MEET THE BABY McLaren P1 GTR! * NOT $5 Million ONLY $250,000 *

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what's up welcome back to the vlog my name is Damon fryer hey listen if you're a regular viewer you're probably wondering what the hell am i doing right now back already on a plane traveling again I can explain so you see where I live on Vancouver Island there's basically almost no supercars to film hanging out with and going on benders all my friends are down here in the United States so even though two videos ago I just said I have to leave the United States that wasn't like a quick baby title I really did have to leave the United States to go home and be with my family and do that kind of stuff but now I'm back and speaking of friends well a couple of good friends am i picking me up from the airport in this beautiful s550 and the thing is luxury so we have the most epic week planned I think I've ever had on daily driven exotics most of the time I'm just winging it and we obviously have a ton of fun I don't want to give it away in this video but just trust me you're gonna want to watch all the videos back-to-back because it's gonna be off the charts starting with today we're going to protect the film solutions and we're picking up my friend Ryan's personal car now I want to call it a super car but the manufacturer actually calls it a sports car it is hands down the craziest sports car on the planet I guarantee you if you don't agree with me that's fine you can comment below and let me quickly introduce my homies who you already know they may know me I'm nervous you guys have been helping them out you just said how many subscribers thousand eight thousand Thank You DD fam we're helping out my boy and we got plenty of good stuff coming montage while we're stuck in traffic [Music] we got a warm welcoming to protect the film solutions and just imagine if these are the cars out front huh what do they have in the back we're gonna show you guys in just a second all right you guys this is where the action is gonna get started we are at my boy stop protective film solutions hands down the number one wrap shop in North America now they have a whole bunch of cars out front they've got a 675lt a couple of Porsches by the way this is the brand-new Porsche Turbo S hybrid look at this thing with the new headlight design this thing is sick a real big fan very unique blue gt3 we had a 488 and this is Ryan's car now this is the mclaren 570s with the vore Steinar kit so it's called the 570 VX very special car tons of Aero tons of carbon fiber it has been tuned by VF engineering so it's got a ton of horsepower and it sounds insane we'll be taking this car out shortly but I want to take you guys inside the shop because inside the shop was where all the magic happens with Ryan's team and they got some very special cars in there right now and I can't wait to show them to you so why don't we go inside welcome welcome back to protective film solutions so they are full house tons of supercars right off the bat look at the Porsche we got a Ferrari MacLaren's more Porsches but they have a few special cars in here now the last time we were in here this special car was in the process of being wrapped but hadn't really had a whole lot done there's been a little bit of progress I am bringing everyone back to the Veyron so now it's got this satin black down the sides and all the red spots are gonna get done in like a highlighter yellow chrome you can even imagine that now I don't know if there's an example of that here but it's kind of cool to see bare on parts rear bumper so you can get a really good look at how this beast is is built yeah bad wing is off you can see everything in here now one of the unique things about this car was I remember Houston saying that you had to remove all of this just to get at the coolant because the coolant was somewhere back here now I don't even know what I'm looking for but anyhow this is pretty wild now good friend of mine Gordon and he's got his 488 spider here in it I think it has every piece of carbon fiber that he could tick off on the option list on this car so this is it here in its pure state yellow it's got some beautiful for Steiner wheels everything though is carbon on this car carbon lip it's got the carbon little vent intakes here there's everything's carbon on the inside I love this car well I wanted to show the audience this crazy car that's in here if you wanted proof that protect the film solutions is one of the top notch rap protective film companies in all of North America it's just look at their clientele list look at the cars that come here they have run-of-the-mill cars but they have like these unicorn cars that come in and so when clients trust them with like one of one or one of threes this is one of those situations this is a unicorn car this is a one of three and it's very very rare Mercedes Benz CLK gt-r Supersport only one of three check this thing out you guys what a unique car these are arguably the smallest doors that also go up now look how compact this cockpit is I can't get over it I don't even know if the camera does it justice how tight it is but you can see right here Limited Editions [Music] so definitely a unicorn very special car only 26 were made in the world there were 25 coupes and 1 roadster that's what I just read on Wikipedia so guys don't kill me in the comments if I'm wrong Google lied to us [Music] [Music] just when you thought they didn't have enough cars in here let's just add one more to the mix moodily taking the very last spot right there because after that they're done loo this I was hyping this car up and here's why McLaren considers the 570 model as a Sport Series car not the Super Series car the Super Series doesn't start until you get into like a 650 s a 675 LT or the new current 7 20s so technically they're saying that this car is a sports car I don't know about you but I consider this a supercar it's an a twin-turbo v8 it produced 570 horsepower in its stock format this car has been tuned by VF engineering so it produces way more than that I believe up to over a hundred more horsepower it's got a downpipe it's got exhaust it sounds amazing it's got this insanely aggressive carbon fibre aero kit from voir Steiner it's called the 570 B X but why don't we just jump in it this has got an old traditional McLaren livery from their old racing series that's why it's got the Marlboro now listen Ryan doesn't support smoking but they went with a livery that they wanted to support and look to just prove their point they put no smoking on the sides of the wing which i think is pretty awesome so this is a whole weathered wrap and yes to go back to the livery of racing heritage right off the bat one of my favorite things about McLaren is of course even on their sports series they put the doors that go up oh yeah I'm having door Envy already so we got billionaire doors my friend I know doesn't that make you jelly here's our cars don't have that it doesn't damn all right slide into the cockpit McLaren makes a very nice cockpit so we need to do a cold start it's pretty loud put this thing under load and it sounds crazy a temp into the engine then we're gonna hit the road we have some temp in the engine I've got a mere my navigator of the mclaren 570s ace he almost bought one of these cars so he knows where everything is through that - now dude one of the best things about McLaren is you can shift up and down with one lever so forward to go up and pull back to go down a gear you ready for this they're waiting that is fast but let me die it is fast just gonna keep my head back wow that is a little rocket isn't this thing listen to this you guys now that sounds so unique [Music] so Amer you were thinking about actually getting rid of the re getting at five seventy what do you think of this one before I bought the RV and then we were talking though this last week about now go ahead already back to this I just confuse guys I don't know what to do I really know here let me help you make a decision Wow that was zero to hero real quick whoa come on if it's easy to talk give her okay what do you think a so long you gotta give it to the heart rate of especially the way yes ooh what a beauty oh man oh I like this car holy Maurice and David super loud I mean this car has such a presence it's got the full front bumper replacement from Bohr Steiner all this crazy carbon the wheels I think the most impressive part is hands down this cars the more aggressive diffuser and of course this massive wing look at this look at this kit I mean come on man it's basically like a 570 GTR because this whole wing design is like from the p1 GTR how do they call this the Sport Series dude this thing is insane - this is that you could literally pick a brand new up for like 175 180 brand new sub 200 grand yeah I think that's why they say it's not a I don't know that's weird I don't know bro I mean does this get any more supercar twin-turbo v8 I mean granted this is an aftermarket body kit but I mean these the way that the arrow is designed in this just like you know a p1 or something that's all stock and then it's got the supercar doors it's got the supercar look overall it's low and sleek we're gonna take this thing for little cruise down the coast show you guys a bit of the coast and we'll take the long route around back to Ryan shop give you guys a little insight to what it's like to be behind the wheel of this amazing machine that is the Sport Series get that start up again I told you this cars not messing around so a cool feature of Bo McLaren is it's down here you can hit this active button right here I'll zoom in a little bit turn that on and looking at what changes the dash into this more f1 style race mode also I've got everything set in the track settings instead of sport or normal and that's going to stiffen up the suspension and basically make the car as efficient as possible with shifting and all of those features so here we go gonna enjoy some of the Newport Coast ready [Music] listen to this thing yes [Music] [Music] whoo I love the sound of this car now this is one of those like there we go we're going up lifting the front end there we go lifted [Music] dude this thing is a beast holy they changed it big-time it's just angry it's angry listen listen there were no doughnuts I promise none that'll make it into the video oh how I am going to miss a vehicle with these doors so do we have any McLaren lovers on the channel that are just like trying to scream through the screen at me so I get a McLaren for a DD Car drop a comment below let me know what you guys think and by the way you know if you want to know where I am more real-time but I've never really done a shoutout for this go and follow me on instagram it's just daily driven exotics if you follow my stories in real time a lot of the time like today when I land at the airport or wherever I'm at I put where I'm going if I'm available if I can meet someone and we already had a couple of fans come and track us down here protect the film solutions earlier so hey it was good to meet you Tristan that's the fastest quickest way to follow me real time you guys at daily driven exotics thanks again by the way even wrap the key to matches car I want that next time okay and it is awesome hey I really appreciate it brother than everybody I'll see you next time we're off to pick up the tire Slayer check this out guys the parts for a mirrors built for his RHS showed up dude I love the new seats you're putting in the r8 that is sick what made you think of those so what all do we got here we got some more we got extra storage yeah but you gonna make you make that's a supercharger right here oh wow look at this this is the new rad yeah I like the new rad yeah welcome back to VF engineering I am super excited because look what's right here I've missed her the tire Slayer right look at that's how close I got when we took the wing off in the Jake Paul video now they got a lot going on here at VF engineering they've been tuning m4 GTS 'as they are doing a little bit of work on Sam who Bennett's work on they've got the our rates as usual but the big one that I'm really excited about is right here behind me now funny enough this is my boys both both of these cars are from garage goals but his 720's is being tuned by the guys here tell us what kind of numbers are we gonna put down no like seriously like going into it thinking about how much you want to achieve is kind of the wrong way to approach it yep you're gonna be able to kind of find an equilibrium and see where things balance out up if we can get 80 plus horsepower out of the car that'd be nice okay we'll see you see I get it with due time were you ever like an attorney before you did this you guys let's fire this thing up hold on cold start cold started this thing he's always fun well you guys we have to say goodbye to my boy Amir go check out his channel if you're new and you haven't already and David hey thanks homie for coming to get me at the airport you're beautiful ride super comfortable almost fell asleep a few times but tonight I am staying with my friend Gordon in Newport Beach long-term friend of mine isn't sick cars he's the guy who owned the 488 spider back and predicted film solutions will be unveiling its rap is it's bonkers and we'll be catching up with you guys in the next day yes safe drive back to LA thank you we messed that up okay let's get the tire Slayer ready for departure that's better what we like to call Aventador mode no longer in need of those look at this weather clouded over we're at Billy's at the beach my buddy Gordon's here I'm gonna catch up with him gotta Park the tire Slayer right here in the parking lot she looks like she's in good hands considering there's a speed yellow Porsche right here and I will catch up with you guys right after dinner because you got to see the rest of Gordon's garage he's got some sick rides be right back okay we just finished dinner I mean obviously a lot later than we thought it's dark out this is my boy Gordon Gordon say hi to all my boys on the vlog hey boys on the block actually there's some girls I want to show you one of Gordon's cars and then we're gonna end the vlog but very special cars stay with us here's a 488 pista on the way it's sick we'll definitely be showcasing that and he's got the 48 Spyder at Ryan's shop but it doesn't end there folks he's got the most highly SPECT out GTC for Lu so on the planet and we're about to show it to you Casa de Gordes he's like I got to label-maker my keys because I get so confused on the loo so does he hold on loose Oh Oliver is gonna like that Oliver would do that label-maker his keys okay let's go see this go for a GT c4 loose oh wow how sexy is this thing I mean Gordon you nailed it on the spec no that's good I mean it's used it's got the new taillights you know the massive trunk a real trunk no Newport Beach grocery-getter would be complete without your Trader Joe's back that's so legit man so Gord inspected out black on yellow so he's got the yellow sports stitching everywhere I mean look at this dude this interior is so sick so this actually on the car is a readout for the passenger so this is gonna have our RPMs gear and speed yeah I'm ready there's a v12 laferrari motor oh yeah oh yeah [Music] whoa look at the size of that scream is that what all the ladies say that's right oh my god I gotta get in here so it gives you the gear of the RPMs the g-force and above the acceleration and the turns okay I'm not even joking this is the coolest thing I've seen in a long time I didn't realize it did all this no listen to this listen to this hit that again sounds like an f1 car I haven't even heard an FF sound this good stock didn't do anything to it yeah it's completely stock it's just the way it's like this and the steering wheel okay this now takes the cake for the best steering wheel over on ironically my friends s63 the 2018 is not a really nice steering well but this one's better than that we even go down the snow boat here it's no Patrol yeah skiing the Canadian car oh we're all driving all these things would be white enough depending on what we were doing kids could control the music from sitting in the passenger seat but most importantly they can see how fast we're going yeah that's perfect so when they get home they can tell mom exactly mom can wear your ear you guys smash a subscribe button throw me a thumbs up make sure you follow me on Instagram it's the daily driven exotics and yeah that's where you can find me on insta stories that's like kind of like the the quickest most up-to-date live way to follow where I'm at if you want to it's the most handsome man in the world that's Instagram [Laughter] this guy's a blah blah blah I miss this guy listen you got to be careful because there's there's a blind corner proceed with caution be careful be careful you piece [Music]
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 382,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: McLaren P1 GTR, McLaren 570s, Daily Driven Exotics, Lamborghini, Supercharged Lamborghini, Exotic Rental Car, Rental Car, Lamborghini Huracan, VF Engineering, Drifting, Burnouts, Supercar, Tire Change, F1, F1 Sounding Exhaust, Porsche, McLaren, Bugatti, Pagani, Koenigsegg, Ferrari, Audi R8, Mercedes Benz, Amg, Protective Film Solutions
Id: kMfIoJJq7oU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 06 2018
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