Trisha Paytas is really strange...

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hello everyone I hope you're having a great day just kidding you all suck now if you're one of my subscribers you may be a little bit worried and if you're not one of my subscribers then change that right away please come on we're all waiting I say that you're probably worried because since I uploaded my last two videos on the cacao avocado I've been in my first ever YouTube scandal nikka cada avocado goes too far with shocking video I was gonna make a joke about how terrifying that title makes this whole situation sound but in all honesty as soon as I saw that I was the subject of a tea video I actually struggled to sleep so I've officially learned my lesson okay today we will not be looking at porn I know I know fun's not allowed anymore apparently with that being said Trisha Paytas is probably one of my favorite influences now to clarify here I don't think she or the character she portrays is a good person in fact I'd say that every single thing she does serves to piss people off and it works a lot of people aren't really a fan of hers if 2020 was a person it to be Trisha Paytas you know what I'm gonna disagree with you there because 2020 has been an anti-climax of sorts but I could assure you that if there's one thing the Trisha does consistently its climax hinge a I'd like to go through some of my favorite slices of the Trisha Paytas pie and no not in a sexual way okay again I've learnt my lesson but before we do that why why is that honey on my desk well it's funny you should say that James yes that's right today's video is sponsored by the lovely people over at honey I'm actually a very big fan of honey in general here I am with my manuka honey very good for the immune system but to be on the point honey is a free online shopping tool that helps you find coupons and then applies them to your car you know that one time that you bought pizza and now your phone constantly gets texts like all use code we are annoying for 20% off [ __ ] that number okay you don't need them anymore honey scans all possible promo codes on the internet for you all you need to do is click apply coupons and ban have a pizza that recently I've been trying to make more music and I actually bought a new bass alway that's not going to work is it now one issue arose after buying your space I can't play bass before I decided to get a subscription at fender play and once again honey got me money off of that subscription and it supports over 30,000 stores so in no time you'll be saving too and maybe you can learn to play bass like me again honey is free to install if you don't have it already you're passing up on a free man essentially and installing it only takes two clicks so get honey for free today at join honeycomb forward slash James that's join honeycomb forward slash James and thank you honey for sponsoring today's video now as I said Trish's been in many a controversy as of late she recently made this rather questionable tweet had a cookie now a little nookie and nights out babies why not to make babies or maybe will try but I can't imagine anything worse I'll be honest I've got no clue what this tree actually means it's probably written in [ __ ] Yiddish she has posted this wonderful photo of it I don't really know what there is to say about it lenny kravitz called he wants his flamin hot cheetos back clearly he wants to rub them all over his [ __ ] mop I just clicked on a Trisha Paytas video for the first time in months and I can even see her actual hell would you do Trisha dip it in the bloody sauce Papa John's very own hair dye I love the difference between her last two thumbnails nothing much happened between these two days just had a bath in boiling Kool Aid it would be like if I shaved before my next video who didn't even mention it sorry I really shouldn't joke about that by this point Bitlis james mary is even my sleep paralysis demon and i feel incredibly triggered i've watched a portion of the video and her hair goes completely unexplained it's kind of hard to pay attention to our hair when there's a mounted you the size of a [ __ ] tank right next to her I can't even begin to understand McMahon Contin Trisha where do you draw the line dude it's a shame really I don't like eating razor blades but here I go again well I don't think Trisha has ever actually finished a mukbang before I mean look how pathetic this attempt is Trisha man you're a phony you've got no integrity she five pieces at most of that damn pizza that's the equivalent of half a small pizza what does she even do with all of the remaining food oh it sorry that's a silly question she extracts the tomato sauce and smears all over a [ __ ] Scout again with her hair there are many people calling out Trisha for cultural appropriation do you ever get bored of cultural appropriation come on now what exactly is she appropriating here twiglets what's next Trisha [ __ ] cheese balls but in all seriousness obviously there is an argument to be made about cultural appropriation here it's hard to really take that seriously when whatever she's done to her hair hair is compared to what she does on a weekly basis at this point basically what I'm trying to say is is this is a mere drop in the ocean the notion that makes you want to drown yourself but an ocean nonetheless if you type in Trisha Paytas drama on YouTube it's like staring directly into the Sun I should have got the perfect tool for this occasion look it's got a UV rating and everything this is just proof that I'm gonna be part of the 27 club no one can handle the sheer amount of content that Trisha has been gifting to drama channels she shoots ot faster than a [ __ ] 15 at this point sorry I've never really mentioned guns on this channel before god it's really bright I looked at my statistics here on YouTube and apparently a bunch of euro-american so I feel like I should be making more accurate cultural references and speaking in a language that you will actually understand big gun shoot big bullet first I need to talk about this I have no idea if this is real or fake but Trisha pay is an Ethan Klein from a tree a tree productions have had this ongoing beef for so long now it all began almost a year ago when Ethan made his Instagram vs. reality video as you can see from the thumbnail Trisha was a big target in this video and by that I mean that she was one of the focuses not that she's you know her a big old target she was offended that Ethan spent the entire video calling her and other influences ugly in fairness to Ethan he did call everyone else in the world ugly as not directly attack anyone in particular but I'm just glad that everyone is starting to realize that how attractive you are has nothing to do of your looks or personality it's simple really the more languages you speak the more attractive you are where's my degree I'm showing it in the hopes that one day I can business expensive and for the record that caps at three languages okay because if you know more than three languages you just a loser but what's the first thing you do if someone calls you ugly I'm waiting okay it's an easy one the first thing that you do is you sleep with a brother in law before the lockdown yes that is Ella's brother they have a snack mind you I don't know how anybody could argue that we don't live in a simulation in what world does ela Clemens brother thinks it's a good idea to sleep with Trisha Paytas the whole world has shut down and I've been forced to watch this cursed love story play out I don't love this [ __ ] Hoover he's even making Happy Passover tweet maybe there's some spiritual meaning and holding up what is that red onion this is all coming from the creator of I Love You Jesus Jesus rises a jesus pop and a Christmas Jesus box she even had a channel dedicated to Catholicism and now she's claiming to be Jewish because she got dick bound by someone from Israel and she is claiming to be Jewish by the way I too am Jewish by insemination you know what I'm struggling to hate on this I'm being honest the girl got some premium dick dick that makes you want to change your culture is the kind of dick I need in my life Lily she also made love to a Mormon apparently that's on the cards now as well possibly converting to Mormonism oh I tried to find some famous Mormons online to see who the culprit is but the only person I could find is Bill Marriott of course the man who stole my entire brand before I was even alive has had an affair with Trisha Paytas and today get any worse she's made some ridiculous videos recently I'll teach you Hebrew the alphabet surely this has to be the most disliked educational video of all time and in fairness it's deserved it's one of the worst educational videos I've ever seen right hey sounds American like an American word or an English word I should say haeseong's American English sorry but there's no there's no there's not that in English they would have thought in different languages some different what's for homework today miss Trisha go get dick down buy a light heart throb well the only person who supposedly learned a lot since this video was Trisha herself I say that because now she even puts Hebrew in her titles as you can see here she's singing the song go down Moses hair you know go down where's it go down on Moses is everything you do have to be just how sizable is this Moses guy I've never seen anyone more hypnotized the treasury's I found a tweet where Trisha shouts out one of Moses's youtube videos please check out this video on global consciousness things that make you go WOW things that make you go sounds like we've got a brainiac over here sorry that was the most Boomer reference I think I've ever made I actually think I just aged about 10 years look I promise I'm young and relatable look I've even got Tech Talk installed look it's it's tick tock I'm not close to my 30s of promise welcome back to channel water today we're going to talk about the situation the majority of us quarantined sorry why it's a camera why my Rach he looks like a version of Aragorn that aged like a fine wine and I just want to drink a gallon of it no wonder he's called channel water I'm a man and even my waves are crashing the video itself isn't really an enticing topic it certainly didn't interest me that much that doesn't really matter at the end of the day there's only one reason I'm coming back to this channel and that's for daddy he even replies to all of this comments with water-related emojis like we get it dude you like water you smoke we do the wave whoosh water is all around now what a clarify Trisha does go too far on many occasions she's been at a lot of mental health related drama recently and I don't usually talk about serious things on this channel but strap him get your [ __ ] goggles on until health means a lot to me and I'm not just gonna let it slide father James is here everyone don't mess with mental health essentially Trisha called someone with dissociative identity disorder crazy I don't know if there's many worse things you could say to someone with a mental disorder I'm gonna show you the clip of the person she called crazy reacting to it I wash it seems crazy Trisha is obviously not very educated on this subject Jenny wouldn't Lee hurts me to see someone who's been so public about their mental health struggles be lambasted by someone with real influence over the Internet and there is that part of me that wants to say that Trisha is just a troll which 99% of the time I think that is the case but she gets so emotive about certain things in a way that a lot of people would really struggle to fake like in her response to Anthony Padilla that's how she got a million views because people think the Trisha actually believes everything she's saying which makes it something scandalous and cancelable when in reality I think this is just what Trisha wants she wants you to get upset and continue clicking on her scandalous content because deep down she knows she's not really like that I don't think that warrants it for the record but for me it's just such obvious baked associated please stop bullying us oh this one went down well when is she ever referred to herself as us before Moses really must have split her down the middle man she spends this video saying that associated is targeting her and even bullying her and she was the one who called associated crazy in the first place and then also linking an exposing video in her description the claims that dissociated is faking her disorder in most cases I think mating for views is fine for example nikka Carter avocados response to me was actually really funny I really enjoyed it I wasn't uncomfortable with it okay you don't need to worry about me I draw the line however a bait that will affect the mental health of those watching you youtubers really have to take mental health seriously because the amount of people that turn to youtubers when they're struggling is immense the amount of people that message me and everyone but I know that does YouTube about their mental health really made me realize just how important it is in all of this and if you start making light of this subject just abate in a few hundred thousand more views than you really lose my respect and you also lose what would have been a really funny laid-back video about Moses the water King I don't know man it's a real shame no I want you all to stay safe during this quarantine period I know really said that yeah I think it's a more important period than ever to stress Mental Health Awareness actually know what [ __ ] it let's all have a big hug come on [ __ ] hug me it'll be nice cuz I probably made you all very uncomfortable now I've got a special gift for all of you during this quarantine period I know that you've all been enjoying the quarantine collabs that me and my friends have been doing so we went ahead and made a group channel yeah I know that may come as a surprise it's been a long time coming I know I said that I wouldn't be taking a look at Trisha Paytas his only fans in this video but that's because we actually take a look at it over on the e boy's channel I'll go and subscribe to the e boys okay you absolute [ __ ] we're gonna be uploading every week over there and it's some really funny stuff I can assure you and with that being said I hope you enjoyed this video leave a like down below if you did leave a comment about how cool my glasses are and do actually subscribe okay there are a lot of people that watch every single one of my videos that aren't subscribed to the channel yet and it really does help me a lot so yeah subscribe if you're new or have no guns already and I will catch you next time
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,472,835
Rating: 4.9664249 out of 5
Id: HZw_1ydP8HY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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