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well our worst fears have happened D stuck on the side of the rod the middle of the Northern Territory and I what Brock and dear [Music] all right another border crossing another day or so I do that I know giddyup giddyup going into the testing yourself another 180 case the Timber Creek bono welcome back to another episode this one is Northern Territory we are here in October was a day of October so stinking hot a lot of the stuff in Darwin or the NT is actually closed down sorry a lot of the waterfalls water holes 4x4 tracks that sort of thing are all shut for the season and the ones that are open it's still bloody 40 degrees every day and the humidity starting to creep up as you get 10 years so it's a tough gig so I'm here's quick plan we've just crossed the border go Timber Creek Catherine Darwin next year hopefully prior to the rain guards if we have am I mad wet season we're coming back to do the Gibb Darwin Arnhem Land count York will show your heap of good road trips and beads on that stretch of our travels and next year so anyway punch out some case get to Tim Creek apparently we've heard they've got three years so I'd say bring it on there we go [Music] so this is Timber Creek carolien Park take inside and tell you what's happened what happened to you we we heard that it's supposed to be free camping here than me but question I never said it was you know so I'll tell you the real story before she classy judgment oh yeah I pulled up for fuel and as we drive past there's a playground at a pool at the back okay so I'm like sweet this is it and we sit in the car I said even if it is we got to pay for it real estate way back said yep yeah so anyway I paid for fuel and I said a powered site she's like a fairy like savant Oh obviously it's not free so anyway when we get fuel I'll let you carry on there yes sorry there's like the be pain in there's a United so we always fill up at PP @ BP so as we're driving down to the United to do a you bulb we looked over to the left and there's a campground behind that United and we're like holy that's the free one but saying that no program yeah there's no pool no playground it's probably we've just come over to the new empty time so now instead of it being 12 o'clock it's like 2 p.m. so anyway we're gonna hang here for the afternoon and it keeps it's gonna swim run flied out and then get him into bed by like 8 o'clock they no longer at seven bucks yeah okay this is a story so I was in trouble for about five minutes but it seems like she's over it now but I'll take you down down the back here there's a creek we stayed here years ago and I know there's a couple of freshwater Crocs and that they live in there so it's pretty cool and now we'll swing her here there's a bar up here in a restaurant playground in a pool so it's Timber Creek yeah so this is down the back this crocodile feeding today so lay so far for him we should be able to check it out but beautiful area right little camp kitchen here I've got fire pits in that around the joint heaps of grass heaps of shade and tons of camping area yeah we'll look at it that is a sick poem tree yeah he's a creek down the back I know last time we're here we walked down and we're just standing on the edge and then all of a sudden spotted these crocs land under the water so there's little fresh these little resident ones it's a bloody nice spot although it does look a bit dry compared to last on Orica now are actually sitting on that log that's the out of the water last time don't fall in Matt there you go it's looking a bit mangy unit everything's pretty dry this year they haven't had a real good wet but there you go this is Timber Creek and the campground but oh look at all the bats yeah wait yeah look at them all like a rat sorry hey you know it's Ordinary been a ton of bats I need 100 metres for me cos it's now probably all typed off at sunset anyway I've got floor that way timber creaks ah it's something bad about tree isn't there back no you're in the Kimberley oh nice really relaxing or something got like a real aura about them he's happy to see that underneath him I have bloody nice trees I'll tell you what they're taking me in photo - yeah they do what are you doing man I think it's you better get a row like this you're right much I'll take two bucks for the morning massage perfect [Music] sorry mojo again yeah no dramas thanks a modest we'll talk about this for you here if you haven't got a UHF in your car when you're traveling an idiot you need one good light beers 7 metre truck 7 metre wide load camera in the corner so the escorts told me go get off the road if I didn't know that I'll be punched longer hey I wonder what old man was waving at before and I coming in the corner in - oh yeah a dump truck I'll spin around this tube that body of a big morning haul truck and look at this it's taken up both ways plus a bit oh holy hell hey guy yeah so that's we need a guy Jeff but I only talk about the travel is fun good safety and every guy I know well good thing we had this one we only installed this one probably six months ago it's an Oracle fun it's a dual receive so we've got channel 40 on there then all I have to do is hit the swap the ghost of channel 12 so that means I can listen to both those channels so I can have like mates and convoy on channel 12 and talk to them but I can still hear what's going on on the normal Road uses channel 40 all that which is girls because there now you get updates on us and if there's a speed camera or an accident or whatever ahead please do the truck ease and although you need to turn the volume down for your kids if your listen to the truck anyway we're heading to Catherine today it's another 285 cash from Timber Creek the speed limits just did 130 but just because the science is 130 don't think you can do that over your town a caravan if you do you're an idiot because you shouldn't do it over 100 honestly you know yeah you know how they are - if I'm people do and I'm Savannah and I just think it's necessarily ridiculous son stick to the hundred well I really wasted on a man ninety-five percent on my Invisibles a lot of traffic and people behind us arrested I will sit on a hundred acres Aragon ciphered is to did spray live it's an hour gets cranky weather that will do less like it's really frustrating when people see it none like the 91 kilometres a day on and then I know for us if you throw in I overtake someone when you've got a van on it's a little harder to get between that 90 to 100 case freedom and get around them it's if you're gonna sit below it and someone's behind you back off and sit on i.t so much safer for people to get around you side a bit of a tip it's nice to be a ride ride - yeah it's like getting really cranky mood is slow down well here's a story for you I might be able in a bit there fine we know of a family not long ago who are over took a road train to the city on 90 they lost control with the current being ended their journey gone times everyone's lucky to be alive okay for us I know on their boat a great chance to have nine I just sit behind him you know if like if it usually they're doing 90 if they do an 80 and there's a heap of straight road they're not gonna poke around and do a 90 or 100 you know but most that's on I just back off and in the next stop let me see on pull up my branch have a coffee get back on the road we might catch the beginning 40 minutes but who cares we're not in any rush you might save yourself 20 minutes half an hour by getting around okay it's bloody dangerous a so anyway back to every gaps we're going here we go Turner lady case to Katherine yeah we'll see what time we pull up there we might just mosey on the three an extra 300 case to Darwin about Big Data yeah it's huge part in saying that then you like to keep Darwin you're finally there [Music] well our worst fears have happened II okay stuck on the side of the road in the middle of the Northern Territory Catherine run way down the other and uh what broken deer so anyway what happens after serve esta vez we've had a coolant line blow on the back of the engine and pretty sure it's cooked the engine there because we're coming up a hill and I noticed that the coolant temperature was going down not up and I went I pulled up as soon as I could and it was just absolutely glare and cooling everywhere we've shot it down I've managed to repair the hose with a bit of our pipe from me Jack handle out of the caravan refilled it with coolant and water started it up and she's cooking so we're still in out the back of the head of tank so I'm saying we have done a cylinder head on our car and probably who knows what else they're in so anyway lucky for what do we go for its own assistant yeah so 225 turn 55 bucks for the year and we've never used it in four years but I reckon so I receive a complete care mmm I think this one off time it's gonna make it all worth it I just think you know for instance I've just been on the phone to them for the last half an hour on and off they have been honest to god like fantastic so they get organized taxis for us to get back into Katherine they've organized the tow truck they're bringing bursting our accommodation for however many nights meeting Katherine they're organizing the tow from Katherine it to Darwin because we want to get to Mazda and Darwin and they're paying for our accommodation and car hire in Darwin yeah so it sort of takes a bit of this dress out of it yeah it still sucks that we're gonna have to oh hopefully we're covered under warranty for the engine because it's not quite a hundred thousand cars yet but who knows I don't know the fine print on master warrantee and bone hoses etc but anyway that's the story yeah yeah well I know we meet a lot of people that don't have roadside assist and I might get away with it feeds and uh yeah I think it's worth it turning 55 for the year and might well that's gonna save us if it is it's gonna save us up to a couple of grand easy yeah anyway the kids are sitting in the van with the aircon on yep at least it you know what best case we've got phone service we're not far from a major city oh I doubt that actually I was sitting in the car with the booster on I got full preachy I went out into the caravan I had one bar 3G so I saw will so lucky we had the booster - sure yeah we've got the mobile booster as well um we had full service Sun even though it sucks that are broken down everything's else is sort of low end up first anyway Sunday I've I'll just have to get back to Catherine or um it's the grandfather fee in RL did I anyway we definitely go off [Music] are you [Music] but oh we've got an update for you on what's going on with the car in the van okay over here this is on the tow truck so just put that up we've got a little high car what do you reckon loads hey pretty cool in there or what hey anyway plan for us is hey Becky we've got this little high car and we're gonna take it run Katherine we're gonna get a Dow and spend a night there and then fly out to meet the car and the caravan which has gone on a till trail all the way to Cannes so how does that happen our ACV premium care whatever we've got they pay for your recovery costs whoever you want to get it fixed so for us are we going to be stuck somewhere in four to five weeks getting it fixed I think it's a lot better frosty out of Cannes where we know people we've got accommodations and we can borrow a car and stuff we go to Darwin we get none of that we have to pay for I can't pay for accommodation probably still wait 5 to 6 weeks maybe longer because it's Darwin are you on NT time so protector I'm gonna get a peek so anyway looks like we've done ahead life was over he did it when the cool probably done a head gasket or a heads on to exercise bottom end sounds alright still starts and runs but just flies cool everywhere that's the deal three hours of Darwin's flawed out the kids tomorrow and uh see that guys oh we've never been on a plane as a whole as a family all together so that not all together we have a cop anyway Mart beat oh yeah sorry we have anyway it's a little bit stressful but it's made all that little bit easier by having roadside cover so like we said we haven't used it for four years but thank you far out that we've actually got in there all right let's get it Darwyn so we're gonna Kevin fresh pea resort down which is a Cameron Park which is where we normally stay anyway yeah kevin is here but uh haven't got our wheels but it's bloody nice in here so just a budget cabin but this is all run through the IRS CB roadside so they just booked your way we made but kids have decided that we're sticking with the bunk options that we have in the van yeah Jack at the top Billy in the middle Charlie on the bottom not will sort that out later I think we're gonna have dramas daddy no yeah but um there you go so we have one nod here it's pretty handy actually we've got Mike's it here anyway then we've met on the road catch up they have a beer and then throw off to the airport tomorrow it's actually like me to get the cool oh there you go flying at twelve o'clock tomorrow so it's is really beginning hello canes quick stopping down hey I cannot leave a hot seat alright see you kids [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Trip In A Van - RoadTrip Australia Series
Views: 216,642
Rating: 4.8578024 out of 5
Keywords: travel, van life, roadtrip, trip in a van, nomads, australia, family travel
Id: A-GfsYR6x3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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