HOW DO WE LIVE IN OUR TINY HOME?? | A rundown of our full time travelling setup | ROADTRIP AUSTRALIA

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alright guys welcome back to another episode this one's going to be a little bit different we're not going to show you amazing locations and how to get there and what we do although we are in a sweet spot this is called kink international Park near Bundy I'll get back to do it this quick 360 check it out we are right on the beach swing right around babe and then look back at the van here look at this there's a fair mission to get in here low range ties down but I tell you what it's bloody worth it and it's only national park prices so this episode what I'm gonna do well firstly I want to thank all you guys because we've had massive support throughout the whole series and the feedback for us is priceless and that's what this episode is all about so I want to thank you guys but I also want to give you feedback on the van and the car because everyone always says has it has it's goin after the 12 months of traveling all the tracks we've done all the punishment we've put it through so I'm going to take you through we've given it a little bit of a tidy up but as you can see it's pretty bloody filthy you haven't washed it for about six months this is what it looks like when we normally travel I'm gonna give you a award señal review on the car the canopy and the caravan so you can know what to expect I'm also I'm going to give you a few treats well if you're discounts anyway so we're lucky enough that because we work with so many brands in the industry we can get you guys discounts on products and the gear we use so you've seen it we've used it and we can recommend it to you so I'll point them out throughout the vid and then I'll have a link and in the video description as well so you can go and get it for yourself and enjoy it because we love this anyway alright oh let's start with the van come up here right so I'm going to start at the front and just work our way around so to give you a bit of a reminder this is a willow RV Bo FX we had a lot of input into the design of it with inside outside functionality that sort of stuff so it's 20 foot 9 it's got a tare weight of 20 460 2470 ATM or 3200 and a hundred and sixty-five kilo ball weight right so what would we change about it pretty much nothing there's a couple little alterations we would make but only if we could make it bigger that's the only thing you know to get what we've got in a 20 foot 9 van to fit five of us in it and they've comfortably and go everywhere we've gone this year mate it is a Pilate brilliant van and we've had no dramas nothing we couldn't fix ourself I'll show you those on the way through but we've met other people around the traps that have spent 130 hundred 50 grand on caravans and it's been back to the factory three four times in the 12 months that they're trying to travel how much of a pain in the ass is that so anyway start at the front right at the very front the do 35 off-road hitch in my opinion it is the best hitch on the market and it makes travelling to places like this easy because the articulation everything spins it makes it easy to hook up I think it's a great bit of safety and I well it's just a quality component roll them back we've got the brakes so this one we've changed it so I'll keep going with the cruise master stuff we opted to put the XT disc brakes suspension underneath which is a trailing arm independent coil spring suspension and it's got disc brakes on the end of it and I'll tell you it is been brilliant we haven't had to adjust the brakes or get our drums full of dirt the whole way around on all the tracks we've done this here is the electric over hydraulic brake booster so standard redarc tow Pro in the car power comes into this this is like an electric piston like the brake the master cylinder in your car but it's electric over hydraulic that activates brake fluid goes back to your discs applies your brakes super good like the performance of these brakes / drums is awesome they don't slap on they don't come on hard they release and apply as soon as you put your foot on the pedal and take it off gas bottles now a lot of people say why don't you have nine kilo gas bottles well I don't need them after 12 months well we've only ever had four and a half kilos to tell you the truth but with this band why would we need no once we've got a battery system inside that runs the fridge and everything else we need the gas all it does is cooking and hot water when we're free camping so we've got two four and a half there so if one runs out you've always got another one one bottle lasts us I don't know six weeks eight weeks you know something like that I've never really tried it but we've never run out and it saves your toe ball weight saves like 10 kilos off the front of event so that's perfect for us we love that what we did with this bin we don't have front boots we've got rid of those and we bought the whole bed frame forward inside and so we could run a tunnel boot so come around this side this is what we've done this the full tunnel boot and it's been fantastic like when it's never really well-organized because you just Chuck stuff in but we all our leads our hoses our solid chairs a few tools wheel chocks the kids bike helmets that sort of stuff all just gets chucked in there and you can drag it out easy access yeah you might have to crawl in there sometimes and pull stuff out but it's no biggie here's another one of these things you can get a discount on all the Navigator gear that we use you can get 15% off and that's that's cause all our electrical leads this one stores our silage the kids chairs you in there and I'll show you some other stuff laid out but it is brilliant gear built for caravanning and it's got a purpose you know it's bloody good been well thought out Chuck that in slide back this is our hot water system it's been brilliant hot water is gas and electric no dramas all our windows are these sort of style ones the Finch once again we've had no dust inside we've only had one issue with this flyscreen here and we're getting that replaced rat Funderburk at the moment and we're gonna Searls rvs where we could bought the van from and they're just going to fix a few little things up under warranty that have dodged along the way but it's nothing serious just little things like flyscreens and door latches and stuff like that it's really nothing bad ah let's keep rolling fridges been fine I won't tell you much about that's Dometic 185 litre compressor fridge and it's been well free damn good kids bunk windows no dramas no dust no water no mozzies or bugs swing her on the back and this is something I'd probably change a little bit at the back not so much functionally and what it holds but just the way it looks so and I'll give you another hot tip came out bikes they don't really like traveling for 12 months on the back of a van they're $59 and the dust gets into him the bearings fall out of him the pedals break so we're down to one but no lucky it's the only Christmas time so he can get the kids to new bikes this drawbar on the back it holds everything we want right we wouldn't get a second spare I'd still only keep the one spare I'd have the to fuel Jerry's on there but I'd probably change them a bit but on what I'd do is I'd get this to come out and up a bit and then just have a bit of a cage on the inside which you can mount like firewood stuff and throw a bit extra stuff in there and it just tidied up the back make it look a bit tougher rather than allow just for real it looks a bit gray no Mady for me but it's all good this one we got two of these there's one of these on the spare here and one on the back of the Ute and as you can see they're chock us full of rubbish when you come away free camping you need somewhere to put all your rubbish and it's surprising how quickly all your garbage adds up when you've got a family of five living in a van so make sure you got at least one of these but two is awesome for keeping away rubbish taking your stuff with you keeping your dirty shoes your sandy clothes beach toys all that sort of stuff out of the van out of the car keeping stuff tidy this thule bike rack first time we've had one we've always had a forum or one on their other two vans it's been great it's sort of it's different to the others I sort of well do know it's not shared back to be honest I'd prefer the former one just the way the clips work and they these are like a frame clamp right but they sort of don't it'd be handy if they had three bikes the same size be perfect but because they usually go big smaller smaller it's hard to get them all on the frame and we have to clamp the seat and these ones aren't as easy to use as a final same design and it works the same but there's just not as user-friendly I don't think but it's not a giant it's not a game-changer like it's it still works but we prepare that we prefer the Flamel one swing me idea what do we got oh let's talk about under the van right water is a big question we get lots because we free camp Lots how do you get water where do you fill up we have 395 litre water tanks under there and that lasts us well we can be pretty skin G with it and we can probably scratch it to nine or ten days if we had to generally we can do a week easy and that's everyone having a shower at night and cooking and cleaning and doing whatever they're still you do your dishes once a day you have short showers and we normally take drinking water as well although we do have our water filter inside which are shyer which has been awesome so let's go awning now this is a dimeric warning we have no affiliation with Dometic but I reckon if you're going to get a van get as a medic or nee we've had the carefree one before and although there principal and they work the same the quality is just down here compared to the Dometic one and when you're going to use them you can roll them in and out and use them as much as we do and if you do when you travel them I think it's well worth just spending a bit extra money to get the dimeric one in what in my opinion it's better fabric better quality better fittings especially where it locks out at the end here so yeah we've had issues in the past with the others that they sort of fall out of there and yeah just anyway their opinion Dometic it's a way to go flooring we have had this for so damn long and I'll tell you I'm not going to say it's the best because it's not but it was cheap it was like 80 bucks maybe from BCF it's a kamek branded one and it's done the job it's not the best at keeping the sand out and stuff but hey it is what it is I think to give you an idea of what's the best on the market we can find from talking to people in that they're called sagir but they're about 350 bucks for one this big and they're like they were designed for military purpose to land body helicopters on so it keeps all the sand and stuff out maybe one day we'll get up to one of those but this has been that it's fine mate it's fine our toilet hatch it's just standard Bedford toilet no dramas with that the only thing we could ask for is that it was bigger I think we might even start carrying a spare cassette when we do more what is to do more free camping and just be handy to be able to slap another one in and then out here twelve volt socket and an external aerial for the TV to be honest we've never used it you could probably get rid of that yeah chuck it there's an impaired outlet 240 outlet for outside we've never used that either but that might be handy for others all right so while we're under here I'll show you a few things that you might not see on the out sort of event you won't see speakers in our opinion I'll run through a few things actually that I don't reckon you need they always try and upsell you when you buy a caravan to get a stereo and external speakers and also an outdoor shower so we've had both in the past and what for what we do and I think 95 percent of people you're not going to use a mate so save your money spend it on something else because I don't know we don't need external speakers you carry everyone's got a Bluetooth speaker yeah like a little ue boom or whatever we just carry that everywhere that's all you need and then the external shower we use the tap on the drawbar like you don't need hot water outside just um like you can if it's a what you want get one but honestly it's just two optional extras that I don't think you need on a caravan right Oh drop-down table fine no dramas with it the only thing we want is one without keys I've seen ones with like a push button instead of a key can just push the two buttons and drop them down it's a pain in the ass having to get the keys or all the time to come and get it but that's just we use it day in day out little grop lights on the outside of fine they're really good because they're not too bright make sure if you're getting an external light sometimes they put like massive led floodlights on the outside it's not enjoyable unless you can do ma'am yeah it's too bright and you can't sit out here and enjoy it and it just attracts millions and bugs right let's go wheels and tyres they've been fine they're just their primer wheels standard radials that come with it they're all terrains we have any drama has never had a flat if you drop your tire pressures and go slow over the stuff I think it's fine you know I would like on the next fan maybe some bigger tires and more aggressive tread just because of the trips we're going to do next year but um for that and you've seen all the trips we've done that's fine this little beauty here but I think this is why we can get away with not having the best annex mat because this here I'm gonna show you it's called a mock mat right and is it a little leather little discount we got for you so check out the link at the end but yeah you can get them in different sizes and they're just like an artificial grass mat and you can roll them up this they got a grip on the bottom of them so they don't slide anywhere and a little velcro strap here that goes around and ties it up and we just chuck it in the side there when we leave but it has been great and then when you pull up for overnighters on that you don't have to drag out your big the mat and PEG it down just kick that out and it's enough to brush all the sand off and stuff yeah mud and dirt and grass and the whole show this step beautiful I don't even know what it is it's just it comes with it yeah we've had a power step before and it was just a plain in the ass it used to get clogged up with dirt and dust and then you'd press the button and you'd have to half pull it out anyway so there's no point just get one of these spring-loaded ones it's been bloody beauty now the one issue we've had like I told you I'm gonna tell you what's going wrong with this vent he's um this door right and was another thing when he get fixed him bunny they've got an updated because we've given them the feedback they're going to address the problem and sort it out we had a bit of dust coming in here because they're just this like four locks right so you got four locking mechanisms that hit on four latches here and I could just never get the tension right to give it enough compression on the seal to stop the dust coming in around the bottom so we've fixed it with they sent us out a new door seal which has got a bigger compression rubber and we fitted that and readjusted it and that stopped the dust but the other issue is it splits it to two halves right and we were getting dust through the two halves as well and this door latch was the pressure needed to open it was too much for the kids to do it still is so I was a pain in the ass we'd have to open the door for the kids all the time that's getting changed in Bundaberg we're getting an updated door and a new system to open that but it's good this is security so you can split them and lock them it's a good idea but it just need to be refined and I think they'll do that when they fit the new one in Bundy oh yeah in this screen to know that same great idea but um our kids went through it a few times and we've busted the clips and it's not looking the best so that'll get replaced as well great idea and if you didn't have kids that fell through it it'll be bloody it wouldn't be an issue Frollo and then one of my favorite parts of the vent is the barbecue now you might think that they might have rattled around or fell off or whatever nah it's been brilliant it's on a set of slides there with a locking lever you pull it out connect it to the gas bayonet there and in my opinion it is the easiest way to have a barbecue in your Caravan I know our Weber's and Ziggy's it's kind of like Ford and Holdings or whatever everyone's got their favorite barbecue I don't know but Webber's a wicked barbecue so I know that but the fact that we can slide the the lid under there push the barbecue away and just plug it in and plug it out without having to drag another table out set it up run a longer lead lock the thing up when we're not there so now I'm pinches our barbecue it makes it us use the barbecue a whole lot more and it's just easy to store it goes in there don't need to tie it down I just love it it's great you know each their own but for me it's a brilliant system and it works an absolute treat right oh pretty sure that's the outside of the van all done come inside and I'll show you around ah the things we've changed along the way and I feel little issues that we've had that are gonna get fixed in Bundaberg all right and this is the inside so we'll start the front and we'll swing around and I'll show you everything inside the van and how it's worked and if we change anything so let's start with one thing we did change we upgraded in Karratha and we got a bloody brand-new mattress fitted it was like a custom job from a mattress Factory full it's like the mattress you'd have at home in your own house because we're living at full time we like bugger this poxy Caravan mattress let's get a good one and we just got them to custom cut the corners off it start fits in there so it's full queen-size it's just got the Q on is rounded off right I think if you get the upgrade when you do buy then to get the pillowtop mattress that's going to help a lot we just had the standard one in there so anyway test them out before you get one because you're going to sleep on it for like if you like us you're going to sleep on a lot one thing we put in this bin is a lot of these different storage pockets so you'll see over there on this side on that side and then swing around back you'll have like there's a ladder of them there with all different storage so it makes it life easy when you've got somewhere to put all those knickknacks and they don't end up in a box under the bed or store it around or fall and all over the floor so just having all those little extra bits of storage is a nice made life easy heaps of clothes for us so another big question is how do you carry enough clothes to wear full-time well these are my clothes in here and here Beks the same on that side plus she's got another box and knickknacks under the bed with different clothes right that she probably doesn't need does she dear but anyway more storage down the side here so we've got extra shelving down there and another one underneath which stores like our vacuum cleaner and stuff and I'll show you this this is pretty cool this is some more navigator gear they're like pantry buddies and I've just screwed them to the timber there and they hold the kids water bottles so you always know this for water bottles they can come inside and grab one and smash into it one of my favorite things is the big window like a lot of ends don't have a big window on the front above the bed that makes free camping I'm raising because the amount of airflow you get through by creating a bit of a wind funnel Lido by having the fronts open and everything and it's really nice to sleep having fresh air and that when you're free camping also the fans these things mate are brilliant I haven't used any other fan so I have actually I bought some cheapies from BC F once there are like ones that truck is using there - but these are Scirocco 12-volt fans they are fully adjustable this way that way they clip up and they swing away and they use stuff all current and they're quiet and they make it free camping so much better when it can be nice and cool and sleep we've got five of them in the van currently one each side and one in each of the kids bunks and we're about to add another one here because it does get a bit hot sitting there if you haven't got any breeze coming through the window we can slap on here and put it on the dining area over cooking these pouches brilliant we store out our laptops on either side there you can use them for magazines books headphones phones do whatever you want and the nooks inside here awesome just for storing our phones and hard drives and whatever else plus there's dual USBs and powerpoints in there and extra dual USB and power points there so everything these days that you use is bloody charged on USB chargers for the same limit so make sure you got plenty of them put around the van it makes it easy to use everything alright oh let's go what do we got this one here there's another one yup I'll show you this weird little key hooks such a handy another leather pouch we use it for hats and well whatever else usually like the caravan park gate code or the map or whatever sits in there and then swing around to our battery system which has been absolutely insane I'm not going to pull all this chairs off and show you the system I'll just put some overlay footage in of it but to recap on it it's a full inner drive off-grid system that we put together with the boys from inner drive and it's 300 amps of lithium you can jump up but a massive inverter 3000 watt inverter solar controller DC to DC charger an extra solar input and 600 watts of solar on the roof with four panels and that enables us to run this pin as if we were on a powered side aircon everything by the hot water I didn't hook the hot water up to it because I'll becky-boo in our last van you know you've got two switches right gas and electric well sometimes they could hit the electric and because the battery system could run it it would and then all of a sudden we'd be like Oh shivers we're smashing that battery because we're heating up our hot water so now I've disconnected that one when we got it built and it just runs on gas unless we plugged into 240 volt on the outside this what do we got this one here this is one thing we've had break but it's from the kids standing up there yanking it and they're going to fix that for us in bundi the other stuff to pull it off pull it around re staple it and put it back on I think that's more use user error that's school work and stuff though what we do every week back pulls it out of the big bags and stacks it in like that what we did do when we first got the van we changed a few things in the guys redesigned and sent it out to us and I fill it myself so originally there was this one drawer and then just a big cupboard here right so we've got them to change that and send out new stuff and I turned it into three drawers makes it a whole lot easier having drawers rather than cupboards because we've got a big cupboard here anyway with lots of shelves while I'm in here I'll show you this is our water pump filtration system and it lives in under here it's just a cartridge and what we do is carry a spare one and if that ever slows down or starts looking yucky or tasting yucky you just switch it out and that gets rid of stuff like sediment chlorine taste odor and parasitic cysts so if you've ever had a waterborne bug like Giardia or something you'd know that it's not bloody very nice especially when you're a caravan so get the guys at the caravan joints to fit one of these or you can fit them yourself you can buy them aftermarket but and then use your normal water tanks as long as you're filling up out of potable water just fill up a wee water bottles out of that we've been running it for 12 months and we've never been sick right cool sinks been great this is a handy little thing back Scott I don't know if you get it from Kmart deer or Target came up little timber drainage thing and then these quick dry mats that you can get from about ten bucks as well that's it's there that's it's there now dishes sit there and drain and dry really quickly and then that gets hung up in the bathroom and it's happy days righto table this has been great but it is one of the issues we've had that it broke so inside there's obviously normally it goes up and down and it slides in and out still slides in and out in their ways but the gas strut on the inside failed somewhere along the way so I've had to just tech screw it together but we're getting that replaced under warranty while we're there oh here we added this in this is another thing that was never there it was just you'd have to lift the seat up to access it with a drop down with a lid I've got the boys to give me another door and I cut it out and then we store out haven't raised spuds potatoes sometimes soda water and whatever else big bottles heavy stuff down low yeah right in the same world while we're talking about that another one here there was never anything here so I've got him to do another one and I oh yeah there was a fire extinguisher there which now if you swing around back it's it's under the bed there with all our shoes in a couple of tubs so that was never there now that stores pots pans and that same heavy stuff just storage is king in a caravan so anywhere you can find a little nook to put it in do it but the boys now at Willow is uh this is all standard so all the stuff we've added in is all standard in the bar out there's the fridge screen brilliant this little space up here is great for bread coffee our protein powders and stuff and then what else spin around makes beautiful Christmas decorations ah oh yeah pantry so this is where most of our food goes oh it's alright we're pretty low at the moment so there's nothing to see but we just store all our food pretty much in there and it's easy access and it's good to go there and in those lower ones like we said and the fridge obviously but massive fridge we find it big enough we have had a bigger fridge in the past at 210 that went right to the roof I don't think you need it hey maybe if you had an extra kid or something in or more people you'd want to but no or you didn't have one in your car yeah true then you might want to be a fridge but um yeah yeah but if we find it big enough and it works a tree so let's roll on down to the back where the kids are this has been brilliant make sure if you've got man you need a divider just enough like it's not going to be soundproof but it's enough to block the kids off segregate it make it a bit darker and sort of tell them that it's oh no it's bedtime you know let's go shut the door so yeah make sure you get one because I tell ya we've had a van without one and it's a pain in the bum the kids have loved their bunks how it is hey I got plenty of room one thing all you do not you Wally they go fans in each one like we said their full length and their wider than the bunks in most bands in the van we had last one thing we ditched that we will never get again is DVD players well we don't need them like I think pretty much safe to say that most kids these days have an iPod yeah so they can just use that if they ever watch anything in their bed putting a roof-mounted DVD player in all that does is make it harder for the kids to access the bed and sit up like this like Billy wouldn't be able to play in there because he'd be alright there's not enough room as there is let alone having a DVD player to knock his head I know you did all right is that the back big coming up the top so it's all right there Beck's freaking out because everything's messy but it is what it is that's how we live that just stores a lot of the school staff toys detergent and stuff and then the kids have a drawer each so Jack Billy Charlie they're just big deep drawers and that stores all their clothes so they don't have anything else what you're getting a puzzle here no just get it for you sick though take that one so then we'll finish this bit off and then I'll get a puzzle effort early so into the bathroom if you can come in here it's it is what it is it's twenty foot nine so the ensuite is small but it's livable and usable because we've done it so we can tell you it works this is our floor mat we hang up here I'll pull that down hard to show you in here and once again we haven't cleaned this year so don't judge us please but this is cool in here it's got molded storage things where we can put all your stuff so you don't need to buy a stick on ones all that the only thing I have done is add an extra one of these for BIC so some days she doesn't want to have a shower I'm gonna here with so whip it up here all the time she couldn't do that so I got another mount and screw it to there so you can put it in there it's also good for the kids as well but it's been brilliant we love the shower yes it's small but you know you get in there you get it done yeah now wash and tub sits in there so because like we say it's a small event 20:49 there's no space for a laundry sort of hamper so we use one of those cheap flexi tubs chuck it in there and then when we have showers you just sit on top of the toilet it works it works in here one thing I'm going to show you I was worried about and other people have message this is that this shower screen right to pull across one I didn't know how well it would go and I thought it might get moldy and all that sort of stuff well it doesn't I don't know I've found out that they've put they get treated with some antifungal stuff or something and the kids haven't broken it so I'm pretty you know it's lightweight it works it stops the water coming out so can't complain with that right out swing an earbud but I so in here in their ensuite we have tail hooks up to carry the tails we have another storage thing here that we added and just Beck puts their stuff in there a beauty stuff I'll call that nice mirror there for it to check itself out and then up here is just more stuff Oh plenty of cupboards for toiletries toilet paper all that sort of stuff another mirror little sink and a nice window the only thing we've had this come off this edge stripping so they're going to fix that in bundi as well oh yeah and I washing machine is here it's only a two kilo job it's really small but it does the job if we do a load every day or a couple of days then it's really no drama so in the toilet there you go I'm not going to show you how that works everyone knows how to use the toilet that is the ensuite and that is a vein so I think that's it come to eat it oh yeah but that's Dan if we've got underbid storage I can show you that quickly it's just oh that's what everyone's is you're just going to chuck everything you don't use under there but there's plenty of room for it right and then well one thing we can talk about is the grill so we've only got a cooktop and a grill we wanted the extra storage in cupboards slow this and we've got the Ziggy Assad that we use as an oven so we haven't missed it you know we might have used it once or twice in the last 12 months yeah so yeah electric burner a plate and three gas and the grill so we haven't missed the oven for that all those that ask now and a lot of people say oh I don't want to cook you my VIN it'll make it stink it doesn't honestly I don't know unless you're gonna fully burn something and smoke the joint out then it might stink but we've never had an issue and we cook everything inside a lot of the time so there you go I'll swing ready Chuck is this Bo come and sit beside me so they can hear and then yeah sorry Beck didn't have much input into that but we just wanted to run around and it's super windy outside so I've got a remote mic on so you actually could hear me instead of the wind but there you go that's our fan life it is my yeah that's Tony home on wheels it works yes everything just works the one thing we would change if we could it's just get a bigger one yeah it's twenty foot nine as Justin said we'd love to go to a 22 footer or 23 yeah do you miss that extra bit of space up for me I loved the extra bench space to prep for dinner and everything so that's probably one aspect I miss and being able to put a bin somewhere I know it sounds so trivial but it normally at least on this whole key Archer and it's an absolute pain so we're just trying to figure out ten months we've been in standard still haven't figured out how to bloody yeah if you got any ideas help us out I'm where to put the cool swing away bean idea we're thinking we might chuck it under this dinner table somehow but I don't know it works you know we just chuck a bag there but it is a pain in the bum it would be nice to have an actual bin that you know the flip top lid or something but there's just nowhere to put it in previous fans we've had that Justin built in like a little hand part you know other 22 2000 yeah for the laundry yep sorry yeah if we decide to get a bigger fan it'll definitely have some kind of storage for I've been at a laundry hamper yep but what we can tell ya is that for a 20 foot no and then and all the places we've gone and we've punished it we're bloody happy with it oh yeah so you know we've taken you through we've shown you a few things that have gone wrong and really they're not much a can I just um one thing with this fan that we really wanted to do was not have white walls and when you're living a band full time with three kids you walls do not stay white and it's an absolute nightmare so this is my point for this this would look and it's been game changer I'll give you a quick look an example of that because the only white we've got really is up the eye and look at that Minds filth and then down anywhere the kids come in and grab the handles and up you're done yeah so you can imagine on a light when you go into most fans in the showrooms then what look all flash but um yeah just remember that do it they do it for the women to go oh yeah I do it yourself why why yeah do it I became we had a light gray in our very first and that was amazing it was yep actually have the thing these covers their matte finish smudge proof stuff you can still sort of see a little few smudges on them now and then but so easy to clean another addition that we so spend some time researching your finishes and your Dacor in your being because it can make life a lot easier down the track sorry I'm adding all these things the ambient lighting we've got it's really nice at night when the kids go to sleep we can just pop on this ambient lighting above that there is another there's another one at the top there oh yeah so there you go haha so hang on there what nearly dropped it so again thank you very much I hope you enjoyed that and it got a lot of info out of it because we really like to help you guys in your planning in your research when you do buy caffeine because it's a bit of a minefield and we've met so many people on the road that really regret their decision and their choice with what they've bought yes we're involved with willow we work with them and we help design this van but we can tell you from experience and from just genuine people that it is a good van and we are stoked with it so if you want to do the kind of stuff we do and sort of know that you're gonna be well I can reckon probably 98% worryfree you know it's a option to go and have a look at him at least anyway so ah right thank you very much as always feedback comments any questions flick them through we will continue to put them out in episodes and was going how do you guys actually live in it we'd love to know where you store our stuff but yeah we'll do more of these if you want to see them so yeah I'll get back more involved she can do a whole interior band series for you ask about like how I do washing and our nighttime routine and things like that so that's our plan is to go down that line as well if you guys want to see it would love yeah she would she'd be good at it she's ready I'm very Dacor orientated well if you didn't if you didn't notice by a Christmas decoration nothing anyway so we'll leave it there we won't dribble on but I'll just give you a reminder I'll drop a link in to our page where you can see all the discounts on stuff we use and yeah you can check it out and you can save yourself a bit of cash also if you want to support our vids we are on patreon you don't have to all right so like YouTube has well our series on it you will see the videos for free but if you find our content valuable and now you realize that we do work pretty hard on it and it cost us a lot of money and we don't make a lot it would be nice if you guys see some value in it and would like to support us in some way here is the patreon link you can jump on and it's also like a VIP access right so you can ask us any questions and we'll you get first dibs on replies and we'll also give it a lot more info on there than we will on social channels because a lot of the stuff we've learned along the way and how we've created this series and our online presence and work with brands and industries I mean partners in the industry that's valuable info to us and we're not just gonna flip it out there on socials for everyone else but if you're our VIP access on patreon we'll give you a few pointers so anyway let's go I'll catch you later oh you know what I just forgot I've been done the car all right I'll take you outside and do the car and all right this is the car hey to 2017 bt-50 GT you might have seen it before you probably have but if you haven't I'll do a quick recap on what's involved and how it went this year in the last few years right so up front IRB summit bar intensity lights warm winch underneath if you duck down we've got the IRB uvp and our recovery point it's been priceless I reckon we've hit that a few times and we've had to use the recovery point as well if you didn't know most of the cars that come with him what this here you'll see this that's just a tie-down point for shipping a lot of people use it as recovery points it's not really that safe you know it might work once twice ten times but it's not the right way to do it up here is a cellphone I go that's a mobile booster and it works well especially in places like this where we've got like one bar of 4G a couple of hours of 3G now and then you switch it on and it gives you pretty much full service it just amplifies that signal and it allows us to like upload videos and photos and emails and stuff so it's pretty handy or a calm UAE cheff it's a dual channel one inside it's a DT X 4200 which means you can get two channels and you can transmit on one you can listen to two which is handy for having your mates and listen in to channel 40 and that sort of thing swing around we've had to upgrade a big question we get is how do you carry so much weight we've got a levels kit which got installed in Victoria and it's federally compliant approved by our HCV or our VicRoads and it was five and half grand it's a two inch lift heavy springs in the front and rear and it's engineered and certified to give us three and a half tonnes GVM seven ton GCM so pretty much all the time we are three and a half tonne weather we've got the van on or not because when we do leave the van we chuck a lot of stuff in it to take it away but when we're traveling as a combined weight we're about 6700 kilos so we're under the 7 ton but the car is always at 3 and a half so we're still limited I can't take a tinny god damn it anyway clear view mirrors if you don't have these when you're thinking about towing and traveling have a look at them they are legit amazing I can't I don't know if I can ever drive like another car without them if I'm towing because they're just the vision they give you behind the car is brilliant and the amount of times we've bashed them on trees and stuff and they just fold in pretty happy with those well worth it roll a rock on top it's a trading platform that has the swags in the cargo gear swag bags that's a big question we get the SkyDome double swags up top and they are krb cargo gear swag bags keep some dried dust free and when we do want to use them we can whip them out and they're good to go everything stays in there so they're sleeping bags and mattresses and everything inside we just take our pillows with us Rhino Rack batwing awning which is a 270 goes right around good thing but on windy days really make sure you take it down well because they can flip over your car easy in the back now the Norwell thing or Norwell canopy package is pretty much one of my favorite things in the world it has changed the way we travel in camp and explore and made life so much easier and it's even convinced back to come away and do a lot more camping because it makes life so easy so inside right 60 liter ARB elements fridge clear view drop-down slide so we've had a different brand before drop down slide I didn't like it it was a bit if he still worked but I nearly lost a few fingers and stuff so these runs Clearview the only hot drawback for them is there a little bit heavier but the function of them they work bloody brilliantly mate and you can put up to an 80 litre fridge on them slam them in maybe even bigger actually whatever you can fit in here inside this is our kitchen setup table drawer combo pot run an induction cooktop inside oh I broke my headphones before so I've just been gluing them up but dust free water free the canopy over all the tracks we've been on and everything has been amazing not one thing has come loose not one thing is cracked there's no dust having any issues with batteries mounts like absolutely faultless mate we cannot fault the whole canopy system that is our kitchen drawer combo swinging air back the battery system in here is in a drive as well so tucked in behind down there is a 200 amp hour BTech 2000 watt inverter and then a full battery monitor system cigarette lighter sophists dual USBs and lighting all done by Pro Touring concepts on the Gold Coast Caleb and mate again faultless never have we had a flat battery never have we've owned a views never have we had default find or diagnose anything wrong with this system it's just worked whenever we wanted it to and been bloody brilliant on the bat oh yeah these tubs at the top we put this full-length shelf in because we wanted to be able to put our clothes and stuff when we do go away from the van we're going somewhere to put them so these at the moment have storage boxes and duffle bags inside of them when we leave and go camping they came up they come out they get filled with stuff and go on the roof the storage boxes go here full of food and then these get filled with clothes from inside and come with us works so buddy good so good I haven't found a better way to do it so I'm going to keep rolling with that around the back we've got one spirit one fuel because we don't have a long-range tank in this so we carry a jerry and we've also got another couple of jerry's in the back of the van that if we know we're going further away i strap them to the roof as well ladder on the back brilliant makes easy access to the top for tying stuff down and that you know trying to climb off the side and off the wheel arches and that the x bar with a standard drop hitch this is something we fitted when we got the canopy done and it lifts your tow bar up the standard one was sitting like down here mate had these drop down plates that come right down here and there was no recovery points on the back you would have had to take your hitch out and put a after market recovery hitch in these run comes with three rated hitches eight ton in the middle four ton either side on the out there and it's got a are a bash plate underneath which protects all your wiring so your 12 pin and for me my anderson plug there you go underneath we run airbags so there's a air tank under there that's always got 200 pound to air in it and i've got a remote wireless system to pump the air bags up and down we generally run with about ten pound in them I don't need any more than that otherwise it just gets a bit rough on the kidneys another gear bag always fall or something at the moment it's full of snorkeling gear and fins and stuff but ah yeah another great spot for rubbish and dirty gear I'll pull this out the trundle draw again dust free water free with all the tracks ravine on keep heavy stuff down there recovery gear a bit of fishing gear we makeshift crab hook 4w a when you're allowed to use them which is actually just the warning Pole to grab this strap on your awning and then this side this is pretty much the workstation where I keep all my camera gear charges and that sort of thing again dust free water free faultless mate like it's I don't know I can't rave enough about them because it is bloody quality gear drawback is sort of tools spares bits and bobs that you've done access to often frontline again more camera stuff GoPro bits Nicks and snacks and charges and whatever and then yeah this one's the same or film charging stations set up with 240 volt power and then USB charges and CG's charges there to charge camera batteries and stuff this is an overhead moveable shelf you don't have to have that it's on uni strut in the roof you can slide it back and forth or you can get different sizes or pull it out all together we run this one because we carry a porta potti and it fits in the back there nicely and then my tackle bag goes there and then it still gives us another layer of storage up the top there to keep stuff so it's just not getting chucked in on top of each other works bloody awesome DC to DC charger that takes alternator current from the car and pumps 40 amps plus in it's also a solar regulator so I've got a solar input on the front I can put a roof-mounted panel well there's another solar input on the radios there and I can run a flexible panel there's also an auxilary one there to run another fridge if I want to Oricon radios I'll show you then because you can get like I've been telling you'd get the other charge discounts 15% off storewide at Oricon all right so work with these guys to install the one in my car back in Ningaloo station and it's good gear eh it's good gear it's quality and it doesn't break the bank we've been using it flat out and can't fault it so we recommend it 15% off free shipping anything on these tire pressure systems bloody inside they've got a heap a different stuff on Oricon so you can check them out and save yourself a bit of freight water tank 45 litre water tank there's the filler it sits underneath there and then there's a tap there which is gravity fed at the back here another toolbox which is locked at the moment plus it's got me air compressor and stuff in there and leads for our hoses from air and up the van and the cow and we come off the beach so there you go this side shovel holder I reckon you got to have a shovel mate it's buddy we've you beeps even if it's just for campfires but it's also handy for getting bombed in recoveries and that the car itself guess what we blew an engine up yep you probably all know that I'll give you a bit of details into what happened on the back of these engines there's an EGR cooler with a coolant line coming in one way and one coming out the other side on the outside our hosts split we're towing up a hill just outside of Katherine on the way to Darwin Darwin Darren and uh yeah the hosts split and pretty quickly pumped all the coolant out and overheated our engine which then cooked the head you know so we blew the head gasket land also once they checked it out and did some they Boris coped it at Mazda it had picked up on number three so fair bit engine damage covered under warranty we got a new long block fitted so this car now has a brand new engine and it's only got ninety-eight thousand K's on it so just a freak thing I reckon you know it's a mechanical issue whatever blown hose here's what it is but apart from that that's the only issue we've had mate so I can't the mers has been a really good car for what we do yes it's limited with its gvm capacity and uh we're you know we're at the top of that now when we sort of need to look at going something bigger so we can take a teeny and keep expanding a travel spot for what we've done the way we've set it up we love it obviously we're sad to see it go fishing gear is here back there mm-me rods are on the other side yeah on the Bob the tubs I'll just keep him in a roll and chuck them at the top so anyway I reckon that's probably enough there's nothing yes enough of this chitchat but uh yeah again if you got any more questions about the you send them through but that's a brief rundown or maybe a bit more in-depth rundown on the car in the van and how's performed this year and um yeah we love it it's pretty good setup it's taking us everywhere so come here I'll give you this I'll swing it around and we'll say goodbye again my love thank you I used to say she's so she's like this camera weighs about 200 gram work it anyway I hope you enjoyed that and like we said before comments feedback put them in we love it catch up [Music] [Music]
Channel: Trip In A Van - RoadTrip Australia Series
Views: 429,667
Rating: 4.8375053 out of 5
Id: 8AJygD0Wyow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 47sec (2807 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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