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right now cause too much noise what up guys mark sorry you're eating oh oh hey guys welcome back to another dde vlog if you're new to the channel my name is Damon welcome smash that subscribe button do it right now I know you have no idea what we do here just just smash it you won't regret it update on the car it's not coming today I can go and retrieve the cars just not before your hours are done or closed I'm gonna go get the card tonight hoon in it which will be a fun video stay tuned for that and then I'll bring you tomorrow morning early that's your plan that's as much of a plan as I've ever had now we're leaving this is avant-garde by the way they do all sorts of servicing and car customization and they're gonna be handling a bunch of the crazy stuff with the tire Slayer this is my boy Brandon's car alex is here thank you sir I didn't realize you were there I apologize okay alright welcome back to the vlog by the way you're the man and in say hello to everybody what's going on guys you can notice Oh didi and not rip it oh yeah literally right see this case always saves me you guys I dropped my phone all the time yeah you got one too right exactly probably good idea to just tell you guys Rock farm exceeds military spec drop specifications it's got this neodymium magnet why is that important well it's not gonna erase your credit cards when you have like your phone next to your wallet or let's say the key to a hotel room when you're traveling but what's really sweet is you got the adapter in your car don't you I'll show you guys so it's a magnet so it's got this vent mount and the vent mount right here this little thing see that watch how hold your phone you want it just pop it off that's that easy literally slap it up and this little part here is for other adapters so if you want to get like other adapters for like a suction cup for your windshield or adapt it on to like a bike mount for the handlebars or a motorcycle any of that stuff they do it all if you guys want one of these they come in multiple colors I use this one right now because it was matching my wheels but I'm gonna get an orange one to match the new wheels of the car and to go with the new rap design but I want to hook you guys up because all my homeboys use this I wouldn't rap anything that I don't believe in rock form hands down is one of my favorite cases it's so durable I literally like you know beat the hell out of this thing never an issue links in description pick one up 25% off just for you guys welcome to Long Beach we are what we're not Alex is lost we're following him we took a wrong turn so we're meeting up with our friends from rap legends that's Cartier and William with the bag Huracan with the opposite kind of opposing vapor app that's in blue but has the banana wing and all that just like Alex's same chassis mounted wing that we all have from sadistic so very cool to get these cars together I don't think they've been together yet have it since the dueling kind of like matching raps so this is the very first DVD exclusive opportunity and the thing that is different though significantly is the suspension setup that's what we're here to talk about I want to hear from you guys we've got really dark gold especially I want to hear from you guys if I should bag it or I should not back yet and I want legitimate justification I don't want this like I just think it's a bad idea I want to know that you've like ridden in a bagged vehicle and I want to know what your feedback is or have you driven one even better [Music] good thing we're keeping it local keeping it low-key [Music] go to beta right now there's too much noise oh we were meeting someone on top of a parking structure overhead you have to go over there bye we drove up the wrong parking structure it's the one over there across the street here we go kicked my bad and we got kicked out we finally found them what's up what's up thanks for coming out thank you thank you this is a great opportunity to show see look at this look at all this thinks it's come on air ride or stalk for my part probably the difference this is what we're here to talk about we're gonna go for a ride in each car and compare them back the back you got bananas under the bottom of the windshield - I actually really like that yeah I like that we were thinking about doing you make me a little DD once yeah like DD on the wheel on the one spoke now don't get me wrong listen don't get me wrong I know this is like factory millions of dollars invested in R&D it's gonna ride better on one level or another when you're ripping but I don't believe this is like gonna totally compromise it not from what I've experienced in like West Bank's car which is a slightly different setup nevertheless it is air ride so we're here to debate this once and for all and the tires fire is either gonna get it or it's gonna go up to like 4x4 mode because I have a brand new navara of force diner front end going on and if I don't raise it it will destroy the next one too which I don't want to do at a cost of close to $10,000 a bumper [Music] yeah that's pretty sick I wouldn't mind having that as long as it rides right as long as it rides right we're gonna find out what we'll find out at 160 down the highway touching up Choi's wheels these things look good causing a bit of a scene though like as per usual everybody's checking out the cars all right we're ready to go finally after a quick short detail these guys wanted their cars clean I'm like it's getting dark out ain't gonna matter choice wheels are clean rap legends car is fully detailed now the debate the debate what do you think right what is that listen it's the key to the city the key to the city what do you thinks gonna ride better stock or bag stock okay like a hundred percent stock are you kidding a hundred percent all right what do you think is gonna ride better you know how much money millions of dollars billions and billions of dollars billions of dollars and trillions and billions and zillions and oh I don't know I feel like it's just whatever you prefer I don't know Alex races more than me so he needs stock suspension he has to have it we're about to find out because is that your new key is that how you start the Lambo this is actually a sword from the video game called Kino marks it's got a keyblade it looks bad I like you especially when you like wheel it like that swinging around comic-con everyone's got funky stuff okay we're getting in the rap legends car for the first leg of this here we go back to back test bagged versus Lamborghinis millions and billions and trillions of dollars of all indeed that is pretty sick that whole like under door Lambo I do like that Wow okay now when people say it's like getting in and sitting on the ground on my car this is we are on the ground we are on the ground this work this is the controller yes this is the e level controller yeah from accuAir pretty much this is one this is just like if I'm like on a smooth surface and I can just kind of just cruise yeah or whatever just to show off to is my ride height and then three is like going over like bumps and you know it's steep tips and stuff like that so twos driving yeah twos driving and then right here is if you hope this it slams all the way to the ground okay pretty much all right so what are we going - we're gonna go up to - we're gonna go up to two right now alright so let's see how this feels when you go up oh it's quick yeah I like that yeah and so far that's that's just like the Ford GT Ryan didn't write back down to one yeah instantly oh that's quick you can go right back up to - yeah three three for my mode okay so far at the hole up and down I like that that's super cool not just for the look by like it feels it feels firm it feels good so far here we go the maiden maiden voyage now here's why I needed to compare this car to West Bank's car even though West Bank the guy with the Red Bull car his car is also bagged but two different companies people do it different styles the tuning of the suspension is different this car was done by Bobby at sadistic who I work with and I would be getting this type of setup as far as I understand at this point mbb we'd be working with accuAir for all the actual hardware that's what you have a QA right that's why we're talking about this setup here we go we got some bumps dear bedbugs feels far Alex's cars moving around what fasten on horses Jesus [Music] yeah [Music] all right so now we're gonna test your stuff oh ha ha ALX initial thoughts the one thing I really noticed between the stock setup and the bag setup it's just how firm it is when you hit a bump on this bar on this car when you hit a bump it's like you really notice it when you hit a bump in that car it's not that it bounces you around it just it absorbs it much better however we would need to I think we would need to really there's not enough a either what there's none of nothing either we would really need to think go out and like hit some canyons is test number two but as far as right now it goes I would get bags so we brought Lambos to pick up a Lambo see the yellow Diablo and 720 being loaded up right now there she is the tire Slayer what are you doing hold on how close here your brakes oh not close that's pretty close so the verdicts so far the verdict is I like the bag setup I mean it it rides to what my requirements would be stiff enough that it's gonna handle good like I wanted to know you could do 140 going down the highway we only did 55 but it felt great I liked it I get what alex is saying I mean when we were in Alex's car the thing I noticed is when you hit a bump it's it's stiffer so guys comment below and it's the fool fact that you can drop it and do a little right fancy stuff and when it comes to big bumps it's like the Ford GT which I love it's immediate it's like boom there's no like pushing a button and creeping and trying to slowly go over bumps it's a media help call this situation once and for all bag it or keep it stock and raise it up because it cannot stay like this if it stays if it stays like this you guys come here it's gonna dent see the grill is gone I got a whole new front bumper you took off my band-aid did you pull it off gently you pull it off [Music] got you guys check this out so this is the original truck driver who picked up my car this is his trailer this is his truck he does full cross-country runs so he's going to show us the inside about one of these trucks look like this this is obviously the cabin right here crazy shifter and then oh wow you got the honey miel deal microwave convection oven Wow your fridge the reader full-size bed and then here's like shower shower in bathroom so where did these pull over on the some streets homeless wherever our parking that's it fully like stand up in here great look at this four points four miles per gallon going down the road I'm about five point five to six two hundred and five thousand miles crazy right new it's brand-new these guys end up in these things end up in the millions oh yeah and it's not broken in until about two hundred and fifty to three hundred thousand miles in is broke in Wow look at this step out of here though you would not want to fall out of here that's a long way down like look at how far this drop down is it's doing the window up we're trying to steal a Lambo it's like it's like gone in 60 seconds I love these old the old Lambos are amazing I could get a Diablo pod some extra money [Music] at that classic all right boys mount up let's roll huge shout out you guys two-ply car they always take care of my car delivered it and we're out of you there's like this is like a scene out of gone in 60 seconds bro except for I don't remember the Korean guy I remember the white guy not this fatso I need a leather jacket [Music] [Music] that looks really good you look like your head is in Alex's crotch Hey [Music] can't do it do it do it do it that's it guys smash the subscribe button throw me a thumbs up what do you think air stalk keep it the way it is if I keep it the way it is it's gonna destroy the front end if I leave it the way Alex is it's gonna destroy the front end even he said he smashes his front end on stuff I think air is the way to go your guys's car rides really good we can tweak it a little bit more if I need to like you said it's not fixed it's all adjustable I hope the people who don't want me to get air or not like freaking out right now it'll be okay you and the people who don't like the orange wheels you can get together sing Kumbaya see in the next video peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 845,275
Rating: 4.9211912 out of 5
Keywords: lamborghini, huracan, bagged suspension, suspension upgrade, rental car, rented, hollywood, supercar, modified car, wrapping a car, car wrap, lyft, uber, uber lamborghini, bagged, modifying lamborghini, ferarri, mclaren, senna, car build, california, travel, luxury lifestyle, self made, making money on the internet, exotic rental car
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 25 2018
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