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The Senna is gorgeous. Truly a race car for the road.

I too also Subscribe to DDE.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Its a really cool video but driving like a jackass on public roads in and around traffic for views is still shitty and should not be encouraged or tolerated by YouTube.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bamfor07 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I read that as Sienna and was wondering what on Earth was so special about your dad's minivan

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/megacookie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

OP, looking through your post history has me fascinated. Your father seems to have owned every car under the sun. You personally seem to have only had a WRX, Supra, and Focus? I can only imagine what a unique life you and your family lead

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DodgePinkeye πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

That awesome DDE one of my fav youtube channels. congrats.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JWally22 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Applause] [Music] good morning welcome back to the vlog and this is a German it got it I love what he's like so scripted gays in the squad record yeah squad record sir I'm not away I'm in Rudy's Liberty walk for 58 Rudy's gonna be driving with us today why do you guys call it why do you guys call it coffee and cars and not cars and coffee here that's just what they call it coffee in cars I don't feel like my dyslexia is like kicking in but it's actually what you guys call it here yeah yeah you guys say hello to Rudy what's up this is his beautiful car which by the way is on air so oh man i'm telling you this is such an amazing vehicle to drive and with it being you know literally why body just like mine was more than anything it brings back that amazing feeling of this car stand right on the road does it significantly changes for the better the way that this car here we go we got a nice water [Music] [Music] hey you guys don't know we're a super car so is he I think we found it we are officially at coffee and cars you guys [Music] [Applause] thank goodness for these guys [Applause] well hey these are the organizers thank you for having us what a massive event and so how often you guys put this on for maybe the one or two people in Texas that don't know yeah we're Scuderia society and this is coffee and cars I got an order for you I'm Matt what's the order so it's a it's a venti I squash shot a lot say with made with whole milk damn dude knows my drink on white deer you are on point welcome to Texas thank you for waking me up so many amazing people thank you for coming out to the coffee and cars extravagant I want to call it like all these gifts I got coffee I got red ball I got shoot your free monsters if the rest of this vlog is like me talking really fast it's because I've had a lot of cash to you know how quick that's when we talk about the end of the day do you believe it I didn't even you got a new car yeah this is your car how old are you 15 where's your dad what are you doing I'm doing 15 I tried to be a good father and there's nothing wrong with something beautiful I agree this is a gt2 RS so this is 700 horsepower rear wheel drive we obviously know how to drive a car very well haven't been able to walk around because I've been so blessed to see so many amazing fans I haven't seen any of the cars so we got to see one car now we're gonna see her car I'm so jealous it's crazy amazing doesn't read guts interior Wow look at this you guys this is the key listen and I wholly this is one of my favorite Porsches right now like it afford this I would buy one but they're going for like 150 USD over the MSRP price so like half a million dollars for this car right now so you like it I love it wow this is amazing so if you go like this there you go [Music] Wow Bhaskar oh hey thank you very much thanks for sure Wow Houston you guys blown away we're the guys [Music] [Applause] Wow hard streaming polls in this car feels amazing I'm not just in the r8 but this thing is a completely different animal the last innovation thing I don't know ineffective they were back it looks like we're here in another car so I had no idea what's happening here but there's a lot of people here because another another crazy show what's up Brad we're pulling we're pulling you into the shop oh oh in the shop and do I want this guy in here [Music] this is the grand opening these dudes from Canada is random kanae didn't even know them all right if you thought the craziness was over it is not ohon houston just doesn't stop everything's bigger bad or better and so how was this was good you guys they saw some comments sorry Alex speech lift this bar is amazing it sounds amazing kinda like I am excessively speeding is so fast on that car you guys like the burnout you got shut out - Rudy links in description if you guys want to buy this car his Liberty walk car is totally for sale I'll put a link in description but we got to go and say some our tithes and hellos on selfies what the people are Houston so we're gonna hit a little montage right now [Music] entire look at the size of this thing [Music] Wow America America where time this Ford Focus RS speaking afford we applied for a Ford GT forwarded for washing hook us up we need an allocation here we go we're gonna be a sign anywhere anywhere I cross out Damon to contribute going forward boom it's now worth less money on a camera and then to finish it off you go you let me to I feel so bad [Music] [Music] Wow [Music] [Music] all right this is basically the moment we were waiting for all day please meet Nick all right this gentleman has an amazing car collection and it has a lot to do with the Sena behind us so he's gonna allow myself and Dave to show you guys and experience a sena firsthand so we're gonna follow you in your f150 I love this god that is Nick's f-150 you guys he went to McLaren on collection day for the Sena in the f-150 in work boots and the whole getup definitely a gentleman after our hearts at dde so I'm gonna pull you you think you can keep up try to we'll be right behind you all right all right you ready guys do this hey Dave how you doing you handle this like I'm worried about Dave Nick I don't know laferrari one day 918 our insiders changing me it's changing Who I am how do we talk these super hyper car owners into letting us drive their cars do they do they not know I have no license I used to sell furniture look at this thing I mean for real though you guys are you guys ready d-des going in a center for the very first time the most beautiful spec I've seen to date mainly because I love bright colors you guys there are a lot of other great specs not insulting any scent owners here we go both carbon-fiber jeez oh wow okay hold on let me get our in the belts gentle it's like dry carbon goodness okay this car is we're not sure to open the doors so we'll figure out we get there that's just some random fat out over the window oh it's all up here oh that's the door handle that's clean oh my god what is it again punch that's it sorry difficult like look at this you guys I put my knee let's come from the inside it's amazing how you feel right now like a million dollars I think like 1.5 actually because I think one book mobile if I'm not trying to depreciate the car it's just such a beautiful car [Music] oh ho ho everyone else you hear the turbo do it yeah so everything's dried carbon the seats are completely dry carbon and then a padding that they put in and you can adjust the size of the seat by the size of the padding they don't actually change the width they just put more padding in or less padding to change the size but both out awesome yes and feels like a race car on this street it's so tight the suspension every little bump goes right through the suspension in this car head right through the seat that's bolted to the floor I you just feel really connected trying to be like mr. race car and a little percent on-month I'm not that person look at that the window so you can see the basket now I'm gonna tell you right now I get it when people say oh the center yeah yeah it since the 720 with a body kit if you haven't driven the car I can see how you kids like it make that mistake it is nothing what the driving the 720 it is a very different the feel of the car the power delivery it is all that much sharper whatever she declared Bravo [Music] good they can literally see the road passing by by my knees I love that and then that speechless right I am speechless I'm just really taking it all in on camera first we're gonna get up the freeway speeds on the highway [Music] Oh Wow it's fast but when you compare it to the laferrari yeah for the 918 it's totally in that category this is how do you how do you rate this first of all a visual better better looking for one was hard because they'll have their own characteristic this car so over-the-top and crazy is definitely exceeded very very literally the acceleration makes my brain hurt as I met [Applause] [Music] we're a third year ready just hold on hold it on amazon us now [Applause] it was built for the street handles deceiveth pups it's a way that only McClaren can with this hydraulic suspension that they didn't have design we're driving through the city and there's and earlier with the airbags 450 a don't get me wrong it handled those very well too [Music] that's where this just feels so connect airplane it's hard to come for the words on the spot it's mesmerizing heavenly it's like if you ever wanted to call a car a UFO or a space ship which people nickname are coin a lot of different supercars this is the spaceship of our current generation and air the craziest car right now it's out there hands down thank you again Nick ready push that's not mine what that's so satisfying you know what like this check this out s we put the key elastin a so they have a little leather pouch that's attached to the carbon he goes right there and then look at how they've constructed all of the but this is your center claw a center console is this piece right here everything's so beautiful and it's so easily accessible that's and I love that you know with the touchscreen it's not overly like there's not a bazillion buttons yeah smell is that yours this nicked 11 2011 you guys look at this thing oh by the way we just walked into one of Nick's warehouses these are all his cars right amazing he has everything from the new latest greatest hyper car all the way to all these insanely beautiful muscle cars and off-roading SUVs like this oh yeah it's endless fit what oh look at this you guys knew our friends at August luxury motorcars had literally this spec ACR extreme at one point we were kind of debating on whether to buy it but someone scooped it up and it was gone before you knew it and here is totally the same spec black with the red stripe down it this would be a DD car tire Slayer in a half we might have to we might have to hum one of those down add it to the list look at all this stuff you have a beautiful car collection very cool this is a track pack special edition only 150 made rear seat delete and they only made two in this color and both of them live here only two in the world and they both ended up in the same town and this is I want you to take a picture of that it says a 429 and 1297 is the number there that means that this was the 97th car off the production line so this was an S code car as so they Ford had to produce this car in order to erase it in NASCAR in 1969 and basically this is the motor for it whoa boss 429 that's the Hemi that's the equivalent the Hemi heads for the Ford yeah this is a NASCAR engine this don't mind me I don't know a lot about engines especially when it comes to NASCAR engines but when you pop that all I knew is that massive engine you guys look at the Daytona possibly the only car in your collection that rivals your sent away look at this you guys hey Dave check this out the center's got some competition in the wing Department 50 years of not active Aero this one please the DD fam show these guys some love right here go drop a follow very fortunate to come here and meet people like Nick and have the hospitality I'll say it a million times and the trust extended with these cars so that we can produce this content for you our loyal fans Hey you obey all the speeds in this thing from that back you got turbos now it's our turn to chase Nick and his own guitar [Music] [Music] we're in next house this stop [Music] he's driving a car in his house like that's the living room that's the living room what's for dinner it's is this your version a drive-through by the way not only is this a 675lt this is an all exposed carbon 675lt 25 ever produced in the world and Nick how many came to the United States five so only five in the US I'm not gonna lie I've seen some stuff in my life with cars like doing this now for several years do you even get over this oh this is a kitchen right with a carbon 675lt sitting here okay here we go and he doesn't even have a step it'll climb that I'm dying right now [Music] I'm dying I'm dying this is your childhood this is stressful dude [Music] Martha's marble [Music] but he's been hiding from us she is and like that that's how you put a Center in your home [Music] that he really raises the law I no longer want a garage I just want more house honestly this is so insane that's crazy actually when you started to drive in here with nothing down there I was I'm not gonna lie I mean this is your house but I was doubting that that was gonna fit so he does have a garage that has a few extra cars SLS how about a gt3 RS and ultra violet by the way probably my favorite purple I just love the fact that it's like this flat pastel II beautiful beautiful color I even thought about going as crazy as at some point wrapping the Murcielago in this house and having a purple Lamborghini we're going from the garage back through the home all right dining room kitchen can't get enough of that thank you for having us in your beautiful home thank you hey you guys Starbucks Starbucks solicits masses subscribe button pick up some dde merge merge merge merge plug merge plug shop dee dee comm links in description the next one peace [Music]
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 640,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: McLaren Senna, Daily Driven Exotics, Lamborghini, Supercharged Lamborghini, Exotic Rental Car, Rental Car, Lamborghini Huracan, VF Engineering, Drifting, Burnouts, Supercar, Tire Change, F1, F1 Sounding Exhaust, Porsche, McLaren, Bugatti, Pagani, Koenigsegg, Ferrari, Audi R8, Mercedes Benz, Amg
Id: mscKzswMHJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 05 2019
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