Holy Grail Studebaker Barn Find | Will It Start 1963 Supercharged Avanti R2 | RESTORED

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this video is sponsored by bespoke post [Music] how you doing good to see you again yes sir good to see you I'm Don Shipman I've been collecting cars since 1967. well here she is huh yes our main income is is auto appraisals we buy them and have fun with them and let somebody else enjoy them 1963 R2 Studebaker yes sir supercharged yep these are cool cars and I fell in love with them probably when I was about 15 I had the chance to get one and missed out on it and ever since then I just thought they were super cool and something I need to have now I've been messing with old cars for all my life so sometimes it really takes something to get me excited about them now on this car not only is it a really cool car but it's also a really rare car the Avanti by Studebaker there is no car like the Avanti a profile distinguished and unmistakable excitement at every line and curve accelerate with a jet thrust V8 add a Paxton Supercharger if you wish and for safety sake the Avanti is the first American car to bring you the amazing stopping power of caliper type disc brakes these disc brakes stop faster surer again and again the Avanti is America's most advanced car advanced in engineering advanced in safety advanced in styling the Avanti you know this is the first series that in this later 60s they uh somebody bought the molds and made some with completely different Drive Lines they look similar but they weren't the same yes sir so 63 was the first year they made them right yeah the first year and they have round headlights the 64s have a rectangle headline frames yeah and all fiberglass bodies bodies all fiberglass everything underneath is steel right has a 289 a Studebaker motor with the supercharger Paxton and this one has Factory power windows power steering power brakes and positive traction I have to say it's definitely got some good bounds to it looking this thing over it appears that everything is intact and original on this engine and I don't think it should really take a whole lot to get this thing alive and back up and running again they're really a neat unique car yeah a great investment I think they were pretty fast cars for back yeah in that time period if you look online they have a commercial that was for Studebakers had the fact it was the fastest car made at that time supposedly in brief bursts at Full Throttle this production car will hurdle down the salt at more than 172 miles an hour these speed subject engine Driveline and chassis parts to forces far beyond their normal design functions seat belts for safety's sake and Precision Instruments to check every part of the supercharged engine are typical of the equipment on this record-breaking time do you mind if I open the door I found yourself yeah Interiors in the inside the shop I didn't stick back in there because I didn't want to get it okay so you got all this all new I gotcha oh that's pretty cool it looks like a like a cockpit almost to the airport and in here oh wow yeah 43 000 miles on the odometer there but well I don't think it doesn't look like it's been rebuilt yeah um but I don't know what the true mileage is because I bought it used and yeah but it has been setting for I would say a minimum of 20 years yes sir from when it was even used yes sir well they didn't make many of these cars right I mean no I think this one is number 1401 of the first no it's 597. 597th car I guess did you find this thing kind of local or it came out of Wisconsin from a guy that moved locally and he had several cars and I bought this along with two other cars from at that time well cool well we've done kind of discuss the price and everything like that so I know that's where you need to be at on it actually that's less than I paid for it so yes sir not counting everything underneath yeah so but I think it'll be a good one for you this is a good one a good project and if you dreamed about these you will be really happy that you got it yes sir all righty well I'll go grab you some cash and we'll make a game plan getting it on the trailer thank you thank you sir [Music] okay just remember the room's gonna break down there Dodge whatever you can see yeah it's a beer [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so we're all pretty excited to have this car back at the shop and able to start working on it me and Christian are just trying to game plan out how we want to set up the cameras and then all of a sudden we've got another rat s that thing was literally inches from my finger where's he at trapping this rat was not my first intentions don't try this at home kids and I don't know who is more scared me or Bob oh my gosh that sucker is huge [Music] there you go where'd he go where'd it go this thing took off somewhere in the shop but at this point we know he's out of the car but we just don't know if there's other ones around tell everyone dad to go get that trap and just try to leave it underneath the car we're gonna set the Trap up underneath there hopefully we can catch it like we did the last one and actually be able to move forward to working on this car without fearing a rat coming out and trying to attack us all the time unfortunately we waited and we waited we watched the cameras and all we caught was a glimpse of a picture of this rat but we never got him in the cage at this point we're just going to move forward hope for the best and try to get this car up and running again I don't think he's around here anymore I hope not [Music] he's definitely left plenty of evidence though as far as tireds go yeah I just hope he hadn't got into any of this wiring what's this over here looks okay yeah it doesn't have a whole lot of wiring that I can see though not on this side well all the I guess all the spark plug wires are up inside of this shroud and stuff yeah there's the Distributors right there huh well it's going to take a weird looking battery there's not much room there okay foreign oids over here all right you see a dipstick anywhere oh there's right there in front of me oh okay yeah and like that then it is thin smell like gas not really smells oily let me double check make sure what level we're on now a little above the full but not much above it so yeah well hopefully this thing ain't locked up I don't think it's been sitting long enough to be you know fight us like some of those other ones have but you never know yeah when they lock up they lock up I guess they just reach a point they're loose one day the next day they've got a little stiffer stiffer yep everyone get this hood off and just start I guess pull all this shroud and everything off to get the plugs out get a little lubrication down in the cylinders and yeah some point clean up all this rat poop right because I doubt he's going to come back and do it well if he's in there I hope he sees us if we don't see him and he gets out of the way before we get to him of all we've worked on I think this is going to be one I'm a little bit more leery on as we're going I'm going to be on guard at all times get this hood off [Music] [Applause] thank you [Applause] so guys for some reason since I was about 16 years old I've been so fascinated with trying to find another Studebaker avani being that a trade fell through that I had at the time and never got the car so ever since then I've always wanted one and here we are me and Dad attempting to try to get one up and running now at the shop now this one right here is uh it's the first year that they actually come out with this car it's a 62 model but this one's really rare seeing that it has the factory supercharger on it so I never thought I'd own one of these cars uh more or less ever have one that had the factory supercharger on it so I'm really excited for us to dig into this thing and see if we can get it up and going now it's been setting up for a while and as you guys have seen at the beginning of this video a rat's been living down in here there's turds all down up underneath the intake there doesn't look like he's ate on a lot of the wires got to figure out this battery situation looks like it takes a really weird shape battery on this car I'd like to come back and kind of touch up a lot of this pain on like this overflow tank clean up the supercharger there clean up all this chrome got to figure out the brakes as well now these cars come with the factory disc brake set up on the front but from what I've read on them they were just a really poor design and so we want to update that with something that's a little bit more modern a little bit easier to find parts for and that's going to stop this thing a whole lot better on the body you have the car it's actually in pretty good shape now these are solid fiberglass cars so what we wanted to not see is cracks in it and I haven't really seen anything like that so far now there are some chips in the paint unfortunately this was not a white car factory this would have been a gold car that has been painted white at some point in time this door here right now it's just really not shutting well so we're going to have to figure out how we can adjust those latches to get that thing shutting good on the interior here the gentleman had just had the seats completely recovered the back the front all of them but it might be a little hard to tell on camera they're just not the shade of red that I would want them to be so we may try to dye those to get it a little bit darker maroon to match like the dash and the door panels of the car the carpet inside here pretty rough I would like to go ahead and get a new carpet kit before we Mount these seats because they're literally just sitting in there from when we picked the car up now on the gauges of this car super cool inside here I mean just really feel like you're inside of the cockpit of an airplane or something this is an automatic car which I wish it would have been a manual transmission but you kind of get what you can find when you can find it on stuff like this I love this really small cool little review mirror here but the dash all this stuff is really in great condition uh according to us just as how old this car is now I did see this tucked away here which is going to be some good news uh at 38 560 miles it shows this engine was rebuilt they were using 10W-40 Valvoline oil in it and that was back in 1988 so that was a good little speck of time ago the mileage right now is showing 43 000 miles so we're looking at about 5 000 miles since this engine had been rebuilt so there's really no reason why this thing shouldn't run and run pretty good back here we do have the back part of the seat we're going to have to get that installed the headliner is just in awesome shape inside here now the old tires on this car well they're they're pretty dry rotted so that's something we want to replace obviously this thing's been sitting up for around 15 years get a new set of tires on here I do love the fact that we still have all the original hubcaps on the car uh may go ahead and clean these wheels up repaint them when we get all that done um I think he had said he had already redone the brakes on the back of this car but we'll check all that out once we pull these off just to make sure everything was done right adjusted right on that but all in all I think the brakes are just mainly going to amount to front disc brakes and then a new master cylinder hopefully there's not too many hoses or too many lines that are going to need to be replaced but we'll figure that out as we go the gas tank here kind of mounted in a strange spot and I noticed you could actually see it behind the rear seat there so good thing about that is we know we've always got to clean these tanks so that should be in pretty simple removal to get that tank cleaned out and cleaned up a lot of the Chrome on the car has just a little bit of surface rust here and there more so on the front than the back we're hoping we can take some just slight grade steel wool try to clean up all that Chrome back here in the trunk area kind of hard to see but we do have a spare tire back here wow there's where this rat's been eating the carpet that was not like that when we first picked it up so hopefully he's not wedged away somewhere in here because we do know they will stay silent and still and not move while you're working on stuff this rat obviously rode all the way back from Durant Oklahoma to Texas and has just been hanging out here ever since but here's a look of the the passenger side of the car I mean it's just a straight if not straighter than the driver's side cosmetically this car is everything I'd want it to be for being in a project form now yes it could be a lot nicer of a car but to find one that's been setting like this this long this car is in great shape so uh I think me and Dad are just going to go ahead and dig into this thing try to get some fluid down into those cylinders see if this motor is going to turn over try to work all the Kinks out of it before we do a final start on this one we want to get good fuel up here we want to get a good spark new plugs new oil new filters all that good stuff because I'm a little bit more proud of this car than most of the stuff me and Dad dragging in from the woods foreign [Music] [Music] got it all hid away there it's pretty cool yep um [Applause] figure it out got that wrench in these are the same way foreign because of this brake booster which I was noticing right here that's broke off that brake booster there so we'll have to address that [Applause] no rats so far there we go I don't look too terrible on the top side I don't look that old right oh golly pretty black on the bottom side though it sure is take I think this holds off I believe yeah there's a lot of a lot of carbon build up on those things foreign yeah they're all consistent just a lot of carbon built up on them no rust doesn't look like no moisture has gotten down in there though that's good foreign a little bit of Marvel Mystery all down in there you think probably wouldn't hurt anything just get it set for just a little bit you need this and I might as well take it I guess at this point we need to try to figure out what kind of battery's going to fit in here huh yeah it looks kind of like a battery that would fit in one of them little cars and kids ride around them oh yeah little couple calls and see what kind of battery we can find and I guess if this starter will engage and hopefully she'll turn over so we ended up finding a battery for this thing which has to be one of the strangest ones I've ever seen in my life apparently they've used something like this on a lot of old tractors but it does fit right in spot now on our spark plugs here they're all very consistent but they've got a lot of carbon buildup on them so that's either going to be caused from either a weak spark or maybe this carburetor is running way too rich and we're getting too much fuel that's causing them to build up that carbon like that got some Marvel Mysterio setting in all these cylinders so now we're just going to go ahead and connect these battery cables up and see if we can get it to turn over for the first time in 15 years no sparking that's good we're going to disconnect that fuel line you think probably ain't gonna hurt anything I don't think it'll spray up here but I doubt there's any fuel in it but I don't want to be pumping up any Trash if there is might as well pull this off too make sure there ain't nothing top of that carburetor it tries to suck down in there that looks pretty good in there yeah man so on this solenoid down here they actually have somebody splashed into them at one point in time different color wires even yeah [Applause] should be make sure the key isn't on I don't want to send any power to that cool yet right [Applause] everything's out of the way you should allow it to turn over try it out I think so [Applause] it's the outfit I feel like I hear a spark though you shouldn't be getting power to anything [Applause] or is that just little pieces of stuffed pepper now you hear it I hear it [Applause] it's this stuff I don't know what that is thank you what are you doing I can't see if it was leaving any kind of like it's got like a little black specks like maybe carbon buildup that was on the valves or something maybe hmm [Applause] sure sounds like it sparking back up over in there unless something's messed up on the wiring that's allowing it to go ahead and get power to it with the key off could be could be they've got something wired in wrong here well obviously somebody's been messing with stuff before anyways I'm going to check the compression on a couple of them won't hurt anything here we go [Applause] about 90 a little over 90 but it was still climbing so [Applause] 110 yeah about 110. check another one real quick those need to be sprayed it ain't spring them back and check one over here check one over there you can go ahead on that side this time yeah [Applause] 90 90. that's how the other one started though and it kept picking up [Applause] sure something popping around that sounds electrical to me it sounds like something's sparking Chicken on this side okay oh wow 150. oh that's a lot I even hear it leaking off down there that's some good compression on that one there those ones just may have some valves that ain't quite sealing off or something completely yep uh I think we can go ahead and put some spark plugs in this thing and let's try to clean up some of this debris before we dig in fire they're replacing you know stuff on the ignition side figure out what's making that sparking sound [Music] so guys real quick this video was brought to you in part by bespoke post if you guys have never heard of bespoke posts they're actually a monthly membership club that's free to join now every month they introduce their members to a lot of cool new products each box of awesome has around seventy dollars in value but you only pay a fraction of the price ninety percent of the products in bespoke post boxes come from small Brands many of which are based right here in the U.S now you're only going to pay for what you want so you can keep it you can swap it out for a different box you can skip the month entirely for absolutely no charge our first box here we've got our Scorch box as you guys know we're from Texas we love some hot sauce around here uh got a pretty good array of different flavors to taste here looks like one two three four five six different styles we're got some scorpion we got some Serrano peaches and scream let me try this scorpion here [Music] it's got a little a little bit of a bite to it move on to our next box here we've got our Bean box that's a pretty snazzy little headlight there looks like it's got a little carrying case [Applause] charging equipment in it see how she works good great am I blinding you I think it's pretty nice definitely think we can use that around the shop last but not least we've got our Weekender box and everybody needs them a good Weekender bag this thing's pretty solid too got some hard actually metal framing done out front here pretty sure I could pack everything I need honestly for a lot longer than a weekend with this thing my personal favorite is a beam because it allows me to see things hands-free and I know Dad and Christian are definitely a big fan of The Scorch so guys to get 20 off your first box of awesome click the link in the description below and enter restored 20 at checkout or go to bespoke.com restore20 now let's get back to the show now that we know that this thing is able to turn over we're getting okay compression out of it we just want to move forward to the ignition system to be sure that we're getting a good hot enough spark sent down here to these spark plugs before we move forward and address a fuel system now they see our firing order is there when we pull these wires off it's the same as a Chevrolet so I don't know which way to it actually spans I have to figure that out this will pull these off start replacing them [Applause] so if this is before we get too far this is probably one three five seven you've probably got two four six eight I think this was yeah this was number one so remember it was kind of in line with that thing there eight should be the next one should be the back one trying to keep them in order though when we go to replace them for their length you know right foreign got a bunch of oil in it too huh wow it's like a bunch of little pieces of metal particles down in there say that it's all kind of stuck to it though now it's got two sets of points in it go figure yeah two points and one one condenser there oh yeah I don't know what those little pieces like metal shavings almost say that mm-hmm almost looks like a aluminum or something it doesn't it's clean inside there yeah yeah I wonder you wonder it was rubbing against that wasn't it yeah that's what I'm supposed to say it looked like it was rubbing up against this cap I think huh well I want to go ahead and just replace these rather than clean them up I kind of I know that's not our Norm but right like I said I'm a little prouder of this thing than I am most the I guess a little I don't know I just want to go ahead and take that step while we're at it rather than having to come back later see what I can't find out on the points and get those pulled out and replace them now inside of this distributor here we actually have two sets of points and then one condenser right here how they're going to work is this distributor shaft is going to rotate either counterclockwise or clockwise not sure which way it rotates yet but it's got these little lobes on it here that are going to press up against these points and just open and close them periodically that's going to allow them to spark and not spark which is going to send our spark up to our rotor and then to our distributor cap to our wires and then to the spark plugs which are down in the cylinder that's going to ignite the fuel now these points don't look terrible here but since we're right here at them we're just going to go ahead and replace them as you guys can see maybe here there's a lot of little metal shavings down in there I'm really hoping that this distributor shaft isn't bent just a little bit that's causing it to be off every once in a while and rub up against this cap here but at this point we're just going to go ahead and replace these points put a new cap on it put a new button on it and just see if we're getting some good spark so we went ahead and replaced both sets of points inside of this distributor got everything on the Gap and the dwell adjusted correctly I went ahead and replaced our spark plug wires as well so now at this point we just want to turn it over and be sure that we're getting a good spark down to our spark plugs good spot pretty good spot foreign so now that we know we've got a good spark down to our spark plugs a situation we're going to have to address later is when we installed our new spark plug wires into this ignition housing they're actually too short to be able to run them right and put the casings back on here so I've Googled around on that apparently I'm going to have to go through actually like a Studebaker guy to get these wires made because these ones here they're just too short so we'll come back later get the right wires might as well go ahead and replace the cool and the resistor as well before we put all this housing back on it but at this point we know we're getting good fire down to the plugs we need to move on to the fuel system of the car let's go ahead and get these seats out of here so we're not messing nothing up gas Tank's pretty easy to get at it sure is just don't want to snag it any of these new seats and rip them but what does it look like it looks like it should be pretty easy there's a couple hoses we're going to have to disconnect I don't know what these screws go to but I'm sure there's something to do with the thing but we want to be sure we keep up with those it looks like basically oh man that one's been cut huh I wonder if somebody somebody's had this thing out before and the hoses are new and that's cut right I wonder if somebody's headed out to clean it once before may have I hate to knock though as long as it's been sitting up but let's take that loose I'll grab a flat blade and start taking some of these little hoses off okay yeah that won't take much just looks like a thread holding it man it's a pretty big old tank too though that's way up back there [Music] got a pair of pliers four pliers foreign [Music] get this filler hose off there then undo this wiring [Applause] let me check out here if I can pull it out from the outside I do smell old gas I can too yeah I think I can take it Loose right here and now maybe allow it to slide out yeah I'd definitely say it's still got some fuel in it I smell it oh yeah I expect a little bit in here [Applause] come out huh that hose clamp loose enough there on it should loosen up foreign just to make sure there it goes I got it got it yeah it might be fun getting back on but it's awesome [Music] cool I have to get that wiring ones hopefully there's nothing coming off the bottom of it [Music] [Music] something's still holding it might have the actual the pickup May Come From the Bottom of the tank guess I'll let you see foreign yeah that's what it is but once again there's a new hose down there so got a flat blade screwdriver decent size one so if not I'll get you a bigger one I got it it should you want to lift up some uh go backwards man you know what what's that I'm gonna have to unscrew this feeding down here because it the tank needs to go backwards before I lift up out of there because it's got a 90 on it right so if you can get me like a half inch I'll just unscrew it okay all right is that rain out here coming down raining coming down thank you masturbating up see it's got a hole it's got to go through and the Tank's gonna need to go back and then straight up now there it goes there you go all right I'll get out I'll help you okay should come out [Music] [Music] it is [Music] okay phew this thing stinks that's what I'm saying it's spilling gas yeah it don't look terrible though does it just smells real bad smells old you can tell it's done turned darker but not real dark I think we could probably run some of that the Grazer and that fuel tank cleaner system in it get it all cleaned up for once we've got one that's actually a salvageable tank yeah I just don't want to put it back in there until I know it's super clean inside let's try to blow through that line and see how the lines look alrighty you ready okay let's go here scare you try to clean out my hands we're getting there and a bunch of nasty stuff it is dirty though yeah it's filthy yep we're just getting air now all right I'm gonna try to blowing back this other way all right it is nasty that way a bunch of little pieces of rust up in there oh yeah oh yeah there's like a cookies and cream milkshake there's an electric fuel pump up underneath here oh yeah yeah so and a manual one yeah yep it comes off that electric goes straight to that manual I wonder there's two there's some wires up here I wasn't sure what went to it's about right in here yeah I bet you that's what these go to they've got an electric pump rigged up before the manual pump so I bet you that that manual pump went out on it probably so because I know that ain't Factory but if we get everything hooked back up once we feel like the lines are cleaning up we should be able to just pump you know fluid through the lines until it looks pretty clear right yeah and not have to worry about turning the engine over and running it and actually having that mechanical pump but but I definitely want to get that you know that factory pump replaced let's be sure we got those cleaned out the way we want to and then I guess try this electric pump hopefully it works right yeah because if not we ain't gonna have no fuel up to our carburetor but now on this car it has a factory mechanical fuel pump which works when the engine is turning over now dad has found the electrical fuel pump that goes in line of the fuel lines here so how that works is you just connect a hot note and a ground and it'll pump the fuel electronically they probably did that because it's mechanical pump went out but at this point we blew through the lines and it is just terrible in them right now but one good thing about having that electrical pump is once we get these lines blew through the way we want to we can hook some fresh fuel up to it turn on that electric pump and just let it pump out until we feel like it's clean enough to hook back to this carburetor and run this engine for the first time now for right now we're just going to use a newer temporary tank in place of our Factory tank here because what we want to do is go ahead and use this KBS tank sealer kit it comes with a Degreaser a pre-paint primer and then our tank sealer so once we get this thing cleaned up degrees we'll Prime the inside of it we'll seal the in side of it in any kind of rust or corrosion or just Grime it has inside there will be completely taken care of so we know we have fresh fuel always pumping up in this car [Music] I hear it it's just clearing up some yeah we might have to keep flushing this thing for a while that's darker and sweet tea yeah the fuel pump is working now it looks good there now [Music] no trash huh no not in this part of it looks pretty good yeah not good enough to drink so oh yeah the coolant looks pretty good still need to change the oil and oil filter yeah I guess to that change oil filter fuel filter air filters should be right there at the Virgo cranking it up huh [Applause] pretty black pretty black decent consistency to it though like they got it on there probably anytime it's pretty old too you hand me that old plug up there foreign [Applause] yeah that's seeing Many of Miles yeah yeah it's dark but it's got a it's got a good consistency too yeah you can kind of still see through it yeah I guess if you want to grab that oil in that new filter [Applause] let's do it I just put some more in it now so we got some fresh oil in this thing changed out the oil filter no fuel filter new air filters I went ahead and pulled the carburetor off and just cleaned the inside of it because just with these lines being up as dirty as they were we didn't want any trash inside that carburetor for the first start now after examining this inline fuel pump I believe we've come to the conclusion that it was only there to possibly pump up fuel to Prime this original mechanical pump because it appears that it should be functioning the way it should so now we're just going to connect the battery turn it over and hopefully hear this thing crank up and run for the first time in 20 years foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] let me try it with the key inside there just for the fun of it foreign [Applause] come on girl foreign [Music] [Music] sounds like it'll get it yeah hoping that idle down some here a little bit thank you I did notice so we got a little bit of a backup right there sounds pretty solid sounds solid yeah really solid thanks for the hatching exhaust on it did sound really good oh yeah retirement staff just ain't opened yet all right we're burning off a little bit of oil or something over there yeah when we tried to turn it over with the plugs out our ports act when I was changing that oil filter some got on it too see if any of the gauges are working [Music] now we got great oil pressure back in here that seems to be working everything's working obviously our fuel gauge isn't because we forgot about our return oh yeah we pumped up a whole bunch of gas in here yep I guess we better figure that out real quick I just turn the gas tank around and yeah feed it right back into it I know I spent some gas I need some more I've got one more over here so I think it'll be enough to finish up the last try it again I guess all right see how it cranks up first start wow yeah according to the choke thing here it can't open anymore so let me try to idle it down foreign very happy with it okay let's see how it cranks one more time keep it flowing yet see if the gauge has moved any 120. so it is the gauge does work foreign cranks no pedal check just right up [Music] well guys we have got a runner here so she actually sounds pretty stinking good I did notice here in our fuel filter it's allowing the fuel to leak back off and even towards the end of it running it seemed like that fuel pump was getting a little weak so maybe we do need to go ahead and replace this mechanical fuel pump on it anyways on our brake booster here this line has been broke off so we've got all new brakes to this car we as I mentioned at the beginning of the video we're going to convert this to a newer style of disc brakes and we've actually got a whole bunch of brake parts here so inside here we've got our our rotors our calipers I believe this right here is our we've got our master cylinder here so it's a dual Reservoir master cylinder where the old one was just a single Reservoir so those should upgrade the brakes quite a bit here we've got a carpet kit with the maroon carpet so we want to go ahead and replace that as well so back to the engine here I think the majority of the Kinks have been worked out on it we are going to have to come back and put the longer spark plug wires on here so that we can put our Chrome shrouds and all that stuff back on there it appears that everything's working on the water pump we're not getting hot I do want to replace the cool resistor as well I'd mentioned painting up some of this stuff in here that's just needs some freshening up cleaning up all this chrome the alternator is charging engine sounds smooth rev's good now we haven't tried out the transmission yet inside the car obviously I'd mentioned it's an automatic transmission so as long as we've got a good fluid level in it I really have no reasoning of thinking this thing's not going to shift in gear and work the way it should but we want to go ahead and Tackle our brakes first that way we've got a functioning brake pedal we can press as we're shifting it through the gears our gauges seem to all work our fuel gauge wasn't working because well we just don't have it hooked up right but everything else appears to be working including the uh the tachometer which I really didn't get to show you all that never tried out any of the heater controls once again we'll pull out all this carpet in here it's not that it was in terrible terrible shape but if we're going to have to put these new seats back up in here we definitely want some fresh new carpet to match the look of them get our gas tank put back installed in there once again we're going to go ahead and just use this tank sealer kit get it degrease get it all uh primed inside there seal it off and get our Factory tank back in it so we're running off that rather than a boat tank do still need to get new tires on here so we'll pull these wheels off obviously whenever we're checking out the brakes he had mentioned that he had uh replaced all the back brakes here so we'll check all that out make sure everything's adjusted right on that I did see that there was new hoses up underneath there when we were trying to get the fuel tank out so get these off paint the wheels new tires clean up these hubcaps and one of our biggest issues we're going to have to do that we can't do here at house is get some exhaust rain on this car because it is this Extremely Loud it's actually cut off about about at the dash there for some reason so it does have dual exhaust we'll want to get that ran with something that sounds pretty cool come out all the way on the back of the car and then it's just kind of going around the car and cleaning up the old Chrome cleaning up the old paint the best we can just base basically trying to make it a little bit more presentable with what this car is to work with now this old paint job is only going to clean up so well being that it's not the greatest paint job and it's pretty old but nonetheless I feel like it's definitely going to be a good driver condition and work for what we're looking for all in all I'm really happy with the progress we've made so far I love hearing this thing run but I cannot wait to drive this so be sure you check back with us on this next video where we get some new brakes on this car get this thing to go in gear clean up the interior and hopefully move this thing down the road and the first time in over 20 years a fever
Views: 224,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: restored, kravened kustoms, turnin rust, turning rust, classic car, rust, abandoned, rescued, ratrod, antique, will it run, neglected, found, rusty, forgotten, vgg, vice grip, clean up, international, first start, will it start, revival, avanti, studebaker, supercharged, r2, restoration, restoration video, car restoration, restoring old cars, vehicle restoration, car restoration videos, world record, fastest production car, studebaker avanti, avanti r2, supercharged avanti, rare, sports car
Id: ZoniIjoWPKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 23sec (3803 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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