Our Best Will It Run Yet! | Forgotten 1965 Ford F100 | Buried By Nature For Over 50 Years | RESTORED

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i think i'm to the last look we i don't know about this i don't think this thing's gonna run again previously unrestored looks like another chord on it yeah yeah not a lot of trees we're gonna have to cut but a lot of trees that fell on it i'd say this has to be one of the most sunk in the ground ones we've ever tried to rescue yeah it's got a motor in it does it yeah a little bit i can see of it oh my gosh yeah what little bit you can see if it's right yeah holly and that is the top of the most packed in rats nest in the motor i've ever seen in my life too supposedly this thing was running when they parked it but it ain't gonna be running right now i can guarantee that [Music] so you guys probably remember this old 1965 ford me and dad recently rescued out of the woods now when we found this truck it had been setting for a long time and we literally had to dig it out of the grave it had been sitting in there now the story that we were told was this old girl was running when she was parked but after we were able to get the hood open and examine it for the first time well i don't even know if she's ever going to run again so we're going to go ahead and get this hood off start cleaning up that mouth stem the best we can and just hope for the best well i said it once and i'll say it again that is the biggest rats nest i've ever seen in my life yeah i don't know rats or beavers or what's bigger than rats now every time we get something i say it's the top one but this one right here takes the cake by far this thing had been busy for a while yeah he said there's supposedly i have to believe a v8 up underneath all this mess but hopefully that's nothing whatever built it ain't still down in there i guess we'll just dig into it and hope for the best huh like i got the i think i got the rougher end of the deal on my side yeah but it'll look like you did more too [Applause] at least it's holding together fairly well not just crumbling all and falling making several handfuls now somehow they managed to pack that stuff tight yeah yours is packed a lot tighter than mine mine's actually fairly fairly manageable we have to go dump it less than a minute into it kind of crazy we had to dig the truck out of the ground now we have to dig the motor out of the ground out of the truck at least the trees out of it i'm gonna go dump this okay starting to lose it off the sides i'm gonna check the oil since that's right here in my face pretty nasty but it's in there it's it's full of oil it's it's really kind of thick pickish so i already found the dipstick yeah yeah if you're sitting right here just yeah my side i i mean it's pretty thick yeah probably some good old quaker state [Applause] once again though there's a bunch of wires in here that don't look like they've been touched that's what i say these spark plug wires over here what i see of them well that means true as soon as i said that i'll grab our seat of spark plug wires every one of them is eight and a half on that but i'm in on like the firewall there the actual wiring of the truck man alive this is worse than that rambler was yeah i thought i thought there's no way we can find anything really any closer to that yeah definitely do have a v8 up underneath there though yeah i'm trying to pull this battery off i doubt it's got any charge to it if it does i need it on my truck now of course it's got a bracket on it maybe the 9 16ths like a hood question is is it locked up i'm about tired of messing with the seized engines yeah me too [Applause] uh sound like it was growing in there pretty well yanked it out by the roots there wasn't nothing on this truck that was rolling was there when we pulled it out no wheels they're all locked up i think most of them are this one may have started but it didn't make a quarter of a turn for it i was messing with the transmission i couldn't get it to to move out of whatever gear it's in so when we get to trying to turn it over it may be it may be stuck in gear i don't know get some need some air or something yeah let me go kick on that compressor and find a rod or something we can kind of keep knocking this stuff loose with you hold your breath and watch your eyes man that stuff is packed in there bad i'll let you try to get yours a once over and then i'll go back to your direction yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] have you tried to get on that fan yet see if he'll spin over no not yet the water pump's not froze up but i probably think some movement but i guess it's very loud belt's too loose yep i hope it will but judging by rusty valve cover rusty intake that's pretty rough a foot above it of just rats nest and then having to dig it out of the ground anyways yeah i think that works good enough to kind of see i think so get a see if at least turn over i hate to spend too much time on it and find out it's a lost cause anyways see all them wire spark plug wires have been ate on and digested not just i mean there's a foot pieces of wire missing there so i guess i'll go grab a socket to try to get on that crank and just put a little pressure on it see if it'll move some okay if it does and we'll pull these plugs out before we move it too far get some lubrication down in there and if it don't then we'll pull these plugs out and get some lubrication down in there i don't think it's going to budge though we'll see a little cheater bar just in case i said i can't tell if it's in neutral go ahead and give it a little it's just tightening the bolt yeah let's try going back the other way but i know it's just gonna loosen loosen off that bolt all right well just pull the plugs and get something soaking down in it i guess and like i said we might have to get up underneath it and figure out that linkage why it's not shifting right could be a bunch of nests built up around in that too yep get these plugs out of here hopefully without breaking them off 13 16 ain't they uh this valve cover here is brittle and rusted bad why not hard to pull them off too see what it looks like down in on the valve train okay yeah now we finally got this engine compartment cleaned up where you can actually see a motor up underneath the hood here found a 352 v8 and once again this truck was running when they parked it and said it actually had a lot of pep to it right now i'm not going to say she's a lost cause but she isn't even trying to turn over we're fighting the transmission of knowing for sure if it's in neutral but we've got a socket on the crank pulley down here trying to turn it over there and it's not doing anything but just tightening in that bolt some more so what we're going to go ahead and do now is just pull out these spark plugs get some kind of fluid down in there we allow those pistons to soak so we can work it back and forth uh probably going to go ahead and pull off these valve covers too and just see what the valve train looks like while we're at it i don't know about them valve cover bolts on this side i'm pretty rough same with the valve cover itself coming out though spark plugs oh yeah that one there crumbled all the pieces your valve cover's rusted over there too though you say at the very top where that bolt goes in yeah it's uh rusted pretty bad well what do we want to try to put down in these cylinders we've tried just about everything and nothing's really worked too good for us we always get sledgehammer yeah we always get called out for not doing the vinegar even though we do do it i think we ought to just try vinegar first try vinegar first and just get that one completely out of the yeah wing chun i'm afraid this one's gonna break too yep well that'll be fun drilling those out i think i'm to the last wow i don't know about this that does not look good at all i don't think this thing's gonna run again not without pulling it out completely rebuilding it wow that's dry and just full of junk like everything else man i bought you extension mine's i've got a wire there that's kind of fighting me i guess i'm going to kind of these plugs i've never seen one that dry yeah i'm gonna kind of put these plugs back in there so i can vacuum it or blow it out or something not blow it all down in them cylinders i can believe this but i'm afraid mine are gonna break off the exact same way yours did the same same too oh i believe it that's the way this thing has been so far i think that might be the least of our concerns breaking maybe not not that went oh yeah we're fixing to show you the ugly truth yep about the same ain't it yep wow how does it get that bad i don't know [Music] even if the pistons ain't stuck you know all this stuff up here is right yeah it's so you say you're putting the plug i'm putting just kind of threading the plugs in there halfway so i can blow that out ain't throwing it down into the cylinders i know this ain't the perfect thing to do can't make it any worse [Music] so [Music] so i'm going to spray that rocker bolts just in case we can get them to break close pull that rockers off so now that we've got these valve covers removed from the truck this has to be the worst looking valve train i've ever seen in my life they were packed full of just dirt and rust and just all kinds of debris kind of blew it out the best we could spray down these rocker bolts with some pb blaster hopefully we can get the rocker out of the way that way when we're trying to turn this over we're not fighting the valves trying to open and close them we're only moving the pistons in the cylinder so pull these plugs back out get some vinegar down in it and try to see if it moves from there see if we need to move forward or walk away from this thing still nothing still nothing feel that bolt tightening in a little bit but i don't want to break it off go back the other way just for the fun of it all right let's try to get let's try to get that pipe wrench down behind there on that round part maybe we can use bolts or something to see if it'll turn over with that we could maybe get on the flywheel like we've done before but i don't know if we'd be able to pry down there or not it looks like it's very easy to get at all right fit on there yeah i can just get it to grip there i can probably crawl up here and put my foot on stand on already that'd be a little easier than me trying to pull it down all right now it's got a good bite though it's definitely got a good bite i can't find what to grab hold of to help push now it ain't moving at all try to let's try to put this ratchet on there as well i don't know if you can get it from that side or not and kind of push while i push ready yep is it trying i don't think so no it ain't trying which is to be expected as bad as the tops of these heads look you know it's got to be just as bad if not worse on the bottoms of them down in the cylinders so vinegar no working no this one anyways it's still yeah that's what i didn't let any seat by everyone was completely full on this side well do we walk away or where do we go from here wait it out longer or i don't know that waiting it out that was gonna do yeah i don't know that we're far enough into it yet to walk away i mean i guess we are anytime you can walk away but i think if we could i guess the next thing would be to try to get the heads off then but we're going to have to pull that intake off and get the distributor out get the intake off and then hopefully i say we we start with the intake if the bolts will start coming out we'll keep going if they break off then we're kind of there i'm going to say the likelihood of them breaking off is very high they're pretty rusty it's kind of a weird design on this intake it's actually part of the the top part of the where the valve cover wow that's part of the intake you know a lot on the chevrolets the intake just kind of sits between there we can try the heads don't look too bad on this side looks like about 9 16 or so get this out of the way just so we can i say we need to pull that distributor out too [Applause] and i guess if they break off they break off we'll just try to deal with it later or whatever because some of these are so rusted down in there as bad as all that looks like i don't know that waiting any amount of time is gonna right it's just crazy as bad as all that looks top of the carburetor wow looks new yeah it looks great don't it yeah let's try to uh i guess get this distributor out i'll start seeing if i can pull loose some of these intake bolts give it a little douse here yeah that one there the head the plumb rusted 9 16 is about a 3 8 now yeah well that one right there is already broke i didn't even put no pump on it yep it's broke right down there where it goes into the the head so we're gonna have to try to drill that out i guess i can't even get some of these push rods to pull out of here there goes that one you know it's bad when look at that see that push rod oh wow tear well that's cracked it's correct of course it is oh that's broke as if we welded together yeah that one's got a bite won't even spin don't want to break that vacuum advance off of it so [Applause] look at that brand new inside there points and stuff don't look too bad so i believe they were tuning it up right before they parked it i mean possibly a new carburetor new points and rotor button new distributor cap and then life happened i guess yeah man that thing does not want to move can you maybe tap on those vice grips while i try to pull right here i think it did move away just a hair will that pull out with the intake if we had to uh i think it should it should we're out of acetylene in our torch so i don't know if i could use the plasma and try to just shave off the head of of this thing here no i don't want to mess up that intake well the thing is we in order to get that off i've got to get all mine out because the way it's shaped it's going to have to come this way because yeah we've got to get them all out yeah i mean even if you cut that head off all might have to come out because they're fighting against each other oh yeah that's what you're saying that just the head being off won't happen yeah unless i cut it down inside there so they're almost gonna have to be cut down down below yeah well you know it'd be better then to do that if i'm gonna have to do that just take the sawzall and try to which you don't have to cut it down next to the head you can cut it up higher just where it comes through the can i get a saw saw blade and the ones that are there you could probably get a saws all around that one maybe yeah so you got these three these three i've got to get i better not that one i got it loose so it's just this one and this one that i like maybe with that push rod out of there i could let me go grab a let me go brag i got to cut this exhaust anyway it's a sawzall try that out i know everyone's saying all the little pieces of metal that are going down in there but it ain't no different than all that rust that's already in there rusted as that was it sure was strong still it's one of those things where you have to make a decision on whether you want to move forward or just walk away and leave it i think that's got all of mine then there it goes i had to kind of get up underneath mine in that gap and pry them upwards just the bolts just to get the head to come up some and it may not matter now that they're cut honestly they should just pick up huh no wonder why this thing won't turn over even if the pistons were completely free all those lifters and everything else are completely stuck you can tell not one of them i think we're gonna have to soak this whole truck down and evaporate us there it is that outlaw that should be all of them oh you didn't do that one up there okay look at the bottom completely rusted off yep or broke off could have been broken probably broke it off trying to get it to twist there yeah that might be fine that one there wasn't far from yeah twisting off worst engine i've ever tried to work on by by far yeah i guess the distributor is about the only thing left that i don't know if we don't get it out i think it should lift up with the intake but yeah as long as it's not as stuck as it is you know that intake's probably stuck the same right we get that big pry bar inside there might get underneath that thermostat housing kind of just probably yeah there's a little lip there [Applause] the distributors staying in place i think but yeah that ain't good can you pry anywhere over there so we may have to get that thing out of there not really a gosh it's so stuck though no place to pry not really i mean the only place i can uh can you get it with yeah yeah i don't want to break anything now can i get up underneath this right there here we go you can get up underneath you know the bottom part of it there it's hard oh that goes something dead didn't it something call that's just the intake popping up over it of course whoa it went or it broke it broke i think but let's try to get this lifted off of here and maybe set the hood back on it before it starts raining a lot more not that it's gonna hurt anything oh wait it broke the thing on it so it broke out yeah i mean at this point it i mean wait until you see up underneath this intake i don't think we've done any harm yeah i broke the the cast on it there but duck said oh my gosh yeah that is terrible how does one even get that bad i don't know there's it's a it's a garden down in there it looks just like the ground oh man now that we walk away if we don't walk away from it at this point it's one of those things though where you like yeah we should walk away from it but if you don't and you get it going oh yeah i mean it'd be cool yeah but i mean when aluminum is got itself welded down into the thing there and you have to break it to get anything off yeah but i mean it's going to take lots of cleaning yeah just to get it to where you can see what you're doing yeah i mean we can go ahead and pull these heads off i've already got mine ready except the exhaust and these two i mean we might as well just see what it looks like in the i mean yeah it's in the cylinder at this point if it keeps sprinkling it ain't going to hurt anything in there no let's set this inside and try to get them heads off i guess so we decided pretty early in the game to go ahead and try to tear into this motor a little bit more uh and i'm glad we did we could have waited forever thinking that vinegar was going to break these cylinders loose and this motor has a lot more problems than that so once we were finally able to get the intake off it's just completely corroded and just full of trash in here on the block so we're just going to go ahead and pull these heads off now see what the cylinders look like in there at this point we really have nothing to lose but we're just going to tear into it a little bit deeper just to see what we've got here two of them i can't reach without a shorter extension maybe i mean a shorter three-quarter just need a three-quarter yeah i've got one here nevermind i've still got these two over here i've got to try to get out of the top too you're it's coming okay or yeah maybe that one i don't know if i can get on it with that but the battery dad go figure let me try that socket on these yep dead battery can you maybe pull yep it and see if it spins down low there come on yeah let's turn it down low sure yep well i'm gonna have to find the battery to cut that with i have to go grab one off the charger [Applause] [Applause] need some help here in just a second i'm gonna try to uh i'm gonna have to go grab a charge battery anyway going the right way right yeah i can see how rusty it is down in there that one yeah you already got it yeah i just got these black ones that's all i like i think it is yeah let me give it a little spray that's better than breaking it off huh yeah so other than just cutting the exhaust now cutting exhaust and i believe that is it i wish i could get on them bolts and just take it loose at the flange there looks like it'd be a pretty good tour i'll let you try to [Applause] good luck with that blade cut's nice but i don't know your side looks a lot harder yeah i don't i don't know about getting in there at any we have to go from underneath i think that's gonna be my best bet to try to get i can crawl up underneath there do you want to take this head off real quick or yeah see if we can anyways oh here it goes oh wow i mean yeah they're not not terrible huh not terrible not even that side of it yeah even those are well now it makes me wonder what the crank looks like down there it may just be all the issue up below that intake i bet it blew an intake gasket at some point i'll try to cut that other okay yeah like i said it's just you can't get at it right here at all because of the steering box big ole bore on those there's some big old pistons ain't it yeah i guess i'm just so used to messing with that little stuff here lately when you go from that little 1200 dots trying to make a [Applause] hang on your set put on my blade oh was trying to straighten it i think i can cut it here but i don't know i don't know if we'll be able to get it out uh it's kind of got a curl to it but i'll try can you see that i can see that you think that would work i think so [Music] [Applause] where's all the water coming from it's coming from these pistons of heads oh it's coming off yeah i'll smell it now it's vinegar yeah yeah i smell it big time what in the world can kill the grass i don't know where to grab it same on your side kind of that back one yeah look at the bottom though yeah that's they're not very look pretty good they're actually not none of them are even stuck open now i'm thinking about it i didn't notice on that other yeah the other one i seen two of them some of them yep two of them at least we're open [Applause] let's real quick try to suck out them cylinders and just kind of see what they look like you know i got to thinking anybody new to this channel we pull that head off and say them cylinders ain't that bad yeah that's pretty rough still yeah just what we're used to messing with it doesn't look terrible and maybe when i'm comparing it to the below the intake right [Applause] so now that we've got the heads pulled off this block it really doesn't look as bad down in the cylinders as i expected it to be especially in comparison to up underneath the intake there now i really don't know what we need to do as far as moving forward with this if we can even make any more progress not to say we've made any kind of progress so far other than tearing this thing down i guess at this point we'll just try to keep cleaning it up the best we can and i feel like maybe drain the oil out of it and just let it soak with some diesel maybe some evaporation just fill the block completely up with it and hopefully the goal would be to just see if we can get the motor to turn over again but once again don't even know if that'll ever happen well guys as you can tell we're a whole lot deeper into this project than we ever anticipated or wanted to be unfortunately we had to pull the engine out of this truck and with that we had to pull the transmission as well when we tried to break the two apart inside the truck just the clutch and the pressure plate everything was just so rusted on that shaft it wouldn't allow them to pull apart so we got the transmission out with it and we were able to separate it once it was out of the truck so now we're just about to dig back into this block and kind of show you guys what we got going on here as you can tell guys on these lifters right here they're still extremely rusty we tried to go ahead and put vinegar on there at first let it set a day or two and it actually seems like it made it rust here so we drained out the oil that was in here and it was actually just super sludgy and would hardly even come out of it once we drained what we could we filled the block completely up with evaporates all the way up to the top it seemed like that might have been working okay until we found out that our oil pan was actually rusted through in the bottom between the cross member and the oil pan so the old sludgy oil the dirt between the cross member where this truck was buried was obviously just keeping what oil it had in it so right now we're just going to go ahead and pull this oil pan off see what it looks like on the bottom end maybe try to clean up in this area a little bit more we've got some rust dissolver jelly we can possibly try on there maybe plug it off with some more evaporate and just move on from there very rough ain't it yeah yeah i say it ain't as bad though is what i thought it might be no not up not up there but on the wall pretty sludgy though look at that water got in here somehow a lot of water i mean i guess that evaporates could have done it a little bit too it's water-based but still that stuff was sludgy like that before we put any of that in there i guess we can flip it over and check see what everything else looks like on that crank huh yeah let me get this last one and grab some shop towels yeah i want to reach down in there and just see it's pretty look at that yucky mud yeah that's i don't guess it could be any worse actually i guess it could it could be completely dry right forgot about that being in there yep i don't think terrible no least none of that stuff is not i think all of us locked up is on those lifters i don't think any of our pistons are actually froze up i was kind of concerned about the timing chain but it looks it looks really good i mean it's it's going to be old but i was hoping maybe we could get at those lifters and knock them out this way i don't even see them down in there though there's a lifter there we might be able to get at some of them i don't know that's going to be the trick though is getting getting the lifters out of it because like i said i don't think that it we're stuck on our pistons and cylinders or our crank it's just that cam and lifters let's flip it back over and see [Applause] oh we're gonna have to just get some of that rust off of those somehow yeah which these front ones don't look as bad as the back ones it looks like actually that one right there it looks like the front half you can kind of see at least an edge on them these other just like i don't know what you'd call that rusted in i guess i wonder if you could get in through there oh that one moved we could get to some of them then well praise god who'd ever thought i said these ones might be able to come free i don't know if you can get that's the only one i can get at from this side two of them over unless i get on that one which that one's rusty now oh wow that one there was easy that one's out that one's out let's see one more i can get out but i don't know that it's you know that still looks pretty rusted so some of these might come out i can't get any more out of that one there that's i think we need to probably try plug these off fill it up with evaporate again or try that rust jelly see if that works yeah the jelly should stay on there you know at least but still got to get the try to get the distributor out too right but i mean at least knowing those are i don't know that these would actually ever be reusable but if we can get them out we can put new lifters in it which may mean putting a new cam in it too i don't know right new lifters an old cam probably means a guaranteed flat cam let's try that jelly out i guess and see if maybe these will break loose like those ones did works for me so we went ahead and ran a wire brush across the head of these lifters and applied that rust dissolver jelly just to let it sit overnight now we've never used that product before so we're really not sure how well it's going to work but kind of at a point where we just got to try something else and just hope for the best we come in the next morning unfortunately it didn't seem to do its job so we tried a little bit of heat still these lifters didn't want to budge we decided to go ahead and pull off the timing chain cover as well as a timing chain which runs to the cam hoping we could turn over the crank and be able to knock the lifters out from the bottom once we got the timing chain loose from the cam well you guessed it the crank was completely stuck as well as all the pistons at this point we're just going to go ahead and try to pull loose some of these rod end caps hopefully we can drive some of the pistons up out of the cylinders and then just get on this crank the best we can hammer it around back and forth and hopefully we can finally get it to turn over coming in yeah there we go i think we can get a another turn out of it we'll at least know we've got a full revolution on it oh hang on one piston rod i think now that we've got it turning we need to connect those back up probably so yeah but i mean the ones that are connected are you know moving in and out and we've done bang those ones loose so i think if we can wheel this back around connect them back up and then try to work it again do we need to go ahead and get that one there yeah we can go ahead and kind of get that one connected back and then wheel it around and get those on there too then i think we should be able to make a full revolution all the pistons moving in and out like they should then and then try to get the lifters out of it get back to where we're headed yeah now that we've got these rods all put back into place and everything torqued to spec on it she's actually turning over pretty easy and pretty smooth down here on the lower end and now that this crank is spinning over we'll be able to get down on some of those lifters hopefully and just smack them out with something if we can't get these lifters out of this engine then there's no way it's ever going to run again so hopefully we can get a pretty good lick on them if they come out we'll move forward with new lifters if they don't we'll probably wrap this thing up oh yeah that one's coming can you count all the way out with it now i'm just coming at the wrong angle to we may just have to see if we can you know pump them down and then grab them with uh yeah pliers or vice grips or something and try to pull them up i think so there's another way i can do that ready yeah should be on this side okay yep that one almost will come out that'll come out a good little ways which i'm not sure if that might have been one we already had broke loose though i think it's just going to take a little bit of back and forth until we get them all popped loose and we're probably going to have to grab them from the other end and right pull them out as rusty as they were they're probably gonna grab all the way out oh yeah that's crazy as bad as this looks up here yeah or how bad it looked to begin with i'd have never thought it looks like it caught on fire or something now though we're in nature definitely going to take new lifters though i think they'll all come out it might just take a little bit more persuasion on some of them than others so we finally got all the lifters broke free out of the block from the bottom side we were also able to get on the what was left of the distributor and knock it out as well we installed our timing chain and our cam gear back on there so now we're trying to get it to turn over and found out that the cam is froze up solid we've sprayed it down with some pb blaster and it's been soaking just like everything else but at this point we're not really sure if it's ever going to turn over or if it's going to break or what it's going to do i believe the biggest problem we've had with this project so far is just not knowing when to stop on it so with this if that cam breaks that's probably going to put an end to this whole little project here but hopefully we can get it to work back and forth just a little bit if it'll turn over we'll try to move on to the next step and if not we'll wrap it up you know what it broke it broke the uh it broke the gear on the cam just down notice that it broke the gear on the cam right there so i don't know if we were if the cam's still moving right oh man this has been a struggle all the way ain't it yeah so i'll take that off and see what it looks like behind there try to move that just a little let me see if i see if anything else is moving down in here besides i don't know i see it moving it's moving i mean yeah yeah it's it's only moving right in here though yeah i don't know because like i said that's that much movement you would think that yeah it's not moving at all ain't moving back there no nothing nothing and it's just barely moving there so yeah it's a bigger gear so it's not going to be as moving as much as the crank there but it may i don't know it may be broken there and we're just kind of rocking the the end of the cam shaft back and forth but you think it would have just broke and just completely spun around yeah i mean if not then are you trying to pull this hole just pull the crank out i mean the rods out the crank out everything on this bottom end to get that cam out if it's stuck on every little bearing please come out without breaking good grief that goes way on in there yeah lord please let this slide out i think it's coming it's definitely coming let's just sit later here i don't know why i did that because you did all the work take it out and clean it up real good throw it away [Music] well we finally got the camshaft out of the engine and as you guys can tell it's in pretty rough shape now where the bearings actually fit on there it's not too bad it ain't rusted up but on all these lobes here it's extremely rusted so now we've been putting a lot of abuse on just trying to turn this thing over i mean we broke the cam gear on it so i don't know i think our best bet at this point would just be to replace the cam since how we're going to have to put new lifters it would just make sense new lifters matching new cam but it all boils down to do we want to put that money into this truck and hope that it runs or do we just want to cut our losses where we're at right now is where we'll have to decide from here but i have to say we got this out it is a little bit closer i think to seeing if it'll run we just still don't know at this point if it ever will we went ahead and let this original cam just soak in evapo rust overnight and decided we were just going to try to put it back in the engine originally our goal on this truck was just to try to get it up and running with the original parts so we just decided to put it back in there and hope for the best we patched up this oil pan the best we could and obviously replaced parts that just had to be replaced including the oil pump and all the lifters on it now on the heads of this thing we had to put a ton of work in them obviously all the valves and springs were just super rusty so we had to try heat a ton of pb blaster even cutting the springs and replacing them we degreased everything the best we could on putting it back together and now that we've got our intake our push rods and our rockers all installed it's actually turning over pretty good so turns over really easy by hand all of the rockers are moving the way they're supposed to be all of the springs seem to be closing the way they're supposed to be so now there's only one last thing to do and that's add 20 dollars of a rattle can spray paint just to make it look like it should run just in case if it don't [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] all right that one's pretty loud over here this valve is stuck still yeah i think it's partially sticking seeing any oil come up yet a little bit there a little there oh yeah mine's starting here i think it's getting closer i think i see oil down in it i see all in mine once it's turning over quicker too i'll definitely pump it up there i just want to be sure we had oil pumping up here to the top end right well do we want to put some plugs in it and see what it does i think so put the spark plugs in it and probably want to go ahead and throw the valve covers back up on it keep from throwing oil everywhere yep praise god i was hoping there would be no clunks or knocks [Applause] kind of crazy for as bad as it was that's right yeah so now that we've got the engine back in the truck we're able to turn it over with the starter for the first time so it sounds pretty good it feels like there's a lot of compression coming out of these uh spark plug holes here so now we're just going to go ahead and put the spark plugs back in it hopefully we've got our new distributor in time so we did put an ati distributor in it since that other one broke in half we had to put a new carburetor on it too because the whole bottom of the carburetor was completely rusted out so get these spark plugs in here make sure everything's in time on our firing order and i think she might try to bust off on us that's yours we got em i guess we'll go grab them valve covers real quick crazy how much better this thing looks with just some yeah spray paint it's crazy how far it's come though yeah talk about a drastic before and after well out of all of them that we've messed with this has been the most most fight ain't it yeah and also make it the most rewarding if it runs right yep when it runs yeah all right so this was number one right one five four six three one five yeah it's one five four two it's so i should have mine right here man makes you a little nervous yeah yeah we want to put a little gas in it are we forgetting forgetting something uh i think we should be fine i think this is our next that thing's not real tight i don't know if i should put a little bit of a snug to it just to make sure it don't move a whole lot this is still moving right oh yes i guess yeah might get a little squirter and maybe some starting our carb cleaner to keep it running let's see it forcing it in there so i said come up the tube let's try that we got some little gas coming out through that so let me squirt some mangas in here and i'll go in there and try to see if he'll start with the key and it's probably going to take it a little while i'm glad that one valve ended up not staying sticking now everything clear everything's clear and ready to roll see what it does you ready i'm ready i'm nervous what was that it was coming out up here i thought i seen it blow out somewhere back here but now something ain't right shouldn't be spitting back out of the carburetor like that let's try to check it at a make sure top dead center and everything looks right again it's going to do it ain't it yeah it's going to i hope it is got any more gas yeah fill that bowl on up a little bit more it is going to run i just can't tell if it's taking it in there very good we'll have to run a some fuel to our fuel pump now get some more fuel in there yeah i didn't really think honestly it would be this season either ready yep i would say it ran for a second oh come on [Applause] huh i'm gonna get some more gas there we go it's starving for fuel let's hook that you want to hook that tank up so yeah that way it'll be pumping on in there yep if we can get it to crank up and run long enough where we can play with that distributor to make sure we've got it about as close in the time as we can that should be enough to say something huh idle for a second or two might take it a while though to get it pumping up in there it's going to this next couple times come on might let us switch and let me try to i wonder if it ain't just a little bit still probably how to need to go one way or the other yeah yeah i don't know why that choke's not going down on us definitely pumping up gas yeah yeah it's pumping gas for sure ready yep all right all right all right i don't know why it's doing that huh i thought it was just going to run that time well it keeps doing a big old backfire up out of it about the time it could be one of these valves that are still still sticking sticking every once in a while yeah go ahead there's that was it well it's burning it's a lot of that old oil and stuff too yeah i forgot about that being in the pistons all right come on come on this isn't it it's uh it's still not getting enough gas down in there for some reason or we're getting too much air i guess is what it would be yeah because i'm having to really pump on it i was hoping it cranked up but let's try it one more time we should have made it where we could crank it out here and uh if you if i can keep it running if you want to mess with the distributor because i'm gonna have to hold the choke a little bit okay all right huh i think a lot of it's a choke though it needs to be choked it ran there's no doubt that's crazy it sounds good too i mean other than it being extremely loud from no exhaust let's try to figure out this choke and then mess with it again off so it's not burning up anything may have to try to adjust it some [Music] [Music] [Music] i don't know what do you think i don't know is it i mean it's surging like yeah like it's almost like the accelerator pump or something like it's just sure i don't know of anywhere that could be a vacuum i said i don't know what would make it surge like that so we ended up having to pull this carburetor back off it was sucking a lot of air on the back side of it the way we had applied that gasket on there the first time just wasn't allowing it to seal off right so we got it pulled off flipped it on the other side now when you hit the key that if you want to show them what it does she cranks up and just purrs like a kitten so she's sitting there idling i mean there's no way no reason why this thing should be running as smooth as it is but there's no smoke she's revving like she's supposed to you can go ahead and kill it the only thing left to do now i feel like is try to get these brakes unlocked uh see if we can shoot some air to some of these old tires if not switch them out with some wheels and tires that'll hold there and just see if we can send it on down to the other shop [Music] i guess i'm gonna try and make it down there all righty door won't stay shut so i'm sitting on a bungee strap another thing we figured out is we only have first in reverse because something's wrong with the linkage here so it's going to be a slow trip and of course no buds and i have no clue what the steering's gonna be like but she's moving folks [Music] oh this thing's hard to steer [Music] come on i thought we were in first we're in third so we have reverse in third gear and a terrible pull to the left i cannot believe she's actually moving under her own power just stop now slow down it's hard to believe just a few weeks ago me and dad were literally digging this thing out of its grave i mean this is a truck that a lot of people would have just walked away from and said it's far too gone and to be completely honest with you well there were times that we probably would have agreed with that this thing was completely wrapped up in death with the biggest rat home we've ever seen in our lives and once we got inside the motor well it wasn't any better everything was rusted up locked up chewed up i mean the odds were completely against us on this [Music] [Applause] every time we get to a point to where we felt like we were going to have to walk away from it seems like we had a breakthrough and it was always right on time if you guys haven't realized already we only played a small part in the outcome of this truck and it's pretty obvious that the future of this saying wasn't destined for the grave turns out what most people called dead well it was only sleeping and for that to god be all the glory [Applause] this is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is [Music] you
Views: 1,589,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: restored, kravened kustoms, turnin rust, turning rust, classic car, classic truck, rust, junkyard, abandoned, rescued, ratrod, patina, antique, kraven custom, will it run, neglected, honey hole, woods, saved, parked, found, uncovered, rusty, graveyard, forgotten, run down, be restored, vgg, vice grip, nature, clean up, international, international kb1, wrecker, left for dead, kb1, first start, will it start, locked up, revival, ford f100, seized engine, ford fe, rebuilding engine, bbf, how to
Id: ZEa7CCtfTYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 7sec (4687 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 18 2022
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