not baiting or joking in fact you've probably considered it already there are a lot of Clues scattered about to back up this claim and I'm going to explain each one funny enough the hexen circle is also relevant so I'll be explaining them too this is the unlikely gen gamer and we're about to pull back the curtain on one of vent's Biggest Secrets perhaps the most suspicious clue we have is that venti has seemingly lied about what makes an archon powerful to begin with and by the conventional definition that is found in both the history books and in the mouths of other archons he would be instead of the weakest as he claims the strongest this is what vti had to say about his own strength way back in the beginning of the game the seven as people now know them were once known as the seven archons each archon presides over their own part of tavat that is the role the archons play Only In performing this Duty can we attain power but I don't like the idea of ruling monat and I don't feel monat would really like it either now by his definition of of course this would make him very weak he is in fact the most absentee of archons of those we know this definition would make the ride and Shogun the strongest instead but there is a reason to believe this simply isn't true the first hint was Nita's admittance to her own weakness using the seemingly established notion that an archon's power comes from the people's faith in them sadly her people had no faith in her because of the propaganda of the Academia and it showed as wise as she is her sheer power is lacking and what's more this phenomena has been documented in vent's case as well although he would like for us to believe otherwise in the biography of gun Hilder the illustrious ancient history of Jean's family we learn of the origins of the power of the tiny wind spirit split off of the shade of time who would grow to become the animal archon back then 2,600 years ago de carabian the god of storms was ruling as a tyrant in Old monat now known as storm Terror lirer and outside the walls of his brutal Windswept Kingdom were unbearable blizzards from Andreas the wolf who was de carabian Nemesis the gun Hilder Clan were the Tyrant King's Knights but eventually could no longer stomach his cruelty and so they left him and the city and suffered in the storms of snow outside the city walls instead the clan Chief's daughter Gilder would become the namesake of the clan through the Deeds that followed just when all hope seemed to be lost for the wandering Clan a spirit from the midst of the Myriad winds heard gilder's prayers the sincere plea of a clan Chief's young daughter joined with a people's Cry of help a cry that the blizzard had all but drowned out and became a faith the faith gathered in front of the wind spirit like water flowing into a spring and became the source from which the wind spirit Drew its power the wind spirit used this power to make a small shelter for the clan and bestowed upon the clan Chief's daughter the power to protect this is an excerpt from the biography and after this and the eventual victory over de carabian a constant that remained and grew was the people's faith in the wind spirit led by gun Hilder whose descendants established the church Faith in that wind spirit has become an actual Faith No Other archon is woried in this traditional sense if the prayers and songs that gave that tiny winds Spirit strength back then are what Barbara the Deaconess a gun Hilder descendant and the rest of sisters at the church singing praises to ventti every day I dare say the people's faith in him is astronomical but then we also have another point which many people have noted before which is the fact that the grand game of chess that seems to be being played by powerful unseen entities featured venes nosis as the most powerful piece in the game the queen now the nosis is a curse according to skir formed from the remains of a powerful dead descender to encase the knowledge and power of the seven primordial elements the ones that corresponded to the dragons of old and all the other splinters of these elements for example the god of storms was stamped out during the archon war yes we all know this familiar history now but why are they designed in the shape of chess pieces and is the queen attributed to animal or to the animal archon that is to say is animal the strongest element in the game does it contain the most profound knowledge or was ventti awarded the nosis with the most power on that figurative board because he in particular was deserving of it I'm inclined to think that the nois pieces contain the element that corresponds to their positions in the game which would mean that animals reach and influence just like that of the queen outstrips those of the other elements if the animal element really does enjoy such Prestige then it would lend Credence to the reason why monat as much as no one wants to admit it is in the crosshairs of some not most of the most powerful entities in the world of tat like the abyss the conans and the witches which brings me to the hexen circle the fact that this mysterious Club of powerful women have set their sights on monset is very telling way back in the day we got our first introduction to that name from Lisa The Witch of the Purple Rose who told us that it was an organization who studied herol which she had no interest in joining back then we didn't even know what Mel was fast forward to now and the picture is much clearer irol is the literal data storage and render engine of tat it's the very backbone of the entire natural system of the world and there are powerful people studying it a circle of witches called the hexen circle which in fact means circle of witches in Old Germanic there appear to be eight members but Alice didn't make it clear whether that was just the current membership or if there are only ever eight of these four have had their power level so to speak pretty clearly defined by events in the game up to this point when you consider their comparative power in the world of tavat you'll realize why it is very interesting that the likes of them have converged on monat putting down Roots there and even challenging venti for an unknown reason in the distant past Alice The Eccentric pyom Mage who is C's doting mother is perhaps the best known in terms of how powerful she is albo describes her as near omnipotent she can raise the golden apple archipelago a mysterious well-hidden island chain at will to give her daughter a summer holiday she easily gave Refuge to a very powerful flee oenid after the cataclysm and is definitely aware of various descenders I'm certain that she is secretly keeping tabs on the traveler sibling in fact she could very well be an alien to tat too you see we Garner more clues about her than you may think from the collected miscellanies she's voiced most notably wers in that video she reveals that the heril edit he did had no effect on her and she tells us that she has been given a task of studying tat and its rules which allows her certain Liberties it's implied elsewhere where that she may very well be able to become invisible moving around unseen there's also another reason I think she is from somewhere else in an obscure line most may have forgotten spoken by the self-destructive Adventurer xong we find out that Alice made a very specific reference that immediately led me to believe that she is aware of or from Earth XI Chong voicing her hopes of making a name for herself and conquering unknown territory like the chasm borrowed a phrase from Alice saying the chasm may be her Rubicon what is a Rubicon well depending on who you ask you might hear that it's a line of americanmade jeeps known to be robust but they in turn are named after a morsel of history that Alice shouldn't be able to know it refers to a turning point in Julius Caesar's campaign to conquer the Roman Republic leading to the forming of the Empire he famously crossed this River named the Rubicon saying the die is cast and this action effectively declared war on the provinces of the Republic which he knew it would the word came to represent crossing a point of no return or committing to something risky wholeheartedly and while this is very fascinating the question is why does Alice know this term obviously there is no equivalent situation in that the traveler and XI Chong didn't understand it either and eventually chocked it up to Alice's experience as an adventurer experience indeed she is known as an elder amongst the hexen circle next we have Nicole Cod named n who is very much aware of the nature of heril perhaps more than the keeper of heril herself Nita she is aware of its structure and that edits can be done to it but is immune to these edits herself she can speak into the minds of people at will something only one directly connected to heril can do and can even advise on ways to circumvent pre-ordained eventualities apparently aware of backdoors in the system she even seems to know the future which nahita told us is the ultimate kind of wisdom one not even she herself can no then we have barbalo Mona's Master according to Mona she's an extremely powerful Visionary one who would have the capability to scry the fortunes of everyone inat at once you see Mona explained that to foresee the outcome of something as vastly felt as the flood in Fontaine which would have repercussions on everyone in tat it would take more than a mere astrologist but instead a Visionary and a powerful one at that but that barbalo could do it she also appears to be extremely old and then of course we have gold or Rin daughter perhaps the most formidable of them all Gold's many Deeds are probably well known by now but they still bear mentioning rinter is a researcher from cona but is also described as a flower not of this world her most notable Deeds are the creation of the Abyss creatures durine elus the massive dragon that plagued Fontaine and gave rise to the melines the devastating riff Wolves and the golden wolf king among others she's also credited with beginning the cataclysm using her art of chemia that killed at least three archons and her most prized creation is her genius son albo the successful product of the primordial human project the magnitude of that particular achievement is shrouded in mystery but I can tell you that after studying the works and theories that narciss and Cruz of Fontaine understood in his time it's safe to say that a primordial human is of the utmost importance and to cap off this illustrious list of devastating achievements she is a contemporary to caloi the foul skirk Master the two of them being the type of people who consider the all devouring narwhal a pet now my question is why is it that the likes of gold Alice Nicole and barbalo as well as the others would challenge venty what did they want from him I'm especially interested in whether they challenged him as a whole seems like Overkill right or not and how did he go from being in their crosshairs to now being the safekeeper of some of their most prized possessions like the special Lantern to Signal their Gatherings Alice's precious daughter CLE and gold chalk prints if you think about it a lot of stuff is hidden in monat like con's Last Hope and even the mysterious book The Pale Princess and the six pygmies which the abyss insists contains hidden secrets is tucked away in vent's domain I think the answers to these these questions are being hidden from prying Eyes by the facade of lacad isical excess that ventti Faithfully upholds he seems to be playing a game that even some of the other archons aren't privy to obviously this is why we haven't gotten his second story Quest yet now if that isn't enough to convince you that he's hiding something serious I've saved the best one for life last as I was making my video analyzing fontaine's orphan situation I realized that monat is as happy as it is not only because of their laid-back nature but because of something ventti is doing to them I think the songs venty is so fond of are a secretive powerful tranquilizer now before you dismiss this hear me out diona gives us a clue that such a thing is possible in the Poetry event back in version 4.2 with Calo the oenid it became clear that as a powerful Hydro Elemental being Calo was able to bestow diona with a gift that makes every drink she prepares a delight to the recipient even if it's poison because some of the stuff diona mixes together should not be consumed but it never fails to work Calli Ro herself was in turn soothed and replenished in power by vent's music when she took up residence in Springville Pond the sounds of vent's liar were also able to bring Shia back from the brink of Madness easing the pain of the accumulated evil in him from his constant war with the curses that stain Leo [Music] and if not for the interruption of the traveler way back when he was soothing Devin there might not have been a storm Terror chapter of the story because ventti was effectively reversing the Abyssal corruption in the dragon before the magic was messed up music is the backbone of monat songs sung in praised to Venti or by him himself constantly serenate the people rendering most of them them almost carelessly unburdened and his songs and bar Tales are probably hiding a myriad of truths about tat tucked away from the altering power of hero this mysterious wind spirit who can bring voices back from the distant past and carry lost souls to their rest who is now a friend to a circle of witches who seem to hold the world in their hands is definitely hiding something big at this point I'm not even sure whose side he's really on so what about you does ventti seems sus or do you think he really is the helpless part he wants everyone to believe he is let's discuss it in the comments and to everyone who subscri subscribes shares likes and sends super thanks my way thank you immensely and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: The Unlikely Genshin Gamer
Views: 67,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Venti the anemo archon, genshin imapct lore on venti, what is venti hiding, who are the hexenzirkel, are the hexenzirkel bad, who is alice, is gold bad genshin impact, lore about the hexenzirkel
Id: 9c_Peo36nvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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