Criminals Took Over A Kid's Video Game

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in this video essay i will explore how thorough has evolved over time how habbo chooses dudes like the batman of habbo hotel finally give you a personal note game it was rather broken scriptures were players who basically hacked the game using exploits they manipulated code within the game while some scripters did it merely for fun such as allowing themselves to decorate their rooms better others decided to give themselves endless amounts of whoa what the [ __ ] is this this was also a time it actually is a call security wasn't much of a thing and in the age where internet security wasn't as prevalent you can guess what people set their password as by spamming thousands of username and passwords that's nuts they were able to crack account after account taking better okay okay with it and shitty password that they were there were clearly successful attempts such as in 2017 when two players 2017 which allowed them to generate millions of coins but these hacks against habbo itself became rarer so criminal holy [ __ ] another way but don't stay on the front lines of controversies and their desire and crime virtual currency being scammed is such an ingrained experience of habbo that it acts almost like the rites of passage unless i never got scared i wish i did expertise i didn't get the full experience and charisma for example a scammer might say oh look have those word the victim that was a runescape scam did it come from harbor would log into the victims account and change their login details if the scammer i can't i don't think it ever worked for the victim to type their password and press control m instead in the past control m acted the same way as the enter button habbo has now since patched this another low effort scam involved the scammer claiming i don't think that ever [ __ ] tools to duplicate i refuse to believe anyone was that done even as a then the scammer runs away with the money this scam happened so often a counter scam was developed where someone would pretend to be a skeptical yet naive victim the victim would claim that they were going to give one coin to the scammer as a test to see whether the scammer is legit if the scammer could double the victim's money they would hand over a larger sum this is all runescape scams blood in the water falling furniture ff is a game hosted on habbo and it's sort of like musical chairs the host would play this game looks [ __ ] lit rush to sit on them you just go and sit on a toilet seat do not get us hosts would ask the loser whether they wish to pay to stay pay for revenge or leave the game pay for this choice when someone is a victim of revenge they don't immediately get kicked out instead they're given a choice to pay to stay pay for revenge or to leave the game this is so smart kids would absolutely do that out of spite out by revving each other well if your partner ends up losing around they can just rev someone they don't actually have to pay you anything they only pretend to pay you something if they choose a particularly wealthy victim they could even start a rev war a revolt at your party that's so possibly loot smart what i'm blown away right now an actual revenge loop and then a scam on top of the scam where you get someone to go in with you that pretends to be like revving a rich player so that way the rich player revs them back and it just goes on and on and on until the rich player runs out of money and you just say that your friend won genius how no way kids came up with this this was absolutely the work of like [ __ ] bernie madoff or something like he was in here running habbo scams like there's just no [ __ ] like the [ __ ] penguin from gotham was in this [ __ ] like this is so actually smart and also to the person uh i saw you mention that you lost your account because you gave someone their pe your password on runescape i did the same [ __ ] kind of when i was a kid i had an account called strong wolfo as my man on runescape or like one of my five mains back then and uh my password was wolfo and one guy was teasing me he's like i bet your password's [ __ ] weak and i'm like no it's actually really strong i got a really cool password he's like no you [ __ ] don't i think yeah i do and he's like oh what is it i was like it's wolfo there goes the account yeah so i def i mean i i definitely would have fallen for scams a hundred percent but the one that i always knew i would never do is like the jagex sensor is your password i never thought anyone would fall for that scam but you fell for is worse yeah it was automatically i agree i got the account back that they were working in concert with someone else i didn't lose it forever that didn't give me a scare it actually happened chances are if the shop owner did not display the red furniture in their shop they probably wouldn't ah 20 coins for information if you do find any red furniture please contact me as soon as possible tell the owner that you're selling rare items like oh i don't know this red pixel furniture that you just so happen to have by offering to sell it at a much lower price than what the fake buyer is offering like 10 coins you create an almost irresistible opportunity genius and [ __ ] genius these are the smartest kids in the world a piece of furniture that was only worth god damn the emergence of these very sophisticated and complex scams little baby geniuses out here a lot of scamming [Music] corporate corruption jesus christ also known as i'm excited to the highest office of the white house turns out like nintendo's got a sucked in here scamming kids organization's history as she became the white house's first female president meanwhile infernum also known as craig was packing his bags having served his two-month term he was now the outgoing president this war is wild most corporations had a special treasury account any donations or profits earned from sales would be stored in this account treasury accounts meant that multiple trusted people could do transactions of the organization your [ __ ] secret agent assassin bodyguards sleeping on the job firearms the rise in corporate crime is a more recent phenomenon as corporations play a much more significant role in the day-to-day lives of players they present greater and more audacious opportunities when you would be criminals what do they do i i don't understand like what do the corporations do this actually just looks like some heaven's gate [ __ ] like everyone's glowing over here like they're about to go super saiyan beastly tuxedo is talking about sugar mama lauren like and here's the dog like what do the corporations actually accomplish in the game how are they generating money we saw in the last video he did that they make money by hiring people to boss people around so they literally get people to pay for a power trip but he's saying corporations play a role in the day-to-day activities of the community and i don't really see how from from everything we've learned about the corporations so far in the last three videos exploit as for others with these reforms in place the white house had to start over and through donation drives and sales they managed to rebuild the treasury all in all they managed to re-accumulate 450 worth of coins and rares and these treasury reforms ended up working for one year when in 2018 a trustee called jess emptied out the entire white house tried to impeach her she looks like a pirate like why what was the hiring process like here i could tell you if i was on the board of trustees and i was vetting for the next person to handle my treasury in habbo i would not pick this person they look like a [ __ ] criminal a hundred percent we're talking big [ __ ] bucks here some huge noodles i'm not gonna risk it with someone who comes in here with a goddamn eye patch uh it's unreal unreal it's like they didn't even try for allegedly working for the hammer mafia of course embezzlement they claimed the founder would regularly use the treasury as their personal bank account withdrawing thousands of coins at a time to sell in the black market to quote unquote fuel their clubbing habit in fact the investment of corporate groups is done so frequently the board of directors actively fabricate numbers in their spreadsheet and under they have a spreadsheet a habbo hotel corporation treasury spreadsheet of their coins to in-game dollars and they also have an accountant cooking the books there's no way these are real numbers right from habbo hotel coins like this can't be [ __ ] right 236 000 us dollars for habbo hotel coins i i must be misunderstanding this i think there's no [ __ ] way yeah is there a habbo hotel irs i helped run the biggest underground casino on hambo if you want some solid information hit me up brother yeah what were you pulling in monthly like i imagine if these are these like actual sensible numbers that people were making from hubba hotel coins and selling them or is this just like if they sold them what the total could be like under ideal circumstances like how often were you able to flip coins and have a hotel to actual usd i can't imagine it was a booming market where everyone was buying all the time like i don't know this doesn't there's no way these numbers have to be i have to be misunderstanding these the founder does not take money from us unless necessary said the official they insisted that revenue earned was reinvested back into the corporation that's crazy cable speaking to the company's finances revealed that in 2019 the company's annual turnover was approximately 300 000 credits that is equivalent to 20 000 u.s dollars okay i think this helped illustrate it this is not us dollars that they're pulling in it's coins okay that makes so much more sense it's still a lot of money obviously as evident here but it's it's coins not 200 [ __ ] what was it 254 000 us dollars to 254 000 coins furthermore arctic ice also argued that the player agreed to the terms of service which stated that the security of a player's account is probably responsibility and by extension the player is responsible if their stuff gets stolen this echoes habbo policy which describes being a victim of a scam as user error and habbo states that it does not allow for reimbursement for quote unquote damn they're good i feel like how the hotel was scamming people on the load too they were in the thick of it running casinos the hierarchy of countries in a more recent case in 2012 the dutch supreme court followed suit and held that virtual items can be considered goods which can be stolen the argument this is so this is crazy taking a virtual object in runescape is now being labeled as legitimate theft if i was actually i probably this is 2013 no 2012 i would have stopped scamming by this point imagine i went to a dutch prison or something i get [ __ ] deported from scamming people in runescape holy [ __ ] well it's all this is also an extremely intense case took the 13 13 year old victim to the home of the co-defendant where they assaulted and threatened the victim with knives to coerce him and coerce him into logging into his runescape account and then drop the objects in the game environment jesus christ unlike adult consumers however children tend to have less resources to defend themselves against unfair business and whose fault is that in many cases being a child is cringe just be an adult defend yourself in court there is also a pinned news article from 2018 warning people of fishing sites habbo also hires ambassadors specifically selected volunteers whose role is to help welcome new players into the community and help moderate public is this one of them db cooper over here was one of your community leaders awareness of certain after some time the old batch exited the bus and a new batch of people were allowed in only then did i learn i was person 25 the maximum capacity of the bus was 24. needless to say i very much wasn't amused i was finally allowed to enter the bus and josh my ambassador immediately begins laying down the ground rules this is creepy so this is like an official habbo instructional thing for the community you gather them here in like a [ __ ] trailer and you sit in a circle and shush looks into your soul like does it go one by one oh this is weird i'm trying to read their conversation josh also gives password advice such as changing your password regularly or choosing lots of numbers symbols and capital letters imagine oh my god i thought of a cool scam here imagine if one of these ambassadors decided to start scamming so these are obviously kids that are trying to learn about how to be safe on habbo but imagine so when he talks about password safety he like kind of leads them down a path of like a password that he wants them to get to right you know a strong password would probably be something like your name plus a couple letters like one four and five and then you could just take a list of everyone who visited his seminar and just try those kind of passwords in maybe get lucky on a few accounts good evening it is every parent's terror that their internet literate child will arrive in a make-believe children's web world that is so unsafe that he or she can be propositioned for sex by a pedophile within four minutes what a speed run what on why habbo doesn't do that much there simply is no fighting bobo's got the fastest pedophiles in the world and joseph stalin i guess this setup on its own is not rigged you genuinely have a 50 50 chance on whether you move the arrow or teleport to the exit but i hacked the code wide however and that is each stack of wide is its own function but the stack does not have to be continuous you can have an input and an output box separated by air and the function still works so if we look up you will notice an additional piece of wide i didn't talk about that box is a condition it will finally allow this function to activate oh my god i also i feel like it's the [ __ ] ending to the prestige the input is the same switch the output box is teleporting to the exit and the function only operates when the light is off what a tourist i can make it so that if oh my goodness or something you will realize that when the game is in a normal unraked state the wide boxes activate and play a small animation when the game is in a rigged state those white boxes are not activated and so they don't play this animation so to create the illusion that the wide boxes are activated i simply created another wide function the input is the switch and the output is this which allows me to change the state i showed you previously that it can open doors but it can also turn on lights do this and most importantly trigger the animation effect only the owner and those with rights given by the owner can look inside of these wide boxes so even if i could look in them i wouldn't understand them this is so deep as if it looks legit this is actual just up engineering some of it in the public view to give the perception that i was fully transparent i went through all of that trouble just to make my game look authentic more real than the other okay but i i don't know if he's about to address this but if the secret really was just zooming out far enough to be able to click the light into a rig state couldn't any one of the players just zoom way out and see that or am i am i missing like a crucial piece because anyone could have done that like i'm sure there's some player out there that plays in like turbo zoom out mode that could have seen the floating stuff so you can only zoom it out that far if you're the owner what i did was not some large-scale hacking operation or setting up a fishing site but at the end of the day what i did was still wrong even if it was comparatively minor and it's something i genuinely regret doing and something i've never done since oh you coward be proud of the scam though maybe like you scam someone's so hard having a visible and vigorous approach to tackling financial crime will go some way to deterring future attempts by enterprising players as for my own story i still have regrets some of the coins and furniture i have in my possession were illicitly gained yeah but i decided that the only way to repent for my sins was to give it all away no i will admit it was extremely difficult to do i was attached to my coins and my furniture which i've earned over the past few years my wyatt collection and my voice you really feel bad has sentimental value to me but i decided to do it anyways and there was no turning back it was certainly gratifying however to make someone's day thanks theresa maddox thank you so much for watching and i hope you have a nice day this was such a [ __ ] interesting rabbit hole oh my god
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 1,648,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5htYsqHBEJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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