24 HOURS to HELP a SAD Theme Park in Minecraft!

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hey everyone we are crew and welcome to the theme park the spooky theme park abandoned the theme park is on the brink of shutting down forever we are going to set out on an epic journey to earn tickets repair rides and restore the park to its former glory i'm so excited wow look at this place come on guys what are we waiting for let's go restore this place wow you see that we're the chosen ones so magical dramatic the theme park how could this place be abandoned it's so cool draco says closed forever i guess we don't need to take it fireworks hello he sounds like a villager yeah how many tickets please [Music] did you not see the signs yeah i'm afraid you'll simply have to go home shut no no out of order hmm what happened well i suppose it can't hurt i'll tell you yeah how did your park get down you know hey you listen here magnificent cotton candy man stop oh no you see it all started a few weeks ago everything was normal but then oh it was as if all the joy suddenly left the ice cream oh level what the rides started breaking down and everyone was too sad to repair them things huh you want to help me i guess we'll help well i guess it could be hard to let you try yeah split into three themed sections each with their own problems that you'll need to solve if you want to save the park the train station up ahead will take you to the first section the fantasy king if you can cheer up my son boris i'm sure he'll fix the ride for you boris come in larry larry what where does that boy keep disappearing to are you okay sir larry who's he talking sarah looks like rainbow's father rainbow is this your father yeah i want to look like him i want to look like i hear one more time about how the seagulls are planning on taking over the whole park i'm going to lose my marble okay okay okay we got it we got it whoa is it me or is everyone at this park really tall what did i just yeah what did i just throw in the trash quite funny we're just really short yeah there's toilets here oh draco can you go take your washroom break no are you sure yet i'll need to go when it's impossible it looks broken though okay wait foreign oh my gosh fresh popcorn what if you need that for the train later i crave popcorn give me more popcorn wait i actually got popcorn look dude you guys you guys need to save our tickets for the train oh yeah oh wait guys listen to rainbow what but what's got rainbow ice cream tickets i okay i i know i missed my ice cream lady with the ice cream it's rainbow's mom just kidding wait why are my parents both here ice cream i gave you a ticket give me ice cream here you go dan ice cream soft serve ice cream hey mom for free [Music] didn't respond to you ah um just one more please here you go there one pink soft serve ice cream my favorite oh pink soft serve ice cream is her favorite is it because her hair it looks like don't waste it on ice cream gold you can't tell me not to spend my tickets on ice but there's pink donuts over here yeah over here it's so cool okay um i'm in love with this place like actually me too give me this i want to live here forever and ever and ever and ever and ever ever oh look at this you guys it's my brother over there jerry hold up do you own this theme park rainbow please one donut for me uh i think i wasted all my tickets i have four tickets i have four tickets today i'm spending mine for something good okay let's just talk to this guy yeah it's my brother hey jerry what's an ice cream's favorite breakfast waffles like and subscribe if you like waffles i think that's the train station that we have to go to oh i wonder please keep your arms and legs inside the carriage at all times any unattended children will be vaporized wait wait wait wait sorry uh supervised all unattended children will be supervised and escorted together i think we're not children right it's a friend are you sure we're all tinier than everyone oh it opened come on guys get on get on are we all going out can we all get on it hurry get out of the room yes what's going on see you later guys okay really draw me a two-seater uh-huh come on would you like a donut no i am saving my tickets you can have your donut okay well can you give me some tickets i totally no i won't throw it on the outside you cannot have my tickets you're going to waste them on donuts whoa look at the fantasy kingdom is so cool where is everyone now i don't see that behind kingdom a mystical kingdom shroud um well it's a castle but what more do you want the announcer's kind of sassy gold is that like your other sister yeah it's my cousin my sexy cousin she's very sassy i love it oh there we go here's our stop we should wait for that hello oh it looks like great hi we are waiting on rainbow huh i had to ride the monorail alone but rainbow you had food oh she's there hello rainbow hello thank you for waiting yes come on let's hurry up and save this amazing place it's quite dirty here but it is about cleaning it someone else can do that huh [Music] oh this is fantasy i see bump fingers it looks amazing yes there's a tree house tons of games for us to play it looks fine to me yeah oh no i was just talking about those does that goop look toxic yeah why is it raining oh mr fluffy wampus where could you have gotten too blumpy oh is that the mayor's son yup maybe he lost his dog sir boris yeah his pet sir boris by any chance have you lost a fellow puppy or a cat who goes there this section of the park is closed by order of the oh you're not a visitor did my father send you no we are visitors i was starting to lose all hope you see my noble steed fluffy whompers vanish from his stables unable to leave my post to search for him hmm would you accept a quest from a knight of the kingdom and search the fair for him i'm sure he can't have gone far oh thank you affair i dread to think what might have become of him [Music] return my valiant stee to me and you shall be richly rewarded richly rewarded oh does that mean ticketing tickets wait they took all my tickets yeah i should have we should have just spent them all cold don't be sassy dessert forest now let's go find me what is it fluffy butter waffle paws fluffy but not oh do we just follow these sparkles by any chance this is sparkly gold sparkles wow does anyone see tracks of a horse anywhere are you sure i thought it would be like a dog a dog but noble steed noble still search the fair for sir boris's noble steed fluffy wampus or to me fluffy um i think we're getting distracted hold on each hit gets tickets what we have to put the boat down sorry i'm sorry distracted we have to save this place but rainbow it's my favorite type of game this is wait this is cold isn't this no i never win this okay we have to try it really want to try this tennis ball smack no okay yeah yeah what do you mean i knocked all of them this is always rigged yeah you have to hit the center funny gold you're not hitting the center oh see oh it's red gold i'm pretty sure it's rigged rigged it's not rigged drag wire [Music] she literally didn't lose okay one more toss ah gold it will forever be raked you did it funny you did it let's go no you're just checking me yeah you did it fine i'll go find fluffy butt but i really want to play lumpus no let's go oh guys are here what what yeah right there the explanation mark fluffy butts at the pier fluffy butt oh yeah prizes what the it's so fun though we gotta play teddy bears so cute let's spin the wig what do you think you're doing nothing oh lost his horse yeah that does sound serious he's quite upset wait it's not the one up there is it wait there's a horse what where i would just give it to you but well it's against the park rules i'm afraid but as a team could win it with prize tickets though just play some fair games and you'll have enough in no time no evil [Music] rubber ducky that's rainbow's favorite yes i will save flappy wampus oh shrimp i'm getting strength [Music] these games are going to be quite easy for us bullseye yeah golden funny gothic because they are free matilda oh back already looks like you have enough tickets what you know what what i'll even let you spin you put us here oh it's cause we already played yeah we're bad playing yeah just let us spin it spin the wheels i don't know oh no we have to go no i didn't get any oh wait got it please fluffy butt fluffy it doesn't land on fluffy wampus do we not get it this is unacceptable there's no such thing as gotchas and carnivals okay everyone let's split up no let's not split let's just go to the first one which is that's true let's go together this is a card over here step aside step aside proud winner of medium-sized consolation stuffy teddy bear here and i am going to hook a duck how many ducks can you hold a lot of ducks [Applause] i'm going to get myself a good um i'm not hooking that guy wait can i just go in here and smack the ducks what rainbow you're struggling i'm getting ducks can you cast me a duck please you guys just push luck okay rainbow we're pushing it to you pick it up rainbow you're really bad at this you try it's really hard hook a duck okay you just hook up a ducka uh-huh not so easy huh i don't get it how do you get it out this is rigged why are we doing it wrong jump this is more rigged than the real life [Applause] let's hook duck for a prize okay ducky just get your butt up here doc ducky duck [Music] you know what i think of these decks go on the floor delivery guys we just need to make sure that we get enough tickets because i don't even know how much times we could spin that wheel there you go i am super strong i can get all the tickets from this game easy watch this are you sure you have the strength of his pretty heavy [Music] [Applause] you need to flex your muscles i'm just i'm just pressing space bar you know what i give up this machine is a roaster it's just roasting me i got it i got it boom come on this should be easy look at these cute moles go down i already hit you funny am i doing good i'm hitting them with pure accuracy right now look at this gold you're just swinging your hammer around can i smack him i'm sorry moles i don't want to whack you but that is the point of the game rainbow there's just how many tickets a lot i have 20 i almost have 30. the moles are gone oh wait a minute what if you stand in front of this what does it look like wow please before i go back to the prize booth one more throw i just i just want it to all fall down guys i walked away so they didn't give me my tickets to raid i was going to go up close like this funny funny you can't do it i'm sorry we have to leave fantasy kingdom yes okay no ten more tickets for the wheel and we got lots of tickets matilda the fluffy bite the fluffy butt she doesn't even care fluffy give the flesh oh my goodness every time please ah someone's spinning the leash the least matilda could do is give us other prizes pity prizes are you kidding me do we have to do a fluffy wampus ritual or something like do we need places i will do the fluffy one-piece dance go go dragon wampus fluffy wampus fluffy wampus [Music] come on keep taking your tickets we missed i only have seven tickets left fluffy one fist what oh well i imagine boris um sir boris will be wanting his horse back you should probably get it back to him right away you could stay and earn more prizes if you want no i'm not going anywhere there's no more you a robot matilda are you a robot i think i do want that shark hat guys come on there's some cute prizes i like that balloons ones if i keep spinning the wheel will you give me a prize look there's a bear balloons pinwheel cool rc car what'd you get [Music] i can't pick it up what did i get what did i get oh you got nothing that was a sack that's the wow wow you can spend all day here lucky lucky wheel give me a race car oh what did i get thank you it's a teddy bear here i thought you're gonna place it down again and waste it should i put that hat look at that hat someone just get that hat please we can't leave without that tickets left real actually cursed are you kidding me oh my god oh my gosh you placed it down i'm sorry oh we can pick it up back there punch oh my gosh is back oh okay i got a car oh we finally got all the prizes show me yes look i got this angry bear one which is super rare it's not even a different way i think it's a mistake wait what so cute you haunted whoa hey very cool minecraft balloons i also got this you spawn it down funny oh yes finally the shark wait what is it oh it's wait i thought it was a fish we have shark fit oh it's a pack cool we actually you like shark fireworks baby shark wait baby shark um no no gold that looks dangerous the firework uh there it goes oh it's running away wow wait the baby shark follows us oh my gosh okay this is too cute eat all our food all right guys back on track we gotta go give fluffy butt back oh wait before we get back i really need a drink because i'm super thirsty i've always needed a pot done yep so please tickets an orange soda also i noticed when i was exploring this map there is something on top of this treehouse look be careful there's radioactive waste yeah there's a golden coin i don't know what it does i don't know we need coins we're ticket people yeah we want tickets [Music] don't do that to me again i'm not going to let you out of my sight thank you stranger you've made me the happiest you're welcome i mean you have done me a great favor today returning my nobles i am sir boris and as a reward for your service i shall enlist you as my trusty squire i love being a squire we shall restore this once fair kingdom to its former glory my father would be mortified if he ever saw the rotten state i i mean my last squire allowed the bumper cars to fall into as my new squire it is now your privilege to assist me in fixing their backup god to fix the bumper cars you have already proven yourself a most brave adventurer and this task will require the bravest of the brave we are the bravest you must bench can't you give us a better time from this kingdom past these mighty walls into the shadow lands where mere mortals are afraid to venture i think you're being dramatic cleaning supplies utility closet i shall remain behind to guard the castle okay to the cleaning supplies scary i'm terrified where is it i think i know i know i see it it's an exclamation point he said from the darkest lands no mortal human can survive dibs out on cleaning so dibs out fine i will do the cleaning i will mop away the danger i'll do the champion do we just go around oh yeah we just go around wait guys oh i think they're bad i don't think they're bad i told you i was asking if they're robots i think they're oh they're just cleaning yeah robots oh you guys are making everything mop in the bucket here's the cleaning supplies i got it that's a spray bottle we gotta return well um that wasn't as dramatic or yeah as scary as i thought it would be as boris described it i thought as a squire we were going to battle a dragon or something you know no rainbow this is the dragon park yeah and this is clearly a pink dragon that breathes out water horse where did you go oh oh come on yeah we have to fix the bumper cars whoa look how cool it looks i hope they give us free passes to hang out at this park later me less talking more cleaning chops all right let's clean it already yeah hey gold what are you doing i'm just observing you guys clean on my race car you could clean that i'm going to try cleaning this corner oh you can't maybe we need to mop it i cleaned mine come on clean damn bam from room oh are we done we're done it was just cleaning let's play bumper cars we gotta go upstairs buy gold okay oh we're getting distracted wait wait wait i'm sorry i just got distracted this way guys it's so fun sir boris do you see how clean the bumper cars are ah there you are did you find the cleaning supplies yes excellent wow now i'm going to investigate the control switches and see just how badly damaged they are which leaves the honor of cleaning the bumper cars to you wow great job squire oh no no no no no sir boris this park is a disaster i wonder why you guys are close oh [Music] the last time the ride broke are you okay boris speak to her if you can win enough prizes from the lucky block spin wheel huh i can use their parts to repair the control panel oh no sorry noblesville no we have that we got a bunch i need you once more five prizes oh no it's too easy we prepared for this mm-hmm i'm sorry i don't think boris just wants stuff please it's not going up i think we actually have to go to the wheel again no no take it sir no we got already earned it we got them just a little bit ago boris back to square one there's the prizes i'll never lose you again i promise yeah i think we do everything around here just kidding yeah that's done it the ride's back in order why aren't you now my loyal squire i have found your service invaluable but i knew this day would always come what do you mean it's time for you to become a knight of europe there is just one last test you must pass a joust anchor a joust with this is so cool we definitely could beat sir boris because sir boris has a baby sir boris and then there's strong night sir boris and fluffy wumpus get on a bumper car and let's get him oh he jumped okay oh we got really aggressive fluffy wumpus retreat everyone bump into him come on guys oh he's hurting me bump into sir boris wow don't let your force bump into us yeah we're fine all right let the jousting begin wow [Music] this is so rude okay i'm getting it prepare to die boris power bumper attack boris come on we're so close two more hits you have met us [Music] before i see it looks like i've trained you well fair squire you didn't trade recognition of your fine service i shall name you a knight of the kingdom wow everyone yes dreadforce uh i will courtesy wow what an incredible name the kingdom is saved and it's all thanks to you it is ice cream are you happy yesterday grand reopening oh yes how about you go and tell my father about all the amazing work you've done here okay he's waiting in the train station farewell noble knight very well farewell hello we bring great news from your son done it wow you may actually save the park thank you you doubted us where are my menace my name is reginald parker the park manager if you're ready i've reopened the monorail to pirate cove oh pirate here there's been some kind of mutiny talk to seabert fletcher when you arrive he's in charge over there i thought we saved mutiny i feel like there's a pirate that is a traitor amongst someone in the cove let's take our stations back everyone i wanna ride i wanna ride or you'll walk the plank we will rocky plank to pirate cove do you think they have treasures there of course it's a pirate would you like a soft serve shark hey carriage in front of us you suck carriage behind us i'm spitting so then it goes to you wow that is so gross who's from here is that just don't see that spread you what's it we arrived ah you mean pirates here we are ah too much puns here for rainbow [Music] ooh pirate cove is a cute place what do you think they serve here octopus tentacles squid seafood draco's favorite i don't like this place giant deep deep-fried fishies for draco that pirate ship though oh lagrange oh the captain looks quite angry everybody needs to stop dropping their ice cream or deep in thought [Music] hello can we have your ice cream sea bird seabird fletcher we arrived from the other kingdom we're not going to have a castle yes we are nights hello who goes because that stole me leg hey you wouldn't be looking to join a crew would you now we're done from that seagull and i'll make a pirate audio matey this is awkward we're already a crew but we will take that from that seagull give his mouth like that yeah he knew this eagle oh my god great anyone craving a fried chicken timmy across here tight rope over here guys wrong way what this build is right here yeah are you kidding me running out the door they're talking about the tightrope i think we have to walk it dracco funny you missed a chance for your pun you should have said argue you kidding me oh you got no rainbow that is why i am getting the dumb seagull who stole the peg leg and i'm totally afraid of heights and i don't think you're trained for that no i hope i don't need to walk the tightrope we'll catch you you don't need to okay you know what just walk the tightrope yeah this is entertaining on the floor he's right here i'm waving from you actually okay like let me walk come back here where are you going siegel oh yeah you don't need to walk the tightrope no you gotta come back you're already up there though you might as well walk the other half and come back down we'll meet you on the other side no i'm going let me get down here is there fall damage no no why would you do that where's the seagull right there it get it smack it and give me your leg come on hurry up are you serious so do i and i don't want to be here the seagull is coming here are you trying to show us get out of here just blow it off again oh great stop flying you hit it what are you trying to show us i wish i could fly hey get away from that tnt rolly bird it's in dragon stomach how do we get up there does anyone have a bow and arrow no no no i think we just gotta ride i have the perfect angle come here oh no his happiness is going down there now oh we gotta hurry all right seagull we're walking the type rope once again just to get this seagull that is really messing with us you should have just stayed there that's like parkour i think it's on this left side whoop and seagull you better stop being annoying give us the peg leg trick it with cheese where'd it go are you kidding me where are you it just it's going back okay you guys watch down there jack was just gonna hit the bird yeah we're gonna catch it straight ahead oh my goodness come on come on dragon you guys you got this come on just get the peg just get the pig come on drop that leg no no this is a goose chase oh my god good job finally come on draco jump down pop the peg leg for you sir you did it i've got my neck back yeah let's dance welcome to the crew i'm kidding you may have noticed the place be looking a teeny bit shabby it looks really shabby and missing the crew have been slacking off and not keeping the place looking seated oh that's not us now yeah that's not us show me what you've got don't give up give the place a good old-fashioned scrub more seriously guys i love cleaning there's a lot of trash let's just split up we just pick it up look at all the loitering around here there's so much yeah no wonder why this place is closed jackie you go over there i'm too lazy i'm going yeah you clean that this place is the dirtiest look there's literally a garbage can right there you could have just threw it in the recycling water bottles yeah we're done we don't like plastic water bottles all right wait no we're not done i have to clean these we can't be done looking bunny work done we do the minimum amount of work we are the pirates that's wait now we are done reporting back all trash is gone would you look at the place i could see me face clear as gay in these floors if it weren't for me beard [Laughter] you're so funny with your help we'll have the old log flume ride up and running again before reggie's finished polishing his monocle are someone be sabotaging me water supply i reckon the seagulls why are you guys nemesis sailing master who could investor against oh wait i do [Music] that's where all the points be [Music] well looks like we gotta go fix some pipes like you and that seagull haven't been dead against each other but we're not dealing with that yeah yeah we're just here to fix the flume ride we are not technicians but we are going to repair this flume ride let's go have you made it down there mate we have like going myself the hot steam makes me leg shrink ouch it's okay we got you whoa whoa whoa you need to release some pressure from the vacuum spin the things we'll have to finish ourselves let's go guys what we're just gonna randomly spin is that a smart idea it's [Music] time for a puzzle a nice shower our face puzzle okay well that just let go of the water oh that that's that that's okay and this you need to stop the water get the water down here let the water out no there you go yeah easy yay wait more uh oh where are you masters i don't know it's good there's more it's giving us another puzzle [Music] let the water go down da da da da da easy okay water down yep there you go wait it's that easy okay we're clearly too clever no more oh no no you need to drop that oh sorry it just goes in and it doesn't reach wait what you just have to you guys just open this one open this thing yeah you have to open this one what rainbow said we don't know which one that is yeah how was that oh there someone just got it who keeps clicking back and forth i don't know which one's that one it's this one it's that one and which was that one this is that and that is this and that is oh fletcher has some anger hmm we have a water pipe there and we have to get it all the way here water has no smell this puzzle looks a lot trickier yeah we gotta get the water down unhook that no nope this one oh there and then lift that the middle it's not the middle it must be it's working okay somewhere up here where is the place for this should be a big red button probably it's over here oh a big red button probably isn't it always a big red button i feel like it should be a lever they didn't say it was a lever see you later i'm going to go turn it on first get out of here later i see i see the light i'm going to turn it on i see the button is it my head oh oh no no no no it's another broken machine broken oh you mix it again oh it works oh okay let's just go meet siebert at the water fountain high scores cool i wonder what that means meh ah there you are quartermaster the war is flowing again it's almost enough to bring a tear to this old champion's eye cry now you probably think you're something special don't yes we do you have done well for yourself i'll give you that but i bet you can't beat me record on the old log blue thing only me last first mate ever beat me before she left to explore the wild west no one's never come close since beat it and i'll make you me first mate on the spot let's start the ride everyone get on i don't know how many players it is six three three okay maybe i think it's three per boat all right the three games you're already 13 seconds wait what we're already out yeah you're already too lazy wait you're telling me it's just a racing game mm-hmm oh i guess who's like i don't know don't drag out sea birds time for three minutes three minutes oh there's coins you need to collect those if you guys don't beat it you're gonna be like boris and get a delicious nacho fries okay we don't want delicious nacho fries actually yes we do but we don't want to do that do not finish not to complete no we don't want that draco just go shortcut keep going your time to beat is three minutes and two seconds three minutes you're a minute in and we're kind of struggling with the hill battle draco come on i've never seen it slow on a water slide before i know i think this ride would be more like you know they push us through but it's more of a ride oh get that money no you should have gotten it i didn't get it guys come on we're in the rafters do not run into that that's i am steering the boat get out of here come on you better watch out for old karen she's a hoist just did not do that pull the kraken whoa luna don't run into the kraken it's okay i got this i'm an expert boat rider are you sure i can't really see where we're going i always use your hat are we almost at the end gold rainbow do you see us um no lunar two minutes come on dude i'm trying so slow i don't see you well it's your fault for bringing me to be the kid because it's no time to fight i'm gonna swim in the water and see how close you are stop fighting stop fighting just drive this thing turning another hill okay i hate hill two minutes two minutes oh yes oh yes we completed it expert ryder luna [Laughter] that's all right are we back you didn't complete it i accidentally rainbow completed it we could have just cheated i went like this oh our we are pirate crew and we're back from that adventure first mateys now yeah building quite the reputation around here you know thanks dad i've already let baby in the wild west adventure know you're coming rather worryingly her response was ah oh no they're taking me away oh reginald are you okay you should probably get over no she probably got kidnapped by bandits oh you're right mirror that's i don't think they are understood yeah the mirror is quite um oblivious while there we're gonna go save them from the wild west bandits and once again another sassy ride get on with luna oh luna what brings you here on this monorail you see i'm gonna put trash on this monorail because i'm getting quite tired you know there's nothing still around trash why are you still holding trash though i'm just going to litter don't do this to make this place happy don't do that in your life it's bad but i'm just going to see the trash looser i've been hearing some pretty nasty chatter over the radio won't be catching me wandering over there those animatronics give me the heavy dvds animatronics i don't like animatronics neither oh tennis balls or pickles i don't know the tennis balls have snacks right here oh that's scary it's the ball ride it looks out of control that's a pretty bowl ah a minecart what i would expect in a wild west part of the theme park and especially minecraft [Music] look at the animatronics don't tell me we're supposed to hit the animatronics really we need to go to the jailhouse oh yeah just one broken animatronic we're going oh i thought you were a food machine i'm out ice cream that's the saloon can we go to the saloon i want to get it nah before we don't get a trailhouse let's put away our crowbars we look a little fuss walking yeah that's true calm down the aggression is too much jack will put the yellow ball away right here this glittering floor please don't hold the two yep go smarter you go let's go start a problem oh dude oh my gosh stop it a girl [Applause] [Music] thank you ella let's open this for you howdy i love daisy's hair thank you kindly you're welcome those animatronics were madder than a wet hand i don't know what that means wait yeah hero reginald's being yapping out about yes yes we are i could use the help i suppose sir crew and first maker partner yeehaw place is going kennywampus what does that mean everywhere the people here figure out what went wrong and come up with a solution think you can buy me some time yeah whoa whoa maybe hold your horses partner i haven't told you what he's doing yet well we're just gonna go beat up things we'll smack every robot about to take a look for me anyone want to tame that and i'm trying you should stop trying to attack us we're clearly five people thank you oh i took it nice yeah hmm some wild ketchup and mustard i'm getting distracted i love some wild ketchup and mustard ah lunar's getting beat up by a hun scare no robot there's the bull yep now be careful old billy ain't gonna let you close to him without a fighter you're not scared [Music] get the tennis balls wait attack attack oh wild be careful there's a lot of animatronics back here guys come on go go dude your shark is opie i know right imagine if we got more of that back yeah oh okay get billy though we're getting distracted billy no stop [Music] you will be a good animatronic okay come on i got it whoa did we break it i hope not maybe we broke it to fix it that's it not yet come on draco that doesn't match the last one it was challenging but we did it yeah a lot good wrangler ball billy you've got your partner thank you nice to meet you it's all figured out do you wait holy macaroni now look at what they're gonna do all my sheep are running wild sheep you're gonna have to get out we're just talking about macaroni to their pen take my lasso with you watch out for more of those animatronics this is the animatronic chiefs this is literally what she does in minecraft [Music] oh the pen's over here gold oh the pen's over here guys okay come on i'll get it you guys oh crawler you're back at the crawler bag all right yeah no rainbow strawberry there you go parker nice that was easy let's go back to daisy yeah rainbow you beat them up yeah get him taco don't bring the sheep out daisy all of the sheep are in the pen but it started raining might be original donut just think the sun comes up to hear him crow now where was i before the shape escaped oh here it goes flashback time [Music] oh right you see back before you showed up i was working on a prototype to take the wild west venture to a whole new level a fully independent artificial intelligence called thomas i was just attaching the remote override chip when that hot pollutant park manager called me over to fix the stupid coffee machine again oh and then the animatronics went rogue look they went haywire by the time i made it back the whole town had descended into mayhem will hush my mouth lara must have went and turned on thomas ah partner you're going to have to find your way through the backstage area locate the control room and activate the manual override switch that save the day the rogue animatronics and order my precious town what are you waiting for don't get them yeah can we get a yeehaw in the comments for daisy yeehaw no there's the backstage that we have to fix roller coaster let's open this more animatronics bye see you later yeah our goal is to just go to the backstage and fix everything so you guys can stop going rogue on us see you later we're not going to even be bothered with you me what make the left make her not take the left well i am the maze master so goodbye leading the way oh there's vents okay you know what i'll find a way and i'll tell you guys i found a light okay and then go up oh thanks you're so helpful you're very welcome oh wow um burp i did something i see something scary oh gosh it's big thomas thomas thomas has like nothing compared to the balls i'm low on health i don't want to uh you know okay guys come on we can't die remember we diet resets so get rid of these medium-sized people then get the tallest person in the room thomas i'm going straight for the tallest person in the room get the legs tall you know the one thing about tall people they can't see you so you go for the legs go for the waist and you can knock them over there you go easy we just have to turn that on no way no puzzles there you go nice yeah look at that happiness bar return to daisy outside over here we are back from the control room put it in a suit and take it to prom you did it she says the audience now i understand these euphemisms have so much potential he'll be sorely missed by no one nobody i don't miss him um the whole put you in jail of action for quite a while i know you probably got to get going saving the day someplace else but yeah there's a roller coaster that needs a test what yeah no no no no [Music] rainbow what they should test the roller coaster without people on it not testing with people on it it's probably fine go on yeah what's the fun in that yeah you first okay oh you guys are it's just a minecraft coaster okay well get on the one behind me because let's see this roller coaster it's a nice coaster and all but i can't really see what's in front because of these gold ingots covering don't forget to throw your tennis balls that's what my tennis balls are for they're for extra points okay i got it oh the target i missed it let's get the extra points [Music] hey it's pretty easy no come on let me get that there you go hello luna behind me do you see my shark it's going i'm concentrating on the targets i cannot pay attention to you right now target target i should have bought more tennis balls before playing this because i only have 16 left and this ride is pretty bumpy dude the tennis balls matter i think it's just for fun ah sign sign sign oops missed that so far this ride is pretty safe a little uh bumpy but i don't feel like i'm falling out just yet nope whoa whoa look at this whoa this coaster is amazing it is cool out of all the rides you get tickets for hitting the targets oh that's what you get got it i think i'm going to the major dip lunar you better be ready this is like gonna be the highest dip dip dip dip oh looking backwards is so creepy dip no dip just targets to hit more lie about the dead man i'm out yeah i don't see a dip yet wait i see the dip whoa you're spoiling it for me i'm just telling you oh wait there's a picture ahead you better smile for the camera hi [Applause] can you stop spoiling it i can't enjoy the ride looks like you had a dynamite blast of a time we did reginald's prepared some kind of grand opening oh yay [Applause] we'll see you there too daisy yeah we better see you what you threatening people through the game so pretty is this all whoa i feel welcomed wow man those are all the people we helped okay everyone okay quiet down now quiet down because of the efforts of our new friend just as we had all given up hope of ever restoring our beloved park back to its former glory huzzah they walked through those gates and saved not just the park but all of us as well that's right i think it's time we open those gates those are big scissors i love big scissors yes i do declare this theme park back open wait we only eat hot now guys i'm not excited to go here because i did everything to say once again how thankful we all are for everything you've done here you're welcome you're welcome rainbow's dead no no we thought we'd get like free passes for life and all access yes boy we'll get you anywhere you want completely free of charge yes yes that's all we wanted yeah [Music] oh he's fluffy want this i hope we meet again on the jousting field noble knight next time i shan't go easy on you yeah there you are first mate you better not be thinking of leaving like me last verse man oh we can't have to ah i'm just kidding oh yeah you have more than er he's looking at you gotta get over here oh sorry sure i wanted to stay with you stand around on the high seas [Applause] you actually did it partner the wild west is waiting for you if you're ever looking for more adventuring nah still got some of those hearts there was too much fighting so lovely to see everyone hey you know the mini games are still open if you want to win more prizes oh god it's rigged no actually i'll bombard the poor soul all at once allows an evil laugh and ticket whoa [Music] thank you guys so much for watching this map was a lot of fun to play make sure to check it out in the description box below other than that we are going to stay in this park forever with our golden passes and we'll see you guys all in the next video bye bye [Music] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 8,461,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, minecraft, minecraft games, minecraft gameplay, minecraft series, minecraft episodes, minecraft krew, minecraft itsfunneh, minecraft funneh, minecraft funny moments, minecraft funny, minecraft funny games, no cursing, no swearing, minecraft tiki island, minecraft adventure, minecraft adventures, minecraft krew adventure, minecraft krew adventures, minecraft adventures krew, minecraft theme park
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 0sec (3900 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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