F-150 Dad bought new in '86! Will it run after sitting for 20 years?

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[Music] [Music] thank you [Music] so this is a 1986 F-150 that uh my father-in-law bought new I believe and uh it's been sitting here for 15 years for sure and it wasn't running for some years before that uh so we're gonna see what we can do got a new battery for it we're gonna see if we can get any life out of her all right about to hook up electricity probably nothing but smoking [Music] anything yet it looks inside dome lights on let's see the starter bumped the headlights I'm not seeing any dash lights we've got headlights something's happening all right let's uh let's see if there's oil in the engine quick and they're nasty looking but foreign that's disappointing and you can check and see if the engine is stuck this is not looking good well I can't get any movement out of it by hand see if I can get a little pry bar in there and see if I can get any movement okay I didn't get it on camera but I pulled really really hard on the belt and I finally got it to move just a little bit so let's see if we can get it to crank over now thank you I think there's hope that actually sounds a lot better than I expected she might run okay I think the next thing I'm gonna do is it living in here if somebody was living in there at one time I'll leave that alone for now I haven't turned it over with the key yet let's see if it'll turn over with the key She Cranks over and the radio still works kinda let's see if we can find some ether and this she's got Spark okay let's see what happens [Music] I think she's gonna live so what's the chances that when my father-in-law parked this truck he parked it right next to the fuel tank and the hose yeah just barely reaches it might be a little bit of a long shot but what happens if we add some fuel to the tank okay we got a little bit of fuel in the tank I doubt that the fuel pump works but let's find out it does help hook up the battery okay can you see that valve right there it's like a it's like a valve stem on a tire so we're gonna push that and see if any fuel comes out and we'll know if we got fuel coming up the engine no fuel okay so uh I'm pretty sure the fuel pump's not working it it's working a little bit but it just doesn't have enough to push push all the fuel up from the tank so got a new fuel pump from Napa and My Hope had really been to drive this thing out of his grave but um I don't really want to lay in the mud underneath of it to install the fuel pumps so we're just going to drag it up to up to the shop and see what we can do up there all right we got it up to the shop and we got it jacked up on jack stands we're gonna crawl underneath and see if we can change this fuel pump all right let's see what we can find okay there's the old fuel pump lots of cobwebs and rust see if we can get it out of here all right we got the uh the old fuel pump out here hopefully the new one looks something like it all right the new fuel pump's installed I guess uh let's see what she does no fuel pressure so that must either mean that pickup tubes are rusted out inside the tank or something else is wrong that I don't know about so keep digging [Music] well I couldn't figure out why the truck wouldn't run at the time so we just decided to clean it out and uh bring it on home and try to get it running at home once I got it back home I figured out that it needed a low pressure pump that's located in the tank placed the low pressure pump feeds the high pressure pump so basically it was getting no fuel to the high pressure pump so I figured that out later so we got it home but for now we just cleaned up the truck good and loaded it up on the trailer and brought it home [Music] what I ended up doing was taking a lawnmower gas tank and a low pressure 12 volt fuel pump and using that to feed the high pressure fuel pump just to see if the truck would start thank you [Music] [Music] no engine noise it's just it just hurts like a kitten [Music] it's not smoking or anything [Music] that's exciting I forgot to video replacing the fuel tank and the in-tank fuel pump but by this point it had a brand new front fuel tank a brand new fuel pump thank you [Music] I had no power steering not even works yeah you bleed the air out of a power steering system you turn it all the way to work with and you hear it all the way the other way good as well but I'm hoping there's enough to move it move it see if it'll roll out of the cup as a side note we still have no breaks but who knows what did that worry you [Music] [Music] [Music] and she lives the first time it's moved under its own power in what 20 years yeah over 20 years I think and she's doing pretty good brakes and uh you Minor Details like that just want to get it warmed up a little bit and I'll go change the oil I got new oil for it yeah alternators are working according to the gauge [Music] oil pressure is good got less than a quarter of a tank of fuel I dumped in all the gas we had in the cans [Music] okay now getting it back into the shop without hitting the far walk for a challenge right well you'll know when you hit it [Music] blocked again so I'll hit the block before hey what's the inside of my truck so dirty is playing in it okay what's the problem why can't you stop no brakes like no breaks at all like the pedal goes to the floor situation [Music] well she lived so did we didn't hit anything did you have your doubts [Music]
Channel: Living Waters Homestead
Views: 9,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vRC3vtKXP-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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