Niseko’s Hirafu Hotel Row Morning Walk

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oh are we live how you doing everybody welcome to niseko this is uh hirafu i believe and i'm waiting for peter which is getting the microphone set up good morning everybody in this live stream i've got two microphones right here we're gonna take you on a trip around hotel row this is yote zaka street that's where our hotel is up here on the hill boom and there's a coffee shop at the end of it that peter would like to like you to see peter's actually walking down the hill right now so let's take a look at this area of the bottom of hirafu which is a really neat place i think it's different when the snow is here so i think a lot of you probably uh if you've been here before might not recognize it in the summer and the weather is so weird it's changing so quickly do you see the clouds there those are rain clouds and there is like a i don't know like a mist of rain in the air right now i can feel it on my skin but then if you look to the right it's like completely sunny i love it when it happens and there's sun hitting my face from the right side and there's rain from the left side this place is kind of closed it's sort of a resort mostly for skiing because of the pandemic there's even less people here and despite it being the high season somewhere this food looks pretty good um i think this restaurant was was also temporarily closed there's a seiko mart if you've never been inside of there we did a live stream inside the sinkhole mart yesterday and uh well i came from this direction here and that's where the thumbnail is the the hotels here are top notch a lot of them are foreign owned they're really cool um and uh very clean and almost nobody inside of them so i like it peter's asking me where i am and he's saying i'm coming to the bottom of the hill where are you i'm at the bottom of the hill and i have your microphone ready black powder roasting company so i guess that's also a coffee place wow the wind is really picking up here there he is taking his leisurely time look at how small those strides are you think you could walk slightly faster not in a hurry these hotels also look really cool when we had to book a place in niseko we didn't know where is the best place to book and i guess mount yote is in the opposite direction but we are up on a mountain so the views of mount yote you can look at this place big windows nice balconies so you get this amazing view looking at this volcano where everybody skis it's pretty cool a lot of those rooms are empty right now it's actually we're going up the hill so it doesn't matter too much if he comes meets us halfway burton isn't that a snowboard company right there's in like an australian uh club here for the aussies that are washing i thought that was pretty weird we're in the middle of hokkaido and there's an australian club i think it's right there that yellow building you can see part of the aussie flag on there i guess there's a bar in there i'm not sure and here he is lost his feelings all sorts of unusual things through his mind one thing i'm pretty sure he's thinking about is coffee coffee oh okay how far up is it the bigger one is over there oh thank you you're welcome is it all ready to go yeah just uh testing one two no no attach it right there yes yes well it's the people that are the people listening that are yeah i know i'm listening too all right all right how are we yeah you miked up there sir you want another stop at the seiko mart no no sure they have hot chef she's really beautiful who what is she well she's hot but i mean what is she i don't know i don't know the picture looks like a cow i would not i'm not one to judge though oh let's okay is this staying on for crap sake all right green light the kushitani jackets are not made for clipping microphones on well with the wind you probably want it uh up as high as possible shielded by your chin chin chin doesn't go in the t-shirt yeah yeah just clip it onto the lid of that you want me to here okay i got it they're good okay we're in business that looks like i have black chest hair it's as though it were it needed that and it's always that mike needed to be used as chest hair can i complete that is look at the tent cover i've never seen a tent cover like that it's floral i love it ah man it's not floral cacti cactuses it's like close cactus is cacti cacti like octopi cactus you just irritate me yes that's easy to do uh welcome everybody to hirafu this is uh mount yote back behind us you can't see it it's kind of shy like mount fuji is oftentimes we saw it yesterday pretty good right heir of mystery yeah we did from a distance yeah um but this place is teeming with snowboarders and skiers in the winter a lot of australians come here and uh argentinians maybe because this it's a beautiful manhole cover kucha is the name of the town i believe well this is hirafu the area is kuchan the town is hirafu in the and niseiko yeah these are all hotel mostly hotels and restaurants so it's made for mostly tourism mostly foreign tourism right this area so the prices reflect that well this place really took off within the last 25 years when i first came here none of this construction was here people had just started buying a lot of foreigners started buying land and building like a ski chalet but then bigger investment groups foreign investment groups started building condominiums and uh ski resorts so there's here there's also some other annapuri is another one um and uh yeah it's awesome snow it's it's considered some of the world's best powder yeah you wouldn't know well i know that which considers the world's best powder i know a little bit about niseko and that's what i said yeah i was like yeah i love tearing up the slopes well that was the tone of your voice well and if it if it's true why do you care because i'm just calling you out well i have skied here many times before you have not any second okay but i know it's reputation right and there's a lot of powder yeah all right but not right now now we've confirmed it look at these top two penthouses yeah that would be enormous why didn't we stay there well oh right because they're like not worth it two thousand dollars for probably and we're in the room for 20 minutes right sleeping and waking up what we have is more than adequate and they light up the trees here it's nice at night yeah it's a cool little town i think it's better in the winter it's gotta be because it's just uh didn't get that feeling and we couldn't eat dinner here there were very few restaurant choices we had to eat in the town near niseko station right um yeah so that's uh that we had a great bowl of ramen oh wow yeah i'm still feeling it yeah i was rumbling around surprised yeah it's a good ramen hokkaido's got some good ramen he asked us for the the noodle texture we got kataman which is uh harder noodles then they asked he asked us for the oil content like how what oil did you want yeah wow i just said always if you're not sure just go food but it was pretty oily on top i thought it meant the volume of the broth but it was the amount of oil no the volume of the broth you buy by the ticket in advance they had that as a as the option interesting ramen place yeah i had the tonkotsu which is the the bone where they they what do you call it the pork bun yeah pork bone but they they simmer the pork bone for days to break down all of the collagen collagen and uh then you have these chunks of the fat and the collagen in there it's just like it's so good so rich yours was the spicy one right oh yeah caramel ramen my favorite spicy miso with negi welsh green green onions and wow chashu steak on it yeah how's the works you add a little bit of garlic if you want to they had some extra miso paste spicy paste that you can put in there it's good ramen hit off food so there are some the souvenir shops are all closed too so it's kind of like a ghost town but in the summer yeah um i think if you're going to take your family somewhere you wouldn't take here you come here maybe for nice restaurants and nice rooms and a because the lake toya was just better yeah yeah of course of course but they have they have like some summer activities you can go down the slopes through the grass like uh in sleds and things they've got that is that the coffee place here that's one of them yeah whoa it's like a coffee trailer yeah i like the windows i actually waved at you i didn't i only wave at bikers what that's true i'm waving a lot everybody who rides at a motorcycle we wave and we rented the car i was still waving at the bikers but they didn't weigh back so you have to be on a bike to get the way you order from outside or inside how do you do it i don't know actually let's watch this woman's gonna order step up to the trailer oh her bubble opened it's a half bubble oh wait i don't know let's see order from the outside maybe she's worried about her money no no she's grabbing her money there's the other coffee shop is down this way and to the left i believe the bigger one oh should we go there let's try it well this one looks good too but hey nagoya john's here hello magnificent legend i'm i'm i believe he's talking to you well hello sir there you go there you go so uh we're getting close to the 500 backers which is crazy yeah we're pretty close with uh 3.4 million yen which means 3.6 million yen which means that we will be making a stretch goal we are booking a ticket in the next few days to hakodate and we'll tell you when we're going so we're going to come back to hokkaido for you to add to the documentary uh another maybe five six minutes to it uh covering the hakodate region which would pretty much be hokkaido mostly for this so good congratulations because uh it's such an amazing place to go and and not to be missed on a trip to hokkaido but we just simply didn't have enough time yeah on this trip so that's uh very encouraging so thank you guys that's gonna be yeah can we rent motorcycles there for for six days six hours or something we could uh rental eight one nine has offices in in hakodate as well as far as i know i'm pretty sure uh and we can look into that if you want yeah well maybe just uh yeah just a few hours of riding just for the documentary the viewpoint maybe get get a feel for it and then up to the viewpoint you know stopping and starting on an incline is not one of my strong points or turns or hey this was a freak accident it could have happened to anybody but it didn't happen to me all right never mind you got to watch the documentary um so this is where we stayed chalet [Laughter] that's more jamaican right and uh you could tell we stayed here because he just look into the garage what do you see in the shadows underneath there bikes to bikes motorcycles that's where we had to park apparently they don't want motorcyclists outside uh in the parking lot here well because the asphalt when it gets hot it it becomes really soft and the weight of the bike pushes in and your bike will fall what they said yeah and it's happened to me before oh that makes sense that's the only time i've fallen so what do you want to get the coffee because we have a limited amount of time we got to get on the road let's uh and we're going to tell you what we're going to do today and i think if there's a signal we're going to take you to one of the most beautiful spots in hokkaido on the sea of japan side not a place that a lot of people go to but on this trip we want to share this experience with a lot of you so maybe that's something you're considering motorcycling and around hokkaido that's sort of what the documentary is about and probably we can stop by and get some of peter's tips on motorcycling around hokkaido i think they're pretty cool for the documentary sure peter lists some of the tips i list some of the things that i learned on this trip too five things that i learned and peter was five things that you need to to know can you do that how to plan and what to expect things like that you bet absolutely yeah i can talk about cornering how to turn around at an intersection right and i'm back in i guess whoa holy he's only got one hand on the handlebar don't crash no please don't crash and a t-shirt and shorts oh my god madman he's not from around here or maybe he is i'm not dude stop at that red light rubber down i just said rub her down did you get it nobody understands it's like a motorcycle rubber down i was like wait a sec at first i thought people were saying rub her down who is she you didn't you didn't get it that was what i was thinking yeah i said rub her down really gosh is that a motorcycling thing i don't know it is now should we get a coffee there is unite bikers unite to rub her down okay uh yeah rubber down peter tips i like that peter does tip you do tip don't you yeah massage you always tip right so i'm looking for this place how about this arabica trailer then because i don't know okay so the other place is down and to the left okay well we want to give a one minute walk a nice view i'm just disappointed look at see the clouds that whole area is uh mount yote and that's where um the skiers go but it's beautiful oh they go there too but yeah those are all the ski but that's the big one that's the big one yeah and you get a view of it this is the mountain on the actual mountain well there's other parts of other ski resorts on the other side but all around here is our ski lifts and and resort areas but this is one of the main one most popular yeah um and great powder everywhere that's as john will attest negligent has amended his comment to magnificent legends with the big capital s thank you for clarifying my ego was not heard i don't know i don't want to i don't want to be a legend i don't want to be a legend legends don't want to be legends they're just they become legends on their i don't i don't know but thank you nagoya john that means a lot to uh peter yeah and me we like to be legends we love you nogueija we love legends all right shall i buy you a cup of coffee you shall are we going to do this one or the one around the corner how how far is it it's one minute does it look better than a trailer it's big it's bigger it's a indoor kind of place okay let's go take care with this let's go let's go look at it at least look at it we have to come back it's the bubble trailers this reminds me of um okachimachi station they got bubbles like this so they don't open up and a woman give you coffee which is awesome i like bubbles guess who's here lenny lenny's in the house yes welcome lenny nice to hear from you we are going to be getting on our rockets very soon at least peter is because he cannot control his speed he said oh we're going to go to the speed limit we'll be good just then he's way ahead hold on we have to go down for oh is this by car one minute by car oh no one minute by car is like 20 minutes for me all right trailer bubble yep all right do you want to hold the camera or shall i i'll hold it or do you want to get the coffee pretend you don't have money again i got money here two coffees sir i thought i was gonna hold the camera i'm steadier i got steady hands right here let me give you some change in case you get something fancy you and your frappuccinos crappacinos all right i want you to document the whole thing all right i'm watching from afar i'm going to do my golf voice peter is generally walking up the hill towards the coffee shop where he'll be purchasing two cups of coffee we'll see how he interacts with the lady behind the bubble well it'd be a very oh it smells good experience it smells really good what smells good i can smell the the uh they can hear you cut beans being what kind of coffee is it peter will describe as he tries to water from japanese what do you want john coffee is plain good stuff cappuccino you want cappuccino it's got milk in it okay cappuccino fine cappuccino with milk something with whatever okay iced coffee do i have iced coffee huh ice ice okay okay so what i'm saying what kind of milk is it condensed milk oh condensed milk okay yeah yeah i know it's thick and sweet right and then spanish has a lot of sweetness okay this guy likes sweet stuff yeah you want something sweet right iced no no sugar no sugar okay so how about an iced uh latte okay 12 or 16. small or big uh big big all right so uh because it might be more money it's a big money and uh i'll have a cappuccino hot a normal size yeah it's fine yeah thank you and no sugar in there no okay one thousand one hundred okay we don't put um chocolate pot on our cappuccino that's all right yeah for coffee not underwears thank you gary yes please if i can get better angle it smells great yeah right sure we've got a really cool custom machine the uh cappuccino machine or the uh uh what do you call it espresso machine you see it you can see from the side it's got some really cool engineering to it why does she speak such good english is she does she live here so do you live here in kidaku okay okay thank you let that smile represent satisfaction uncomfortable yeah we're doing a motorcycle tour so yeah it's bragging now just one night here and then we're gonna ride to uh uh otaru big man got a motorcycle how long is that gonna take well with this guy it's going to take extra hour or two probably no we're having an awesome time he's he's a new biker so he's uh yeah learning learning motorbikes just in case she's looking we're making a documentary so yeah um so it's a 10-day trip here in hokkaido five days on motorcycles four days in an rv camper wow yeah whole trip's about 10 days yeah so we're on day four today this is day four yeah day four okay where did you start uh to toyaco we stayed two nights around toyoko and then uh the third night was where did we go on the third night oh here this is the third night first night yeah that's right yeah so last night was the third night today is day four and then otaru sapporo and back to chitose to get the camper and then to naimuro far east and then up to shiretoko and to akan furano back to shito then we're coming back we just found out we're coming back to hakodate uh we're doing it we have a kickstarter it's bragging so uh our backers are helping to pay for the documentary and support us and and we're showing them all of the beautiful island of hokkaido yeah it's fun is it your first time no this is my fourth time okay yeah yeah um you know all the spots to go to then well not all no definitely not all she wants an echo bag thank you good luck thank you okay yes we'll be back thank you we gotta wave all right this place is called arabica arabica arabica yeah this which one is mine you like cold things well what's with delicious cream it's like latte okay i select it all right whatever i like the percentage yeah that's cool what percent is uh i think she had it she had a percent tattoo on her arm that's cool yeah that was it milky yeah i'll try mine oh man that's rich that's a really rich cappuccino i love that that's the way you want you got to have a powerful espresso taste what's with the what's with the hoodie are you like it looked like a tech billionaire well the sun was burning my noggin so that makes sense all right just teasing um what do you want to do now can we how about let's see how fast you can run down the hill and back up in flip-flops who's with me hit the like button new stretch goal [Laughter] all right you won't do it for just coffee now but i am looking forward to that uh 500 backers and jumping into lake icon yeah that's the new th that's the stretch goal we get the 500 backers we jump in the lake um lake econ is is uh when i was there last it was it was ice they were ice fishing is that jason here he's there oh he's always there yeah we were they were ice fishing it was minus 20 or 23 or something with the windchill even colder it was like canadian weather that's you know what shrinking cold yeah but in summer i'm curious to see how cold it's not so we're going to jump in for impact actually it's still pretty cold it's still going to be very it might be some icebergs floating in the center there well we'll find out but we'll make a stop on a con to jump in we have the rv so it'll be easier we've got some towels maybe and uh we can't do it on motorcycles you jump in with your gear and all that stuff it takes forever to get back on yeah yeah and we gotta get digging into the bags and stuff you know both both legs of this trip have really special parts of of this adventure yeah play special roles um and they're both equally adventurous equally as adventurous um we'll be covering a lot more territory in the rv but it'll be a little more relaxed pace because we can get more things done while we're in the rv and one of us is driving one's communicating with you guys and and working on editing the video um but uh i'm so excited we got some more information about uh the cows oh oh yes so um this is i'm very excited about it especially peter one of his dreams since he was a little boy was to milk a cow and drink it right from the nub is that what you said to me i'm pretty sure that's what it was right you wanted to dream homie you want to drink milk from the nub so um no i think i said put it into a glass and fresh from the oh i didn't hear those words the calm unit because we use we use yeah teeths right they're they the um comm unit bluetooth sometimes falls out i just heard cut drink from cow nub teats i don't yeah i'm right anyways we're gonna be special we're making a reservation on the third or the fourth we haven't decided yet but we're gonna make a reservation at a famous milking farm where peter can live out his fantasy a dream uh his milking dream and drink fresh milk and i there's ice cream there too so part of the and if you back to kickstarter and get the postcard speaking of we have a time sale so if you if you get the postcard with the documentary on that postcard which is an original design by artist dakota are a bunch of cows which represents our fascination with cows on this trip but last night it was mostly deer oh here's the uh postcard that is so awesome you haven't seen it yet this is the position uh put it down uh flat yeah maybe you can see it better maybe up how do you see digital screen is that as bright as it gets let me check yep that's as bright as it gets really okay well hold on i'll pin i'll zoom in a little bit this way yeah that's it okay so you can see there's peter and i we're wearing melon helmets because it looked better than making a melon and watermelon patch to represent that we just filmed the oni of nabooribetsu the cows peter's gonna live that out that's mount yote which is completely hidden right now what is this appointment we are going to furano that represents the lavender and the foxes we saw them yesterday we saw some yesterday they are don't mind the cars passing them too they're pretty used to it but it's an awesome design original and it's coming your way if you uh back get the postcard which helps back in the trip which we appreciate indeed it helps to pay for the accommodations that uh aren't aren't too bad you know and our drinks thank you guys thank you for the love thank you brontonia i saw that coming in nicholas asks about donuts peter were you able to eat a doughnut nick's got a doughnut fetish joined at the hip because i do too and uh creme brulee donuts anyone jack in the box oh my gosh yeah jack in the donut um yeah i uh you haven't seen any donuts on this trip have we not yet but i have a feeling we will now yeah otaru looks like a place that would have good donuts that's what we're stopping next they've got good craft beer a lot of good western uh foods like donuts and bakeries and whatnot so right donut and maybe maybe a special surprise that 30 centimeter thing i was telling you about oh yeah they have the the highest ice cream cone in japan supposedly higher than the daily chico in nakano i bet taller than mount yote which we will never know because it does not show itself what a disappointment yeah yeah yeah so uh things are going good day four is kicking off we're gonna be on the bikes shortly and we've got quite a bit of riding to do but it's going to be stellar the weather's holding up until tomorrow it looks like there might be rain between otaru and sapporo so we may have to have a rain suits on um our balcony up here so we turn we sun is burning into us ah it's gonna be a hot one today we better get on the road soon you can feel this check out yeah because you got the sweatshirt on oh maybe that's there's the motorcycles in there if you missed it there they are in the in the garage so you get to pack it up in the in the in the shade which is a good thing [Applause] and then we're right in towards um uh naifu what's the name of that town iwanai iwanai yeah iwanai which is on the sea of japan beautiful town and we're gonna go all around this peninsula should i show them on the map real quick yeah if you get if you got that handy i did show it around we go around the peninsula and end back in otaru we're not really in a hurry we want to make sure we get awesome drone shots and get this tripod out and get some uh shots of us rolling around curves and stuff and maybe a really nice picture which we could share with you in fact for the kickstarter update i put up about i think i put one picture but i'll put a 10 or 10 or so pictures up there from our cameraman who sent some screenshots oh winded going up this hill oh my god i'm out of shape our room is the one with clothes hanging off the side of this high-class facility that's our uh riding jackets which were drenched in sweat drying off all right here's where we're riding try to get it where blue dot is where we are right now okay and we will hold it in your shadow here you're close to close to your body sorry okay okay so we are at the blue dot it's not it's hardly see but can you see at that angle no it's it's so dark let's go in the shade here there we go treat yourself to a natto shake what natto sergey's uh maybe not right away do you see it oh man that looks it sounds healthy though angle a little bit down on the top point right there okay okay so nice so there's a really squiggly road here and as bikers know when you see a road that looks like a small intestine you get a big smile on your face because that means awesome riding switchbacks and curves white turn that frown upside down johnny what's wrong oh nothing i'm trying to get the curve scare you make sure that okay so we're going to take this this squiggly road up to iwanai and then that begins our uh roots all the way around this peninsula which is going to be awesome it's the ocean riding all along the way and then we're going to be stopping for lunch over here at hopefully a really good sushi place and we'll show you guys that as well um i don't know if we'll be able to live stream there maybe in a documentary but uh we'll live stream on the route somewhere if we can get a signal it's all about getting the signal out here right hey pg crawford thank you by the way just one last note so uh we got a message from norway actually norway airmail is not available yet but if you're okay with cmail we can open up norway as one of for the rewards that's great um if your country's not represented in the rewards it could be because a lot of countries in europe are not open to airmail so the only option is cmail norway and finland are the two countries where cmail is the only option right now um it's due to the war in the ukraine good news though for australians finally after almost a year airmail is back so kerry and hana and we get a bunch of other backers on my patreon site they're waiting for packages for such a long time they're going to be on the way the second i get back in and carries was an olympic mascot and they cancelled the mail like the day i was going to send it i went to the post office and oh wow sorry we can't accept it and that was you know she's an olympic mascot no i'm sending her an olympic mascot oh it's one of these little plushies so jason it is getting it's gonna go in the mail after one year and she's been sitting on my desk keeping me company congratulations ems is back foot a regular small packet is back basically everything is back so canada is the one place that is a mystery canada closed earmail and yeah jason look into that for us will you yeah i'm very disappointed in trudeau's canadian mail he needs to go in there barge through there and go what's up with that um let's get some flights to japan japan is open right somati is on the way down under yeah to winter and australian winter thank you jason for that and um thank you everybody for supporting so we will open up if australia australia should be open because we i figured they would um open up the packages there but if your country's not represented there's a link also in the kickstarter that shows um if your country has airmail or not unfortunately norway is not one of them but i'm constantly looking to see what updates are i figure canada will open up if australia did in the next uh couple of weeks jason they're part of the commonwealth right and by the way i ate most of your your goodies because they were going to expire so kadai and i might have nibbled on them so i've got to send you new ones buddy but they're they're on the way what are you gonna do i'm not gonna throw it away i had to nibble on it sorry jason so we'll get you we'll get you some new stuff and uh that'll be good dhl would cost more than the actual reward it's like ridiculous i know because i had to pay for dhl for the kicks for the fireworks oh wow yeah i ended up going into the red oh dear with that project another reason why we're hoping to make up for it with this and smoke yes it did but that's but it was fun to to do it it was for a good cause all right say say goodbye to this man who's very patient with me most of the time i'm always happy yeah i'm always patient speed limit 100 in first gear 100 one limit yes i understand one wheelie have you used the sports mode i did i did you weren't around because you were like i had dust in my eyes that's why uh yeah loving that bike loving that bike in fact i would almost consider getting rid of my speed triple for the tracer yeah seriously well i it doesn't have the same power as the speed triple speed triple just was just yeah jaw dropping uh acceleration with the yeah um but uh i like the tracer i like the riding position the smooth acceleration uh with yeah with the windscreen yeah just it's just a nicer touring bike it's a cool looking bike with that purple trim on it yeah yeah it's sweet what's an mt10 david brown rights in here try the mt-10 mt-10 i'm not sure what what model is it mt-10 i know is it a thousand cc or what is it i'm not sure what's who's the maker i'm not sure you're asking me i only know honda a yamaha basket yamaha but what style of bike is it mt-10 is it a uh i don't like you know the cafe style or sport bikes you know you want to be comfortable when you're riding distances yeah speed triple is yeah thank you maple maple cook is also canadian so i'm happy that i'd be happy when when mail returns to canada that'll be the best day mount yotes not in sight but maybe will be later on um thanks guys for backing the kickstarter making this all possible and watching these live streams and i'm glad that we can take you with us a little bit and share the experience i will be in an rv in a few days which will be cooler because motorcycles are cool but it's really hard work to stop and film the rv we got everything all the gear yeah yamaha m10 hyper naked apparently this is it sounds like a good buzzing around town bike yeah but on long roads a long uh travel i'd pass yeah it's it's good for yeah i don't know but i think you want a really comfortable bike what we've been doing and we've got two pretty good ones right now all right everybody see you on the road yes we'll try to be back uh in a little bit later um from somewhere really beautiful and share that experience with you another place that's very beautiful bye guys thanks a lot bye nicholas we'll get some donuts
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 14,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, John Daub, Japanese, Tokyo, travel, Niseko, Hirafu, hotel, Stay
Id: oStXBjKS0wE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 24sec (2424 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2022
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