1967 Mustang in a Swamp! - Roadworthy Rescues S1 Ep 1 FULL EPISODE | MotorTrend

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this is a 1967 Ford Mustang the guy's got to do the right thing and just try to drag it out of here and get this thing running again bring the Thunder it's not bringing anything that's fine so we're gonna gently tickle them starting out with the Tonya Harding 300 here wow sweet Bobby Labonte come off of here we are getting plugged in Burnout [Music] foreign [Music] ever seen a car on the side of the road just kind of forgot rusting away and died to yourself I wonder what it would take to get this car running and drive it home well I do just that I travel the country looking for abandoned vehicles save them by putting them back on their own at the start I've got one for you I just bought a car that's been sitting in a backyard for 28 years we'll see what it takes to get going again I'm Derek Berry this this road early [Music] this is a 1967 Ford Mustang and it's been sitting in this exact spot for 28 years the guy's going to do the right thing and just try to drag it out of here and get this thing running again what makes this car really special is it's actually a one owner car they ordered this from the factory with all of the options they wanted oh it's a Mustang that's a factory model slightly slower than the Mustang but they made them super rare it looks to be really complete though even with the poverty caps and everything we got the door locker 300 going on here I see that works great nope definitely didn't see what we got here [Music] it smells like used urinal cakes and burnt broccoli it's not good and I ain't kidding you oh yeah just you know let's get right in [Music] oh well it's still as nice as I thought it was starting out we got some push button radio probably am we have no ignition sticks normally a guy likes to start in the trunk so you've got head gaskets or charging rollers or something like that you guys do an indication on what you're in for when you pop the old Power barn but we have there's not we don't have any this is what I'm saying but we do have some other stuff what is this no idea we got uh brake light now it's spraying that's fine ice scraper never be used here oh poker cards that's a front pocket fine okay more light bulbage doesn't seem to have an electrical issue fuse is confirmed that digital tape oh we got uh 23 000 miles which you can't really tell but based on the condition I'm going to say that's definitely 123 maybe 223 not sure [Music] pretend we didn't see that so we got definite ankle vintage on the passenger side and about 58 000 walnuts throughout the vehicle I think we can clean this up a little bit of spit shine it'll be just fine let's get onto the power Barn here see what we got making the ponies she'd been wrecked or something that's not the original Hood we got blue here blue here you know it's had an accident so we got a yeah this will be a 206 cylinder they make like 48 horsepower so that's good you know but we got our radiator we got a fuel making happener we got a lightning wheeler all sorts of stuff still in here let's see what we got that is bone dry no surprise there and test the blood stick for the shift machine oh it's actually fairly red it doesn't smell like burnt hair so that's good get over here to the engine oil see what we got going on it says low but you can't really trust that not bad probably 10 30. no gasoline no antifreeze so that's great it hasn't froze up or cracked a block we can at least assume for now we're ahead so I'm gonna put a little bit of pressure on this belt hope it doesn't snap and just give her an old yank ee see what happens we've got rotational Edge but minimal but now we know it's probably at least worth the effort of hooking a chain on this thing dragging it out of here so I know this car is really rough around the edges but listen it's an iconic Mustang so it's definitely worth my time I think I'm just going to start by putting all the easy bolt-ons on the engine we'll paint it up a little bit interior wise carpet and seats are going to do a Wonder exterior wise I'm thinking just polish this paint out put some elbow grease in it maybe Paint This Hood black bring it around a little bit this is definitely going to be a go on the tongue rig something you can put ice cream with Bingo Parts run I don't know Cruiser car budget friendly Jessica's in the old GMC here we're gonna hook the two together and see if she could pull us out of here that'll work be to the onions [Applause] go [Music] yeah that's good okay so now for real fixia over here and then we'll snag on it and shoot that direction [Music] that's good well the good news is none of the tires roll great well the glass pack sound nice anyway [Music] not the outfit unstuck clearly the tires while they're not you know doing a rolling thing but we're gonna pretend we didn't see that for now I think we should focus our attention on the engine and transmission maybe get this thing fired up hopefully and then we'll come back around and address that later okay I think we'll start at the field make it happen here see if we can make some fuel happen it felt like the gas pedal was moving but yes I'm not quite sure yet got one Bearer in here of course no the linkage is actually busted oh yeah she's locked up tighter than Alcatraz and I ain't kidding yeah so I think what a guy's gonna do is just squirt a little bit of lubricant in here try to get this freed up and while this is soaking in I think I'm going to pull the sparklators out we're probably going to replace all that anyway so might as well just dig right in that one's bad okay same with that one weird ouch sure all right you can also lay these out scan them a little bit and then we can get an idea of how it was running for example this one's saying richer than Oprah you know so we'll just put that there for now see what these others say she's an oil burner guarantee so there's our question on mileage she's definitely in the 200 thousands next thing we need is fuel and some sort of sparkles we'll work on the lightning system here in a minute but I got to get this fuel make it happen or working if we're going to try to make this thing run or at least idle a little bit so we're gonna pull this off here really quick so maybe I can get at it a little bit easier try to get this butterfly butterflying tell you a thing or two about a thing or three this thing is stuck yeah yeah yeah yeah so I've just been bending up this fuel make it happener here and well not making any progress if I keep going I'm just going to break this thing and I won't be able to refurbish it in the future so I'm going to set it over here and just ignore it for now ran to the shop and picked up this one don't judge a car by its cover this thing is brand new no definitely not but I did rebuild it a few months back and it's probably like 78.3 percent more gooder it's on that one so bolt is on and we're in business [Music] so just finished up to fill make it happen here got the fuel line in the linkage is well it's Lincoln Jim got all the vacuum leaks that you know we could see plugged up I think we're we're pretty dialed in there next we got to move on to the lightning system get some spark down there to the speculators that's going to require a lightning Cube Guy picked up this one there's a very specific reason I picked this up for this model here so pay attention no it's just because of the handle mainly but we'll drop this in and next I'm gonna hook up my Lone Wolf 6000 trigger and basically this is going to allow me to turn over the engine from out here we don't have a key anyway so basically we're going to be hot wiring this thing then if it rotates we can check off a whole bunch of boxes here all right [Music] that's fantastic oh hey it's actually working that's fantastic news and if you just heard there all of the cylinders sound pretty even it's not like a galloping sound so the compression is pretty even which is great for us this is an absolute messel I do have a new relay I may consider taking this apart and cleaning this up now we can move over start working on the lightning system now that we got electricity's flowing through the rig yeah so this is a some Homebrew fire maker it's not pink lemonade okay it's a little bit of two-stroke oil and some bad gas from the 90s out of the lawnmower but should work here the oil gives it a little bit of lubrication on the Rings and the cylinders so we're not washing them down in case they don't fire but we'll get some down in here yeah it's that was way too much perfect okay fingers crossed bring the Thunder it's not bringing anything come on girl I gotta take a breath because the starter is just the smoking down there like the bingo hall but she did fire off a few times I think this might be a runner and I ain't here in clanking and banging or nothing else I just got to figure out how to like run the trigger plus do the fuels and also do the throttleage we might have this run in here pretty quick [Music] things are happening oh yeah [Music] laughs there we go it's alive 28 years she's a runner that's fantastic I actually didn't hear any banging or clanging on the valve train clearly the rotating assembly seems to be pretty darn decent that's fantastic news so now we can move on to trying to set up kind of a temporary fuel system get some fresh fuel into this thing try to get it idling and now we can move on to stuff like you know does the transmission shift move gears forward back all that stuff and then I'm still ignoring the fact that you know all four tires don't roll that's fine yes day two on the Mustang here pretty incredible three of the four tires held air overnight these bias flies are pretty awesome last night we got this thing well it fired the life for a few seconds there made some noise that's fantastic news today we're gonna jump right into the temporary fuel system just see if we can get this thing idling then we got to start working through the cooling system and stuff like that so I'm gonna go grab a NASCAR fuel system we're getting real fancy and we'll plop that in here this might look like a boat tank while it actually is so it works pretty decent I'll just kind of rig this up in here and then we can bypass the fuel tank for now see if we can get it running off of this thing sure that should work for now so we can get back to trying to get this thing fired up hopefully that pump will start sucking fuel out of here and we'll see if we get it running longer than a couple seconds stuff well it's really trying [Music] okay throttle is stuck that's fine she's ready to go that's pretty incredible well that's all the longer we should run it without some ice cube juice in it keep this thing cool but we're making good progress this morning pull the key out of it you know that's fine I'm gonna get this thing jacked up go ahead and change on the Earl don't want to run it any longer on this old oil we'll put something fresh in here yeah well was these wheels and tires sitting in mud and water for almost three decades them they're they're stuck is what I'm saying so we're going to gently tickle them starting out with the Tonya Harding 300 here it's going to be a battle luckily all four are stuck that's great [Music] all right now I'm going to move over to the Drinker side front Jack her up we'll see if anything happens nope definitely not [Music] oh that smells smells really good nope keep going fight through it yeah yeah [Music] oh this seems dangerous yeah yeah you ever have those days where you just wonder why it is you do what you do yeah me either yep wow sweet Bobby Labonte come off of here oh come on now oh that was easy so here's where we're at real life Derek's non-fictional storytelling time break Hardware busted snapped gone it's bad basically it's not going to be here till tomorrow and I think we can get a little bit further here so what we're going to do is head over to the vice grip garage junkyard and I have a 66 sitting over there we're going to rob all our brake parts off of that and might as well grab the tires and wheels because they're new we could plop them on this so we can get this on the road let's head over there see what we can get [Music] well love it or hate it the Ford Mustang is an absolute Legend first shown to the public in 1964 they started selling them in 65 and it became the biggest vehicle release since the 1927 Ford Model 8 think about that and made other manufacturers scramble and produce some absolute icons like the Chevrolet Camaro Pontiac Firebird AMC Javelin Dodge Challenger and the list goes on it just thinks we would not have those cars today if it wasn't for the Ford Mustang this is a pretty solid rig here but unfortunately we're gonna have to harvest a few parts for ours all right we got a whole bag of 66 Hardware here we'll just keep jamming away on the front here yes yeah oh yeah so we got the front Broke Free here all the brake hardware put in looking pretty good so try to speed things up with the rear here you can see I've got it set up to fire the thing up again I think what I'm going to do is just jump in start rolling some gears maybe just maybe it'll break the rear free oh sweating awesome yes so this tire was spinning so we've only got one more stuck so that worked pretty good I wonder how can a guy get this one to stay still the axle is forced to put power to the other side hmm so here's what we're gonna try we're on biasuppies that are just bald but I got some help here one of the production guys is going to be bouncing the rear end over here on the Drinker side and if maybe we could plant that tire and tighten up it's going to force the rear end to throw power over here to the captain side and maybe we can start busting this side loose I don't know it's worth a shot it's way better than prying and hammering away so now I got the key dangling out the front here fire it up see if this works easy come on now there we go [Music] come on we are get one good burnout I still think it was successful I smell rubber [Music] okay that was a success nope sorry sorry Belle well after 28 years we dug this car out of the trees [Music] swapped the carburetor went through a bunch of wiring sure got all four wheels on seas that was fun nope complete nightmare went through the brakes placed a master cylinder a whole bunch of other stuff we've done pretty much all we could do up on the hill here time to just jammed this thing on the highway and I I don't know see what happens hopefully we can get back to the shop and continue our work okay oh wait shoot I gotta do the hood first it's just like a sewing machine sure get my door latch also my seat belt yeah that looks pretty good you know trial by fire quick downhill got to make a sharp left and avoid the creek if possible we're doing we're doing oh it quit perfect we made it 300 yards not too bad not too bad yep [Music] running on four that's good enough runs fine if you just keep it basically floored oh we got traffics oh please stop okay thank you appreciate it yep no breaks sorry railroad crossing we're just gonna jump that basically I don't know what's gonna happen but well that wasn't bad this thing just floats should we do a handling test oh yeah not bad at all third gear she is gutless and I ain't kidding you but the styling makes up for it none of the gauges work that seems normal okay gotta keep her running get a little bit of the break involved turning grab a gear but now we gotta turn this way might pick up some water quick rad leaks a little bit you know that's fine well we are not in the yard anymore that's great only made it a few miles already overheated typical I figured out how to keep around and you just keep your foot to the floor and power break it with one and a half brakes the good news is we have a long ways to go the bad news is I don't have a radio but we'll figure it out sure sounds great [Music] ah my safety strap [Music] come on foreign [Music] Pizza sure does sound good and a cold snack there we go [Music] got her to the mat let's see what it can do 60 maybe 70. oh throttle actually stuck there for a second it just you know it's a pony wants to go but I don't have ignition Source in here so that could get a little hairy so found out the rig has cruise control not the convenient kind the throttle just sticks wide open I mean it just wants to go but I ain't got no ignition sticks so the only options I got are hold the breakdown that I don't have or throw her in neutral and just let it do the thing I've got some swervy downhillish grade danger yellow signs that I've got to go through so I'm going to take a look at that it's also boiling hot again this radiator is just you know it's left the building basically but I mean if we keep stopping every two miles we'll get there eventually it's a beautiful day yeah it's hot [Music] what a beautiful drive cruising through the hills here handicapped spider and Clinton I know it was a fuel issue I've been rapping on the old film make it happen I thought the needle was getting stuck but then I went back in the memory bank Sarah lab rail back there you know and I remembered that I put a carb kit in this not too long ago so pulled over popped the top off and the the little dowel that hangs the floaties in there was just well it wasn't in there correctly and the float wasn't floating basically so the needle was just stuck closed the whole time so put that back in its proper place buttoned her up got her bolted back on so I guess we just slammed the hood and keep going but it sure is a beautiful day [Music] well we made it here at my shop in Central Tennessee might be seeing this place a little bit more in the future first thing a guy is going to do is just dig the old pressure washer out and blow three decades of dirt and grime off of this thing see what we're actually working with here and formulate some sort of plan to make this thing roadworthy [Music] now that we're back at the shop and have access to more tools and supplies guy whipped up a list here and I had to shut it down after a while it just kept going and going and going but basically I could break this down into three sections we've got mechanical of course we got kind of the paint and body work and then the interior the big one we got to get into the trunk we don't even know what's what's in there a fuel pump got to address the carburetor still a transmission service we've got you know replace the radiator and all those hoses wiring basically the whole car we got to patch the floors we've got tires and wheels we want to put on this thing I mean there's a lot on this list so we're gonna try to get this trunk open here don't have a key again so I'm going to get my lock pick set out and just try to gently get this thing open here [Music] every time oh factory spare otherwise it's in great shape original jacket I wonder if there's any animals in here hello hello lots of spiders well I guess I'll get a snow shovel or something and start scooping this out I've been in hundreds and hundreds of trunks and I've never seen this it's like a garden it is just packed solid with dirt I'm not sure if that creature noise was in here in the shop something sulfuric foreign [Music] Dan calling Dan the interior man he's helped me out quite a bit in the past does fantastic work with upholstery Dan how long have you been doing this stuff well I started in a Furniture Factory in 1973 but I did mostly furniture and then I just transitioned into the car stuff is this the worst one you've seen nope wow that's pretty impressive actually well where do we want to start we can take the door panels off we did I already got part of that started on that door okay and then vacuum all the walnuts out and vacuum all the walnuts out and awesome we got a plan let's get to it all right [Music] I wore gloves he's just in there just digging I take it back this is the worst one I've ever seen so it is the worst now oh with way worse than the worst [Music] we found a body I don't know what kind of Critter that is likes to eat Mustangs apparently paramedically sealed to the carpet her medically sealed to the carpet foreign [Music] in the mud I mean they just need shined up really had to go ahead and rebuild the fan the pulleys the block and by a rebuild I mean Craigslist rebuild or just you know [Music] well as far as the list goes here yeah there's nothing else to you know cross off we didn't yeah that didn't happen but we got three huge things accomplished today that weren't on the list cleaning that trunk out that was a disaster getting the interior out that was even worse and then I stripped the engine bay down and basically reversed everything that I just did preparing for the Craigslist rebuild and getting that firewall and fenders all painted up nice I'm gonna scoot it back outside give it a second bath see if we can get all the oil Grime and grease off of this thing let it dry overnight then in the morning should be ready for some and also some on the inside okay [Music] yep time to roll this thing back in and [Music] yeah there we go rebuilt head new valve springs oh valve seats too brand new water pump cost the receipt to that pretty much a brand new engine let me get down here there we go main bearings some are brand new now I'm gonna pick up some horsepower here I think rattle can Restorations there new fuel tank with the new fuel sending unit it's kind of Handy to know where your gas gauge is at you know what I mean we'll put a new boot on the filler neck here clean that and then we've got to plug in the new fuel sending unit and then I discovered the fuel line that runs at the front and actually got squished shot from being bottomed out or something so I'm going to cut that out and we'll replace it with a rubber hose up to the new fuel pump we're going to put in but at that point we'll have a new mechanical pump we're gonna have a new tank new sending unit and I think we even found like a really really cheap refurbed or remands or re-popped fuel make it happener we'll have a brand new fuel system in this and that's going to resolve a ton of our issues and watch this I'll be dipped got keys [Music] Okay so [Music] this is the back of the rear seat whole process in a nutshell put a tie wire in here to hold the Springs put this layer of vinyl put a layer of quarter inch foam with a backing on it on the top here we added a layer of inch and a half foam to fill this up and the other than that all you have to do is hog rings and these are just the welt that's sewed onto the edge that's it in a nutshell [Music] foreign so with this particular Mustang if a guy was gonna just do this correctly this rig would have to go on a rotisserie this whole floor would have to go trunk quarter panels inner Fender Wells it needs some work but that's not what we're doing we just we got to get this thing on the road so we can enjoy it use it fix it up over time so I'm going to do the right thing and just take the lightning scissors and just this out cut out a patch panel out of that thing to drop her in and I don't know Zeus it ends screw it in we can glue it in the point is we just need to make this not you know such an ankle there and try to keep some moisture out here so we could throw a carpet over and have a little stability that's what we're gonna do I'm gonna have Jessica step in and put in some brushable seam seal right now it's exactly what they use in the factory around where all the different parts and pieces come together it'll keep water and moisture things of that nature out still doesn't make this correct but you know helps just to scoosh then I guess we go on to that nightmare should be way easier help not at all perfect [Music] it's coming down oh just exactly how you'd expect it to be so really really small really smooth all right now I'm gonna go get the mallet look at this already he probably doesn't want to show us yet but it's looking pretty good all right here's your seat back good luck it's not luck skill [Music] oh yeah me catch I mean that's two for two you got the Mallet it's got the mallet Jessica help me [Music] account for the Bend you add a little oh yeah it's a pi times 2.3 percent minus six and then you take the elevation into account 3.14683275432 repeating that was almost accurate but not entirely it's in the junior convention look it up anyway cut this out and then we'll [Music] first wheel holy smokes I mean Chip Foose keeps calling I just keep telling them I'm busy one day maybe maybe I'll go visit them but I just ain't got the time well one in the devil there we go [Music] custom with a k [Music] well we had a really good day today we got a lot done actually completed the entire fuel system replaced all of the floorboards stripped the engine down painted that and reassembled it and Dan is well on his way to completing the interior looks absolutely fantastic much better than the Springs just shooting out on the back we're going to throw the hood on it for now load it up on a trailer take it down to the local exhaust shop I got an idea for exhausting this thing and I think you guys are going to like it try to bring this six in a row ready to tow you know let's bring it around let's hear it run a little bit that's going to do it for tonight [Music] well we're back from the exhaust shop and a lot has happened since then so let me catch you up real quick we're going to go through this list and hopefully we're through this thing by now we did time the engine before we left we found a different door for this rig after we polished the paint real quick just kind of scuffed it up what we could just rattle can and some yellow liner I scuffed it up put some scratches in it laid down a pinstripe so paint door polish paint done we finished up the interior we got a new carpet in there we threw the seats in that Dan covered they look absolutely fantastic headliner sure just aerosol headlinered that up real quick just matte black looks fine good enough for now we put in a back deck lid there put in a horn button that Spruce it up real quick heater hose is done replace radiator ended up using one that I had laying around here for a first gen spray painted that up really quick brought that back around rebuilt and all together here with the matte black hood all shined up tires and wheels I think it actually looks really good the only thing left to do is jump in this thing go for a cruise and maybe even a burnout I don't know we'll just have to see [Music] well almost three decades sitting in the trees what do you think so far when I first saw this I thought there was no way that I would ever sit in here let alone go for a drive honestly it looks a lot better in here than a lot of our other vehicles sorry but would you rate it and go into town rig then well this is definitely a dog Connor guys could go to the post office right to the tavern or go play some darts or Bingo or whatever you want to do this car [Music] I like how this car turned out because it's what I always preach is just get the thing on the road and just enjoy it there's no reason we couldn't throw the kids in here and go get ice cream absolutely go to a car show or whatever yeah a lot of people just get embarrassed like well I don't want to take this to a car show because it's not shiny if you were to tell me this was sitting in a tree roll a few days ago you're gonna be excited I'd be blown away right well this is my favorite part we just took a car that was sitting at a tree roll for almost three decades and we drove it down the highway and we're enjoying it yeah it needs a little bit of work but again it's back on the road and we saved this thing from just rotting into the Earth basically you know with all the wheels locked up of course we got new brakes in this thing from master cylinder all the way down to Hardware new exhaust give it a little bit of a better tone some throw it to the thing Dan did a really good job on the interior and Jessica as well new fuel system ignition upgrades and of course that Craigslist rebuild the little on the engine it's all new internally I just lost the receipts you know maybe it's at my mom's house I can't remember but listen we're going to continue working on this a little bit at a time plugging away at it but the search continues for other Classics and unique cars see if we can get those running and driving as well that's going to do it for this episode we'll see you next time [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: MotorTrend Channel
Views: 2,809,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motortrend, motor trend, motor trend channel, automotive, auto, ford mustang, Roadworthy Rescues, Swamp Stang, Roadworthy Rescues Full Episodes, MotorTrend Full Episodes, Roadworthy Rescues Full Season, Roadworthy Rescues Episode 1, MotorTrend Full Season, Hertz, 1967 Ford Mustang, '67 Mustang, '67 Ford, 1967 Ford, '67 Ford Mustang, vice grip, vice grip garage, derek bieri
Id: -A8cvrTgqGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 8sec (2588 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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