I watched Liza Koshy's show so you don't have to...

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hello everybody so recently i've been watching a lot of television and no i don't mean free television on my television because quite frankly tv licenses are a scam so instead of being forced to pay for the piece of garbage that is the bbc i instead bought youtube premium little did i realize that you don't actually need it for the show i bought it for yes that's right i decided to watch every single episode of the first season of liza koshy's show liza on demand and as you can tell from the title and thumbnail of this video it put me through a lot of emotions now this isn't the only youtube series that i've watched recently i made a video on lillyponz's show and you'd know that if you're a subscriber you may also know that if you're not a subscriber but quite frankly i do not care about your opinion if you're not subscribed to this youtube channel so earn my respect by subscribing right now now i had a slight issue with my video on lele ponz's show in short i was just a bit upset that i couldn't react to more of la le ponz's show because i didn't want to be sat in front of a camera for hours because well just watch the last e-boys video it's hot in this studio the only thing i can think about is the absolutely oh my god i want to die when making youtube videos i apparently sweat more than bill clinton in a pizzeria so today we've actually gone for something a little bit different i teamed up with my editor and fellow youtuber cynic snack subscribe to his channel if you want but also remember that this channel is more important basically we sat down on discord off camera and reacted to every single episode of liza on demand season one now you may think that's not much of a feat given that it's just eight 20 to 25 minute episodes i know somehow we ended up recording for over five hours to get making a meal out of it quite frankly we built the [ __ ] banquet and let's just say we weren't excited for the hours to come shall we do it yeah i guess now in today's video i'm going to be walking you through all of my positive and negative opinions of liza koshy show and then follow up those opinions with my immediate reactions when i saw it for the first time if you like this format leave a like if this video gets a hundred thousand likes cynic and i will return to discord we'll watch the second season of liza koshy's show and we'll probably make more videos like this okay so a little summary of lies are on demand liza is a clumsy 23 year old who lives with a gay man who loves scarfs she also lives with a woman who has an instagram famous dog called barkpool cynic and i thought that was a pun at first but there's no celebrity called mark paul so it's a bit of a wasted opportunity quite frankly liza works via an app called task it where she essentially runs errands for people the general goal of the series is that eliza wants to become an elite tasker to get extra perks on the app and in the process she gets in some rather wacky scenarios why is she trying to fight in front of all these kids i can't wait to walk you through them now the show itself isn't really a concise story that's split into eight it's more eight separate themes with the overarching theme of oh eliza wants to become an elite tasker no i don't think that works in the favor of the show at least in the early stages the first few episodes just feel like ham-fisted discussions of social issues you could pretty much sum them up as the feminism episode the love episode the anti-trump episode now all three of the episodes that i've just mentioned have these moments which can only really be described as textbook travesties their cisgender name is kelly they just started hormone therapy and we wanted to be supportive friends so we educated ourselves on the correct behavior we didn't want to be invasive by questioning you yesterday in order to respect your journey wow this is so patronizing this is like an educational video yeah it's literally that the dialogue has been taken word for word out of a textbook we were just trying to educate ourselves about the issue oh my god i know it's tempting to romanticize simpler times but those times weren't the best for everybody else you're using a huge platform to spread the message of hate and oppression and subjugation here comes the textbook sorry sorry where did this eloquence come from yeah where where has this been this whole time she's been like oh dummy stupid in like earlier [ __ ] episodes where she goes haha pickle me stupid me can't eat sandwich and she turns around and she's like oh well the subjugation valentine's day doesn't have to be about some narrow definition of love oh my god again textbook time oh my god writers have clearly just grabbed their nearest social justice textbook and copied and pasted paragraphs into dialogue it just upsets me because i find all of these opinions at least somewhat agreeable but is this the only way they felt that they could approach these issues no one ever discusses stuff like this in my opinion when the writers don't feel like they need to tackle a social issue head-on they make their best content in episode seven for example i actually laughed twice and anyone else who cares to look their personal best what's your skill my skill i mean your crying skill what what sets you apart oh i do thug tears that was good now it may surprise you that i made a point of these moments it's a comedy it's meant to make me laugh laughs were few and far between to say the least and when i did laugh it never really felt gratifying for example with one of the moments i just showed you they took a really funny concept and just beat it to death if you can't ball hashtag wordplay they've ever done it a bit tissue trap yeah they should have just left it they should have just cut to the next scene that would have been really funny and i both agreed that the most comedic moments came from secondary characters for example our very first laugh in our recording was in the second episode of the show of course but you're also a total stranger so why should i do anything you say to begin with because it would please you cause that's rather presumptuous and also sexist you you limpy [ __ ] all right that was actually good that was actually good i like that that was quite funny this moment's funny because it just comes out of nowhere but the guy that makes you laugh is the antagonist of this episode the episode itself is called smile something that he rudely tells liza to do it made me feel like i shouldn't be laughing at what he does i'm meant to be laughing with liza you know this guy that's made me chuckle is the [ __ ] but obviously he made me laugh so they had to give him another textbook travesty when i tell a woman to smile i'm acting selfish and entitled because i'm expecting her to be subservient to my unsolicited instructions exactly and i'm also being sexually aggressive by behaving like she exists solely for my male gaze and my personal pleasure yeah oh my god oh my god [ __ ] b tech gender studies here i feel like i've just been choked with a [ __ ] big big gender studies m.a dildo he doesn't actually learn anything he ends up catcalling liza again damn girl you have a great ass so basically that whole interaction was pointless yeah yeah so what is the moral that we can now take from this episode men oh [ __ ] so don't try to be reasonable when you're dealing with men no lecture them with your b-tech knowledge of gender studies and then they'll be [ __ ] anyway still yeah so basically don't bother men can't change but how can we expect him to learn anything when liza doesn't learn anything herself i'm just gonna yeah thanks you know i really appreciate it oh my god oh no no so fast you should try out for the track team what maybe in the spring what so when some random guy in the street says smile more she gets all upper tea a man literally just tried to sexually assault her and she's just like she complimented her and she's cool with her to make that clip worse right that clip is from episode three which is an episode about liza being a late blue man she wants to give high school another shot but in doing so she strings along a minor and shows physical signs that she's attracted to him yeah that's right i got you nominated for homecoming queens oh my god she's literally giving suggestive signs she's actually this body language what is going on i'm not calling liza a pedophile okay i'm calling her character a pedophile who also happens to be called liza and be based off of liza's personality just something to know all right just something to know just something to keep in mind okay now it's an obvious inconsistency okay these two moments that she has with men somehow this one's fine this one isn't that isn't the only inconsistency in the series perhaps the biggest inconsistency for me is this really jarring moment in episode five hey kid here you go you have a great ptsd forever let me be straight what oh what the [ __ ] [ __ ] what when did this happen what why have they just changed we're over halfway through the season why is she breaking the fourth wall did the creators just watch an episode of malcolm in the middle like halfway through shooting the show and was like oh that's pretty cool let's just completely copy that like what the [ __ ] now this moment is a shock okay and obviously cynthia and i are going into this show poking holes at it i don't think it's a massive issue to break the fourth wall as well but in my opinion if you're going to break the full fool at least keep it within the confines of the rules that you set out eliza what are you doing i'm breaking the fourth wall well i did it in ferris bueller and that movie is the [ __ ] so i'm gonna be doing this all day so it's just a little bit that she does in front of her friends right wrong she does it on her own some old woman does it with no prior knowledge of the fact that it's a bit be your own hero that is a good place to start oh god the most inconsistencies however are found in the last episode of the season probably the most mentally trying episode that we watched basically the final episode is just a rip-off of the hangover liza has one task left to do in order to become an elite tasker but unfortunately her roommates took her out for a very heavy night of drinking the night before and they have to retrace their steps in order for her to find her phone now for the whole episode liza's roommate has a briefcase handcuffed to his wrist it turns out that said briefcase was from an escape room that they broke out of without permission so they didn't complete it okay they just left through the fire escape and stole the briefcase they come back the next day and the owner is very angry at the fact that they just ran off and he makes them do it again but the briefcase just isn't involved whatsoever and then right at the end of the episode they're trying to find out who aubry is we don't know who aubry is either their name has just been mentioned throughout the episode as someone that they spent the night with for some reason and then aubry turns out to be oh we were with break lessons in his private life mr graham prefers to go by his given name audrey are you [ __ ] serious that they were hanging out with drake all night every person every normal person they bumped into that saw them together referred to him as aubry and didn't realize that he was in fact drake literally the most famous person on earth oh your friend aubry are you joking the most annoying thing about this episode is yes it's a rip-off of the hangover formula but when you're copying something so obviously i think you have two choices ignore it don't talk about how it's a complete [ __ ] rip-off because it is but it's only one episode of eight or make an actual funny reference to it they don't do either of those things they start and finish the episode by admitting it's a massive rip-off and it's not even funny dude what did we do last night how did i break my arm i don't know oh it's like that movie the hangover well how did all of this crazy stuff happen i wonder if we're going to find out slowly what happened with flashbacks throughout the entire episode as they discover more clues as to the mystery of what happened last night wait i remember something what this is exactly like that movie with bradley cooper american sniper oh my god oh the one with the he has a hangover even i'm just gonna blatantly admit that this idea is completely unoriginal wait guys i think i remember what bradley cooper movie this was like silver lining sway button it's funny when the characters are stupid for the purpose of a joke the one thing that liza did really well throughout the series was she was herself and by that i mean she was incredibly short something i can't relate to by the way i'm gonna be finishing this video like this sometimes they use shots to make her look taller than she actually is other times the shots are framed in really funny ways i love the shot here [ __ ] hell man my favorite moment regarding her height however is in episode 2 when she compares herself to bruno mars yesterday i was a bruno mars impersonator for a bar mitzvah i'm the same height as hell right no right i challenged that immediately bruno mars all right we're looking this up bruno mars height 1.65 meters so he's already yeah i know he's already a good ten centimeters let's convert this [ __ ] bruno mars is five foot four liza koshy is four foot nine liza koshy is a dwarf bruno mars isn't i wanna discuss the future of liza show and how i think the show can be improved i'm fully aware that it does already have a future and don't forget okay you'll get to see me react to it if this video gets a hundred thousand likes i feel like they should invest a little bit more into the show for example with fight choreography he tried so hard that was a really well choreographed action scene oh my god that was pitiful he's like oh no no some action that isn't actually gonna happen oh they really were lacking a fight choreographer aren't they i feel as if moments like this could be really comedic let's not forget that liza koshy is four foot nine i feel like if you really choreographed these scenes they could be quite funny another thing is continuity errors now these things happen in most shows but sometimes it's just so incredibly jarring and i think it's something that producers could work on she's really [ __ ] that sandwich up look at the state of it there's like cheese hanging out yeah just mash it into my face and hope that some of it goes in my mouth there's a different amount on the plate every single shot yeah okay make that one idea oh no this is terrible the continuity is awful it's literally like red for skipping back and forth between two completely different obliterated sandwiches all in all i'm aware this show wasn't made for me it most certainly wasn't made for cynic i definitely recommend it to people who are fans of liza there are moments you'll really enjoy in the show old tropes of hers that are modernized and well produced moments of physical comedy that i don't particularly enjoy myself but that may well be your thing and i'm not hating you for that look i'll even do a funny bit where i go oh with that in mind please do leave a like down below 100 000 likes and uh cynic and i will do this again i promise you he really wants to do it we've spent six hours that's disgusting six hours doing this i feel cheated and filthy and sad that this has happened to us and with that being said a hundred thousand likes and we do it all again please no i've really enjoyed making this video it's taken ages but it's been really enjoyable and i hope you've enjoyed watching it make sure to subscribe i want to hit 2 million subscribers by the end of the year and yeah now it's time for you to stop watching this video and go and watch another one preferably made by me
Channel: undefined
Views: 831,728
Rating: 4.9618921 out of 5
Keywords: liza koshy, lele pons, liza, koshy, show, liza on demand, liza koshy vines, liza on demand episode 1, liza on demand season 2, liza on demand season 3, liza on demand season 1, james marriott, james, marriott, reaction, review, entertainment, comedy, british, funny, eboys, youtube premium, youtube original, liza crying
Id: 97u6loVtjW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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