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[Music] yeah there's a nice weave back baby welcome back to another episode of daily driven exotics got my boy Dave here and we just arrived back at Toy Boys house home hey what up brother how are you oh there's your dog I've never really heard them like that before okay let's go you've had a rough week leave it will even gone hey your car gets broken into all this stuff goes down freaking you guys Malibu and everybody our hearts grow to you guys we leave and literally everything went crazy here but thank you to the first responders and firefighters it looks like they got a lot of that under control I don't know what else I said I think there's a link that people can donate money to we'll put it in description if you can spare it because there's a lot of people in need here do bm2 is seen better to hold on this is not the first this is the second smashed window and the other windows still not fixed so look this window is still smashed and it's taped up and then oh yeah oh yeah you can see all the glass still in there dude that's up at that socket oh dude you're pulling a straight-up dde you're trying to get right in on my stuff aren't you zip ties holding your car together well it's nice to see that Dave's car hasn't been pranked you've been too busy with your own problems you couldn't mess with our cars what is going on here why is your car like taxicab yellow in the front your cars going in this color like for real like for real for real Oh tada wrap reveal okay cool all right BAM so what's going on why you pop the hood your subscribers probably are gonna see my video first which is already uploaded on your channel no on your channel Oh see I never know with him because our agreement is we have no agreement he can upload on dve or he cannot blowed it on his the reason why I know he's gonna upload on mine more than then his is because we edit the videos for him Oh your mom's coming with us for trying to see if this is long enough for a side skirt dude that's gonna look sick the car in yellow damn oh by the way guys we have a sponsored video today yes your favorite phone case rock form this is called the crystal they also make one called the rugged which is boom right there so you can see the difference this is a slightly thinner slimmer case however the rock form case exceeds military drop specifications so it's absolutely amazing and it has a neodymium magnet right here that is a hundred time us talk more proof Oh magnets oh yeah so we could sit here and you can stick this on any metallic surface and you know watch a movie right here on Alec I didn't realize that your fenders were not made out of aluminum hold on due to the our age and this is why we have these cases you guys now the real reason that you want this little magnet is because of this right here you see in Dave's car the vent mount it's really simple this is all it is little simple ven mount you put it on like that and pow your phone is going to stay in place while you drive the cool thing is is they have all your attachments don't they they do and they lock in like this this one here and you can put that one up on the windshield or you can get all your nav and everything you want right here so you can have a good copilot not Dave Dave's an awful copilot that's why we got him his own car you guys links in description 30% off the going grab your rock phone case today this one's called the crystal it comes in these cool almost carbon fiber looking like patterns multiple colors orange blue grey in fact a Nardo grey very similar to your car and my car's rap pattern you can get a you can get a case that's very similar to this go pick one up support DD support rock form and let's get on with this whole day is this this is your old friend isn't how was the worst kick I've ever seen actually totally need Dave needs to do a leg day or two Dave no cold start honestly wasn't sure if it was going to start so you're going alex is going to go in get a car curling is an epic re-engage neurology just a car one time no fuel brand you dry like literally the Carlos let's start the bush it's all concrete [Music] bro it's so windy look at this that's part of one of the big things that are fighting right now with unfortunately these wildfires down here is this extreme gusty wind because it obviously just blows the fire all over the place we got quite the lineup of cars I like this one I like this one wonder what kind of mods are doing to this and then you never do the black paint ever what do you never do use the dust and your finger to write wash me that's in there someone wrote walking in the dust that's that's me that's Savage let's go let's go see gutter snake whoa dude brother didn't you see your rain light flashing Oh rad new rain light I really hope this one lasts longer than 24 hours really you got a haircut bro look at that neck you know it's a haircut how are we doing we're doing pretty good yeah so in an effort to solve the shock and dilemma that that Dave's currently going through Matt that is a paperclip get out of here that's not my fault you guys just some paper dude you put paperclip in your car is it gonna work is it gonna work and clip away my friend if anybody has no idea don't work right here look the most de way I could possibly so we're not photoshopping oh yeah by the way this place you guys look it's dark out 24/7 working on fixing the our egg I see more lights on than we started with house talking about you have an emission now what do you up to are these the stock ones yeah left of them what's left of them Dave you really did a number on these fun fact you guys these are two thousand dollars per corner the factory OEM magnetic suspension for this car it's ridiculous okay Gil costal I've heard that that's taken forever 24/7 on our time right now right you know can I totally give you guys a piece of advice instead of going through the mismatch of unloved resistors just go to the box that has the one you want you have them the whole time time you have these the whole goddamn file oh good job damn it Damon Damon we're going home what about this one Dave see you actually got something that's working yeah that's a 1.50 resistor damn let's go see what the computer tells us all right let's see how lit the corners are we don't want a lit situation in this in this room we did this one first the right front yeah and as we can see we only have a code for the left run Oh the left rear and the right rear so now we're gonna go back we're gonna clear it yeah I'm gonna pull the codes up again this is it this is the true moment did it work it'll work it worked it worked I touch the button what's the Bundy de these things the less buttons we get to push so hold on let me get this right this whole situation is just one big gimmicky you just poke these how is that not gonna fall out when he's driving down the road we have two options dude and these are options that you and I shouldn't be discussing because actually we should let's not tell Dave let's just do the exact a decision well we're not telling Dave okay we're gonna do this the right way okay we're gonna take those connectors yeah and we're gonna cut them off okay and we're gonna put our resistors on those connectors and plug them back into the car everything will be good you okay all of the Gucci situation yeah that's the way we should do it all right okay or we could just shove the resistors into the connectors yeah and electrical tape them and just send it oh I like to send a dog home less time and money spent on Dave's car so we can get to the real issue at heart my reign light look who showed up Mitch is back for a Redemption shot with the f1 rain light he wouldn't let mark put it in he came in just to fix it he doesn't want to be known as the failed f1 light rain guy harness the power wash it wash it whoa almost all day anybody who stole this car ain't working on mine [Music] hey we need to make your car louder where do that right now mark we make it louder [Music] all right what's the plan your I like it don't like it already who's soon Dave I blocked it you can't what wrap it in black tape no that's what we do to me bro it looks like that's what you're doing survey says you liar you guys look we just got hoodies in tricolour dde merch new shirts come come here description link in description go pick up some merch take this wire dude like BAM it's big boy this fixed like it's not even there now break it again no see we can unbreak it and I'm broken broken links in description hey the link is not in the description the link is in this question you got it you got a couple screws loose just saying whoa I don't like this accusatory remark here I don't know about you I'm a dropout from school and I'm pretty sure that's not a real word the real work just somebody he did did me I know that was your precious mark Iver bender liner out for this one what happened what went wrong nothing we're just gonna make sure that we do a tidy job I'm starting to think I'm not on the last one we're doing a tidy job on the last one here guys thank to myself yeah it may reflect poorly on me if I just throw stuff together no well it's it's gonna wreck it anyhow my mission is working on the brand new rain light let's see the new green light so this one will actually meant a month it's got a proper plug it has three not four wires three actually meant to flash not take a brake light and then try and make it flash right so so we're gonna have this bad boy back on there and flashing at some point we're going up up in the world thank lassie for your date mark is solving the rubbin issue in the front oh hi you want to go up a foot I think yeah we're right for yeah yeah turn that switch first hit the switches roll it hit the switch yeah give me the solid we're going pit lane oh yeah hey you sir it's fish - where's no longer I miss you Asian there you go bro you got some fender job now yeah not gonna be ripping us the wrap-up on the inside anymore that's good and you said mark this is gonna come down a little bit just a just a smidgen Mitch once again you guys saved by agh thanks to Mark Iver and the mission Oh time to fire the tires flare up the hill how is it I'm out of gas I'm not a guest [Music] goodnight mr. snake goodnight later bro Davey Boy hey let's hit the road I'm hungry what check this out you guys we got the TFS 570 in the house we also got Dave I'm here I'm here's got no car he's Carla and Shawn's got the over a look at this all white everything really got this you got them like the red guts interior head the wigs goes plops model isn't it so we're gonna take the crew or you're gonna mop around for a little bit have a bit of fun this thing is absolutely bonkers look at the wrap on this so it's got like that five 70s gt4 style and then you've got a satin chrome we got the choice choices in the Mambo vo what's up hold on what did you just say it's pretty fast okay we are no longer friends we're no lower ends [Music] and see that thing shooting flames dude this thing shoots crazy flames you guys have seen it before on the channel some of the new people have not seen this on the channel this had a different rap before it had a very cool old-school livery from McLaren racing heritage which was a Marlboro theme so it was red and white and was weathered but now they've got this awesome a lot of people have seen this on the channel but there are a lot of new subscribers since we've filmed with this so yeah I love all the details like I love this color this highlighter yellow dude in this whole like satin chrome thing is pretty wild I was thinking about like some form of a satin chrome on my neck strap yes here you know and I'm too basket I'm getting come on a purple splash donkey oh no all the blue slushie there you're gonna get one let's do this [Music] [Music] like it I'm believe thanks man like car popper up oh you guys were on Rodeo and they obviously are doing it all up tonight they got all the crews out and they're putting up all licenses for Christmas obviously beautiful hey thanks man light him up bro that's awesome we should probably go just you know who would get blamed for that Alex and we're on frickin Mulholland is so dangerous I don't understand what they're doing I'm recording it because if he does like literally kill himself doing this he's on the other side of the road right now look at him oh my god the hell are they trying to prove that has mills power almost they almost killed themselves running into you know that person was nuts that person on the little basketball Oh Mike pasting them in the oncoming lane around corners on Mulholland at night he got her in 4x4 mode look at this look how high it is clear that that's clearance shout out the PF s Jason you guys and thanks for bringing her out we should do some more stuff yo yo let's say good night to everybody cuz I'm done we gotta go to sleep good night tomorrow another crazy vlog women easy stuff now that we're here yes epic epic nasty mayhem DV style you guys smash the subscribe button join the DV fan by the way we're restocked on the Tricolore t-shirts and you guys asked for it we went up to three XL so you know if you're a bigger dude like me you want a big shirt we go up to three XL now link in description shop DVD comm say buy that mirror [Music] [Applause]
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 444,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daily Driven Exotics, Lamborghini, Supercharged Lamborghini, Exotic Rental Car, Rental Car, Lamborghini Huracan, VF Engineering, Drifting, Burnouts, Supercar, Tire Change, F1, F1 Sounding Exhaust, Porsche, McLaren, Bugatti, Pagani, Koenigsegg, Ferrari, Audi R8, Mercedes Benz, Amg, McLaren P1 GTR, protective Film Solutions
Id: 88VmKXpZIzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 15 2018
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