SWAMP Dragon Rescue! DETAIL & RUSTED Abandoned 1974 F250 Custom 390 V8 FORD, Vintage Restoration CT

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we got the bed cleaned up pretty good and uh we're gonna push it into the shop here get out of the sun a little bit and clean the inside oh [Music] ah [Music] [Music] oh any more yep that's pretty good again [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah she's out of gas yeah that's pretty good nice no brakes no brakes yep we got to get some brakes on it um sounds like an animal call one of your turkey calls get this wheel off and see what the how the brakes are looking all right well probably gonna need some new pads huh it's gonna be a little bit of work there we need to get this uh caliper off change the hoses hopefully the drums will be good if we can reuse the drums that'd be great get them turned if we need to hopefully we can reuse the calipers get that cleaned up replace the master cylinder all right let's get the inside cleaned up a little bit it's gonna take uh a lot so we won't get it all done today but at least we can get started get this cleaned up look at these spider webs and stuff in here gua spiders all kinds of critters and there is a funky smell in here not sure what it is but it is pretty funky so let's maybe uh get this off and pull out this and let it air out because there's definitely something nasty in there all right stand by [Music] i want to try to save this i don't know if this actually went to this truck some people are saying maybe it came out of a different vehicle um but it's pretty cool let's see if we can get it out here without messing it up [Applause] [Applause] so we need a phillips head might need a bigger one maybe one of these will work so all right so we got one two three four out this one is stripped so i'm going to see if maybe i'd cut a little flathead strip in there without trying to try not to cut the trim um see if that works uh well that didn't work probably need to drill it out yeah we need to drill it out see if we can get this bracket off before it rips my drips into my arm or something it's pretty close here so get it out of the way it's a 9 16. i'm not sure what's on the other side [Music] all right guys so it's the next day got a little uh hot ran out of time yesterday so today we're going to finish pulling off these trim pieces so we can get the floor out we're probably gonna have to pull the seat out and the goal is just to get this floor mat out get all the moisture out of here let it air out and see what kind of rust damage we have underneath get all the critters and the dirt and the mold out of here and make it look nice this is some of the stuff we got out yesterday pressure washed the back got it cleaned up pretty good all right let's do it all right so i need to finish getting out this trim piece here this one got stripped so i gotta drill it out [Applause] [Music] [Music] um there we go [Music] oh yeah some moisture under there a little wet a little rusty that's why i gotta get this out of here so we can get this uh dried out and patch those floors up a little bit all right so we're gonna need to get this seed out got my buddy dave here he's gonna help us out yeah man what's up dude let's get that seat out of there let's do it maybe we can sit in it [Laughter] all right so we got a couple bolts on each side let's figure out what sides we need and get that thing out of there all right we're going to slide this seat forward we've got two bolts here two bolts over there nine 16. let's get these out hopefully they're not rusted on there and uh then we'll get the ones off the front you got a socket or what do you got a wrench yeah this ain't going to work back here we're going to need a socket let's get a socket all right let's see if we get this thing out of here well that worked pretty good came right out yeah this thing's a beast it's a beast what's up with these seatbelts all right there we go got it so these are gonna be a little trickier huh yeah they are we're gonna have to slow it looks like a quarter turn this time good lord yeah i don't see any other way we can get in there the good thing is there's no hardly any rust on the head of that bolt that's good that's a box we got to get a box wrench in there you got one on that side yep hey just so you know i'll loosen that one for you already oh this one's this way oh okay sure [Laughter] it's still pretty tight maybe i'm going the wrong way feels like it's getting tighter lefty loosey right i think it's i think it's oh this one's getting tighter yeah i think it's already righty untidy i think this is opposite yeah it is on this one hey we got a new thing righty and tidy yeah righty lucy you see something this is backward that's all i'm saying mine's getting tight again yeah something's not right something i think we're getting a rough spot in it maybe put something down in there maybe something's spinning underneath yeah so the threads are just rusted so it's getting real tight on the way out there we go good lord it's out finally probably hold this down there it is all right it is out look at that what do we got some money look at that old quarters thing made in usa wow that's an old one i think i found chicken nugget she can tell you that yeah that lasts forever what yours is a dime i don't know can you see the year on there i got worse eyesight than you man i couldn't see it yeah hold on what's that nickel or penny 75 75 yep wow i wonder if that's been in here since 75 75 that's crazy and the penny is uh that's an old one yeah getting the light to see it yeah it looks like it says 67 or something well let's check those later or maybe 87 81 that metal looks really good in here does it oh yeah nice so let's see if we can get this out without damaging it because it's perfect yeah we need to get this one off first and then slowly peel this out i mean it's got a hole here which kind of sucks but if we could preserve it that'd be awesome we might mess it up trying to pull it out but we'll do the best we can get all this cleaned up in here get it dry so there's no more moisture and try to reduce the rust damage as much as possible but yeah look at all that room in there now you could almost sleep cheering here you could sleep in here just put a lawn chair in here lazy boy i need to turn that air conditioner on man it's getting hot here we go all right we got one out the other one broke and this one's stripped so we're just going to try to drill it out the head came off so all right it's getting there see if we can pull this up real quick man it is wet and nasty under here wow look at that that's pretty bad i didn't realize it was that bad oh man pretty much wow i didn't realize this is that bad that's crazy yeah man damn well get it out so you can get a full view yeah we're gonna get this out of here it might be a little tricky getting it over that high beam switch and around those pedals but let's see if maybe you can pull it that way i got it free over here what i need to do towards me yeah try not to rip it loose up here and then i gotta pull it towards me off that pedal there you go wow that's pretty bad will it fit out that way i know yeah could you imagine finding one that was mint i would love to find one 100 original mint that silver fish he's right there what'd you find a little silver fish this thing come out it's got something holding it here is that bracket just for this thing it's weird got it yeah oh this was uh this was for the cb i think it goes to the antenna connected to a cb i think that's what that was for yeah look at that original paint right [Music] there uh in the factory i guess they were spraying yeah they just didn't have and there was something sitting there or something maybe there was a sticker there or something but that's some kind of primer yeah i guess you didn't have to worry about it so i don't know guys i don't know if it's worth fixing what do you guys think how uh have you guys done this before have you replaced the floors in one of these and you have any tips or tricks you can share comment below is it worth repairing how difficult is it i've never done it before i'm assuming you could cut it out and buy a floor panel and weld it in there you might be able to do that um i'm just not sure if if it's worth it uh but um we're gonna get the rest of this rust out of here maybe uh maybe blow it out and spray it out real good so it can dry out in the sun and at least we can stop the rust a little bit and access you know ex and just determine whether or not we can do it see how much it costs to get the metal and all that stuff but we're finding more and more issues obviously the hoods rusted out and the top of the cab has some rust issues so it's going to be a project the old swamp dragon needs some love but we're going to get it running at least we can get in it and start it up and drive it do the brakes and uh maybe just get it to where we can drive it for now around the farm favorite legs hang out like the flintstones yeah let's just have our feet hang out the bottom but you know uh maybe we'll replace the floors that might be a fun project i'm not sure and then we still got the camper to figure out what we're going to do with if we're going to try to save it or blow it up or run it over with a bulldozer or something but uh let's spend a little bit of time let's spend a little bit of time getting this cleaned up and we'll go from there let's get this cleaned up a little bit it smells funky you smell it i don't want to wet horse hair let's see what's happening here i get this i get the unstable side oh big either side pretty bad pretty bad so [Music] [Music] so [Music] it's gonna be a little work let's put a little bondo in here some of that fiberglass what does roy use these is that uh horse hair tiger here tiger hair yeah you guys heard of tiger hair before tiger here the wed says use mar glass mar glass i don't know i think uh we should cut it out put a new piece of metal in there we could just put a piece of wood in there i've seen that before what's the manual outdoor carpet indoor outdoor carpet would be good all you just cut that out you can order pans you can order half pans with full pans cut that whole piece out and you'll have to address this problem by the rocker you get a rocker for it replace that rocker back whatever same thing over there cut it out make it in sounds easy don't it yeah just cut it out and put it in the nice part is you don't have to make it uh you know it doesn't have to be paint quality it's going to be covered up with a floor mat it doesn't have to be perfect so you just uh you just weld it in place clean it up a little bit yeah use the cab mounts that's probably in trouble so cut it out along that seam along that seam get that replaced we'll have new pads and i'll rotted our cap look how perfect that is right there get an issue up here the top of the cabinet got pinholes in it it's pretty bad but again project truck just somebody else for sale for sale to the highest bidder these trucks needs a little tlc ran when parked did the headlights work you got rotted out floor panels i mean i want to get the lights working if the lights work then that means the washers work much wipers it's got life too i think we should work on the ac it would be nice to have ac right now all right next project what's next something's coming did you expect that passenger floor to look like that time oh yeah he said you guys saw something so the swamp this was sitting in how deep was it uh buried when you guys dug it out oh it was it was above ground but you know the tires were all flat it was sitting right on the ground no no didn't say that no it was just dubbed about here back in the guy's yard okay it wasn't too bad but the moisture just got in there and sat under that carpet for 20 years napalm april for something because going in there wasn't worth the amount of guys that was going to call it that it emptied it that's worthless as a liverpool is it that's what one guy said wd-40 is a worthless look is that one of the comments it's a water disperser or something yeah i like it you know better at davey blaster royal lester hates jv blaster it does stink roy called him up one day and he said don't ever suggest anything to me ever again because of the house smell call joe like really yeah cause joe recommended he used pb he's i can't get the smell off my hand it's been three days now don't ever suggest anything to me again he said that's three days he was upset joseph that's three percent right hmm so took the seat out it's nasty all right watch your face so [Music] [Applause] [Music] what do you think about hitting it with some water springing it out spraying the floor out spray this out really good and then let it sit here and bake in the sun get some of that funk out of there you don't get any worse is it i don't think so [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so so you see all the dirt that came out from the other side oh yeah let's clean these windows up a little bit [Music] [Music] yeah just spray it all [Music] wipe it down some that crud off of there oh yeah hey it's working look at that i thought it was black it's actually dark blue a little strong in it yeah wow it's cleaning up nicely yeah it is too bad well we can fix the floors maybe let's re-spray this one there's something satisfying to that in there i believe there's a product out there that'll restore this stuff probably yeah i've seen it you could almost pressure wash that whole door and let it dry out in the sun because it's all plastic i'm gonna take that off we'll do that some other time because i bet it's nasty behind there i'm sure that speaker is probably toast anyway if there's even one in there that's the only thing that got kept the speakers got something funky going on there back in the speakers leaking or [Music] something wow crazy how that dash just shined right up too bad it's got some cracks but not too bad for an old beat up truck doesn't have to be perfect nice ugh yeah that looks original driver's side's all worn out that's getting that funk off there look at that look at that wow yeah that's cleaning up good oh my god hey look at this half and half look yeah that's a great shot look at that just in a matter of what 30 seconds that's crazy yeah that stuff cleans up pretty good hey [Music] oh man that thing is so dirty it's just 20 years of sitting in the swamp and then yeah who knows what went through the other 30 years that it was alive i mean the thing's 40 50 years old [Applause] i can't believe how good it's actually cleaning that purple power's working pretty good on there yeah [Applause] look at the front side man i know i can't believe now yeah it's not brittle you know i know that's uh other than that hole yeah where he sat yeah he probably ripped it with a tool one time and it just got worse yep probably had a screwdriver in his pocket or something yeah get these seats back in or this seat it's all cleaned up now and we just want to get it back in now so we can move the truck around a little bit easier if we need to we will be addressing these floors at some point so stay tuned guys we'll see on the next [Music] one [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: CT
Views: 757,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First wash, pressure wash, detail, restoration, abandoned, ford, f250, free, forgotten, ford f250, vintage truck, classic, v8, camper, rv, Abandoned, Restoration, engine, auto repair, fix it, repair, cars, trucks, ctmoog, RESURRECTION RESTORATION!, barn find, fun, peace, love, happy, safe, restor it, oil, gas, brakes, paint
Id: -rmek08YDYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 8sec (3128 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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