Opening Every Amiibo Ever Made

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👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/OmerRDT 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

i love him
like bruh why he cute

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/CONE-MacFlounder 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

Ya boys back

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

i wonder if he spent a month making this?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Quakes98 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] I'm me bug these wireless communication figurines swept the globe when they were launched in 2014 not only are they recognizable collectible toys shaped like your favorite Nintendo characters but they can also interact and transfer data in and out of your supported video game software what you're seeing here in my collection is basically every amiibo ever produced besides maybe a few exceptions like the golden silver Monster Hunter amiibo that were given out as trophies in Japan in 2017 today we're going to be looking at all these amiibo in one very long video from the oversized and one offs to the loose and pre-owned to the expensive and rare hell even the literal box of cereal joins the roster my decision to open my amiibo stems from both box damage and the fact that I've always been curious to see what they all look like together without the awkward clunky casing so without further ado let's start decreasing the value of all this plastic garbage ok it's here it's happening I'm finally getting rid of all these amiibo boxes but just oh let's crack that lovely off to a great start I don't even know what this is is this I think this is to protect a rare boxed amiibo let's try this other one ok this is what I'm talking about finally ok now let us open up this Falco this oh this is like reverse ASMR this is kind of hard to do but I think I'm gonna be more satisfied visually when all this is over here we have the Falco amiibo man amiibos we're actually always pretty good like just looking at this now that is pretty good craftsmanship so we lift this up we plate yeah I don't know if they're all going to sit well next to each other on that now I have this app called kalibo I don't have the upgraded version though so I think it just plays ads every now and then but we're going to use this to check our collection this is not sponsored or anything obviously but this is just to make sure hopefully today we're opening up every single general amiibo so there we go lock in Falco up next the ice climbers let me free you from your cursor to plastic tomb man I think this is rekindled my love for amiibos seeing them outside the box I'm like okay this is something entirely new I've never seen the backside of this thing got a big chunk of ice there they're very cool they're nice figures next a more recent release we've got cloud player 1 so that's like his main skin and this is a cloud player - or his alt skin which is his Advent Children outfit I think these are pretty relevant the new Final Fantasy 7 has just come out - remake you also notice that some of these boxes are English and some of them are Japanese it doesn't really matter obviously since we're opening the box look at that sword look at that Buster blade ah alright man this is some this is kind of weird I feel like the hype really died down for amiibos they were a big deal a long time ago and just a heads up even though we will be opening up some cereal today I will not be doing any of the animal crossing cards okay I've ran into a problem cloud is slightly too tall for the container you might have to fit on the bottom shelf no this thing sucks this was specifically advertised as an amiibo display stand and check this they're too big to fit on the bottom rack so when the top goes on they actually can't fit they're hanging out the bottom damn cloud you kind of expensive this is both very painful and also freeing at the same time to rip into these boxes next we got Roy a Fire Emblem pretty boy number 55 let's take a look at you Rory kind of sucks I won't lose yeah I'm not like a huge fan of Fire Emblem or Roy or them adding six thousand Fire Emblem characters to smash bros I'm gonna take a look at what this is I think this is like a shelf I can assemble myself or something alright here we go some bootleg [ __ ] okay yeah that I'm happening okay so I think it goes like that and then this long end goes here so this one can go like that and then a third one there but I guess this one kind of just sits in your collection cabinet like so let's try it out with Sonic the fastest Hedgehog in the game that was almost too easy yes we know Sonic we know all right so it will take him and I think this one has more space than the other all right all that hard work I think it's time to take a peek at a special interesting amiibo here we have a Mega Man Legacy Collection this is a 3ds game I think this comes with the game and a golden Mega Man amiibo now this is one of only a couple today that I'm just going to show and Count it as opening and just leave it in the box there so [ __ ] you this is how it's gonna be to be honest I think the person who's resold this might have even reput this plastic on themselves it does look like a pretty shoddy job and they might even be scuff marks on the box underneath the plastic but either way he's staying there the price seems to vary a bit these are ones that have sold on eBay with 147 162 on auction and then a 390 back to the Smash Bros we're gonna cross off our boys and we're gonna continue on ice climb this was a 2019 release no wonder that one looks so good next we like Ike we like Ike we like Ike enough to open up his box alright here we go like I used to main Ike for a little while back this one is with the human faces don't go down nearly as good look and this could pass almost there's a bootleg to some degree but there you go there's Ike in general they look good there's a lot of little parts there's a lot of little details something about the faces of these human ones is a bit [ __ ] let's take a look at a very recent Smash Bros amiibo snake I think snake is one of the lightest ones they've released here is your boys [ __ ] and oh man it's squeezing these thighs there is so really doing work straps belts girdle what do you call that tactical ask strap either way here's your boy snake let's take a look at another human face one of more recent times I think maybe it's a little better it still looks weird he kind of looks like Ben Stiller in Tropic Thunder next it's the underdog Mario's brother the Italian reign something's wrong with him something's wrong with him there you go Luigi he looks good this it's kind of hard to screw up Luigi he's got a big cartoony face and a bunch of round parts next we have a duo we've got Rob now these to the untrained eye may look like the same figure but maybe you art thou a simple [ __ ] this one is red this one is be silver look at this exploded [ __ ] on this this is why I wanted to open them I was like no point keeping them in boxes now half of them are screwed it's a good excuse to get them out I always wanted them out of their boxes anyway I remember when this the Rob's came out people were paying quite a lot of money for this Rob now the reason for that is he was originally released as a Japanese exclusive because he has the color scheme of the Japanese Famicom which was later sold in the West the Nintendo Entertainment System which I guess is the color scheme of this Rob which was sold in the West so if you went to pick up a Rob amiibo anywhere but Japan you would only be able to get this one and then this was the Japanese exclusive but I think now you can just buy whatever version you want and that insane price hike went all the way down look here you go this Japanese color Rob sold with one bid for 16 point 45 Australian dollars with a big shipping but they made them readily available everywhere some great detail on these Rob's I love their eyes I'm gonna have to get me a couple of these shelves I think yes Wii Fit trainer with the price up their back when I picked it up from EB Games actually starting to fade it says amiibo Samus on it for some reason but it is only 18 bucks off the shelf brand-new let's take a look at ya ah you're flexible gallant yeah not a whole lot to look at next Super Smash Bros collection Mega Man or as they call him in Japan Rock man there is a beautiful little fella of a new one we have in sinner aww I think they've actually got better at making them it's hard to say but this feels better quality I feel like he looks overall better those flames are awesome sort of like a translucent resin flame around his waist you can see his fur it's a nice figure it's a good figure I like it he could put maybe like a joint in his hand he could hold anything you can make him hold a pen maybe make him hold this screwdriver yeah that's right young link we will be opening up the entire Legend of Zelda amiibo series today but for now here is young link from the Smash Brothers series with his little baby sword and the Deku shield you can get a little bit of upskirt action up he's true okay ghoul he's like 10 years old alright now let's try out our third title shelf let's see how this one does tada this [ __ ] sucks it's another fairly shitty stand thing with all these like nodules I just wanted to try a bunch of different ones but I think this one is my favorite for amiibos so here is two I prepared earlier and by prepared I mean just spent 45 minutes right now screwing them together move aside friends okay the next one that is covered in [ __ ] is the Mewtwo this is like in the Pokemon movie where he breaks out of his test tube there you go guys Frieza man I reckon Mewtwo invented being thick look at the size of those thighs sorry that's a lot of these are just and them I think we're now gonna try to do the Pokemon ones I'm gonna fill up these shelves with all the Smash Brothers ones and then we're going to move on to a new series there is our cute ninja frog boy with his tongue wrapped around him like some sort of scarf okay I think it's time to start checking them off Oh neat they actually have a spot for the rub variant ghostly assemble I'm not too sure but I feel like these new ones all look a little bit nicer and a little bit cleaner than the original amiibos because they've been releasing them over a couple of years now man I want to smoke that Charizard bro you got a light for me come on yeah that being said I don't know how I feel about his to pot unhinged jaw there is certain ones that are hard to fit together like these two with Charizard speak wings now we just need someone with enough badges to train all those Pocket Monsters number 74 pokemon trainer let's have a look at ya little fellow let's see the detail on that pokeball yeah that's not too bad I don't mind I'm like his little badge there he's got his yellow backpack go I miss aw he goes well with Charizard in cinah role I think you need to join the Pokemon shelf here we got next fun little fact the Pichu in melee is supposedly not this one it's actually this one and it has evolved into a Pikachu and that can be seen by I think the hats that are worn on the Pichu and now one on this little fella this Pikachu kind of looks a little weird is it just mirrors eyes too far apart nah he looks all right holy [ __ ] there's a lot of Pokemon in this game now I think about it there's two more pokémon left can you remember who they are we have jigglypuff of course a smash oh gee and locario the fighting dog I'm finally going to be able to use my amiibos whenever I have a switch game that I'm like oh no I can't they're all boxed up he's got like you know how people freak out about cute animal tow beans Lucario has cute little pink heal beans if that's the thing and here is one of the squishy pink round pudding boys Jigglypuff which I think in Japanese is actually called pudding a nice transition into Kirby as we are now finished all the Pokemon in Smash Bros copy there is going to be some other Kirby ones later in the video as there is a full Kirby set of amiibos but here's these two best friends I definitely think I'm gonna buy a bunch more of these things too when I finally can display all of these in a big beautiful cabinet after that we have a newer addition to the Smash Bros roster piranha plant I play the piranha plant sometimes I think he's kinda unique there he is he's got some interesting detailing on the actual plant pot man wide no one told me these amiibo has had such nice quality I just like everyone else I think was in utter disbelief when this was announced up next detective Pikachu a very large very strange amiibo not from the movie even though a lot of people are not aware of this games existence mostly because it sucks and I think just deciding right now because this is such a weird one off one it's not really going to sit with the rest of the collection so I'll just leave this big chunky boy in his box his base is sort of interesting though as you can see it's like the city map I'm assuming from the game I think we got enough spots there for a 3-man what's the most iconic three-man squad in all of Nintendo gaming history stretch that all of gaming history in general I'll give you a second to think that's right it's the main fighters we have me brawler up next me gonna and lastly I got this one loose for a bit of a discount mmm sword guy the sword won wow talk about icons there you go that's what they look like she's got a little more to look at than the others okay there we have it obviously that's not all that's just a fraction of the Smash Bros characters let's move on to stage number three starting it off with the father and pet team you can't get any more iconic than Mario he's obviously one half of the brothers mentioned in the title we did just already gloss over Luigi she's got a little bit of a ghoul residue stuck to the bottom of his overalls they're $18 EB Games its Yoshi he is just strolling along looking for a fight with anyone who will take him up there it's the man without a license don't trust him if you're running for this man in a dark alley and you've got some ailments don't trust his prescriptions they are not government official but here we have doctor Mario up next we have dr. Mario again 18 Australian dollars and then half off that marked price so I think that's that's a pretty good price for doctor Mario I can't actually remember when I've acquired these I haven't tried to purchase or hoard doubles or thing like that but somehow I have many doubles next we have Mario's lovely bride can't forget about the Princess Peach here she is she's got kind of like a metallic gloss to her dress she looks a little bit weird she's very very light compared to everything else I've opened and then we have her sister Princess Daisy there's a peach for everyone Mario gets a peach Luigi gets a peach Daisy everyone she's very very annoying it looks like that the rod is going right up here ass there next sorry Yoshi we've got Bowser we've got Bowser jr. nice front flip Bowser he is a very heavy fella as you'd expect a bit of a paperweight it's got all these spines there he's got a little bit of a textured skin then we have Bowser jr. riding in his little evil vehicle the clown car whatever it's called and of course he's got spines just like his dad like father like son the cheeky little monkey unfortunately he also has a very strange two piece hinged jaw and some nice branding on his hat there and you know what they say you can't have Diddy Kong without expand dong its Donkey Kong there's no hesitation here he's very ready for battle he's leaping into action he's got some textured fur but we're not done there with the Mario universe up next we have Wario oh there he is look at that big strong American chin is the American well sure looks like American Dad and on the back we have something that I wasn't even sure was a detail of his I've got this hurry up with the Wario bomb with the stache which i think is something that are originated in Wario Ware one of the WarioWare games next we have another half-price one here Rosalina is this the end of the Mario characters surely not I feel like we've opened more Pokemon ones even though one Pokemon character has four figures but here is Rosalina queen of the universe or whatever the law is there with a little sparkly luma the wand is looking a little flaccid okay time to update the list we're done Jigglypuff we've done kirby we've done Mario and Lucario let's see Yoshi and Wario I think we've done all the Mario characters are piranha plant that counts I can't believe it's called Super Smash Bros and there's less Mario universe characters than Fire Emblem characters in the game now is that true I mean I think it's true they keep adding Fire Emblem characters up next we have lil Mac oh let's see you form son let's see you punch his son I can't believe Little Mac is like canonically in a universe with Mike Tyson he looks okay I guess for human figure works we have Shulk the future is ours to decide an interesting one from Xenoblade Chronicles is that what his vest is support I think it's got a bit of glue stuck to it here is let's give him the old ballerina 10 it's got a few details Days get a pretty cool sword something too basic again about the head it does style doesn't work as well next we have wolf we've done Falco his wolf will do Fox next I guess wolf is a weird one his feet strangely hanging over the edge is that like that on any other figure he's got good detail though he looks clean all these parts look really nice watch out he's got a gun Falco is dabbing falco can go there lil mac you can go over there great now Bowser's sniffing Rosalina's hair right now we have a fox here which is unopened according to this but the package is damaged of course the package is damaged let's all this [ __ ] to put on it but again another classic case of buying one I didn't think I had to do this video with and then realizing I already had this loose one Fox everybody man he's looking clean he's looking nice it's got a lot less gear on him then wolf does was slot even there kind of looks like the boys are having a DAB off if you turn him this way perhaps a race okay well there's no more room now on these stands it's getting pretty crowded we still have smash bros amiibos to go so unfortunately we need to reset the stage sorry fellas first on the new stage we have Bayonetta the sexy Nintendo lady she had multiple platforms she's a third party character isn't she the only reason I don't know is because I don't think I've ever played a ban at a game or even seen one plate I think I saw a couple of cutscenes before on YouTube maybe but there she is with their two metallic blue guns is a whole lot going on here so there's a whole lot going on by which I mean her feet guns she has four guns but that's not all she was so popular she got a alternate skin a fully decked out one that got turned into an amiibo prior to Bayonetta there we go I kind of think I like this one a little bit more the stance and that the cape sort of winding around is kind of cool red pistols instead of blue look at that arch in her back two different hairstyles as well up next one of the arcade boys pac-man the Anthony Fantana main he looks great all the ones with super basic designs they can make look really nice really smooth really clean and up next another very retro one duck hunter duo another very very strange character that nobody could have guessed was getting added here he is I think that a banjo amiibo yeah when when's that coming out keeping the theme alive another very retro one again I think it can exploded in one of my moving boxes and dripped into one with a bunch of the me bows this one very very strange wait he fully unplugs I was aware this was like a feature but I didn't think the main one could unplug mr. Game & Watch I think maybe they thought that giving this just black piece of 2d plastic away is a full-price to me bow figure was a little bit of a ripoff so they included these bonus slides okay well I might need to buy it three mr. game and watches technically for a display all of them brace for yeah you've got the bell one and then you have the hammer one hitting the maximum number the big fat nine oh my goodness a nine next up we've got a Samus from the same Japanese place here we have Samus Aran the strong armored woman turning around lifting up long long legs and of course we'll get a better look at those with naked samus the next character in the lineup let's see she is in a running gun position her face again a little bit weird she's running she's gunning she's on the move is that a patent on her back or she about to get shot with a missile and new to the Smash Bros universe we have Dark Samus I don't know a whole lot about Samus law but this looks pretty scary some sort of a demonic anti matter Samus weapon clone I don't know who would you bet on in a fight next and last of all we have Ridley once a fabled character that nobody thought would ever be in the game because Ridley too big was finally added and man is Ridley scary some flexible limbs and some golden eyeballs wiggly is this ever going to end are we ever even going to get out of the smash bros universe we have Captain and og in the smash video game franchise doing a very quick powerful Falcon kick it seems like and a detail I guess you don't get to see a whole lot that I didn't really know is this Falcon emblem on his back there Blue Falcon number seven okay now did already do young link but now we're going to do the rest of the Zelda ones here is and it usually goes the more basic ones look the absolute best in this amiibo form gotta love this little fella but what's he running from let's find out Ganondorf perhaps the mighty Ganon okay let's take a good look at this big powerful man the face put him down there and onto the hero of we have adult link a classic $18 faded tag and something has gone wrong is that me but surely that's not meant to be like that the rest of them are white this is he's like he's pissing down his leg wait you've stained your leggings is that a designer choice why they make it yellow legit I think every single other one we've seen today has been transparent or like this nice white crystal and then you've got this I don't know it seems strange to me unless of course I've got some rep piss-stained yellow one a thousand link here is his wifey Zelda looks like she's about to write a force-choked someone put some nicer emblems there on address there is the back of their head link link you've come to rescue me no you don't need no man you can turn herself into the ever mysterious shake and boy sheik is sleek one of the more favorable smash bros competitive characters over the years over the game so i think at least in melee it was for a while i don't know i don't know a whole lot i think she used to get played right go easy on me smash elitist fanbase okay clear the stage [Music] and we're still not done smash brothers let's keep it moving we've got dark pit Wow bro you got a deviantART account his weapon kind of looks like an alien weapon from Halo there cannot be the existence of dark pit without pit and here we see a nother one that has its own colored stand I think if they thought ahead all these years they probably would have just made them all the singular white crystal color but there's pit everybody up next pits stepmother Cheryl very very creepy face what's with those eyes she's got some interesting details or like this shield is kind of a cool texture we got this some transparent energy wings and then the orb on her staff kind of cool up next a couple of rivals you have Ryu Ryu dry grain wheat bread a nice little detail with these ones is there amiibos can be put together so it looks like they're about to fight ken has some interesting detailing on his feet there those are some toes amiibo toes army bowties you got something in your nose there let me just get that for ya there okay looks good okay up next in the smash brothers series the next amiibo oh okay don't know how that's got in there sorry about that little technical difficulty we've got math I cannot afford to lose and I cannot lose female math okay I think math might be one of the worst looking ones oh this does like there's some little details that go oh yeah that's that's nice then there's other parts that just scream bootleg let's see female math you have been made with maybe a little bit more love and care than Martha face doesn't look as weird I'd maybe be able to give you a little bit more respect if you didn't bring your full Fire Emblem troupe into the game speaking of things nobody asked for here is Koren player2 now obviously I'm just ripping on them because so many have now been added that is a pretty cool effect on the sword going on there you just sliced open a Christmas trifle and then we have male Koren I don't know how it works please explain me the law in the comment section I just want to know about the male/female law how does this work what's happening here the sword again is the most appealing part of the entire figure but here we are we got them both again I don't want to keep gravitating to the feet like some weirdo but can somebody explain why Koren is wearing armor but no shoes also they clearly care less about the Fire Emblem feet than they do the street fighter feet I know where your stakes are at next we need a solo character to bounce it out in the middle so here we have inkling from splatoon now this looks like a figure this looks nice this looks glossy this looks well done it looks smooth it looks bright look at the ink filling up the canister there in general it's cool character design it translates very well to a figure and we're going to see a lot more splatoon later in this video as splatoon has their entire on amiibo series okay I can just see this loose on my desk there and I need to bring it up inkling from the splatoon amiibo series look at the differences she is much more pale in comparison this one overall I think looks much better than this one also in the splatoon one she is reserving a lot more ink let me know in the comment section below which one of these two you prefer also looking at the top of the head this one has the crack line straight down middle while this one has it round the back of the head this is a very strange comparison I need to move on I do just want to say though the splatoon ones they made a great artistic choice with the base preowned moving on next up we have animal Crossing's villager we are going to see a whole bunch of animal crossing amiibos later in this video but here is and of course new to the roster we have Isabel also from the world of Animal Crossing I'm sure a lot of you guys have seen Isabel recently in the new game but she is a reoccurring fan favorite there she is everybody let's continue the theme with the little cutesy fellas yes now just first glance looking at this his eyes look a little too big is it just me has he just dropped a couple of tabs overall he looks there his eyes are too big see his eyes aren't that big there next we've got Lucas I think with this one that will like [ __ ] it let's just fix the eyes seriously what is going on there alright we've got four cute little characters on the bottom row we've got one more space who's it gonna be Oliver the ultimate cutie pie and he's got 3 pikmin with him making this one a feast for the eyes I do enjoy that very very cute some great use of the colors there and they've gone for some gold pegs and plates to hold the Pikmin in place lovely but unfortunately we have to clear the stage again this time to make room for more Smash Bros does it ever end how big is the roster bro ok more humans and newer additions to the roster Simon and Richter ok pretty cool use of the chain I like how it would suspend it in an animation nice decent face for a man don't take me out of context with that one alright richter let us compare you Oh bro that sauce your whip is all flaccid but he still looks happy he's giving the world a nice big fist pump there we go two new boys is that a feature is that supposed to be something come on it's time for your [ __ ] flattening next this is sadly my main I like his big hammer and I like his gourd Gordo from lizzie mcguire here's my boy he's so thick I see why they call him a heavy his pom-pom and coat be shimmering next up another heavy and another one of my mains I enjoy playing as the big fat crocodile plus look at he's crazy I he's got a little gold crown a big gold belly and a ragged cape and he's coming for you apparently according through my research we're almost done here with the Smash Brothers amiibos I'm a little worried I'm gonna have a look at the checklist hopefully we haven't missed out on any here is Meta Knight he's got very interesting little metal glove parts on top of his normal gloves kinda like hand helmets okay this is the last one that I have and I'm starting to get worried am I remembering incorrectly or does robin also have like a gender bent version i hope not is there a female robin figure or something anyway this is what we got I'm about to dive into the checklist and we'll see again kind of a weird face not much you can do I guess oh yeah Robin that's an interesting read oh I'm nervous let's go through this let's finish off the checklist we got dee dee we did Lucas we did Lucena that we have Don nest with Don palutena we've Don's Pikmin and all my with Don pit come on I think it's just Robin I think we've actually done it I think the madman has done it we've got Corrin we've got a car and player two we've got the inkling girl I don't think there's an inkling boy in the game I've got Isabella I mean amiibo version was like Ken king K rool wait crumb we've not done crumb maybe I forgot to buy him because he's like the sixteenth blue head character easily slipping under the radar I'm gonna have to have a rummage around okay he was there he was just lost in the amiibo pile elf final smash brothers amiibo crumb every this is just like math number four or something but there you go I can't believe it we actually have them all I checked them all off the list that's every amiibo Smash Brothers amiibo I'll take a nice shot of every single amiibo all together on the table when we finish them all but for now I think I'm gonna need all of this cleared so smash bros goodbye and hello and I'm all crossing we have Isabel now Isabel of all characters is probably one of the most unlikely ones you'd think would have multiple amiibos but we have this one and then obviously we've had this one from the Smash Bros set but even then the animal crossing set she gets two variations a winter sweater and a summer sweater I guess her - Gucci cardigans so there you go there is three different Isabel amiibos very interesting next we have everybody's most hateable most lovable raccoon business conman misunderstood businessman maybe Tom Nook and man I just remember thick he's had one too many acorns I just want to say the Animal Crossing amiibo is all of them they looked so good this is the perfect style of character to be turned into a figure look at his cute little textured sweater he's so thick next up some more raccoons Timmy and Tommy alright let's take a look at these little hellraisers they have the same sort of position standing on this box as the little figure that I opened up from the Japanese egg that is awesome except of course much nicer quality this these looks so good all of these look great it is so much harder for them to do those human ones all right we have blathers or black as the owl the museum nut job I feel like it's a pretty good time to do all these amiibos especially these animal crossing ones with everyone who's newly introduced to the world of Animal Crossing and all these beloved characters next we have kick tap kick Cap'n dekappa he's a Wow is he in the new animal crossing he used to bring you over by boat or something didn't he either way I think you can scan all of these figures into the new one you know with their intended amiibo purpose so they must do something I think he probably has a model in the game to take photos with or something hopefully next we have Rhys the pink alpaca I've got a double of this one for some reason this one's a little bit more damaged so open up this one does she make a proper appearance in the new animal crossing I'm not so sure kind of got a weird bubblegum shaped head but she used to run like a store in the older games with her husband Cyrus the boy alpaca I think they're both old Packers and there you have it a pretty nice color of blue I just realised they both look like chewed up gum I'm not sure if that's the point a match made in heaven next up the counterpart to the male al we got the female out I don't think they're married I think of a brother and sister I'm pretty sure Celeste and as her name kind of gives away she is enamored by the night sky there you go celestial I'm really glad I've been opening all these up they're gonna look so cool all next to each other and I can get shocking for them all all right we have kicks I don't know what a skunk maybe this little character I can't remember from past games but they've been showing up recently in horizons to sell shoes which I guess the name also plays off next I think this one is kind of like a generic villager I'm not sure maybe they had a role I can't really remember I do remember seeing it Lottie from past Animal Crossing games not sure again if she plays any major role in the new one she's a cute little pink offer all right let's check her out on the wiki Lottie will be it nooks homes to help the player out on their first day having them design her room as practice okay so she is like an NPC I mean not just a generic villager and speaking of non-generic villages KK slider the big-time celebrity musician has arrived in our town he's got a long head equipped with this signature acoustic bad boy this sucker can be found every Saturday not only tuning the ladies but also his guitar before putting on a monster performance for the locals last of all I think last of all my favorite I am a little disappointed that he's been axed from the recent game that I know of resetti the mole and he is not taking any of your [ __ ] this fella used to show up if you turned your game off without saving however I think he still is in the game his theme plays when you use the app to to get the help or whatever if you use the rescue service app in the game you'll notice the icon has a little helicopter that has a couple of whiskers on it just like resetti and it's wearing a similar miner's helmet so yeah I think resetti got a new job since the current game has an autosave feature so he's rendered obsolete they're like we've got three more up next Digby he's like a dog that does some services of something we have Rover the cat he also does a bunch of different stuff in all the different games I think I remember him on like the menu screen when he start up a new game or something like that in one of them lastly Sonic the Hedgehog its Mabel she be selling clothes and I think that is all of the animal crossing amiibos sixteen new friends and now we just have to go through these and make sure we check them all off the list and yep we've completed the Animal Crossing collection okay now let's do the full chibi-robo collection and it looks like we've just completed that one why does this even have an amiibo I just pick this up pre-owned sort of interesting got kind of like a rough base okay moving on to our next collection Dark Souls such a strange one-off amiibo but there you go guys praise the Sun is that what does that the thing I've not properly plated Dark Souls game I accidentally ended up with two of these and I was like oh I'll keep one in the box but this is the box so I guess I have to loose Dark Souls amiibos doing the YMCA Dark Souls completed at night okay I think we should do the Super Mario series now finally I can open up your boy Waluigi okay there he is waluigi and the mario ones are gonna have these red bases with this silver checkered pattern waluigi and up next of course none other then he's fat brother Wario my god yes look at those pythons I don't know who's thicker tom nook or Wario did you know waluigi was only made for mario tennis so that warrior would have a proper partner to verse Mario and Luigi he's like the anti brother up next Mario and Luigi I don't think we need to spend a whole lot of time on these they're all in general poses and they all look pretty much exactly how is Mario's I screwed he's looking a little cuckoo there but this Mario okay now the most expensive amiibo is from the Super Mario sets surprisingly are these two bad boys the Goomba and the Koopa Troopa so these ones are a little harder to open look at these prices for the most part where I can I want to unbox all the amiibo is especially the ones that go with a full set and look good all together on the Shelf so I got to do it up next peach $18.00 and then half price off the marked price not so popular peach or very popular depending on how you look at it maybe they printed a lot more of these because it's a you know a general popular character I guess the Goomba and the Koopa probably would have had less printed of them so they became more scarce and the price went up up next we have peaches duo partner Daisy she looks really long I guess they both look really long they've got the same dress mold next Daisy why do I have to die cease under how half this [ __ ] happens man all right Donkey Kong King gorilla out here swinging Donkey Kong cup Donkey Kong Cup look at him he is just absolutely ready to start pounding some bananas complete only with his little brother Diddy Kong this one has a little bit more creativity gone into it as far as these very generic Super Mario amiibos are concerned I think these are probably the most boring ones out of all the amiibos we have oh that's a hefty one we got a big Bowser he's ready to go toe-to-toe in the sumo ring with the DK up next Rosalina in a body bag we have a pre art this is the only pre-owned one for this set I think she looks very polished a little too polished a little too generic in shape this looks like someone spray-painted a streak time with baby blue black enamel spray paint next toad para member if toad is worth more than the others I think toad is like just a generic price we do have one more coming up that I forgot about that I think is just as expensive if not more expensive than the Cooper and the Goomba did I scare ya boo this one is I glow-in-the-dark kind of a weird gimmick for an amiibo a nice little bonus and it's the only one from this set as this black backing boom is expensive it does pain me to rip into the box but I got to do what I got to do he's basically just a Kirby that hasn't been painted and has no legs but they go guys boo we're almost done with the Super Mario set we've got our last one you didn't think I'd forget about Yoshi its Yoshi he looks nervous or like he's getting ready to go out for a second plate at the buffet there we have it all 15 Super Mario amiibos I think okay we have Bowser Luigi Mario Gold Mario white gold and silver Mario okay back to the drawing board fellas just kidding silver Mario silver Mario silver Mario just looks like a cheap spray paint of the original Mario you could probably just do it yourself really I'll probably be putting up little bits of trivia and things about the amiibos throughout the video at the bottom of the screen but just off the top of my head I think the gold Mario what makes it special was it was a little bit limited it was exclusive to Walmart or here in Australia you could only buy in Target I think it was when he came out he was I guess a lot of scalpers bought him and his price really went up there but now you can still pick these things up on eBay for fairly cheap to be honest I would have kept the gold one in the box but the box is just completely rotted here is a little bit of gold on the cover there though that makes me want to collect things a gold stamp okay guard Mario Silver Mario Princess Peach yeah we got them all we got them all folks let's move on okay Super Mario be gone and say hello to box boy box boy is a puzzle platformer art by Hal laboratory for the 3ds it's a very strange one here kind of looking like a Newgrounds game but the character's name is cute QB or cuba baby perhaps pronounced QB I don't know I've never played the game this one is very rare this one is very expensive there is different variations this one comes with the game and it's in a box like so so I guess now we have the game hopefully the amiibo is in here also you can get this one in like a traditional amiibo case on second thought I wish I'd bought one of those instead but at least this way we've got a loose pre-owned one that I can actually display if you'd want to display this it's a literally a block one of the most expensive amiibo is out there is is a cube with two little black stick legs this also comes in the box I think this is the Box boy soundtrack next up the splatoon series this one is an expensive one first up we have purple squid boy with or just notice now that he's got golden sneakers and as mentioned earlier the splatoon ones all have this pretty cool splatter base look out he's transforming into it you a kid or a squid peple squid purple squid purple squid why I actually have no idea I think I have dementia all right let's open up Wiley's so we can get a nice look at this look at that that is just beautiful that actually looks like a real paint splatter I feel like I'm watching a slow-mo video so that's purple squid boy this is green squid girl this is it looks like just a recolor exactly of the orange one that we saw a little bit earlier who I will now bring onto scene so it looks like she's wearing slightly different clothes different colored shoes everything else is the same same amount of ink don't worry we're getting into some real premium one soon oh by the way turns out I did have two gold Mario's so there's a boxed one to keep up next the squared sisters the double pack these are pretty expensive ones there is a bunch of these loose on eBay I don't know why I have two boxed ones instead now I have to open up and destroy a more expensive product got to do what you got to do here are the squid sisters they kind of like two different pieces of sushi with their hats very fashionable there's number one they've got a bit of a sparkle in their dress and here's number two I like how the characters have these kind of typically creepy squid eyes or at least these two do alright one last look and we're moving on swings though they're called Squidling sock octolings is that octolings and Squidling x' i know here we go I actually really enjoy splatoon it's been a long while since I've played or whatever but it was a great game as very fun multiplayer I'm not super informed on all of the law though I didn't finish the main story on either of the games but I do recognize this weapon I think the paint roller that was one of my favs I think that's the paint roller I kind of like this little text detail on the weapon there here's a close-up of the head I feel like I need to show all these ones off a little more because there's so much more going on here than this horse [ __ ] look at her little wrist band then lastly from this box we've got he's got some that might be Ben Stiller with those is kind of doing a bit of a slab squat with this giant oversized paintbrush look how nice the paint looks on that thing though these are all going to look really nice together on a shelf one day up next we have another once expensive one I think the price has gone down on a lot of these these pearl and marina and the squid sisters there used to be some sales for some stupid amounts of money but you can pick these up for fairly cheap now I'm pretty sure here's one I would like to just keep boxed but I have some loose ones here here we go maybe a little dusty but you know that's what you get when you buy it secondhand sriracha's almost as good as new do a little spin there nice a aqua ink splats followed by a pink splat so that's those two splits are in series amiibos definitely in my opinion the better-looking ones out of all the me boys let me know below aesthetically what you think the best looking amoebas are okay up next we have the green boy we've done the green girl here is the green boy his ink is completely full he is ready to throw down there you go then we have another business it's like pink it's in between pink and orange almost it's like a different all of these are like a slightly different shade of pink like look at these they're all different but there you go I think that's a girl I don't mean to assume the squids gender sorry school octopus you got a Octopussy or a big off boat coffee in there I don't know anyway wielding double pistols and lastly the triple pack this should complete the set orange or you got it but we need the blue boy and we need the green squid let's tear this thing open let's have a gander okay blue boy blue boy there you go green squid green squid there you go and then a forced orange double which I'll probably replace that that's a fresher one Nelly forgot we have a loose orange squid there you go that should complete the collection let's see complete okay now on to some interesting ones some ones that I've decided I'm not gonna open him only because well for one yarn Poochie in the typical amiibo box is he's getting kind of pricey no but mostly because they they're not gonna sit with the other ones well here's the light blue Yoshi these are all from Yoshi's wooly world here is the typical green Yoshi they're very cute but I have no benefit in opening these they're not gonna sit well on a big nice shelf with all the other amoebas so that's the Yoshi's woolly world ones there is a big green Yoshi and you'll have to take my word for it he is somewhere I've just misplaced him but I have him in the box as well okay up next another very short series if scabby with a stark blue base which actually if you look closely has some little kirby stars on it next up DDD he's looking furious on the cover art here is oh he's heavy not as detailed or good-looking as the Smash Bros version in fact he looks like he's had his head squashed up against a wall or something something sort of off about him next the generic orange enemy its waddle dee sitting on a clown with a couple of stars there and then lastly of course there got to include Meta Knight there is all shiny with his signature gold sword and helmet gloves yeah very very basic all of these compared to the Smash Bros ones can be complete next we have one that I would have never thought would have its own amiibo the game franchise at all so strange Diablo I guess Diablo came to the switch or whatever so this loot goblin got an amiibo a pretty cool special box I might just for now keep it in the box but I might open it by the end of this video I'm not too sure I'm just going to slap the loot loot goblet there as we move on to another super specific limited one its Megaman Megaman 11 or rock man because it's a Japanese box I this has an American box as well oh he's got a silvery base released for the 30th anniversary maybe I think he's a more lean and long Megaman compared to his Smash Bros counterpart and the only other one in this set is the gold Megaman which we already took a look at earlier in this video now some more Mario Mario Odyssey a fantastic switch game an absolute necessity if you are in the switch if you haven't played it we have Bowser look at the detail on this now this is a nice Bowser there is four in this set one of them being a box of cereal that is nice that I feel like they've honed their army by making skills at this point the newer stuff is all really really nice continuation of the red base just like the Super Mario amiibos we have peach who has just been snatched up by Bowser and forced to marry him looks like Bowser's just unzip these pants peach is in pure shock it's not actually anywhere near as good as the Bowser one but I guess Bowser just has more features you can make detailed and here is Mario to save the day also in his wedding attire he's about to steal your woman Bowser give yourself a nice little rotation there Mario and then we will move on to the box of cereal Super Mario cereal why not just eat this in another video this box is a special amiibo try it with Super Mario CC back for details every Super Mario cereal box is an amiibo you can use to unlock special content to power up your Super Mario Odyssey adventure okay so does this have a chip in it or something like that like a thin one what exactly are you scanning you know what I'm sitting here pondering this loot bubbling and such nice packaging but I want the loot it's actually it's a goblin with its he's got gold this is my spirit animal it looks like he's bag has a little bit of a hole in it some of his bone is leaking okay just when you thought we were done with Mario we have a 30th anniversary classic colors 8-bit pixel Mario here he is he's jumping over a warp pipe his pretty ugly he's got Super Mario Bros xxx on the base there chuck him rot chuck him right there and then let's open up the modern color here he is in more recognizable colors in recent times he's kind of terrifying to stare front on with he has his own little page there and now we're going to do this full Legend of Zelda collection and very fittingly we have a pixel link as well here he is with his shield and ah he actually has the sword on the back so many of these I've just not noticed the details because I've had them sitting in the boxes okay everybody else get out of here it's Zelda time okay we're starting off the Zelda collection with Linc wearing the Goron mask this is very cute this is very well done I really don't mind the face at all on this one and we have a bunch ahead of us there is a lot in the Zelda series next we have Twilight Princess link let's get a look at yeah come here boy don't like it don't I don't like it why is he holding his sword and shield like this is there some war with Twilight Princess I'm not familiar with where the link is disabled or something or his bones fused wrong okay wolf link from Twilight Princess with their Midna riding on his back this one off the top of my head I think it's about 50 or 60 Australian dollars a bunch of the Durham was a pretty pricey very interesting-looking one feel like this is done in a very different style to the others this feels like a mini statue almost like the weight and feel of it here is a newer one this is absolutely adorable Link's Awakening the recent remake on Nintendo switch I absolutely adored the game finish the game I hadn't properly played or finished the original so it was a pleasant to play through everything already looks like little shiny toys in that game so this translates very very well into an amiibo I would love to see a full set in this style what's link horse link another breath of the wild one link riding on the horse is this opponent or is this just some generic brown horse shamefully I haven't played through breath of the wild I really need to properly pick it up but now we're moving on to link playing the ocarina there is cheeky little fellow this one and now we're moving on to breath of the wild Zelda but I will be keeping this one in the box because apparently I have doubles and I've got a loose pre-owned one here she looks a little bit strange but there you go you got to complete your collection pre-owned you can get a good look at what the Zelda stands look like with this one up next we have another adult link in the Attack Position getting ready to hack and slash his way out of the dungeon I'm probably nitpicking but this one also something slightly off about the face I really really like how they did this one and now we're moving on to link shooting the bow this one looks kind of cool I like the colors on this one this one is a nice style I like this smooth cloud part at the bottom of his foot call me Zelda I'm having brain hemorrhage okay you ready for the big one breath of the wild I literally don't know these characters I am so Falco I don't want to ruin it for you Zelda fans so yeah these are the ones we have they all look potentially difficult to pronounce without knowing how they said this is such a pristine box as well this pains me but I've come this far we have anything for views made it into the Zelda franchise I'm speechless love the chain around him it's got a really cool sword there he's goron with a big beard I'm sorry I don't know exactly who any of these characters are I will say he has tiny little baby feet and gigantic fists for smashing up next we have a fish lady Zora I think with like a fish kind of like a fish for a head there you go I don't think I've ever wanted to [ __ ] a fish before next up we have bird bird with a bow and arrow fantastic and lastly we have a Garuda warrior woman the protectors of the desert these beautiful bronze beauties with a nice shimmering shield on it back and a steel scimitar and that's all but nope there's still more we have one of these little goblin fellas I've killed a couple of these okay I've played the start of the game oh they look disgusting from the back and that's saying a lot when you see him from the front please don't Club me to death okay another breath of the wild enemy I am aware of is these big crazy Guardians also you can find these at the start of the game this is huge this isn't a me bow oh look at the paper that he's sitting on a work of art if I didn't already know this was an amiibo there is no way you could convince me this thing is an amiibo look at the quality of it look at the size of it it's just like a mini Zelda statue nice to meet you pal that's gonna meet one that's that's that's not easy to sit on the shelf that's okay yeah that's okay alright now I think we are on to the last two which are a beautiful pair we have tuned link and Zelda from The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker so I have this WI box and then I also have some solar ones so I will keep one sealed I just need to figure out which one has [ __ ] open I love in one of the other languages he's just called link cartoon alright I don't know I'm just going to open up this single ones okay here's the cute little fella with these little magical conductors baton the this is the Wind Waker right that's like the name of the instruments I think and then we have Zelda not cold turns out that the link is called Toon Link the turns out is just called Zelda here she is she looks exactly like you'd expect it to her eyes look a little bit bloodshot I think maybe she's been smoking the reefer with Ganondorf but hey I ain't it a pass judgment plus that's probably some of that good Hylian weed all right clear the slight we're still going let's move on now we're opening Monster Hunter these ones I'm fairly certain are all exclusively Japanese release as I think the game is very popular over there the back is falling off this one again this is a series I don't know anything about I played some of the Monster Hunter games I think this is maybe from a specific one or something they're all these little cutie anime looking characters here is this lady on this big white beast I wouldn't want to run into this thing in a dark alley there's only a couple of these six apparently alright obviously I'm not opening up the trophy one so I was a speed previously spoke about next the one-eyed laiá laiá sand rider girl alright let's have a look at you later later oh this looks like a fast one she looks like she's having the time of it life I hope there's some true fans of whatever this is in the comment section below however there you go girl Radha and Leonardo DiCaprio oh okay I just found out you can pull the rider off we might be able okay you can switch them dude how is that how did I not know that was a feature is that intentional I don't know we'll have to have a look on this next one the Cure Apeco and dan at least this guy has an actual name you can see how big these ones are and this one pretty interesting I think it's got like a neck thing that inflates and then maybe blows some loud screeching sound out of this nose hole good one Dan alright Dan dismount it comes off easy they've got to be switchable on purpose let's see if Dan can ride this one yeah that's so cool her hands even line up in like this perfect riding position like how is that is that coincidence and this is the handle on the saddle here you chuck Dan on he's gripping onto it fantastic now I'm getting a little nervous because I think maybe I don't have all the monster hunter ones we have the one-eyed Leigh Ellis again this time we have Ryder boy so it's the same dragon beast he's not in the exact same position he is screaming in terror while the other one looks a little more docile I can't help but notice this little thing on it almost looks like a human ear kind of putting me off if I'm honest and he's got a generic black blade okay no I have them all don't worry I have them all there is no way I thought this video was going to go this long I can't read this hallowed shovel ah yes old mate shovel let's take a look at your shovel that's a good way to look at them you look like a strange disproportional anime chibi character or something and these dragon looks like an asparagus just give a nice little rotation there and then we're going to move on to the rarest most expensive and best-looking one the cats I don't know his English name I don't know enough about it but Japanese he is Navarone possibly also English he's a cute little cat he's the normal size for an amiibo I'm sorry I talked y'all I may have to keep him in the box look at these do you think I can open him do you think I want to open him I don't think I want to open him lucky I thought about it I only vaguely remembered that he was expensive I almost just slammed him down just ripped him to bits there's a couple of exceptions today guys and I hope you will forgive me now monster Hana we are done let's move on with week we're getting close guys okay Fire Emblem we have green head woman rotation green head woman close-up pan down body blue head man rotation this is our second kromm figure of the day red head woman rotation red head woman close up and pen down body green head man rotation something is not right about look at the look at his face is [ __ ] YZ pants okay guys are done yes we have pic men on their own where's orlimar that's right there is a standalone Pikmin amiibo this one is getting a little expensive just because I think all these super obscure amoebas that aren't like super main characters only got kind of more limited printing but this is a really cool amiibo I like this one a lot another solo amiibo Samus again almost solo have some bad news you're gonna have to believe me so here we have Samus in the squatting battle position if you're a Metroid fan you gotta like this one I'm sure and there is only one more in the set and I have a loose version but I can't find it it's here somewhere when I do find it I'll put it in another video just to prove this but that is why I open that one otherwise I would have just kept it sealed that's a cool one to display but as a consolation prize here it is in a double pack with samus the reason I'm not opening this one is because I got that Samus to open because I already had a loose Metroid but you can kind of peer into the box so that's what it looks like don't these two just look lovely together alright now it's time for a pretty weird one I hate the look of these there's no way I was going to buy them sealed if I could get them loose this is the tin laughter is the best medicine that the guy on eBay sent these ones to me in these ones came from him these ones came from a different seller now what are these Wow do you know Skylanders well Nintendo lended their character licensed to Skylanders to do a collaborative crossover so these are actually he kind of explains the quality they look a little bit different than the other ones so these characters are in Skylanders Donkey Kong and Bowser he's on a weird rotating stand I guess that's what a smile and this figure is like I don't know I've never seen another real Skylanders in real life right he has this bike as well I guess he sits on the bike or whatever but the reason I'm showing these to you is because actually they're also amiibos no matter how awful they look I don't know how it works but we've got this Bowser like vanilla Bowser with his big hammer and he has this race car which is kind of like his clown 'mobile thing and then we have this barrel racer with moving parts and the more vanilla Donkey Kong who swivels around and looks like he's got a bit of [ __ ] on his forehead judging by the grin it's intentional now if we take a look at the base of these things it starts as a Skylander if you can read that and then all you got to do is swivel the base and it turns into an amiibo lovely next up again I haven't played but I would love to I feel like I missed out with playing shovel Knight wrapped in glad rats and we have the 3ds game in there as well which seems to be a sort of a trend that they like doing selling the amiibo and the game but here's one I prepared earlier in the normal amiibo wrapping I don't know which one really I should be opening but here he is very very cool if I remember correctly I think game grumps did the official reveal for this amiibo this is amazing Ross but that's not all quite recently I think it was these ones got launched I think there's a new shovel night game or something I don't know trouble night Specter night plague night and the King night they all come across great in little plastic form this one has a gigantic Reaper scythe this one is the king I'm guessing just a hunch really and then we got this little plague fella with the typical old plague doctor mask and a little bird on his staff and he's pondering his crystal ball sippy cup but that's not all shavon client has a gold amiibo just like Mario except much much better thought out and looks good with the similar mario gold amiibo stamp in the corner I for some reason have three of them well actually I know why I purchased one it took forever to get here so I bought another and then that one finally arrived and then when I bought all of these boys the seller threw in a gold shovel knight' for free but there is is a neat magnificent I feel like these fellas would get along well and I think we actually might be done here's all the shovel Knights moving over we did all of those Skylanders moving over we're done splatoon we've done Yoshi we have that's the end of the line there we did monster HANA we've done metroid Megaman Zelda Kirby Fire Emblem Diablo detective Pikachu Dark Souls chibi robot box boy animal cross they've got Super Mario Odyssey Super Mario Bros xxx Super Mario Bros series Super Smash Bros series we've completed at all we've shown everything off today well I mean - the big mega wool yarn Yoshi and the lack of an open Metroid I think we had a pretty good effort thank you guys so much for watching this very special episode on the Maximo faux Pokemon Channel look at this god-awful amount of plastic landfill from opening this many amiibo my god I love to kill the planet now I bid you a fair do and I will leave you with some music and every single amiibo in one place [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: maxmoefoePokemon
Views: 5,497,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amiibo, opening every amiibo, every amiibo, 2020 every amiibo, smash brothers amiibo, amiibo cards animal crossing, opening every single amiibo, opening mystery boxes, opening mystery toys, amiibo toy opening, testing every amiibo, monster hunter amiibo, super smash bros amiibo, pokemon amiibo, unboxing amiibo, opening the rarest amiibo, animal crossing amiibo, rarest amiibo, legend of zelda amiibo, splatoon amiibo, splatoon 2, kids toys amiibo, detective pikachu, qbby
Id: PScknWTwa8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 31sec (4711 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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