Opening $2,600 of Designer Toy Blind Boxes! (SUPERPLASTIC)!

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crap Oh beauty I'm going to get some better audio for filming these concert videos soon plastic plastic suit okay [Music] I'm suffocating help whoa okay minecraft real life don't worry they've got a durable product that's a selling point okay now before I stop this video believe it or not is not sponsored but we'll get to that in a minute I'm very curious to see these things these Apple ones have blind boxes in them with all different rarities we have a lot to get through all right super plastic I can't even get this big one to fit in shot of the workspace but here it is I think it's just all Wyatt it's either like something you can draw on and customize yourself or what that's just the look and it's kind of like a prototype which is like they make a figure they make white versions of it first which sometimes obtained by collectors but that doesn't seem to be the case with this one oh they just wanted to make a white solid plastic fella I might have to get a really good artist to customize that that would be really cool okay so who is super plastic and why do I have this much of their product have you heard of the company kid robot they've done many many premium toys and collaborations and art pieces and even opened up a bunch of the Kidrobot stuff on this channel and what I gather from super plastic is it's the founder of Kid Robot who formed another company with this other fella in 2018 called super plastic I think from my vague approximate knowledge and here we are checking it out not sure of the details but this little crazy bear with blood on his claws has some sort of dog muzzle and he looks out of control these are very clean nice smooth vinyl figures so I think super plastic makes a whole bunch of different things but most of this stuff that we're gonna be opening up today's very intro is it a dead child don't worry it's safe he's got a muzzle on yeah so most the stuff opening today I think is from this side series called janky so all these toys are liked by super plastic but it's the janky series or something like that so these ones here we have these standalone ones where you know exactly what you're going to get on the box and a lot of these are very expensive as you can come to expect from these very high quality figures that are considered art and not toys which is something neckbeards tell themselves so they can keep collecting children's figurines we've got this really cool stand out crown that sort of just sits on his head like so and then he's got this little golden weapon that sits on a stick with these little sonic the head truck rings in it which is pretty badass look how clean this [ __ ] looks you could turn him around the back of his head he's got fourth I think he's janky the fourth he's got his stylish Street kicks on we've got the grandfather the demented father and the holy son okay so now how did I get this and why am i opening it well I'm opening it because it's super cool and it's stuff that I would want to get ahold of and I obtained it because Chad was speaking to someone at super plastic about sending us some stuff for the podcast set and then maybe sponsoring us monetarily down the track and I was like well I can open all this stuff and see if they maybe would like to sponsor me as well here we go here is a little cat fella he's kind of like in a more of a army camo brown color with this doll down peach rock sack and shoes so anyway as cool as it is that I get to open up all this stuff here for you guys today let's beg the company to send me more and sponsor me so perhaps you can tweet them at Super plastic on Twitter and say please sponsor at max Malfoy and then maybe send them this video we might be able to create some sort of hype on their radar actually you know what I'll do I'll put a link at the top of the description if you can click that and you have Twitter it should also compose the tweet and you can just tweet that let's get as many of those as we can and hopefully your boy you can land a proper sponsorship from these guys because this is way up my alley here's another sticker it's like I'm giving these away as the codes alright I can't take it anymore it's time to hit the mystery boxes and my god there is a lot of these now let's see how many of these are complete mysteries some very very cool stuff in here I think they've got yeah they've all got different rarities some unbelievable rarities one of 96 every 96 of these boxes will have one of those and then the guy to the right one of 192 these ones all being question marks and then on the other side these are the most common ones that we're going to see now I'm pretty sure that a lot of these are different artist collaborations I could be wrong I think almost all of these maybe even maybe these are sort of like those cows that you find in Australia at the different towns there's just all sorts of different ones and they're all done by different local artists so this guy what's his story he's got a shave and a haircut he looks like the barber he's got a bunch of different tattoos he's a very cutthroat Baba pun extremely intended perhaps his brain is missing this is sort of like my dream trying to open up all these different mystery boxes for chances of high rarity with just an infinite amount of boxes we have like four of these full boxes this is going to be a long-ass video I like if you look at the bottom of the box it actually says down here this is art not a toy also made with post-consumer recycled plastics alright second box of like 6000 let's have a look here is the stick I like that guy here is the toy who's it gonna be is this someone special okay some crazy crocodile skin boats is that a snake emerging from his trousers look at those boots okay so the one on the box is orange this must be some sort of variant or chase piece or something maybe on top of all this there's color variants as well I don't know how their system operates I like the pink bags though let's see who we have in this one we got the smiley donut man oh he's got a big donut bling his left foot looks edible the top of his head looks edible okay I don't think that's part of his bling that's like his shirt and a love heart donut hole in the back of his head is this meant to be a Homer Simpson reference here like homers hair since he's got a yellow head and he also likes to eat pink sprinkled doughnuts he's just a common folk along with the barber now these do have a second life in the resale section of ebay or wherever else there's the orange one but I don't really like trying to determine strange prices for stuff like this sometimes so we're just gonna have fun opening them I think the rarity of each one serves as you know more than enough here we go here we go it's the man from the sticker I kinda like this guy he's like he's almost got like he's gonna yarmulke on his head it's just a cute little Jewish schoolboy what is this is this his he's a turtle cat this plugs into his back this third is hella stylin ah he's an influencer so see how he says 2 of 24 that's because there is 24 boxes in this whole pack and we're going to get two of him out of all these bosses I'm pretty sure and then you have a obviously a much rarer crack at some of the other ones here we go nope and this rascal okay the back of his head is a little spooky his head's all cracked and held together these are pretty stylish and then we have this bat that he has for bludgeoning skulls again the one on the box is orange alright so maybe because he is 2 of 24 maybe the other one that's guaranteed in this full box will be the orange one which if so that's a kind of an interesting way to do it and adds an extra layer on the already many layers of collecting these things alright we have a weird old 10th dimensional animal crossing residents oh he's got like a whole ton of dark grape colored tattoos across his dulled out purple body and we got the corresponding sticker don't forget his glasses so I might actually be wrong these are either the artists names or they're just the names of the characters they might just be the names of the characters alright let's go for one right here and let's see what we get on this one pink wrapper open it up Oh care glasses it looks like we've got this guy again just the regular purple back to back next one we have go away bro who's this gonna be alright no there's wait how do we get the dark orange one I don't understand how it works very strange alright one more and then I think we'll open up another one of these special larger ones let's take a look we have all thought it was the same guy again we have like an Eastern asian-inspired one I think it's a pretty cool design it's like her she's wearing a face mask or something with a floral jumpsuit Julie West super plastic I almost missed this she's got a spot on a head for a little birdie to sit that's a very cute detail alright let's take a look another one of the big ones I really like this design this looks like probably the coolest one of these medium figures it's Gatchaman go cookie GOG II got the gog magog mon-sol does he want to be like a pokemon or a Digimon I think this guy is like one of this signature characters slide him out oh he comes unmasked oh wait even his face is basically the skull all right this guy is very Street he's got GOG on his knuckles and Mon on his other hand good route he comes with the signature nail through the wooden club weapon and a sack of my okay he's been robbing banks we've got a bunch of different currencies in here and his super cool Skull Punisher mask which has this actual piece of like elastic on the back it's like a nice little combination of everything okay that is sick that is so cool that's the best one by far all right back to the boxes are we really gonna do all of these full boxes I think I'm committed now I think I have to all right we discussed such a long video okay this guy's toasted it's the Baba is know he's that is the same color I thought he looked a little different another one ah ah there it is orange all right I don't know how you get this green one or what it means spots there it is the orange original he looks a lot cooler these are like the colors that he should be this one looks kind of sickening like he's got a disease next we have another one this one the donut boy again next all right this one feels kind of chunky okay is it a big hair piece this is new whoa okay talk about Eastern design this one is very very asian-inspired I love the wooden sandals and we have a hole in the back for something to go of course ninja weaponry and then the hair goes across the top of the head and it is complete another box this time through do we have green you ugly all right what are we gonna pull this one what does that one look amalgamation of everything at once the mad science experiment we've got the little Jew happy little boy alright let's open up another one of these special boxes this is like janky v 0.5 alright who is janky v then let's see what this guy looks like he comes with okay so he's working it like a fast-food place he's sweating he's selling chicken he's in his chicken outfit I think because he comes with oh it's a burger place yeah I saw the sign on the front there he's a sign flipper he also has a crown not as cool as the gold one but he's at work you know it's part of his getup and he's getting really hot he's about to have a milk break I don't know how you're supposed to make him hold this and it says on the bottle that King Genki has gone missing suspiciously but the show must go on even if there is a missing persons report filed this one feels more petite than usual it's the orange guy oh it's the orange guy we haven't got him he's the one from the box the box color complete with the orange bludgeoning Club I got a feeling this is like one of the absolute rarest or it is just an amalgamation of all of them just to show it off as like an icon for the set but you'd think they'd also make it so let's see if we can find it in this one we have another variation of one with really god I think I prefer this one yeah the blue is doing it for me more than the green seven more boxes to go and then we move on to the next lots of boxes and we have a new one this guy is got a silo phone on his chest so I'm sort of cold bolt skull as his head I don't know what any of this is going on the boots seems to be almost aquatic and alive those are some sort of scales is he in under two beasts I'll let you know when and if we pull anything that ain't straight on the back of the box if it's super rare I'll give you a heads up let's see what we got in this one all right back-to-back doubles next this one feels kind of chunky it might be the one with the hair yes all right oh my god okay Facebook okay that's so much cooler choose your fighter the blue faced one is not on there it's some sort of strange variation all right so I guess we should be guaranteed this one in the box I think if it's how I think it works let's take a look we have another one of the orange dude now which means it should be two of what we should get in the box so I don't know how his variant skins work but that means I think we can't get any more of that orange guy in the remaining few boxes yeah and we have the ghost the ghost man all right but some very sad oh no once sad one happy bunny slipper this guy's name is squink whoa oh he has an Oscar ACK okay yeah this dude naked he might even be glow-in-the-dark he kind of looks like he could be all right now only if we could pull some of the red GOG he moans Gucci Mon I don't know how to say it let's have a look at this one and see what we have what's all that one's cool he's got it's kind of like a a combination of some sort of traditional dragon helmet crossed with a hoodie okay it's got some cool spines on the back some horns and we've got a tail space I think we go to the feet wattle or wattle bird still a straw if these are different artists responsible for these or if these are just the names of the characters I can maybe learn a little bit more but I liked it going blind with most of the stuff that I do there we go what's all everyone okay so last box I don't know who this could be this could be anything here it's have a look we have candy white nah oh that's a little scary the back of his head is consuming the rest of his head kind of like a Candyland Voldemort's the shoes look very happy but they have fangs on them and I should have seen it I must have just skimmed over it it is right here wielding a lollipop when we get a cream ice cream crown one of 24 from the box so you got a caramel or here is the bone lollipop so a whole lot of juxtaposition here it kind of it's like a skull up there as well it sort of reminds me of Happy Tree Friends vibe that's sick all right so here is our hole for the first box and we're gonna see if this is replicated when we go forward with the other boxes of course as we get some more of the doubles I'll skim over them a little faster and we'll go rare hunting all right we have another Pig idiom size one oh I don't like this one anywhere near as much as any of the other ones he's got like a big war helmet which is almost kind of like a beanie to fit the street vibe for tres and he has whatever this what is this like a missile cross with a arrow if you give jacksFilms a run for his money with that forehead alright have somewhat organized them this is what the first box looks like I'm building an army now let us start opening up ones from this second box we're gonna see a whole ton of doubles here don't worry we're gonna gloss them over gloss over them as we get them let the purge begin double double this won't take anywhere near as long with the power of editing who do we have in this one it's a double next jogging I think it's goggle fruit what's-his-name go go go go I'm on this yeah uh-huh I don't know it says even on the foot does it instead of saying his name it just says rare in his in his little light blue baby suit and holy [ __ ] look at his accessory all right now that is what I call a rare hey guys I can see myself he also has this little chrome hand axe alright he is ready I did actually see this one on eBay selling for a nice little price I like that I'm not gonna sell it obviously I just like to know the values of things I think it just makes things cooler when they acquire a monetary value I wonder which one we got out of these two the show must go on let us get back to the double spamming job oh oh oh oh this is a good box boys this is a good box that is one we haven't pulled or should I say this is one we haven't seen pick it okay his name's on the what a movies for this is one we haven't seen he has a little accessory in here does he what in the hell is this supposed to be are these like his guts on the outside or something like that I don't know it's I feel like it's some inside joke or something I'm not getting on the top of the ear is what I can only assume is the autograph are these letters what is it alright back to the grind oh good double rare double don't mind a nice little squink this box has been doing good things let's see what we get in this one back to the donut boys join us donut give me any more doughnuts baa baa baa black sheep have you any go nuts no wait is he a darker purple no he's not he's just the same old this is an ungodly amount of Biggers dear this feels like a bit of a weird shape but alas it is just the note P no P double double ja wohl jabu jabu candy double what's a nice double double alright two more and then we have finished the second entire case we've got the polite little Jewish frog boy he's probably one of my actual favorite designs now next up we have and last Oh two frogs I am going to war all right start taking up another big one this time we have the bear again with the helpless child this time in hot pink something about the pink reminds me of something maybe that's more like a Digimon anyway there you go or you could take his child and give this one to kids okay it's time to get serious we've got a another bunch of boxes I'm gonna empty them all out at once then I'm gonna put a bunch more on top we're gonna empty all those haven't once then we're going to just pick and pull random ones all right here we go let the games begin our first one is the purple bubble [Music] double double hamburger we've got the cobalt boy we've got the barbershop man we've got the barbershop man we've got the tiger this is like opening up pokemon cards now it's hunting for that Charizard come on I'm pretty sure the one we have is the one of 96 so we still have the super super rare the one of every 196 boxes we have candy candy we have Oh okay we've got a double but it's the super rare not looking any different so again this is the one of 96 rabbit the Google Google hey now he has a friend to go on a murderous rampage with all right come on man this is this is far better than the hunt for the rainbow Charizard I wonder if I can just ask the company what it is and can you please just send it to me directly all right another donut cuz I don't think you can even find it on eBay and there's a little people selling speak of the devil okay okay he's purple instead of pink he has a purple suit he's still wearing his trainers and he has a gold killing mask and a gold Baba that is not a hammer gold hatchet wow that's so strange just as I was speaking of him all right it's been done we can pack it up we seen it all now all right so oh that's so cool yeah on the foot this one rare this one rarest the absolute rarest you can get it's been done it's been pulled it only took us three cases Dan alright well that's pretty cool I like that I still another hundred percent sure what the question marks on the back of the box mean but I'm assuming these are like the three variants I'm assuming if there was three variants so I think we have pulled absolutely everything there is to pull in this set am I still going we're gonna see what kind of doubles we can get and if we can miraculously pull another purple rabbit or even some more of these are the boys don't take me out of context there I don't want to pull off these little boys I mean I do want to pull I want okay next but obviously deserving any point of me saying double now as I pull them out I've definitely got them all maybe I could give away some of these perhaps figure out a way to do that this is like absolutely stupid amount to open next next next next rabbit super rabbits baby all right three silver rabbits and one gold rabbit can we get another gold at some point yeah can I even open these packs per please next next next next next next next next next next next next next yes the blue faced one that is out second one only of that three of the super rare silver mask rabbits and only two of the question mark rare blue faced that these oh yeah so we've got some of these golden doubles which are cool thank you all right two more and then we have our final box okay there is our second ever of this one as well and lastly we have don't I'm just I just have to finish everything that I have here I want to open all we know what this is really cool one of the first ones we opened all right before we move on to the final case here is the pink uber sized one I already slipped it out of its box it's just like the white one you already know it looks like it's cool whatever but it's not a whole lot to show on camera now the final frontier will we get any more gold masked rabbits maybe some more silver Master rabbits let us go on another ultimate speed round but to start it off here is the orange fella next next next good good that's something out third get of him that's our 60th donut boy next next next next next next next ghost ghost with the austrack that's only a third one of him as well I think next next next next next next next next day another silver bunny getting used to seeing you now though open enough of you where is your golden mast brother next all right there's only two more left this is a big fat one this is damn not the blue faced one we're gonna got one more here who's it gonna be to end on my favorite one yay okay now finally three ghostly ones have got those weird signed ones the candy ones there these are the absolute rarest to cross all of my boxes the variance the variance seem completely random almost we've got these ones who come all the way to the front all the way back there these ones were quite rare as the Box probably said and then their variant you can even see them in there the blue masked one we only got two of as well and then of course me and the boys when we're going out purging but thank you so much super plastic thank you for the opportunity please consider sponsoring me I would greatly appreciate it or send me some more super cool product even though this was technically finessed by a Chad and for cold ones tweet them guys let him know
Channel: maxmoefoePokemon
Views: 1,424,916
Rating: 4.9223685 out of 5
Keywords: opening designer toys, opening art toys, opening blind boxes, opening mystery blind boxes, opening mystery art toys, opening kid robot, opening kidrobot, superplastic, opening superplastic toys, superplastic opening, mystery toy unboxing, ebay mystery box, mystery box opening, janky, opening janky blind boxes, superplastic series 2, janky series 2, 1/196, guggimon, guggimon janky, rare toy opening, limited edition, opening limited edition toys, opening limited edition gold
Id: v_8RAKcPpe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 58sec (1858 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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