We Found The Most Popular Pocket Knife In Your State | Week One Wednesday Ep. 9

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how's it going guys welcome to week 1 Wednesday or as we like to call it oh wow never lets us down today we are going to be looking at the most popular knife in your state I know there's 50 states I know there's not 50 knives on the table don't worry we got you taken care of so you definitely wanna tune in to see what the most popular knife is in your state but before we do we want to give a huge shout out to we knives we knives is the reason that we get hang out with you guys live the first Wednesday of every month so huge shout out to them they're a sponsor of the show if you don't know why that's important hold on till the end I promise it'll be worth your time now like with every wow we're gonna kick it off with a couple new arrivals and then we're gonna jump in the meat potatoes of what we got going I love the meat and the means did the Burnley poker blade HQ exclusive kihon auto that's a whole lot of bees it's a lot of bees but I'll tell you this much this thing is beautiful there's another b4 and we're doing alive guys you know we just do I just made that up you know so it's very very similar to the Kalashnikov in a lot of ways you get your aluminum you get your oz eight but you get that beautiful quick and profile just a rad knife all the way around it's a little bit slim we actually a couple you know what I was across on the table I would actually go ahead and say it's a bodacious knife it's a bodacious there's another B I love it so it's just a little bit thinner than the Kalashnikov and it just feels really good in hand I really dig it I actually really like kind of a spoiler alert for later in the program when we do the pocket check there is another color it's in my pocket because yeah has to be so three colors it's always on this box super awesome always got Sun always got something cooking up around here 4995 on the website and it's gonna launch this coming Friday at 10:00 a.m. mountain time it is blade each cue exclusive we have pretty good numbers you probably want to be there early make sure you get the the color that you want I know a lot of you guys are stoked on that Desert Warrior be there or be square as weird call it in some neck of the woods okay up next guys we have an M yeah what yeah yeah yeah I was stoked I've been Carol this is another life that I've snuck into my pocket recently like oh boy this one this one is dirty because it's the knife that I was gay actually is I don't know if we can get a zoom in on the lint yeah but it's a great knife man so anyways it's it's definitely something today this is a Vox Nez design it is the oh I'm gonna oh I saw is oh Isonzo yeah yeah which is italian for something rad i actually don't know what it's a tie or I was thinking about the next knife how anyway yeah yeah you'll see very nice also guys this thing is a sweet little utility blade as you can see it comes in a coated non-coated and a clip point blade I think there's another variation but we didn't grab probably you know check it but cool color combinations it's a glass filled nylon handle and you got yourself a wire pocket clip to way and they are calling this a lanyard hole yeah I actually really liked for uh for carabiners yeah yeah I actually like this there are some times that I've carried where it actually has a carabiner on the back it doesn't usually work for me very well and then like the carabiner seems like pinch my hand and I try to use the knife I like this a lot because it gives you a good attachment point but there's not it's not actually a carabiner right I'm a big fan of it yeah that's cool yeah uh the steel is bowler I'm not gonna mess this one see if he messes it up and 6:9 he got it bohler n690 I can't even tell you we were in here looking at him me I was like oh yeah bohler m390 no no N six nine six nice a great little lady wait great little option and it is on the site for $85 $85 and it's not quite available so if you're watching this live I think it goes a lot the the isanzo is on sale tomorrow I'm pretty sure tomorrow so keep your eyes peeled super great Vox Nez design set your alarm alright guys I'm gonna be as always looking at my phone there's a couple call-out so give you guys a couple call outs Casper's 72 says this is his first time watching live way too excited hey buddy thanks for being here man becoming live is always fun it's always a blast Evan tumblin says hello from Virginia Joey bloomin burg from Kentucky we got Aaron from Iowa we got it's Cairo from Ohio and then Kaspar 72 says he's from Idaho and his favorite right now is the black Microtech ultratech with Lmax great choice that is not that is not Idaho's favorite knife but great choice I'm not a favorite to polish up some of our new arrivals we've got the benchmade Otto autocrat this goes for $425 on the website now this is a the first time the benchmade ever done this this is actually a milled g10 frame which is really cool these really neat blue accents nice deep carry pocket clip s30v dagger blade and really really smooth so benchmate makes a handful of OTS the only one that for me that really speaks to me is the infidel I don't think that I still don't think I'd go for the infidel personally but this one this is a bench made OTF that really speaks to me it looks really classy and the action is just really smooth like extra smooth yeah so anyways so the autocrat great neck I I like the g10 mmm it feels like a freak we're like out there it does eat dance kills feels like that freak yep right yeah it's just really nice really good grip so anyways autocrat and get on the website that one is available so you can buy that one right now if you wanted to you should you should buy no no watch watch Wow I promise we got a great surprise at the end then go buy an autocrat guys stick around just stick around stick around alright guys we have a we this is an item now this is the a10 Eterna a turn I think it's a turn a turn obably how you pronounce it anyway we looked it up because we were like what the crap and it literally translates into like eternal basically like eternal like forever and you always have to look up Elijah's names there's always the meters always a meaning like the dude is it's always deep with him yeah no difference with the aterna yep bohler m390 as you guys can see it's got this carbon-fiber inlay and this is i'm i could be wrong but i think i read it's a it's a flamed titanium they call it flamed it doesn't look like a flame like it at all but the thing that I love about this knife is if got that that coating or that finish that we does on their titanium so it's not slippery oh man now a couple of you guys on Instagram we're saying it didn't look very comfortable in hand so a medium-sized hand it actually is really comfortable the only thing that's missing for me is I was like a little jumping back here so that's the only thing that's missing for me personally somewhere for your thumb don't sound a rest but to be honest it's a really comfortable knife and this I mean I don't know if we call it it's not like a toy but like that piece of the handle right the ice the ice shim special that feels really good in hand as well so right it's comfortable knife yeah I likes it so another thing that's kind of cool about this is the lock it's a how did they call it it's like a bolster something hold on pulls a lateral bolster mechanism lock fancy basically it's it's a liner lock no it's like a frame one actually it's a cream liner you know it's actually technically a bolster that's a bolster lock of course obviously 306 dollars get them while they're hot yeah on the whip always good with the nice and design alright guys welcome to week one Wednesday if you're just joining us today we are gonna be talking about the favorite knifes in your state so the most popular knives in your state now and we say the most popular knife in your state what we're saying is the single most purchase noise from your state so we actually had a little blog post that we did a little a few months ago when we pulled a bunch of data and we looked at what the single most purchased knife was in each state in the United States so yeah it's a lot of fun let's dive in this thing let's do it alright guys you knew it was gonna be here so we just threw it in first you knew it was gonna be here we got the benchmade bug out now this I I just imagine half the crowd out there going oh we've heard from you guys I mean and we're and we're trying so hard to not show the bunch benchmade bug out too much but the thing is is the realities you guys all love it everybody loves this knife specifically Washington Utah Colorado New Mexico Texas Wisconsin Kentucky West Virginia Pennsylvania New York Massachusetts in New Jersey criminy whoa you guys love the bench made by was a plethora of state it was a plethora of states and there's so much to love it's a great kitchen knife according to Kurt you can cook anything with it hashtag any hash tag anything but you know you get the great the the mini deep carry pocket clip the super light handles great blade still great plate blade profile you got the blade HQ exclusive blackout it's just a great knife no I love it a lot of its you know we have a new hire who's helping up some website stuff her name's Alex she's super rad and she's like why does everybody around here carry bug outs I think we need to get her a bug out so she can figure out why we care that's so anyways I that oh good I honestly my honest opinion is since this knife came out I have not had a better EDC and I'm talking every day not just on Tuesdays I'm gonna wear this with my cute pens no it's not that it's this knife I want to carry because it legit meets all my requirements and you can literally carry every day disappears in the pocket it is stellar so like I said Washington Utah Colorado New Mexico Texas Wisconsin Kentucky West Virginia Pennsylvania New York Massachusetts and New Jersey we know you love guys love this knife this is the number one most bought knife in those states speaking of Kentucky I got a Kentucky joke tell me you want here yeah okay what so you know the Kentucky Derby's there right right so what did the kentucky derby racehorse say when it fell down I have no clue help I've fallen and I can't get yup that's my bad joke guys that's all I got it's the only joke a guy could tell a knife better you guys got to here first [Laughter] all right we're gonna all right guys anyways we have got this right here it's a Kershaw Emerson collaboration it's got the g10 scales it's got this wave design Emerson wave yep Emerson and then they've got the disc which a lot of Emerson's have as well it's a big robust knife yeah and Kershaw solid company yeah Emerson great quality I like the little Emerson things that are very a Mersenne you know you got the grippy g10 you've got the way if you got the disc all the things this is a great knife and it was on sale it was on huge sale or watch sale for a while and it just like landslide a so many people bottom yeah and so easy we can understand why this ended up on the list for which states let's see Oregon Arizona Hawaii North Dakota Minnesota Missouri Louisiana Illinois Tennessee Virginia and Maryland so all over the map really there's not a way to even be like oh this this particular area yeah we liked it it's all over north north all the way to Hawaii yeah so this is a great knife great for the price it's $45 you can also look when you're look at the blade options when you're looking to buy one because it also comes in a d2 variation yeah so check that out 45 bucks everybody loves great little nice gray low knife we got a couple more call outs here there's a guy link nine nine six eight says he really should be studying for a midterm right now but this is more important clearly dude way more important these get degrees as somebody who used to teach college I don't know bro but you know what we're glad you're here we're glad you're here thank you that's devotion he's he's a real fan I love it I love it and then Patrick Bryan says it's only October but it's never too early for the Christmas hams curtains those Christmas hams alright guys let's move into these next single most popular knife for the upcoming States it is the launch for so specifically it was that's a shame now this is great you guys don't listen to Curt it's great if you don't have Christmas hams house that's true okay so this specifically was was the model that was the most popular you know obviously the all-black you know everything that you guys know about the Kershaw launch series everything that you love made in the USA great warranty I always forget if it's it's CPM 150 or not 154cm or whatever I always get raster so CPM 154 blade steel aluminum handles and like I said all made in the USA you can pick up the all black one for 7995 great knife just a great knife we talked about it all time it's a good one but exciting news we didn't put it in new arrivals because we were able to show it with the other one guys the Damascus is back so we've got the Damascus patterns back in it's been don't want to go over a year all right I think it's been over a year since we've had the Damascus I can't complain too much about that it's it's good look it's really really so a couple different blade there are a couple different handle colors I chose the green because I like the green the best you can get in a bunch of different handle colors with the Damascus blade it is a blade HQ exclusive so exciting stuff so those are live on the web that's right now I really do love how the aluminum how the coloring they put on the aluminum the finish that satin finish so they do such a great job I don't like the Kershaw launch for is most popular in Alaska Nevada Nebraska Indiana Ohio Georgia Connecticut and Rhode Island and and California and Alaska Alaska what is here's the thing if you live in Alaska how are you gonna fight a bear with a launch for isn't that what you do in Alaska's fight bears yeah yeah if you're from a last night let me know how many bears you fought in the last week cuz it's probably like three I guarantee it I guarantee you you've fought three bears and so I don't know what Alaska's doing but this is the single most you know singular bot knife loose you know I don't even know any well it's kind of trait through all that fur no no not at all you know you could probably clean a trout with it you know I'm not an Alaska Trail they're probably like the size of bears yeah they are this size everything's a band they have claws they come up on land and it's actually a bear fish with bear claws guys you learned a lot of important Alaska information here today know we're really super surprising that this is the single most sold knife I feel like you threw her in the wild and you flick that open an eagle would come down and swoop and take this Degas or just slap you with it's just slap it with its wing and say wow come on this is the last guy so anyways guys if you're a Alaska and you don't launch for let us know I want to hear about it alright guys let's see oh we sorry that was a lot of noise yeah but off with a lot of knives a lot of knives guys these out of a bokor Kalashnikovs and you guys know the story but we have got some new [ __ ] that I was looking at comments but there's so many dagger let's go this way this is better yeah oh yeah oh yeah got that okay all right so we've got the normal dagger blade we have the modified sheeps foot we got the harpoon and the octal the hawk bill sweet may be hot though I really wish though I liked the hoc bills great it's great yeah but I think it should be called the Raptor claw Raptor yeah yeah because you could yeah full-on Raptor right oh yeah clever girl clever yeah no guys these Kalashnikovs are sweet we just got these new blade styles in there are 40 bucks on the site but let me tell you how popular they are we got states where this is the most popular Idaho oh there you go ID oh hey that's funny cuz what he did have an auto I mean it was no TF but it was right Auto Idaho Montana huh South Dakota Kansas Oklahoma Mississippi Florida North Carolina and Michigan see those all makes sense totally makes sense why the question a couple be phobic no out of the new blade chips is the hoc bill your favorite the Raptor claw so the Raptor claw yes the Raptor claws and I would buy it yeah just because it's gimmicky yeah we just did my knife collection and I've got those knives right I'm like I just love it cuz it is what it is yes my favorites the the old harpoon the old horse mmm I love that little mohawk going on there yeah so good and when you talk about right like it's a it's a forty to forty three dollar knife whatever right and it's like why not get a knife of the harpoon that's like cool-looking that's like forty three bits and I mean it actually really is cool yeah I know it sucks for me yeah sometimes I'm stuttering over my words yeah for me sometimes this the scales and the pocket clip just not quite that cool right not what you're looking for right but for the knife and the action and what you get holy cow people at Hill estates have got good taste I'm actually really excited for the Keown dude the kihon how cuz it's like a little bit lighter and it hits just as hard as a Kalashnikov so it hits harder right right oh yeah it's so good so good all right let's see we got we got a couple comments here somebody was saying that they weren't a fan of Emerson until they saw the meet your maker video and he's like a genuinely great guy he is actually Kearny Emerson's like a really good dude um he's got some stories to like anytime you talk with Ernie it's like story time like he's got some really good stories Alec asked when is the beard shape going down Kurt so guys let's just say this Friday we have a video coming out you're not gonna want to miss we do some shaving you just not gonna want to miss it let's leave it there oh let's see honestly I don't know about the beards life guys okay that's just the thing that maybe maybe you guys should decide yeah the life of the beard let's just say tune in on Friday okay guys definitely this is definitely Friday all right so talking about Otto's poker ADO's and talking about Otto's that hit hard next up we have the poker plus strike these things hit hard so these are basically guys if you haven't handled the strike and the Kalashnikov the strike is basically just a really burly Kalashnikov mmm it's just an over build more tactical Kalashnikov so you get you know burly liners really nice aluminum scales it's just heavy duty you got the lock there so you can lock it closed you can lock it open and these things fire so like you have to hold on when you fire these knives but what's up with the tip down yeah so it does come tip down you gotta flip which I know some guys like but don't worry because there is there's a tip up option yeah they're just gotta flip it don't-don't-don't pocket clip shame people okay people can carry however they want guys we actually had a really funny post we had to post on Instagram talking about tip up tip down and somebody was like hi identifies as tip but I carry tip down and I thought that was pretty funny how those it was pretty good job so anyways the Booker strike and this knife he's the top single most selling knife in Arkansas South Carolina and Maine now South Carolina is interesting so I think my little sister lives there okay she lives in Greenville there's a Greenville in South and North Carolina I honestly don't I've been to her house I couldn't tell you if it was north or south look I flip the coin I drove from Georgia and I just ended up at her house so I don't know if it was north or south but apparently South Carolina has this island that's just full of monkeys it's an island like with four thousand monkeys on it and I don't know if there's like some Planet of the Apes stuff going on I have no idea so if you're from South Carolina you know about Monkey Island let us know because I would love let us know in the comments right now or if you're watching this not live let us know in the comments I'd love to know more about monkey a monkey I a Monkey Island super interesting and it's just like why another of Eiling in the united states with four thousand monkeys on it that's crazy yeah and you're not allowed to go out there so it makes me feel like yeah because have you seen those primates it'll tear you apart I know as scariest thing I've ever seen on the internet monkeys I don't couple so anyways the the butterfly strike Arkansas South Carolina and Maine is is where the Booker plus strike is most populous sweet all right up next we have the Kershaw launch three now these are cool made in the USA aluminum scales amazing launch yeah all all the things you'd expect from a launch all the things the blades are CPM 154 in 154 and this bronze one right now is actually on sale on the website for the cool price of 80 for $80 80 bucks he goes for like 115 $80 and then this one is 115 dude that's a good deal actually yeah $18.00 and honestly I really like I said about the launch for I really love the coloration and the satin finish they're able to get on that aluminum yeah so if you want something in the launch series but you don't want to spend 115 boom $80 get on there check it out buy it before I can because I think I want that I want that so where is this most popular Wyoming no it's not that's it Yop Alaska and Wyoming I feel like we need have a talk seriously Wyoming why are you carrying like a buck 110 or a buck 120 or a buck 119 like I feel like that's a Wyoming knife well not only that but Alaska I think you should guys should be like carrying a chainsaw machete that shoots 45 AC wait did you say a chainsaw and machete or a chainsaw a machete a chainsaw a machete a chainsaw a machete would actually be more Pro right those bear fish you gotta be up there brutal so so fun fact about Wyoming tell me do you want to say it cuz we were we looked up a couple fun facts about some of these states you guys look I think you're the fun fact guy I'm the fun fact guy okay so I've actually spent a lot of time in Wyoming why he's a really cool state love it love running my motorcycle through there as long as it's during the day cuz I don't want to hit a deer and die coming from experience um pure experience um so Wyoming in the state of Wyoming correct me from wrong guys but as if I know as far as I know there are only two escalators in the entire state so entirely the entire state of Wyoming is linked to escalators they're both in Casper Wyoming and the tall is building Wyoming is only 12 stories tall I feel like Wyoming's doing it right you don't know me oh yeah like I feel like I need to get out with it they call Big Sky Country all right I need to go thanks guys that's Montana my kind that's right that's right Big Sky car but yeah Wyoming is like taking a step back a long time I love it they're like you know what escalators now we don't need moving sidewalks right here moving stairs you lazy sob so so yes so only two escalators in all of Wyoming yeah I love it and apparently a bunch of launched threes launched three yeah you're from if you're from Wyoming and you don't want to launch three shame on shake you know so we got a couple more questions here the Patrick Bryan's apparently a lot of people are asking but Patrick Bryan's he wants to see the bug out that you showed on your insta do you have it around I can't show it yet there's there's something and another piece there's there's something that's with the knife that I added on that hasn't been released yet okay and so anyway guys I know guys it's been a minute just bear with me as soon as they drop it I will show you all / things perfect all right what do we got next oh no wait I'm next you just did you're next all right guys so next up we have the MMP OTF spring-assisted OTF so this is a single-action OTF from M&P so you guys saw me fire like normal OTF there's a release here so you hit the release and then you recharge it there it does have a lock so you can lock it and doesn't fire unlock it and it will fire just a great little inexpensive you know dagger knife dagger OTF it's got a really nice flat wide deep carry pocket clip it's got a glass breaker on the end I do love this with the pocket clip it's got was it's a caution blade ejects blades yes I like the idea of walking around with a pocket clip that says caution blade ejects so MMP is doing it right now this is the single most bought knife in New Hampshire now New Hampshire is I believe their state motto is live for your die which is dope i seatbelts and helmets are not required in in new hampshire and they were also the first to tell England you know their first colony telling when you know what we can do our own thing peace out so New Hampshire you know they're there they're a land of first they're also the first state that has a recorded a lien abduction I feel like whatever's going on a New Hampshire I'm about it because they're just the first they're just breaking your territory left in ER oh my gosh so this this OTF goes for $36.99 on the website New Hampshire's obviously it's in New England and I always hear that people in New England are like very spend conscious like the very right and so perhaps that's why it's the single most bought knife in New Hampshire's because it's a very affordable all I know is I would buy these because they're affordable yeah and you never know how many you're gonna lose when you get encountered by the alien it's true it's true you got to have a couple spares it's true I mean when we went rated area 51 now we weren't there I tried so hard to get us there ILS swapping with it one of the flying saucers wmp OTF goes for 34 or 36 99 on the website alright guys Kershaw cryo for weight reversible pocket clip you got your G 10 scale and it is d2 steel d2 steel gotta love it and this one is also an assisted opener it's a great knife especially for the money yeah 40 bucks 40 bucks t 2g tens you get the frame lock I mean it's these carry pocket clip it's got the over travel stop for for the lock bar it's just a great it's a great little knife man it's a good one and yeah so 40 bucks on the website for that cryo d2 and where was this most popular in Iowa Iowa Iowa you know this is what I don't know what Iowa guys so guys I've written my motorcycle over a lot of the country and I used to go around building gun ranges right so I've actually lived in a lot of these states so I have stories from all these places but Iowa in particular I had a friend who was a big Star Trek fan and he passed away recently and so I was on a motorcycle trip going through Iowa blown through the cornfields and I was like wait a minute Andrew loved Star Trek and in Iowa actually wrote it down what's the town called is it Riverside Riverside Riverside so in Iowa Riverside Iowa is actually the future birthplace of Captain Kirk from Star Trek so I think I'm like I'm like what year does that start it's like 20 to 25 or so sorry I'm out of truck you guys yeah in the future it's this future birthplace of Captain Kirk so I'm like on my motorcycle blowing through cornfields I have to like backtrack to this small little town in the middle of Iowa like 100 miles or something to get there work from the main road and it was legit like you ride in and there's like there's like a float of the SS Center for the enterprise whatever it's called all right big Trekkie of the enterprise they've got a whole museum about Star Trek and then there's even like a marker where like the place that james t kirk will be born in the future so he will be born yeah so took a bunch of pictures I when I came home I stopped by my buddies Barry said yeah and left the pictures for him that's cool it was cool it was it was really cool so I was a rad place cryo DTS great night okay you have another singer in here oh you guys has more pigs I also has more pigs per capita than humans so I don't know what the ratio is but there's more pigs to humans in Iowa than then uh yeah more pigs and I need to get out you got to get out more rokosz last here I come okay guys we've got the bokor Magnum this is the drop point automatic knife in the shop anya-chan banya and this knife goes for 2995 on the website it's just a thick milled out that's a thick boy is just a thick boy now you know we talked about tip up tip down carry this is only tip down shame which i think is interesting however it is the single most popular knife in Alabama so like I said I know some of the guys in the South like to carry tip down so I'd say that's right like it fits the bill right well mmm fun fact about Alabama they were the first state to legalize Christmas in 1836 I think it was and and so for a long time in the United States Christmas and Christmas trees in particular were a hot like a hot take item yeah because they were seen as pagan holidays so now it's like super Christian but I guess the Christmas tree has some pagan roots and so yeah like Alabama so in 1836 Alabama was either full of a bunch of Christians that were stoked on Christmas or full of a bunch of pagans that wanted to celebrate Christmas I don't know either way they were getting that very they made they made Christmas legal the first state in the United States to make Christmas Lee I think it's so interesting and then according to our copy writer Logan it's illegal to carry ice cream cone in your back pocket dangerous really interesting so guys let us know what what weird laws you have in your state I'm always interested in oh also Rico the ice cream so we're also we know that the knives on the table aren't necessarily representative of what your favorite knives are or what your friend's favorite knives are so let us know what your favorite knives are and what state you're from we'll pull them in we'll look at them life you're on knife run on Wow so anyways have a fun good old Alabama okay I've got one more this is Adam Mora NAV it is the 5-11 I think basic 511 a6 511 and there's there's not a whole lot of talk about this yeah it is what it is it's a high carbon steel blade it's a plastic handle with the plastic sheath yep this thing is built to take the abuse and go to work and just keep going yeah and this is what I love about the Mora the Mora is one of those knives that breaks a lot of the knife guy thinks right right the Steel's not particularly special the handles not particularly special the sheaths not particularly special when I get a more I'll usually make a sheath for it but still a lot of guys use the plastic sheath but if you're if you're anybody like a knife guy or anybody and you have a Mora like the most hardcore knife guy be like I got more as a good knife and it's what seven bucks eight bucks $8 you would be hard-pressed doll you'd be hard-pressed to find another knife where a knife guy would be like oh yeah like you that's a cool like cool knife or a box right here any Manion you guys already know you're out there Del Taco or Taco Bell you're like you know what I just want to spend a couple dollars yeah boom nine dollars you could have had them one could add more instead of that cheesy gordita you get a had a more so what state what state is a let's see Vermont Vermont guys here's the thing Alaska Wyoming come here let's have a cup talk now this is an Alaska Wyoming knife right right that is what I would actually Vermont's doing it right to cuz Vermont makes a lot of syrup okay so you're out you're like gonna I don't know bore a hole in a tree you tap in a tree the tree you got your Mora to do it dude just tap yeah so kappa so Alaska and Wyoming there's a great there's take note all right guys yeah eight bucks on the website and there's like a bajillion different Moroz so oh yeah left and right with more you can go from 8 bucks all the way up to 25 30 40 bucks right but again I love it breaks it breaks the mold for for us knife guys like does I think all of us agree like Moore is a great can you get a better bushcrafting knife sure we know there are super Steel's we know there's really cool handle materials and really rad sheets but I don't think anybody's gonna argue with you if you have more on your like it's my bushcraft it's it's kind of falls along the lines of keep it simple hmm yep you know was it a kiss right keep it stupid keep it simple stupid my uncle used to say that to me and I was like wow you were like wow I was like wow wow wow when I'm live on wow I'm gonna talk about this and it'll be embarrassing in my heart we'll break a little bit guys give give Kurt a heart let help help his heart right now so anyways we've got a couple more comments here David raffle says Alabama how does that not surprise me I don't always talk about the knife or the pagan thing or the ice cream cone thing I don't know but sure why not Arizona Simon Gunn said Zach's in the encyclopedia of random information you are correct I'm not even kidding this is everyday no joke I'm talking Monday through Friday 9 to 5 or actually for him it's like 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. he's in here and he'll just belt out these random facts are you free I just know this crowd he's just sticking my brain guys it's just it's just what happens I guess and then Derrick Griffin said the case sod-buster for South Carolina so I remember what South Carolina was South Carolina that was the one where I stopped my sister little I think no I was one of mine it was a strike I think I think the strike was South Carolina so anyways yeah but also the case sod-buster that that feels like a very sick yeah that's a good one for sure I like that knife um alright guys so last up and we just featured this knife which is so funny because it is literally a $13 knife this is the benchmark can you open that for me yeah this is the benchmark paratrooper so here we go boom boom and we just featured this on on my knife collection video you guys haven't seen my knife collection video and you've been wanting an update on what I'm carrying what I've got check it out it's right here on YouTube put it up so this is the benchmark paratrooper this is the number one most selling knife in Delaware Delaware Delaware now here's the interesting thing it's one guy one guy I mean I I didn't I don't have the exact number sorry guys we couldn't find it cuz like I said we we did this research a few months ago we got the awesome blog post you should check it out one guy in Delaware bought a boatload of these things from us and so that's what made this the most selling knife in Delaware now the challenge is to all of you guys who you control you I want you guys to purchase a ton of mermaids let's see who can purchase the most mermaid Delaware and see if you can troll everyone by just landsliding more than that I feel like I feel like if you can make this knife the number one most selling knife in Delaware it wouldn't be hard to buy enough mermaids to make the mermaid those selling knife in Delaware absolutely incredible anyways just a really fun knife guys we talked about this on my on my knife collection it's just one of those fun novelty things you show off to your buddies I mean not much to talk about with it other than the mechanism is really unique um so Delaware speaking of pigs to people ratio Delaware has actually has 200 chickens for every one person oh my so you better hope those chickens don't get smart because heart beat also Delaware is the they have some of the like freest banking laws in the United States so over half of the publicly traded corporations in the United States are incorporated out of Delaware so they just recently incorporated like their one millionth corporation in Delaware and so there's actually now more like corporation entities that are legal in Delaware than humans that live there so chickens and corporations outnumber actual people in Delaware kind of an interesting and soon to be mermaid and soon to be mermaids guys we're counting on you Delaware if you live in Delaware tell me what you really carry because obviously I don't think a lot of people in Delaware doing this you know what it is it's probably some dude some corporation that was like I need a fun gift for my guys inside 10,000 great first my skin I don't have any about about a ton so it's funny all right guys now we're on to the pocket check section of knife Manor this is where we pull some knives you guys wanted to look at we see what's in our pockets of seats in your pockets so let us know in the comments I'm watching here what you're carrying in your pocket and we'll give you guys a shout out Logan has been pulling knives for us so he's got a couple knives that you guys wanted to see it pocket check so this is buddy's pocket check guys how you going but how you how's it going good good and this is all these are these are estate knives and guys Logan has bought a new knife and he has been itching to show you guys on camera so we've got him here I hope you got in your pocket there it is show it off show what is it in the holster tech bounty hunter it's a good one I love that it's a really good one so and then is the ice cream cone thing real is that really there it is guys actually a couple states correct us in the comments if we're wrong but there it is from the horse's mouth nice well thanks goose wait thanks alright uh what's in your pocket oh I have he doesn't know a bug-out Oh surprise surprise I have a bug-out and I had oh it's on the floor yeah I dropped my squid Bally trainer squid Bally trainer okay okay so again here's the question a while ago we tasked you with caring Swiss Army knife guys I'm pretty sure that he hasn't done it I'm pretty sure that he gave up I don't think he carried it for 30 days I will not carry this is my formal statement I will not carry a Swiss Army knife in my pocket anymore but why because okay so I used my knives yeah of course I go hard on him yeah of course I I was trying to pry something with the pry or with the blade with the blade you don't know you don't guy yes guys Rieman baby no no no no I would you have a Swiss Army knife and pry with the blade guys let me ask you this how many of you are like oh you know what I just needed yeah and you do it a little careful about the spine No no big deal did you break the blade all I know is that blade went and I was like nope nope I'm out no no guys this is user error at this point we're not gonna talk about anymore user error no what's the what's the snipe on the table who wanna who want to see this thing this is Calvin tobias he wanted to see the bench made 375 Adamas 30 blade and not only him guys we've heard a ton of people wanting to see this played on camera so here it is we love the indominus folder super super great knife but the indominus fixed blade is great because it's everything you love about the Damas all the reliability all the chunkiness all the beat the crap out of it miss but in a fixed blade so it's like right now impossible to break right here here's my thoughts on it d2 steel yes got that skeletonized type handle this to me is Rambo's knife yeah on like a slimfast diet yeah I'd agree with that I never thought we actually guys on the website we don't have any to show you but we actually on the website we have knives from the new Rambo movie Oh like the actual knife that Rambo used in final blood or whatever it's called yes so if you're just itching for a Rambo knife check them out on the web just type in Rambo on the website it'll come up yeah so and then it's got this cool sheath that has all the many holes for any kind of style of carry yep anyway Calvin Calvin there you go good choice buddy all right so we've cut link nine nine six eight says look I think everyone in the country needs to cooperate and make the mermaid of a national peso yes oh my god you got some fun stuff coming with the mermaid guys gene be good and then Aaron Yost says he's carrying the giant mouse Iona and in the OD green stone wash love the Iona yep you get em 390 for just under a hundred bucks awesome and in that that green the green is a beautiful color mm-hmm stick 17:17 is carrying all of would open l.a sauce is carrying a bit too made violation and julian is carrying the Victorinox trekker good job buddy carrying that Victorinox careful am i no been done careful don't use the other million tools that are on it all right uh we're here oh hey I also tried to use the screwdriver on it no no you done user error you probably tried to use the screwdriver to open a can guys no I tried to use the screwdriver to tighten my license plate Oh way it was a hexagon and not a Philips so did mean nobody whatever your Fingaz account you pried you pried what the Swiss Army knife doesn't go all right so be the handyman wanted to see oh I think he's from Hawaii so be the handyman from Hawaii hope you're tuning in buddy I saw your comments so we wanted to pull this knife for you he wanted to see the wee knife ko streak this has got a bohler m390 blade ceramic ball bearing pivots with the g10 handle 146 bucks that's actually a cool knife m390 g10 and get the ball bearing pivots just beautiful we design right with that that awesome titanium pocket clip and fits really good in the hand it's got the jumping on the back of the spine that I personally like and this is the thing is I think a lot of times guys when we think we we think this right but the reality is that we makes a ton of this as well and they're really really good users so 150 bucks 146 bucks for an m3 90 knife suite design and like we always say you can never go wrong with we yeah like it's I actually I really that's always so great knife thanks be the handyman all right so I'll show you guys what's in my pocket I have got I already spoiled at the beginning but I've been carrying a book kihon Auto key home cuz we gotta test them guys to make sure they're good right wanna test right yeah I might get a kurta tester afterwards worse than that you just don't tell product that I have it cuz I might get fired hopefully they're not watching and then I've got I've got my my compact with the amazing built-in pry tool no problem there at all I've got my phoenix e12 you might notice that this one's a little less worn than the one you've seen normally my old one finally gave the ghost I think it was like five years six years that I had that thing forever tons of roadside repairs drooling into it with it you know in my mouth drooling on it while I'm fixing stuff at night technically it still worked but I had that like tap it every time I wanted it to work I just wanted to work a little bit smoother so got another eight twelve just such a good night he came he came I'm excited to see that thing where yeah his other one was basically silver it was a war all the black off I love it I carry every day every single day and then finally this one's kind of a fun one so from our buddy Peter McKinnon and our buddies over at big idea designs carrying a fancy little pen if you might notice it's got got this pirate thing going on if you don't know what that is maybe yeah check it out check it out hashtag fly flag pretty cool stuff true that's all I can say just check it out I'll tell you right now he's my spirit animal dude Peter McKenzie I like later MacKinnon if you're watching you're my spirit yeah okay okay I want to show some of the knives that you guys wanted to see from your States from where you are so we're just going to cut to those so we can do a couple of those and then you know brought this this program is brought to you by we hold on just a few more minutes you're gonna find out why that's important okay let's take a couple a look at a couple of these based on the time we're not gonna be able to do them all sorry guys but we can do a couple of these let's see what we got I'm just gonna jump in dude just to start rocking it alright guys this one right here is from SP SP you wanted to see the Emerson a100 ETS knife it's definitely an emerson you could sand an entire tree down with the g10 Aaron honestly it's just really grippy g10 guys and some people love that and some people actually take a little bit of sanding to it just smooth them off a little bit um Emerson I they're built to last tough as nails 104 v 154cm blade steel 154 CMS in case you want to know how to see a pad just in case alright that's a good one from Emerson yeah that's a great one here you can have that one okay I'm gonna take this one so this is from Nathan Parker this is actually a new Sevilla element which is really exciting so this is got g10 handle with some carbon fiber obviously the Damascus blade that beautiful elemental build and pattern deep carry pocket clip I know a handful of you guys are trying to get your hands on elementals right now they're coming soon we almost got a huge shipment of them so just hold on a little bit longer get on the wish list you get notified when they land but this one I think is in stock right now so you can get the Damascus elementa it's going for eighty nine twenty five so a little bit more expensive than a normal one but also a lot more premium build here and this is from Nathan Parker so Nathan Parker thanks for for tuning in and thanks for like in a rad knife I can't even remember how many times we've said this knife is legit this is well that's and you guys I know you guys are stoked because a lot of people are buying them and and and I keep hearing back from people like it really is as good as you said or it's better than you said guys we really do try to show you kind of the cream of the crop on knife Manor you know sometimes sometimes people say they're like well you guys only say nice things about the knives and first time I don't think that's true I think that we we can we say things we give our critiques of certain knives right but also guys we carry like 20,000 knives and we in I mean in a whole year we're probably only showing maybe a few hundred of those because we're always picking the best ones to show you guys so right um I think in the future though we do need to do a knife banner on like the worst selling knives a blade HQ I think I'd be really yeah I make some people mad but I that sounds hilarious all right guys j/k wanted to see the buck marksman tanto folding knife it's a three and a half inch blade it has a very interesting locking like what's going on back it's like I don't know what it's called I'm gonna call it just a leaf spring no beeps baby I feel like I need to really fix that it's the it's a Gavin Hawk locking mechanism oh it's a hawk oh that makes sense that's why it looks so you lift this and it releases the blade and then it comes back up oh and it locks the blade yep dude they they we did a video a while back it was like Gatton GG hawk like mad scientists or something right scientists it's the truth guys are wizards they do some of the coolest stuff I've never even seen this movie yeah me either it's got crazy scales super grippy deep carry pocket clip and with that Gavin Hawk lock it's feels like it's spring-loaded because of the detent is so good well wait a minute how did you that's interesting does it have a oh so the flipper the flipper is a hiding flipper that's actually really cool so when you hit it that's cool and open right that's super rad absolutely should just go for 120 dollars on the website dude that's really neat and I actually really dig the I mean first off made us a obviously cuz it's buck and then I'm digging this this Tonto as well right this is a cool knife it is ain't cool JK dude jk jk jk thanks man this is actually really cool and this I might have to get me one of these that's it one so it's kind of a neat one okay so next up and the last one we look at here then we do a sweet giveaway ooh with sweet giveaway coming guys so this one is from Alec this is the Three Rivers manufacturing Atlas slip-joint knife I have touched these once or twice but never this one so give me a second to look at what this one's about specifically it's very mellow we got s35vn blades this is g11 handle material I think we meant g10 there but maybe this do you know it's G 11 huh so G 11 what's the difference between zero detail I need to know this tell me if you guys know the answer but G tangelos nose let me know because I am honestly I'm still learning so I want to know alright so interest um oh nice half stop okay so it's a just a nice little slip joint from Three Rivers Three Rivers always does a really great job they're all made in the United States they've all got some sort of hand work done on them and then it's also got this really nice deep carry pocket clip and just a really subtle subtly so I do like a good half stop yeah in my slip joints if it's a really good slip-joint I can forgive not having a half stop and then after that nice lock up at the end so cool cool I like I like the deep carry clip on the slip joint yeah not a ton of people do clips on just lip drawing exactly I think this would definitely fall in that modern traditional where you get your g10 your f-35 deep carry pocket clip but it's still a slip joint right so cool my and exactly what I expect from three rivers three rivers if you guys haven't checked out three rivers check them out they do an incredible job and this goes for 139 50 on the website cool let's give some stuff away yeah let's give some stuff away let's see here Brennan Carter says he just got a Sonoma from blade HQ this morning and he's expecting a spider a spidey chef tomorrow that guy's that guy's got some good stuff that's not over right there that's got some good sky I'm into that and then Nick Hall asked if we could cut some stuff up like cold steel Thompson dude Nick have you been have you been tuning in to the new knife banners we're cutting up stuff pretty op you just did rope cutting I just did rope yeah and on Friday you just did more cutting I did more color on Friday you guys got it tuned in on Friday it's gonna be good and then I want to give a shout out to Mickey sdq he's in the dominican republic what and he wanted some metrics on on knives that we ship out that way I didn't have him I didn't have time to get him together but Mickey thanks for always tuning in thanks for being a fan we appreciate everybody support and honestly guys we wouldn't be able to be here talking about rad knives with you having a good time with you if it wasn't for you guys tuning in so thank you all for tuning in now let's give something away so can I go for shout out yeah do shut up I just wanted to do a quick shout out to Craig the sack collector I hope everything's going good over there we're all still thinking about you buddy yep and yeah hope it hope all will be well yeah but our buddy Craig over there is having a hard time right now so yeah hope all football is going well in his will thanks for bringing up no problem dude alright guys so as you know week one Wednesday is brought to you by we knives now that doesn't mean that they tell us what to say that doesn't mean they tell us what knives to put on the table in the selection of knives that we have for the meeting potatoes of this there wasn't even we knife so what it means is that they support the show they make it happen and they always give us a knife to give away to you guys and this time we've got one it's a little special a little extra special so we're gonna do a little unboxing here so this and I need a paper because it is extra special I want to mess it up so this is the we anodyne it's got an s35vn blade compact EDC and it's an integral titanium frame lock so you got your yeah authenticity notable anticipation of 85 that we're giving away today guys so this is 11 out of 85 well that's actually pretty yeah that's pretty pretty sweet pretty early in the production run a couple bits of blue extra hardware you get a wee sticker with the week cloth you get that with most of the knives you get this super sweet kind of limited edition collector's box so you get that there and then of course like the magnet clothes yeah and then of course you get the knife now I always surprised when we picked this knife because it's a little bit smaller than I was anticipating because on the website it you know it's hard without reference right and I didn't look at the bottle cap picture and so yeah yeah little bit smaller than I was expecting but really beautiful knife it's got that finish on the titanium I keep gushing about that we yes where it's nice and grippy so great little great little knife that were given away to night guys alright so what's that what's that called when it's one solid piece yes interpretor it's a integrated you just messed me up it's an immature girl integral knife gosh yeah geez we had messing it up Jamie on the sidelines to for the save on the live video dude like that knife it's a good it's really good anyways really so we're giving that away guys right now if down in the description or in a live chat if you click the link you can go sign up on gleam and they will that's that's how you that you enter and that'll have all the instructions on how to enter to win the knife it's going for the next 20-30 minutes or so so click on over and win yourself a knife and if you guys are not watching live make sure to tune in next time because we give away a knife every single Wow which is super rad and if you're not watching let us know what state you're from tell us something fun and interesting guys I'm love fun facts so I just add more to the library in my brain and let us know what your favorite knife is what your buddy's favorite knife is in your steak because I'm imagining a lot of people aren't going to agree with what their fellow state state members are I mean Alaska yeah Alaska anyways guys it's been a blast thanks for tuning in please consider subscribing to blade HQ and see on the next one you
Channel: Blade HQ
Views: 255,781
Rating: 4.8439488 out of 5
Keywords: Blade HQ, BladeHQ, Knife Banter, Week One Wednesday, Knife Show, Blade show, Sharp, Steel, Knives, Knife, Pocket Knife, Automatic Knife, Folding Knife, Fixed Blade Knives, WE Knives
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 7sec (3367 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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