Opening 65 Coles Little Shop Mystery Mini Blind Bags!

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hey guys guess what today's the day we're gonna get a new door on everything's gonna be a-okay back to normal putting a door on his hard work let's not do that yep that's right I shaved the homeless gamer neck beard off it's gone I'm gonna level with you I was trying to grow it out for a video but the time it's gonna take me to do and the horrendous bullying I receive online I kind of weighed my options and I was like it's not that much of an integral part of the video I'll work around it but I left this sorry excuse for a preteen mustache on so now I sort of look like a pedophile which isn't great when this Chuck this channel is primarily opening toys but we'll work around that let's get into the product all right who here likes going to the supermarket with their mommy or daddy oh good because today we're gonna be opening up my grocery shopping so Cole's a supermarket here in Australia recently did a promotion where you've got every for every 30 Australian dollars you spent you've got a little blind bag that's right there onto it Cole's little shop and there is there is 30 in the set so let's see what we have here we've got Chobani high in natural protein strawberry flavored Greek yogurt so everything in here is modeled after a product that you can actually pick up off the shelf what a genius marketing strategy which I'm not sure why they haven't thought of before here's the Big Daddy for comparison so this promotion has ended now but the hype is still pretty big people are buying these things all over eBay all the single mothers trying to complete their sets it's so crazy that this witch is a collector case is selling for some ridiculous amount and they sell to thing about this is it's just a [ __ ] bit of cardboard with some plastic and velcro on it but we can take out your body we can find it slot up there and we can there we go yeah so this case originally on its own you had to buy them you could buy them in store for I think like four dollars I actually remember when cat went in and got the collector case we saw on eBay that they were reselling for seven dollars sweet mama look at this little Nutella yeah that's right I got his Papa here don't you ever talk to me and my son ever again yeah I remember cat got one of these for like four dollars and we saw that without reselling for like seven dollars something like that and she was debating at the time just going and picking up tons of them just so we could resell them for that tiny markup but we could not be bothered and now look at the ridiculous amount of profit you could have made selling cardboard I mean I'm one to talk I open Pokemon cards all right let's put out a little Nutella in there and let's see how many we actually have to open here today hold on to your horses [Music] that's right that many plus one give or take I may have missed or throwing the same one a few times plus the two we already opened let's get into it I've been acquiring these for many months even though I should have done a video a long time ago I would have got a lot more views because it was very hyped in Australia but I thought I'd leave it so I could have the best shot at completing the set on my own that I could we've got Sun bytes snack crackers with Qin OA cheddar and chives flavour Sun this one kind of sucks cuz it's just a it's just a little folded cardboard square here's that here's the daddy was a big mummy son bye I think I literally got bleach on the corner there so I probably shouldn't eat these that's right guys I bought all 30 products in big form I think at the time when I did it I was thinking yeah I mean it's kind of like a gimmick in the video maybe sawed off and it gave me an excuse to spend a bunch more money that I wouldn't normally spend it calls to reach the benchmarks to get my figures now I should probably tell you that there is also a super rare red hand and it goes for a lot on eBay still it comes with $100 gift voucher to Cole's and here we have a obviously all of these don't scale with each other or anything like that we have a pot of chicken noodles oh mama I'm gonna suck knees down straight after this give me that sodium baby give the Goblin some sodium [ __ ] let us start put them in the case we have chicken noodles very nice we have son bites very nice just so fits the red hands are you serious how there's thirty [ __ ] ones in the set back to back now that I need yes for the red hands this I think there is only one thousand to find so it's very unlikely we're gonna find some I'm gonna wash my noodles down straight off there with a big bottle am at Franklin water let's see that big papa oh he's tall that's just how I like a man all right I'm gonna have to get a piece of this oh okay you ever just tuned in to watch a man literally open and sample his groceries for a period of time you guys are seriously sad I would consider wreaths it another Nutella how am I just poor look at the holes in the bottom and top I don't like that congratulations tub of Nutella it's twins two hazelnut babies can you imagine if whoa of course we need the signature Vegemite everyone knows wouldn't be an Australian video if I didn't have some of this going around mm-hmm salty can you imagine if we pulled the red hand just on video I mean that would be quite a cool oh this is weird oh it's like squishy on the inside but it's an actual like packet some awesome detail for something that's giving away at a shopping centre they usually do like really terrible like superhero plastic discs or animal facts that's the kind of thing shopping centers like to give away also sorry but messy monkeys the original product I think was sold out or I couldn't find it so I apologize you can't hear me eating those on camera massive loss for you massive loss for me with another veggie mind wow this one's rapper sucks ass you can kind of feel the item you can kind of feel what's inside it's sort of but they for that reason you're not actually able to pick your own bag or anything like that the employees have them strictly on their person there you go a mini toilet cleaner I think this is the bleach that leaked and got all over the food products hopefully I'm dead by the morning I'm thinking though towards the end of the promotion they were probably giving out more to people to get rid of them and I don't see why employees wouldn't just be [ __ ] stealing and taken especially when they sell for so much online and we have Oh some Finnish Powerball supercharged here it is so you can see the details up close just pretend I'm holding the small item zero out of ten though they've missed some details it doesn't have this new and improved formula in the corner that [ __ ] sucks but yeah since the employees can probably just steal them there's no reason they couldn't just feel around in their big bag and try to find the hand and take it for themselves I mean there is only a thousand nine and we have a very cute carton of eggs and I have the eggs up here just to show you look at this free-range eggs these chickens eat free baby walking around on that grass strutting [ __ ] up twelve extra-large wouldn't have it any other way there's the top there's the bottom look at that cute little egg carton shape on the bottom there oh you're not feeling so good mrs. carton it's just a let's check it out on the ultrasound here oh it looks like you're ovulating wait a minute oh it's a [ __ ] baby squeeze this out your [ __ ] she's pregnant kids look at these big brown healthy Australian chicken eggs don't give me those big dirty white American ones okay eggs [ __ ] monkeys laundry stuff our clean veggies mine oh I think the veggie mines my favorite the little jars or this is also nice anything that's like a jar oh never mind the eggs also good no I [ __ ] everything's great except this cardboard all right surely it's gonna get harder and harder to complete the set as we go forward we have some Tim Tams we're very disappointed at how they've done these we've got so that these are like the famous Australian chocolate biscuits right they are delicious let's take a look oh I tend to what I do is I buy off each them like this right stick it in a hot tea hot chocolate something like that and you suck the drink through the biscuit and it becomes soggy and then you eat the soggy bastard anyway I would have preferred Hatta interior it's just this same squishy [ __ ] as the monkeys all right up next we've got a double we're not finished yet don't tell me what to do I'll keep this video going to a get them all if I wanted to like I was saying I could feel them myself so I could get right to the point but you know how it is I like to waste your time van hollen power oh no this one's got a tiny little rip on it I like the detail I like the detail on any minifigure when it's done right I ain't gay Hey look yeah I didn't notice that nothing else has seemed to have this on it there's a mini me to collect get a free mini collectable with every 30 dollars you spend okay enough more I demand more just a can of tuna that's a big [ __ ] can of tuna it's almost like regular size look at the attention to like detail and bother to produce something like this is that upside down or is that how tuna looks surely that's upside down and then they've just got the box it's just a bit of cardboard is the ultimate test is the real true not upside down okay I'm just an idiot that's just our tuna guys I guess it sits like that on the shelf you like oh yes Jon West you know Chuck stile in olive oil blend let me have a look on the top our oceans forever there's the website flip it over that's how you open it up very nice okay we're gonna start getting more and more doubles onshore yep there we go that's a third Nutella let's see what we can get with this next one my friends that's our third Vegemite what did I say I'm calling the shots here I don't know how many more they're out of go we okay yeah we're getting doubles out the ass power clean come on I don't want to be prejudiced though every one of these has its right to grow into and be whatever it wants we're just going to realise the potential in it I can't be feeling around okay finally some vapor rub Vicks VapoRub y'all Americans got this you having breathing troubles or you gotta you got the flu something like this you rub this on your chest heat it up right here I've got some of my own which comes in imagine imagine if they had this like they had a mini box that goes on the outside I should reseal this back up go take it into the store and just put it on the shelf have someone buy it and open it up and just see this and not understand what the [ __ ] is happening okay it's called vape Oh rub my life is a lie all right next one we get that we haven't got oh wait fix wait picture nope baby there is the big [ __ ] one I'm not gonna open these and start eating them they'll go everywhere they're just like a wheat cereal healthy enough for you chuck chuck some fruit on the [ __ ] family pack if you've got a family again it's just a bit of folded cardboard I mean that's realistic currently do it any other way all right next one did I get that I haven't got Oh put them in a thing all right we've got the carton of eggs don't need any more of you let's see what we got in this one we've got the very first one we opened Chobani don't need any more you surely we haven't completed the set though so many to get we've got a vapor rub don't need any more you come on here we go something new some dog food do you have an adult dog that needs feeding I've got the perfect product for you good for Eastcote super coat Purina this entire video is like a walking ad for 30 different products not sponsored i might feed this to Kevin and if he chokes I'll plead ignorance and I'll sue them all right let's get that vapor rub in there let's get that cold power in there let's get the Tim Tams going where the [ __ ] the water am I missing it'll fall out a lie not put it in okay I've lost the water just like real life when I'm looking in the fridge and I end up just drinking and tire to little bottle of coke to myself instead dog food check weet-bix check that all I think that's all we're up to date hopefully we can pull another water oh yeah bye you know I like that [ __ ] orange juice forget you saw these dirty bananas those are for later this one however is a little bit artificially orange should have lightened up the carton there that's gonna have some deductions on your final score that's it daily juice pulp free orange juice how do you have your orange juice let me know below I like a lot of pulp personally most people think I'm disgusting let's have an argument in the comments Paul porno pulp and whoa look what we have here here's my bananas they have aged not perfectly and here's these bananas this is okay this is definitely the worst one this sucks you put this sticker on here to make it look like it has any more look at this [ __ ] thing this looks like was out of some shitty mega sort of grocery kids toy set take one of those off to make the bunch look a little more there we go picture perfect next up this is going to get real hard I might not even well we're still going well here we have Pantene look at this mini thing daily moisture renewal deep hydration from root to tip new this come on these some of these products should surely be paying me I thought this was like an era this tiny little rip bit there that's that's this that's just how the bottle looks there you go one more new one and I'll start put them in the box again you know guys I've been holding off using all this shopping because I mean sitting waiting to do this video I'm gonna be blessed after this to be able to eat any of this and finally wash my hair and all that we have some coffee here we go Nescafe gold original medium with added burst the style ground coffee they haven't done okay well oh I see we've got the gold there then you've just got the brown it would have been nice if you had some granules inside that thing and being very picky these are actually I seriously love these I hope they do another series there's no way this didn't perform well for them alright we should be getting there now I mean sort of got the shitty bananas got the tainted orange juice let's keep opening all right wow what a perfect double let's keep opening yes we got a new thing here what is this we've got some Dettol soft on scared of hard on James kills 99.9% of germs not good enough they went with a little more pink to this container but I can still dig it forget Tide Pods I want to eat this cherry cream unfortunately it has no squirting function what can I say I'm a picky guy we have up next some more shampoo love it but don't need it up next oh this one's a squishy one could be yep it's Tim Tams [ __ ] you what do we have up next this is a big one it's a hard one it's one we've already got hold power yet again two green packages do the packages matter like what are there just different colored things I'm not sure we've got some shampoo again let's try opening up another green one and see if it's like that all the cleaning stuff in the bathroom stuff okay nappies that feels like actual little nappies inside there it's different from the other squishy things oh you know I bought them this is the one thing I have absolutely no use for unless I put them on my dog Huggies ultimate and a very nice recreation there I really do like that one we've got now the grit that the colors mean nothing we've got some bananas stop giving me bananas I'm not gorilla man okay up next we've got a cup oh I thought it was sir I thought it was one we had but it's it's not we've got some Lipton tea quality black tea now more tea leaves more flavour look at it go unfortunately there will be no small mini tea bags inside this product alright next new one I'll start packing them Jesus Christ how many could be happy it open this is ridiculous we've got the Dettol again don't need it alright let's open up to here we've got eggs and we have something new potato gems oh I'm kind of tempted to open up one of these things just to see what they use for this squishy filling oh man I'm gonna have to go bake me some of these probably not these ones they have been they've been sitting out of the freezer for an unhealthy amount of time okay okay that does not look good Dettol we got it Lipton tea we got it potato gems we got them Huggies oh you better believe we got them Mount Franklin water we got it but we need it again okay what are you having this one we have some coffee what do we have in this one we have an O oh no it's all squished the tops being oh there we go just sort of pop him up a bit oh it sucks it's all stump nosed full on full fly our full strength so this is what the supposed to look like look at the top so fold it in maybe that's just how they've done it like father like son except it's not because looks like the mother might have cheated on this father the baby has a much smaller [ __ ] and yes that's right this is how long ago 10th of August I can't drink this I'll die Ferrari come on we've got more coffee Nestle go okay come on more Vegemite definitely one I like to see doubles of those what is this oh yes toothpaste you know I got the big one so there's the box I guess hey you guys know America have Colgate huh you ever heard of this small Australian brand all right there you go that's what it looks like it's a mini toothpaste tube with cavity protection I'm gonna have to mix and match all of this [ __ ] with all my Pikachu mini house items and eventually just build a gigantic embarrassing dollhouse we have another table of mini tuna we have a saw that was new note we've got chicken are we ever going to another water have I just lost that forever Jesus Christ how many do I have here yes Milo 10 right on baby you've got to be made of Milo actually I'm made of flesh and bones in water except I'm missing my water talk about an upscale look at it okay tiny that is comparison okay we're getting that we're actually doing it that's why I waited so long guys I wanted to do it naturally I wanted to do it myself and I didn't want to let you down yes [ __ ] yeah we're really bringing it all together now vanish that's what the water did nappy sand gold I feel like these this is just a bunch of free shopping that I finally get to use as household products since I've just had it sitting here in the Pokemon room for so long okay next one and we'll check where we're at with the collection here we go is it more eggs here we go more potato gems if we do get it it's gonna have to come in watch here because we are nearly done come on man this is a big one I don't know what we're looking for or what we're feeling for those at a power good one is it a big huge one and this time we've got another tin of Milo that's not a bad double okay hold on I still have a few over there come on more vanish yes I've never been so happy thank God the double we needed with my life but it's gonna get water again no that's right what do we have here some bolognaise with chunky tomato garlic and herbs pasta sauce my Legos no artificial colors flavors or preservatives yes my little bolognese friend oh that one's pretty good really appropriate color you could have used some little specks in there like the original but I will let it pass okay one more and we'll check the box sorry I can't stop I'm on a roll here I'm on a roll here what is a drama la nation we've got some Kiwi polish for black leather renew and protects this one is very very close to the size of the original that would almost pass as a real product that's like Assam travel bag shoe polish that's that's like a perfect likeness all right let's put the Polish in to put the sauce in let's put the oak in we are killing it got some Milo for this bottom piece there bottom completed second okay this whole thing on this side is complete a full right side completion and on the left okay holy [ __ ] wait guys we've actually done it look at that tada collect all 30 before he has done it on his arm can't believe that 30 is a big number to go for with something like this oh I feel more accomplished than when I complete a proper Pokemon set let's just see what we get with the doubles finish Chobani shoe polish Tim Tams potato gems whoa we came in close there but we're not done yet folks we've got a few things to do but first let's open up our 1 evolutions pack for the episodes like I do every single episode here is the code card for the folks back home 1 2 3 to the front and this has been a journey I have enjoyed doing something different always like doing different stuff and especially different figures for once growlithe we've got knitter and mail as the reverse and on the very end we've got [ __ ] here with Radek a alright just before I open up the burning shadows pack one of the now quite rare shopping trolleys from Little Shop they need a bunch of stuff I think I have some little mini bags somewhere as well but I don't know where they are for the sake of this video and I can't be bothered finding them I've put in a lot of effort for you guys but that's where I draw the line wait maybe no wait it might come in here this is massive this is like opening up a big kid's toy god the amount of money you could have made if you've bought all this all the cases and the trolleys and [ __ ] there's many on shelves when this came out what the hell this is a this is like a big assembly deal okay okay what this thing is huge I don't want to do this you guys know I hate putting stuff together guys this is a big ask for me I'm just winging it okay okay put that okay okay why don't I just read the instructions I had everything it was all coming together fine I did the whole thing and I forgot the handles so the whole things together right look at the bugger it looks great I missed the handles the handles go in there and the whole thing's secured together I had to pull it all apart the pull this [ __ ] off to get the goddamn handles they're in there I can't do it I found you again with a building task just [ __ ] it up every time it's just like my dad said alright I got one last surprise for you not so much a surprise anymore I had no faith that I was actually going to complete it so I bought an entire finished set from some sad mother on eBay so the surprise is there you go I've got two sets of it now I could do a giveaway but I'm very very very greedy now sorry guys I probably give it to my sister as I've mentioned before in the past she loves minifigures stuff okay let's open up our burning shadows on our quest to find the rainbow Charizard and I will give you guys the code card on the end there and I'll go one two three to the front and we'll [ __ ] this piece of [ __ ] water energy off man [ __ ] you Metapod I'm angry why am i angry again oh yeah I couldn't build the trolley I'm an idiot I think I might have like an actual mental disability malamar up lost pacinian the monkey took about a spit in the face thanks so much watching guys if he did enjoy watching a grown man open up his grocery breasts like make sure you subscribe please press on-screen to watch another video does support the channel even if you have seen it definitely do let me know below if you like pulpy orange juice or no pulp ring the bell button and all that jazz and I will see you guys in two days
Channel: maxmoefoePokemon
Views: 2,978,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coles little shop opening, opening coles little shop bags, blind bags, mystery kids toys, mystery box, opening kids toys, opening surprise toys, surprise capsules, coles blind bag opening, little shop, rare opening, opening mystery surprise, opening mystery minis, mystery miniatures, mini figs, mini figures, opening mini figures, cute mini figures, kids coles toys, shopping, collect, collectables, mystery opening, surprise opening, toy, toys
Id: So6ZHS_bv_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 1sec (1681 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 17 2018
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