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the Apollo I.E you guys can you even imagine driving this and you're gonna hear it this is a naturally aspirated V12 engine all right guys we have the straight piped amazing best sounding Aventador SVG on the planet but we also have a car that completely shits on my car yep yep so when you have an svj you're probably thinking you're at the top of the game in Supercar land until someone shows up with a hyper car and not just any hyper car the hyper car one of the rarest craziest ones I've ever seen and I've seen a lot Damon Dave got to go in that beautiful reguera if you remember in the video about a week ago or two weeks ago now and the owner hyper nft that's right on Instagram that's his official birth name too I don't know how he got that but if you give him a follow there's a link at the top of the description you're gonna be able to see his insane hypercar collection so that's hyper underscore nft give them a follow because today you guys are in for a special treat you saw the title and thumbnail the Apollo IE you guys now this car is completely made out of carbon fiber and exotic materials we're talking titanium unobtainium Dave's titanium okay one thing I never noticed was kind of the first time I saw it is look at the sitting position you're lying down in this car it's a full race car something that a lot of people may not know about the Apollo is this was built by the race team from the CIA LK GTR and the best part is even though it looks like a streetcar it's all race car sequential gearbox three pedals this car is very challenging to drive on the street because it really only wants to be like taken off the line and then flat out through every gear but today we're actually going to have the owner hyper nft take this yeah on the street out here can you even imagine driving this and you're gonna hear it this is a naturally aspirated V12 engine this thing screams you can see the titanium that I was talking about from exotic materials that's the exhaust system it has a very very very unique exhaust design for the tips if you've never experienced an Apollo IE before you guys are in for a treat this one of the craziest Rodeo car I've ever seen in my life my name one thing crazier looking I honestly cannot like if you're sitting here our eyes we had Logan and Mark and everybody and skinny all looking at this and I just want to get a bit of their feedback thoughts I think Bruce Wayne's gonna be extremely jealous of this car right you think it's crazy Mark what is the carbon did you already comment on how it goes from dry or Matt carbon to the glitch it's gloss and then you have the the mat and the gloss Blended but like can we just talk about like yeah how do you explain this how do you explain this like the wing this is definitely one of the largest widest wings and it's active or not suit Damon does Damon need one of these yeah they're only making 10 of these in the world they've only made six so there's only six of these in the entire world this I believe is starting at 3 million US Dollars and today you're gonna get to experience the sound and the sights of this car one of the rarest hyper cars hands down on the planet and it's all race car no I've seen a lot of cars before and this is hands down the craziest car I've ever seen yeah you guys get everything in at protective film Solutions yeah everything's paganis Bugattis and we have never done one of these never done one of these craziest cars that car is probably the craziest car Skinny's all right yeah skinny Taco magic comment below okay before we get into the car Dave's gonna get you son of a we played rock paper scissors we played something and I lost Taiwan Dave one Dave's gonna get to go also in the shotgun seat of this and go for a ride and take you guys with him but before we hit that you're here for a purpose aren't you I sure am do we want to do an amazing Montage only the best only the best hit it smooth like cognac I'm a big threat yeah you see the drip wrist sweat heard somebody said that I ain't made a hit yet had to hit him back with a quick text see the numbers things black magic I just had to kick it like a bad habit oh just give me top like it's that attic oh all aggressive likes you mad at it oh we have a huge surprise that we've been hiding quietly in the background the Murcielago that's right my favorite car out of all the cars in the fleet has been quietly and secretly undergoing a special project in partnership with our friends at Sony so today we are back at Certified Auto Sound and Security and we're about to go in and reveal what has been going on behind the quiet doors here what's up what's up what what's going on here pay our bill no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no we're here to get the second car and not pay that bill how is that possible This Is How We Roll All right so we are reintroducing the Lamborghini Murcielago gated V12 the last naturally aspirated manual car Lamborghini ever made and we have a brand new upgrade from our friends here at Certified Auto Sound and Security in partnership with Sony this is my favorite car in the entire fleet I get asked it all the time what would be the one card to keep if I had to sell all the other cars and this would be it it has the Gated manual shifter the screaming V12 and the amazing sharp edgy looks that is Lamborghini and the doors go up the problem is the stereo in this car was worse than sucks Sony sponsored this video and sponsored this car by putting in their new Mobile ES system it's absolutely outstanding it's what these gentlemen installed in the R34 GTR they did such an amazing job Sony's new product is so incredible listen up you're going to be amazed because you won't even believe how good this car sounds and Tyler over here claims that it sounds better than the R34 which I think he maybe isn't kahoots with Dave and both of them are liars but I will give him the benefit of the doubt so why don't you quickly walk us through show us what you put in the car and the doors we did the new es components we got the mid and the Tweeter in there let me see this I know my car before this thing it sounded like crap the only thing that sounded good was the V12 so we have Sony's new mobile yes these are the mids we have the Tweeter what is this that's the crossover so cross over I like that speaker sounding in the proper frequency so they sound the best amazing amplifiers how many do we have we have two amplifiers and we have a subwoofer I have a subwoofer in the Murcielago where did you put a subwoofer can you show me right here there's a subwoofer is right here behind the passenger seat ladies and gentlemen and we have we have the mids and the Tweeter right here in the door and where did you put those sneaky amplifiers sneaky amplifiers are up front here Lamborghinis are known for not having much room at all to travel and this is daily driven exotic Cellar don't be around with my luggage space I can still put Luggage in here and I have this is sick and Bam I got my two amps on an amp rack without jeopardizing high five so I did not make it easy on these guys I gave them two cars I said that are going up in value you cannot butcher modify or change anything you have to basically install this system without no holes no cutting carpet nothing reversed it all has to be reversed hit us with some facts on Sony's systems shut up Dave we want to hear the stereo what kind of voltage is this putting out he said that this is going to sound better than the R34 GTR that car damn well blew my ears off and I'm not even joking it was so impressive let's find out is Tyler a man of his word or is he a lying piece of Dave all right here we go powering up mobile yes by Sony you guys I'm about to hit play [Music] you can do in all seriousness how bad was the stereo in here did you listen to it before you take this out I couldn't even hear it over the exhaust it's awful it was terrible this is so amazing you guys thank you so much thank you to Sony the Mobile ES is amazing you guys you're going to want to go and check it out for yourselves oh classic classic ddb right here for all the DD fam in the house this is how you want to listen to it on Sony's mobile yes oh look at this this makes me want to go drive crazy it's not good we're in Canada I'll go to jail you guys we're super excited to announce that somebody's launching their new Mobile ES a high-end and high quality product lineup for your car audio needs um oh the base it's shaking my mirrors these brand new in-car audio products are Sonny's top of the line with the highest quality and refinements made by brilliant technicians who really cared about honing their craft and delivered the best car audio experience I've ever heard it features an impressive and impactful sound in the vehicle with high sensitivity and high sound pressure you can literally hear the quality in every tone and beat of your favorite song you guys are super response event has lightweight noise it has a resonance it really creates natural sound it features a wireless car play and Android auto as well as the idata link Maestro capability which means you can plug this in your car and actually see car information on the display the display display quality is amazing has a 10.1 inch high resolution HD display listen to the crisp mid-range there's less Distortion has a flat response across all frequencies and honestly guys has a very tight precise and responsive bass note if you listen to music on a conventional car stereo I guarantee you install Mobile ES and you'll hear this song an entirely New Way mobile EOS is amazing the es stands for elevated standard and they did not disappoint this is truly the Pinnacle in car audio you're absolutely no absolutely amazing I love this it's all touch screen it's real easy biggest thing with a Sony mobile yes is that in a factory car you can't turn up that loud at distorts to protect itself or something but this thing goes so loud it doesn't lose any quality it doesn't it's crazy it sounds better and better louder it gets I love it all right guys well that's about that we need to fire this thing up foreign all right guys time to go for a ride which means we gotta strap this gentleman in and there's a certain way to get in this car because obviously it has a wide tub the seats are basically flat so make you a deal of course you do give me your shoes it's on my shoes don't put your shoes in there I'm good for you oh I can run for sure you can wear shoes in your car you don't want to smell these feet hybrid of tea doesn't give a okay go hey bum down yes okay scooch over into the seat tuck the knees very ah you do that right that hurt he is way more Nimble than you if there's a fire no problem I'm literally lying down this is a lounge shirt at the beach right now this is the weirdest thing in the world I've never experienced that before so there's no regular lap belt it's full race carbon weight man I was watching TV I get a six pack of Stella or pizza there's a reason why we put Dave in here I would be 10 times worse hold on it's actually embarrassing you guys right now how slow you guys are doing this yeah close the door I need the camera first okay these windows don't open let's get him to start at first Dave looks really cozy in there actually scared me amazing I'm gonna hand the camera to Dave I got Mark's camera we'll get all the sexy rollers you guys okay this is the craziest car I've ever been in and thanks to you guys I've been in many many many crazy cars this car is the craziest let's get into this car took me 19 minutes I lost two pounds this car again it's a race car so the Trinity radius is worse than a McLaren worse than the guardo we're doing a five point let's get on the roundabout here at after the Arts and hear that it's a sequential gearbox so that big bang when you just reverse clicks hard that's the six-speed suspensional gearbox now that means this car has a clutch and the owner was saying that it's very difficult to engage so it's doing a really good job it takes practice not an easy car to drive you need a clutch for a reverse and getting moving once they're moving this car is designed to be flat out all the time so it's gonna be a very fun experience it's wrapped in and I'm ready foreign [Laughter] pretty much the equivalent of driving a stick for the first time when you're a teenager heavy ever very rare paddle and that is all your air conditioning so you can't daily drive an Apollo IE and then the most cobal no it's not what was the car built for it's pretty much money to run the Nurburgring for 30 hours straight but the Nurburgring for 30 hours straight and 100 bidding so it's reliable one as well I Googled it first typical gearbox Nash aspirated V12 800-ish horsepower was it yeah about 800 horsepower 0-60 is like two six two seven I mean if we get all that for a second look at all that dirt how sexy this car is and listen to it I haven't heard the exhaust when we're driving all here is the gears foreign I wouldn't do that look at the buttons we have in the store in the middle looks pretty fancy yeah everything it is uh parking pool and wipers reverse neutral and a lift our wipers and yeah small lights down there now the question they're all asking does it have Bluetooth it doesn't in fact it doesn't have a radio or steering with this thing because it do you know [Music] foreign years ago we finally found a stoplight because we can't talk when we're moving I don't the microplank isn't my voice but I'm talking to you guys I can't hear the other talking about doing some Heist speed runs they pulled the highway down somewhere actually safely top out this car as well as all those other hybrid cars and so stay tuned for that for you guys to sell them they don't need the money it's not a car we'll send it over and over that you might not ever see one for sale so it's like Damon and have one I don't know how much blood you sell and I'm not sure I mentioned this the windows don't open like yeah this window here maybe it does open okay it might have been a little bit in the back it opens a little bit but there's no Starbucks drive-through in this car you cannot go get an iced latte you can't now if you need one more reason to follow hyper nf10 Instagram you're driving a multi-million or hover car barefoot we started yeah that's the start button yeah yeah well that's cool let me hold it down wow that's crazy here lighting lighting start button wow who else we got parking brake yep pop the truck yeah call hotel valet it's pretty good well that was fun thank you I don't want to break the door and get other things uh it's a chore because it's so wide and I'm old out of shape and I have a bad back from carrying this channel the past three years Jokes Aside that was amazing huge thank you the owner always I'm speechless this is the key so this is the cap on and this is what it looks like when you take the cap off and put it in to start the car it's a little screwdriver it's really cool did you see the start button in this car no it's a little concerned it's a big red handle you pull that to start it yeah you prime it 10 seconds and totally gonna start it really I know I was in this car for past hour you look at this car you would think that's the ejection handle you're like oh the erection all jokes aside you know how many people pulled up here and asked because there's a wedding going on here at the hotel you know how many people pulled up and asked what the car is and I had two older ladies say do you think he would give it to me and I said ah shoot one lady said if I put out enough I was like
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 1,283,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dde, daily driven exotics, Apollo IE, Hypercar, CLK GTR
Id: DSJJnNIzzgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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