Opening 500 Pokemon Burning Shadows Booster Packs! (Rainbow Charizard)

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I was so happy for him. Never thought we’d get here.

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/MurphysLaw859 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

End of an era!

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

Man so if chad had given him that other box he would have pulled 2? Ouchies

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/MrBoddles 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

The book is closed on this part of history. I'm glad he has his Charizard finally.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/TrixLots 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] what is this are you serious did you do this there's a bunch of friends garbage stuck to the ceiling oh my god that is gonna take months to get out i go away for five minutes burning shadows and the elusive rainbow charizard try as i might over the years i have still not been able to secure this beast today i'll be giving it my best shot yet 500 burning shadows booster packs here you see 14 booster boxes of burning shadows 36 booster packs reside inside one booster box up another level you get six booster boxes inside what's called a booster case and for christmas over on the cold ones channel chad gifted me two cases of burning shadows look at this six boosters in each of all burning shadows which we are going to be opening today with an additional two boxes so 14 booster boxes is 504 booster packs let's just pick one at random and start this thing off uh i'm undecided yet whether i'll give you the last four packs for free or not but here's uh here's the kicker what i'm going to be doing is uh once i see a pack that is not doesn't have a holographic like that's how i would normally open up a pack we're going to skip it because i if you want to watch that you can watch my other burning shadows video or any the end part of any of my other videos for what am i even doing here for the past however many years i've opened a million of these [ __ ] packs today i'm here for the charizard and nothing more i'll also be uh picking the packs at random from the thing uh we'll give a quote away for each one though so if i go one two three uh how do we do it that's the energy that is the rare rainbow necrozma he be sucks i ass he's not charizard but that means we've got the rainbow from this box already yeah i think i'm going to do it like that there is kind of no point even showing the reverse there's no reverse in this box that you haven't seen 50 000 times on this channel i think what i'm gonna have to do though is open up a bunch of packs and just mix them all together and go ham that way we won't know what rarities and what packs are coming from what boxes jesus christ jesus christ if you had to make me guess i would assume that this would be the full lot but this is basically only half all right it's time to mix them up okay that is very well sorted scrambled so let us begin this long road together so today i will be opening 500 burning shadows packs unless i pull the charizard at the time that i actually pull the ch sorry i'm a little rusty sorry i haven't done a video in like two weeks this has been a very daunting video to make and i kind of just use that as an excuse to take a holiday one two three uh energy and then this is a hollow gx nice little pool you're not charizard though so i open 500 packs unless i pull the charizard so basically i open packs until i pull the charizard if i don't pull the charizard then are you serious we just got ho and then we get the holo full art that's a really nice card though opening packs until i get the charizard otherwise i cap out at 500 packs maybe 504 if you're lucky all right here is mr burns i'm determined it's gonna happen today i also have um a kind of a funny story involving the the packs that we're opening so the two booster cases that chad gave me he actually had a third booster case that he was um is that right did he do it that he was supposed to give me with those ones but it took a little longer to arrive so because of that we'd already filmed the christmas video so chad decided to open up uh a booster box inside [ __ ] hell inside uh the booster case and he pulled the rainbow charizard he literally got it no joke from the additional case that was destined to be given to me which would mean if we don't get it today those would have been the next booster boxes i was going to slowly work through and we would have 100 got it at some point this year i'm not mad though um i actually kind of think it's funny with how long that i've been doing it as a pokemon channel and not being able to get it and every other streamer and poker tuber and now chad effortlessly just getting the card it's it's kind of like a sick joke like it's it's something that's okay guys because we're gonna get it today or i'll burn the cold ones office down while chad's napping inside one two three to the front that then we just grab this one sorry this is like my muscle memory no matter what i'm just gonna do that exact with my hands slide the code one two three to the front get rid of this and then we flip it around weevil on my shadow pack open it up slide off the code there you go so many codes for everyone today get rid of that flip it around what do we have persian with the broken back another pack it's the minecraft and demand and we slide we go one two three the front flip this around what do we get mr burns so another kind of shitty thing with a lot of these uh new burning shadows packs is the cards come out kind of like white not always but see how you've got this sort of whitening uh like around the top sometimes it can get really bad with some of these prints so even when you pull the rainbow charizard it's not like you have a perfect mint card if you just get luck of the draw with getting a shitty box crab crab crab crab it's a crab don't mind me boys just polishing off my stacks keeping them even all right how about this one let's see what you have open you up give code one two three four i can just do that right there we go nothing it's time to break out of my old form and just go code one two three four flip i don't know if that's any faster what this is all garbage another one open code one two three four i guess i gotta be kind of careful somewhat what is with this no hollows if i really think that i have a chance of the charizard today i probably gotta um treat the cards with a little bit of respect do a nice little princess turn what is this streak my shadow what do you have for us come on old pal all right here we go code then we go one two three four do a little 10 there we go something gx and whatever this set is also notorious for having um shitty off-center like garbage cuts uh so that's like see how this border on this side is just a slight bit thicker i think or am i crazy than the one on the right i mean that's not too bad but overall um a lot of the more recently printed burning shadows have just super shitty centering there is code one two three four and if you're centering sucks and you want to grade your card you're just already gonna be disqualified from getting a perfect 10. but we have a lot of packs here today so uh let's see if we can find any really bad examples one two three four um i'm interested to see what we can find today whether it be a charizard or just a few off centered commons you know i'll take either a bit of column a bit of column b my bags all right sorry neighbours one two three four keep nelly going to do it azumarill oh this [ __ ] thick marsh shadow you seem to be the token uh pokemon for this run we've got what two ma shadow gx's uh flip weevil although we've also had two ho-ohs one which was uh the full art nice version all right when are we gonna start pulling some good stuff again one two three four there is something there he is little rhyperia yeah who am i kidding why do i keep grabbing off my shadow artwork am i gonna be here for weeks what's the deal i guess i'm actually getting through them pretty quick by doing it like this there we go ben 10 zygarde baby what is happening i'm legit just grabbing random packs i just keep getting my shadows all right let's see what we can get from this one code one two three four be nice to this one bruxish that fish will suck your [ __ ] slash and or balls and then bite them off free of charge you know as a treat all right here we go another pack there is code one two three four what's it gonna be tertinator man i'm going to have so many burning shadows reverses and hollows and general bulk fat spaghetti mama come on ho be my lucky little phoenix rhys from the ashes and deliver me a charizard or a ho-oh i'll take another ho-oh one two three four here is my champ gx rainbow and proud look at this boy that's not a boy that's a man that's a whole lot of man look how nice the text pops off a rainbow card like this number 154 of 147 a secret obviously i guess i need to take some time to do some hard casing i'll start hard casing all the rainbows no matter what they are i draw the line at the full arts though because we're in a rush we're going crazy here here we go what's next gyarados i don't know if i even remember that being a holographic in burning shadows that i've seen i mean i've probably pulled like 16 of them it all sort of just goes into one big blur when you've been opening them as long as i have code one two three four what do we have this time oh gx glycopod now this mother sucker i have seen more than enough i pull him all the time one man shouldn't wield that many glycopods okay here we go try ow luck on this one there's code one two three four if you're out of the loop the code can be redeemed on the pokemon online trading card game virtual version where you can actually play and uh you'll get a burning shadows pack just a random pack i'm not sure why so many people think um it corresponds to the real life pack that you get i don't think that's how it works um maybe it does but i mean i can't imagine the logistics of making that work i get a lot of comments saying that though i think it's just people confused here is card one two three four five it's a squid next the water mistress what will she bring perhaps a pail of water perhaps a sack of freshly squeezed pearls there he is no no i don't know no thanks ah you're back uh by freshly squeezed pearls i mean from the oyster do oysters make pearls or is that um clams clams or both weevil you guys aren't wishing hard enough it's not happening i may need to uh request some bro fists through the screen one two three four what's it gonna be you're not bro fisting hard enough what is this come on guys brofist fridays with pewdiepie come on come on code one two three four i guess that's why mr beast is going to overtake you in subs one day all right come on get that see that's that's a good example of shitty centering look how thin this is on this side like that's kind of ridiculous um all right here we go code one two three four no even not even look at that weak right border there it is on the back right that's um i think that's our best contender so far for worse centering although i'm not overly paying attention all right here we go one two three four what's it gonna be vicario okay and another one rip it open cutie fly matzia pie pewdiepie you let down martial honestly uh what's this one horse another pack all right code one two three four careful now careful with that electavire hello he's gotta be the best one on the pack art i think or is there a charizard is charizard on one of the packs i don't think he is one two three four oh good boy good boy yes yes that's what we're talking about look at this it's been a while since we've seen a full art trainer it's been a while since we've seen anything i do apologize i'm back to making videos now i'll stick around yeah yeah holiday's over all right i enjoyed that some nice uh more full-out trainers would be good charizard would be better one two three four and this time toxic croak another one what'd you think i wasn't gonna do another one lucario i'm gonna even get sick of seeing the hollows over and over again let alone the reverses lucky i'm not doing it the regular way three four this time uh diancie i haven't got one of those hollows today though so i'm not bored of the hollows just yet all right another one one two three four it's broxish my shadow what you got let's find out there is code one two three four and we got a vileplume another pack let's see code one two three four we have a weevil my life is pain just joking today we're getting the charizard there it is flat glycopod i could feel the texture i knew it was a charizard i mean it was a fat cockroach but it's a close second there you go that's what the the full art version of glycopod gx in this set looks like a little more rare than the regular glycopod are we making a dent i feel like uh we are making a dent but one two three four there it is dark rye haven't got a dark ride today because i'm taking one from each pile and trying to keep them somewhat even it feels like we're doing less damage i feel like if i was just going straight down we'd see a lot more going on one two three four this one it's a monkey throwing a melon come on chinese phoenix come on chinese phoenix you've never let me down in the past one two three four what has he got oh i'm telling ya he's serving up those burgers a dark ride gx there we go another water milady if i can take the top off milady there we go one two three uh four five monkey time hello don't let me down i still feel like i'm being a little bit too brutish with these packs if i knew it had a charizard in it i'd be treating it so delicately all right uh squid let's do it come on undress it nice and slow yeah take that top off there we go there we go it's okay what you got what you got pregnant butterfree my shadow here we go one two three four it is i just ding that corner i think it's a golden rescue stretcher now the corner's fine we're all good real good gotta take it easy gotta take it easy although i end up carrying me out in one of these or i cannot get carried out in one of these uh if i pull the charizard though look at those crazy lines like it just looks like this front arm and you catch it in the reflection it's just like bruh bruh it's got this kind of uh weird blue hue to it as well i'd honestly prefer a full art trainer but i think this is much rarer these golden items don't do it for me though but i'll gladly take it although it just takes one more slot away from us for the chance to get the charizard all right here we go zoom arrow next it's another burning shadows pack who would have thought all right here we go there's code one two three four what's it gonna be it's scolipede all right let's grab another one let's just well okay it's cause it's upside down god i'm bad at this i should be good at this all right there is code one two three four this time just a little taste just a little appetizer don't worry that's just a wet the whistle although i have got about eight of those charizard gx's in 2020 from single packs one two three four this time sloking sucking on a coconut aloha to you slow king all right here we go code one two three four this time it's is that different yeah that's the uh full art what dark cry i think i do remember getting this one kind of recently that's fresh that's fresh okay next pack what will we get from this one there is a code one two three four what's it gonna be slow king on the beach next pack has charizard in it i think i can feel it here we go there it is one two three four here it is broke back persian okay i'm going to be quiet completely until i get a uh a gx or better one two three four all right from now on [Music] [Music] okay jesus christ it takes a while couldn't even pull a hollow there's crazy colored alolan muck and the pain and suffering continues let us see what we can get from this pack there is code one two three four there is all of nine tails and pack and flip and tear and code and flip in one two three four now you're doing it ten growth and pack and flip and tear and slide and code and turn and one two three four there is the back and pack and flip and rip and turn and code and flip one two three four there is the raichu holographic then we take another pack and we go like this and we pull it down the back and we slide it out and we go code and we flip one two three four and we go have a look at zygarde ben 10 holographic there he is go on to the next one it's a mass shadow flip it around rip it to bits take it out slide it off code flip one two three four there it is butterfree pregnant style there is another pack rip it down the front pull it off dabbing dust skull dab on the haters there is a code one two three four and for this one we have pregnant butterfree again jesus christ i'm going mad where is the charizard okay code one two three four and this two all right another rainbow tattoo finney gx another little rainbow a hyper rare there it is you're not charizard you're the closest thing we've had to him in a while though and you can certainly have a hard case all right back into it here is the code one two three four there is ben 10 do you guys know how many people have tweeted me photos of them opening packs and getting the charizard up until this point a lot but for me no dice the lock is just not there for charizard specifically it's been i'd love to know how many packs i've opened overall of burning shadows i mean i guess they don't it takes quite a while for them to stack up when i'm only doing one every video like obviously this is a much better effort so we'll see we'll see if he rears his ugly head even after i do all these it's that's basically like i said only halfway uh there is a marsh shadow gx okay you're not what we're looking for pal it's also a lot easier for streamers to get them when you're just streaming and doing tons and tons of packs while uh when i did my original burning shadows video or like any other set i just do the one booster box and then move on because it's uh you know obviously a lot different format for a video than it is for streaming but there's a garter boy gx nice haven't seen you in a while hello come on you've been my most lucky boy today so far you're the most lucky packer three four what do you got no nice next up let's see what we can get from this one code one two three four we've got uh lucario holo also technically i can do this and uh when the code is green that means that there's actually no point checking because it can't be holographic or better but i think i kind of like uh the way we're doing it still so i think i'm gonna maybe stick to one two three four it doesn't take too much longer i don't really know if that's gonna shave off too much time all right merrill on the front code one two three four especially because i've got to give the code away anyway minecraft enderman what do you have let's find out here is a code here is one two three four and you've got nothing next another burning shadows pack for the boys and girls back home there is the code one two three four and this time we've got a squid all right moving on we've got a marsh shadow we've got a code we got a one two three four this time we've got a darkrai holographic up next sun and moon burning shadows what are we gonna get from this one krogunk on the front code one two three four this time we've got arachnid all right up next minecraft man rip it tear it flip it code flip it one two three four this time we have a kingdra holographic moving on to the next one flip it around tear it down the back we've got martial fly cutie pie maka there's the code one two three four this time oh my god i did not even remember this being in the set a secret rare golden border dark energy i really don't think i've pulled one of those from burning shadows that's got to be good though look at this sucker we've got all these little flashy sparkles all the way up but i can't stick around too long normally i'd be super stoked to see you but unfortunately you're not what we're looking for rare energy cards always a decent card though because as cards get rotated out for competitive they can sometimes then drop in value even if they have collector value but an energy always viable and it's never going to rotate out because it's a staple one two three four uh fruit lucky that wasn't charizard i can't be dropping the car below the camera that could be suspicious hello let's see if you're still holding up you might not be my favorite anymore you've been giving me peanuts one two three four this time tertinator that was nice though nice little refresher getting a golden energy all right here we go code one two three four this time lydian pokemon card pack code toxic croak pokemon card pack code lydian pokemon card pack code toxicroak pokemon card pack code broxish pokemon card pack code electivire pokemon card pack code power sand you know what i'm going to uh i'm going to do this we're doing 500 packs i'm gonna bend just one just one i'll delete the channel if charizard's inside that that's uh you can hold me to that that's a verbal contract okay let's open up this one there is code one two three four this time we have an even gx that just looks like a set of speakers duct taped to a bat's head okay three more packs and i'll open up the bent one all right here we go pack number one this one has heracross pack number two this one has code and a muddy horse pack number three after this i'll open up the bent pack don't worry i won't ah come on i won't do that again uh there's a code i like to live dangerously though you know this time pregnant butterfree all right bent pack there's no redeeming what is inside this like whatever comes out of this that's it's gone there's a code one two three four and we have lucky lucky mardi horse let's throw those ones away okay no more of that or should i do some more should i get out the scissors and start cutting some in half all right i can see it now i can see the headlines pokemon youtuber spends years trying to pull rainbow charizard accidentally cuts pack in half uh there is haircross my shadow what do you got all right there's a code one two three four and this time a zoomer this is insane i mean i knew it would take a long time to do but my god this is definitely a large part as to why i haven't uploaded like i said um i took a lot of time off but the actual filming process of this gonna take a long time and then i've got to edit it all uh so i remember earlier in this vid where i said hey it's been two weeks since the upload yep maybe three weeks by the time this actually comes out bruxish hopefully not too much longer than that jesus christ i won't have a channel to upload the video on hopefully it's not dead pregnant butterfree but yeah after this back to regular uploads hopefully here is code one two three four and scolloped my shadow burning shadows meowth on the front going for a walk and this time a god of war gx a little bit better than the other one that is the full art version yeah again i like the blue outline nothing much more gone for it really though it's just a generic god of war hello what do you have one two three four cocktail crock rock [ __ ] frog at least we're still getting uh new good cards look at that full art that was uh that's nice we've not reached the point where we're just getting everything we've got before i mean for the commons yes obviously for the hollows yes obviously code one two three four and persian go to a chiropractor please all right another pack a goddamn owl on the front or this one there's a code one two three four this time electros ross from friends pack this is uh this is a struggle to give engaging commentary i can't imagine what i'm saying by the end of this possibly nonsense might be doing the final few packs from an insane asylum all right we've got annoy bat we got a code we've got a one two three four and this time melissa podgx hello come on come on my boy you can do it you're officially not my lucky pokemon for this run if you don't have anything this time three four five yep you cancelled my next favorite lucky pokemon is whoever gives me the next hit of a gx or better sorry no it's gotta be better than gx it's gonna be a full art or better all right here we go code one two three four and here we go crab hello i thought i cancelled you what are you doing back here trying to have some sort of redemption arc let's see what you got code one two three four you have nothing you greedy bird all right the water tapu is that tapu finney here is code one two three four nothing monkey with the goddamn melon hello you're back you're back for thirds are ya all right let's see what happens code one two three four this time oh okay you're serving up something porygon zed feel like we're going through very large patches of not even holographic cards like never before maybe i'm just thinking wrong like there just seems to be so much of nothing could mean we're going to run into a big bountiful patch at some point though all right here that one two three four and you got a tapu finney gx yeah okay so that one is tapu finney the water one the water one equal finney fin like a fish and fish beast women where do you swim water take that atheists hose back all right code one two three four we have a selazal gx the sexy curvy lizard woman no i won't [ __ ] the lizard i'm merely making an observation kappu finney uh my shadow how much shadow do you got eye shadow i guess this is quite a fit for burning shadows all right this is the one come on all right now we're entering that region of getting repeat for lots both full arts in a row both gardevoir i ain't having it where is charizard here is code one two three four this time here across minecraft dog [Music] frog bug what animal is this reminiscent of anything yeah he thick though my shadow pack rip it down i am so done with burning shadows i can't wait to get the charizard so i never have to open one of these ever again will the day come though i don't know and um for the people who sometimes comment why don't you just buy one obviously it has nothing to do with that have you seen where i'm at right now i'm determined i need to pull him by my hand to know that i have mata as a pokemon trainer nope i've got to stop dropping them i swear to god if i drop that charizard before turning it over and i know a lot of you guys would obviously trust me but uh you know i can't let that happen i can't give any shadow of a doubt that i pulled it myself three four this time slow king minecraft and a man it doesn't really even look like a minecraft tandem man i don't know why i always say that three four and this time heracross tapu finney tap out tap out tapu finney it's my time to shine one two three four of course my shadow you have one two three four diancie and you i think there's a little bit of diancie in all of this all right what do you have in here one two three four you have nothing hello you have nothing okay have these stacks even moved i'm looking at that thinking wow that's that's a lot of cards holy [ __ ] what have i got myself into here there is a code one two three four this time beware the beware tapu [ __ ] come on matzia one two three four th oh it's textured it's something boys it's something boys another golden item okay okay taking away a spot for my main man charizard but i'm happy to get something that's not a repeat of this caliber look at all the crazy lions in the light the golden multi-switch ladies and gentlemen there it is same as the other item it's got kind of like a weird blue tinge in you go there you go we're getting golden items we're getting golden energies but we ain't getting no rainbow charizards ah i'm coming for you i'm coming for you papa mofo's on his way yeah come on come on come on one two three four can't get that sloppy with it gotta hone your pack opening skills tapu finney what do you have for me one two three four flip it over raqqa ned ho oh the legendary chinese phoenix what do you have for me you've got a code and a one two three flip it around no flip it around [ __ ] my shadow my shadow you've got a code hell no hell no don't give me anything but the rainbow charizard three four five [ __ ] [ __ ] monkey with the melon tapu finney again you've returned how many pack arts is there only like four or five crab tattoo finney you're back again i see there's another crab inside your pack one two three four this time you've got lydian tapu finney you're back again it seems what do you have in your pack this time [ __ ] one two three four this time you've got nothing again tapu finney i'm getting upset that you keep making a recurring appearance in my packs you have one two three four nothing inside of you again god help me for i am about to send all right code one two three four not today again a fake out you're not texting charizard your smooth brain charizard he's less intelligent less gay brother take me to your rainbow brethren i just want to see a glimpse into those rainbow heavens hello pack again all right there's code one two three four i wonder if all the codes are gonna be taken like obviously i'm doing the classic uh hide the qr part so you can't scan it but obviously i show it kind of i don't know i feel like a lot of people obviously just go through trying to scan them so i like to try to give more people a fair shot by hiding it so hopefully only the typable part is present like that one two three four and this time we've got a mud horse but i'm just trying to think how long it would take to go through this video and try every single one of these codes one two three four there's a hair across like there's definitely people who click uh randomly into a video to try to snag codes when it gets uploaded um rapiria i just wish there was a way for me to know how long after the upload that every single code was 100 claimed one two three four and we have frog so how are you guys going huh ladies and gentlemen you've been having a good day or night uh what brings you to this part of town huh therefore there is gro tank spaghett let me know in the comments below if and only when you've watched it uh if you did watch the entire video i'd love to know how many people sat through this entire [ __ ] thing frog my shadow all right let's see what you have code one two three four this time we've got a machamp i felt the texture uh there he is machamp fullart the champ not just regular gx machamp he's the champ all right i think i need to clear off some of this okay these stacks are manageable they're getting there after clearing off the rubbish a bit but still a lot of packs though do we have hope every pack i open we draw closer to either getting the charizard or distinguishing all hope sorry one of those is pumped together what's up gx slenderman persian marsh shadow you've got an owl on the front you've got a code in the back and you've got a toxic croak give me a home amongst the shadows with lots of rainbow charizards a regular charizard gx or two and a kangaskhan for philip fat matt zumarrel all right my brain is fritzin now we're reaching absolute .0 for the nonsense one two three four flip it around [ __ ] you my shadow march on over show me what you got show me what we're working with here one two three four you guys like the bar another pack another pack another pack right here yeah my shadow again there's a club with another one shadow let's see what's in this one okay let's not spit on the cards all right one two three four uh that yeah they go oh god i gotta be more careful look at that corner all right that's enough that's enough that's enough i'm an adult i'm an adult i'm an adult hunting for a children's playing card on a piece of cardboard that has holographic foil over it so uh you know that that's not good enough [Music] [Applause] all right this is it this is the one this is actually the one three four they're like little [ __ ] cockroaches aren't they little cockroaches get out of here i don't want any galissa pods in my pantry eating all my bread crumbs ah code one two three four let's see what we in here here would you get from this this one pamper on the front there's code one two three four and we've got nothing can't wait to see how much bulk i have farmed from burning shadows at the end of this code one two three four and this time electros eleak tross my uh the the tips of my thumbs are starting to hurt from doing all this tearing there is a code one two three four and this time we have a neuven gx again tapu what do you got for us tapu code one two three four and we have a ma hello landmark aloha alolan mark ho oh we have only got an electrifier from the pack my shadow we're getting there we're making some damage we're doing some damage i'm not sure whether to be more upset i felt the texture i felt the texture necrozma uh the full art version of necrozma not today still no charizard no cigar all right i'll see if i can feel the texture i'll try to a more dramatic slow turn reveal code one two three four and this time like to fire next pack oh that one's very squashed i can even get it open all right here we go code one two three four and persian hey oh it's ho code one two three four nothing oh hollow like i'm rock more like like and subscribe i will never stop saying that do it though please like and subscribe come on you made it this far you might as well another day another pack of pokemon cards there is code one two three four and this time frog shadow ah one two three four and nothing oh hello gyarados this is sad this is sad boys he's not coming it's not christmas time no more three four okay it's textured it's textured if it was the charizard though the the border is a little [ __ ] and the the corner i don't like that but let's see what it is [Music] it ends it ends here i did it i finally did it i don't give a [ __ ] yeah i don't care if whatever this has okay obviously this this sort of sucks um i'm not sure if i did this damage but uh like i said a lot of the new burning shadows packs notorious for having awful edges but that's not that's not what matters what matters is we did it we did on the channel i did it in a video he's here we didn't even have to go to the second half this was long enough wow this is so surreal this is it that is i felt like i would never see the day i'd turn a card around and see this beast we did it guys thank you to everyone who has shown up to show their support for my endeavor to chase this beast across the lands and finally get a rain on him pull him down slide him in to some plastic sleeve chuck him inside a hard case yeah yeah and lay him to rest yeah among my collection max my favorite pokemon did it guys he did it roll the credits my life has been leading up to this moment where do we go from here i will no longer be doing one burning shadows at the end of each episode i know a lot of you guys are gonna miss it it's become a series staple but i don't really see the point that there's been a grueling couple of years seriously we did pretty good there was so many more booster boxes to go i'm kind of contemplating if i should do some more listen i'll do 10 more packs how about that just to you know just i don't know one two three four just ten more packs i'm just kind of hoping miraculously in the next ten packs i pull a second one i'm on that high now now i just want to complete it i want to i want to complete the video one two three four and we've got uh nothing you know what actually since everything i put here was only half and we've whittled our way through and think i'm just going to finish these i don't have a whole lot of need for a bunch of loose burning shadows packs to sit around the place so i think we'll get rid of them while we have them and i don't have to rip into any of the sealed boxes i can just put those away and forget about them for now one two three four wow this feels like a dream it's honestly a shame uh it didn't have a complete good quality back but whatever it doesn't really matter packs cards from these packs all kinds of [ __ ] up and whited and uh maybe even i did some of that damage but who knows here across my shadow i'm on top of the world boys and girls i've done it i've done it it's finally done it no more burning shadows after this video i might try to start running another pack at the end possibly i'll let you in on a little secret um uh if you're a long time viewer here you'll know i did also used to do evolutions at the end of they go to darkrai gx there was a while where i was doing an evolutions pack and a burning shadows pack at the end because i was trying to pull the charizard from evolutions as well the base set reprint but one day and i never do this off camera i don't open pokemon packs in my spare time for fun because obviously i want to do it all on camera in case i pull anything good and this is the time i learned my lesson i wasn't filming i had an evolutions pack just sitting there on the desk and of course i ripped it open and there was the charizard i pulled it off camera and from that moment onwards i was like i am never ever ever opening packs off video the camera's got to be rolling i'm not sure if i told that story before i feel maybe i've said that before but yeah uh so that kind of demotivated me from doing evolutions because i didn't really want to pretend like i hadn't pulled it when i had already done it off camera uh but maybe we could go back to trying to get an evolutions charizard those boxes are very expensive now as well though burning shadows and evolutions both have gone up so much for modern ho oh burning shadows imagine if we got another charizard in these last couple of packs i say couple of packs could have been that gringo is support gx full art yeah it's a couple of packs it's still quite a few packs these nuts so we can get from this one there's code one two three four and we have raichu hello tapu finney what do you got tapu finney code one two three four and we've got tapu finney with the tapu finney running shadows pack another one we have code we have one two three four and look at a electros ma shadow rip it down card one two three four and this time i felt it i felt it i felt it not a charizard tapu fini gx full art i don't think we've seen that full art have we got a good chunk of the full arts today my shadow horse code one two three four porygon zed ho oh bird bug code one two three four this time we've got a kingdra hello okay i'm glad the video after i've been away for so long um i pulled the charizard in i couldn't be more happy with that like content-wise i set out to do that i did that it's been ages it's a big long video it's something to give to you guys i hope you're happy i am happy myself right you hollow it's a shame about the border and the corner being a little bit dinged but you know what can you do besides open the packs like an absolute ape all right there is another one martial gx yeah i don't know if i did that damage though honestly all right we're winding down we're getting there one two three four this time meowstic bird bird bird bat code flip and oh it's textured it's textured it's textured it's can you imagine can you imagine i saw the rainbow i saw it i was thinking fingers crossed jesus christ that would be that would be unbelievable a double rainbow charizard i reckon i'd have a decent shot of uh getting it if i did all the other boxes i was gonna do i mean now yeah that i've got one and uh wasn't even halfway through tapu finney what do you have tapu finney been a lot of taboo finney's little tapu finney cards today you have served me a darkrai gx i think i was right though i think um the the ones all at the very bottom here have had better paws in them then the the top half one two three four and the zoom out overall general quantity for hollows and better all right this one we have code one two three four and all the nine tails we're getting low we're getting low we're doing it we're doing it merrill all right i think i saw something in here uh nah it's just a normal mar shadow what do you have for us code one two three four you have scorped tapu finney what do you have for us let's find out dabbing dusk oh code one two three four this time but where the beware oh no it's ho oh with the crab on the front [ __ ] you one two three four and mr burns mr krabs my shadow pack and in this song we've got code one two three four and we've got a slow king bird bird pack bird pack got me seeing a energy no electrolysis tapu finney and we have mud horse bird butterfree come on there's got to be one more good paul before the very end just another full art would be nice there is a code one two three four and i recommended excuse me next on the agenda is a code card and a weevil we're low now boys look at that look at those little packs little pack stacks little pack stacks little pack stacks by the hillside little pack stacks freaky [ __ ] [ __ ] one two three four already had a green one i knew it was [ __ ] bird pack wow i've actually done it i've slugged through i did all of those and we've got a lucario hollow and got the charizard all right my shadow what do you have one two three four and you've got like and subscribe seriously guys please give this video a like and subscribe to the channel if you're not already oh k another pack only a couple left now one two three four we got crab all right i think i'm just gonna gather them all together the final seven packs all right ho into a hair across my shadow goes into a weevil minecraft enderman goes into an araquanid mar shadow goes into a crab come on three packs to go two tapu finis and one ho-oh opening with the tapu finney which has one two three four uh tertinator and then we'll go for the ho-oh leave tapu finney for the final pack of the day i don't think i'm gonna do uh my famous uh postcard yes yes baby what a way to end what a way to end oh [ __ ] what is up there we go boys that's that's that's nice that's that's a great second last pack that's for sure hard case for you milady obviously and tapu finney as the final pack uh yeah i think it would be kind of disrespectful to the charizard if i did a postcard this episode so we're just gonna finish it there thank you guys so much thanks for coming back watching me open some cards again as usual hopefully i can do many more this year
Channel: maxmoefoePokemon
Views: 2,258,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rainbow charizard, burning shadows, burning shadows rainbow charizard, charizard, pulling rainbow charizard, rainbow charizard reaction, hyper rare charizard, pokemon cards, opening pokemon cards until i pull charizard, rainbow charizard vmax, pokemon tcg, charizard vmax, rare pokemon cards, rainbow rare charizard, maxmoefoe charizard, maxmoefoe pulls rainbow charizard, maxmoefoe charizard pull, burning shadows booster box, charizard pull, base set charizard, shiny charizard
Id: IeMHFi07jbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 35sec (3575 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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