Japan’s 300 Year Old Morning Market | A Mile of Street Food

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and welcome to cochi on a sunday morning right up there is kochi castle a reminder of this city's feudal past and another reminder in especially on a sunday and if it's sunday it's morning market day that's right this is japan's longest and oldest morning market anywhere and we're going to be taking you from one side to the other going from the castle to one one of the big intersections near the station and joining me on this live stream is the great kevin reilly good morning you have never been to cochi before this trip is that right yeah this is the first time we came down here on friday night and uh had a good look around kochi all yesterday and today we're checking out the market you hungry yes i am starving let's get moving you can check out kevin riley's youtube channel kuma's kitchen where he cooks up some good things in the kitchen get some good insight on some of the food here the ingredients are certainly fresh and coachy and that's one of the things you're going to see a lot of here produce lots of some of the the best produce of the area the the farmers will bring them directly to this market because this is where a lot of people do come in kochi especially on a even though it's a chilly sunday morning there are a lot of shoppers out and it is still relatively early but people start setting up their stands here at like six in the morning 5 30 6 in the morning look at these little cocky trees these are persimmons right yeah first of all yeah yeah you can buy one take it home that's what that's what they're here for maybe not to your country but if you're living in japan we can take it back to tokyo oh look at bonsai trees oh yeah we have some bonsai trees here and these are a very interesting collection and you can buy it you get the pot too with it it's interesting i i don't buy them because i i'm afraid to take care of them i know that they're going to die in my possession oh same at our house everything dies some cockies and persimmons you get a whole bag of them for 200 yen that is a steal two bucks for a bag oh there's your favorite food right there your favorite mushroom shiitake look at the size of those plates namashitake 200 yen for one basket of them that is a steal well i dried shitake i like that too oh yeah the dried chicken great for soups now this side of it is a little a little bit more spread out because some of the shops here on the right side they've been here for wow they look like shacks since the 1940s or 50s right yeah and they've been taking advantage of the morning market selling things like knives yeah so you can see a lot of the knives that are on on display here um all handmade i'm sure reminds me of our friend over in the shimanto valley who um makes knives with people who come to visit him did a live stream on that about a month ago you see the cutting blocks inside there oh wow those are cutting blocks well i thought they were stools yeah i think they look they're cutting blocks i think you're right cosmin's here our friend in romania welcome so these are little um what are those little oranges i thought they were king khan but i guess they're not well we get really small nikon sometimes and there's a tastiest yeah yeah these are these are just mekans right very sweet nikon how do we get just one can we buy just one how much is it uh you have to buy a bag for a thousand yen wait wait wait wait here oh yeah yeah okay so we're going to try one of these we can try one of these uh very sweet mecons i guess they're different tangerines right you know what i don't even remember what tangerines taste like are you serious all right let's come over here to the corner i could take off my mask here you have to eat it right here height see what i said oh it smells great when you're peeling peeling this here cameras they're gonna see if you're right now we got it there you go that is super sweet i'm probably gonna come back to get a bag of those they made the sale right there i just don't want to carry the bag the whole way we're gonna be here for quite a while so we're gonna get a chance to come back and and pick up this stuff pick up the stuff that we want you just don't have the over a kilometer yeah the whole market the length of this market is 1.3 kilometers it's it's the longest and the largest i believe in japan according to internet sources um it's certainly the oldest it's 300 years going all the way back continuous market even during the war even during problems uh famines and things like this they were still holding this market i don't think they've had a hiatus maybe i'm sure that they've missed a sunday somewhere right but i no one has been able to document it so well she's selling some some ocha over there you can smell it yeah so here on the right side we've gone about 100 meters out of the 1.3 kilometers so i guess you can get ready for quite a long live stream well a lot of knife salesmans right this is a knife and hardware check it out i saw these and you can see them yesterday look at these shaped like a whale oh this is a kujita yeah these are shaped like a whale do you see that that's super interesting these are beautiful knives look at the workmanship on these and you know they don't all have to have the tamaha gay um they don't need to have this kind of a pattern to it but japan i just on the workmen and the craftsmanship these are some of the most some really good looking knives here they're they run about thirty dollars for these and these look like more honcho like ippon about 80 for these uh everyday kind of everyday use knives right yeah ponchos sort of that's pretty good price and these uh and then there's other other kinds of tools that you you could find here these are like outside please okay we ho i've seen hannibal lecter use one of those too we cut rice with these all right these are for the harvesting of the rice well they can stay right there for now some hose and i mean the tool all right here we go can you just can you take them with you you can take them to tokyo you can take them to tokyo but i don't know if you can take them internationally you'll have to check them in your luggage and maybe uh declare them i think if you put him uh in the check luggage okay yeah check luggage is fine don't carry it on and and then play innocent like no no i was going to hoe you to death carrying it don't know one time he got stopped but all i said was put it in your pack luggage yeah i don't think why would you carry on a saw you don't want it to get damaged it's going to get more damaged and on you know he wasn't the smartest lad no that's not such a smart thing michael cesano's here hey john and kevin just in case you come across a takoyaki stand grab something we're gonna look right across the road [Laughter] yeah but you know takoyaki is not that famous here that's the problem i don't know if we want to ruin our appetites with it michael we might have to find something better but let's go take a look at the takoyaki stand anyway let's go check it out maybe it is something we want um it is kind of chilly to have ice cream though on the street but they have japanese flavors they're called ice cream oh wow yeah with the end on the end oh yeah and it's more like a sherbet they have yuzu flavor too yeah they have a yuzu flavored ice cream yuzu is a citrus fruit that's very famous in this part the harvest starts next week i believe i think there's some places that have started harvesting so maybe we'll get a chance to see some fresh yuzu this is one of our favorite markets now i think it's one of yours too this is hirome ichiba this place is a we came here last night right we came last night and we couldn't we couldn't actually find a seat to eat here it was so crowded actually uncomfortably crowded so we kind of escaped and ate at another restaurant we were going to live streaming here but it was just too crowded last night because of sakamoto yoma's birthday one of the founders of coach prefecture hey john i just know something really interesting across the road for us what's that katsuo gyoza oh michael can we get that all right michael we got to get this it's right next to the takoyaki so it qualifies all right mr das wants the nabi yaki ramen we went past that nabiaki ramen shop a couple of times too smells pretty good we'll see what we can find but we gotta stick to the market all right kevin you want to get one sure we go all right kevin's got the cash he's wearing shorts swiss canadian he's swiss canadian bonito gyoza oh my gosh okay let's go check this out all right [Music] this is a bonito fish gyoza [Music] this is his ship so this is his bonito fish that he caught and he puts him in the gyoza instead of selling it differently wow that's a great idea [Music] oh wow this looks really good here open it up here yeah thank you michael cesano look at that whoa that smells good i turned around let's see that crispy part oh yeah look at that look at that isn't that nice that is nice i have never had bonito um gyoza before this is the first time so this guy was just telling me um over here he that's his ship and he is actually the chateau the president of a fishing group and that's he has a picture of a ship across the front so he's the fisherman and he makes the gyoza it doesn't get any fresher than this no it doesn't get any fresher all right let's try it here grab yourself that oh nice and hot here yeah that doesn't work you can't yeah you're not gonna be able to use your mouth if you got your mask on [Laughter] all right there's a little focus on there nice little dumpling look at that isn't that beauty yeah there we go let it rip [Music] oh yeah yeah that's good where's your hot bread yeah later later uh yeah we'll have some bushy ponds soon too oh that's nice doesn't taste like fish no no it has a different different juiciness than the pork that's usually in there yeah it's very satisfying really very nice wow oh yeah i can eat i can eat uh oh we should have gotten one for each of us packs wow we want to keep our stomachs ready for more other food too because i'm sure there's a lot of things to try here temperature's a little bit chilly um yeah a bit today um yeah bramble that's actually my nickname that's what they call me when i go shooting hey rambo yeah in the morning when he's putting on his bandana ramble music starts up in the background i can hear it in my head no go ahead go ahead you wanna do rock paper scissors no no go ahead you can have it too late too late yeah you've claimed it shotgun done very very good oh that was so good this is a perfect start so it i guess he does he does have a trash can underneath there yeah the the the there is sort of a um a mask i wouldn't say it's like a mask mandate but they ask you to keep your mask on but obviously if you're eating you can't whoa so this is the takoyaki and you can see there that's an unusual takoyaki isn't it i've never seen and kevin's from osaka the land of takoyaki and he's a little bit surprised at the way they're making it osaka they do it differently and he's and he's reporting yeah this is oh wow it makes it look like a taco oh wow so this takoyaki actually looks like a taco it actually looks like an octopus oh wow i've never seen that before so only this shop makes them like this wow we got it we actually i think on the way back we've got to stop and eat that i know that there's so much other street food here i've never seen them like at first i said wait that takoyaki is doing it wrong and then then you realize no he's doing it very right this is his way and that's the way it should be now these big these big citrus fruits are called bintan i believe right and yeah they're massive they're some of the biggest citrus fruits i've ever seen beanton when these boxes is 25. so yeah this one also very weird looking fruit huh what's that looks like that's it that's a user yeah that's a massive museum wow i had somebody give me one of these once a long time ago yeah they're quite nice yeah i don't think that's gotta be super sour because i had yuzu ah man that was the most sour thing i've ever eaten it's you you think lemons are sour wait until you sink your teeth and a yuzu fruit bread dania's here aloha she's in the food mood we're gonna definitely definitely get more food there's another snack a refreshing drink thank you peter we're in on this this is a street market this is street food here we're gonna get the good stuff the vegetable produce here also some of the freshest and um like i gotta travel for another week which is a shame i can't actually take yeah i'm not gonna carry a daikon for a week but they have they have a in kochi you pretty much have to go by car everywhere so when you rent a car there's a lot of farmers stands food stands that you can just uh you know stop and park and load it up on vegetables and my suitcase is probably going to be filled with produce because it's so good oh this is it this is one of the places this is one of my favorites because yeah the rims of these are awesome this is boshipan this is a bread do we still have oh you gave me back my change can you get two one or two or if there's something different try to get let's see what they got that's different here so i guess you just get one bushy fine we can share it wow and then there's uh mama no pudding special prize undiscovered gems of japan grand prix oh we're going to have to try that too something that we have a lot of soccer too yeah salt bread it's really nice um just enough salt in it yeah it's good for sandwiches too or just as it is yeah as is i slice it open and put some cheese and some ham in there i think we might have to get this mama no pudding too let's try a bush pan so you can see the bushy pond looks like a hat you see there's a hat looking over there look at that this is only in kochi that i've ever seen before um let's should we take in the clearing over here boshipan is is uh again like i've never seen this outside outside of japan outside of kuchi this is this is bread that you could wear this one's a small hat are you ready yeah does it go with the bandana no not really no no you keep your rambo does not wear this style of hat no all right so so what what i've been uh i actually went into the bakery the first first bakery that they made the boshi pond and i saw them make it they this is custard around it this is baked custard and they just kind of let it flow down every every bakery has a different kind of a different way to do it the rim is never as big as this though this is kind of a unique one i guess they really prize their custard a little extra here yeah so i'm just gonna it's just like jerky i took the bread here you grab onto half grab half here we go okay i think i got the i got a lot more custard here take some more custard no no you take the custard uh i had breakfast okay yeah well but a little bit of breakfast i'm gonna need coffee with this to take this down here here we go we're eating hats [Laughter] there's not much into the bushy palm it's pretty basic it's good if you have some jam and probably we're gonna find some yuzu marmalade somebody just gave a coffee oh i'm sorry i missed the name went by is it hey it's it's ramsay sally henry hey hi ramsay oh yeah he's always hi ramzis i always see you on my uh instagram thanks rams we're gonna go get some coffee um i'm gonna use a place up on the corner if not we'll sneak across the street there's a couple of 7-elevens that's good that pudding though at the shop he says that it won some grand prix whenever you get an award-winning dessert oh my gosh i got to get all over that what does it taste like how would you describe the taste um a little sweet yeah how's the breakfast like a sweet bun really yeah the bread part of it right here looks like a sweet bun yeah bread part's kind of sweet but it's um kind of plain too like this would be good with coffee right oh yeah yeah i was going nice with the coffee the custard part is not too sweet though i mean it's it's not too healthy either it's custard i'm gonna put this in my pocket save it for later i need coffee it's too dry yeah the the custard part of it's a bit very overcooked right the pound the bread gets done yep hopefully chan is watching in the trunk contributing a little bit to some snacks thank you john we shall indulge we're going to find some goodies here oh this looks like some really good candy all locally made you can tell because it's in in bags like that wow some more produce here horenzo some spinach neggy potatoes i want to see if the deep fried potato dude is here oh my god that's the best kevin deep fried potato fritters ooh this is like iowa state fair oh there's the jams oh yeah check it out here they got all sorts of fig jams and oh use the kosher what's that one down there that's niniku a little um oh yeah use of vinegar too hey look who's here i would i want to see what you got is it alive no they gave me a little furoski wrapper as well at the antique store i will open it this is ruth german by the way just so you know ruthie's in the house you guys are gonna love this it's so cute okay i'll try to do it quickly all right oh look at this box it's in the original box and i collect these things like i love to eat my rice and things out of this check it out wow is that the cutest thing ever look at that it's kinkaroo fish inside quintaro with a fish inside this reminds me of like the matcha bowls too what is this used for exactly i think it is a matcha it's supposed to be like a matcha so as you guys know when you pick up your matcha you're supposed to like look at it and think about oh it's a really cool bowl and it has so many like different designs around it yeah and then you have the little fish inside i think it's a i think this fish is a kite look oh yeah because he has the kite in his hands so kawaii i thought it was so cute did you get a good deal uh it was like three thousand yen that's pretty that's pretty good deal yeah i think the boxes were 30 bucks and look at it look at this it's the paper on it it's beautiful you know obviously somebody this must have been a gift to somebody so it was that antique shop please don't drop it right it's an m flare [Laughter] have fun all right thanks for sharing bye-bye yeah you can buy all sorts of crafts and and uh goods made look at these little teeny uh carrots i've never seen carrots that nubby before yeah that looks great this is like a museum of produce carrie i will tell ruth that you said bye or i'm gonna see her again in about an hour whoa kevin one of the things that is very famous here in kochi is this ginger yeah look at the size those are massive ginger and garlic are very famous here in kochi they just have the weather for it and you can see you can get a massive bucket of it for 500 yen that's a steal you get a little teeny nub you get a nub for a hundred yen you can get a bucket here for 500. that's that's just some all right there's a 900 yen one but that's such a unique looking uh look at the size of that i know um that is massive that's gotta be good oh gosh i wish i i wish i had a suitcase like i wish i was going home today i really do there's um i could take a lot of stuff a little fish stand here dried fish that would be a little bit hard oh i saw some lady the lady had the deep fried she had the deep fried um uh potatoes usually there's a big long line for it i like how people bring the little doggies out here hey mr dust is in the house stout beer got it we'll see what we can find mr dossier christian hanson got your back and brad fletcher is it mostly fruit or veggies or do they have meat and fish as well there is i don't know about meat but there is some fish here but not a lot um we're still at the beginning part of the market and nick nick reese tears of thank you i want to thank everybody who's contributing to this adventure here those are some good looking knives so for those joining us this is the sunday morning market in kochi they start setting up at around five or six in the morning and it goes on until it starts uh fizzling out the market around 11 a.m because people got up at four o'clock in the morning to come here so it starts fizzling out at 11 a.m and uh what's this deep fried stuff here oh it's not deep-fried it's cake that's chiffon cake wow what did you see something you did not get ahead of the letter where where's the head of lettuce oh back there i think we'll see it again you see all sorts of fresh vegetables look at that that does that looks like no daikon i've ever seen before pink just interesting those are some of the uh nasa be the um nasty that you would pickle right all right all right we're i don't know is this about halfway i'm not sure exactly how far no i think we got a lot we got a long ways to go i i haven't seen the deep fried um deep fried sweet potatoes yet that's what i'm looking for they told me last time that they're here all the time so i'm gonna take them on their word that they're still here uh this is probably the end of the nashee season but those nashi are massive those are japanese pears there one for 200 but they're pretty large there's some broccoli what's this is that aloe vera or something what is that i don't even know what it is i don't know what that is anybody know what that is looks like something from bamboo or like aloe vera from the prehistoric ages oh no celery all right at this point and i know that there is uh there's stairs here and on the edge of the stairs you get a nice view of the market we'll see we can uh loop back here um if you walk up this just i don't know if you can if you can go up there sometimes oh i had i had a special permission to walk up there when i filmed before last time but you get a nice bird's eye view from the second floor there the market so this one some handicrafts handmade baskets from the local region wicker chopsticks there you go hey suzette's here all right we're gonna get some food right now next thing we see we're gonna have to stop and eat now unless it's cold i don't want anything it's like ice cream although although i would i would get it you want kevin this looks like something to drink here hey [Music] fancy seeing you here ruthie yeah i think we're in on this this is um a ginger drink ginger and hot ginger oh is that what you got that's oh yeah i'm in on this hot ginger here's i get a fiber there you go let's get a couple of cups of that no typically you would see uh stands like this serving amazake which is hot amazake it's like a sake before the alcohol starts fermenting so it's a really healthy anything fermented seems to be healthy unless it's you know rotten but fermenting stuff in japan people eat it all the time this amazake is is so healthy and so good but this is um ginger hot ginger i love that the um cauldron that it's being boiled in oh i'm so curious i wonder what this tastes like wow that's really good it's very like syrupy syrupy fresh taste she said okay hold on oh yeah that looks nice and hot on a chilly day oh it feels nice all right you ready move over to the side here and i got some hot ginger oh yeah you're going to lose all your viewers again no i'm just saying i'm saying with that song you should be dancing that's what i'm saying [Music] stop those fate all right everybody [Applause] little strange but we'll go for it wow good right yeah this is very refreshing slightly sweet there's a little kick in the aftertaste like you get the ginger in the aftertaste the aftertaste it takes a good ten seconds to hit too and sticks around for a while it's a long aftertaste this stuff's great if you got it like a sore throat or things up too oh yeah that would be really good we've always got some of our house just for that this is really refreshing i thought there'd be more of a kick though i don't know maybe it's the way i prepare my ginger i just put this i always put too much of it in there i think this is the right amount this is good this is the amount that you should put but when i do it i put always too much just like with sake i always put a little bit too much in my my recipes if sake called for and the smell is not too strong either hey john did you guys notice there's all this um raw fish being sold but there's no bad smell there's no raw fish smell at this market interesting observation yeah i i love that about when you go to tsukiji and stuff it doesn't there's no bad raw fish smell it's very interesting if fish smells like fish then it's it's it's it's rotten fish shouldn't actually have a smell too hot hot hot emma flores said hot hot hot [Laughter] she did she did good for winter this is perfect in the summer they sell they sell this cold and chilled i'm sure and uh oh yeah yeah they use a juice actually they got it here too they too up on the board did you see the deep fried sweet potato fritters no so somebody had one so they got to be selling them somewhere there's usually a lime carrot cake that i bought i'm gonna eat later there's all of this stuff here it seems like the local people come they make their own thing and then they come sell it right yeah they got some handmade carrot cake hey did you try the gyoza no way they're good fisherman he's the ceo of the boat selling his own gyoza handmade washed he washed his hands dude i was looking at that too i said wait okay it's good katsuo gyoza never had that before just a different consistency than with pork i'm gonna try that it's quite crowded today yeah and it's all local people so next time next to the katsu gyoza check out the takoyaki guy he made the griddle to look like octopus it's usually round balls yeah he's the only one his dad made those he put little legs on his takoyaki i'm serious yeah i didn't i didn't kevin noticed that astute observation well i'm gonna keep wandering i'll see you guys i wish everybody was here today yeah wish you guys were here too this is one of these moments where yeah we wish tourism was back but yeah coming all right in the distance the the gentleman right there is holding a sign that says please wear your mask and what you can't do when you're drinking but i mean there's special conditions this is the one i guess this is near the halfway mark because this intersection is one where you you have to wait for a light to cross should we try to cross all right got my mask on so i i'm on the crowd for the deep fried fritters but i will take whatever we can find i'm not a morning person but when i come to coach i suddenly become one just because i want to make sure i don't miss anything now these palm trees here these these i don't even have their palm trees they're kind of unique and we're wondering about the history of them but nobody knows so i'm guessing it might have been gifted to kochi city just like the cherry trees were gifted to washington dc after you remember the video we saw yesterday from the 1930s i saw palm trees in that so they've been oh yeah so they've been here for for a long time these um midei biscuits there's a story behind them you see them right there i'm gonna see if i can tell it to you as we move along here um is this oh there's kiara just pointing her out here hey did you see the deep fried potato fritters yeah are they here oh they're there oh kiara has advanced knowledge so the the meat egg biscuits here they're different than normal biscuits they're like rick they look like ritz crackers but the quality is is way better they're thicker the they're crunchier and it's they were made by a mistake they used bean oil instead of the normal oil they made a mistake the chef forgot to clean it out and they found that the i guess that first the head chef got really angry and then they tried it and go wait these are really good and the company just makes that so sometimes the best foods can be found out by almost from a mistake but you can find those biscuits in kochi this is yuzu nadel like lemonade but username yeah yeah okay you didn't get that first you didn't get that give me a second kevin's like wait a second username so we've just had something to drink so let's let's let's come back here i keep drinking i'm gonna have to find one of the restrooms which i don't think there's too many of them around here that's the yuzu in the raw form you can see because it's got the the bits on the floating on the top here oh use the artist oh i got this one last time here you get get one of those use the ons we'll split it in half okay yuzu on is like uh ampon i guess but yuzu on it means it's been infused with yuzu juice it's gotta be good and you can see them making them here that's the on the red bean paste or the white bean paste and what he's using is that's the used one you know kind of yellow color oh yeah i love it they're like pancakes but kind of fluffier and you the red bean the yuzu white bean paste is in there but infused with the yuzu flavor all right let's try it david kimono is in the house thank you david we are going to we did we just did let's eat it on the side here i just saw that i just saw the deep-fried fritters okay okay okay why don't you eat it all right sorry cameras or rip it in there all right hold it hold it hold half all right check it out i have to clean that up and i just spilled a little bit of it uh this is a little messier kind of smeared it inside here okay this is gonna be good the pancake part of it feels like it it it it feels to me by looking at it it's gonna be incredibly delicious and it is oh oh i use it yeah yeah yeah this is like yuzu marmalade just tastes like yuzu marmalade like um but use it instead of orange a little bit more sour mm-hmm not overly sweet that's what makes this work yeah it's a lot of the natural flavor so i use it as good in drinks and stuff too yeah not too sweet just right refreshing oh man oh man that's so good you eat that one no be on the spot second reel good no coffee here i noticed that there's just no artisanal coffee we actually um in a live stream yesterday was it we waited for five minutes sorry for 20 minutes 20 minutes for a guy who who was making his here let me put this in there who's making artisanal coffee he he loved the water so much the coffee was just like precious to him it was good coffee but i don't know if it was worth waiting 20 minutes hey there's hannah we keep bumping in the roof we should just recruit ruth hannah did you find something what do you recommend here dude hi i haven't eaten anything yet but i got oh my gosh i got this cutie cutie vegan muffin oh nice does it have a i think it has a face it has a face that's a face what is it yeah i see the eyes right there oh is that a hidden um is it vegan if it has a face i know the secret okay okay okay anyways all right never mind my really bad joke no worries and then oh you got it vegan um a sushi it's called inakazushi inaka means countryside and so i guess that's where it came from the country so this is this is um uh what do we call this um it's a weird kind of ginger i believe yeah some kind of stuff it wasn't quite sure and what's underneath the label let's see like a cabbage [Music] um like a fermented cabbage something like that maybe i'm excited so you're not allowed to eat sushi because you're vegan right yes but you could if you wanted to yeah there are alternatives but you've eaten sushi before in the past when i was when i was not vegan yes how does this compare to sushi i mean in terms of taste do you have i haven't tried it yet oh you've never had any naka sushi no it's my first time really yeah i'm really excited okay this is good all right we'll save it and then report back on to us i love it later on and i want to hear okay how it went my best all right what else you got in there um oh sweet potato mochi i don't know if you can see it but that's all right you don't have to hear everything okay that looks good all right we'll find it all right see you later i'm sure we'll see you again oh kevin this is it this is the moment that all of you have been waiting for no this is the um hot let me get some cash here yeah here take it get some now just get it now get in line i don't think you need two bags just one bag because it's pretty big this is a goodie homemade emo ten it's uh agetate fresh out of the grill check this out [Music] this smell alone is is intoxicating gosh i'm so psyched oil in the morning yes bring it oil oil oil oil all right how do we eat this here [Music] with your fingers look at the oil soaking through the bag that's the way yeah the oil is good for your hair they said it gives it good luster all right i'll take that here grab one yes welcome nice to see you again looks like a piece of ginger though right i thought it was these are hot yeah it's a little bit hot don't burn your mouth biting into this thing all right the screen's gonna get all oily too much slowly [Music] um i like the coating too that's that's basically what i got right now that's good yeah whatever batter they use it's not your traditional batter it's kind of a mochi mochi kind of it's crunchy and it's chewy that is that's what makes cinder crunchy and chewy i don't know many other foods that are like this yeah you can see it steaming definitely glenn wants something here glenn take it am i too late no it's still going [Applause] oh my that's hot hey mix is in the house hey mix let's just see kevin kevin and hannah again enjoy your food guys thanks mix we're enjoying yeah look we went down with a postcard there you go just gotta send one of these with each postcard i can rub the oil on there boy that's good and we got a bunch more to eat too so what's over there it looks like they have some yakitori or something hello i have another one oh my gosh i don't know [Music] this this reminds me of like when i was in holland every christmas we have this thing called oli bolans which is just like like oily donuts and they're so good too sometimes powdered sugar on them kind of reminds me of that but inside is a sweet potato that's totally different it looks like across the street there's some yakitori is that yakitori over there let's see we got bacon cheese wait what did you just say bacon cheese yeah that before size is bacon cheese and then he's got uh are you kidding me he's got they got bacon cheese and he's got reba liver uh coricalo is just the skin of the chicken and tsumizuzuri i love cinnamon that's the gizzard that's right a nice crunch to it michael cesano just got his postcard thanks for letting me know i got a postcard club and matsumoto castle is a postcard for this month it's a beautiful shot of matsumoto we get that on patreon i will send it to you from tokyo station get a nice tokyo uh postmark on it i always try to find the best stamps too there's the next thing they got frankfurters oh where the sausages are cooking now the lady's blocking the sandwich oh yeah um it's just it's um right there with the ladies pork belly oh [Laughter] [Music] all right let's take a quick look see they're doing some yakitori action right here oh look at that sausage just look like freshly made sausages do you think those are freshly made sausages like from their farm there no they're different from yours aren't they yeah they're very different looking sausages and then over here we have uh bacon cheese and all sorts of different yakitori going on here it smells so good kevin [Music] i don't know should we get a couple i'm getting you're getting full we can pace ourselves we can go down the street and then come back for things that we missed we're getting full up real fast so things that we haven't gotten yet the yuzu juice we gotta get some of them oh these are this is the tomatoes that i filmed um about 10 months ago i was here and last year about two years ago some of the best tomatoes were from the stand and i took some back you see these these tomatoes are on ice so i think you can actually buy just an iced tomato or you can buy just a cup of grapes that grow from the farm there but the iced tomatoes are delightful you want a nice tomato it's your turn that's yours do you want one oh so this is an iced tomato and it's it's i got sensitive teeth too so this is not gonna be it's gonna be very painful eating really hot yeah eating very cold yeah i ate these last time but um they're different kind of tomatoes and this is a dollar for this one tomato which seems kind of high but i'm sure that they made this with so much love and got so much special attention this is gonna be maybe the best tomato i've ever had in my entire life but one other thing with the kochi sunday market is that you're gonna find produce that you can eat like it was street food it's a really healthy market so for people that are vegans vegetarians i'm not sure even what the difference is carnivores too even more strictly yeah omnivores you're going to find something for everybody at this market which makes it pretty special you so vegans and carnivores can be friends here just at this market such a meaty tomato but um very good balance to it very good acidic um not too acidic it's mild pretty much yeah looks nice very beefy yeah beefy um not too sweet it's got a good balance trying to turn it around i got oil all over the screen very nice number one all right wow that was a good tomato i feel healthier that balance out the oil i just ate let's talk about balanced diet you can well these are one of the markets so you can balance your diet out oh this is the mochi that she was talking about right what is this is that mochi kevin what is that oh they're pillows you know japanese have the weirdest pillows oh there's some mochi there i think there's a couple of there's a couple of really good mochi stands coming up japanese pillows have barley in them and they're kind of heavy kevin likes them i don't oh kevin kick it out they have there's some mochi right there and they have um i think that's like okonomiyaki sticks this is the uh all right we're going to come back on this let's see what else we can find i'm i'm really not that as hungry as i was 10 minutes ago exactly very quickly my hunger is disappearing all right we got a red light here the hashimaki is looks pretty interesting there was some mochi that we passed up here but uh the end of the market is coming up well 1.3 kilometers long japan's longest and oldest market this is a street food market as well because a lot of people have brought the food here to they they know that everybody's hungry here right so they got drinks they got food they got produce they got crafts they got all sorts of things that you're looking for and things you're not looking for too that's the great thing you'll discover stuff like ruth bought a matcha cup a really pretty matcha cup uh you can see that in the playback [Music] i like the so the three rules are um wear your masks clean your hands and they have alcohol pumps there and try not to speak too loudly we're not speaking as loudly as you think it's just that our mouths are really close to the microphone right yeah so we're doing our best to try to adhere to all of the rules when we go to the side we can talk a lot a lot louder oh it's just the inakazushi here no that's not okay there is some inakazushi all right let's see right there they usually sell out yeah they usually sell out pretty quickly again is sushi with vegetables so it's it's vegan friendly as long as there's no dashi dashi is the fish stock that they uh uh use in some of the soy sauce right if there's no and soy sauce is not technically vegan friendly because there's there's a fish in it fish products yeah i know this because kiara is a vegan and she got angry and i tried to make her i tried we had an argument i said no soy sauce is vegan friendly she goes i would know i'm a vegan i don't know i don't know you're right i don't know i don't know oh they got like bowls of bowls of noodles here this is like a ramen stand did you see that hey what's the what's the what's the buzz here kevin here we got dried some dried vegetables cupcakes and sushi oh this is the um uh pieces the potato in the in the um mushy pond right this is this looks like where hannah got her cupcake yeah how much are these let's get one ah this is a mushy pond which is a steamed cake and it looks like there's pieces of sweet potato in there should we try one or we keep going looks like this is there's a lot of street food here okay just keep going we're gonna walk our way back and then hit the foods that we didn't hit the first time around oh my gosh are those tacos masa casa taco soup really like a mini turkey what's in him is there something special about it what's special about these is that their tacos i know that they're tacos all right you know what what's a masakasa it sounds like somebody's name all right you know what that's not i don't know how coachy that is i'm just gonna keep going kevin's kevin's investigating all right i see why um there there's masa in there which is the from mexico the mexico flower mussel flower yeah half that and half is the kiwi flower from here kiwi is like sugar cane okay so i didn't even know you could make flour from that but uh that's what it says on the thing there okay all right something to try on the way back uh we're saving we're kind of working off all the food that we've already eaten but we're gonna we're still gonna be eating more that i thought this were cookies but it's not there's a fermenting um fermenting vegetables that smell pretty funky in a good way it funky is good a lot of pickled vegetables yeah well they're strong those pickled vegetables my favorite one's in naga a little bakery this guy has a little bakery shop with uh it's cute if i ever retired from youtube i probably wouldn't want a big stuff it's fun and it's warm you know in front of the big oven oh kevin let's try to make it halfway here run run run we can make it halfway because they're selling stuff in the beginning in the middle here so while we're waiting for this traffic light to turn we can check out some of the stuff that they have in the middle here which includes oh i love looking at these things wow check that out i like the pet bottle there i could watch that all day kevin i could watch that all day you know be good if they're like chocolate drops and you can put your mouth underneath there and catch them she's like one for me one for me oh one more for me one more for me i'll take them all [Music] so maybe i want to see let's show you the bintan first [Music] oh i've eaten the mochi from here before too do you want some is that kinako mochi let's get a kinako mochi to share what is that is that kinako mochi no imo [Music] all right let's try some emo mochi i've never had that before have you no and this is a um like a brown sugar bread or something wow black sugar that manju is like like ah all right 70 yen that's a steal all right let's come over here to the corner kevin so if you come to the corner you can you want to fight me for half no you go for it no go ahead no i've got no sweet stuff it's not sweet is it sweet yeah i i can only do so much sugar all right so this is kinoko which is kinako is which is a roasted soybean powder right there might be some sugar in there gosh i wish i could have some coffee i know oh look at that mochi actually it's um it's not mochi like with rice it's like a potato mashed up into mochi so it's a potato it really is a potato mochi but it's not rice mochi this is really unique very different consistency than mochi and of course red bean bases red bean paste but looks like snail head after he ate it [Laughter] nice comment there i made a mess let's go onward oh my god i am now officially full but that won't stop me from finding more get some alcohol there it's not grass snod morning good morning mr snod or mrs snod i'm not sure that's not nader let's see what else we can find it looks like we're i thought we were we're close to done but we're not this market seems to be going on for a lot a lot more there's a lot more market going to go oh this is where i bought my um inaka sushi last time this is the sushi made from vegetables and it i believe it's vegan friendly inakazushi 450 yen you wanna can you can you try one or are you are you full there's some interesting stuff you better not eat breakfast before you come here too skip breakfast right kevin skip breakfast and and come here with an empty stomach because just trying stuff you're gonna fill up fast that emo mochi was heavy man um this covers a pretty significant part of central kochi this this road um the castle which i don't think we can see anymore can you still see the castle oh yeah you can you can just see the castle here between the traffic light do you see that there's cochi castle above the pond the uh palm tree fronds so we started from there right underneath the castle hey there's kiara she heard me say there's kiara but she she's a little shy she's a little shy a little shy oh oh look more doggies there's three of them patrol there's three of them in there i think if i lived in kochi i would get a dog too right oh you're getting a present for kevin oh sunday market guide so the best thing to do is get a guide so you know what you're what you're doing here let's hear some information is there a website here [Music] there's a whole map here that was friendly japan's largest street market with 300 years of history shop see shop eat i like that i thought you were supposed to do six different show wow six chumas this is like basically the length of ginza too i think all the shops there it's good information oh we're here at the end [Music] 50 meters left to go to the end of the market all right that's good so we actually finished it we actually got to the end was there anything that you saw that was interesting kevin that you wanted to try but you haven't tried yet and there's some more more baked goods here check it out this is um looks very organic huh wow we're on the way back i'd go for something from the yakitori from the yakitori stall yeah oh there's some ichigo daifuku this is all made fresh by the farmers they usually will will make it in the morning that is a massive head of less that's one lettuce whoa fortunate soccer yeah that's certainly that's like 10 150 yeah 150 yen for that head of lettuce oh my oh gosh i wish i could take that back home i think it is a little bit cheaper to live down here and healthier and healthier some tofu different kinds of tofu fried tofu fresh tofu one of the first things to go is the inakazushi so oh check out they got um local honey honey oh wow oh look at the bees yeah i could so buy that but they're sold out of the 1 000 yen bottle which would be perfect to travel with yeah i'm not sure what i would do with a 1500 yen bottle but local honey is so good i just want to swim in honey that's how you die i don't think you can get out if you start to swim in there actually she's she's filling up some thousand balls right now oh she's filling it up all right i could be able to get one pure honey she's filling it up out of uh yeah she came with a doggie too cute i love honey it's better than sugar right it is sugar but it's much better but it's honey it's not honey it's not sugar it's honey but it is sugar it's not it's great it's confusing wow oh some big bakery items there some of the p the vendors are making friendly pitches come on over and get a piece people are very friendly here and i think you know if you compare this market with the ones in tokyo you notice like i don't have a a permit like we don't have a permit to film here but it's almost no way nobody cares as much in tokyo everybody is really shy and you know like very not very friendly but here everybody is really friendly and that's what i love about it i found that in tokyo that uh when i got to tokyo i'm like i was surprised because local people are here and osaka are so friendly they go up to tokyo and i feel like everybody's a little standoffish yeah i think so well there's also less people here so it's not it doesn't have the same stress bustling stressful feeling don't feel like new york yeah city people are a little skittish right it's in michael and yeah out here this is the city though this is kochi city but people are coming from the outside into the city oh check it out look we got a little dog convention what are they eating probably eating better than me and here's the end of the market let's look back on it and then we'll attack one more time go on come on in there hey what are those doggies eating he's seven years old did you see the shark tails yeah i saw the shark tails i don't wanna i'm ignoring the shark tails like well first i was seeing that these guys those are dogs you don't want to mess with don't they would be able to take both of us i think don't want to mess with there's some dogs you know chihuahua i could take a chowawa down but those dogs i know it's always going to be pretty nasty she always come can be nasty i could take this dog what do you think yeah i'd lay even bets on you you have 50 really it's even better really no i could totally take that little teeny one down he's got a lot of energy he does have more energy than me small dogs sometimes bite glenn thanks for reminding me unfortunately they can only bite your ankles yeah so if you're in a hurry and you want to get skip um sometimes it can be a little slow walking through the market you can go into the sides here the sidewalks are still uh available and um again like if you if you are eating in the market one tip is to just go to the side and then you can remove your mask there some people are a little bit worried with you especially since you're outsiders that you're moving your mask but um now that everybody but 80 of japan has been vaccinated in an extraordinary amount of people the case cases are quite low here so there's not as much to worry about but still this is a pandemic so you'd have to be very careful especially here in kochi where the population is a little bit older that would be the the one thing i would never want to do is to you know make another person sick so trying our best to take all the precautions that we can do good morning everybody um we're gonna walk down the market really quickly one more time mr das i know the dog is drinking us i bet you he is i thought that there was some crap beer maybe they're coming a little bit later i thought that there was gonna be some craft beer um dudes coming down here on the roll on the roll i i do i'm i think when i go back to the hotel i'm gonna buy it i don't want to carry right now i think i'm gonna buy some me cons too but i'm not gonna i don't want to carry everything back okay let's figure out what this was here this is this really long vegetable here it looks like celery but it's not celery we're not quite sure what it is we're not sure what this is glen rights and onions is it is it onion are you able to figure it out kevin kevin's in his name okay he says business to peel it off they peel off the outside and then uh it sounds like they they put it in water for a while it's not negi it's not nike it's not nike it's something else there was one earlier it was super long um and super thick you can tell it's not naggy when you see it yeah it's called view lucu is what it's called google translate could tell you maybe google translate somewhere else so who knows they had a one they had one guy selling stuff that um he found at the jr station stuff that was just not claimed for too long they had to get rid of it so he was selling it that was kind of funny like what does j.r know you're doing this i wonder sanctioned i'm not really sure i don't think so no no really in osaka i don't know if we have it in tokyo i've never seen it before but to start selling the lost and found items that's pretty weird that's where i buy my umbrellas you should auction it i got umbrellas for 200 yen well you can get that umbrellas at the 100 yen store for 100 yen no no those are crappy oh you mean the good ones i get a good umbrella for 200 yen and because i know i'm going to lose it a little forget it somewhere or something like that so i don't want to buy it brad next or you know a couple thousand yen ah thanks vic vic is telling us to keep keep it up so a lot of walking so we already walked like one point one and a half kilometers or over a mile for the street food thing um so you you want to get a yakitori huh yeah that sounds good all right let's get some yakitori welcome those that are joining us to the street food market here in kochi one of my favorite street food markets uh in japan this is uh not this is more than just a street food market this is a place where you can buy all sorts of goodies um stuff that you had never heard of either you didn't think you you would want you can find it here and you're gonna want it uh like there's some yuzu marmalade there there's a lot of advantages to walking through the market one time and then going back because sometimes you'll find something that you want okay and then you find it at another shop a little bit cheaper and it looks a little bit better so there's advantages to to walking through there one time here's the nakazushi one more time this is sushi made from vegetables is this something you want to take back to uh oh god no no hard to carry yeah you can see there's miyoga which is a ginger and there's some um mushroom on top of there is really good it's the first time i've ever seen that you've never seen inaka sushi before oh yeah it's very famous in in kochi pickling vegetables here is very it's like a pastime of kochi a lot of the countryside people grannies like to pickle stuff so they pickle a lot of these are pickled and then they put it on sushi put it on little rice and uh yeah it's it becomes inaka's issue because they don't have a fish you know if you're living in the mountains you don't have fish right you have to go out to the coast to get the fish so the center of shikoku which is also part of you know kochi goes into the center of shikoku there's no fishing in the center right unless you're by a river so they got vegetables so they make sushi from the vegetables mountain sushi but it's called inakazushi so it's really good it'll fill you up though no no more yakitori which hotel did i stay at last time i'm trying to find it i think it was this one here the uh brant bryant park i can't remember i stayed in one of these hotels on saturday night so i could wake up really early to be here on a sunday morning and film the uh ladies one lady that i talked to she was 90 and she was alone she drove the truck here and she was setting up the stand by herself she was 90. i don't i didn't see her i don't i don't know her her daughter came later and her daughter was like 65 70. she which is awesome they're about two grannies and your mom's still you know still around that's pretty awesome but mom mom and daughter they they kind of look the same to me they both look pretty good pretty good shape and a lot of energy they take care of themselves down here but the fact that she could she could drive the truck and start setting up this setting up these stands here at age 90 was to me you know super impressed [Music] let me get some pine cones you don't see pine cones in in japan so roth geller he took them for free from the vermont hotel and friends you saw that freebies never thought that pinecones had a value you know though can't eat them oh here's the tacos i i'm not really you know i guess if i was really hungry i would get one but i just kind of there's a lot of other stuff like mochi and [Music] there's some cut melon there's the bread with the potatoes in them i think kevin wants some meat so let's go get some meat you want the bacon cheese that sounds good bacon cheese sounds good doesn't it there's some more local honey local honey coach prefecture is in shikoku on shikoku island which is the smallest of japan's four main islands shikoku has also recently been named one of the six most beautiful regions of the world by lonely planet which is a pretty they're pretty proud of that because you know a lot of people kochi is off of the beaten path for a lot of travelers it's not on that circuit between hiroshima kyoto osaka and tokyo on the shinkansen line kochi doesn't have a shinkansen so a bullet train so you have to fly here you can take a train to come here it's a little bit slower from okayama so when you get the distinction of living in one of the six most beautiful regions in the world and which shikoku really is that's an amazing distinction and people here are quite proud of it and if you haven't thought about coming to shikoku and kochi like why not all right why haven't you considered coming to kochi because it is off the beaten path but there's so much to explore and find and i think you're gonna this market is a reason to fly to kochi just for this come in on the on the earliest morning flight and then leave uh in the afternoon you could do a day trip because of the flights that they have between the two between tokyo and kochi i would definitely recommend staying here and doing the nightmare yeah i would recommend doing the night hit on hitomi market at night and drinking with the locals and some of the booze that's a lot of fun oh man we gosh i've had so many good memories there no you don't want the ohashiaki you okay yeah i'm fine with that too that looks heavy as heck it is some more mochi stands lots of produce um the market again i i'm pretty sure i said the market starts around 6 a.m you'll see some stands open it really starts hopping around 8 a.m but around 11 a.m it starts to wind down because people have been up since four three or four in the morning and they're selling out of stuff so the market slowly winds down and by by 1 pm there's only a couple of stands still open most of the good stuff is sold out by um by 11 11 30. right look at that look at the granny's driving in the car they're just they're like they got they're like uh hanging out and watching this the uh all the commotion going on down in the market checking out their friends a lot of people know each other some of these people that are on the markets have been doing it for over 30 40 years some of them generational and if you if you can speak a little japanese they will tell you and share with you some amazing stories all right here you go kevin um yeah i'll try one of those that uh pork belly pork belly yeah or what whatever looks good oh there's a line yeah don't skip the line [Music] you're watching a live scene of yakitori being grilled oh man i can't describe the smell it's it's so wonderful right now slightly salted grilling meat the charcoal and it's november 2 so this cool air feels really good with those barbecue smell usually you associate like summer with barbecues but i think november is perfect barbecue food on a stick is the best that's right it's in uh robot man greg yeah found in japan remembers my 20 minute coffee weight that coffee guy's probably still in the market there kevin made a friend over here getting some inside info what was that all about oh there's a craft fair over on the other side interesting so on sunday because this sunday market is so historical and long running 300 years other markets in the area have have popped up so i think sunday is the place to be the place to be is in kochi and it's every sunday it's a consecutive market i i i don't think they've ever taken a break so if you're in japan on a sunday you know you have a japan rail pass from okayama you can catch one of the express trains it's a beautiful ride because the windows are three times larger than on the shinkansen so you see so much more than on the shinkansen riding some of the local express trains highly recommend it shinkansen's fast but the local trains you can see a lot more the interesting thing is you'll come back here monday morning and it's like this market was never here they clean it up really fast kevin's kevin's in line he just got some uh some yakitori over here is where we find the deep fried fritters those are good it's a sweet potato deep fried sweet potatoes oh my gosh i had two of those i i think that's really what filled me up you can see them in the distance there uh so if you wouldn't mind click that thumbs up button if you like street food adventures and we'll try to do another one really soon i might be back in kansai uh go down to shotengai with kevin and eat some more street food in a couple of weeks or so if we always if we get to a thousand likes i always know that that's something that you guys like so we'll try to do that again see jason is here joy glenn nice to see you guys jko adventures matt hayashi shane collier michael sasano ufo bob thanks guys for sharing the uh the evening wherever you are morning with us you guys can write in where you want it we might get one more after this before we end the live stream uh you can also write in if you want where are you watching from we always like to to hear from wow oh oh the good stuff so which one is mine this one here oh yakitori where have you been ah and what do you got there bacon and cheese look at that oh you do you got the bacon and cheese yeah well anybody who watches his kitchen knows i'm i'm the cheese man you're the cheese man mr cheese oh look at that oh you better eat it while it's melted or else it'll congeal and get hot [Music] yeah there we go all right oh that's good yeah that's your melted cheese inside a little salty little salty but it's good don't break good stuff all right onwards thank you so we get a user drink which is right here that didn't look like a user drink things sometimes do not are not what how they appear here matt hayashi writes it in onwards follow that dog [Music] sharknado which one's more dangerous sharknado is dangerous although this is fight oh you gotta you get hot or cold which do you want yeah this is on tony p thanks tony thanks brother thank you do you want hot or cold kevin hotter cold how to cold all right here we go um let's go hot i don't think that's enough i think you're short 20 here thanks thank you tony all right tony we'll report back to you wow use your aide i don't know less sugar you want a little less sugar all right we're gonna try some yuzu nado which is like lemonade not like sharknado which is shark tornado a little safer all right here we go oh it's just freshing uh so you she was gonna put sugar in there right yeah she put is that it's like a sugar syrup and so i just asked her to put a little less in than usual actually i saw put a lot of person before me yeah i wanted that sweet this is just nice it's refreshing this way yep you know the it's so sour it's so tarty you need a little bit of sugar to take it off a little bit you don't need too much not too much no that's always it's nice with um like with an alcohol oh yeah because it's a little sweetness from look one of the sweeter alcohols and then you get this and it's usually too high summer usually highs vancouver is just a refreshing drink ah it's refreshing oh we have some ayu fish here probably from the shimanto river oh yeah i'll tell you about my iu fishing adventure last year yeah those look good we caught a bunch of these and we they were delicious we caught a bunch and they were delicious end of story oh well except for the fact that i fell in the water and ruined my phone i killed my iphone you got to get a new one of the new iphones you still got iphone 4 right no i have yeah iphone se se now yep that's i think my other one was iphone 4 iphone 3 or something so [Music] well i ordered the iphone 13 pro and guess what apple apple took my money but didn't deliver me the phone and they won't do it i don't even want the phone anymore because if i i think no when i think of when i see the when if i ever get it i'm just going to think of how awful apple was they didn't deliver the phone but they won't they won't give me back my money it was stolen from a locker that the post office put it in i never received it so i can't claim it's stolen but apple reports it as i received it it's it's awful this dispute right now big bully they are they're yeah we're not responsible well then who is the thief i paid for nothing heartbreaker i'll let you know if there's a uh if it's ever resolved speaking of apple though my my macbook pro uh new macbook pro just came in today so hopefully and i'm not even home to collect it so hopefully that's not stolen too apple how can you how can apple deliver the iphone and not have you sign for it i think that is a crime how do you confirm it you need to have a signature apple i didn't sign for anything yeah i know it was 1500 bucks is gone ah this is such good user juice user aid all right kevin let's let's get to the next intersection and wrap this up thanks thanks for everybody for joining us on this really cool uh downstairs uh we can't get up there it's closed well yeah [Laughter] yeah one of the good good um things with staying in a hotel oh this is what i was talking about right that's not negi that looks like a tusk like an elephant tusk butternut squash oh i love me some sunday market i hope you do too click that like button and uh we'll do another market i'll be going up to tohoku i'm going to be going down to kyushu i'm going to be going up to hokkaido too all over the country over the next few months so it's important to hear from you that you like these market live streams and you're having fun let's me know to do more there's a chiffon cake all right guys what a good time this was a fun sunday morning saturday evening for those in the u.s leave me a comment below if you're watching in the replay i don't think i'll buy one of the nice ones are you gonna buy a knife from here yeah it's a cool whale oh he's oh he's does he have the whale shaped knife 2200 yen for a whale-shaped knife kevin's gonna buy one well that's the one right there those knives are shaped shaped like a whale you can see there they're pretty unique kevin's gonna rambo is gonna get one right there you gonna get one all right now we i can't stop the live stream because i wanna see rambo with his knife end the livestream with getting a knife you're gonna haggle it's already pretty cheap i don't think it's a good don't don't haggle just buy it yeah you only do it in osaka he said that's true osaka is one of the only places where you can still haggle that's not a knife that's a whale well said you have a bob a little crocodile dundee let's ask chef riley if he's going to be using this on his uh if he's using this in his new uh kumas kitchen episode so kevin's youtube channel is called kuma's kitchen and you can see him cooking up food in the kitchen every week he's got a new episode up going to use this on the show kuma's kitchen yeah he is look at that i think he was pointing at jason who are you pointing at jason oh yeah you have a machete for what what do you need the machete for you live in osaka oh okay he used to work in the machete society what did he say why does he need a machete that's like a gang member's got machetes like the i watched that show dexter and you know those are the groups that need machetes i'm going to ask him i'm kind of curious now rambo's kitchen mostly chunks of meat cut by machete hunted by bazooka she wanted to wrap it up and then kevin goes no i want it like like this and she says no no it's a little dangerous and and kevin's like no no it's it'll be fine that was hilarious kevin didn't get his knife wrapped you should wrap the knife kevin rambo you have to wrap your knife rambo rambo you're supposed to wrap the knife yeah she said it's a little dangerous and you said no no dangerous come on i guess you didn't see that the fact that you have a bandana and you look like you were born to born to knife what let's see let's see it can you take it out okay take it out yeah it looks pretty cool you gonna do a pose i don't know if there's some police around i don't think it's a good idea it's not that big a knife yeah but it's still a dangerous pose it's intimidating even gave me a little information thing with it coin purse away all right oh that is cute so it doesn't need a handle no i just use it just like that what are you going to use it for preparing or i'm thinking back of my house i don't know it might be fat for cheese but it looks kind of cool to have on the cheese pie you know oh yeah cheese platters it's a cool looking knife yeah i saw these yesterday um we were walking around somewhere i saw some of these on display and i was like oh i know it was in the tourist center yeah and i thought oh man where could you find those and then guess what i found it today so i'm happy yeah that's a good price too oh yeah please feel free to contact us all right all right great i'm happy safety knife yeah all right everybody good live stream thanks so much for watching if you have any questions you can leave in the comments below check out kevin's channel kuma's kitchen uh i'm here i'm john dobb i'm only in japan and only in japan go and we'll be back with another live stream pretty soon kevin's heading back to osaka today in a couple of hours yeah i'm headed to the mountains and gonna be doing a live stream for those of you that don't know um there's a really famous book about japan called lost japan by an author by an author named alex kerr and if you haven't read the book maybe you want to buy the book and read it because on november 17th i'm going to be interviewing him about his experience he's been in japan for 20 uh 50 years now and he's loved a very good portion of it here in shikoku i'm going to ask him a lot of questions and find a way um to connect you and your questions to so i can ask him directly the author of a very it's one of the top books for japanophiles to learn about this country so um we'll be interviewing him on on only in japan go on november 17th alex kerr very cool very looking very much looking forward to that in kamikoya which is uh rajiers who makes the washi paper his uh yokan uh up there so very cool uh i'll be back in a live stream probably tomorrow kevin's back up and uh when's your next kuma's kitchen let's go oh actually uh tomorrow yeah tomorrow and uh it's a new cookie recipe i made up so check that out very cool thanks everybody for for the uh street food money and we'll see you have a good evening good day bye from kochi japan
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 51,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, John Daub, Japanese, Tokyo
Id: kQX4kpaIOhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 13sec (6313 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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