Japan’s Olive Island | Shodoshima Port (Tonosho)

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hello everybody welcome to shorashima's port town tono show i just arrived here about uh 20 minutes ago already got to rent a car and you're seeing one of the big ferries taking off heading back to somewhere maybe okayama i don't know i just got here i came here from takamatsu and i'm ready to explore this island it's pretty exciting i i this is one of the islands i've ever been to um i've been to owaji owaji island i've been to a bunch of other islands i used to live in hiroshima and would take ferries to the islands of the inlet sea and and now i'm finally here i've been trying to get a permit to film here for about two years now and finally got what i needed in order to bring you this amazing episode which starts with what is right in front of me these are these are olive trees you can tell from the color i i've been all over greece so i remember seeing these olive trees everywhere it's kind of neat to see them here in japan and shoroshima is in kagawa prefecture which is shikoku even though we're very close to honshu island but this is considered shikoku part of the kagawa prefecture one of japan's 47 prefectures and that ferry is these ferries are the way to get here i i don't know if there's an airport to be honest with you this statue at the port is called the gift of the sun i believe it's a pretty neat olive wreath you can see down here olives i guess it's somewhat sponsored because there's names on each one of those leaves but the ports the port's pretty comfortable size i got to be honest with you i thought it was going to be um a little bit smaller even smaller than this but it's not and i'm going to take you inside this um tone i believe this is tonosho kanko center here this is the uh a lot of gift gifts in there of course made of olives and this is the ferry terminal that i came in there are two ways to get to this island one of them is on the slow boat hey arthur thank you one of them is a slow boat and the other one is this one right here boom this is the jet boat so the slow boat's much bigger i'll take that back or i'm actually going to okayama i flew in through takamatsu i'm leaving and going to okayama from here but i took this jet boat and it got me here in like 25 minutes which is really fast beautiful day like this i probably should have taken the slobo but i was just in a hurry to this live stream the water is really beautiful it's a little bit hazy because of the overcast skies we have here i believe a typhoon has just gone through japan so hope maybe this will clear out tomorrow the sea waters when the sun is shining through it's this beautiful blue and i'm gonna take you over the course of the next 72 hours to some beautiful locations all over shotoshima here's the uh ole port tonosho right up here hey there's danny that's funny i just messaged you message you on discord and here you are awesome yeah the high speed boat is what they call it that was 1140 yen i believe which is less than ten dollars with the exchange rate here um so let's go let's go have a look around but first i got something at the gift shop that i wanted to try before we go in there because i'm i'm dying of thirst this is an olive cider it contains less than one about one percent olive juice which i guess is a good thing for cider but it's kind of neat because all the gifts here on shotoshima seem to have olives in it and the olives are a claim to fame because i think it was back in 1908 there's a story behind it back in 1908 when none of us were born they imported some olive trees to japan and they planted it in three different locations around the country to seeing where they would grow and the only place in japan that the olive trees would take root is right here at shoroshima so it became part of the island's identity and now they have an olive harvest which will be taking place i'm coming back here to film that but i'm here mostly to scout out and get ready for this amazing olive harvest as you can see there's no olives yet never mind that and if you keep watching till the end please do i will take you inside of my james bond car that i have rented here that's right it's a really weird car it's it's a daihatsu but if bond were to ride a daihatsu it would be this one i'm not not sure this ever going to happen all right let's give this a try here oh my gosh that's fizzy oh oh mama i don't taste any olive at all really it's sweet it's really fizzy and maybe a subtle olive perhaps maybe if i eat one of these these are olives i'll get that olive taste mmm so olive soda not really olive tasting but i like the label that's half of it this is two dollars at the gift shop i'm gonna take you in there and then we're gonna we're gonna go through here to the car where i'm not gonna drive this time but tomorrow or maybe later this afternoon or the day after tomorrow i'm gonna take you on in on a ride in this car uh it is a convertible it is really low to the ground and it's small i didn't realize that when i rented it that i wouldn't be able to put anything in the trunk if i open the top but gonna be an adventure the reason i got an open car is because i'm going to be using drone shots and then driving and following me with the open car to show you the beauty of this island i think an open car would be the best way to feel and smell taste the air bon jko adventures in bond bonkar aston martin bmw daihatsu you have to put it in a question mark uh i don't know which daihatsu convertible i just know that the people at the shotoshima rent-a-car were really nice and the car was slightly dirty i mean i had to wash it out myself with alcohol rags that kanai gives me to be safe not exactly i wasn't really happy about that or like hairs in it and stuff like that it's like whoa really but it's a local rental company i try my very best to to support the local businesses and here in an island i think that that's kind of really important too i do it because a lot of you are are all local business owners yourself and i think so is every youtuber i think every youtuber is and we support it's like a network we support each other all right um let's go inside here it's nice and air conditioned um you'll see olive trees all over i've only been here for like 30 minutes now and i'm just really excited about this oh baby it's a lot of fizz we're just gonna walk through here i'll show you just briefly some of the gifts they do have olive olive wagyu which is very unique to the island so there's a restaurant over here and they do have olive wagyu on the menu do you see that it's like an olive burger dome i might get that for lunch actually but everything is olives olive oil oh olive soy olive soy sauce wow i'll show you it's in an olive olive jar oh here's olive oil it's dashi inside that olive oil and this is a garlic olive oil wow and here's just salty garlic garlic olive oil so there's all sorts of different kinds of olive oils i guess you would you'd get that if you're making olives here oh wow so there you go there's the brand and that's the mascot i believe you have to have a mascot [Music] wow look at how sunny it is it's so hot there is a 7-eleven over there i walked in there nothing from shotoshima inside so right i guess they make sure right across the street if you want to get the local products you have to come to the local center here uh this is the second the shotoshima visitor center or concolo center i guess you could get gifts there uh the rental car place is just down the street that's a shell gas that's where i'll be filling up and bringing the gas tank back full they made sure i did that are you ready for this all right okay hold on a second i'm gonna take you now uh because i want this to be a valuable live stream i'm gonna take you just over here and you can take a look at the ferry schedule and get an idea of what the high-speed ferry looks like um because i'm sure a lot of people going to want to come here there's my car look at how small a freaking thing is look at how small the other look at this what this is a daihatsu robe what i never heard of this either a robe maybe it's a cute little car scares me looks like i'll get trampled underfoot um yeah jack writes in here looks like a toy kind of feels like one too when i drove out of there and i drove out of there fast it wasn't that i floored it it didn't go anywhere so there's not a lot of power in it but seriously look at this and um the top does come down again this is why i got it and i'll be flying the drone following me on here which is gonna be that's the reason why i got it when i come back here uh for the harvest i am not i don't think i'm gonna be renting this thing it is tight in there okay all my bags are in the front seat i'm here alone you can't put anything in the trunk because then you can't put the top down so there's that going on here yeah and then there's a a g3 350 wow impressive um hey you guys want to have lunch with me maybe i can i can order some food together so this is the high-speed ferry terminal i'm gonna take you in there the screen's gone dark just based on how freaking hot it is out here they have an olive wagyu burger dome so the hamburg is on top of the rice i think and that looked pretty darn good and the price looked good too but any wagyu burgers i've never had a vloggy burger that was better than an angus burger like a u.s beef hamburger consistency is too oily i think for burgers but you write wagyu people get excited hey bronn donnie is in the house thank you that's going towards lunch all right let's just take a quick look see here wow so you can see up here in the map shotoshima is not a really big island but it looks like it is on the map doesn't it we're over here on the left side and my hotel is is just down here all right so everything is kind of on this left corner but today i'm gonna i'm gonna try to explore as far as i can maybe even circumnavigate the island and uh there is some fields here which i thought might be really beautiful for the for um riding with the cart and the top down and the drone so that place looks really good they got deers and stuff is that reindeer and this place also with the mountains in the background and then there's on the right side there's some pretty fun looking places and natural places to drive the car and get some of those shots because i wanted to be a fun video hey brian c how you doing i'm finally going to japan tomorrow whoa the whole cobot procedure was really stressful i know anyways greetings from bakerfield california well i'm really happy that you're gonna be making here buddy and katayama's in the house how many hamsters under the hood i think there's just one and it must be a really big one i guess it's like a guinea pig i don't think they could fit many um so the ferry times are pretty frequent here let's you can get your ticket from a vending machine so [Music] maybe not this one i'm not even sure how this works i think that's a different ferry maybe it's over here oh this is the naoshima which is the art island oh this is now shima oh yeah so it's pretty close here now foreign interesting so now she might have 40 minutes from here the ferry network in japan is really good so you can get around the inlet seat pretty well again when i was in hiroshima i would ride the ferries on the weekends try to explore would definitely hit matsuyama go to dogo onsen a couple of times so nice there's there's a map of the island right here oh my gosh i'm sweating oh this has pictures this looks great look at this this waterfall here and the 24 eyes this looks really neat too location of a movie showing the traditional appearance so they made a movie set here and that's pretty deep on the on the edge of the island interesting oh look at these this is where i wanted to drive the car looks like where bond would go at the nakayama terraced rice field i'll be i'll be going uh there today trying to find a place there's no rain scheduled for the next couple of days matt votes for the waterfall i'm with you there buddy i probably will go and explore it i think i think the day after tomorrow i'll have more time and be able to hit the far end of the island so today um i'm just getting a lot of b-roll today trying to get as much uh as i can for this video because summer is a completely different feeling to other times of the year right right so summertime it's uh it's hotter it's got a different look to it and i think if you're going to an island which i learned when i went to ogasawara and aogashima and some of the other beautiful islands of tokyo and okinawa as well just there's a different sunshine the way that the lighting hits is so different in the summer compared to the fall and the winter and the spring so you want to be here to get that so the sunset is going to be really beautiful and there's a place on this side of the island where you can see a beautiful sunset and believe you me i will have the drone up and get get get some really good shots and i'll see if i can share that on our instagram with you all right let's go see if i can order this um order this uh wagyu burger all right he's walking over here i wish they had all of ice cream and they kind of do they have olive ice cream but i think i'm gonna get this here what do you guys think the olive butter hamburger don't okay hey all right so the ladies asked me to wait hey get away from my car look how small that thing is even from a distance i thought maybe if there weren't any cars around it at all it looks pretty impressive ah so let's have some lunch here i'm glad i'm glad i'm not eating alone because it's kind of uh kind of sad i wish that kanai and leo could make it here i wish that peter could but he's back in the states i wish that you could too but you're trapped in a foreign land which you call home is that for me did she say juban i need you yomba okay all right listen for juban because that's that's my number i gotta go get my uh go and get my lunch here um so today i'm just going to try to explore i get i check into the hotel uh around two o'clock but i want to scope out the sunset position maybe even go swimming get get the beach up get the drone out follow the car around i want to scout out where the olive trees are being grown tomorrow one of the officials from the town is going to meet me [Music] hey that was so fast i thought it would take some time oh look at this thing wow so that is uh i believe olive olive pork on a bowl of rice and this will sustain me for the next few hours look at that and there's some ginger on top you see some green uh onions on there let's give this a whirl huh give it a ride down the digestive track ah then i gotta get into that car you know that's like if i was driving it in tokyo that would be such a death trap i can't imagine i'm looking at it now and it's so low it's so low on the ground oh hey i saw some chats coming here muhammad hi how you doing and akin's here i'm glad you're able to travel and explore again john thanks for these uh extremes you're very welcome i'm glad you're with me buddy all right let's give this let's give it a try huh there you go i can definitely taste the olives it's got a really it's a little bit saltier and there's an edge to it you know if you eat olives and not everybody likes olives but if you eat olives there's a like a salty very distinctive taste to it it just has it it's really nice sprinkle some msg msg gets a bad rap it's not that bad it's something people complained about in the 80s a bunch of babies spice when you think about it msg it's a pretty remarkable invention guy was able some dude was able to come up and make a salty assault think about that all right you can't you know i get nothing against msg you say compile when you're drinking when you're eating you say itadakimasu which is a way to say um to thank for the sacrifice of the food which is very much like saying grace chemistry is not a salt it's a flavor right msg is found naturally in kombu i i couldn't understand why you got such a bad rap i remember in the 1980s and early 90s chinese restaurants and asian restaurants got hit like no msg like it was such a it was a killer salt is do you think salt's any better no i like any dumb buddy actually one of the easiest dishes just get a bowl of rice and dump something on it so nice so they just basically put a burger on rice with sauce really good it's storming here in tokyo wow when we left the flight here so i pulled from um haneda airport which is really busy [Music] and there's a bus and the bus waits for everybody to get on so you you don't have to worry about it get your luggage the bus was still there so rushing at takamatsu airport doesn't make sense so i got on the bus with everybody else who was on the airplane and it took about 45 minutes to get from the station to the ferry terminal the english i will tell you this if you do come to takamatsu the english announcements is the worst i've heard in japan ever it's like one of those auto voices the pronunciation is all wrong and says the final destination takamatsu station so i almost got off and then it said in japanese that it wasn't the final station the final station was the fairy pier so foreigners were getting off there and walking for 10 minutes to the ferry pier if you didn't speak japanese that's funny i was only foreigner though that i could tell yeah they couldn't afford pbg or they just don't know about peter he's freelance he's hip peter could do it he wouldn't do it for free though [Music] so our mutual friend josh another really great um voice artist here in in japan josh american voice he does all the announcements for the tokyo metro so whenever i get on get on the tokyo subway the metro the male voice is josh it's just funny because like every time he's i i picture him there with me saying this like next stop is you know hanzo it's hard to find msg in america because it's just stigmatized i think if there was a battle between msg and salt salt won josh keller super talented guy yeah good friend of peters and mine let me drink is in just about everything here and um i mean i guess it's like amino i forget what they refer to it as in the label they don't write msg but can i try to avoid anything that's not organic although she tries i'm probably going to go get an iced coffee and then drive over to the hotel just see if i can check in and then take the car over to some of the fields tomorrow's a long day [Music] i'm pretty excited um just a note this is not on about um about shoshima but today peter and i booked the ticket to go back to hokkaido to do one last ride as a stretch goal and a way to say thank you and because we reached 700 people um yesterday which is i'm still on off of this amazing high from the excitement of these 15 minutes that like we got so many new um supporters in like this 15 minutes which gives a show like i'm not a really good salesman but if you don't make an effort to do that if you don't make an effort to promote yourself if you don't make an effort to to try to make a living off of this it's really hard to make a living off of this but you can do it i i've been waiting to come here for two years to get the because to get this permit and the access to film and uh um i'm just about done with the video i'm about to upload the melon auction of you buddy for like the last two weeks i just needed one more day but this came up and it's like a hard stop and i have to film this and i have to film the other island i'm going to and then for the next two weeks all i'm doing is editing i might cut down on live streaming a little bit but i'm just gonna focus on that main channel and getting things back together again it's been hard you have to choose you have to choose man it's not an easy choice either there's there's these things that are time sensitive that you can only do once i i don't know if peter and i are ever going to be able to do the motorcycle thing again that we can't keep talking about it right you've got to just do it so when it when the chance came up in his schedule right before he went to america and in my schedule which is you know somewhat flexible there was this trip and then there was that trip and and so much stuff happening in between um after this i'm probably gonna take kind of lean back a little bit just edit it home but i have to be honest with you editing at home is not easy anymore if i'm home and leo and can i are home i can't focus at all leo comes in the into my into my editing area kanai will ask can you watch leo and then of course the answer is yes i'll say no and then i'll get this and then i say yes it's hard and because leo wakes up at like six i can't edit until four anymore that's when i got most of my stuff done i have to sleep something else totally out of sync i'll get there there are some some offices that you can rent for the month and i might try that out just to get out of the house and edit somewhere else because of the coronavirus i guess i mean do i take the risk i don't go to cafes to edit like i might be doing just you know when you have a family you start to think differently about risks like is it worth it right now it would be yes yeah peso that's i'm working on that as well but to take to take on an office and more overhead doesn't make a lot of sense either so i have to kind of find a way to make this a win-win situation i have some friends that have offered you know like a desk space and things like this i mean i might do that and then move into an office but you kind of grow into it you don't just go ahead and invest a lot of stuff in it because um having to restart over was you know i'm still kind of um catching up well everything's going good you know if i was home i might even lick the bowl no i wouldn't i might i could it's that good done that's a good burger all right onwards get this day moving i've driven that car a total of 400 meters from the rental car shop to this place um now i'm a little bit scared to drive that car it's looking at me so small look at how tall the people are and they're average height they're average height so oh maybe it's nice to be in shikoku yeah it feels good to be out of tokyo and not hokkaido for once been in hokkaido for ages that has been my stop i did tohoku for ages as well now hokkaido and now and i'm hoping i can get another couple other episodes in kochi maybe i love kochi it's a great place uh that's on the other side of shikoku island if you have any questions you can leave them in the comments below thank you i will do another travel update when things change i probably in september because uh right now with kishida-san's new government just starting um and the obon holiday and the seventh wave i don't think there's gonna be some any massive changes in tourism i could be wrong but it looks like once summer is finished uh probably we start to hear see some steps towards reopening japan serious ones uh the next step i'm not even sure what that looks like but i know that a lot of you don't want package tours as i said this when i was in uh i said this when i was in the haneda airport a few hours ago nobody wants package tours there's 800 comments 800 freaking comments it's amazing on the um uh live stream i did a couple of days ago talking about how japan only had 8 000 people come to japan from june to july for two months minus 10 days it's like 45 days or something 8 000 people came as tourists that's not open that well that was the point that's why i was angry that's not open and uh i believe um something says that we'll we'll hear an announcement in september and then i i believe japan will will open up better in october i don't know what that'll look like yet but i i think you're going to have to get a visa for a while it's not going to be a visa on arrival like you could do in japan quickly but i think it's going to be more like what the us does with this um aster asta i figure what they call they have a system that kanai has to get just to register online to get the visa everything has to be done online for confirmation before you enter in the country um i believe they're going to do a system like this esta right kelvin it's kind of annoying she's like i got to renew my esta and like it's so easy to come to japan but i believe a lot of countries are going to be doing this pre-registration that uh um before you travel to that country they want to know who's coming in and who's who's not and they're going to do a better job digitally to track people for your own safety i'm kind of not happy about any all of this but that seems to be the way that the world is working everything is trackable everyone's got a smartphone in their pocket and because of that they use that to their advantage to make it easier but also make it safer i guess there's advantages and disadvantages privacy is probably the biggest disadvantage but if you have a smartphone you're already putting yourself at a disadvantage from privacy issues no matter what people say it's just a fact and i don't think about it nobody does bob writes in here ridiculous does any tourists from other countries need to have coveted health insurance before entering japan i'm not sure if you need to have health insurance at all but if you were to get sick in japan don't look to the government to help you out all right they're having a hard time with right now in the seventh wave and the last thing they want is people coming here to get sick and and putting a strain on their on their medical system which has more old people than anywhere else in the world it's like this is an old country it's top heavy no one's having kids but everyone's staying alive to 100 so no one wants to go to the hospital field of code from from abroad can you blame the locals i guess not they don't care if you come as tourists this is just the terrace industry cares i care i care so uh there you go i'm gonna get in this car and drive around and i will take you with me tomorrow for sure and on the on the 15th probably i'll give you a drive we'll drive around in that car before i return it and i'm leaving to okayama in the early evening and i'll be staying in okayama at night um for a night and then i go to the next island it's busy busy four days then i get to go home and see leo who probably learned a few new words every time i go back i feel like i'm missing it right if you're father and you're away on that you probably feel like you're missing it i don't want to miss it it's another thing you know it's hard i love this job i love the chase i love to find a story and chase the story you get an idea and here it brought me to this island today and now i get to chase it down i got permits and i got you know interviews all set up and now i get to make it collect the ingredients and then i have to cook it edit that thing and upload it and it feels so good and that's part of this the this is this part of why i'm a youtuber it's actually the main reason maybe the chase of an idea to something you're making something it's cool and that's what i'm here to do so i better get to it have a good day everybody take a look at that car for the last 10 seconds oh look it looks so much bigger when there's not another car around it doesn't it click like if you think you drive that car and click like if you think that you couldn't i don't know just click like
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 12,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, John Daub, Japanese, Tokyo, travel
Id: P8mMC4IycbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 14sec (2414 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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