All The Best Micarta Knives at Blade HQ | Week One Wednesday Ep. 22

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how's it going guys and welcome to week one wednesday or as we like to call it wow so solemn this time very very solemn we are really excited to be here live with you guys we are going to be talking about my carto knives i'm pretty stoked are you pretty stoked uh my carta because yeah i think it's probably our favorite handle material and we were like hey let's do my car do you guys know how sometimes we have wows where it's like we're super busy and like we don't have a lot of time to get ready for the live show here we are but we're going to do it and it's going to be awesome and we are here because of we save knives we're very grateful for them sponsoring the show they don't tell us what to do they don't tell us what to put on the show but i promise if you hold on to the end you'll find out why it's awesome that they are a great community member supporting the show um as always with week one wednesday we're gonna kick it off with a few new arrivals and then we're jumping into the micarta knives and uh i've got the first new arrival it's case knife so it's a it's a cute little pink case knife that is pretty cute now i'm gonna be i'm gonna be uh real with you guys we have more than just the cute little pink one we have a bunch of new case knives but i picked this one because it was pink so why not right so this is the pocket hunter not not much of a hunter with that that pink look to it but obviously it's a it's a pattern right it's a traditional powder so this is the pocket hunter uh if i can get my fingernail in there to open the second blade oop am i going to cut myself right at the beginning of wow please i can't say no i can't nope i'm going to cut myself i'm not going to do it guys you guys know how it works um anyways 59.99 on the website made in the usa great little knife from case knife obviously i picked it just a little bit silly but we do have some really neat new trapper patterns uh peanut patterns all sorts of really neat patterns from case in stock right now uh this has got the uh this is a pink keira knight pretty sure care night yes pink care night and yeah great little knife in case that's awesome all new on the website brand brand new i think he came in today well i have the next one oh what do you got i have a zt now this thing that's factory factory special series zero five six two blue gray with blue carbon fiber i don't know if jamie can get the blue carbon fiber on there i sure hope so he's giving me a thumbs up he really isn't but oh two thumbs down thumbs down anyway guys this is a sweet knife it's new uh cpm 20 cv steel uh we're coming in right around five and a half ounces you got the uh titanium frame lock the flipper and it's pretty sweet i like how you gave the weight on a zt knife i really want my zt knife to be lightweight but one thing i will say about that we only have like 40 of them because they are a factory they are a factory special knife so if you want one now is the time because i think we've already moved like 10 or 12 and they've only been in stock for like a few hours so those are like hot brand new new oh snap yeah so if you want one 280 on the website and you can have blue carbon fiber zt at only 5.6 ounces at only five and a half ounces mind you all right so the next new one we have if you guys pay attention to the youtube channel you've already seen these today is the boker cottage craft kitchen knives and i think i actually i think this eight inch chef knife is one that we used in the chute possibly anyways uh this is a c75 carbon steel blade with a plum wood handle completely handmade in solingen germany we are really really excited about these knives when we went to soul engine a year ago into the shop tour with boker they were telling us about this project and we were like hey can we just like get those at blade hq and maybe just at plate hq only and they're like sure let's do it so uh it's a very traditionally built kitchen knife we've got the eight inch chef knife and uh the other knife that i'm not going to say i always say it wrong santoke santoku sen so we have these uh these two here and then there's also a smaller chef's knife and a paring knife the really cool thing about these guys handmade in solingen germany the plum wood is hydrophobic it's very comfortable in hand it doesn't absorb water stain stuff like that the c75 steel it is a carbon steel so it actually will form a nice patina on it that will protect the steel over time so they'll age really nicely um built after the same way that a lot of knives are built in the cottages there in germany and had been for literally centuries and you can pick these up at blade hq like the i think the most expensive ones like 70 bucks like those are so cool really affordable guys we've been talking about kitchen knives you know here and there we've got a kitchen knife knife banner coming up and i will say that these are really really awesome knives very impressive and not just because i'm friends with poker not because they're just at blade hq there are a lot of great kitchen knives out there but for the price and what you're getting with that cottage craft series it really is pretty stellar so anyways if you're looking for a kitchen knife cottage craft i feel like you buy that knife for the story in the background you know you buy it for the cottage craft and then the great part about it is and then it actually works as a real knife right i mean like it's not just like oh it's got a cool story i'll like hang it up on the wall it's like it's got a cool story and i'm gonna use it every day to cook i mean i don't cook every day but the days i do cook i cook taco bell pretty good there you go all right i got the next one guys this is the craziest custom that you'll ever see this is a morpheon custom now it's got an l max blade right lmax lmax steel and it is called the tactical beard comb it's a comb made out of lmax tony i love it i love it man this thing's so cool guys l max comb let's see 3.7 that plus 3.07 ounces it's really important to me that my tactical comb doesn't weigh my pants down too much thank you for that important piece zach's not really into like the beard oils and cones but you know what if if this nest is scraggly i'm gonna comb through it there you go and i'm gonna start a gofundme so i can res so we can all purchase this for my beard at 380 yeah it's definitely a couple dollars but it is actually l max which i think is incredible it's l max yeah and it is i love it it's all the same quality it's epic it really is cool it's fun to see a company like microchip just having some fun oh yeah like it's it's i love it all right cool um well if you're just joining us thank you for joining in um we are gonna be talking my carto knives today we have a ton of knives almost 30 knives on the table there's a lot of micarta there was a lot of stuff we wanted to talk about and we wanted to mix in stuff that we don't you guys don't see often so there's some stuff that's going to be familiar of course but we did try to mix in stuff that some stuff that has never even been seen on camera at blade hq so we're hoping that you guys enjoy it um and i think we're going to kick it off yeah you want me to go first you yeah i'll go for yeah i'll go first i'll go first oh you want to go first i'll go okay kurt's going to go first all right guys first off on my carter banter is or i guess my car wow my bad battle horse knives this is the highlander there can be only one there can only be one highlight i love it this thing is really cool guys it's 01 steel but man that is a thick boy going to work i'm telling you right now this is a very big hefty fixed blade i like how rounded the handles are oh man i'm telling you right now it's so smooth the handle's so smooth and uh it's just just one of those does that say enough just no guys this is a really cool knife i love these bigger fixed blades that battle horse knives makes they also always come with a quality leather sheath which smells so good and let's see let's talk some specs it's a ten five and a half inch blade ten inches overall excuse me and let's see made in the usa 01 steel 220 bucks and you could have this knife with this leather sheath and the amazing micarta this is actually really good quality micarta some micarta is like okay and then there's some that they kind of polish they make it really smooth but this is just raw micarta but the handle's so smooth yeah not not all my card is created equally right and there is actually in the knife world there is a like a brand that is called micarta so the same way that you might tell somebody like oh hand me a kleenex well kleenex is a brand and what they're handing you is just a tissue right um so what you're seeing on the table some of this is proper micarta and some of this is just kind of the layman like we'll say oh it's got micarta right because it's that that type of material right like a canvas micarta right um so next up we have a knife from liang ma the young mom makes some stellar knives um this is the warrior ii v2 it's a full titanium construction uh frame block knife stainless steel insert nice pocket clip it's got this really cool blade shape it's not i mean maybe it's just barely a tonto because it this technically these two grinds do kind of meet at a point so maybe we could call it a tanto blade um the steel on this thing is m390 and then of course that nice micarta inlay now you were mentioning that that feels more like a cloth micarta right this is a little bit more of a polished micarta okay it doesn't feel like a wood sometimes i'll polish the micarta so much that you're like oh is that like a yeah it's like super smooth super smooth it still has a little bit of texture to it which is nice because especially when you pair that against the titanium it actually feels really neat um anyways really neat knife from liang ma this is the warrior 2 v2 and it goes for 445 on the website so definitely a little bit of a spending knife definitely a little bit of a spending knife the action on this thing is so good i was gonna say right before we started you were like man yeah this thing is smooth it's so so smooth young mom makes just great knives he actually makes some pretty cool knives with micarta we have another one of his on the table at some point maybe kurt has it but anyways um really neat knife from liang ma overall length on this thing too is 8.5 inches so it's a nice mid to almost large sized folder i really like the blade on that yeah it's cool i have a kaiser clutch now i've never held the kaiser clutch and the micarta on it is very interesting i don't know how close we can get or if i can like block out some shot i don't know but it's it has a very deep milling be in between each of these lines so really it's like like listen to this it's really grooved and it really adds a lot of purchase to the hand it's a cool knife honestly i don't think i've ever seen my car to milled in this way to add so much texture but it it honestly for how grooved it is it's still pleasant pleasantly happy it's not rough we saw this knife at shot show 2020 the last shot show in january and i really like that knife everything from like that interesting blade shape with kind of that it's a it's a thin blade but has that big belly on it yeah all the way to the way they did the micarta like you said it's just it's really interesting way to do micarta right it's a s35vn steel you got your micarta your titanium it's a frame lock milled pocket clip for 165 bucks it's pretty cool i've this is different than most of what you'll see with micarta and for an inlay especially an inland like a titanium knife i actually i really like it that's why i made it on the table is i saw we had those and i was like oh i'm putting that up on the table because it caught my eye at shot show and i still like it i mean however many months later right 10 months later yeah kaiser clutch coming in clutch clutch clutch moment my my kid at home is probably laughing at me for saying clutch moment i said clutch moment like a month ago yeah i don't he was i don't know maybe lacrosse maybe he's playing video and maybe he was walking the dog and i was like dude that's clutch and he's like oh clutch dad i was like whatever just tell him be like dude it's a it's a knife name like go do the dishes go do the dishes all right well we've kicked it off with a handful of a little more expensive knife so we do have some more budget uh micarta knives on the table and this is something that's been really cool to see is my carta in knives that are in the sub 100 range right and so this one here this is the qsp penguin this thing goes for 29 i love that knife it's a great knife it's a really great knife and i know a lot of you guys were requesting this on instagram on um youtube communities and so we made sure that we had it on the table this has got a d2 blade right nice micarta it's got that kind of worn cliff sheep's foot style um nice deep carry pocket clip recess or not recessed but you can access the screws through the top of the pocket clip which i think is really neat through these two holes right there and you know just a little liner lock but for 30 bucks to get a d2 blade and an actual good feeling my car to handle well and it's not just like the d2 it has a thick stock all the way in the back an amazing grind yeah that thing is i'm telling you when i first pulled those out and i was doing photos of them man i was i was stoked i was like dang 30 bucks yeah yeah it's crazy usp is doing a killer job with uh with micarta materials and then pricing just crazy so that's the qsp penguin and uh like i said 30 bucks on the website you know what i forgot to mention what we have a new guy in the live stream right now so we got a new guy working at blade hq his name is graham he's in the live comments right now give gram a shout out ask him questions if you have questions he'll send them my way i'm watching here on our little inner office department whatever slack thing and uh yeah so if you have any questions on what's on the table or general questions uh send them over to graham say hi to graham welcome to the blade hq community this is like his lighting is i don't use his full second week yet so yeah he's brand brand new he's awesome hopefully he doesn't break it oh he's doing good he's doing great all right what's your next knife i have also a d2 blade micarta scale this is the gerber asada now this thing d2 we we know it's got the uh the asada has a very similar blade shape to the platinum flat cleaver clear blade shape cleaver-esque as you might say um i took a photo of this earlier today i was actually pleasantly surprised it's actually really well built and it's that's a frame lock like the like the flat iron right right frame frame stainless steel but still frame lock freaking awesome right man excuse me uh d2 steel it's a three inch blade 44.99 on the website and i will say it fits my hand real nice even when you choke up i almost i'm almost pinching the knife between my index and middle and then oh man that's actually really nice yeah and to be honest the asada is the size for me is just right where the flatiron was a little big i enjoyed the flat iron a lot especially because it was one of the first budget cleavers right right really enjoyed it but with the asada it it feels a little more carriable like a little more like edc friendly it's a little bit lighter it's just a little bit smaller right but a lot of the same profiles that made the flatiron such a cool knife right d2 micarta gerber it's actually really nice if you guys are into this knife i would say definitely get one in your hands um i like the ability to choke up and actually have it like man good luck like i have full access to that blade that's that's a good knife 45 bucks on the website the gerber asada and it's on sale right now it is on sale yeah most of the brand most of the gerber brand right now is on holiday sale so if you've been waiting at a gerber or asada or whatever it doesn't have to be that even 06 auto strong rooms everything tons of stuff on sale on the website on the gruber category so kind of cool we're also doing an epic yeti giveaway uh yeah we are pretty sweet so basically if you spend every 20 dollars you spend on the website enters you to win an epic yeti giveaway it's like 20 over 20 000 in yeti so it's like what three yeti coolers yeah i think it's three coolers and a cup yeah three coolers in a cup is about 20 grand in yeti no we're really excited though and and that's also um it's any you can buy anything on the website for 20 bucks but it's uh gerber is the one that provided the eddie stuff which is pretty cool so really cool website going on um let's see we're going to go on to the next knife you're going to see a few mkm knives on the table because italy does a really good job with their micarta and they do a really good job with their blade materials as well and they make a nice knife right um so this is the voxness voxnes tomavo um obviously my car to handle m390 blade on this i mean it looks like a vox like you i wouldn't even have to tell you that this is a vox design for you to be like oh yeah yeah that's yes for boxing his design right yeah he just has such a good distinguished style nice uh wire pocket clip obviously not full deep carry but nice wire pocket clip um just a nice blade design all the way around now this is made by mkm so mkm is i think they say a consortium it's a consortium brand i love that word like i don't i don't ever use that in english but it's a consortium brand so basically um similar to solingen germany where it's like the knife center of germany and that part of europe um maniago is maniago knife makers is what mkm stands for maniago is the knife center of that part of like italy and like surrounding areas there in europe and um so mkm has a bunch of knives made by a bunch of different people and then they put it under the mkm brand which is kind of cool yeah so this one in particular is made by uh makita so this is made by makita knives for mkm yesbervoxnet design a lot of stuff to know there the big thing to know is nice my car to handle m390 blade goes for 169.99 on the website and you'll get that with any mkm exactly yeah yeah nice handle good blade steel yep good fit and finish and then you make it with this one you have the the the nice subtle jimping along the back of the spine this is something i love in yespervoxnet's design they're meant to just be choked up on similar like you were saying without asada just get a good bite on them you know um see the uh the old tamavo great knife from mkm nice i have a cevidi up next and it's got an awesome name it's the hooligan yes the savivi hooligan now it's a three inch blade and my card of scales what what it has my card is killed oh my gosh goodness gracious it's micarta no micarta and you know cevivi and wii blade centering's perfect great action got a deep carry pocket clip liner lock three inch blade seven inch overall 55 bucks there's a lot of d2 and micarta you'll see that trend as we keep when you get into those sub 100 knives right you get your d2 and your my card and when it comes to a budget steel man the d2 is my jam like i like i like d2 right so i like to see it in these knives i mean like with this qsp it's freaking 30 bucks and you get d2 in my carta or you get something like the hooligan a little bit more knife right and 50 bucks for that one right yeah uh this thing in my hand is more of a three-finger knife even though it i mean my hand should but fit the whole thing but my pinky kind of falls off on the end um i do like the ramp with the jimping though yeah and it's a it's just a nice knife now i see that it's got some coils on it does it does it force your hand into a position or is it still fairly comfortable i feel like it's comfortably forced if that makes sense okay so like there's definitely grooves yeah and my fingers fit in there there's just not one for the pinky and i think that's why it rolls off yeah but holding it in my hand that's right where my fingers line up cool so so still fairly comfortable yeah for a bigger hand yeah it's a good one uh that's the hooligan for 55 hold on all right this next one i don't know a ton about i just grabbed it off the shelf because it had my card so uh this next one is it's a maverick customs and this is a compact clip point fixed blade so it i don't know i was i was playing with that it's a maverick customs that's that's what we're looking at um this particular one has w2 steel obviously it's clip point blade and this does have the more polished my car that we were talking about before you'll see this with bark river as well yeah and i'm actually interested to know from you guys i've never had a high polished my car to handle i've never used one for an extensive period of time and so i wonder if you still get the same benefits that you get with micarta so obviously some of the benefits of micarta you get a really nice grip it feels the word i want to use is like organic right like it just feels kind of like raw earthy in your hands like a nice feel in your hands and then also when my card gets wet it uh it swells and it becomes actually even more grippy which is pretty cool right grippier it becomes grappai but with the maverick customs uh you do get the polished micarta so like i said down in the comments in live chat let me know if you've had polish my carto and how it uh how it runs out and then again uh w-2 blade it's got some cool heat treat marks here um it's kind of a neat knife like i said i don't know much about maverick customs but it was my card it was something different i wanted to throw it on the table and show it off to you guys i also like the presentation just with the sheath right like oh yeah a nice kydex sheath you always see the black man you put that blue with the brass and the black and the brown like the whole thing just it's unique it's very unique it's really really unique um and uh you know it's just a handsome knife now it is uh custom right so this particular knife does go for 400 so it's not a cheap knife by any measure um but a really neat knife uh you can carry it scout carry if you want to that's why it comes pre-set up and then with this sheath i'm sure that you can modify it put it ulti clip or whatever on it and do whatever you want with it so cool knife from maverick customs i'm gonna have to check them out like i it's like a vague familiar name but like it's i'm not bringing to mind who it is that runs well we carry so many different knives that yeah when we're trying to find something unique that people haven't seen it's yeah most of the time we haven't seen it either exactly you know so i think it's like 20 000 we have like 20 000 knives like 20 000 skus that's awesome so yeah it's crazy but i love it because other than the bug out i feel like it's not so repetitive right anyway i had to put the bug out name in there uh i have the shikra from ontario knifeco now it's aussie steel you've got your milled micarta it's actually milled pretty well it does add some grip the micarta is actually fairly grippy at least for my hand it is a frame lock with a deep carry pocket clip i like it because it's a slimmer knife which i know is weird but lately i've been trending to slimmer knives i've actually been carrying some slip joints and stuff but not today this thing is cool guys it's a three and a quarter inch blade and good looking micarta it's like a it's almost like a black wash stone stone washer it's got a like a black wash to it black wash blade how much does it go for again 45 doll hair so here's a neat note about that teach me that's a titanium frame knife shut the front it is so that that back side is so you got my card on the front nice my card on the front and then titanium frame lot for how much again 45.45 it's actually crazy so you know i didn't know it was titanium yeah at first i was like uh this was f right here on the page titanium this is one of the knives that jamie got really excited about i don't know really i don't want to oversell it he's probably over here give me a bad look i don't want to oversell jamie's emotions but i will say jamie got excited about this knife at shot show because it the micarta the titanium frame lock it's like less than 50 bucks right that's a that's i'm 99 sure that is a first in the knife world yeah it's a good knife i really i like it i like the slim design it's uh it's cool yeah really 45 bucks cool um so we got a couple shout outs here wyatt uh cole kowalenko i think graham sent me the hardest name on purpose wyatt uh why said hey graham can i please have a shout out wyatt thanks for being here buddy thank you everybody for being here uh we're hoping that we just have a good time tonight hang out and and talk some talk some about at least some of my favorite handle material i forget i love mike i love mike um ace merrill hey uh he's watching live um i guess people keep asking for the weight of the knives i can't believe you've done this i can't believe you've done this kurt the reality is is the weight of these knives most of these knives doesn't matter because they're not built for weight i can't believe you put that evil on us i don't know why i just i marked the weight and i was like oh maybe for that big gold ct knife and then uh ryan alvarado he said uh he gave he said hey graham and he says can i get a shout out and tell kurt and zach what's up from cali hey man what's up from cali yeah um so yeah thanks guys for tuning in live and uh you know we're getting to about the halfway ish point so if you guys want to start sending grams some of your pocket dumps we'll show you guys what's in our pockets i know some of you guys were disappointed in my weekly pick that i didn't show my all of my pockets so i will show all of my pockets tonight um because on the weekly pick i just showed you the one knife i was carrying anyways you went last it's my turn now i think it is your turn this is another cool one that we've never had on banter or wow before um again i don't know a lot about this one um but it's it's a lock back knife with a really cool green my car to handle and the cool thing with this micarta on this one is it walks the line between a high polish and then more of that like rag my car to feel okay so it's it's smooth but it's still grippy right you still get a good grip um the other thing i think is interesting about this is just kind of the general design like it looks it looks very traditional you've got this jimping across the back and here again it's a little more raised but not so raised that it's sharp um because it's close enough together to just provide some grip and this is the castillo i'm 99 sure i'm going to give me one second guys i want to make sure this is this is a i'm pretty sure this is made in spain it is so this is made in spain so this is the castillo navaja so when i worked construction i think it means razer i think that's a direct translation i don't speak spain spanish but i speak a little bit of spanish yeah i don't i i don't speak spanish i speak a little bit of construction mexican and so in uh in construction when we needed a knife it'd be like hey you know right and this is called the baja which i thought was pretty cool that's cool um but anyways uh you get this is a 14 cr sorry 14 c 28 n steel so um this is a fairly tough edge this one has a fairly tough edge good edge retention and it won't chip so it's not like a 13 hcr 13mov it's not an 8cr knife this is actually like a fairly nice steel it's got this cool micarta handle comes with a leather lanyard on it nice lock back uh construction goes for 109 on the website is the micarta rounded i'm trying to see from it is no it's not as rounded as the as the there can be only one battle horse the highlander but it does it's it is it is formed a little bit and it's got these brass pins in it it's it's a really neat knife like really like kind of a traditional design i mean modern traditional that's the word right it's it's a modern traditional for sure made out of spain again castillo knives i don't know much about castillo knives so i was kind of stoked to find this in my carta and be able to throw it here on wow and show you guys some cool stuff if you know something about castillo let us know so it locks it's not a slip joint yep full on full lock back that's cool yeah nice little nice cool one um so 109 bucks on the website i think that's right in line with materials i think that's right in line with it being like cool made you know made in spain and uh yeah cool night modern traditional all right guys i have a bala song this is the penny song gosh every time you give me a heart attack when you do that this is the penny knives midtech penis song now this is a really cool butterfly knife uh i'm not really big into flipping i like to play with it and and flip it around a little bit but this thing is super smooth it's got these really cool uh micarta inserts to me i think the really unique thing about this knife that puts it sets it apart from other ballets it's got these really deep choils and kind of a thick thicker blade well the blade stuck on that is actually kind of yeah you're right it's a it's a big boy but it's cool uh titanium micarta and then you have cpm 154 steel this thing is not for the faint of heart no it's an opinion and it's a midtech so it's a mid-text so 475 dollars and you can have yourself a little piece of beauty but i will say for those elite flippers out there and i i don't know how this lines up with like a brs or lines up with a hom right but for those elite flippers out there 475 that's normal yeah that's like that's in the same price range that's what they're paying for you know different different bellasong knives i mean it's on the higher end but they are paying that much for balance songs so if you're not a flipper and you don't know much about the ballet community that's actually not insane for a nice ballast song right like it's it's pretty in line with what the pricing is up there yeah it's a it's a really cool one it feels different in your hand it's a little i would say it feels a little thicker than the average valley for most flippers but it is real close and it is extra cool with the my car to inlays i had to grab it i was like dude a bala song with my card we've got it like if we're doing a micarta like wow we gotta have a ballast on with my card right heck yeah no that's a good one it's cool 475 bucks right on um all right so next up i have a buck 110 or buck 112 slim pro um this knife has got a cpm s30v blade my car to handle it's nice lock back you know 112 construction nice deep carry pocket clip and um it goes for 80 bucks made the united states s30v blade my car to handle deep carry pocket clip nice lock back i mean everything's there made in the usa and it's 80 bucks i think this is a really really cool knife now i will say this is the slim so i'll give you guys the weight on this one since kurtz since kurt's gonna do this oh man i can't even find the weight 2.8 ounces it's 2.8 ounces right so 2.8 ounces on the uh on the slim pro the micarta feels really nice i really like the 112 i really like the 110 so it falls right in line with what i already like i will say one thing that i do know about these knives though is this pocket clip can there can there's some division on this pocket clip what do you think of this pocket what's your opinion it's i personally don't like a really wide pocket clip yeah yeah it takes up a lot of real estate yep i agree i'm i'm with you i really like the 112 i really like the 110 i like the micarta on this for s30v i think this is the i think this for like material to price this is probably the best bang for your buck on the table probably um but definitely that pocket clip for me is a little like you know it's not the end of the world but a little slimmer would be nice right um let me know what you guys think about this pocket clip i've heard both sides i've heard guys be like oh i love it i heard you guys like no no way i think i fall right in the middle yeah i'm not crazy about it i have an mkm and it's a beaut i don't know how to say this correctly zeba zai zaiba so zeba is the designer but i think that's the flame isn't it the mkt yeah okay i just don't know guys i don't even know what else to say about it all right guys titanium micarta you got a milled pocket clip it's a frame lock this thing's really cool m390 steel so again titanium micarta m390 mkm yeah mkm's jam yep i do like the little brass collar here and this thing is it reminds me of a kaiser feist yeah it's got a bit of that kaiser to it right but it does have the very small which i actually like very small tail here for the flipper action and one thing i like about this i like the feist a lot i think we have a feist on the table yeah i like the feist a lot but one thing i like about this in particular is kind of going back to that rounded thing this is interesting i wonder if it's a micarta thing i'm realizing there's quite a few rounded knives on the table it's very contoured yeah but that one does it has a lot of contour even the titanium side is rounded out yeah yep it's really smooth it feels really good in the hand but you still get that raw texture to the micarta which is nice especially for me personally if i have a titanium knife and i can add in something that's not just titanium because titanium if you're really working your hands get sweaty or whatever it gets slippery man right it gets slippery but the micarta that's why i love it man it's just no slip it's beautiful and just patinas like crazy yeah and that's the thing is going back to like the liang mai did out the gate or going back to that kaiser what was it called again the your kid makes fun of you for it the oh the clutch the clutch yeah yeah the kaiser clutch that's something that's that's that's an application of my car that i really love like a solid just full my car to handle it's great fine but i'm with you i like when it's integrated in with titanium because then i get the frame lock right right because when you go with a full i mean if it's not a lock back like the buck or like this castillo knife right if it's not one of these versions with a lock back you're gonna get a liner lock right with my card and so i really like i really like that titanium side if you're looking to spend a little more money i like a good frame lock so yeah i'm with you it's a nice accent to a titanium knife it really is and this knife comes in at 2.54 ounces good to know and you can own it for a hundred and eighty four dollars and ninety cents dude that knife looks like way smaller than the buck but it's like the same weight as the buck yeah i when you were saying that i was actually looking crazy i was like oh that's interesting that's very interesting all right guys um we are i'm gonna do this i got a fixed blade i'm gonna do this fixed blade and then we're gonna do some pocket checks so load up graham with your pocket checks graham don't fail us buddy this is this is this is ride or die right now buddy like graham may not be at the next wow so load him up with some pocket dumps just kidding we love graham he's doing a great job all right so this is the kaiser butcher fixed blade obviously in my carta so it's a 154 cm blade you get these micarta handles and it's just one of these it's an edc uh cleaver knife right right that's all it is that's 100 it's like a two maybe three finger um i can get three fingers on there i think for you would be more of a two-finger knife but the choils here are nice and big so i think your fingers would probably fit really comfortably in the choils but anyways um it's just an edc cleaver knife that's all it is how practical is an edc cleaver knife but also like it's super fun though it's super fun right no piercing power with this but you can open boxes all day with a cleaver style blade i mean it's like a worn clip or something in that way that it's not great for piercing but it's great for slicing and cutting and things like that um and it's just it makes a statement right especially like a like a silly little fixed blade like this i think it's so much fun i love the small knives that have the big massive cleaver blades because it's it's just so far out there it makes it obviously you you have that knife because it's fun exactly and you just want to show off how fun it is yeah i like a good fun knife every once in a while oh for sure um so anyway so this is the uh kaiser butcher it goes for 55 bucks so bad 154 cm my car to handle and then it comes with this uh honestly a pretty nice little sheath and uh the clip is positionable so you can change the clip around however you want it to work it's got really nice uh printed camera really nice retention on that nice cool knife and then it goes in i'm gonna do it wrong i do normal fixed blades wrong that's why all my fixed blades have to be ambi sheets cause i'm too dumb to put them in right every time but i'm pretty sure yeah there it is so so i'll uh turn the camera here so you guys can see so that's how it comes in and out kind of cool and i think if you get used to it see how the head kind of goes in yeah i think when you get used to it it would actually be pretty quick now similar to like a deep carry bushcraft style sheath you're not going to get a really like heavy purchase pulling it out you're gonna have to pull it out and then reposition your hand so for me that would honestly probably be a deal breaker to carry it um but because i don't like the deep carry uh bushcraft sheets either right uh cool knife from kaiser though and uh 55 bucks i think that's so cool i love the quick draw yeah it's kind of cheese it's kind of fun right yeah all right so let's do a couple pocket checks um oh man people are loading gram up good guys good you guys are giving gram job security right now i need to stop joking he's probably in the out there stressed out right now he's honestly great he's killing me yeah sorry buddy i don't mean to stress yet let me just dress you up um well let's kick it off kurt what do you got today what are you carrying oh i have two okay now the first one is a kind of a custom that i've been waiting on for a long time yeah so it's a benchmade altitude but i had my good friend spencer carbadized he built me these micarta scales they're a little square i wish it was a little smoother and i'm not like crazy about the hardware but at the same time i don't really care because it's an altitude with my cardio scales exactly perfect knife to have on you for this one this is so awesome i carry this thing this is how i have it set up we we talked about it in uh the last the last one yeah three knives everybody should have where everybody brought it out everybody right i was feeling left out i know and that was not planned we didn't plan that so i finally got my altitude back i did have to heat up the kydex a little bit just to get it pushed over the uh my carter there but retention's still good retention is still awesome great and then i've got the ulti clip on there i just clip it onto my gym shorts and it's so light i don't have the exact ounces but i'll i'll weigh it i'll weigh it but i love this thing it is awesome i'm so excited to have this back in my rotation and usually i carry this and whatever else is in my pocket cool but i do have another special knife okay now this knife it's a spyderco pair of three oh i saw this earlier today now this knife i bought for my dad who does remodels and he paints and he literally everything the guy is jack of all trades he just does it i gave this to him about a year and a half ago and this is just everyday use patina right i'm not even kidding i don't know if you can't fake this is it patina is it everyday used patina or is it everyday abuse patina you know what i feel like abuse and use is different per person right because maybe i work in an office and i'm only cutting open amazon boxes and my cup of noodles or whatever well if you work in an office and your knife looks like this like you're abusing your knife right oh yeah but if you're a tradesman every day working on and it's just another tool in your tool belt exactly i understand yeah yeah this thing man i built this out for him i had a a lynch northwest clip on it looks like it got a little uh roughed in the pocket maybe it just fell off in the truck i have no clue but he sent it to me he's like sharpen it and send it back and i was like sweet okay so i'm gonna put a clip on it i'm gonna sharpen it up he has taken i this is my guess i'm calling him out right here live my guess is that he tried to pry for sure and he had to pull some of the profile up on the blade to get past maybe a snap tip i don't know but this thing has seen some love and it is it's so cool to give a knife that's brand new you know and then to see it a couple years later that he literally carries this every single day cool yeah yeah it's a workhorse man that's awesome it's a cool one all right um we've got a couple shout outs here um let's see uh avo dub says that he just picked up a bug out and a huntsman great choices man great choices um lucas barth is watching la live what's up lucas ross uh ross young the way that graham put it in it was says ross young pocket dump i'm like that's a cool name for a pocket dump but ross young he says he's got a kershaw link and 20 cv that's my favorite link buck 505 a classic victorinox a cevivi hook keychain tool a refined pen a field book a key smart a bandana and chapstick man he's ready he's ready i need more pockets that's that's cargo pocket carrier seriously uh lucas uh barth morrow he's got an eldris rat two wallet keys and air pods ooh he's a rich man rich airpods buddy guys so kurt has some air pods and we make fun of him that when he hasn't been he's too rich to hear us so um gage uh kurtner he's got a spyderco smock and a victorinox super tinker nice great carry uh i i always have a victor knox in my pocket always no no questions asked marshall gibson uh he said graham he's got a benchmade 940 a sebenza 21 with micarta nice man we were going to put one on but it's like you guys have seen some benzel with my card a lot so we wanted to give space for some of the stuff you haven't seen as much and um and my cardiac rustic gent my cardio rustic jet so hey that's a good carry that's a good carry man that's got the slip joint he's got the the user yeah yeah um john clary grant uh john clary he says he's got a tonto griptilian an s30v and a leatherman micra and an olight i'm i'm thinking about carrying a leatherman micra i've been thinking about it but i don't know yet we'll see so um let's see those john john clary let me know if you like your micro i mean obviously you're carrying it but there's difference between i carry stuff a lot because i like to test things out for you guys and be able to like have an informed opinion and not just talk about specs um so let me know if you enjoy that i've been thinking about carrying a micro for a little while um cool we got a couple more let me i'll do my pocket check really quick yeah all right cool all right so i have uh a h k mini access this is i'm not gonna call it my first knife love but i am gonna say this is my first like knife guy knife for sure this is my first knife guy knife i drooled over this at the knife shop for probably two years before i actually was able to buy it and i love love love love this knife when i bought this knife i was like i don't need to buy any other knives ever again and to be honest like i always was like looking at knives and enjoying knives but i would just be like man i've got i've got my hk mini x yeah but then i started working here and i was like okay now i need to buy them but uh really great knife benchmade doesn't make this anymore hk's now made by hoge knives and they do a great job making them but nobody makes the mini axis right now hogue if you're listening let's do a mini axis buddy neil if you're out there let's do mini axes um i love this knife i've been carrying it recently just because um this knife and the chavez redempsion with micarta um are two knives that feel just absolutely actually perfect like they were made for me um those are the only two knives i've ever found that just like i could carry them every single day and everything about another knife um this knife and then the chavez redencion if you want to know what's interesting here at blade hq we all carry knives right that's just a thing yeah but i walked past zach's office the other day and i was saw it in his pocket just the clip and i was like oh you got the hk today huh he's like yep yep i love that you always have cool stuff in your pockets yeah i try to and then since i missed it uh for the a weekly pick i've got my uh my phoenix e12 in pocket with the uh uh with the hair tie now i had i had some people i had a pocket dump on my personal instagram the other day and some people were asking like why the hair tie so if you don't know the reason i have the hair tie is if i need to be hands-free and i don't want to keep the light in my mouth the whole time i'm working on something on the side of the road um i use the hair tie to connect it to my glasses which is really cool that's genius and then the other cool thing with the hair tie is no joke this will impress women if you're somewhere and a a a woman friend or whatever is like i wish i had a haircut wish i had a haircut to put my hair up and you pull a hair tie out bro you are superman yeah so it's twofold twofold on that one and then i've got my victorinox compact my beautiful beautiful victorinox compact every single day this is probably my most used tool of all time at this point because of how much i use this thing and then i've got this pen i picked up at duluth trading it's called true utility and uh it's just like it's a like a twist pen it's got a stylus thing on the end which i've already ruined uh it's cut a little it's got a little screwdriver inside and then it has a level that i've actually used the level a couple times are you seeing i really have used the level a couple times which was kind of fun so um the only reason i'm carrying this is i've already fixed it so that's the only reason i'm saying this out loud now is i ran over my pete's pirate life copper pen that i love and when you run over copper pens they deform a little bit and i didn't want to say anything because i didn't want i didn't want pete to hear and then pete like send me another pen i feel bad about that right so anyways pete i'm taking care of your pen that you sent me i really appreciate it check out pete's pirate life on instagram great guy so you ran it over in the van yeah i ran it over with my van yeah yeah yeah now should we talk about vanter yes we need to bring up vanter it is such a stellar idea all right so this actually we can't take cred this was carson's idea so our other video guy carson um i recently picked up a 1979 uh gmc it's a g1500 van so it's like a shorty van so like picture the mystery machine but not like the mystery machine cool i recently picked that up and uh carson he was like dude we should shoot a banter where we shoot a knife banter inside of the van and we talk about adventure knives or something so i'm gonna put the vote to you guys if you guys want the vantor let us know and down in the comments listen on the live chat we'll make it happen if you guys are interested heck yeah please it's just it's just a dirty broke down we need a banter and that van is epic it's really cool i like it uh anyways so a couple more shout outs here um we got uh let's see brock pryor he's carrying a sog terminus xr and minimalist with green micarta right on we almost had a minimalist on the table we decided not to and those those xr locks on the sogs man or sogs the sog xr lock they're they're primo man i really like them yeah um drew uplegger is an electrician he carries a leatherman surge like he should that's the best leatherman i'm just gonna say in my opinion uh a sharpie a benchmade 940 and a trayvax wallet great um kf boston's got a hinderer in his pocket jacob gregory has got a medford baller that's a that's a big old tough knife um and a protech sprint ryan c has a pair of three with blue jean micarta scales i'm liking all the micarta that i've seen and then alberto aguera says he's got an acton-on-verba z200 thanks to blade hq guys actin on verba is making some cool knives so we bumped i bumped into uh i bumped into the maker of actin on verba at shot show and i had heard about him already from i think it was ken onion and tim reeve and when ken onion and tim reeve are telling you about a knife maker you pay attention yeah just a little bit and uh we recently got some of his production stuff in and it sold out like the same day so keep your eye out for acting on verbal we'll have some more stuff coming soon um we got some budget production stuff and it was like 70 bucks nice little knives it was like n690 g10 or something like that good little knives yeah they're way nice um now i will say we've we've had a little too much fun this wow uh because we came in a little under prepared so we've been chatting a lot so we are getting close to what we would normally do an hour we still have some knives on the table so graham let us know what people say live chat if you want us to stay alive for a little bit longer we'll blow through a few more knives we'll just hang out have some more laughs um if you guys are done with this then we'll be done with it so let us know in the live chat graham uh let me know hear what people are saying all right i've been talking a lot because i've been doing all the call outs kurt say something show me show us some knives what's your next knife on the table i've got a knife i've got a cjrb feldspar talk about bang for your buck i love this knife d2 steel you got your mike carter you got your brass barrel spacers deep carry pocket clip you got the collar that matches and ties it all in i love this knife it's a really good knife i really i think this was one for me this was one of the sleepers that came out this year and i was like what yep this is a good knife fits perfect in my hand it's three and a half inch blade d2 steel 3.67 ounces for those of you who are dude i was worried it was gonna be 3.5 i wanted to be a little bit heavier you know yeah yeah so we we got it with the 3.6 love it love it yeah and honestly this is just a good all-around use for everything knife you get your drop point blade your liner lock deep carry do it honestly for 52 95 yeah for 52.95 i can't i dude i'm telling you guys right now honestly like no bs this is a really good knife if you guys want to get into a good knife that is has great ergos for a good price d2 and mike carter for 52 bucks yeah and this is the other thing with you said sleeper and i would agree when i saw that originally i think the first time i saw it was on the website it doesn't have a profile that attracts me like it's not a profile the knife that i'd normally say nothing crazy it's not and it looks smaller on the website even right right i mean when you look at the specs you can get an idea but when you but you're right when you get it and you open it and you feel it and you put in your hand you're just like oh wow this is actually like really good yeah yeah it's a good knife so that's the feldspar from cjrb right on all right next up i have a benchmade knife and this is a fixed blade so this is the benchmade pardo hunter it comes in an s30v blade obviously full tang beautiful micarta and a nice leather sheath all made in the usa by our buddies over at benchmade knives and this thing is discontinued so they're not making them anymore we bought basically everything they had left so if you want to get yourself a nice micarta fix blade and um this is s30 not s35 an s30v steel now is the time these are going for 150 bucks on the website so really good price for a uh for the materials really good price for made in the usa and then of course it's benchmade so the quality is right up there just really really really stellar um i would wonder how this sheath will wear though because it's it's softer it's it's a soft it's almost like a s semi sweet almost suede and and by wear i think you're not gonna have a problem with the sheath it's not gonna fall apart on you at all um benchmade actually makes really good sheaths um but because it's almost a suede i wonder like how like how will it attract like stains and water and stuff like that and you think of like okay if you have swedish leather boots or whatever they get scuffed easy and so maybe it will have a very unique right exactly it could be really cool um it does have the deeper sheath to it again i'm not a huge fan of this because i don't like pulling out a knife and then having to reposition right that's just me but i know a lot of guys like that deeper carry um because it carries higher up on the hip it stays out of the road more like i said 150 bucks on the website benchmade knife it's good to go and uh it looks like graham is he says yes people want us to keep going all right so let's do it we'll blow through we'll blow through the rest of the knives we have on the table we do have an epic giveaway at the end of this thing so hold on for the epic giveaway as well and uh more mine carter to come heck yeah all right i got the next one this is a smith and sons cypress trapper this is a unique knife it almost feels buck-esque like kind of like a buck yeah but i think and i think that's more like the traditional with the clip point maybe i don't know but smith and sons they they make awesome knives obviously we got mike carter we got d2 steel it's just a regular pocket clip no deep carry which maybe is a miss but not all people like deep characters exactly you know what i mean yeah so this is a cool one it's a it's it's interesting it feels like an old knife i would have gotten from my grandpa yeah that's the thing is the blade to handle ratio feels very traditional right oh yeah it actually reminds me of a case is what it reminds me of right yeah yeah yeah my big handle smaller blade exactly yeah it's so this is a great knife guys comes in at 4.32 ounces that's 130 on the website get yourself a cypress trapper and smith and son they're made in the usa is that right yes yeah yeah usa made right maybe doesn't say but it doesn't say i'm i'm i'm like 99. yeah i'm pretty i'm pretty sure i always check the website but i'm pretty sure all right so next up we have a riyadh knife now i really like riyadi's stuff um i was just saying uh earlier today riyadi makes some good knives in and of themselves this is um the barucha t3000 so it's the t3000 bowler m390 blade titanium construction um again similar to what we saw with the uh liang ma knife it's just enough texture in the micarta that you get a little bit of grip but it's not dissonant from the titanium nice um you get this nice little colored accent right here this is integral no no it's not integral oh that's a good line though so it is it is screwed together it's not integral but the machining on itself i was gonna say from here it looks solid yeah you can barely see it i mean maybe if i get the light right you guys will see it easier at home but um i really like some of the stuff that riyadi does or riyat i always get made fun of for how i said it i've always said it riyadi is that all right is it ria i don't know i say riyadh yeah riyadi so that'll make a lot of people happy oh yeah it's called with these again really cool accents now uh we actually have to eat our words because we were speaking we were talking about how it's hard to get my card on both sides of a knife and when you do it's gonna be a liner lock this is a frame lock with my card on both sides of the knife so that's a unicorn there it is it's a unicorn um but like i was saying oh and this knife goes for 310 bucks so it's definitely not you pay for the quality and that action and yeah that's what i was going to say is that is pocket jewelry to me exactly um riyad riyadi uh they do a lot of oem work in the knife world so for example my uh chavez redencion the one that i love so much it's a reality that's a that's a real knife like um there's probably a few on the table that are also made by them just badged for other other people so whether it's from the company directly or an oem knife uh or oe knife oem oem knife oh yeah um either way they make a stellar knife so you can pick this one up for 310 bucks you get some nice uh micarta accents and then full titanium construction all right guys i have a savivi rustic gent it's a lock back folder which is cool it's it's very traditional-esque looking modern traditional i guess you say um you got your clip point blade it's d2 steel you've got carbon fiber right here carbon fiber bolster and then this is a very interesting type of micarta it's very raw it feels raw now i'm gonna have i want to look at the paper just so i don't screw it up um what was the knife a couple it was like a maybe it was last wow where i was like it's almost like a rubbery micarta was it the tarot tuff maybe on the guardian three so yes so guardian makes a the bradford the bradford guardian three so bradford makes a knife called the guardian iii and they use a tarot tough material now tarot tuff is very similar to micarta right some cool things about tara tuff though is that it's less toxic when you machine it and it's it's a little more um shock absorbent things are falling over it's a it's a little more shock absorbent oh yeah yeah yeah i i would say that this feels and looks similar to that it doesn't feel the rubbery but it is you still have that rough raw micarta feel cool but it's it's a burlap weave but it's so dark that you can't really tell unless you're really gazing deep into its eyes yeah deep into the soul of the rustic kurt's over there gazing in the eyes of a rustic gent guys you guys know the rustic gent i have one zack has one they're awesome knives d2 steel you got carbon fiber which adds that little extra class with the micarta and this is 77 on the website and it just shows that we save because you know cevis is the the budget version of the we knives they can do anything right they can make an elijah i sham awesome epic kind of art piece knife and then you can make like a traditional lock back gentleman's knife right it's just it was cool i remember when i saw this i was like that is not the knife i thought savi would make but they did it right yeah you know and they they do they knock them out of the park yeah and this one is no different so the rustic gent all right next one up is one i've actually got two on my side that i really want to buy and this is one of them and this is the arc form catalyst it's so good it's so good s35vn blade um titanium construction then you get the the micarta inlay only on one side it's not a unicorn that's not it's good only on one side but man i really really love the arc form knives generally but this catalyst that again it's that action man going back to like the the riyad knife and going back to the liang ma and then now to the arc form they just feel so good enough weight in the blade it's i don't really care about drop shot or not i mean it does drop shut but just the weight in the blade the way that it flips the way it feels in hand it's really really good yeah great knife now this is more of a polished micarta on this one so this one does feel a little more it's the word i mean less organic refined yeah it feels a little more um yeah just a little more refined a little more polished cause that's exactly what it is it's a polished micarta but anyways uh art form catalyst 265 dollars on the website we have a couple expensive knives what are you gonna do do you have a less expensive knife coming up uh yeah okay cool let's do that oh wait you just did the rustic gin that's affordable yeah i was feeling bad because i was like man this one was so much this one's so much i don't want you guys to feel like you have to spend a million dollars to get into a nice micarta knife no definitely not the case okay guys this is one that i have never touched this is the cancept knives gremlin s35bn steel uh you got your titanium with green micarta inlays and this green micarta is very green it's very green it reminds me of uh right this one here yeah yeah so like if we put it up to this green gerber the asada it's very green which is i feel like to color my carda sometimes it's like is that green or i feel like green is the tricky color you either nail it or it's so close to natural or black that you know who knows and honestly i feel like my card is one of those things where the color and the the juge comes out after it's been in your hand and it absorbs some of that oil and you know it really kind of it adds instantly patinas to whatever you're doing and i think this is one of the reasons that i really love my carta is it's it's it's kind of a dummy way to like customize your knife right right because your micarta knife is going to look completely different than somebody else's micarta knife even if you're not hard using it even if you're not your dad with his paint splatters and whatever on that right like six guys pull out a black g10 pair of three great knife amazing knife they're all gonna look very similar but six guys pull out any of these micarta knives on the table after they've carried them for a month they're all going to look different they're all i think it's kind of cool right it's kind of a neat weight it's like this is my knife yeah it this is a cool knife guys it's a almost just shy of a three inch blade it's got a nice slim profile your milled pocket clip it is a frame lock and two and a half ounces oh two and a half good two and a half ounces s35vn steel like i said and you can get one for 170 on the website right on all right the next two that i have are a family of knives one of them is a blade hq exclusive and one of them is not um so uh i will show you the not blade hq exclusive first i love the xl sheepdog so this is the xl sheepdog uh in obviously in my carta this comes with i want to make sure i have it right 154 cm blade at 99. this is a lot of knife for 100 bucks that is a ton this is a lot of knife for 100 bucks so um xl sheepdog super fun knife when we're talking about weight of the blade like don't let this thing don't let your finger be in the road when this thing closes because it it will cut your finger really good yeah kaiser doesn't mess around with their grinds it is stout their ground grinds and sharpening is just next level so um really neat knife from kaiser this is not a blade hq exclusive but it is a really cool knife from kaiser xl sheepdog at 99 bucks with micarta and 154 cm now the blade hq exclusive and also not only is it cool because it's an exclusive it's cool because this is the first time a full-size sheepdog has been in the vanguard series so full shave full-size sheepdogs have always been titanium they've always been you know more expensive this is in the vanguard series it comes with a cts bd1n blade so just kind of a nice um i don't know if i'd call that a it's not a carpenter's steel but a knife like nice working steel um and uh micarta handles with a really nice they've got stainless steel nested liners that's so cool it's a really cool knife and it's 89 bucks that's so this is the first time that a full-size sheepdog has been in the vanguard series and this is a blade hq exclusive so if you want a full-size sheepdog and you don't want to pay i think they're like 200 plus 160 plus um you can pick yourself up a micarta one for 89 bucks on the website with that cts bd1n steel so kaiser sheepdogs and they come in a bunch of different varieties those are just the ones we grabbed we have some really neat varieties on those the xl only comes in the natural right now i'm sure i'm sure kaiser will will do more all right i've got a liang ma right here this liang ma is called the traveler it has a very interesting micarta to it um the entire scale is my carta but it's dyed black i think they actually are separate or or is it a layered micarta that he's just he's just sanded down and then the blacks come through i don't know it looks separated it's almost like the brown micarta is an insert to this outer black frame interesting because you can see a little bit of a gap anyway i'm not sure but this thing is really interesting um you got the great pivot that always it's a it's an eye catcher um it's almost like a woven herringbone i'm trying to think fancy herringbone oh you own the ipods or airpods i wouldn't know anything about rich stuff like herringbones or anything like that but i think this is like more of a herringbone where it kind of v's in like chevron's shapes okay and it's cool it's got a milled pocket clip which comes off the top so it is a very deep carry pocket clip it's got a ball bearing on it it has a ball so when you stick it in it just kind of rolls on so m390 steel this is very cool one is that one a slip joint no it is yes it is it is okay because it was the traveler i was trying to remember i'm pretty sure that one was a slip joint it's so weird because it has the uh the detent is so nice i thought it locked i it sounds like a back lock or whatever the the the talk on on the talk on the top end of that is really nice yeah yeah it's sweet this is a cool knife guys man we'll have to figure out what the story is on that yeah we need to check out these a little more often um m390 275 on the website and you can own the liang ma traveler traveler cool um well i've got a nice little fix blade here so this is the coming blade blade works the palm tack fixed blade and this is a black my uh canvas micarta comes in an aebl steel this is a common steel that a lot of custom makers like to use because it's really tough it's got great edge retention and it's not brittle so with blade steels as you guys probably know there's a trade-off between how tough a knife can be and then how brittle the edge will be so toughness is not always a good thing if it's not heat treated and ground correctly so this particular one from coming blade works is aeb-l i'm actually interested on exactly what the grind is it looks like it's probably a hollow grind i think it's hollow ground um obviously clip point style blade and it's uh yeah it's a it's a saber ground but it's so saber just means that half of the grind is one thing and this top half is of like a hollow or a flat grind so this here i'm pretty sure is a hollow and then you have a nice leather sheath all made in the united states so kind of a neat little fixed blade i don't think cummings bladeworks has ever made it onto a banter or a wow no so again we really wanted to like stretch ourselves and just see what we had on the shelves you guys hadn't seen before so really neat knife goes for 150 bucks on the website so yeah i have a fixed blade made in the usa dude i love that thing this thing right here oh my goodness this is so interesting it's such a cool cool job it's such a cool knife man holy cow the micarta okay there's a lot to look at this is the buck g c k fixed blade it's a five and a half inch blade you got the tonto shape but let's talk about a few things first of all 9.9 ounces very important very important i like a sub 10 ounce fixed blade you know what i mean oh yeah it's like it's over 10. when i pick up a explain i'm like no it's over 10 i ain't buying it yeah right right exactly um this is a cool knife and honestly let's just look at the details there's so many little milled out details obviously on the blade here you've got these two channels that are milled out but and those might be stamped out they may not be milled but there is a pattern at least there's a pattern now the micarta has been milled to have steps it's almost i don't know i don't think it's different layers i think that it literally they milled out like they threw it a cnc machine they threw it in a cnc and had this milled it's so cool there's like what half a dozen layers going up maybe you can see it's like podium micarta podi instead of podium jimping pony micarta podium micarta this is cool it's a very tactical blade you got this big old thick stock on the back all the way up to the tonto and a big old sheath that you can pick up carry stick anywhere that's a tough looking sheath man oh this is the real deal this this knife is the real deal and 100 bucks whoa really 100 bucks dude i thought it would be like a buck 50 with how intense the milling is on the handle and with how nice that sheath is i wish that you guys could see it for like up hand i know you guys can see it but man that's really cool huh interesting that's cool so yeah that's the buck gck fixed blade for a hundred dollars that's a cool knife i might i i was i said there were two knives on the table i wanted to buy i might want to buy the options you should check it out all right so speaking of which the second knife on the table oh i gotta make sure i can see see graham okay here we go the second wife knife that we have on the table that i have talked about multiple times wanted to buying is the mkm clappa this is it's the clapper okay clap you might read clap on the website but it's the clappa it's named after some mountains in italy yes it's a bob trizzola design bob trazole you know he's the the godfather of tactical folders um and it's you know mkm it's got really neat design kind of uh rounded accent features you got some color here with the pocket clip in the back spacer you've got that mkm um like the sun rising i think is what the the blue pivot is for you got the blue pivot there and then a really nice micarta really nice uh titanium construction and uh the cool thing about this it's not a feature that i particularly care about because i don't travel like if i was going to travel in europe i would just carry a victorinox because i think those are legal pretty much everywhere but you can remove the flipper tab on this if you have legal restrictions on one-handed or two-handed opening knives and then you do have this um nail nick here so that you can open and close the knife uh two-handed if you need to um due to restrictions where you live uh and this knife goes for it's m390 blade and this knife goes for 234 on the website i have one more i'm on my last one all right man we're on the home stretch this to me is probably one of the coolest i don't know why maybe it's i've always liked the feist and i think i like it it's very intriguing to me because it's a front flip and i love front flipping i don't know why i don't even own a front flipper but i love front flipping this knife um man the micarta on this guys is it's so weird because i look at some micarta and i'm like yeah okay okay and then every once in a while you see a a weave pattern that is perfect micarta this to me is probably the perfect my car it's like your perfect version i'm not i'm not even kidding like no joke it's got it's got grooves it you can fill the the canvas in it it's man just look at it seriously okay you guys look i'm gonna read some specs s35vn steel you got mike carter you got a milled pocket clip oh man liner lock front flip dude this thing is sweet and blade hq exclusive blade hq exclusive yeah um i'm i'm just gonna go ahead and say it besides the uh the morpheon beard comb right this is the that's the one that's the one huh this one no joke me me and one of the other guys in the marketing department when these first popped up yeah we were like yeah he got one i didn't sounds like you need to get one i need to get what i'm hearing honestly legit this knife is so cool guys i the color combination the like satiny black coating i really like that smoky black that is it's on those and on the sheep dog it's a similar uh finish that they've done on them right lung quest design man this thing is sick cool telling you awesome s35vn this is the lundquist kaiser lundqvist feist and you can get it for a hundred and thirty dollars on the website guys it's beautiful it's amazing all right uh i've got two left i don't know how that happened so i'll blow through these really quick um and then we have an epic giveaway so we're gonna be doing that nice all right so uh one more from qsp knives i want you guys to see the profile of this thing before i open it the flipper tab on this is really interesting so it's jumped across the back here and it's jumped across the top here so when you open it right it's now there's jimping on the forward part oh so that's cool right so if you wanted to get a little purchase here or you wouldn't want to slip up into the blade kind of a neat knife so this is the leopard this was another one that you guys had suggested that you wanted to see um it's got a sandvik 14c 28n blade so it's a sandvik steel obviously nice micarta handles stainless steel liners um it's got a deep carry pocket clip all the things uh and it goes for 48.99 on this dude that thing's good looking nice yeah it's a good looking knife i really like this is the thing for me that like sells it this is the thing that i think is really neat just kind of a unique flipper tab right right it's fun to see just different takes on the standard right yeah that's cool all right and then the final one that i have is the uh lion steel this is the bushcraft b40 and i just love this thing the shape of it the design of it it reminds me a little bit of that uh was the dark horse at the very beginning yeah yeah the highlights it reminds me a little bit oh yeah it reminds me a little bit of the highlander this has got a schlepner steel on it obviously it's full tang micarta handles that you can take on or off to clean replace make new ones whatever you want to do and then a really nice leather sheath this is made in italy the light's where line steel is made they are part of the mkm consortium so they also make some mkm knives as well and uh like i said uh the italians know how to make a good leather sheath so that italian leather yep that's big they do it right man they do it right so really cool knife overall length on this thing is eight point seven five inches and you get a four inch blade so is it just a just a good working what what's the what's the weight on that one oh yeah good question uh comes in right at six ounces so six ounces even yeah nice nice even number yeah yeah yeah so if you're looking for a good just six ounce knife the line still that's the only real point the only real reason to buy it is it hits that six ounces you know what next time we should just do a weight banter we'll just get all the knives and we'll go through different classifications of weight when i was a kid i used to box in the banter weight division hey there we go boxing banter all right um let me see here let me just make sure there's nothing else from graham uh um i think you already hit this um guardian edc was wanting to see will you open the fights and just hold give a hand profile in that so people can see how it fits in your hands yep here's the feist here is the hams and it is a four finger knife for me feels good in hand then it honestly it feels really good to me this is a gentleman-esque smaller knife for for me personally this is that is how i would classify it um just because it's a front flipper and it's got the milled pocket clip i think it's a gentleman's knife i think there's no arguing that like it's one the feist i think has always been a gentleman's knife but i will tell you this you can still get full purchase on that thing and cool it's nice and actually the milled pocket clip kind of grabs right here in the uh the chub of my i don't know what yeah no that does what's this called no scientifically that's called the chub that's right that's the chub of your hand and the chub in the chub of my hand the pocket clip actually not not just it's not uncomfortable right it kind of grips right now okay yeah in the chub and we gotta call it the pad the pad that's probably what the actual it's probably the pad of your head that's probably the real thing but i love this thing and yeah i think i might have to get one cool dude you're you're definitely drooling over it so on the table is that what you're going with besides the marfione beard well yeah of course of course yeah yeah yes i would go with the feist right on i think on the table i honestly this castillo is kind of speaking to me that's pretty cool and i i think it's just because it just reminds me working construction right because it's called the navajo right i think it's really neat um so the castillo speaking to me but that buck fixed blade i think that's going home with me tonight i'm not even kidding i think that's going home with me tonight that that's actually a really cool knife for the price like right that's pretty stellar cool um well let us know guys which uh micarta knife you would take home on the table this was a long one but you guys wanted us to stay on so we stayed on it was fun hanging out uh it was fun hearing from you guys and um now we're gonna do a giveaway so as you guys know uh wow is brought to you by we knives we knives is an awesome company we had a couple cevis on the table we actually doesn't make any knives with micarta so um just more evidence that when i say they don't tell us what goes on the table or what the topic of wow is that is the truth they are legitimately just really rad knife nuts that are excited to be part of this community and they make a really great knife both their budget line of savi and their really nice uh premium wee knives and uh it's kind of a neat story i would love to be able to tell we story one day it's very it's very like bootstraps like they were all working for different companies and they're like wait we want to do our own thing so they like pulled their resources and started we knives which is really cool so anyways um they don't tell us what to do they don't tell us how to do it but what they do do is give us knives to give away to you guys and this month's knife is actually a really cool night um they're actually usually really cool but this is the scopio from wii so full titanium construction on this thing obviously you got the frame lock you got the pocket clip really subtle some really neat milling on the back side and then a 20 cv blade so this is a this is this is a ball or knife guys this is a really nice mid to large size folder really neat grinds across the front here and you guys can win this knife right now graham should be dropping a link into the live chat and he should be dropping a link into uh the comment section as well so if you're not seeing the link make sure to hit refresh and then that will get you to take you over to the giveaway page to win this sweet wii knife from our friends over at we knives um i think that's it this has been a blast we went a little longer than normal jamie's over here shuffling on his feet a lot he's been on his feet the entire time and he's looking like he feels a little tired but so we could keep going i think that would be pretty funny he just walks out let's just you know what let's just back it on up yeah and we'll start over we'll just start over let's see what else you know let's trade knives i'll talk about yours you talk about that that's a good idea but i just wanted to hang on we don't want to do that we don't want to do that jamie just put out an amazing kitchen knife video on the channel we know that those videos aren't the most popular videos that you guys enjoy but i will say that it was it's just such cool editing even if you're not into kitchen knives go check out that new video on the channel it's really really rad and uh i think that's all we got so thanks guys we'll catch you on the next one you
Channel: Blade HQ
Views: 210,401
Rating: 4.8419104 out of 5
Keywords: Blade HQ, BladeHQ, Knife Show, Sharp, Steel, Knives, Knife, Pocket Knife, Knife Life, Cut Anything, EDC, Everyday Carry, Micarta Knife Scales, MKM, Benchmade, Kizer, QSP, Battle Horse, Civivi, We Knives, Buck, Buck Knives, Spyderco, Reate, Kansept, Liong Mah, Lionsteel, Gerber, Boker, ZT, Case, Case Knives, Catillo, Ontario Knife Company, Archform, CJRB
Id: DX1i6ABr-bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 14sec (4994 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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