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[Music] alright guys welcome back to another daily driven exotics of vlog we got something super epic going down tonight I can't tell you what it is you're gonna have to watch the video to obviously find out but Alex joy is waiting for me we're here at Javier's strategies here little cameo you'll see more of the Strad man oh by the way f spots here say hello and oh crucial cali cars you look like you're about to freak out let me know what you guys think about this kind of crazy [Music] somebody find this gentleman's medication [Music] I love it what do you guys think of the Divi eleven write a comment below let us know what your thoughts are I think it's really cool looking I have yet to drive one Alex have you driven a DP 11 I have not maybe it's a car we should go and pick up from the dealership and take a ride that's a demo farther Oh camo arena o'gara let us see maybe there's a video in the next couple of days that's going to involve a DB 11 test drive and that highly technical review by Alex and Damon [Music] [Music] we can either of us could park that car in two seconds without touching any of this stuff but I get it it's your responsibility you guys said you can do it we're just watching we're not complicating it we'll go eat you guys figure it out ballet scrapes from bumper that's that's gonna be the title of this video they gave up they turn the car off we're going in to get some food what are you getting or at the ramen bar spicy what insane don't get what you can handle we're eating at a place called Tatsu it's a ramen bar that these iPads outside you order your food and then it comes out when it's all done and I just met a subscriber John who works here at Tatsu who totally hooked me up so I can't have any carbs so I did like up or off with a ton of meat and some onions and so I got the custom hookup thanks John I can't wait I'm hungry even though we just ate alex is like how are you hungry you just it was like two and a half two and half hours ago that's a half by the way what did you get a mango slushie okay guys here at Tatsu they totally hooked me up you're currently on a very very extreme low-carb diet 20 grams a day which is like next to nothing so I can't have noodles I can't have rice I can't have a whole bunch of other different vegetables like potatoes and things of that nature so what they did was they supplemented the noodles with mushrooms so these are all I can't remember what he said a certain type of of mushroom and then I've got some onion I've got a special broth but they couldn't even tell me what it was and then I got pork and chicken because they're gonna have protein high fats and this is amazing it's killer John here at Tatsu hooked me up shoutout to John thanks for watching the channel and being a subscriber and taking care of me bro you guys craziest thing ever John who works at Tatsu a huge fan of dde subscriber John thank you so much came out as we were leaving right we were like we we're leaving in the this lady came out and she was like oh wait wait wait John has a surprise for you and he comes out and he awards me with a black tattoo cards a VIP card free raman for life at any tatsu and this is a huge ramen bar chain all over the United States means the world to me that someone appreciates all the hard work I put in I like ramen they hooked me up today and Alexei's there all the time so we had Alex's we had Alex's name also put on the card for now we have to share it it's the last one they had this is a big deal so Alex we got we got free rum and wrote on the back of this it says number 27 out here so of all the years - taja has been open I guess they only gave out 27 of these yeah and you're the one of 27 it's pretty sick I'm super grateful and I'm here week on week off so where do you think I'm eating from now on when US giving John a ride just now he said he's seen me a couple of times he said he's seen Chris a couple times here but he thought he was always afraid to come out and say hi to us he's seen me there all the time but literally John was outside today and Damon literally ran into him and named if John was never outside Damon and John wasn't a gentleman saying like he was actually like really tried to come up to us and all that so like honestly if you see us in public like seriously you want to say hi to us who you want to take a photo with us or whatever dude that's what we do this for yeah just come up and say hi we're normal people just walking around with big fuzzy mics on cameras and we're the ones that actually feel more awkward than anybody trying to go up and say hi to us and well Alex took him for a rip in the car he blew the clamp on his exhaust right off so we're going to a hardware store kiss and nothing's open to put the exhaust back on I'll show you guys in two seconds thanks for taking it on for a ride by the way he was stoked and all he wanted he said for this card in return was a fat burnout so I'm coming back with the tyre Slayer on Tuesday before I leave we're gonna tear it up on the parking lot where John works a tattoo which is gonna be super epic oh you guys okay see how on this side where the clamp is see how it's all together there well come over to this side come on that's the exhaust tip there but right now it's yeah it's off you just blew the clamp right off bro that's how much power you got that VF power just POW it's just loud so we're going to Orchard Supply Hardware yeah we'll see how this goes I found a pig guys Alex Alex Alex Alex you got your tool would you get 13 millimeter wrench BAM then you need my help with this right I do need your muscles okay muscles on the way titanium is it cools down really fast so you can touch yeah it's crazy like we were only in there for maybe 10 minutes and you can touch the muffler already second a fit all right so you know loosen it and then and then I'll hold it and you can tighten it back on that's that's our plan that's the only plan we have okay it's really hot out Alex picked a really hot day to screw up his car and we have to fix it so James need to hydrate homie yeah Strad man he always says in his videos hydration is key okay what are we doing you need to hold that you can just hear like this sizzle of Alex's flesh burning third time what do you mean the third time you didn't you didn't mention it was the third time this has happened you need some bro you need some better clamps I'm not a clamp expert I'm a zip-tie expert but I'm not a clamp expert I'm gonna say he needs a better clamps just a third time this thing's popped off just sayin although maybe he just needs some zip ties to hold it down huh huh huh makes sense yeah get in your car we're going all right I'm excited you guys should be excited let me explain let me explain let me explain Alex what did we just get confirmation of the odds are we're probably not gonna be able to find this hey don't listen to him he's being very negative right now we just got word we're gonna find it we're gonna find it this big baby right here wants find his p1 GTR a p1 GTR you guys we're talking full-on hardcore DD about what would be like the most epic freakin production tire Slayer self-proclaimed buy me car on the planet that's not even street-legal but somehow these rich mofos get them insured this guys rolling around on the street in Beverly Hills and I McLaren p1 GTR big wing Bret what dude you're like the dog and op squirrel okay we're going to find it for you guys we will find it something negative Choi guys we are car-spotting in Beverly Hills we're going to start right there let's pass our last roaster we're doing pretty good for the car-spotting Hey look at that 812 super fast damn dude RC car spotting is on point that over there don't do that we gotta find this p1 GTR so far the cars we've been spotting are literally in order escalating in price set up 488 coupe just one well we've got a wipey Ferrari it's a blacked out California and there was a 430 spider around the corner I hope it's hiding somewhere all right you guys we're on Rodeo unfortunately I think I think our odds of finding the p1 GTR are no good apparently the owner was there for like an hour and then left Oh 76 we gotta go go go go go right Alex is currently gripping it for you guys in an attempt to no end an offer soon in this p1 GTR spot we don't chase cars like this ever but when it comes to a five million dollar race car that's on the street that is hands-down probably one of my favorite cars on the planet right now we're doing everything we can and we thought we thought it was dead the hope was gone there's hope there's hope no no no don't say that come on you guys we found the p1 GTR are you doing out [Music] why did I tell you right when hope was gone there was a glimmer and I was like I have this feeling we're gonna run into it did I not say this did I not say that that's Law of Attraction we're on the tail you guys up the p1 GTR we're on its tail there is actually a cop following tailing the p1 GTR how is this you guys we found that stuff right here oh my god bro dude I had to see this thing I've been doin absolutely bananas to see this come on tickets car anywhere number one number one right here [Music] here's the steering wheel it's I mean it comes off right yes Oh Mike yeah yeah well leave it come on you guys yet the thing Alex this hour just won because he was we we've heard the last hour and 20 minutes hunting this car down insane p1 GTR this is the race car you guys obviously I mean move the steering wheel like that's how you hold it and then look at the paddles right here these little things that's the paddle insane I love the orange all over the dash with the carbon and then we've got the wing this is the wing we were trying to replicate on our cars look how low this car is I don't even have to say I'm out of words this is my dream car ultimate dream car I win the lottery tomorrow or I work super hard and my company blows up and you know I make a ton of money i'ma hunt down a way to get one of these this is it for me this is it this is the car there's no other car I would chase for an hour and 25 minutes just to catch up with and get some shots for you guys it's true but I forced you of course you kept saying we weren't gonna get it I have it on video we can negativity here said we weren't going to catch it and I literally said I have a have a feeling we're gonna run into it I mean look at this thing it's just absolutely stunning [Music] all right so fun fact we just learned this is the only p1 GTR with backup sensors it is the only p1 GTR that has air conditioning because this is a race car so has an AC button in here and it's the only people in GTR that has a radio this thing is it's my dream car I mean it has the wing that inspired the whole design of a chassis mount wing that is on both Alex's of mine and Cartier's you know cars leave these doors like look at the way that the door arrow is and then if you come all the way up how you can look down both on the inside and the outside and then right here I mean this car has more stuff going on and you can imagine then of course you got the heart of the beast right here and then up a front massive massive breaks ceramics latest generation although I don't know if the Sena has newer newer ceramics but this is obviously got the best of the best at the time this car came out and then all the era the double canards the badging you want the badging you want to make sure everyone doesn't mistake this for anything else so p1 GTR both sides and then you've got the tow hook and the fans down to the radiators and the massive intakes on the hood I can't get enough of this car and then look at it just in this color in the Sun [Music] come on you guys well I'll tell you what this is where we're ending the video because this is the video thanks to Alex what Damon said I always pull up at a light I was in the right turn lane we saw this p1 GTR flyby we had to make a left turn he says to me run the light cut across all six lanes of traffic and make the left while the light is red and as honk coming traffic I'll pay your ticket you can quote me on that I said that that's not that's pretty well that's what I said you guys throw Alex a sub smash that subscribe button on this channel if you love this type of content we got plenty more where that's coming from thanks for watching this episode I'm just I'm just going to take it all in I'll see you guys in the next video peace [Music] buh-bye buh-bye [Music]
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 976,574
Rating: 4.9126143 out of 5
Keywords: lamborghini, mclaren, p1, p1gtr, hypercar, rental car, supercar, alex choi, car spotting, exotic car, ferarri, pagani, lyft, uber, Daily Driven Exotics, Lamborghini, Supercharged Lamborghini, Exotic Rental Car, Rental Car, Lamborghini Huracan, VF Engineering, Drifting, Burnouts, Supercar, Tire Change, F1, F1 Sounding Exhaust, Porsche, McLaren, Bugatti, Pagani, Koenigsegg, Ferrari, Audi R8, Mercedes Benz, Amg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 24 2018
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