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you know how you embarrass a massive crowd of super cars bring six of the rarest hyper cars in the world guys we have an exciting morning for you the apollo is going to the grand prix and we were invited to tag along so we'll be taking the svj being obnoxious in that car obnoxious in the apollo and having some fun and you guys are coming along who's ready for a cold start they're not ready the hotel guests are not ready nobody's ready for this thing one of my favorite things is actually the design of these lights how menacing does that make the car look good doors coming down good good morning yeah the method is going to sound like that too is that's a nationally aspirated v12 straight pipe obviously because race car [Music] [Laughter] how crazy is that batman in the morning is not a bad day dude it's like bruce wayne coming out of the lair let's fire up our cars let's go to a grand prix i don't even know what that means i've never been to one me neither okay we're going it's a first for all of us grand prix virgins second that's right second v12 straight pipes starting up i think my car is it's louder set that alarm off oh the neighbors are gonna love us in this neighborhood nothing's crazy looking the last video i was in i didn't see it from the outside driving okay we've arrived at a secret undisclosed location to pick up some hypercar friends we'll be right back speed tail and the bugatti boys are gonna go and get a touch of gas because well guess what car still run on gas and then we're gonna go to the grand prix the grande prix yeah really low-key with a bugatti a speed tail apollo a senna and a konig's egg and last but not least we actually have a ca following i told you to see it's the la c8 it is [Music] yeah bugattis aren't the loudest cars by any means but damn are they fast all-wheel drive w16 four turbos man i need one i need one in my life at some point jintani you son of a yes we're in the straw you guys this is the 110 anniversary additionally two in the us the other one's hidden this element is actually driving this one right now which is crazy the 110 edition what does that signify in this car what makes it different from a regular one the seats the carbon fiber the blue map car yeah i noticed the detail right here is really cool oh you guys that was a extremely fun start to our day spirited drive heading to long beach for the grand prix bugatti santa apollo speed tail and rockin it's like my numbing when you're around all these cars at the same time so extreme it's the best of each category and it's a hell of a lot of money yeah like it's a lot of money all right guys super quick interruption to thank today's sponsor rokform the og sponsor dd is back again sponsored today's video and give you guys an amazing deal so pay attention now many of you guys don't believe we actually throw our phones to show how amazing rock form is and right now jamie no editing i'm gonna throw my phone to show you that it protects your phone seriously we don't fake that watch this ready say hello over there sayonara would you do that to a two thousand dollar phone without a rock phone case absolutely not your phone would be shattered but check it out right now i'm looking at it not a scratch on it now yeah it's a bit filthy because i'm a dirty person but the phone is completely safe you don't believe me we'll do it again i'll do it all day long you guys it's rugged dirty but no damage the screen is good to go not a crack not a problem this is a rugged case built to military drop specifications i literally beat this thing with no issue oh but dave that's an old iphone what do you care i have right here an iphone 12 pro it's not the 13 they're all out but they do make a case for it to have new 13 hit up rock form right now now this is the 12 pro this phone was 1600 same thing pro right ready look at that you guys it got dirty but not a single scratch or crack rock form has your back now what i love even more than the protection of rokform is this little magnet right here it's a ninja and nino i can't say it's a magnet it's a special magnet that will not erase the information on your credit cards and it sticks to everything so when you're at the gym you got the machine side of your car anything metal will stick to which is really convenient taking selfies it also comes with accessories so you can connect it to your dash for hands-free driving and right here has a twist lock system for accessories for your motorcycle mountain bike you guys it really is the all-in-one amazing phone case grab one right now massive discount for dd fam 25 off dde 2021 links in description pick them up right now check out their website they make many cases for many phones click the link in description and don't leave your life and regret with a cracked phone my dad cracked his phone once when i was a kid ruined my childhood i was the phone all right guys breakfast of champions we got a little juice just met up with another hyper car mclaren saber hey when you thought it couldn't get any crazier it got crazier brother creeping right over here it's white exposed carbon and gold cause i love gold we're waiting to get out and i got this break my window oh that's a good one no problem see this detail out here [Music] now you embarrass a massive crowd of super cars you bring six of the rarest hyper cars in the world i think that'll do it i think that'll do it so you know i'm not one of those cars i'm one of the super cars in the group fortunate enough to tag along and we're in everybody including myself was feeling really cool until all those guys rolled in i came with the crew i got the blue pass and they still didn't even put me with the hyper cars look at this wow they put me with all the other super cars i'm not a hyper car you love how they stuck us over here as you say the peasant super car how do you embarrass super car owners you bring hyper cars the six craziest rarest hyper cars in the world speedtail yeah sabre is rare on anniversary yup apollo but like koenigsegg gear rx we got shafted i'm actually i'm not gonna lie i rolled in with them i'm a little i'm pretty embarrassed i'm the embarrassed superhero owner right now okay we've arrived and thankfully the main demon park far far away hyper car parking over here i've never been to grand prix before so this should be good [Music] look at all these cars wow this is freaking car heaven right now i see nsx's og nsx first chen second gen third gen every portion of the world hey thanks for the invite hey josh josh from bowdoin's here what the hell is going on here oh what what what happened here one of the uh bowdoin specials i'll be here at 10. it's a new thing why do you have sand in there because i'm from the desert no dude look at this i roll in with my insane car and they park me here and they take all the hyper cars over there yeah not in the club that's what i went the wrong way i ended up on the beach shut up what are you doing in life josh what's going on man how many parties you can do is that a raise it's been a race it's been a long weekend logan look at the crowd that the hyper cars created nobody is even here looking at the supercars they're all looking highbackers you know we're gonna look at right now my favorite car our favorite car the carrera gt in black on black ah finally a familiar sight it's actually black cgt baby gorgeous that's one thing the wing is down too but it has to be i know i'm saying respectfully right you are right the wing has to be down the wing has a hydraulic system that if you leave it up it creates pressure it can cause premature failure we don't want that premature limpness [Music] all right i'm trying to find dave and all this mayhem i don't know where he is where'd you go that's right you're not part of the club damn and you're new that was the question about that they they put me over there those are my people over here look at the crowd that started okay as well it's rare it's more expensive yeah yeah yeah better engineered better drivers better looking people except for him look at this this guy's really interested in that front splitter wow let's just get a quick shot of this speed tail apollo we have the saber and the egg at the end i could pass security hot dog you want a hot dog you get past you did you get past it can you do what do you think this is amazing what year is this uh 2006. where are you going right now you're taking this thing out right left parade lap get it brother stay safe i'll be watching all right so we're gonna watch a 70s classic pre-f1 category car so these are like historic races so like jacques villanov and all these pre-f1 drivers drove in this class now we're in the actual indycar paddocks so intense they break something just like you saw with dean but these guys have like 50 people powered by honda guy powered by honda gotta get out the way when the tires are coming through all right so we got our like home grown from vancouver island what's your name again toby so hope he's going to take us in to one of the teams because he he works for one of the teams i mean this dude's from nanaimo on vancouver island british columbia i lived in nanaimo for 10 years and that's where dave currently lives so we're like i feel like we're family bro that's awesome yeah so where are we going here we're going right here we're going to show you guys the indie car up close so basically it's a chassis from dalara our engine's from chevrolet but you can also have a honda engine wow this is a friend of mine just a little bit of carbon fiber on this thing well how much carbon do you want give us all the carbon man this is crazy it's cool it's got a windshield yeah this is actually my job you see these little things right here yeah i pull them off in the in the pit stop hell yeah so they all do the tires and i run up and i pull one off and i get out how much time do they give you to do that because i know everything's time so uh fast you have to be if you're out of breath this time zone are about seven seconds oh okay seconds yeah six seconds right about that range all right it's pretty quick happens in a blink of an eye but yeah exhilarating and a lot of fun man this is crazy i mean look at all of this all the downpour how much downforce does this car generate do you know uh no i'm actually not sure the uh the exact a lot enough enough enough to go around the track this is super cool [Music] thank you so much for this opportunity all the best in the race you guys have an awesome race thank you this is crazy we're going to get out of their hair and go find hot dogs thank you so much so yeah no no more of this arms feel good kind of getting a relaxed i'm just joking name title what do you do why do you look so fancy my name's jordan uh i'm working as a utility for the indianapolis long beach grand prix media yep it's got real cameras yeah those ones can we see them check check this out you guys these guys got like real cameras and they lug them around and run to get all the content look at this imagine imagine trying to vlog with that bro you imagine trying to do a one armor with one of those it's not that bad did you hold it with one thing i mean i called it one hand the question is can dave hold on how much is that camera probably looking at a couple hundred thousand oh a couple hundred thousand dollars that's worth the same as you're already oh hey good to meet you absolutely which way is the food food yeah uh there's a bunch of like really long semi trucks that have barbecue pits on them oh barbecue barbecue barbecue hot dogs can't wait an hour for hot dogs surprises they serve on two plates we're going we're going we're going this one's for you mike i said i wasn't good [Music] all right the stands are starting to fill up the race is about to start we got some food in us now we want to see the men who do what they do best yo what's up what's up ben's works in the house how you doing good you amazing bro we're just walking on the track hey this is where when uh fd was on two this is considered fds turn one two three and four and i was ripping down here with dean and we were drifting this whole corner dave becomes a race car driver that's his favorite part let's go bye hey do this one of these play ball let's go racing big shake baby please welcome your grand marshall racing legend michael andretti riders start your engines three and laps these guys go live so let's throw the big lens on i'll get some up close tight shots guys it's gonna be wild hang on buckle up beautiful [Music] oh yo if you guys want to feel the speed you got to come to the back straight going into this corner it is insane you can feel it we're all signing up to do this yes look at the crowd how many people do you think are out here gosh 250 000. okay that's intense all right dave and i are deaf we actually both have headaches rookie moved we didn't bring earplugs but we had an amazing time congratulations to whoever wins the grand prix am i louder though than indycar no another [Music] fire suppression fire suppression fire suppression they called in fire suppression dd's too hot [Music] you
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 856,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DDE, Daily Driven Exotics, Indy Car
Id: aoIC5VIrieA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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