Super Aggressive Chess in the Super Blitz Arena | Part 2

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okay super blitz starting now let's do this yeah let's play E for you fix the layout a little bit okay so the goal is to play super aggressively Halloween gamuts Halloween is coming a few days early what's today hey Siri what's today's date series ignoring me what does this move it's the 25th of October I think Halloween in six days okay I already like this position usually I shouldn't say usually sometimes when block declines the Halloween white just gets a better position Queeny 7 tricky move so I take the night block takes my night job g3f 5 gets weird I could play Queen e2 within 94 and Bishop d3 let's make it weird I just want a castle castling rook e1 and punished black 4 for aligning the Queen and the King on an open file I might even take with the take with the pawn or with the Queen okay Queen is bit more positional yeah actually rook e1 will still try a nice night discoveries whoa tog II thanks for the bits welcome back yeah I was hesitant to take with Queen because my rooks not defended but if I discover and check the King and pin the Queen to the king and life would be good what does this move what does this move takes I think I'm winning everything i takes d6 with Chuck now the Bishop's hanging everything's hanging things are staring in each other locks threatening made in one which I do have to defend against but I can take the Queen also maybe take the b7 pawn can I take the b7 pawn and force the King yeah I force the King to a square where I'll eventually check and I'll win yeah I'll just win everything I think I'm winning the Queen by force because here I take with Chuck Queen d7 I have this move and then I'm expecting resignation threatening made in one nice starts nice Halloween gambit starts 16 moves let's keep it up hello to everyone who's here snack attack Frank 9 7 2 Wonka bar roof BX 1 7 etc ok I know there's more people can only look and play so much let me yeah let me focus on the game I'm gonna try and continue the super aggressive play going for a staffer gambits maybe later on I'll mix in some some Dragons d3 opponent doesn't not want a Halloween d3 is a bit passive but it's playable ok pawns being very very passive in d5 is a thematic approach I want a castle Hey err Falcon [Music] I appreciate that oh it's castle so oh I didn't even see my opponents raining yeah so I shouldn't be too scared but I should be scared of before actually maybe let's play a five and the typical prophylactic move hello to soaking wet sigh opponent really wants to play be forth on controlling it four times and now d3 is attacked efore is looming the kings in the center I want to play rook e8 before anyway okay so I'm now I'll have three attackers on d3 my life is very good you got again not sure what why it's gonna do yeah cuz now now the attack against the King is it's fully underway the Knights pinned attacked twice rook takes b4 maybe um so many good options let's just take on d2 and then I'll win the Queen and maybe eventually checkmates I can even do this move okay I could take everything let's take everything and the goal is to checkmate as quickly as possible or yeah we're prop resignation 22 moves now the bad starts 16 moves 22 moves I think I'll keep I forgot about my buzzer King rule but if I'm playing someone below 2,000 Alba's ERK but okay not this game I'll play you for again we have a Sicilian East six let's play G three maybe f4 would have been the most aggressive but this can also turn aggressive at some point yeah after f4 it's a typical close Sicilian ideas let's play for ideas of h3g for eventually someday g5 start with h3 trade mmm I'll play g4 so I have that a file it's one of the benefits of playing a for earlier let's play my g3 just trying to build up behind the pawns play this move interesting to play e5 c5 and then D for coming just going for the space crab and d4 block takes and get some like Bishop c5 or Knight c5 so what to do okay seven c3 could be a move maybe c3 c3 preparing d4 if I get in d4 and I maintain a pawn on d4 then life will be good Tuggy I have a location command you can type an exclamation point location in the chat and get your answer or I could just tell you the answer yes I'm back in America hey hopefuls is also back I want to play at six but it's weird wait Bishop g2 whoa whoa that's a weird emote let's play Bishop g2 the main point is to fianchetto the or out to unleash the rook also fiend quatre the bishop I wanted to play f6 hmm I have some idea queen c19 h5 Bishop h6 just throwing pieces at the opponents yeah I'm going for this Black's doing stuff black built a gun which maybe I should respect can I play and I have six here I have six looks interesting the idea is after it takes takes I'm attacking the rook or takes takes I attack the rook and the bishop and okay black just gave away the main defender whoa he five can I take my takes and then Queen goes in for the kill this should work yeah I don't think there's any defending I mean there's rook takes g2 there's some spite checks but it's not gonna work Erik should be in shadow his rook I'll block fianchetto his rook in my territory maybe about to fianchetto the rook on g2 it's not going to do much Oh how many spy checks are there maybe King each one is most accurate I just didn't want to deal with Queen takes F to 93 etc okay that was nice thirty-two moves games are gradually increasing and move length Alison Alison Maria in the chats shout at Alison smooth smooth F smooth enough I'll take that as a compliment doom cookie thanks for your your comments I appreciate that Jenna fifty 92199 trying to achieve the blitz master title have to prevent my opponent from achieving his dreams I could play a Cambridge Springs what to do let's just play normal I'll play my main rapper tour not the most aggressive but I like this move a six it's a pet line of mine it can turn aggressive at some point now knight c6 important move to prevent b4 and prepare b6 oh this is a this is an interesting line b6 first we trade forget if I throw in h6 I think I do do I play e5 immediately it's been a while since I've I prepared this okay so white I think the idea is Bishop H 45 but this is still interesting I'm getting the bishop hair I do want to play e5 still yeah let's do it p5 is a very thematic break when white has pawns like this now we have a reverse French mu g v g5 traps of knights but also overextends pros and cons let's um yeah let's trap the Knights it's got some g5 emotes whoa f4 so I could take on h4 and open H file for whites I mean I'm up a piece here I don't have to go too crazy this is a natural move rooks on open files have smiles now I want a fiend hello the rook and White's territory Wow G for the pawn storm is real I could take on h4 with check King f1 mm-hmm I mean does white have a threats probably to keep pushing pawns maybe King h8 then g5 let's start with King eh aids g5 I just probably just ignore it play like Bishop f5 just developing I'm accepting that there's no like immediate kill and just trying to improve while giving away pawns I figure out a six was hanging I don't think I care that much just have to play quicker let's play Queen Queen d7 I want to get the bishop in Bishop g4 does this work Bishop g4 I can also take the bishop let's just take the bishop the bishop is more valuable than the rook and then the light will come in I think this is a the best way to achieve happiness Queen h5 could be an issue so I can play this what's a resaw maybe someone can answer that essentially it's when you sub again some people sub every month some people okay wait let me let me focus I'm down on time positions still complicated I didn't really want to trade Queens but I think I have to explain I see for going after e3 how does white defend King f2 rook a1 okay let's play h5 cementing the bishop king of two still expected no I want to see and kettle the night to get to d3 yeah I can pre move 93 hmm hard to break through play rook hey play this move not sure what to do Lee things are falling apart and time is very low okay I have to focus focus focus I gave away too many things now I'm suffering should f5 never okay 6mm so risky move oh that was terrible move why'd I do that oh not good I have any threats let's play this this is really bad seven seconds things are crumbling okay something here hmm yeah this is a sad finish just praying for stalemate so sad I got careless I've spent too much time in in moments where I should've moved quicker but that's what happens can you do fewer challenges like if you lose an X game you do 10 push-ups um yeah that's an interesting idea maybe if I do that enough times I'll become jacked but I have a workout like earlier today okay let's desert because I'm tilted my work out earlier today involved a lot of push-ups so now my arms are sore but maybe it would incentivize me not to lose d4 what's d4 um I could play c6 looks interesting mmm okay this is a very weird opening interesting paw information in the center let's just continue developing that looks reasonable have to remember that I bizerta that's important piece of information okay I want to take on d5 maybe I should okay let's take first I should Castle soon how many pawns on my down ooh a 4 a 4 is interesting if my takes and I take on e 2 and force my opponent to bonk loud let's take I'll win d5 this pawn is probably untaken ball cuz stuff on e-file happens okay so I'm only down on time material is somehow equal d4 is attacked let's just continue improving I have most important things on the light squares so the bishop is pretty pretty sad g4 may be expected but they're behind the pawn on Queen b3 targeting some pressure points okay g7 is defending but I mean can I take on d4 takes takes takes yada-yada let's do it 33 seconds Oh maybe that was a bad decision but it's complicated some ideas after rook takes d4 I just take a lot of white to take on g7 and then hope everything works out okay this looks very reasonable now see three well I have a free rook okay still free rook and mate next move that worked out guess in hindsight III led to the quickest win two free rooks is there another free ruck maybe there was gmt-- can t shadow 2gm can t a so GM can t hello streamer said something about being strong let's play e for again today is an e for stream no matter how strong you are you can always get stronger by doing push-ups opponent offline but it says online what when I hover over his name it's a green dot but here it's a black dot ok quickest win condolences to my opponents 13 points fighting for first place perching the halfway points my favourite opening yeah is is a London I have I probably have a list of like 5 to 10 favourite openings depending on the situation oh he's logged in but not viewing the game Oh sometimes that happens to me worried like it starts the game in the new tab and then I don't realize and it's sad ok so we have another Queen's Gambit oh maybe I should have played a Budapest okay let's at least play something a bit different g3 I'll take free pawn this is a sharp line ideas to just defend the pawn and be up upon a3 was maybe a mouse slip usually white should play for but maybe it was intended okay so usually black does this stuff white tries to brag about the center it's my a5 so the Queen usually likes to go to b6 but then d5 is scary b4 is a move queen c8 let's play Queen CA just want to do stuff I've a little less space but I still have squares to maneuver Queen c2 mm-mean c5 is thematic oh but doesn't work so I Bishop a6 may be preparing c5 may be preparing b4 or two before B three ideas play rook b8 getting off the diagonal sometimes that's relevant I can play e5 f4 is coming so I should do something I'll play e5 typical move if I might comes to e5 then maybe someday I can come to d3 and cause mayhem d5 could play Knight c5 here the same idea Knight e3 so nice it's a nice orifice in White's territory if white takes and I'm happy to have the bishop hair f4 might come it's still sharp d6 unexpected but it's kind of a tactic can I take with the rook think I can take with the rook I just leave the night hanging for a move but after it takes takes takes takes life is good absurd not too much what's up with you thanks for subbing for 2 months yeah White's is uh it's probably realizing that he just lost another pawn no I'm not two pawns and the fun time is that a giraffe mug uh yeah you can see the giraffe right it even says giraffe as a picture of giraffe along with average ref it seems a bit redundant ok f2 is not a free pawn because the Queen defends before is interesting but it's just to improve I guess yeah the smash is coming tuner for the resub for four months should I take it yeah let's take it okay the rook needs a better square Oh put some pressure on the pawn I could play before ooh I have Lila made in one threats threatening me than one well the attack is actually kind of quick I was nice the tea was nice to me it was nice still in fourth place trying to catch up and heal the wound from that one loss dragon mutts let's play a let's play a dragon accelerated in no let's play normal dragon okay I can still play a dragon structure waiting for a white to play d4 play I have six first usually the rule is you should develop the kingside and then later the Queen side so c3 and completely 5/5 is I think a typical move thanks tog II see em usually I mean like in terms of chess that means candidate master but what beautiful candidate master are you referring to not h5 is interesting we might get the Kings Indian structure if d5 here and then eventually f5 this is a bit more positional but I still want to play aggressively it's my bishop she lets play Issa or h6 first I want to play Bishop e6 and not worry about Knight g5 or Bishop g5 play b6 again just a matter of improving Queen will go to c7 just completing the ideal setup eventually like this stuff metaphor immediately but I can't be kicked cuz when I win h3 might be free thanks for the bits might be free might might happen next move probably not a great square for the night though against this structure well I play viewers um well I I could be playing a viewer right now I don't know he might be watching my stream you can join the tournament oh dude my stream just died no my stream just died what happened reconnecting okay I deeply apologize for that I think I'm back also a kd7 with a thousand bits sorry for that brief interruption that was a little bit strange oh the bit notification didn't show up because I was probably still disconnected and Xebec on also thanks for subbing okay I didn't lose too much time but I am down that time however I like my position oh there we go notifications yeah apologies again I would imagine twitch will break that up into breaks it up into two separate streams which means if I post this on youtube in the future gonna have to do some editing so a threat I don't feel so threatened that's by g5 if anyone's being threatened it should be white I would like to bring the Queen to f6 and then threaten this just about creating tactics Queen f6 Knight g4 I'll do it anyway I might take on g4 ooh and tactic is working I think I can take off to now okay white collapsed and just a few moves there Wow abrupt ending 20 moves in second place Billy the Kid chest winning everything have to be careful trying to catch up maybe I should be zerk if I get the right opponents no there's still time I won't beserk but I'll play aggressively let's play play it to Knights attack aggressive approach against the French yeah this line black grab space but light gets a decent setup at six what is f6 maybe e5 maybe c3 that's why c3 want to open the position cuz blacks a bit slow to develop it's hard to open things up you should probably go for f4 soon I'll play this threatening Queen eh v g6 I can take also g6 right away play d3 I want to play f4 still might be free with more bits now I left for okay lots of content shinned castling queenside while trying to run away could take do I take with hmm take once take again not sure if I'm getting like so much the center is closed but it's going to be sharp want to attack on the Kings side bring the knight back to f3 the eventual goal is to play b4 open up some lines okay trade if takes with pawn Bishop g5 would be nice here maybe I can leave the tension start with rook b1 yeah now I can take and have a nice outpost the knife the knife is alive on f5 that's a move let's play b4 so it's hard for a black to open either of these files but we might just have an endgame I could take multiple ponds and take on e5 all these pawns are hanging threatening to take on c5 with check now I think I'll take here Queen f7 I have Brooke out 5 because I don't want to get mated yeah Queen f7 is a mate in one to three threats I could take another pawn I feel like there's a lot of options here maybe just rook b5 pile up on b7 if b6 and I have C 5 C 5 can also be explosive okay here I could take and trade a little bit can take on h5 let's take on h5 the time has come to be greedy and win more pawns g5 is hanging I might take on b7 at some points or I might just win more pawns I feel so greedy but so satisfied how many pawns on my up chip I need to count okay let's just trade Queens and convert the endgame cuz I'm down on time oh no Queen trade that's why a four have to use my pawns this rook is pinned can be a treasonable let's play this I want to play this in this and now let's straight Queens ooh forgot about that okay I'll just take on d4 and play rook be to be safe I want to play rook d7 soon be six a five Hey greed is good is it in the chat it was a very fitting username for this game let's play c5 just overloading the the pinned upon King c8 some move and then I take this pawn kind of close to meet threatening mate in one okay now I win the rook okay took some work one point behind first place still have a streak playing ich nick d6 let's play Bishop c4 I was like on the verge of falling asleep last night and this just came to mind Bishop c4 against appears idea of playing early Queen e2 can I just play this takes takes look looks too fun and it fits a the stream title super aggressive chess that's probably just dubious for me though yeah I'm just sucking a piece the problem is queen g6 comes but maybe it's not such a tragedy I'm just going to be down a piece let's play d3 but all have pawns to pawns for a piece blacks King is on g8 maybe I could play c3 and somehow checkmates also maybe I'll win Connect four with the diagonal pawn chain I guess all pond chains are diagonal but not all connect four is our diagonal Knight b6 f4 hmm my knight is feeling some heat what should you there's e5 c5 is interesting maybe I should just retreats [Music] maybe I'll be greedy take another free pawn I should also develop starting slowly I guess King each one's not a development move but it's a safe place for the King retreat the knight avoiding trades I'm just gonna pretend that I'm not down a piece and then life will be okay I mean I really don't have any weaknesses position is solid let's play a four I want to do this and win the pawn a five okay Knight be free coming oh I have the free nights I was so fixated on Knight be free which I don't even know if I want to play anymore why did I not take that free night okay let's let's do something else the other night doesn't belong on b3 anyway Knight c4 bit more aggressive b5 hmm I'm still slow playing I don't want to make like too many commitments until I'm ready ooh this move is tricky is that the night moves I have Queenie for winning the rook but then there's a Chi 3 could get messy but should be fine for me and if takes takes a Knights pinned by the rook so tricky situation for black that's probably the best move I could take yeah let's take so I'm not winning anything but I still have pawns still have not lost a single pawn I wanna play Knight f3 and still pretend that I'm not down the piece there's East 6 here u 6 looks fancy but also overextending lady 4 mm or else Queen g3 I'll play Queen g3 looks like the most solid approach covering h3 just in case some sacs happen you know the Queen Queen is actually okay on each - I think maybe someday g4 also Knight f3 still improvement moves to make can we could trade rooks there's some tricks he 7e 6 wins something I'm up on time time is very relevant probably be the the key to winning this game clayji for now let's put the knight on d4 what to do not sure about a five no let's play c3 looks solid free pawn not actually free because there's rook b8 but that's okay play g5 it's an e mode action take that okay this is scary defend this is very scary I won't play rook F - there's a trap in the end Knight takes e5 Bishop D for winning the Knights also blacks about to flag C sevens a bit weak or on a5 is a bit weak there we go okay back to treatments as a close game still chasing first place I've not been in first place as this tournament Sun F is now leading also has a pretty impressive streak have to consider buzzer King soon not too much time left Matt game I just played went full distance play The Dude's gambit what's a dude's gambit never heard of that maybe I'll play a gambit I still want to play a budapest taking a while to start a game maybe it's waiting for Sun F to finish there you go okay as irking time do the pest time or London time Budapest let's go with a pest declined I like the structure let's castle I'll go with a plan B for B for my g4 and that's actually like impossible for a white to defend F to successfully now I have a bishop let's play this move so I mop up on let's play a5 preventing B for Bishop a7 I guess some Bishop g4 ideas ideas also just bringing the knight to f6 let's start with Bishop g4 sometimes before you play aggressively you have to develop your pieces important rule I could take now takes Queen h4 or let's do it take away White's castling rights thinking about f5 yeah its aggressive idea after it takes to play e4 you just break through open the center and get to the king let's play Knight c5 fighting for efore Knight b5 I could take first attack the bishop and then probably play Bishop b6 even 93 can't find with this ok rooks are fort and queen d4 Queen D for anything better si I have to accept that I'm losing a rook also I deserve so I should move faster let's just do this ooh now Queen D for almost Windsor rook but there's Keaney too and now he for now this looks pretty good the king is in the eye of the hurricane let's take enough three and do stuff with the pieces I'm not seeing mates over 22 seconds now I'm threatening threatening Rogoff to threatening Queenie for hmm start with Queenie for the rooks hanging on g1 got - okay should do the job I still have to meet in time plenty of time 15 seconds 23 but where is the mate just take a pawn first and take more pawns - watch out for stalemate tricks opponents gonna try the rosin trap there we go okay another victory in the back so on f is running away oh but it didn't update my score okay that berserk helped so I'm within one point 11 minutes left it's going to be a close finish Shawn F is about to win another game not what I want to see so I should be zürich again who maybe I shouldn't I'm not gonna berserk I'll say berserk King for the finish just to play quickly though this Queen takes like I've seen this movie before Queen takes this looks reasonable play Bishop d6 I'm up a pawn also up a bishop okay this is what I needed opponents not gonna resign though casting is illegal I'll keep the bishop or should I just take the Knights let's keep the bishop as king it oh that's annoying um why why is this annoying let's take here make that night go away and then let's just develop I'm up a piece no need to overthink things clicking our fates maybe I'll fee and hello my king and just connect the rooks also play g4 and g4 is annoying threats what to do when g4 is very annoying I have this move let's do that move threatening f4 I'll bring the rook into play yeah playing passively but okay here's a something rook takes f7 light winds upon but I'm still up a piece and IG 595 I can take it maybe six not the best technique but I'm kind of getting the job done once a draw no draw but how do I actually make progress to bring my knight to f6 probably then use my king each five coming or a g5 coming ooh tricky let's play this oh this is not good I just mess this up oh no oh this is not good at all yeah c4 okay I'm gonna put the Bishop on e7 stopping f5 oh this is really not what I wanted I might end up losing this there we go okay that's what I needed it's really what I needed the fork nights has come to the rescue now let's just take this make things very simple run to be three Bishop here check oh that didn't do much but that's okay see for coming 28 seconds is enough time son F why am i struggling let's not give away the bishop just yet okay hey I have the lead and so on a slawsa streak and there's time for probably one more game so let's not beserk let's play a London I'm gonna just try and keep the cleanliness that last game was very messy though it's very messy its bits its bone the specks thanks might be free Oh Queen d2 or no probably the smooth yeah this is a very pleasant structure and it bodes well for playing aggressively especially when black castles I could play g4g for King b1 start with King b1 I'm not in much rush now g4 I want to play g5 can probably take and play h5 even at 4 first h5 coming soon maybe e4 hey maybe I can get all the pawns for the fourth rank the h5 the g5 it gets weird I still want to play e4 yeah e4 Connect four more bits thanks Sagi g6 is weak so the idea is Queen here and then eventually Queen g6 block will probably play Queen e8 at some points I can do stuff with pawns this looks promising though but what sort of stuff with pawns takes start with this thinking of takes and takes if takes and takes and takes takes takes Queen g6 and end if efore I take with check okay so there's two about two and a half minutes left in the tournament should be enough time for this game to finish yeah so here I take and then Queen III and Queen g5 and now maybe just just Queen e5 2 now let's take and then win pawns do I start with hmm play b3 looks weird but I didn't want their up to come to yet even though it still does but the Knights restricted now I want to bring my knight in probably to g3 and then rook f1 now Queen g7 forces no Queen g7 hangs our rook that's nice so let's play h6 giving the Queen some square stopping rook g7 and now I want to play Queen e5 check 25 checkers or winning threats because King G at age 7 now I bring the knight in threatening to h5 also burakov won a multi-purpose night hmm I guess I can play this Oh Sun ass has passed me so I need to win this game I can't have the scheme go until the very end Oh am I just winning I think I'm just winning hey I won back to tournament so Sun f means to win oh and Sun F is playing and is on the verge of winning pairings are closed let's watch Sun off there is one minute left please okay these whites survived for one minute no you're losing but don't resign no don't reside don't resign run out your time forty seconds no I didn't win the tournaments really oh I wait Oh son F was not on a streak so I think I won the tournament what's going on is this the right score refresh is the right score so son F only got two points probably should've is Ertz there's bits might be free Thanks and also nerds tits keys thanks the tournament is where is it timer oh it's done okay was it close finish I played yesterday yesterday was not a close finish but today was a close finish cool lost out one game almost cost me had some messy games had some fun games - I think soggy for the bits yeah that last game some fun pong play so I'll probably put this on youtube oh it's another name weight column media thanks for the bits so for the YouTube people watching in the future I think I'll call this super aggressive chess in the super blitz arena part 2 there's something along those lines part 1 was yesterday which I plan on uploading tomorrow so for future people on YouTube hope you enjoy that I'll see you in the future
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 482,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Blunder, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, lichess, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Chess 2019, Blitz Chess, Speed Chess, Chess Commentary, International Master, Chess Tutorial, chess game,, chess explained, Checkmate, rapid chess, SuperBlitz Arena, Danish Gambit, Kings Gambit, Budapest Gambit, Halloween Gambit, pirc, Dragon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 17sec (3497 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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