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I love that even as an amiibo, Ridley fights for the people

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/thechaotic1 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

Is this canon? Do spirits represent the introduction of a new power system? will Dark Vincent return? WHAT IS BLOOD FALCON UP TO!?

I need answers Alpharad!

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Jejmaze 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

Who will win?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/JaggedEmerald 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] welcome everybody to the long-awaited amiibo Invitational but today we're taking 8 of mine and 8 of Captain Kidd's trained amiibo yes Miami bows are obviously better so this is gonna be a wash you don't have a show is here all so we have the bracket rigged I mean a position in a way where one of my amiibo will fight one of his amiibo at the start of every round one and we got my boy heart DK versus your boy grandpa yeah this is exactly how I would want any amiibo tournament start and so far oh grandpa is looking too good right now Oh oh shoot and meters on grandpa has not been trained with meters so that that might be a little bit of a regular has heart DK though so this is really anyone's game oh okay there we go oh we got stage more fun yeah I kind of spun the wheel of a setting okay he would not have died if that stage hadn't transformed-- I'm just saying hey that was Hardy caged masterplan he was just waiting I feel like there's so much pride involved in this first match too like oh yeah these are the the channel highlight amiibo this isn't even like them versus the other this is you versus to be who trades the channel Buster's channel yeah this is who is the best amiibo trainer that is uh it could be me or it could be the guy angrily type into the comments right now surely have to kill right wow he just beat it into it I knew it's accepted his fate okay he knew he was gonna get final smash meters so Oh and he's waiting for it okay there's another stuff game well it's he no way okay okay this looks like it's over it could be we are that's it was the stage whose advantage I guess it's official you all I knew that party game moves on which is literally no one surprised and now we got my pals Minh versus SP on them you two clearly I think this is a the biggest mismatch that we're gonna see well so if if SP on manages to lose this one then so I was gonna make a strongest Bowser amiibo but I swear this is the worst amiibo I've ever trained like he just he just didn't show me any promise so I scrapped it well I mean what better way to show you his promise than winning the amiibo tournament maybe he'll pull off a string of upsets don't you and I have the same deputies yeah he's dead Oh oh good okay yeah I don't think that was the right play for evasion but yeah I would have ran away from it furtively huh huh but you know maybe over oh my god technically so I do think the real upset would be Baumann taking a stock here so somehow my level 20 Bowser did not make it far bracket and now we got plenty my game you guys get it like the video of play game versus a big coal dock like the video can I beat it kid what we're doing wrong oh I guess I gave oh well Oh clean 33 then he's also very slow he just wanted to put some damage on docks yeah and he is you see who's the best amiibo ever seena this is is he able to get quaint I've already disappointed in big feeldog right now this thing wasn't smashed for you at the big hill custom so I feel like without that he's just not the same if he has a big pill with final smash and there it goes if we just taunt on it I think he did wow that's hard to get bodied right there I don't think that st did a damn thing for plane actually yeah I mean it was just gonna win it's looking like he's gonna win regardless how is he just save big bill dog's life right there like plant is just trolling he's just acting like he's got 14 followers on Twitter and nothing to lose I've never heard a more accurate description of an amiibo alright so round one score is 2-1 yeah outlet kid okay come on 14 mo net we need you to even the score right here oh god damnit its nest I don't like this sentence right here stay here 14 M on ahead so Joe what do you think about this matchup I hate mess okay what do you think Braden I'm kid I think this is gonna be a walk I think 14 minute one's the better I disagree one of the better amiibos so this is as good of an indication for why I should have dropped neces there ever will be because of wolf I mean that's a good answer for pose care ok porcini man that's gonna have to kill pretty early here because that auto heal is gonna start doing yeah he's only getting lighter oh okay there we go oh here comes the clutch move okay yeah you got the glutes go see I think 14 Internet is just much stronger in Meade what do you think about that fun smash Joe I hate that yeah I am really something who's gonna forward Mina me too I felt it coming Oh got the reap man I'm by Piper smash attack oh oh everybody's wrong what this no to kill no this is that yeah 30% that close to the blast oh that stage awareness right they each have a final smash kill so I'd say that's fair I'm just saying that's what a clutch final smash looks like see no I wouldn't say that they're both very cuz we'll had to earn his msys was not yeah I'm glad we can all agree on that one yeah okay oh you gotta be acting Pombo up Aaron to rest yeah oh good does that don't chop down okay fortune in mana evens it up let's go wolf doesn't quite get out played by nest but Ness moves on in bracket anyways and now we have dark in scent versus anime so I've stated previously darken sin didn't get his own trained video because I trained him on the plane to New York and oh my god and they pulling out with these reads this boy's name is manga thank you Joe your face falling right now I thought that was a pretty good one I just wasn't ready for that okay thank you get final smash out of your own head Jumbo breaker that's Mart's fault for a heating hint you shouldn't have done that it's a bait okay of all the stages I expected to see this was certainly not one of them I don't know who gets the advantage on this stage but insin definitely has it he can upper you through all these platforms man this would be sad if you lost the lead this big okay I agree but down there kills off the top oh he's so dead man okay so he Rob's anime of his final smash and then he goes back to window shopping as he was because he's not really trying to fight he's just trying to see what everyone else is up to okay he's breaking the gentlemen oh no that didn't feel like a spy you get two frames despite that so dark incense not in the best position but you cannot count him out this yeah yeah he got his stuff he got the oh man so anything could happen yeah he better like he's warming air away from from Boger Oh God right this is the equalizer he needs it is absolutely closer now okay come on come on so animate moves on to bracket and now we got Marth 4.0 new in and new in a new and improved versus evil king can we just see more Mario 4.0 is definitely with a stronger me but that's not a combo come on that's a scrub killer why is it working on Mars hi I'm gonna be honest I really want to see Mars 4.0 move on here so we can see the Marth vs Marth matchup well trust me three more stocks and it looks like you got it oh he did Clank with that that was so smart yeah he would have got spiked ignite Marc volper now knows what he's doing like you did not get combos like that in march 1.0 and here he come Matt Mercer screaming into victory was hip to final smashes this is up this is surprisingly more even that I would have expected also Gannett has just thrown out Matt up smashes and gotten like all of them that's all he does he just stands up smash and up till that's that's the only play style is rewarded super heavily if you're just good at guessing the final smash meter is the great equalizer oh he's an up smash right now come on has his oh if he can write out this stock a little bit longer oh you're back oh this is not good so it looks like next round we're gonna have a Marth vs. Marth battle and I can't believe Braden you and I are tied for wins at this point hey this is better than I could have asked for this is as even as I would have wanted it to be up that's a reason we script all of these haha rest in peace Big Ben loves parody modern media by creating a hologram of you and putting you on the big stage for you to defeat robots I guess this is the most evil robot I've seen yet brain and why do you have nets and a Romney bow hey are you a different man you've changed I had dinner with you yeah you hit red wait shoves on YouTube and you changed man you know what I'm gonna be honest and for everybody's sake I'm gonna root against Rob here I'm glad we can all come to terms on this one I swear to God if Vincent loses to Robin vivo I'm I'm subbing I think this is the darkest timeline if that happens oh there you go he's got confidence now that's all we needed all right he's gonna have to learn how to kill this Rob amigo though because he's just gonna keep healing think this Rob might have to we might have to instigate a timer at some point because I feel like he's just gonna try and time people oh wow someone out who would have seen that one coming Vincent think possible he went out like a buster I gotta admit yeah I'm sorry Braden but it's an even game I mean not really but oh well he's a bulky boy people lost percent off of that for hitting his final smash he's willing to lose a game just so that we don't have to see Rob a real hero would win the game but the second best man we're just st.john I hate Auto Hill yeah I think we should ban Auto Hill for the next amiibo tournament I agree I think we should ban Rob for the next amiibo tournament you know what that's fair which ban Rob Benson is really not benefiting benefiting from the stage selection here because it's just too big of a stage for him yeah turn the lights off I don't want to see it anymore I agree game so unfortunately Rob moves on and if we're gonna keep up the stats of me winning won the braided winning one I predict Ridley to win this the Jacob if we lose this one do we have to reset this you know what now we can just roll with it okay I mean we've done it so many times their third cake I don't think yeah yeah and the craziest thing is people will think we're serious all right here's the thing about Mike Tyson is he has super armor Oh a notice yeah he just charges smash attack so what if you gave someone oh okay I like your amiibo too hard I think Wrigley's got a really good chance here I would honestly be happy if Mike Tyson lost though honestly I like keeping things nice and balanced so if your amiibo to her win then that would be ideal he's trying as hard to see well up like oh okay thank God yeah okay why did that one didn't even need the final smash he's gonna let it rip like okay cool he is he dead no it doesn't kill until like 59 for heads please little max oh it goes off I think it's good to the mouth I just know Lord your final crunch guys that was smart I'll give him that no that's smart though so somehow round one ended perfectly with four wins from me and four went from Captain Kidd and now hopefully in round two someone is gonna break apart from the pack let's be honest Mewtwo kind of got a free bracket here yeah yes he's still the most unproven of all the level 50 amiibos so this is gonna be his real first test Espeon is now joined the ranks of amiibos that taught mid combo it happens man and that happens to the best of us what was he going okay here to put it on all I mean he could have hit me choose tails so like who knows where that one's gonna end up I'm learning so much about final smashes in this video hey DK wants to use this final okay well why not this could kill it sends straight up oh it got quite was yeah that was closer than I was expecting yeah some final smash just sent straight up and I guess okay go this this seems like a hard DK stage right here oh definitely his counter pick I agree oh no I think he was gonna get this walk-up is really scaring me lucky for you for DK doesn't grab I didn't train them to use their final smashes you I hate it I think so it's fine so we can't expect some top tier final smash plan yeah oh my god turn it around yeah that was so good this girl is certainly going wild right now it's it's looking like he's a couple hits away from taking this game he's just spamming up there dude I mean isn't how you play Donkey Kong's oh okay off stage I feel like Espeon probably has the advantage oh and that's gonna do it should've stayed off stage so hard DK lives up to his reputation moves on to sim ease and now hit play a game like five minutes oh my god it's funnier this time and versus the Ness amiibo now entry I don't know oh I don't like to do that oh come on you gotta know how to absorb that off to a good start I'd say got time now now he just got one up smash and taunted that was all he needed to feel good about himself oh man I don't know how 14 is gonna move this plan but he feels like the plant is gonna be our answer to rob yeah that's writing our only hope hey heart DK might be the one to do it he is obviously he could do anything I think the beauty of heart DK is that he can beat anyone and lose to everyone oh my god you knock it gift right here Oh he knew he knew I'm so smart and playing games for that okay well the fists aren't enough so the bat will have to do he just didn't have the frames to do back here but boy he kept trying I like how Ness did not hesitate at all yeah launching that he knew that's the answer to flanking right there just turn final smash meter on god it's just so cool and clutch isn't it okay and well that final smash is very good is it nope sure does suck well okay but we're keeping it even that felt sad so Ness moves on conquering all of plant gangs ambitions and now we got the classic fight between anime vs Marth point for you know you know what a minute so both of these characters swing swords that's about it okay I wasn't gonna agree but now I think about it yeah once you see it in action you know it's a little dip way out it's more on paper they swing swords but I guess like at top level are 4.0 is really trailing behind he keeps getting hit by well swords March 1.0 is still fighting back and I say that as if he's losing because he's not yeah okay I think not just let him know if you kill me that's okay he has the confidence to stay in this game and you know what that's more valuable than a stock you know I think no implement to smash if you kill someone while they're talking it's like destiny bond they go down with you I like that that's such a sick mechanic I want to make a platformer fighter just to include that okay he got the double final smash yeah that's all he needed huge oh that was clutching him to get yeah he's yes lee seon animators got outplayed i do think that the double final smash orgy is the most outplayed a person can get perfectly okay or not wow that is meter - is that like 20% yeah so sometimes the original is better and anime moves on a Breck oh my god just just skip to the match let's go resist you guys ready for another five minutes this is Owen he starts this is one of release best stages though so I'm feeling good about him he's super tanky he's got the momentum he can defeat this auto he'll Rob oh oh that was careful because he wouldn't have to watch out for the lifetime yeah brynlee is already doing better than Vincent suited last game so if he can just keep up this momentum I think he can beat Rob and save the world sometimes life just be like that huh he could have bought PETA this probably but lucky for us the amiibo do not know how to camp like top players do Wrigley is kind of playing like a little brother right now he is just full huffing a bunch of them down Eric hey hey he's got the stock Lee so who's to say he's wrong yeah whatever works man why would you do that I don't want to talk about that one blob final smash is so good against the CPUs because realistically they just can't get around it upbeat upbeat oh yeah that works too but I feel like Ridley is finding an answer somehow yeah this has been the best performance we've seen against Rob so far Ridley almost got around that one wait he can jump okay oh and now oh okay just in it in it alright that's it Kurt GG shake the hands Rob so we're moving into her top four and I feel like we kind of saw this result happening right so let's jump right into nest versus the most popular amiibo in probably the universe hard DK's I feel like party cake just has that extra ounce of plot armor that none of the other amiibos have you know he might not be the best trained or have the best spirits but he has that going for him none of the other people sleep on plot armor it's not a spirit you can just turn on oh my god he's getting ladder fighting Ness I like the confidence in that sometimes that's all you need just a little bit of confidence in the thing about Hardy cake is that he's full of it he's foolishly confident honestly stage awareness enough he just grabs it okay I gotta be honest heart DK has not won this just yet yeah he can still choke this scene s needs to use the stitches oh okay he's won I just can't believe it plot armor like exactly what you said Hardy Kay's got it and now it's a matter of does Ridley or anime have plot mi come on anime it writes itself yeah we have to restart the star recording session of anime does Ryan it's got to stay even okay he's a bastard kid you have come with your eight amiibo and I already have one of mine and finals so it's up to you to see if you can get anime in finals see the plot armor starts now and it's not looking good but hey it wouldn't be a good story if there wasn't a nice comeback you know he's got to be down a little bit cuz like how boring would it be if the fight started and then you say run started playing yeah there has to be like four episodes of art sorry four seconds of people just talking four episodes you were right yeah you know what neutral is just kind of like a conversation you know it's just a filler art that's not gonna kill that's also a really classic we need plastic Gridley but he's all about the damage you know wait let me go down how do you call a lot of that I don't know and it's what all right well didn't kill this cuz he's too big he might as well just drop from ledge and kill himself well he essentially did there we go three stalks down does the armor kick on that's what I'm hoping for you're nervous further I'm nervous and the worst part is you cannot influence him at all look all this training goes down to waste and you say run has started playing in the background it's just a matter of Ken Martin defeat the Ridley Beast in front of them okay that's a good start he's been training for all these years oh wow crazy with it this is not impossible everyone sixty six sure in hell is unlikely animates all about so brain and I'm sorry to say but neither of your amiibos have made a final so now we're gonna watch my amiibos who were trained by the best amiibo trainer in the world hey hey I see you at your keyboard don't try and prove me wrong be sure to subscribe for more and I felt very Forrest but do it anyways anyways finals here we go you know this didn't feel rig before but now it definitely feels great I don't have a single anymore but I'd be saying that - I mean to be fair up until finals we are going even in wins that was a little wild that's true that's enough for people to call stage oh wow okay there's actually a lot on the line for this match yeah cuz this proves that part DK is not your best amiibo dude if he made it to finals he's at least proven that he has the Boxee but does he have everything to take low okay okay he's in the zone now yeah see he has the plot armor now they want this final smash this is a wink dish for both o DK would probably try to press his yeah should not have got a week back here I would have got a strong back here yeah I agree with that whoa-ohh banned from the hands final smash disappears right now unless he use oh you hate to see it happen oh no he came out like this goodness all right you never want to go three stalks to one though you said last talk is where the plot armor starts could this be he's at 49 but hey that's rage but he could make something incredible happen any second day he just needs to get him off stage and use his final smash and not give him hit Mikey case how did you can see that platform and then it canceled and then he got to use it that was a genius play and he's just got to avoid this final smash and then he's still thinking so make it happen just watch out we can't approach well I guess that'll do Gridley moves on and now it starts a huge development art for a hard DK but at the end of every cpu tournament we always have a thud final so Braden do you have a pissed off amiibo on hand so Rob feels absolutely wrong that he lost and trust me I know what you guys going to see was more Rob gameplay so here we go yeah Jericho just wanted a second chance he wanted to prove that I'm a better amiibo trainer than in this tournament showed so this one's not gonna be as much as a watch group seen the results and who are you working for here Joe I'm rooting for the people so red gets robbed yeah that's what I thought all right he's just got a fish for final smash Peter really out playing Oh final smash Peter say we turn that off it's that file no oh no we're playing an honest game today on that feed yep the most legal stage because you know if you look at any facebook mean page that's where games get serious that's what he needed now he's just got to find a way to somehow camp and get back in this game if any dude Robbie's come oh my god I thought he was gonna die somehow oh look I waited for the people he said okay I may have lied I've never liked Ridley so much my life as much as right now yeah right now he's doing everything for you he's trying to kill Rob the best he can man I do respect that half the match has been off the stage I can't appreciate that about you're robbing me though hey he tries he's off he's off the stage not be on the other side of the stage that's what matters okay Wow I'm just gonna say at least you took a stalk those sound like loser words to me oh well I guess to find out who the best of your amiibo is we're gonna do a little invitational your channel so you guys want to see that go check it out it's literally gonna appear on screen like three seconds [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Alpharad
Views: 3,484,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpharad, super smash bros ultimate, smash bros, not, not alpharad, alpharad smash, nintendo, nintendo switch, amiibo, ultimate, tournament, level 9 cpu, cpucs
Id: ywFz7XBUTC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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