Hokkaido’s Yubari King Melon Store & Town Walk

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hello everybody welcome to melontown hokkaido this is the michi no eki or roadhouse for ubari which is the most famous city maybe in the world for its melons this is where you have the melon auction where they can go for as much as fifty thousand dollars because i was there this morning at the melon auction which takes place in sapporo and this year they only went for thirty thousand dollars but come on that's still a significant amount of money for two melons thirty thousand us dollars it's crazy so in this episode i'm going to take you inside of here where they just started today because they can't sell the melons until after the auction they just started to get stall the melons inside of there and guess what i got one i got a hokkaido you buddy melon to eat we're going to cut this up together in this live stream it's pretty exciting for me a lot of you can't eat it but i will tell you every single gross detail about the melon i'm about to consume before we do that there's some customers they just reopened this roadhouse this michi no eki so i'm going to give it a couple of minutes to simmer down and then we're gonna do a very quick walk around the center of your body city i guess the the center of the new u-body city which is a little old but it's got a lot of personality unfortunately in front of us is melanchoma's house my mortal enemy who once tried to bite my head off his house is in like enveloped in spider webs it looks like uh so he's not going to be joining us today he's on vacation apparently out in the woods eating melon which is a shame like one of those guys might be melanchooma over there i don't know hey brontonia's in the house exciting like most hokkaido towns it's pretty quiet here not a lot going on but that's part of the attraction to me anyways central u body which is where the city hall is is straight ahead they don't have a train station here anymore um the ubati station the the line that jr runs here stopped running but they do have a new u-body station which stops kind of close to the city center although this might be the new city center because that's where melanchoom's house is right there i can't believe it's under spider webs i guess they're renovating it i guess it's gonna be better than ever in a year i don't know but they closed it down right before melon season started which is doesn't make sense i guess he's attacking all the melons if you're a member of this channel there is actually a melon kuma emoji that you guys have available you might want to use it because i'm taking you to his bus apparently it's more than just his house he also has a bus so financially melanchoom is doing pretty well here's the post office this this area is called uh what is this moment this is a roadside melon stand that will be selling melons probably tomorrow it just started today so i no you can't blame people for wanting to take the day off including me i'm gonna take an afternoon nap because i was up at four in the morning so that we could drive together to sapporo to film the melon auction which was over in like 20 minutes hey who wrote that boom shakalaka how dare you put peter and a melon together he will not take kindly to that so i guess there's a you body melon right there yeah nice all right i think they got some you buddy melon soft ice cream as well what is that over there oh they got some in this shop too here's your first in this episode here's your first look at mount on kuma boom the bear with the melon on his head it's one of my favorites all right we're not gonna eat here because michino eki is open look at that lonely bulldozer i guess these stairs were made for us all right back to the michi no eki we go let's go take a look at melanchuma's bus now for anybody that saw this on instagram if you saw this yesterday on instagram i posted a picture of this bus on an insta story and there's a picture of melanchooma doing something not becoming of him although to be perfectly honest bears do this in the woods sometimes they use rabbits to walk wash up after but it's actually on the bus an image of this there's a big piece of melon on the side of this michi no eki which looks like a supermarket that went under and they re repurposed it into something better and i'm going to take you inside two or three minutes gosh i'm i'm craving that melon right now oh my gosh i actually got right here this is yubotti melon jelly and they found a way to package god the wind is strong they found a way to package the melon taste into a jelly capsule so i will eat that i've never had this before it's one of the confections that you can get at the airport here in sapporo you can you can find these ubuddy jelly shots that's got a kick to it i don't know is there booze in that i don't think there's booze in it but it feels like it feels like they could have a little bit of something in there all right if if we play our cards right we can end this live stream eating some yubotti melon ice cream but i'm saying play cards right because i'm so full oh my gosh i hate too much all right there's there's melanchooma's bus right there let's go around i want to show this to you before we go inside i can't believe this bus is here this is crazy this is like ben and jerry had a had a truck right when they first started well melanchooma's got a van a bus van this is what i'm talking about that is somewhat nasty sound off here if you like this click the like button see how many people actually like that see little melon kuma and that looks like his one of his kids laid a melon duty it's kind of and it's steaming that's how you can tell that's nasty right i know and look melanchoma terrorized a melon patch and just destroyed it and left ruins like godzilla in its path oh my gosh i'm surprised there's not blood on his teeth this is he's got he does have a baby that's baby melon kuma i guess he's had a child uh slightly creepy looks like a a repurposed wolverine wow and the teeth on the actual mascot has blood on it and it scares the crap out of kids which is a good thing because kids although bears are cute winnie the pooh thank you bears are actually dangerous you don't want to me have we don't want kids walking up to bears and going hey mama bear and then the bear eats the kid it's better if kids are scared of bears that's not your average teddy bear melanchooma is maybe the greatest mascot in history larry fisherman has found the melon kumaimoji all right let's go inside welcome to you body hokkaido how much is a yubari soft ice cream ah they have many sizes oh perfect i could go for a mini size they have other other items too but when a new body you got to get your body melon ice cream and it's orange of course some melons are green inside you body melons are are orange or red i guess you'd say aka all right inside we go there's my car i've been driving around for the last last couple of days the youth hustle i'm staying at will blow you away if you get a chance to watch the live stream i did a few days ago uh okay i gotta get a picture here too look at that mega you body melon in the background now they're they start off green and then they turn like a yellow and that's when you know it's done so we can learn a little bit more about the body melon inside of here so after we finished i'm going to actually cut up a melon live here but you can come to this michi noeki and you can buy the melons and they're koko no hoga yasui yeah it's a little bit cheaper if you buy them of course from the source and fresher because they were just harvested today all right let's go in the back here oh behind the curtain hey all right this has been in my car oh there is a cut okay okay okay wow this is a you body melon this came right from the farm it was a gift from one of the farmers goto-san who was so nice enough to give this to me and i wanted to eat this right away but it's been sitting in my car in my room i slept with it last night because it was cooler in my room than it was outside hokkaido is known for being cooler but right now it's actually quite hot maybe even hotter than tokyo nice [Music] mama [Music] okay yes [Music] and then just eat it all right this is a yubari melon they can go for econo size m sizes it's like an ml size which is actually supposed to be about six to seven thousand yen here in your body and a lot more in tokyo yeah i'm uh right-handed so all right itadakimasu all right the first thing that you notice when you cut open a yubari melon is the smell it smells so good has a very sweet odor to it and it just will take over the room it's almost like if you had a bowl of strawberries and you can smell it all in the room and because it's so ripe even through the skin of the melon you can smell the you body melon goodness coming through there it's so juicy and sweet it's not overly sweet though there's still a very fresh greenness to it but if i compare this to any other melon i've ever had you can tell this is just better the meat is so good i'm getting a little wet on the cardboard here but i'll just take another bite to refresh my memory it's sweet but it's not too sweet so you can eat a lot of it you know the you prob yeah you can tell from the price it is a little bit expensive actually it is it's a premium item of course you don't eat this every day but i think that's what makes it even more special right it's like if you're in hokkaido this is like something that you've got to do right you don't need to see me just look at the melon i think if you're in hokkaido this is something that you have to eat in the summer now the harvest starts in um the harvest starts in may and goes on until shichi gatsumade hachitas oh man look at the juices coming out here you can drink it it's that good yeah until about so you can buy them from now until about august and it takes a hundred days for them to start from just a seedling to a fully ready to be harvested you body melon and each one now there's a bunch of them on each plant but they actually will trim some of the smaller ones so that all of the focus will go into just one two like one to three melons on each each plant and that makes it even more tasty which is great again as soon as melon season starts i'm all over this because melons in japan it's just such an amazing season peach season melon season cherry season summer is awesome yes you want to eat it i said i can't put this through the camera to you i really want to give this to you through the camera but i can't can't do it it's juicy now you probably want it to be chilled and put in the refrigerator just a little bit not too chilled um part of the experience of the melon is that smell the aromatic aspect of melons and then when you get it in your mouth and you taste it the consistency the juiciness of it the meat the bite that tension that goes in through it and each time you bite it it breaks apart and i don't want to say melts but it just all comes together a light sweetness and then a very slight green green bitterness to it that's pleasing but not too bitter you don't get very much of that bitterness just a very slight one i'd say like 95 percent sweet five percent that green natural vegetable uh fruit bitterness that you get which means it's good it's not candy that's a honeydew melon how do you do jenna honey honeydew amount should we eat it's not a honeydew melon this is you buddy king melon so the variety is you body king melon and even if you have the seeds i don't think because the weather has to be perfect you can get the same you can get the same melon if you had the seeds your body melon is a hybrid melon that's true it was made it's um bread specifically um and the taste is they make it in a way that and they always find a way to improve and take fruits to the next level in japan even the white strawberry which i focused on before they found a way to to to change it to make it sweeter bigger better it's like always improving even fruits can be doing it and that's nothing new because they've been uh cross cross fruits and and uh vegetables for a very long time it's not something that's new um holy smokes i'm telling you i can i get a whole this is just a quarter of one of these okay and i'm full mainly because i ate this massive katsukare it was 800 yen i thought it was going to be small but i forgot this is your body and it was like king size what is it this is my happy happy point i'm very very happy um just had a renewal and it opened up again today so if you're in hokkaido you'll be greeted with uh a brand new michinoiki so let's go in there um let me show you around the michigan some of the things that they have here that you can buy here in all right let me take you out here uh brandon you cannot eat the skin all right so it looks like a supermarket in here oh my gosh this is a michi no ikea or a road house and they sell goods well of course i think they do have supermarket items but they sell goods that are raised and grown here in uh yubari and all over japan these the michi no eki system is like a gateway into i see this is your body melon chocolate they make all sorts of things from the body melon and there's a half half shell of you buddy melon chocolate you buddy melon caramel so they find a way to put that that sweet you buddy taste into everything do they have a body melon curry what that's pretty cool they got the of course they've got melon haichu oh man i'm gonna have a field day i gotta take back a bunch of stuff for can i she's gonna love this hey michael cesano's here welcome i i took you into melanchooma's house a couple of months ago but because this house is closed they do sell uh ferocious t-shirts here inside the michi no eki and i did take i did take one of these to uh to leo he actually likes melon kuma oh my gosh what see he eats the fish and it goes through his head it's pretty nasty i love it oh i gotta get this for the airplane an eye mask i freak out everybody on the airplane when i fly back to new york next month i can get this for leo too it's a hat melon kuma hat all right i'm gonna take you in here let's take a look at some of those your body melon a little bit closer so these melons here you can tell based on the quality also determines the price so you really do get what you pay for i've been learning a lot about the melons over the last couple of a couple of days a lot of them so this kind of points out here um it starts off you see on the left side that's what you might see in the supermarket and then over time the color of the melon will change if you remember back in the live stream that it uh about 10 minutes ago it looked like this so that's that's the point at which i ate it so if you get a melon that looks like this you don't want to eat it yet you want it to wait until it gets to number four and then eat it and the process to eat it is pretty self if you're gonna pay like 50 bucks for a melon you better eat it at the right time to get the maximum oishi deliciousness out of it so for example this one is not done this will take some time before you might want to wait a week or so what if you eat it at one though yeah you know what it tastes like you're eating it's like it tastes like you're eating i don't know like like lettuce maybe i don't i don't know you want to wait until the right time so this is a the smallest size here it's about 30. i this is the cheapest i've ever seen one it's got the ubati melon seal do you see that so that means it's real so they do have people who fake it abroad so this one is about 30 3800 yen which is like 30 maybe 32 dollars the exchange rate that might be the cheapest you ever find in your body melon this one here is m size which is a step bigger and you can see there's a price difference of 700 yen or about five dollars more um these are ranked as good meaning they're going to be tasty but these over here are ranked as very good so you're going to get a better experience with these and very good starts up at 5 g's or about 45 maybe 40 dollars and this is an m size which is about i don't know like 20 bigger and their price is reflected in the size and then of course you can get boxes of two i think melons are best when you get them in two because they're so good you want to have after you eat one you want to have a second one for tomorrow or you just buy a box like this that's so this is uh um 20 000 yen or about a hundred and sixty dollars maybe this price and then this box of six with smaller ones is uh 15 000 yen or about 120 dollars it's hard to it's hard to judge the exchange rate because it's changing so much patio 87 says that she would never spend that much on a on a melon but let me point out to you that you do things in life sometimes that are special you would do it on a special occasion or give a gift to somebody that is special to you and you want to show your appreciation so you give something that you yourself wouldn't buy so that's why melons work really well as gifts these are the melons that were at the auction and i think these are a few hundred dollars actually wow oh my gosh so this is around the same quality as the one that they paid about 30 thousand dollars for this morning it was 3 million yen they paid for two melons at auction this morning i was at which is an incredible price but in 2019 they paid 50 000 or 5 million yen for it so it's not quite the same but you can see there's a difference between so you can tell the difference that why these are are better they're just bigger they are actually much bigger than the other melons that i just showed you and that's reflected in the price wow gosh i'm so full all right have a good one life hawks wow inside the michino ecchi they also have cakes and stuff local bakery let's see if they have any melon oh they have meron castera and uh melon drayaki that looks really good the melon drayaki so let's oh hey check this out oh that's so cool this is the road sign when i came off of the highway when i entered ubody city it's famous for the ski and the melon that's pretty cool that's the actual sign coming in the u-body i might have to get one here's the jr you buddy sign for the jr they don't have this station anymore but that's funny that you can buy it it's a pin i think there's another michi no eki for you body that's pretty nice that's pretty neat it's all about the melon here so for those that not sure how many vegan options of food are there in japan what well kevin you're looking at one they only have melons here so you'll do just fine so this is sapporo right here that's hakodate and this is hokkaido so from sapporo which is the biggest city your body is right here so it's really close from the airport which is here uh a new shin airport it's about a 40 minute drive to go here and tomorrow i'm i'm taking the train to here and i'm live streaming that so you might want to tune in tomorrow at 12 30. i'll take you with me onto that train oh very nice oh these are the old like old gumball machines from the 1960s right that's pretty neat highway signs [Music] oh my gosh i am i am uh i'm meloned out every day i've been eating you buddy melon all right so a couple things here starting next month i just found this out they have this place at the yubari melon dome there's a dome it's kind of cool they have all you can eat you body melon for 2 500 yen that's 25 and i can eat like six melons if i put my mind to it i can put them out of business although i think that they'll grow some more i don't think you can eat more than one melon though but you'd get your money's worth so it's almost worth it to take the trip from sapporo out to your body just to eat a melon it pays for itself you think about if you do the math um so i might come here with peter we're gonna be doing a motorcycle trip around hokkaido i'm gonna start this as a kickstarter and we're going to introduce this later on this month we're going to show you hokkaido in a new way from a motorcycle and and maybe from a camping car because we might uh do some camping around the the wide east side of hokkaido but we want to show you the entire island so it should be a really fun pro a project we're working on a new postcard with peter and me riding motorcycles around hokkaido being chased by a bear something i don't know what dakota's gonna do oh my gosh i'm so full i think i'm gonna explode hey sergey welcome thanks for becoming an insider i appreciate that very much all right so there you go uh i'm not gonna have that melon ice cream i will i will actually probably put it all over the screen it'll be a different color than when i ate it you don't you don't nobody needs to see that hello so that's the ubati melon menon kuma truck and uh this is ubotti i kind of enjoyed it i have one more day here tomorrow morning i'm gonna be filming at another melon patch instead of the vinyl dome and learning a little bit more about this for a main channel episode i'm going to get that one out as soon as possible i'm working on the melody road one which i took last month here there's a lot of really good episodes coming on only in japan so it's going to be an exciting exciting 30 days of a ton of content rolling out now after this i'm going to nemo which is on the very east of japan again to do another episode i'm filming about a train there the citizens found out that jr was going to stop the neymudo line so the citizens decided that they would take matters into their own hands vigilantism in a good way they started a crowdfunding campaign to pay for the train line so it wouldn't go out of business so i'm going over there to ride the train line and see what is the attraction why do we need to keep this train line i'm so i'm going to be in nemuto for the next three four days uh interviewing the city staff the people of nehmuro kind of look around this this out outback city i want to say outback because it's really out back out there and get this story because it's called the hanasaki line and it's a really beautiful local one-man juan mon train line i think you're going to love this episode on the only japan main channel so there you go i'm staying busy this is my second channel but it really does help support me to do the main channel stuff as well as patreon and i love you guys thanks so much i gotta burn off i think i'm gonna go burn off the all the stuff i ate all right have a good day everybody see in the next live stream i'll probably do another live stream i was i thought i might do a q a for patreon tonight but i might do that tomorrow and i'll see you tomorrow on the train i'll start the live stream around 10 12 15 tomorrow japan standard time and the train comes at at 12 25 maybe we'll get an eki ben and then get on this train it cost me 90 for the ticket so this better be a really nice train see everybody no melon juice
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 15,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, John Daub, Japanese, Tokyo, travel, Hokkaido, Melon, Yubari, Yubari king melon, shop
Id: TPX0jft40K4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 59sec (2159 seconds)
Published: Wed May 25 2022
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