2019 Autumn Marathon | Part 2

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all right it is 2019 all the marathon part two i streamed what i streamed at 8 a.m. it's not 1 p.m. there are just under 6 hours left in the tournament i don't think i'll stream the whole 6 hours but let's join and see what happens actually rejoining I'm in 318 place I have a winning streak lost 2 games so far in this event ok and I'm keeping the rule if my opponents below 2000 lb zerk but this opponent is 2006 so I won't beserk let's play Bishop b5 check so lion that I've played in tournaments in the past haven't played recently though I'll go for Marazzi mine setup this is one of the the main approaches because I've trade off traded off my light squared Bishop and my pawns are in light square is the rest of the minor pieces are actually quite quite happy it's a nice setup it's like definition of Marazzi mind right here I'll play off three cuz always play off three probably play b3 too but maybe not necessary play King h1 missed improving moves rook c1 defending the pawn with tactics at Queen Jake c4 I have 95 attacking e7 like Queen Queen d2 is interesting some idea of Knight d5 yeah like you're 95 essentially forces Queen d8 not sure if I'm getting so much and I get the dark squared bishop maybe I'll start with b3 I do want to make a 95 work okay not gonna happen let's play Queen f2 this position requires patience is waiting for the right opportunity to to strike I'll play play Knight d2 maybe at some point I can trap the Queen g4 9 f4 ideas actually whoa 93 that was a blind spot I did not see that move okay that's a wake-up call only losing a rook Belgian novice in the chats first person and the chat welcome welcome can I have to rebound only down the exchange could be worse d5 was d5 can i play this move there's Queenie 525 93 [Music] some forcing lines is Pawnee 5:20 xe5 busy before don't think that's great there's also g4 here on g4 could be interesting g4 here Bishop f4 traps the Queen and then if Queen h3 h3 can be a problem we need to be a queen of two takes not seeing how this works I'll find out off for some idea of Queenie 593 Queen moves back 'if I've try and go for the space grab the Queen was to c7 I have x-ray vision I've Queen goes to d6 I have a fork it's a little bit tricky for a black Queen a7 bust move I have Bishop f4 I might be forcing Queen eight okay so I'm getting comp that's all I want for Christmas even though it's not Christmas yet he five may be coming you taking on d5 actually this could be just a free pawn box gonna play b5 and then they have d6 let's do this in Queen d4 looming I'm controlling the center John Davis is back quicker than he thought yeah I'm walking into some some stuff but I'm controlling the center black's queen is in the corner well the lady six if it works not sure if it threatens anything because a deep pons pinned and now the D pons attacked so let's move it it's getting weird bishop f8 play bishop no not Bishop g5 maybe rook d1 this very tricky situation Knight e5 no not sure what to do here I think I'll play rogue do you want I'm looking at Queen c6 Bishop e5 takes takes takes Queen G 494 later it's something I defend the knight to which is important so defending attacking 97 maybe night before I have to get some initiative yeah so this is what I was calculating hope it's not that bad of 95 immediately that could be interesting defiles pretty cluttered the idea is to do this and destroy the opponent's if there should be five I fork everything Wow so problem is my Queens attacked so it's still tricky I mean I should start with this I think maybe I should start by taking let's start by taking their their some back rank issues in the end I always take on e5 - this is tricky oh I forgot about that move no I don't think I've messed up no I have 93 okay still kind of alive almost flag - there I no no no this is not gonna end well wait what wait what Wow rook c1 rook d1 check I'm winning how am i winning this opponent has blundered safety first loofa the my beautiful streak almost died but now it's still alive let's push pawns I'll still have to break through let's just try and trap the rook yeah a g5 is the killer blow a very fitting killer blow pawn is pinned maybe I'll start with this improve a little bit just go after the pawn walk the King in okay take upon yeah why not Queen g7 incoming what a game such a long game too oh man I mean I was I was dead but then I came back to life we just go back yeah 93 Queen dxd threes good move all black needs to do is move King g8 Queen g4 King h8 and loose Queen d6 was tricky but yeah after rook c1 I have the discovered check okay hello to everyone haven't said hello to too many people we have a lot of people we have someone from Honduras we have diamond cutter a long time no see life is good especially after that game you got Jess thanks for bits privyet two doubles Don's bonza and Shawn of game hello Kevin hello okay let's buzzer Oh volume is loud Kings gambit I'm Faulk your counter gambit toxic but now the party hello this looks Pleasant Queenie - yeah so this is some preparation Paul ah thanks for the bits I appreciate that Knight c3 I think is considered dubious easy bishop g1 thanks for subbing so 95 yeah what's the move to play here play Bishop f5 I don't have too much time to think good take let's just take I'm Bishop e6 I'm pretty sure I had this exact position against John Davis at some point in time I remember the bishops doing work so material is equal somehow but I have apology for e3 ideas looming III could potentially win a pawn I mean maybe I should have played that last move let's stick with let's actually take with pawn actually I'm indecisive let's say with pawn I didn't want to allow Bishop c4 if pawn c4 and I just Bishop e6 or even III with a counterpunch have I tried roti is it roti Jala or roti challah is a Indian bread I've had roti I had roti in Singapore it was delicious um b4 yeah I have to move a lot faster if g3 III tactics those pawns hard to defend c4 might happen c4 Bishop e6 okay free pawn some up a pawn but down on time put the rook somewhere happy this is a passed pawn this is active rook I want to play rook f8 just apply pressure bishops tied down to this pawn there's an e6 preventing work t7 so rip d2 probably expected and then this threatening the bishop bishops a bit stuck still Kings also stuck I might just be able to squeeze white make some orange juice or just promote a pawn oh I love Bishop d3 though mmm should be three visual d3 roti - maybe do you want to take h7h - I always have to look for like promotion tactics so rook a - it could be appealing slaver okay - both pawns hanging probably want to take a three and keep attacking stuff if Ricky one rook a one there should be one Bishop f5 should win King bee - we trade and then e to an end can take something let's start with this and then take or is that yeah I guess I'll go for this no the pawn III is it can't really be attacked controlling all these squares I'll just walk my king up I just have to take all the ponds and queen and and enough time in 26 seconds probably go after the Queen side pawns play h6 for good measure so everything on dark squares except my lights for a bishop gonna play this okay nice relatively clean [Music] took a little bit of effort in that game okay top 300 1111 or actually 111 getting carried away quite English have not played in English this stream c6 play play what I used to play of a Slav without d4 Queen b3 looks interesting mmm play 95 have no idea if this is theory but it looks playable not sure what to do here some weird idea Queen takes b3 bishop see - if pawn d3 looks weird though I'm just gonna develop develop castling don't think I can go wrong with that f4 maybe yeah for looks enticing trying to take on e5 each 5 ok opponents also being ambitious the Queen's are getting traded hmm what to do could take want to reinforce a five takes let's take once d3 not sure what to do here I've incremented so I can think each 3G for ideas could commit to d4 maybe I will commit to d4 and Bishop seems really sad but the idea is Bishop d2 hey Lu - GG thanks for subbing yeah the idea is to just use the bishop to support this B pawn push there's a game Janowski Capablanca like nine early 1900s it reminds me of like this plan the BB pawns like pushing forward 95 eventually it's due ambition t1 so this lights not an outpost because f6 could happen but yeah do keep the chat in english porfavor pizzelles - please let's play Knight c5 okay I like the structure now this could be a long grind it's very positional I could sack stuff but I like my minor pieces too much let's play Bishop a5 first I don't want to go insane too early maybe g3 some idea of like King G to h3 eventually g4 oh there's another idea here - an idea here that sometimes comes up in the London and these structures to play rook b4 and then bring the other rook to b3 could trade bishops do I want to trade not sure [Music] yeah I think I'll trade because the rook has to take and then I have this move Bishop c8 looks forest and then let's play Bishop f3 first the knight moves in I might just take it I think the plan is to play this this this this and then just get some get some travel in build up the credit card points for the night the airline miles let's do its this move defending e3 okay now I can take Oh H 2 is kind of backwards I have 95 here point 95 not an easy position to win rookie h1 would like to somehow prepare rook H 1 H 4 okay let's start with this yeah like rook h8 I might just play h4 takes and then g4 and then win the pawn eventually you know the pawns should be falling someday f6 coming rook b3 yeah rook is multi-purpose on b3 so the first step is to win the H pawn should be pretty straightforward then eventually like further down the road I want to do this get rid of this pawn plant the knight back on e5 okay so let's just take a pond oh no I should have taken with night oh but it's not that bad because I can take on b7 there's Bishop takes g4 no but is it bad I guess I'll find out I have King g3 should keep me alive we're gonna have some brook ending it's getting it's getting interesting King f2 probably my Brook is active these pawns are potentially weak ok now I can take and gather ninety five so just have I'll start with this I've ways to attack c6 with the rook grew up e6 coming I just want to get rid of this pawn and then queen my C pawn oh no I can't do that uh what did I do mm-hmm this is tricky rook c7 maybe my time is dwindling Oh No check oh this is really bad oh this is so bad I just lost everything okay I need another miracle we're g3 was the worst move I lost a game I was just out playing my opponents and then terrible things happened yeah the king should just go to g3 I don't know why I played kini - oh that's sad got careless a little bit tired I have to wipe away my tears that's life third loss of the tournament lost some rating points okay let's come back Nova's working where as a coffee I have tea mint green tea happy Halloween 98 yeah Bishop c4 Queen f3 down the piece but I haven't made threats I think I want to play h4 h4 h5 also ideas of Bishop g5 mg v f6 it's interesting a bishop a three-two yeah there are some moves to consider what to do maybe King f1 just getting off the the file yeah King f1 yeah where is box Queen going because f6 f6 I just take in wind stuff Queen a3 I take so Queen f8 probably only move play rook e1 feels like black is suffering I is very much stuck in this position despite being up a piece it is a question though like what is White's plan there's no immediate like targets like okay black wants to play b6 in Bishop e7 so I think the plan is to play f4 f5 I also play d5 immediately like d5 d6 so maybe what I can do start with Queen d3 preventing b5 a long enough pawn to move forward and also if I get in this then the F pawn is tied down to the night so the question is do I play a4 or d5 both look very attractive I'll play d5 I think this is very direct like the Kings just stuck in the center the Queen's on f8 e 6 is very hard to stop hello to Elvin spell and hello to past life karma if you just got here yeah this is a Halloween gambit celebrating Halloween early trying to have some fun trying to recover from the previous game black can legally castle kind of forgot about that but black castles I probably just take em oh it's interesting huh oh I have a nice idea to take y'all take first does it kind of does it work wait a minute it's complicated also have a 7 e7 d6 yada yada I can also take on each six on so many options not sure I'm trying to calculate takes [Music] let's take your first it was difficult decision okay now d6 unleashing the bishop oh I got mated I got mated where'd that come from I got made had no idea block of sweating meat had no awareness of my weakness what was that that's so tragic I was debating between d6 and Queen takes in Bishop III even like this move is a boon Oh two losses in a row yeah Halloween gambit refuted okay let's recover recovery time I'll play Sicilian okay time atif just for the toxic banana party I'll play the line with h5 I've played this a few times in tournaments I'm trying not to get tilted but that last game was kind of tilting I have to stay calm at least I'm still above 2,500 each three each 3-play h5 no it's um let's take and play this Bishop f4 was interesting move to h4 here okay it's getting interesting how many points do I have think 111 anti-tilt bits thanks so much Queen g3 is exotic but then Bishop e3 I don't know if it does that much can I do this move takes h3o Bishop e3 I can take all right I'll play Queen g3 just for for giggles if the Queen retreats and I think I can take and play this and win I should pre move this I should have played EF in that last game yeah so many of other things I could have done I think I've uh I've mesmerized my opponent with my my queen it's so hypnotic on g3 okay the trade ooh Bishop III so I could take on f2 it's probably most logical we could trade everything and then we just have some and game but do I want to to take I think I do then d6 and King e7 radiates have to hold on tight he 598 he got barely hold on z nation chess z nation chess has a first badge I saw this in another stream I think this means a very first subscriber also if you hover over it it says founder I still need a or maybe I don't need I was gonna say I need a two-year sub badge but you have the first badge which is probably the most powerful the things C nation for stopping by yet again yeah it's been about two years since I started streaming consistently on Twitch and z nation was there from the very beginning okay so White's trying to figure out how to destroy me all I want to do is have some fun whoa what is this 94 I can take and rook v8 I don't really have any weaknesses I'm just passive maybe someday I'll be passive-aggressive I wanna play b6 or actually I want to do this in this and just trade how can I join chats says the person in the chat I think you figured it out so if I if I play this and there's Mike c5 and I don't want to do that I played b6 just preparing this yeah slowly untangling and now what where does my knight want to be the trick is in these situations you figure out the square the knight wants to be and then you figure out how to get there I'm actually gonna start with this move actually no my knight wants to be undecided where it's a it defends it has access to center squares and then I want to play rook c7 b5 also White is very low on time I'm b5 right away play this first what to do I play b5 oh there's a threat though I should not lose a pawn let's play this move maybe f5 nah weakens d5 maybe a 5 I don't know what to do f6 always play off 6 and then 9 f7 and I'll just kind of Cocoon and I'll reroute the rook to attack the H pawn there's my g5 here attack the H pawn again can control the D file attack the H pawn again aha now G pawns kind of backwards hard to exploit though maybe I'll play g6 at some points yeah open the H file hopefully in my favor and now return okay have some activity preventing g5 aha hey rook g2 would be a blunder I have to take I don't want to take but I have to okay so there's a few plans here this is one plan this is another plan does this win this might know it's it's interesting it might be winning let's try it King pawn ending two pawns fixes three pawns question is how do I make progress I can walk around if before I take this way and I'm still in the box yeah I saw that coming [Music] to passed pawns okay that was nice finish took work it took some mistake from my opponents but yeah Knight c5 I think it's winning you know I could try and do this but then f5 it should be winning I think okay back to tournaments to 81 so what do I need to get to the top hundred oh man I'm not gonna find out okay I need to win more games play you for oh the box is look it up it there should be a Wikipedia Wikipedia article it's when the king is trying to catch a passed pawn and the king is in like this box then yeah it's hard to explain especially in the opening it's an end game concept the King trying to catch a passed pawn play d4 yeah this is a trendy sort of line I think magnus carlsen invented this line there should be two and castling three and then maybe g4 first always play King b1 and the structure is pretty solid like I'm not scared of getting mated so soon can maybe trade off bishops I'll start with this I just want to do this and eventually mate yeah this is interesting play this move also 9a for the center is usually better sharp position we're both trying to attack I think I want to take and Queen h6 and then Nathan h7 I take first just ignore the fact that my knight is hanging it's interesting probably not good though yeah I want to go crazy 93 so that's going to have some initiative Queen f6 a4 but it's a fights not sure what the plan should be I mean I have Knight c4 always take on g6 g5 if I want to just distract the Queen I could take on d6 hmm trying to calculate Queen James d6 a three-night c4 Knight b6 e 5 she looks okay I'm paranoid after one of the those earlier games are just missing maiden 1 so I have to be like hyper aware of blacks ideas okay now the a file is open but I'm not getting made it on b2 which was a concern of black lady 3 and I am up a pawn not that much not that material is so like relevant and in this position the Knights attacked so Knight moves so this could be a threat of taking on b3 so what to do Queen d4 I think I want to trade Queens also play some other moves let's play Queen d4 if efile I'll be very happy so the Queen is cut off and I'll have the d5 square for the knight and we get into an endgame I mop up on e5 okay this should bring me happiness but where should I move my queen I could take on before it's greedy but it's a free pawn I want to play Knight d5 the queen can't really be attacked with rook b8 I take on a5 it's hard for black to the Velo like if this tonight doesn't have any squares bishops tied down to the night Brooks tied down to other Knights Queen not doing anything okay life is good 95 incoming and a box was stuck Wow so going insane so I'm up a Knights and a pawn can always play Bishop c4 probably not here I could take a another piece I think I'll start with this move the Queen doesn't have too many squares Queen moves here I fork Queen moves here I can for guaranteed fork night c7 the triple fork I'll take on a six with the night controlling the BH square kind of important there should be five looks nice so I'm up two pieces and a pawn uh what to do probably I should move more quickly Knight should return rook h2 is useful move your rook yeah so the rook is now doing a job work d6 looks nice uh what to do Queen c4 getting out of the pin it's take and actually Queen c4 creator the pin - that's nice King f8 is this maiden one that's mates that was nice unlimited rice pudding thanks for subbing yeah I think and thirteen months I appreciate that okay that was interesting game felt like I I'm in amaizing J's which which is important okay play playing aggressively against English II for efore I'll just develop have some weird reverse Kings gambit what is something maybe someone can explain what is something oh this is interesting so it takes can also take on f2 it's a center for trick considering night at six just allowing takes let's do that just giving white options in some way I'm just stacking upon take stakes I'll be down upon but I'll have development in a relatively open position and Hammer hammer approves with 2x Slams I doubt this is any sort of opening theory can I take and just have fun I want to have fun of Queen d4 - of Knight some knight moves probably this move how does white defend f2 I guess I'll find out can defend it with the Queen usually the queen and the king that are the worst offenders d4 could I could take up on Bishop e3 coming Bishop III there's a funny line where white just gets double pawns all over the place I don't think I knew that but now I know that okay let's have some fun with White's pawn structure and trade everything I could also take first maybe I'll take first I don't think it makes a huge difference King comes to e7 yeah some beautiful structure here the plan is this this guy have to pretty healthy pawn islands White has four I want to call it unhealthy kind of grotesque I mean mainly the double pawns it'll be fun to snack on in the future but it still takes work it is equal material okay so pawn chain oh there's efore so e4 I can win the c4 pawn I could counter-attack I'll just win upon so no more double pawns for whites that's a move I have Bishop a6 yeah the bishop actually does an interesting job defends upon and controls f1 so if I just double up on that file I can't really contest it maybe I'll start with rook DX I'm gonna wreck a fates I want to play roof D to work f2 no idea what that means but I'll take that as a compliment let's take a pawn or at least attempt to could also go 4G 5g 4G 5g for mm-hmm I mean there's so many ways to continue I'll start with g5 I want to do this and this mmm each five [Music] it's nice I can like take time I don't have to worry too much about like flagging because there's increments have time to drink tea there's some pressure here what to do you rook rook c2 just going after the C pawn okay I shouldn't get too low on time just speed it up a little bit defending the pawn if work III rook c1 [Music] interesting I should probably fight for the D file yeah let's do this that's annoying though oh I don't want to deal with this what to do maybe g4o g4 is just terrible move but I'll try and make it work no I just I'm self-destructed okay I can take here I still control f1 who to do maybe this move oh this is really dangerous like actually really dangerous to not let the pawn promote get some King activity oh dear reroute the bishop oh no no oh this is so sad how is so much better White's pawns were so ugly what happened I'm down a rook but I have a queenside majority I have active rook I'm trying to fight I'm trying free pawn hmm like free pawns aha okay I've three connected passed pawns and oh that's not gonna help but I still have three connected pass pawns to push them baby that's not gonna work though unless it can work it's not gonna work it's so sad I'm so close to queening everything No oh that's a nice move house-made into my pawns were so beautiful there goes my reading but I'm still still above 2500 that's really sad lost my thread in the end game I'm joining a game okay comeback time what to do here b5 do something aggressive c5 see 4b 4d boss thanks for the comment let's play do I play here may 5 is complete development no need to spend so much time I think that's my problem I've been second-guessing myself too many times we just have to play natural moves save time especially a position like this now it's time to take might should return here someday any fives good move it stick my knight wants to come to c5 positional game and eventually d3 and fork stuff yeah that defense I can take first Queen b7 what is this I want to play g5 I shouldn't get too excited let's play 94 94 it looks nice I really want to take on d4 I also really want to play g5 still I have to resist I'll just improve our rook mindo rush rook d3 rook d3 h6 being patient I think yeah I think the plan is to put the knight on f5 also unleashing the Queen h4 maybe my opponent was scared of g5 so we could trade rooks how do i attack that knight on f3 okay let's take once and now what I like my setup I don't want to like move anything away from any square but I guess I have to g5 now prom is a king just moves okay I have a plan 94 o 94 rip t7 okay different plan Queen eight I'm gonna plate rook to e8 just get rid of this rook ah but then there's might see six issues so I'll revert to this plan I want to bring the light to see five targets um potential victims oh I forgot yeah I could take bishop is loose but the rook is currently attacked Bishop f6 I'm fighting it's equal material White's probably better at least my pieces kind of make sense that's a move what to do I should probably take the knight and then Rick here Oh actually wait am i winning because of this Queen's overworked I just take b2 and the Queen i8 is being very useful white resigns I was not expecting to win that so abruptly Wow might be free might be free is a move I wanted to play but I got distracted with other good moves alright that was nice yeah this Queen on eight should not be taken for granted all right I'm the man I've not played a London in a long time let's play Queen's Gambit ooh 9 f6 I think my opponent was expecting Bishop f4 maybe I don't know what is this gambit just up a pawn and I have centered pawns looks reasonable but yeah okay black gets some development I don't think I'm too afraid yeah black actually has no Center pawns what to do efore but that hangs d4 um is there a threat there is no threat I should not be thinking just a three I want to play b4 maybe be five and then later efore okay queen of sixes idea now h3 now the bishop can't retreats black has to make some concession at Bishop e6 I fork and now I can get an e4 safely do you have a favorite tournament you've played favorite tournament I mean every tournament in st. Louis is incredible the st. Louis chess club actually my favorite tournament in st. Louis was the first time I played there in 2009 I qualified for the u.s. junior closed by winning the US Junior Open as a lowest rated player by a few hundred points everyone in the event was over 2400 I was mid 2,200 they gave all the participants new laptops they gave like food stipend like sweet and like hotel for the two weeks or whatever gave us tickets to like a tennis match it was amazing and I did well in the tournament finished with four and a half out of nine okay I got distracted for a moment there the position is still pretty good up upon I have some nice nice looking pawns go play this move is that necessary though let's play this move maybe I'll win another pawn now e6 maybe this first and these pawns are so majestic maybe six was just devastation the bishops can be lost wait your username is isn't because of the move Knight b3 oh it's maybe because Knights have freedom probably just yeah okay that was nice let's move the game so yeah it takes a while to like work work the way up who's in first and these scores are crazy ooh playing an IM higher rated haven't had too many games where my opponent is higher rated i'll bezerk back this will be sofia fights try to think while opening i'll play d5 okay yeah main line yeah this is a sharp variation take see 796 Bishop c4 Queen eight five key to bonk loud there's rook t1 immediately let's take first a3 is gonna happen I'll reposition the Queen on h5 maybe ninety six now Queen h5 so King f1 I have nine a five and attacking everything he's still not a five Brooksie seven ideas it should be okay have Bishop d5 if necessary Queen B one I might be free coming I could take on d3 two I will so many juicy looking options well it's just to improve a bishop keep my options open that's some move let's play Bishop here first counter attacking the Queen Queen c2 or that might be free might be free I guess I want to play a5 a4 Wow efore what's going on here oh this is bullets I have to move quicker thanks for subbing suboptimal it's my bishop trapped never mind what's going on here no on time finding work c151 planet stocks it hey I flagged him I was not even looking at time okay so I won that and I got this desert points too I'm a messy game chess friendship or the wholesome name uh let's not bezerk let's play this let's say hi to just add blue hello just add blue I'll play Bishop c4 e6 prevent e5 I'll play each four blocks kind of playing a hippo have to poach the hippo what to do is each six is a move hmm I could take on a gamba the pawn let's gather the pawn donating the d4 pawn and hopes for something in return Oh No ah okay just have to respond to one thing okay Oh c3 so I have I'm down the pawn but I have some attack h6 usually the rule is with this tension you should leave it unless taking or pushing is really good eh six looks nice Bishop g5 I'll play Bishop g5 attacking the Knights all the minor pieces are developed black has the whole Queen side undeveloped f6 was expected I kind of want to sack of bishop I play Bishop III sacking another pawn just gonna sack all the pawns and hope it's mates or hope to trap the Queen ah what to do rook b1 yeah rook e1 the pawn sacking continues at some point I have to justify this in Bishop c5 knight c6 is kind of an issue so what to do h6 I want to play Bishop and Bishop c5 knight c6 looking for ways to generate threats g4 g5 I want to put the bishop on c4 so there's this move there's some logic behind that I felt like I almost mouse slips there but okay rook before idea is to put the bishop aligned with the Queen and with the king I think I'll start with this and queen is short on squares her okay for could be coming actually there's a line Queen a 3 R okay for Queen B - Rick a2 and the Queen I think is trapped am I just wrapping the Queen might be trapping the Queen Queen d2 only move there's rook ta but I just hick with a rook a nice little Queen trap that's a game of cat and mouse the mouse was the queen the cow is all of these things okay plenty of time now e6 is a target probably a Bishop c5 to use the Bishop to its full potential Queen c2 g4 it's always a nice having more material it means there's more material to attack with miss bishops tied down to the pawn envisioning this this this and then I can take the knight okay let's start with g4 I might end up sacking like takes and then I'm envisioning some Knight g5 sack it looks too delicious to turn down let's do it cuz I'll win g6 probably almost King f6 is played King f6 how do I win that h7 what to do here I'll repeat once Bishop b1 searching repeat again that move this way this time not getting anything not getting what I want that's kind of sad I'll play Queen e2 I still have attacking resources this time yeah this time if this I have Queen a3 and Bishop c1 mating in the end okay that's a move let's play Knight g5 I take on e5 be fancy there's no time to calculate I'll just win material oh there's ninety three so I'm losing material that's not my plan oh but I'm winning material because I win the rook Queen f6 is stronger if King g7 f king g7 Queen f6 let's take here somewhat messy finish there's some discovery but I'm not scared of it so c4 I'm threatening mate in one there we go okay Oh a little bit low on time that that's what happens okay back on a streak have a rough patch for a moment there are you going to play the rest of the marathon time will tell oh I played him before forget what we played before let's play something new knight c6 d6 another like Carlsen opening hey Knight f6 okay appearance defense I'm not booked up here I see five is natural I could Castle I could take an H five could be a move yeah I should probably have studied this position more d5 looks wrong I'll play that h5 looks interesting not sure what I've accomplished maybe a six it's not the most impressive opening play yeah a g4 I play this before maybe that somehow it works there's many lines d4 hangs in the end I will say it's hard to constantly watch chat while playing but sometimes I'll glance at chat but it's not easy during a tournament also not easy like I've been streaming for about forget maybe four or five hours total today streamed for a good portion of time this morning okay let's stay focused h6 is probably the way to go we could trade rooks on the H file I could play this with an Bishop d5 hah what to do maybe Knight a5 looks very strange but it's a move I just want to play this and Knight c4 so I'm doing the same thing on both flanks I played now h5 to f4 earlier I'm doing basically the same thing on the Queen side so there's some symmetry which is one of the ways to create beauty let's take take some more things yeah return the bishop to its home c5 might be thematic also defend my Knights maybe c6 defending a knight and attacking a knight I see the comments about chess coaching I've yeah I've been a chess coach since high school for about seven seven to eight years recently there's been so much demand and I've been so busy with so many things that it's been hard to take students but I'm in the process of like trying to restructure my approach to private lessons but yeah life is hectic ie five is scary I think I should play Knight c4 sooner rather than later see if I wants to trade off the bishop interesting it's a very weird game so far whoo 94 is gonna probably hurt me do I have Queen b6 Queen b6 9a for Queen b5 there's also beat three Queen B 4 this is a scary position I can take on d6 to a 94 so much initiative for whites so let's try this I want the taste of initiative yeah b3 good move and now Bishop e6 oh no did I just blunder d5 d5 I do have Queen a5 it gets really weird D 5.85 takes take that might be a stronger move I have Bishop f6 ice looking maybe take should I throw and take takes let's try it and try and make white think now Bishop f6 [Music] od5 I can take on c3 maybe oh that's very hurtful on bishops just trapped I do have this move though this is gonna be so painful what's my have any last hope I guess Queen here Queen here defends the obvious threats I'll play King f8 probably hmm v f6 always play off 6 this Bishop is so depressed 3 seconds white having over a minute not a pleasant situation but I'm alive still kind of on the play Bishop f7 wrong run the King and survive yeah I'm gonna lose c6 but then I'll have a half-open C file be queen a5 I need counterplay not sure if that generates enough counterplay though wait what take a free rook free rook I like free rooks some nice early Christmas presents but I'm not out of the danger zone yet yeah this is still really terrifying but I think I'm alive also I have a pastel font so I'm threatening to take the Queen there's quite a 7 let's play this move I always play Bishop f8 if I win this it's it's a miracle ooh free bishop I'll just move back not getting mated oh but I'm losing it's ok this is fine or is it oh no I messed this up not sure what the ending yeah what's happening in the ending ok this should be fine though the pawn will push to its glory check hey bishop here I want to mate on a one interesting these checks are kind of annoying please stop checking me oh no am I getting her pet fur cutted no Queen c7 no I really getting per petted no that's a Christmas tragedy Oh Queen c7 opponent moved too quickly there why am I saying Christmas Halloween uh okay that was a wake-up call what does this game this game is such a crazy game let's be careful keep the pawn defended yeah now I'm trying to promote Queen e5 it's fine here we go wait how do I win let's take a pond oh no there's checks again oh not this again okay I'm gonna run with the king I run far distances okay King safety are these checks keeps finding the weirdest checks okay safety promotions coming free Queen yes what a game I can't was ridiculous I mean I was dead I was so long time earlier my point gave me a free rook then had perpetual but messed it up slightly that was ridiculous how do you avoid tilt tea and deep breath yeah it was a pleasant gift of the free rook and then another gift of not propelling me yeah I think at this point it's just perpetual Queen a6 but Queen a6 is necessary opponent got you comfortable want to break into the top 200 I would like to 200 total tournament points there's a lot of teas that game was about I think it was around 80 moves oh maybe I was saying Christmas because it was a lot of gifts okay oh and what to do let's play e4 okay Halloween time I think my last Halloween gambit I lost so this is time for redemption d5 best move I think I've studied this but I forgot what to do maybe I just take I take with Bishop and there's like Bishop b4 kc6 looks like a move yeah the goal is just to brag about my beautiful center pawns castle idea that f4 f5 not f5 coming but do I care I kind of care wait 94 idea of c3 also idea of 96 multi-purpose I can play off for now it's a nice formation f5 is idea to almost traps tonight yes there's 97 f5 while I want to play C 4 F 5 is actually probably a good move because I don't want to take on pissant even though it might be the best move thinking Knight g3 I'll play Knight g3 because now my Center pawns are pretty pretty stable and I play c4 and just keep expanding like a trademark Halloween gambits down a piece but the pawns are compensation but now what do I do black wants to play Bishop g7 and Castle I have a d5 maybe Rock a 500k five the rook is a bit loose so what to do H 5 H 4 I'm not seeing a clear plan I mean let's play Queen f3 rook d1 and then try some day for d5 maybe okay this is my plan put all the pieces to prepare the d5 push King f7 unexpected pretty sure black yeah a lot could legally castle there and black is castling by hand okay so I'm executing my plan in hopes of executing my opponent I have upon d5 now d5 supported now this is nice nice formation I want to play Knight b5 soon at some points unless this is played so there's a 6 or d6 or doing something else what to do Bishop c5 Bishop c5 before think with the dark side Bishop my pawns are happier in light squares interesting so II 6 here or b4 first trying to calculate but it's difficult you rook there go play rook d3 it seems like a random move but I want to double up support the D pawn I'm pretty sure if takes rook t1 should win back material 38 seconds yeah before is called for now maybe e6 yeah II 66 my pawns are rolling like a bowling ball these are my pins hey it's a sub Deadman DM thanks for subbing again 15 months and the pawns and these pawns feel so good I don't want to lose them and I'm guaranteed to win something cuz if the knight moves east sevens of fork yeah let's play you seven I don't even want to take the bishop but maybe I should I'm conflicted yeah let's just take the bishop the proper decision maybe this move b5 now this might is a bit awkward if it moves back it cuts off the defense of the rook and I can take on b6 so as a knight just trapped if it moves back either way I take on b6 the night might just be trapped yeah apologies for the twitch lag' hopefully it wasn't too bad I should be not lagging anymore I think that's one of the symptoms of jet lag rook f6 okay went from being down the piece to being up a piece and now just winning more stuff out two pieces well the game was a nice game like a very classic Halloween gambit game maybe I'll upload this I'll post this on Halloween this will be my Halloween video if I remember to find it what's my uptime I'll find it somehow yeah for people watching on Halloween if I don't get around to making an even better Halloween video there's your Halloween video for 2019 smash the like button tell me what you're dressed up as and I'll see you in the future oh I should I should design a nice thumbnail that's true I need to find the costume or I just need to photoshop myself it's probably more efficient okay back to tournaments ooh close to 200 I think the goal is to finish in the top 100 or the top 10 but that's kind of far away still let's play chess let's play Budapest I'm feeling a little bit of tiredness but I'm still kind of awake flour 91 okay we have a position that I've had a good number of times before this is a the typical Budapest middle gameplan just lifting the rook and gaining muscle a story I think f4 is probably like the best approach and now I'm a little bit scared of things not sure where to put the Knights guess I'll put it there I wear shoe says make long YouTube videos posting majority of streams please they are nice to watch while I do work curious what sort of work you do where you're watching and multitasking yeah the thing with posting long streams is there are big file sizes and I usually do a little bit of editing but I'll take that into consideration I Pilon I'm posting all of this to YouTube at some point Bishop D for Saudi for what to do roti 6 it's weird the rook usually does not belong in front of the centre pawn in the middle game but it's aligned with the Queen and I was threatening work takes III maybe now I can play b6 so the rook has migrated from a 8 to d6 I'm ready to play Bishop e7 I still want to attack like there should be seven Knight h4 and the arrows will do the work c5 yeah see fives probably accurate I could take I should probably take thinking of sacking bishops annoying me but what else to do maybe rook c6 it's interesting line Bishop b5 pawn takes pawn Bishop takes and then takes I think it works in this line too I mean I'm gonna lose or I'm gonna win or it's gonna be a draw but I lost my rook but okay I have I have invincible pawn now on e3 it'll be invincible until it's captured or until it's promoted what's material I have I have two pawns for the exchange I could push this pawn it will be like the previous game oh that would be fun anything I mean d5 I have to be careful of weaknesses D 5 D for White's pieces are better than mine my pieces are just garbage right now hmm I don't see anything concretely wrong with this it's just I'm overextending and White's pieces are they're gonna start attacking me but as long as I can keep the center pawns and eventually checkmate everything will be okay so yeah d4 or maybe maybe I should start with Bishop a6 oh no I can't okay I'll do this ah so if Queen c4 oh never mind okay let's stop talking and let's start playing or first start thinking takes Bishop d3 it makes sense I want to play Bishop a6 so I want to play d3 it takes they're running short on time time management has not been good this game Bishop is very short on squares at least holding on to d3 or up to e3 oh but not anymore oh no we have six I guess some hope of Queen d4 working this is my one lifeline Queen b6 ideas I've been in the situation before yeah so Queen b6 I want to play Bishop c5 this is a plan Bishop c5 to d4 and c5 oh I have to defend my rook I have 2.0 seconds but sadly the Queen's are getting traded this is not gonna end well no oh this is really sad there's no not even any like still matrix I'm just getting maded next move all that my opponent may me deserves it I was rough it was like very much like a Halloween gambit except my pieces just were not lively yeah maybe I had to do a different approach not sure what oh maybe there should be a six immediately because rookie one I have bishop before but opponent played well kudos doctor tournaments for hours one minute and 50 seconds left Grandmaster Gauri and the chats are master Gauri are you playing the tournament are you just watching feel like watching is probably a lot less stressful I played Gauri over the summer or no it was when did we play was it may I play the London against him we drew in less than 10 moves okay so London opening a fight for something here reverting to my bread and butter to play against knight c6 I mean the clear intention is Pawnee 595 expecting Bishop takes okay this is interesting to play f4 you'll start with this okay this looks reasonable I like playing against the structure ePHI while the structure is transforming there's ninety five stuff maybe I should just Castle soon I should probably castle soon there's a three to apply a three with a three I'm trying to provoke Bishop takes d2 so that after Queen takes d2 I can recapture the Queen on g4 that way the e-file stays closed my king will be safe I was initially hesitant to play this because after takes takes Knight c5 wait no that doesn't work because I just take yeah I am I'm suffering from some fatigue the position is reasonable I think I have the bishop hair loss upon tension so things could open up soon or things could close down soon let's take with the pawn yeah I think is opening up my throw and c5 okay block throws it in first back three looks nice pinning the D pawn um if I take there's ninety five let's take with the Queen first Oh Gauri slept at 7 a.m. today woke up with 11 not healthy guess what time I woke up today maybe I said it already I woke up at 2 was it 2:30 sometime like 2:30 or 3:00 a.m. I've been awake since but I got I got like 7 hours of sleep I'm pretty jet-lagged okay get away with this I think I can get away with this Griff d1 the pawn is pinned in two directions so if Knight takes e4 Queen takes e4 a5 is interesting after f5 all use this resource and win a pawn eventually and maybe lose it back I'm very thankful to have this move and then rookie 5 so I hold on IBG g3 there's also Bishop e2 I'm just taking advantage of like all these tactics I want to play F 4 and then cement everything like the pawn will defend the rook which defends upon which control space so yeah it defend the pawn first oh I had this move maybe that move could have maybe one material and servers work f7 it's also maybe Rupp takes d5 complicated everything is more complicated when you are tired just a nature of life let's improve the King I want to play Bishop b5 soon but not now play g3 if they trial opens I'm happy Oh Gauri is playing in Charlotte nice what to do I could take free pawn everything in life is free do I take first then we trade I probably have to take though what else to do what should do they should eat - the bishop is kind of pinned to the pawn so I have a a queen side and the King side majority I'm up two pawns it still takes work to win blacks works are tied down can I just push an a pawn maybe King III first looks like a small improvement and yeah I should trade rooks this looks fine oh there's a b2 is kind of weak tickled the bishop oh there's a nice idea actually I attack the pawn oh wait I'm hallucinating I thought that rook was gonna be on b5 so I could play b4 just pure hallucination so I have to grind down this end game let's take up on interesting oh I forgot about that okay it's tricky now and I'm still playing for a win a g5 yeah it's gonna be a draw sadly that's my opponent goes insane I have actually interesting idea now no la the Chiemsee get closer it's still a draw though yeah so this is my idea oh wait please play a check please please please Oh wrong check so yeah just to show my idea I was trying to create a situation where black could actually over push which I've seen happen before if Locke checks like this this and then the hope is that black plays King here thinking it's winning but then white has one move to survive and then white should be winning so I'll give time give people time if you're watching on YouTube in the future you want to pause the video to find the move for whites I've shown this to students and sometimes it takes them a while good job diamond cutter Queen h8 is a winning move so that's what I was hoping for just why I allowed the Black team King to get a little bit closer but okay back to tournament I didn't lose still 208 playing swoll Oh follow streamer but he's not streaming I don't think it's likeif or shadow it's a swole do I play a Halloween I feel like I should mix it up it's like Spanish yo quiero yo quiero ganar el partido el partido so you have a game yeah I don't really speak much Spanish I know the opening a lot more than I know the language I don't really know the opening not much let's play h3 and I know the and there's usually two main approaches y can play d3 or ad for I'll play d4 usually I want to play d5 yeah I thought allows I'd see for a while I'd see for let's play b3 and I'll do the typical Spanish Knight maneuver and there's some eventual plan of just doing things on the kingside c4 so c4 the idea is to play a five maybe four a five could be annoying so I could allow it I could ignore it what to do I just want to sleep before I think will play before I'll just kind of let it happen and then ignore everything just take back maybe a three at some points might be free thanks for the bits the wake up bits do you need to wake up a little bit play this move yeah I mean not f5 is usually the dream g6 crushes my dream can play Bishop g5 yeah I'm trying to attack graph three could be nice rook a3 is interesting okay three stops Queen f3 but then Rick III what does this move that's a move interesting move takes takes I'm losing a pond sadly nice move okay I think I see a way to get some comp to just enter with the Queen bring the Knight to g5 inmates because darts where's our a week if King here maybe a Queen g5 is d5 d5 looks threatening let's take up on opening up the e4 square it's all about darks for an action I have a light shower disap which isn't the most useful but the Knights will be useful and so will the Queen maybe the bishop afore this looks Pleasant I have a secret threats but I want to say it as opponent might be watching also there might not be a secret threat I might be bluffing I'll just let my opponent think and try and figure out the secret threat I'm only down one pawn I have everything almost everything on the Kings side or directed at the Kings side the arrow is alone aren't just terrifying so my secret threat was Knight h5 I think this is winning unless it's not winning but I mean it looks so fun single-file line on h-file also the okay the pawn is pinned in two directions that spin to the Queen and more importantly to the each sudden pawn I'm threatening made in one if not a five I just take it the King can't run they can't hide yeah that was a nice finish no he played well like I think Knight takes d5 is very strong but lack has to be very careful here I was looking at this King g7 Queen here and then each six it's maybe a better approach and it would get weird I would do stuff there's also like this maneuver black should play a bit safer GG swoll in the chat shout-out to swoll you guys can also follow him on Twitch I so swole 19 okay playing per harsh 1999 every buzzer - in a while alright let's play let's play aggressively I don't know what opening I'm gonna play I'll play a molar attack because why not I haven't played a molar attack in a long time I'll see if my opponent knows theory yeah I think of opponent knows theory but we'll see how much Theory castling casting is not usually the most played move attacking the night expecting 97 after which I'll play Bishop f5 nights be free asking question oh let's not hang a piece like there's a d3 threatening I want to play this I don't want to lose my rook c5 this is getting weird he'll play d6 pawn d6 just what we need one I don't have much time though each four let's play pawn to d6 it was a question was your Asia trip a complete vacation yeah it was mainly vacation I have some friends who were in between jobs and it was very it was pretty spontaneous planned it like a week or two before but it was nice but I'm happy to be back and trying to rebuild my routines okay I have a secret thread of queenie 4 with a double fork all forks are at least double forks ooh not sure which thing to do let's do this thing and I'll win the rook there's my g5 the g5 takes takes I can't resist it might be wrong but it might be right let's take care now okay so I'm up but I'm also down on time 21 seconds I'm up the exchange okay I do want to simplify rook p1 is a must that's scary want to plants the bishop on e7 and grow a tree jib g5 yeah there should be g5 busy b7 maybe f4 f5 coming some day inspecting rook c6 cam pressuring the bishop ending this also h4 h5 some day night t2 would be incredibly tricky now there's f5 it's a five work almost kind of works let's pretend it doesn't work I wanna play h5 now stopping my plan oh now I have a meeting idea a very simple mating idea to do this and then meet ten seconds plenty of time right my mighty - could be annoying quitting the fork okay that's what I was expecting okay plenty of time I shouldn't fall below three seconds okay I took efforts and it's difficult not having increments I didn't have increment because I desert it cuts your time in half and it takes away the precious increment but got the job done that was important shoulder out the black king and the King pawn ending top 200 let's go do I bezerk again probably not though I'll play aggressively or at least try to play aggressively I'll play the ooh we have a we have a Belgrade gambit might be 4 is supposed to be the best move against the Belgrade it's weird but it's a computer recommendation buzzer King gives you extra tournament points so if you're on a streak then and you win after buzzer King it gives you five points rather than four I don't want to stress myself out too much and maybe let's just move back so I mop up on life is good there's a g5 interesting I want to play this but Bishop d3 this should be okay I think h6 after Bishop d3 age 65 Queen h5 what's the best way to learn theory everyone has different learning styles so it's about understanding your own learning style and then finding the resources at best accommodate your learning style g5 but yeah in terms of I assume you're referring to opening theory I mean chess table is popular these days and there's good old-fashioned opening books there's also a difference between like choosing what openings to play and then memorizing lines if you're trying to choose like your repertory then like studying the games of players who you admire it's not a bad idea and seeing what they play in the opening double fianchetto still up a pond it's probably going to win it back like Bishop b4 or a bishop before it's probably a very good move here I'll probably end up queenside castling wait takes you have takes I take back with pong I'll teach the D file well B for some confusing position kind of makes my head hurt I could play uh yeah let's just bring the final piece into the game we have ripka asking a question I know what you're referring to it's not a quality white would be better there let's play Knight a5 not the most beautiful move yeah rook an idea the problem with night 84 is the line with f3 but I'll save that for another day what did you hear d6 maybe to make my bishop happy I'm trying to win upon the threat might be g4 unleashing the Queen removing the Knights f5 here are five just takes a queen g6 Queen g6 queen g4 check Oh what to do he's still G for the pawn is pinned in two directions pin by the rook and pinned by the bishop as well some idea of playing out five soon it is nice having Crimmins Knight c5 would run into queen eights it should be slightly tragic yeah I think I'm just winning a pawn yes 94-94 take with bishop try and simplify I mean light squares are very weak make c6 is just a massive hole the Queen c6i Brooke c5 also whites about to flag okay now when I see five just try and keep applying pressure Wow opponent flags okay I'll take that climbing up 186 shatter play something new let's play a whatever this is the been defying will defense I know Ben has a lot of videos covering this this defenses black they call it like was it the check Benoni or the Benoni wall something benoni G for the g4 so one plan is to play b5 but how to execute it maybe just a six I want to play b5 soon white doesn't want me to play b5 it's not nice well it's maybe sinks have to kind of slowly prepare it really not sure what to do and just feel short on space not a good position for a claustrophobic maybe I'll fee and kettle my rook and then I'll do this and then this and then this and then this and everything will be aimed at b5 it meanwhile light will do stuff I'm staying within the first my first two rings but at least I have a plan I'm operating in low space g5 might come like weeny eights discouraging g6 I might want to play at five soon five could be nice oh let's start with her p7 Wow all those arrows I do earlier everything came true I got my pieces I have how many supporters one two three four supporters all targeting b5 do I play it now or do I play f6f-5 maybe f5 a5 is interesting and the two main pawn breaks in the structure are a 5 and B 5 it's looking like I'll get in both by the 5 I just take it Bishop g5 ok B 5 time position is becoming a bit more comfortable rook a8 trying to make me uncomfortable have this move some battery against f2 so I'm threatening to take and win a pawn I also have ideas of taking open the B file this rook doesn't scare me yet what's my favorite time control depends on my mood yeah I'd like rapid chess so anything below 15 minutes my least favorite time control are those like long long ones where you get like extra time after you move 40 the game can go up to 6 hours not a fan of those [Music] yeah let's open the B file don't quite understand why White's act the rook for the night ok what to do I'll play Bishop a4 give the dish of a purpose in life the goal is to remove the the knight from defending the pawn so I can win the pawn and check me at the king I guess the issue is that after takes takes the Queen defends upon hmm I could still take this move also looks interesting just attack laterally rook was hanging rook was hanging oh I had a knight move was a rook hanging was the knight was on c7 the whole time Knight c7 wow I just didn't see that I can move into the corner it's just a blind spot it's like something you just I saw 59 squares I just didn't see wait how many squares are on a chessboard I saw 63 squares I didn't see the 64th square okay let's play let's not mouse slip well I could play this move too so many moves ok let's take the thing the Knights attacked ooh but now things are attacked in my position I have a g6 what's that song like a g6 not even sure if that means Bishop e2 let's attack her Brooke such a weird position pieces are all over the place working on the flanks I could take the rook but that's probably bad play Bishop d7 centralizing some date Bishop h3 will happen whoa King f7 okay now I can take the knight I can also take upon pawns are sometimes more valuable than Knights Knights pinned to that fun check check then I'll take the Knights feel like I missed a lot of things this game Bishop b5 someday we work here mmm what's the simplest approach Bishop e5 okay checkmate okay got the job done rating has been staying around the same place for a while we just would not make a good pets because it fails to fetch all right let's play a Queens gambit declined Cambridge Springs oh my neck is sore I didn't realize how sore my neck was until I looked up ouch okay I could play play this move I'll go for the the quick attack Queen b3 is a move and c5 looks the matic maybe takes I'll take a 95 I have a bishop pair yeah let's just play positionally I'll take gained a tempo on the rook and castle and bring the bishop back Oh II four is gonna happen efore a5 there's b5 I mean what else do I do though yes I'll do this se5 is a the approach huh Queen c2 let's just swing over now the Knights tied down to defending against mates I still want to play e5 also idea this and this I'll start with b6 useful move anyway undermining the rook this could be a long game thinking I might like play queen g6 we trade Queens I try and within the endgame with the two bishops yeah safety first he 594 is a problem play Bishop c2 it should be seven yeah this Bishop is still hibernating someday it will come to life maybe Bishop a6 was a consideration why wants to play c5 which is very reasonable maybe e5 now's the time open the position yeah whenever you have the bishop here you have to be aware of like pawn Drake's to make the bishops happy so now one Bishop is happy let's make a rook happy rooks on open files have smiles oh the pawns defended by my queen when Bishop has mobility I mean this diagonal or this diagonal our other options see five Wow [Music] close to winning material but not quite this is interesting it was very interesting I'm not going to calculate I'm just gonna play on fuel and intuition I'm just envisioning takes and then takes and hopefully that works but my neck is like it's really sore it could be a result of my flights I had a was it a four-hour flight followed by a 13-hour flight wasn't the most enjoyable experience I also had the mill seats for the 13 hour flights and so sore afterwards I take the pawn take the pawn I flew from Taiwan to South Korea to Chicago wow what is this okay everything's attacked both bishops and my queen are attacked and I'm low on time and I'm down upon could be worse but what do I do takes 36 doesn't work bishop move Bishop d6 Bishop d6 might be an option actually visual d6 takes takes it's the only way to avoid the Queen trade and I'm I'm assuming the still is okay if takes takes I should be mating otherwise I want to retreat the bishop probably here and then made on each two or even here and attack the rook let's attack the rook Hey tactics waiting the Queen but White's gonna win back some material just have to knock flag everything should be okay play Queen e4 probably rookie rookie a coming next calculating rook be too rocky a turkey to Queen d3 resigns not resins okay play on a few more moves Bishop f4 resigns or queen c1 mates there we go okay Bishop takes g2 as mates where was Bishop takes g2 I wanted to do this but Queen takes here as a problem oh do I have this move but then Bishop takes you to I'm not mating there but yeah this is nice cuz e4 it looks so natural but it cut off the defense Bishop to Queen and allow this there is so much geometry like so many diagonals and ranks and more diagonals gari saying could you play Bishop h2 and R of T six instead of Bishop d6 I did not consider that that's interesting but what happens after King takes h2 the problem is like most discoveries allows Queen takes h6 so I don't think that works also gari do you want to be a VIP or mod it's your choice over t6 oh I see what you mean and that line though rook d6 let me analyze and show everyone so gari was suggesting this takes and then this but I think Y can just take take something King takes h3 and White has a rook and two minors at a pawn for the Queen okay I'll make gari a VIP unless Gauri wants to be something else there we go okay computer oh it's a draw wait why is it a draw perpetual oh I the King can't escape Queen here King g3 Queen d6 also somehow Rick p8 is drawn that's funny that's nasty so what does computer say here a hapa ship t6 I found the best move and black is somehow slightly better that's funny growl growl growl eight Arcanine thanks for subbing okay yeah I got very low on time that game but I invested my time in the the right critical moment it's a big component in blitz as to take time where the decisions matter play London I'm playing a Grand Prix hard to play London after playing e4 I'll play the line with d4 I played this earlier had some interesting results I'm still trying to remember what to do after Queen b6 someone played this earlier I didn't check the line but now at least I have time to think earlier i beserk ty had no time is it c3 what's the line here I was preparing this for a tournament should all be sound okay so if we think about this logically black wants to play a six so I have to do something I played c3 in that previous game oh is it my g5 because Knight g5 e six I can take on d6 but then there's my h6 and h6 kind of does its job hey Grandmaster garver something appreciate that trying to figure this out IV v e5 could be weird I mean I might just play c3 not the most exciting yeah I'll play c3 so this is a gambit I'll remember to look at this this line afterwards take with pawn last time I took with Knight okay I'll mix it up a little bit taking with pawn I keep the B file open so I might just want to play rook b1 but not now oh there's Queen before and some line oh this is not good I'm losing more material Oh unless I do this yeah this is fine I'll still be down upon not the end of the world I was thinking takes takes and then Queen before but I have queen takes d4 Bishop III perhaps it's also a five here let's play this aligning with the Queen expecting this move and then probably queen d3 I spent so much time in the opening man okay queen d3 defends everything the Queen has over works though so this might work but opponent doesn't go for it play Bishop III or can i play now knight c6 doesn't work I'll go for this there should be 75 I'm fighting for something Wow 94 maybe e 6 e 6 f5 if I take I've so little time it's terrible time management let's take first I'll play rook c1 I want to go for f5 f5 immediately the pawns no longer attached that's probably a good move with a bad game okay this move makes me happy because now there's at least some play I'm threading me than to actually no I'm not fair about ninety eight but I'm threatening stuff with Queen g5 98 immediately while okay I'll play Queen g5 now momentum is shifting hmm looking for crazy moves I think I'll start with rook here Bishop is pinned how many pawns are my down down two pawns could be worse what does this move that's a fancy move move very fancy let's play this move had to defend the knight and the rook balk doesn't have too many options okay I don't want to Queen trade but I'll probably have to allow it you bring the rook in the bishop in the center three seconds this time management just have to stay calm and give back the choice what to take back with if pawn takes Bishop e2 and b5 the targets just gonna pretend that I'm knocked down two pawns and just play that endgame and g4 I'll watch a king side pawn storm maybe this move Knight is almost trapped but not quite trapped yeah that's unfortunate gonna re reposition the rook maybe target f7 hmm as you can see for I guess go after e3 mmm this is not pleasant I have to put the bishop on b1 that's so sad rookie two attacking the pawn okay I'm gonna lose a bishop sadly still trying to fight mmm well-played try and gain time time losing stuff opponent in ticket oh that's not stalemate whoa free rook what mouseland maybe a mouse lip it's a miracle it's an early Halloween miracle I'm still lost but wasn't nice gifts I'm getting needed hmm oh it's so close to still mates can I take that it's almost stalemate what's going on take this thing is this gonna be a draw okay it's still a fight I have some sorts no wait no I'm gonna lose no all I fought so hard I fought so hard I'm sorry I Kingi five wait what no kingi five there's this move over thinking of six ah die half kingi five really what is this position kingi five I just saw Brooke age five I thought I was losing but oh yeah no I'm pretty sure I saw this King out six in a row gauge six that's still losing I think my King has drived away from its friend kingsnakes g6 was bad oh maybe I just saved the rook first yeah and grandmasters in the chat giving me reason to regret now this this is a table based raw right oh my gosh so many moves drawn even wait keen 66 is drawn what kh5 yeah this is still drawn what's oh my aching g5 King g5 oh that's so nasty look at this King g5 I rejected this cuz this and then King takes rook but king h4 king h4 and game study you like blocks not winning and if Knight G to Knight G to king h5 it still stalemates this is still mates this is still me it's everything everything that's to me what is this chess chess is art sometimes it's insane this is a draw Wow oh that would have been so nice to find I'd basically given up here I think I'm gonna end it with that that's a nice finish Last Samurai shout out to Last Samurai and fellow streamer grandmaster so the last seven samurai I think I spelled that correctly my neck is sore I'm drained I need food I need more tea I'm jet-lagged - so I have to maybe sleep at some point I appreciate all the viewership really appreciate it I'm going to export this to youtube I don't want to download the file because it's gonna be lots of gigabytes so I'm gonna raid the one and only chest weed for people watching in the future on YouTube hope you enjoyed that for people watching on twitch looks like chest wave is playing the arena the rate is beginning oh yeah Last Samurai I'll be back in st. Louis most likely tomorrow actually I'll be around this week shoot me a message okay Ches weed good luck to chest weed goodbye everyone
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 173,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, lichess, lichess.org, lichess autumn marathon, online chess tournament, chess strategy, chess openings, time trouble, time scramble, blitz, blitz chess, speed chess, Halloween Gambit, how to play chess, eric rosen, im eric rosen, imrosen, chess, endgame, middlegame, endgame study, stafford gambit, London System, best youtube chess channel, Autumn Marathon 2019, 2019, tactics, blunders, dirty flag, Botez Gambit, International Master, Pirc, Caro Kann, Italian, Budapest, Attack
Id: 8Pb50Wergd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 10sec (10690 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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