Onision is a loser...

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hello everyone so in my videos i rarely touch upon serious topics and if i do i don't really change my approach i have quite a sarcastic and jovial take on pretty much everything on the internet i've probably unintentionally upset you before so do go ahead and subscribe that being said i made a mistake in my last video on anission i can't remember exactly what i said i think i implied that i didn't care about the more serious allegations made against denison that is incorrect okay obviously i care what i meant to say is that i don't have anywhere near the information nor the mental capacity to make an expositional video on a man who dresses like this but with that being said if you want to become educated on the more serious allegations made against today's subject then do go ahead and check out the aenesian files it'll be linked in the description and with that in mind let's resume our usual schedule of clowning on a loser anision recently started streaming on twitch i'm not sure if you saw that you probably didn't because he's already stopped i'm really glad i waited a little before making this video because a lot has happened in a very short amount of time see what eliseon has been doing recently is essentially gripping on to whatever he has left on social media quite famously he lost his patreon account last year and then poured kombucha over his head for some reason if you thought anission couldn't get any worse here's an issue uncovered in piss youtube have kind of just been letting a nissan exist and i believe demonetizing the majority of his videos but twitch okay twitch is a controversial platform at best they're renowned for having quite a serious ban hammer issue where they'll ban people for doing very one-off things and then maintain their relationships with the type of people to treat their pets like tennis balls and over the last couple of weeks okay twitch decided not only to let anishi on stream on their platform but they partnered him now being a partner on twitch is not an easy thing to do it's a lot easier to be a partner here on youtube realistically all you need on youtube is for one video to blow up and that sounds like quite a hard thing to do but i can promise if you were to study youtube it's not that hard to do and in comparison i have almost 30 000 followers on twitch and i'm not [ __ ] partnered they give you a list of things that you have to achieve before even applying unfortunately i can only play among us for a certain amount of time i cannot do these hours but yeah i'm not angry that i'm not a partner what i was a bit miffed about is that aniston just came onto the platform and was immediately partnered just like that look at this right he has a third of my followers and you may notice that there's no tick anymore and that's because twitch reverted their decision oh let's have a celebration this is wonderful hopefully the [ __ ] that decided it would be a good idea to partner and easyon got fired what you can see is that he was making quite a few streams streaming a lot of days in a row even sometimes for five hours playing league of legends that's a big red flag by the way if you know anyone that seriously plays league of legends cut them out of your life right away okay they're probably a sociopathic masochist and then we have this amazing piece of content when an easier gets banned he makes his shortest stream ever there's no money here anymore why does he still need to be on this platform oh that looks like a broken man i love it so we are going to be taking a little look at this video but first anision likes to do this little thing where he claims people's videos on him if you don't know what that means essentially i make money making these videos for all of you lovely people and anissium will probably claim to youtube that this video you're watching right now is his sorry i'm not james marriott today i've clearly gotten out of the wrong side of the bed today i quite fancy rating miners by attractiveness but what a nission can't do is claim the money i make through sponsorship so with that being said greg do listen up yes that's right today's video is sponsored by surfsharkvpn the only shark that protects you the loyal james marriott viewer the internet is a bit of a wacky place filled with surveillance data mining and people like nicardo avocado and while surfshock may not prevent you from seeing him it will protect you from the other things i just mentioned making you into an anonymous and hard to track online user and the internet into a safer and more enjoyable place the reason i personally love vpns is how they evade geo-blocking if you don't know what that is essentially streaming services like netflix have different content for different countries i'm personally of the belief that if someone in the united states can watch yogi bear so can i the british are superior and by simply rerouting my connection using surf shark vpn i can watch content that i shouldn't be able to all with one click search i have a really good deal on right now just use my link in the description and the promo code marriott for 83 off it costs a couple of quid a month and if that's not enough you also get three months for free and then on the off chance that you don't like the service they have a 30-day money-back guarantee so go ahead the link to your online freedom and security is in the description down below and thank you once again to surfshark for sponsoring this video right i want you all at home to just get ready for this video i don't know if any of you know what schadenfreude means it's a german word that's hard to translate into any other language essentially it means taking pleasure from other people's pain for the record i don't feel it very often but think i'm going to enjoy this so i'm a wee bit confused this might be a whack-ass stream he goes please tell me that is the cap of a vodka bottle what is this pov anyway i mean what else would you expect from someone with such a dusty personality hey question can you guys tell if i show up as partner oh let me have a look here right so usually you would have a a tick all right let me just make sure my eyes are nice and clean i want to really make sure i enjoy this just getting out of the lens white still not seeing a tick there still nothing but it might be wrong get these nice and clean still no check mark gonna really just take that and enjoy it and buy [ __ ] i don't think i'm a twitch partner so that might be a problem so i guess twitch just decided to de-partner me and tell me why you know what if i was a dc on i don't think i'd be surprised god it's so unprovoked why would twitch do you partner me do you ever open twitter you understand what age we're in right if any corporation gets any hint of backlash they crumble and they crumble over much more important things than anision being partnered on twit this is about money okay this is only ever about money with an asian the thing about youtube is you have to be ready to evolve if you keep doing the same things and making the same mistakes whilst the algorithms evolve on social media there is a very small chance that you'll survive and those credits that don't evolve like a nissian the only thing they could do to make their already bad situation even worse is get desperate this is why i don't understand why anyone watches an easy one at this point it's all a load of complaining all my life's so hard the way that aension does it is so pessimistic and it really drags the viewer into an abysmal experience stole from all of us at the end of the day if you were stupid enough to actually pay for a sub on a nission's twitch you didn't have any money stolen from you okay and i'm not saying that as a joke okay although it is the online equivalent of chucking some coins into a black hole when you pay for a sub on twitch sure you pay to use a couple of emotes but you mainly do it so that the person notices you at least that's what i get from it but then again i do have quite severe daddy issues i don't think being noticed by a nissan is something that you should pay for should probably pay for that not to happen but he's just such a self-pitying worthless human being that wants to bring everyone else down to his level and to be honest i find it funny i'm kind of sick of websites just like punishing me for literally doing nothing i literally did not do anything at least you're either stupid or a pathological liar do you genuinely believe that you've done nothing wrong in your history on the internet nothing that would make platforms not want to be associated with you if that were true you would never have received the amount of backlash that you did being partnered and to top it all off the true nature of onision okay if i was in this position okay i'd keep streaming show twitch that i really want to take this platform seriously and hopefully get my partnership back if i didn't after a few weeks i'd give up this was an easy one's last stream five days ago he's done nothing since and that's because an easy one realistically doesn't care for entertainment at all anymore and why would you when you have the comedic edge of a watermelon as soon as money isn't in the picture boom anision is gone just like that and to be honest with venesion's usual logic about social media applied to twitch it was never really going to work out for him a lot of the people i know that do twitch full-time only really make their money by posting their highlights on youtube sure you get subs and bits and all of that but you make more free ad revenue you make more free brand deals it's clear to me that anission is just scraping the bottom of the barrel at this point for whatever money he can make on social media and he's not evolving okay as i said earlier the best thing about social media is you need to evolve in eastern's case he needs to evolve and get off the [ __ ] platforms but where else could he turn to he can't do a job in public people will recognize him he'd have to face verbal repercussions for his actions no luckily for us there is one platform that will accept just about anybody and i keep talking about it please stop making me talk about this [ __ ] tick tock all right is this the point where i get out my phone look at some dick dog onision prime he'll do anything to get associated with his lizard brethren neither that or he's trying to go for like an optimus prime type b the only thing he transformed into is a massive douchebag he's also got no bio yet the fbi are still writing it up as we speak as you can tell i'm really just trying to avoid watching any tick tocks here guys check out my reaction video of me making fun of a nissian's pathetic only fans hey guys i started an only fan is he trying to be me you cannot tell me we don't look similar here oh my god it's like looking into a contorted mirror so anissio no i don't have an only fans yet but i know you've been making a lot of money on twitch so if you want to give me that sub money i'll wait they didn't pay you oh my god onision i love those videos where you tell people if they're fat or skinny or ugly you should make a lot more of those you guys keep demanding i make those over and over and over again oh my god don't easy on your disgusting monster oh okay okay it's all me again decide please are you an idiot or a pathological liar you do understand that culture evolves right the effsler for example was something that a lot of people said 10 to 15 years ago but now that people are educated on what that word means to some people when it's used as an insult just don't say it if someone was to come to me and wish that i said that word i wouldn't say it anymore because that's me deciding that using the opinions of people that used to watch you is such a flimsy excuse for physically insulting people do you really think i'm like do i look stupid to you yes someone please put this tick tock over absolutely everything anession does you are on top of one of the most vertically disadvantaged high horses i've ever seen i love you so much random viewer you like my whole world i don't know your names faces or anything really about your personality but you watching me gives me bling bling i find it funny that he's trying to parody youtubers who want money but he's made it clear that that's the only thing he wants from social media you won't find me saying all the fake stuff of like oh i love my viewers if you vibe with me that's cool i appreciate that i also appreciate that you guys have given me a platform but i'm sorry i cannot love anyone who doesn't love cantaloupe melons so if you ever meet me you need to tell me you love cantaloupe melon i don't know if you've tried it okay i'll know if you're lying happy birthday to you yay can you tell he actually loves his supporters and doesn't do it for money he definitely didn't sing happy birthday because he was donated dude also the third person here onision sings happy birthday to one of his supporters slash friends on twitch live you don't have someone managing your tick tock it has three thousand followers how are you gonna pay them maybe a member of his cult does it for free but explain why they've referred to his supporters as friends oh yeah my friends who i won't talk to unless they give me five pounds a month here we have a funny video of anithian just looking at a camera with a green light in the background and then oh funny i mean what were we expecting he's hardly a comedically talented fellow you're not in prison yet oh god i'm glad i grew up being obsessed with you in middle school i'm going to be honest with you guys right now and this is something i feel very uncomfortable about my sister and i used to watch onision he was kind of in the position of a commentary channel before commentary channels existed which is why i think i was drawn to him at the time now i'm not a violent man but if i knew myself when i was younger i would have punched myself in the face so i'd like to apologize here by saying that i'm sorry if i ever gave this man money by clicking on one of his videos if there is anything i can do to earn back your trust do let me know in the comments down below you and gemiini officials should collab who's gemiini official they privated their account as soon as they were associated with an easy one they thought that's it enough tick tock for me i love this guy go to twitch.tv type in leafy i'm so glad he's on twitch and if you just no no no no oh this one has an age well has it i'd like to go back to the idea of shardon freud the fact that he took the piss out of someone else being de-platformed and this isn't me trying to defend leafy by the way i have no idea what went on with him all i know is that apparently he mentioned me in one of his videos ranted for about a minute about how good my camera quality is apparently that makes a youtube video bad sorry if i had known that leafy i wouldn't have invested in my content i'd have invested in stocks like you because that's definitely made you a happy well-rounded person who feels the need to criticize others for how good their camera looks but yeah it just goes to show that you should be grateful for whatever you have on whatever platform i'm very happy that youtube continued to host my content and monetize it i'm also happy that i'm gonna fill you on twitch hopefully i'll be a partner one day i must i may not post many tick tocks i am glad that app exists because it's keeping my channel alive and with that being said i hope you have enjoyed this video if you have leave a like down below subscribe if you're new or have not done so already i really do want 2 million subscribers and i will catch you next time
Channel: James Marriott
Views: 929,606
Rating: 4.969698 out of 5
Keywords: onision, tiktok, twitch, james, marriott, onision is a loser, mariot, marriot, james marriott, james marriott onision, onision james marriott, twitch ban, entertainment, reaction
Id: ViRjIzflEMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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