THE BEST BEACH CAMP IN NSW! Pebbly Beach & Station Creek - Roadtrip Australia - Offroad beach living

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[Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] right guys welcome back to another episode this one is going to be station creek and pebbly beach if you haven't already hit the subscribe button and the notification bell so you can see when our videos come out now sit back and enjoy we're going to show you a cool little swimming spot at station creek before we tackle the beach with the van on to go to an awesome spot called pebbly beach on the new south wales coast enjoy guys [Music] how amazing is this one paradise for how much tonight thirty dollars and 85 cents mate why are you worth it station creek for the wind mate oh yeah right hey this is where we're camping that's station creek mate i'll thank you for a quick little spin around the campsite huge big sight we've got um a little fire pit in the corner here it says when you come in that you're only allowed to have fires in those allocated fire pits so make sure you find a good little site like that um plenty of space around here there's like camp or tent camps in that side the stairs down to the creek are just down here and there's a couple of more sort of campsites for smaller rigs and sort of rooftop isn't that parked along here but we got a good little spot mate i like it bring you inside and see the missile hey what's for dinner we're having tacos oh kitty up how good is that yeah easy peasy hey easy-peasy love tacos we have them once a week pretty much yeah we do actually yeah it's cheap it's easy and the kids love them there you go instead of wait yeah wait how good was the creek oh my god that was just beautiful i did not expect that at all like i was coming in here thinking oh just some like brown creek but it was beautiful it's off top yes so clear so clear so clear yeah i am what i'm going to do now like the whole point of us coming in here is so we can go to pebbly creek um where i'm gonna go on pebbly beach sorry i'm gonna go and do a recce now it's only probably eight k's away or something like that i'll go back to a turn off um and i'll go in and have a look and just sort of see what it's like to get the van in there i've been told it's okay but you to drive on the sand and you've got to cross that station creek that we're in so you got to go on low tide so i like to be prepared and i don't want to get stuck and look like a wally so i'll go and have a look tonight so far so good so far so good hey and you can get um firewood here too but people have told us that's not that good it's a bit green and smoky but i'll try a bit anyway and see how we go dad hey today what's today sunday sunday taco sunday oh taco sunday you it doesn't matter what day it is all right you come with me bro yep let's go we're going to a wreckage and bill two bills coming we'll go and see what pebbly beach looks like before we drag the van in there see you mate have fun have a nice sleep i've got childhood all right so this is a beach mate hey this is cruising down i'll put my window up so you can hear me i i reckon we'll have no dramas hey it's not even like the tides only just turned and there's plenty of beach so tomorrow morning when it's low we'll have like a highway all the way down here it looks like it's probably a couple of k's down the beach if that always a nice bump um and then we'll get to the inlet here and we're going to go across the inlet that's what you need to hit on low tide you look out here really that's where you've got to go you're going to drive down the creek about 100 meters and then there's a little crossing there's a fella over there walking it now but that's high tide and he's still only shin deep so i think come 8 o'clock tomorrow morning when it's dead low we'll cruise across there just drive up then cut across but to get to here piece of cake so we'll do that in the morning and then we'll check the crossing there can't wait especially 39 degrees tomorrow boys that's hot ay whoa what are you talking about park up on the beach have a swim keen all right let's head over mate taco sunday rui yep i said dagger sunday [Music] when uh the gravel track finishes you come to the beach access this is where it starts to get a little bit tricky a little bit lumpy and um soft past here and it gets tight too anyway i've got some what i have got i noticed yesterday when i was wrecking there's a couple of lumps next close to trees um this is our airbag control for the van so if we do get the lump like this one here i see this track here babe there's a big lump on the left and then a tree right next to it if the van wants to tilt into that what i can do is just use the airbags to tilt the van back the other way until we get through it but anyway i'm going to put it in low so we can just crawl up it nice and easy just in case it wants to tilt and then we'll get moving i think we'll be okay dirty hey left to the right we snuck through there no worries now we're just going to scratch the hell out of it on those banksies coming around the corner but we'll be okay have a look for drive mission i love it this is the beach access track to pebbly beach right or station creek beach then we'll go down across the river or creek to pebble beach but it gets pretty tight leave that there hopefully done what [Music] gopro [Music] so oh my god jesus [Music] pretty hard here all right yes happy days i got a little bit soft there we sort of had to punch it a bit and um we did drag it through some salt bush deer didn't we i know but you know a few extra when when the garden gets tough you just got to send it sometimes and we sent it there you go we him anyway we're on the beach now it's super hard look at this only like probably a k at the most or maybe two up to the creek um i'm going to put the drone up show you driving down there and then we'll pull up across the creek we pipe at camp how's this day this is just glory it's hot already you know what it's the first time the sunset has been on the beach too oh look there it is hey hey sounds like a virgin well beach virginia [Music] [Music] [Music] oh to the left [Music] wow [Music] do [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hey that's a piece of cake all might i even flew the drone while i drive across the creek it was that easy right do not train and drive oh it is so beautiful have a look at this swinging and look at that look at the campground can you see that oh my god that's so sick that's epic guy yes okay so i found our little posse here at uh we're on pebbly beach i'm just gonna show you check it oh my god views justin's just backing in i'm just making sure he doesn't keep that tree there oh this is absolute paradise look at that kids are just playing in a tree over here and there's a little rope swing over here too so anyway i better get back to um guiding justin back or else i'll get in trouble yeah that's right yep good i don't know it's about 9am i reckon and it is getting hot so i'm going to whack this awning out put my mat down because it's not super grassy here and there's a heap of dirt just gonna enjoy this we're gonna go from here to here all day oh beach mate she good what are you doing are you stuck you're stuck are you going to jump off bill no you can do that oh yeah good jackie you gotta jump up he's scared no he's not he's got a sore foot are you gonna jump off rui yeah okay oh okay ready go come on you oh [Music] and just like that mate we are set up the pebbly beach ah in the caravan ready to chill out for a couple of days it's a little bit too early for beer normally once we finish set up a crack into a coal bomb but hey you know what i didn't even bring beers here egg what's that i'm trying to have a few days off because i've been a little bit silly lately so um it's not yet it's christmas soon so i need to have a little bit of a break before we go down a few too many beers we're drinking green juice and dad's probably trying to be sad we shouldn't tell you that all right hey i've got a bit of a giveaway for you what i'm going to do is drop a code word in here right and then you have to go to our social page on instagram tripping a van i'll put the details in and uh if you have a look in the stories there'll be a question box saying what is the code word right so anyway and what i'm going to do we're going to start giving some stuff away so i dropped into melbourne yesterday or outskirts of melbourne to see the lads at navigator who are doing all our merch for us and they've slung me full tuber hats and stubby coolers so bloody quality mate we look for ages to find a quality hat so these ones won't let you down one size fits most they fit the kids as well uh stitched emblem on the front so it's not gonna fade and go crappy and a cool stubby cooler with magnets so you can actually stick it on your fridge like that there you go anyway i'm gonna give away a couple of hats and stubby coolers grab the co-word here um i wanted to call it salty rooster but back reckons would you say are we telling you giddy up yeah so the code word is giddy up for this episode i'll put it here head to our social pages watch the stories dm us with that or answer the question box i'll pick a couple of winners at random post your hat and stubby cooler cheers guys i'm gonna start doing this every episode start giving some stuff away hopefully we can start growing the giveaways to more and more value and some really cool stuff so cheers get into it [Music] time for swim who's ready for swim hey hey if you go back to where you did the creek crossing when you come into the campground at high tide um especially with i don't know what sort of windward blind i think it's a northeasterly but it is out of the wind and it's pristine mate it's kind of like station creek where we were swimming yesterday well it is still part of station creek it's the mouth of it but it is so nice i came for a walk before with the camera just to check it out and i scoped a good little spot so we're gonna drive back down and park up this little parking bay and then we can go down and have a swim todd should be coming in we have to just like float in with the current mate i like it i might have a bit of a fish you're allowed to fish in a lot of spear fish it's a habitat project protection zone um uh but you have to have a fishing license and you're not allowed to spear fish which is bugger it'd be nice just to float down and i reckon you'd probably smack a few flat head just sitting on the bottom but not to be i might have to throw a plastic around instead but we're all going to go for a swim do you want to bring your snorkels yeah we've got snorkels we're just going to hang out and i'll show you what this epic little creek looks like on a high tide look at that so you can see it's pretty windy out this side yeah fully we're gonna duck around here and you watch how flat it is epic [Music] all right what do you reckon at this point [Laughter] have a look at that oh my god oh you would not know that it's blowing about 40 knots just on the other side of that there in here there's the mouth of station creek look this comes in here crystal clear blue water happy wife happy life yes well this is why these places are awesome because you get the best of both worlds like you've got the surf over that side of this cute little creek so good look at that i can't wait to get in the water temp is absolutely delicious too you should feel that ah pretty happy mate i'm gonna go and get a fishing rod too i'll go for a flick i reckon i might be able to snag a buddy this is a little bit relaxing no kids no husband and i'll show you where they are check it out the sun's just begun gone behind a cloud it is absolutely stunning in here and the kids were just jumping in at the end of that sandbar there and it just floats right in here and there's a few fish and um they spotted a turtle and ugh who's having the most best time ever look at them go got their snorkel masts on such a good spot how'd you go so cool yeah awesome come out and tell me what you're seeing guys what did you see can we do it again you want to do it again off you go [Music] there you go this is our campsite at pebbly beach had a mad day down there swimming around station creek the wind has picked up it's pretty hectic up here it's not too bad just tucked behind the dune but as soon as you walk out towards the beach it's pretty crazy so we've put our awning away so it doesn't flap and keep us up all night but passes this babe i'll spin you around say hi to the lovely wife okay beautiful pajamas dear i've got my sock socks a lot anyway i'll show you what i'm having for dinner uh i was gonna cook on the fire but as you can see it's just i've left it because it's too windy and it's just gonna flow smoke everywhere so in here there's a couple of random snags just for extras and if i lift up that i've done some ribs in there and then just stewing in a bit of sticky sauce a bit of garlic bread there um i was going to do ribs in the camp oven over the coals but yeah just too windy too painful to do that but i'll take you for a quick walk around the campsite because it's pretty damn awesome mate we've taken that liberty to set ourselves up at home we've got all our stuff hanging over the bloody war everywhere we've got our own beach access look at this so when we got here this morning it was dead set beautiful blue skies this was calm white sand and sun was out now she's looking pretty hectic so i don't know what the wind's doing overnight but hopefully it swings around the other way but look at that hey what a spot mate and we've got our big van in no worries so we did oh look i'm not gonna lie to you we did get an extra few scratches mate and um well you know it is what it is you sort of i'll have to show you see if you can see him in the in the side here yeah you can just sort of make them out but i mean it's nothing nothing bad you know it's just little scratches superficial stuff but i tell ya anyway i'll be paying someone to buff them out i ain't doing it that is the worst job in the world trying to polish hayes once you start it you do like one panel of a car and it looks that good you go oh man i've got to do the whole rest of the car it's the worst anyway um what do you reckon babe that was that creek today that's probably got to be one of the most specky spots we've ever oh my god it was amazing like it's so clear so blue justin spotted a turtle yeah it was just so nice the kids we spent ages there and the kids like we don't want to leave and we're like we need to get home and put our ribs on so yeah it's just lovely spot here it really is we might i don't know we'll see what happens tomorrow we haven't got much of a chance to decide because if we don't decide by like 9 30 in the morning if we want to stay or go then we're stuck anyway because the tide will come up but um i don't know what the weather's doing if it's going to be super windy and raining then we might chuff off in the morning but one thing you don't get here is good phone reception so it's really hard to try and look whether up or oh you made a phone call today didn't you yeah if you go down to the creek you get a bit of service yeah some 4g pop in but um yeah we'll pretty much decide in the morning like it's hard because if it's windy and it's cloudy all day then you're just kind of sitting around so we may as well like head to another camp spider yeah we'll decide tomorrow but there is toilets here too so just around the back here from where we are i'll poke you up here there's a whole um set of toilets out there drop dunnies so if you don't have one yourself and i've got three little ninjas i've got one that looks like a cowboy i got a cowboy and then i've got old bloody what's his name miyagi-san there you go ninja kids oh well good stuff i'm glad you guys having fun you ready for dinner all right gonna make dinner and then um we're gonna get up early in the morning and show you well i will because if it's cloudy and yucky i won't bother doing it ah but we'll show you sunrise in the morning yeah you get up in the morning and check the sunrise if it's any good you get the rest of yourself thanks so much hot chocolate sunrise um i'll show you what the ribs look like too but see in the morning all right there you go there's a finished product a bit of ribs they've come out pretty good actually they would have done better in the camp oven but i'll tell you what i did um about five minutes aside on the grill and put them in an alfal tray with the lid on them for another 45 minutes and they've come up really pretty nice mate are you ready kids yep really did you teach him that no i like it all right dig in say see it sunrise i'll see you at sunrise i'll see you dad guys all right morning i'm about to show you the amazing sunrise here at pebble beach aren't we at 8 30 in 8 30 so i'll tell you what happened um well here you go it's not sunrise it's 8 30. it's still pretty beautiful but um this morning i jumped out of bed i opened my little window and i looked out and it was just black mate as you can see there's a lot of cloud and stuff out here so there wasn't really a sunrise so i stayed in bed and everyone had a little bit of a sleep in so i'm pretty stoked about that 7 10 we woke up absolutely wicked so we've got a coffee now and we're chilling out but what we're going to do today is we're going to hook up and we're going to leave this beautiful pebbly beach because the weather has turned upside down it's pretty pretty ordinary so it's blowing northerly about 40 knots and it's going to keep it up for a day or so and it's not going to get above 23 degrees 25 degrees so we're going to punch out of here as you know you can't control the weather hey so you don't bother trying you just move on and find somewhere else that's going to suit you it's a bloody nice spot here though so we've had a good day we've got a couple of good days of weather didn't we i reckon we got pretty lucky there oh my god so amazing this spot you've got to come yeah you do you've got to come and try and get it out i'll try and get in here if you're not too worried about your van or crossing a bit of salt water have a crack because it's bloody beautiful so i don't know where we're going to go it's really hard at the moment to get um campsites and caravan parks even through the week it's just super busy down this new south wales coast so we'll get some service and um we'll head towards sort of crescent head uh port macquarie area and um we'll let you know where we end up plus we're not used to it we're not we're really not used to the crowds and yeah we've probably booked about six campsites in the history of our five years traveling yeah which is i think for us it's like adjusting to this like getting used to these crowds and i think it's just going to be like this for the next year it's going to be the new normal i think yeah travel which is a bit of a shame but you just got to roll with it eh anyway let's go back across the creek and i'll air up on the gravel road before we hit the highway again and we'll be out of here all right here we go hey we're going back across pebbly creek i've been down to check it out it's low enough it's a little bit higher than when we come across but um we'll be okay we'll sneak across there no worries i've got beck out in the middle of the creek somewhere she's going to take a couple of photos i've got a gopro on the other side too so you can see what it looks like but this is the entry back in it's all covered in timber boards so it's not too bad going down uh and then we're just going to hook right down the creek a bit come across then we'll just poke across it's funny everyone i've seen come through here has just belted it through it like 30 case an hour and throwing salt water everywhere we're towing a big van and we just actually walk through in first gear low range so i don't understand it the last thing i want to do is cover anything in salt water but here you go here's the missile give us a wave man here we go first gear nice and slow shut the window shut the window no no you can have it open it's all right we're just going to walk through look at that not even throwing salt water anywhere super hard nothing to worry about okay and we're just going to rock up here in the center over here is a nice pebble embankment which is just here we're going to walk up onto that there we go wave there we go hey drive across here look at this super hard it's all heavily so you don't have to worry about getting stuck and then we're just going to drive ease it across here across the pebbles and then we're going to walk out what do you reckon kids yeah keep crossing public yep yeah it's too easy in it nice and slow [Music] there you go mate it's pebbly creek done and dusted all right so we just got stuck trying to get off the beach um super soft i don't know what's going on and we're just digging a hole so this is the first time for us i'm going to use this crawl control in the cruiser so you press it on you've got to be in low range then you just adjust the speed dial and um and then have that up so i've got it on and we'll just see if we can just back out of here because i don't know what it does it kind of activates all different wheels and we're super stuck going up but it just helps you back out of this we got the trailer on the back too i'm slowly getting there don't put that down you'll throw sand everywhere so we're going we are moving we're moving super slow you see look there we go we pumped up that's amazing hey holy hell oh now we're going to get through that big hole we just dug babe are we going to manage that no this is our second go by the way our second go at it um i'm going to have to get a lot of speed and try and whoop up that well there you go that's crawl control on the cruiser we don't have diff locks or nothing i've always been told that this coil control is amazing and there you go then just turn it off again um cool control off and you're back into low range and we can back down the beach again we're gonna have to get a fair run up at this first time we've been stuck mate i know we did it yeah yeah i tell you what we're bloody heavy though it was really really windy last night so i think it's just put a layer of soft sand over there everything's just because we even nearly got stuck coming back over um the dune back there before the creek yeah after the creek crossing there you go all right well we'll do that again there we go might send you out the other side there dear you can stand on the hill and we'll watch him get bogged together have a crack at getting up the bench because yeah we just cruised through that yesterday it's coming down though [Music] all right let's do it [Music] what if we encounter uh it's the same bloody tree we got on the way in but it looks a lot worse coming from this direction oh my god you barely fit the cruiser through let alone and there's a bank on the other side so you can't drive up it yeah so what do you do i'm just gonna have to deal with it mate this is what i mean when i said if you're worried about scratches and stuff don't come to pebbly beach because this is what you're gonna get um i know it'll be okay when we get out the other side but have a look at this you can't even see the van look oh hello little fellas hey memories right you try and steer up on the bank as much as you can and she drags through you're right if they had little soft flowers but they're nature they're good scratchy brushes no at least they're just leaves they're not actually big heavy limbs but yeah there you go we found those all the best spots around us you've got to encounter this stuff remember around bard creek over in wa oh yeah station island all them good spots where you get at epic campsites you got to be willing to take a few scratches and stuff and this is a bit softer we might struggle going uphill oh i hate these whoopies man these are the worst you know you encounter these whoops in the sand where they're like offset like your right wheel lump is a bit further forward than the left and you're just like anyway i've got to remember we're eight and a half ton cruising through here so it goes the right way it handles it well oh you know what this is this is where that there's a big tree around the corner here i might have to get out get the airbag control because there is a lump on the other side of the track um that will i need to put vex window down so i can see the tree last thing i want to do is rip the awning off sorry if i'm a little over this shop here but there we go concentration concentration plus sorry then baby see this here it's going into a dip that one i might just jump out i'll grab the airbag control because then if i have to i can air up to get rid of that bloody tree there so i don't hit it with the bearing [Music] in the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight all over it am i all right there we go we're off the beach we're out of pebbly we're back at the turn-off where you go to station creek one side and probably the other where we started the air anyway i just want to show you there's a heap of bins here so make sure you take all your stuff in and out with you we always run one of these on the back i'm yet to get another one for the ute um i can't find a store that's got one in stock but i'm going to pick another one up and chuck it on the spare tire of the ute now normally i'd leave um our snorkels and beach toys in there but um when we go to national parks you're gonna take your own rubbish all the rubbish comes with us mate take it out hey all the bins are here for you don't leave your crap laying around like others do come and chuck it out here you go in the bin ready done there you go say goodbye to pebbly beach thanks for watching that one guys hit us up with your comments questions and feedback down below we're just going to air up now get the compressor out spend probably 15 minutes there and up i've got to do eight tires from 18 pound back to about 42. so even with the dual compressor it does take a while but i tell ya it's not worth hit the bitumen and not airing back up where's the missile i'll try and find her to say goodbye she's not the co-pilot's not there where are you there oh jesus you're over in the bush where about oh she's in the van say goodbye bye see you kids yeah next episode so get over to pebbly beach it's sick [Music] you
Channel: Trip In A Van - RoadTrip Australia Series
Views: 273,280
Rating: 4.8574481 out of 5
Id: 6lw4k-YbUwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 12sec (2292 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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