Otaru Canal & Warehouse Street View Adventure | Hokkaido

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welcome to otaru one of the coolest towns in hokkaido dude there's the lambo johnny japan that's the lambo from i just started the stream ah we can't overtalk one another i'm sorry it's all right i'm used to it but that was the lambo we were we saw on hiraffo yesterday it just went by yeah well this is otaru this is one of the coolest one of the coolest cities in hokkaido and if not japan and in this episode we're gonna be taking you on a street view walk through the warehouse district over to one of my favorite places where this where the old clock is and they have these amazing music boxes that i bought for kanak this is a really classical area the station for otaru is this way we're not going to go there today but it's a straight walk it is such a convenient city to come to from fair by ferry or by train the ferry tournament is believe it or not is just right there like 10 minutes so i i once came by the nigata ferry i walked from the ferry terminal to the train station took me 15 minutes and i stopped off on the way for a kaisen dunn breakfast pretty cool peter has found the other attraction the mini hachiko that's right isn't that a cute little uh huppy jacket it's got a hoppy and a tanugui which are part of the kickstarter and on sale if you support that's right this project 11 more days 478 backers wow oh my gosh yeah almost 12 short of jumping into lake icon if we get 12 we jump in fully clothed i mean in a swimsuit you said buck naked i said buck rodgers nobody says buck rodgers anymore in 70s boy let's go let's cross the street get this underway peter crawford's at the house wait turn to the left for a second i want you to show them this majestic building all of these warehouses along here are from the meiji era they were hopping back in the day this was the grain warehouse where they distributed grain throughout the region and along here is the otaru canal and this was a lot of barges came along here and offloaded and loaded supplies for the region very cool yeah they had a bunch of yatai and street food here last night if you saw the kickstarter backer update it looks completely different during the day doesn't it yeah totally i see brent donnie's in the house and so is michael cesano how you guys doing these are uh gas lamps they're actually real they're uh you still use gases they have the mantles inside and it's a really romantic feel all along here at night time it's really cool you know all about that yeah i'm a romance romantic i'm a romantic uh this is right now is the summer fest here in otaru and uh there was live music in that warehouse down there along the outdoor balcony that was really cool you know when we we drove we rode into here last night they had a band playing from what looked like looked like an apartment and they had it on the fourth floor this and they were light up lit up this window and they're playing out the window that was awesome on the balcony yeah they also have these dudes you see them all over japan they're the rickshaw drivers and uh yeah they can give you a tour around a lot of them do speak english this is the boat i believe that takes you around cruising which i would have loved to have done but it's it's actually starting to rain and we're in a little bit of a hip-hop hurry to get to sapporo to avoid the rain um i guess we can i i don't know if we could cross the street here that's what's that view and not quite right now but that view over there for the bridge is pretty nice and we can show you the boat maybe yeah we can't yeah the ferry port is just over here oh really okay get the ferry to uh nigata i believe let's cross the street here's one of the rickshaw drivers doing his thing those guys are in great shape yeah they are nightbot just shared the link for the uh dvds that i did the blu-rays sorry in high definition from 2017 hitchhiking from kagoshima to wakanae you can check that out if you want it is awesome it's about two and a half hours of pure adventure i hitchhiked the whole country back five years ago now and and hokkaido was a big part of that in fact that was a stretch goal and can we should we announce our stretch goals for this project of course so we've already passed 3.5 million yen which was go to hakodate which is amazing so we're booking that trip probably as soon as we get to the rv camper so we can get a decent airfare because the all the airfare is really high now then if we get 500 backers which are 12 short of we jump in lake akan con so let's just stop right there and you said you said you said naked i don't know we can't do that that's illegal well you could just i don't have to film it you can just do it and i can people will believe me a mosaic everything you gotta butter me up though some booze or something speaking of booze and cruise we've got some crews right here these are the two boats that you can get in and cruise the canals and it's a really neat way to see otaru they actually have they're getting the rain jackets on so you know this is not a good sign for this live stream as we need to keep on moving but you can see it hitting the canal the water in here yeah we can see some drops hitting the water it's all right we should be able to survive 15 minutes or so pace with time at 30. we had a fantastic beer last night didn't we oh right we're going to walk right by there yeah brewery uh we did a compi end of day john just had to show off with a giant jokey mug i don't think it's showing off when you just wanted to drink it you're the one who got the oh you're the one who wanted to drink the not show off and get the little dinky beer i wanted to kind of keep my faculties it's a pilsner it's got almost no alcohol in it is that true i think so so here's the uh pier area for otaru so if you're coming by ferry from maizuru or nigata you'll be coming right over there and i remember the ferry came in like at 5 30 in the morning didn't it yeah pretty early it's an overnight ferry which are a great way to travel by the way the majority of bikers who come to hokkaido come by ferry yeah we're going that way i know we're going down this way um so you get on the ferry with your bike or your car ride it all night they've got a bath on the ferry take a bath with views of the ocean outside it's so fun see i got some weird stories with that bath i've ridden that nigata to otaru ferry a few times and one time there was a storm and that bath was sloshing yeah yeah yeah right you're going left and right on that bath there so you have to pick your your bath times pretty uh responsibly i mean do it quick get it out of the way maybe yeah which is great if you if you come sweating to get to the ferry huffing and puffing take the bath early get it out of the way so the the warehouse district here um has really always been one of the coolest places to come at night there's uh again we have this uh otaru brewery which is super cool and yeah it's like going into germany like the hofbrau house right right it's a little bit darker than the brow house yeah they've got all joseph says hello from slovakia i can't sleep hey something for beer maybe not at nine what is it no it's 11. okay it would be socially acceptable to partake right now no we can't not on bikes oh not on bikes it's right so tonight in sapporo we will thank you thank you very much yeah this is just kind of a shopping mall yeah that actually will take you out to the canal if you walk through there and get out right that was kind of neat this is where we went last night oh yeah it's the otaru beer tattoo beer here yeah since 1995. that's not 1995. here's the brewery that we were inside the classes of 11. almost nobody in there it was uh maybe five or six people so it's definitely safe you can see you can get one one for the road right there but it's not open right now opens at 11 30. yeah but such a cool atmosphere these old warehouses as with any town that has a warehouse district it's always a uh fun place to go this is bikridongi i guess this is a chain restaurant i've been here a couple times so i don't have to guess but that's got a really nice atmosphere inside there so i think you're going not for the bikri donkey but you're going for the atmosphere this looks like a wedding hall petite petite wedding i can see that yeah hey katayama's in the house so is you for bob how you guys doing hey katayama hello ufo bob everybody else shane's here i see the whole gangs here jokey paul live how you doing joy jottie yeah rain is uh just sprinkling so we got three days of kind of wet sloshy weather coming up but don't say that if you say that don't jinx it it's so out there now we have been so lucky i think in order to make it better you need to embrace it i've already have yeah i already have wow so this is a like a yakiniku seafood place just to grill your own seafood i'm getting that kind of a vibe maybe have some uni uh no i'll pass on that for a while had a little bit too much of the food that's not even in my top five but it was that one was though it was quite good the one we had uh you'll see it in the documentary look at the colors they kind of toned down the green didn't they that is not your saturation folks right right they changed the colors of the family mark to make it more right it's just more subject to the neighborhood a bit better a darker green they do that sometimes 7-eleven i've seen all black signs defeated with the neighborhood yeah that's right in uh does that yeah wood tones and things this is really cool over here that actually might be real stained glass unlike oh yeah canadian club had peeling stained glass windows really man let's cross here i hope that is a super cool town for motorcyclists a lot of people ride through here i've noticed down that main street the signs are all in english as well so you have here the cruise dock ascosa bridge english chanel chinese korea yeah russian chinese acrylic very cool is that intravenous demilo i think so you know they could have finished the arms don't you think yeah what's up with that they run out of stone or what yeah well i mean if you're gonna make a replica might as well just finish the arms i think that makes it more unique wow look at this place i i could see myself enjoying a coffee right here this is the type of thing you don't see in tokyo like these open decks on the on the canals of tokyo maybe because you know yeah see why harbor ty harbor is one of my favs but you don't see this in japan much at all like this outdoor on the canals on the river type of dining or drinking this is a really cool thing that you see here in otaru and in hokkaido actually they embrace the outdoors a little bit better ham grab something to drink hey guys okay let's make a stop here this is the canal that's quite famous in otaru and they take advantage of that make it really scenic lovely brick the colors are cute information shack over here log cabin that's cool everything sort of all just fits together the pieces uh pieces work and this canal district at night again totally different really good nightlife diana martin thanks for the update 473 backers at the moment that's why we're here whoa manhole this one has the sky and the canal in blue i like it you can see the gas light there where is it well the gas light's also kind of yellow and red you see that oh these here yeah yeah it's a nice manhole it's a lot of details all right let's cross the street here um i wonder what this is it's a lighthouse for the canal it's pretty colorful it says i'd like to grab a beer in there whoa do you see what they've done here with that melon oh wow yes please um yeah kaisen done reminds me too much of yesterday and i had my weight in uni so you didn't want to eat any i was sharing it with you i knew how much you loved sharing sharing it i'm a giver you gave it all i do for my friends what is uh what do we got here uh buckets of uh water this is showing the old warehouse town of otaru i believe i like these uh little additions some of the shops that are in this area now peter has disappeared hey john come in here they got dresses on did you see that oh my gosh so obviously there's not open right now but these are a little restaurant closed what some some uh interesting little restaurants through here they're closed right now but there's it kind of made it look like this miniature oh yeah oh that's the map i was just showing people outside so that's this area oh this is so cool in here yeah i love this tower up here it's like a like a new orleans type of thing wow oh there's more alleys here check it out this is fun this guy's interesting look at him he loves his dongle this is the popular farm that's where you get the cantaloupe with the cream oh man that looks good we're gonna get our share cantaloupe or melon in a few uh a few days i'll go out here buddy yeah august 6th all you can eat you buddy melon it's pretty cool well look at this over here oh this is people have written their uh reviews and comments on look at this guy's a great artist they give you a piece of paper and you can write a note and they tack it up here but watch out oh that's i think that's the guy the statue of the guy do you think yeah yeah it might be the owner who knows yeah cool little area nica barr yeah i think that is him when he was a kid all right let's get back on the street we gotta we got kind of a ways to walk here peter we got kind of a ways to walk here why are you hiding following me just leave me alone for a bit will you it's creepy that's cool somebody said that looks like you great place to sit hide and seek no what does it say a joy said that looks like you a little bit with your glasses well i don't have any round glasses like that but sort of yeah but i do like dongo just like that i like dango too all right back back to the street that's this a super cool area again we're just a little bit too early for lunch wow that butterfly went right through me where's your music box place it's uh straight about um five minutes this way hey carissa's here and she said you love your trip so far see here looking forward to the postcard yeah that dakota's postcard art is so awesome you have it right here i think he's got it and if you want if anyone wants another postcard today's the last day for oh this one's kind of messed up for um the you body melon post coach jeffrey thanks for pledging 9 000 yen the only japan motorcycle adventure just got the notification great thank you this is available for the next i guess in the u.s 12 hours this is the ubud melon harvest postcard and a toy story stamp that's neat yeah and here's the postcard for the project just angled the counter okay yeah this is good there's the fox and the furano lavender there's us riding the motorcycles we have melon helmets on to represent the melons of hokkaido toby's air cows are going to be milking cows and eating dairy and that's the only of noboribetsu either chasing us or coming out to say hello and that's mount yote which we circled around yesterday yeah we did but we couldn't see it couldn't see it it's a bit cloudy i think we have some some views of it from mount uh from somewhere oh looks like it's in great shape yeah nice nice bikes yeah we're enjoying these bikes that we got from rental 819 great great uh touring bikes you'll be seeing those in the documentary as well yeah um i think it's not too far from here that scary pumpkin over there there's a lot of easter eggs in this town oh roy's chocolate you see the sign for it oh my god there's potato chips oh that's good stuff yeah it is should we follow this canal and then make a left here yeah i'm following your google map out maybe i do not know where i'm lost yeah otaru also in the winter has a very different vibe snow everywhere it's so incredibly serene along that canal hey william has this pledge 444 he's got the time sale nice postcard documentary set thank you william that means we're like 10 people away from the jumping in the river jumping in the lake uh what uh music box place john's music box please just look for the clock the lost music box museum so we'll just take this road straight there yeah we'll take a left here thank you peter watch out there's a car coming so scenic it's better with the blue skies but i have to tell you i'm kind of enjoying this weather in a way because it could be way way hotter right it's about a 10-minute walk from here oh is it okay if we hustle like we can make it eight well let's hustle let's get some hustle here's some wind shines nipsy hustle and while we're hustling i'm gonna stop here for a minute as you do a new york second watch the car coming up behind you the truck it's very tight here all right okay i'm good it's going to keep on moving all these old warehouses it's just or buildings this is so cool i think it's a warehouse because you can see the very strong doors that close in to prevent fire from destroying their cash crop well and also to preserve the goods they're keeping inside yeah storehouse storehouse could be a bank as well this is the kind of stores that i'm talking about and we're going to be taking you to one of the most famous ones they're all very ghibli looking you see like inside let's just take a quick you can see they're all very ghibly looking stuff and this one has glass and other sorts of uh things i probably went inside there this is the former otaru branch of the hiakusan bank 110 bank is this is the history you have to push pause in the playback to see it wow this is a really nice little street here peter was confused about the meaning of this weren't you peter yeah i thought it was kind of profane well it is flammable oh pro okay propane speed bumps that means speed bumps ah okay thank you these really little stylish stores and there there's a bunch of them the street will take you to yeah um the clock at the end of it yeah it's so cool this old meiji architecture yeah you gotta look up to really appreciate it really fun along the street i love it they have wind chimes and this little tinkling sound it's supposed to cool you down but actually ramto just pledged 11 500 i think it was thank you hamto pemto thank you yeah wow this is great wow that looks like it was a bank or something in a former life this one across the street too look at the really solid looking windows every building is historical they have a historical sign outside of every building the former hokai millet company wow timber frame with firestone exterior a tile gable roof iron window shutters whoa says the interior is a blend of western and japanese styles with board and batten ceiling looks like a sword or a mustache mr potato pringles can it's closed though hokkaido milk cafe we're actually gonna possibly do another live stream at this ice cream place that peter knows about so that's why we're not gonna be stopping off to get the ice cream we're saving it up for uh 11. it doesn't open until 11. yeah it's it's pretty crazy what time is it now 11 9 30 right nine turning a bit ten after a little up after ten okay well we're almost there i think i see a destination this is the vibe that you get in otaru and i think you can walk this town and really enjoy it for a night and a day maybe two nights it's a chill town and at night again once once again there's music in the summer there's yatai street stands uh there's this feeling of i don't know just fun like it's not japan right i don't it's more of a melanchooma well yeah it's just a different era of japan right that's preserved you don't see a lot of preserved japan of the meiji era and this town has a load of it oh whoa harley yes got a lot of stuff on there how do they not fall whoa they even have free wi-fi here well those girls are trying to get into the youtube stream they can come back i'm not interested take a look back here you see the word uh kamui you see kamui often in in uh hokkaido it's a it's a inu word k-a-m-u-y and it's a uh spiritual or a divine being in ainu mythology and this place here is called hokkaido most real ainu kamui the legend of kamui begins that's closed yeah it might be an art gallery or something it'd be good a bagel with cream cheese and [Laughter] custom ordered um but uh you see that often in hokkaido we'll be going to kamui waka in the upper northeast corner in a few days which is the uh the onsen hot spring or what waterfall that we're going to go through which would be really cool yeah matt gamer rates the legend ended oh legend's just taking a break they're just taking a break this is sakai machi right there which is the world machi you know otaru being a port city i think had a mixture of different cultures um look at that glass work japanese glass is some of the best in the world the italians might take offense at that as well as american glass makers and all other glass fingers doesn't matter where but they make some pretty darn good glass here do you have any japanese made glass no last time pottery pot pottery yeah i have some kakiamon [Music] wow i don't want any seafood for a little while it was just too good i'm savoring last night still yeah i'll be savoring that for a few more days okay i think we see our our goal coming up but we're gonna take it nice and easy look at that building it's like made of this really weird stone that looks like textured stone look at that i love it it says the former kubo store gonna cross here take a look originally constructed for a kubo store purveyor of sundries and miscellaneous items oh there's a coffee shop in here oh wow thank you steven maybe we can put that to some good use uh right now i wouldn't mind getting a snack or something you had breakfast i kind of skipped it it's called intermittent fasting but it's hard when you're traveling yeah just want to eat what's important to make sure you get some some nutritious food when you're biking that's true but i also have a storehouse down here from japan last uh yeah half year has been pretty rough so i'm okay take some from the storage zoom living off the reserves yeah so we're almost there just another 10 minutes those are the best cookies [Music] that's cool i don't know if i was supposed to do that but i liked it ring your bell oh that's a really nice shop as well i've been in it several weeks so when i was hitchhiking wow soft cream when i was hitchhiking in uh 2017 i was picked up by a couple a couple from sapporo and they picked me up where in in hakodate and we drove up to no boribatsu and they said that i could drive up with sapporo but i wanted to stay in noboribetsu i didn't see my friend there and uh well i got their phone number and they said you can stay with us just give us a call when you get to sapporo station we'll pick you up they make mochi every morning at 5am they were making mochi so it's in the um the hitchhiking documentary which is on sale so i went in there and i filmed them making the mochi from scratch in the morning and then they sell it to the stores it makes delivery runs which is so cool um that's a fun memory but on the next day they they said if i had another day they would drive me to otaru and they did and they showed me around this area and that's where i got whoa those who have ordered the daimyo packages might remember that ramen i got that was some hardcore ramen peter you need a purano underwear you need you need underwear period hey you can get melon kuma's rear end on the back maybe they have one maybe we have the one that has uni on it they've got crabs uh i think i can afford it thanks to the underwear fund which is now defunct i don't know what the heck is a story here go ahead and touch it that's all right no go ahead that's okay but i'll put my face through there if you want okay all right screenshot send it to uh right all right reach around reach around okay good all right thank you reach around awesome good use for undie fun okay we've got some approval here there's a ramen shop you sew it up oh it does smell good for breakfast have you ever had ramen for breakfast i have matcha soft cream oh that is a solid green yeah i like that if we weren't having ice cream in two hours i might be in on that you said it's a big ice cream okay all right it's pretty muggy isn't it it's getting there um not compared to tokyo i think you for you have forgotten my friend that how tokyo's weather is it mugs like a sauna well it's like mid-30s now every day in tokyo yeah this is paradise you see santa there that's kind of creepy this time of year there's nothing creepy about santa claus his head stuck on the side of a wall maybe so where is this clock place john uh straight ahead the um a lot of street food just we're just too early for it you got to get here at 11. but we're leaving at 11 so yeah there's a lot going on down here isn't there yeah hey katayama oh my gosh yeah i'll look for something like traditional underwear at lake akan maybe made by ainu craft craft artisans okay that's a little bit of the reeds artistic underwear yeah made from the reeds and uh stone like that i'll see if i can find it at akan they have a lot of um uh stores hopefully they're open when we hit when we go there but i'm sure there's going to be a place to get some stylish underwear that should appease the underwear people i have enough [Music] i wash it every day i get a backup and a and i have a second day and a backup who needs more than two pair of underwear three i got three you have three and one's just back up okay we should start wearing those i am they're it's in a real one rotation peter yours are cause they're all stinky and unwashed in your bag sticking to the side they're in a zip lock zip lock gathering six days in a zip lock i'd like to see that petri dish you're gonna see it you're gonna probably get it it's gonna infect you beanstalk grown out of it [Music] [Laughter] wash that's where it's at well michael thank you for pledging for the uh postcard and documentary just saw that coming in wow look at this building that's a massive storehouse and we're getting it here's the end of it peter so oh thank goodness look at the seafood shop yeah you can smell it yeah oh big crab leg it's holy moly dude crab legs like this long what look in there oh my gosh yeah that'd be great on the barbie desk [Music] oh from the russian area they get it oh yeah they gotta pay uh royalties that's why the price is probably jacked up a bit so this is a again a glass maker they make some of the best glass in japan here in otaru but there is a connection because i guess otaru is a northern port with trading with russia and korea here so you'll see signs multi-language signs all through hokkaido actually and it's a shame because there's a big connection between hokkaido and russia like i wish there was more friendship and they just give us back our islands please say please stolen during world war ii if you look at the history or just given away probably actually most likely america's fault but he had it was just chaos at the end of any war which is why wars stinks john lennon peace now the tourist information said i've seen three now whoa lots of tourist information places yeah there's a lot of tourists here usually but they're kind of uh not there yet okay we're almost to john's music box paradise it's not mine it's the worlds it's a gift to the world peter it's not mine and to give up homage that looks good for your breakfast doesn't it yeah it does holy moly and they're open too they could be good for my breakfast part two did the coca-cola arrive i can't remember if i put that in the box or not just let me know gosh i have one bought i don't know if i put it in the box this month because katayama is uh someone who is a collector this one might be pretty cool don't you think what do you think oh okay good that one's pretty cool you have a coca-cola cans um kind of customized with japanese on it which is really cool this is a great building over here well that's it yeah i know that's why it's so great that's the music box one and i went in there i'm like whoa i i had no real caring for music boxes whatsoever but then when you see them you're like this is the coolest thing ever i want to get one what size did you get um one that would fit in my bag because i was hitchhiking but one that wasn't the smallest one because she would know wow and it's like a hand crank thing crank it up oh no it's a finger crank you you twist it okay have you ever had a music box yeah yeah yeah but i haven't i'm a boyfriend boys don't have matt music box you're free there's my sisters okay and she let me look at it once sorry and by the way boys do have music boxes that just freak no i want one when you go in you'll see why um otaru i get because of its connection i guess the european background they have lots of things know-how from abroad and one of them was clocks and there's a history which i don't know so you'll have to look up i just know it's fascinating and as we look back here and we gotta we'll end watching stream i thought you're gonna we'll end the live stream uh at this point here but if you look back here it's just such a wonderful unique city with a completely different vibe than any other city somewhat like kobe kobe just kind of kobe's kind of yokohama-ish like a port city but it's different right so we're going to show you just a little bit inside this music box place and then um we got to get back to the bikes because that hotel is nickel and diming us yeah we have to check out by 11. what time is it now 10 25. all right we're gonna hightail it back and get out of there oh all right let's just check out this music box and we're gonna do a quick pan around for the documentary as well gosh should we take a taxi back yeah maybe it's beautiful all right i'm just gonna show you in here really quickly it doesn't say no cameras hey pov sams here hey sam hey friend thanks for thanks for commenting on an update tip to reduce hand fatigue support this is going to support your body by squeezing the gas tank or with or your thighs then relax your hands that's i've been extending my hands out too when i'm on straightaways and stuff because you don't really need to use it other than grip it i think it's just about building confidence thank you pov sam all right let's go inside wow right aren't these just beautiful it makes you want to have one well i can see somebody perhaps liking it faberge eggs yeah made in japan style well you just said you want you you have to see somebody my sister had one wow [Music] they have all different kinds of sizes here's marilyn monroe that's really nice can i would like that wouldn't she would she yeah but she said don't get her anything no she's just being that's that's the you're supposed to say that oh wait all right close it oh wait a minute don't do it are you supposed to do that i don't know how weird well that's how you that's how you wind it interesting wow muy elegante yeah it could be russian influence right i think it might very well be or an exchange of knowledge well these are kind of cool it has the oni with the look at this one john yeah and perhaps japan does it better oh there's like okinawa yeah i just walked through here a little bit more it looks like a playground in here just a really delicate one so every one of these is a music box well not all of them some of them just play music and to be honest i i haven't been here in five years it's just a memory i had but so this is really neat you don't see this kind of stuff in other places around japan this is just special yeah never seen anything um right and the size of it too yeah because it's such a it's such a niche thing i think you don't really see a store this big dedicated to it but you get that here all right we got to get on the move so [Music] this is seriously super awesome isn't it i love this store [Music] peter's the one who's reminding me we gotta go but i think any walk should end here and get a music box because they're pretty awesome there you go that is pretty awesome you might even still hear peter's mic but otaru is pretty cool city and i think if you if you are in sapporo you gotta spend at least a night here or make a day trip but you're gonna want to stay the night because there's so many cool places to eat and drink and the vibe is just so much friendlier and different it's like a fusion of all these other cultures but they found a way to make it uniquely japanese too and that's what's really cool about otaru and that's why i'll always be coming back here on any trip that i do to japan and that and the ferry comes through here so if you take the ferry you don't really have a choice any last comments yeah i just i just was looking very forward to coming here to otaru uh on this trip and i'm so glad we stopped by wish we had more time but uh we're here for a night and today we got to see at night time we got to see it during the day i'm happy ooh happy [Music] it's over that brought a crowd in that was cool now everyone's gonna buy a music box yeah all right everybody see you later we're on the road now back to back to motorcycling and we'll be in sapporo tonight and probably do a live stream from uh susakino just show you around town there and thanks for backing this project we're here to make that documentary and it's coming along pretty good yes it is yeah see you later bye
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 16,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, John Daub, Japanese, Tokyo, travel, Otaru, 小樽, sapporo, Hokkaido, City, Places to visit in Hokkaido, Places to visit in Sapporo, street view, Hotel, shopping, music box, store
Id: iaHrtuNAdWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 48sec (2868 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2022
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