One Punch Man In Among Us

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what happens when your power can't be contained the world will crumble around you can I win before I destroy everything all right I already got the one punch man what did I get crew mate uh prankster that's what I was looking for so I already got the one punch man I'll put that in the video after this round so you're going to want to stick around the one punch man is broken but I'm the prankster my job I have to uh complete four bounties I have to prank four people let me see if I can select a new Target so I have four different pranks that I can do this one I have to prank a Biffle rank with uh is that what is that wedgie I got to give him a wedgie but I can't get caught if I get caught doing this they'll vote me out because if I get four pranks I win oh no there's also an angler Oh no I got to hurry H wed omatic here we go oh there's biffl perfect okay I'm going to do wedge omatic oh they can catch me okay uh u f a w m uh n d TL choose BFF look at it go look at it [Applause] go A Biff's kind of wedgie I'm going to walk down here and talk to him and guys do me a favor if yeah prank that like button down below the video hit the like button hit the Subscribe button okay we go when we talking bi I can't really see what he's got a wedgie why is he why is he got a oh God go what was that no no no oh there's the move guy it's the Mover guy it's the it's one of our new random rolls it's uh this is so Random you want else what's random what's random your mom okay man you got me good all right I have a new Bounty oh and look at the map the one punch man destroys the you're going to want to stick around for the one punch man he's kind of broken oh my next prank it's a fire I got a fire prank zud wait I can also disguise I have an idea I'm going to set up this prank down here in the bottom left I got to hurry there I mean they're T they're not doing test with oh there's another dead body or a dead body okay I got to hurry one punch man's going to win um okay I'm going to set up the flamethrower prank right here oh look at me click it there and there hurry up there we go oh and I can place it I'm going to place it right there so it's it's pointing in that dire direction as soon as I click activate it'll set him on fire I need to go find Z I'm going to disguise as sigils I'm going to get my pointer I'm going to go find Z and I'm going to point him to go this way but I'm not going to talk oh listen sidles you saw nothing okay what are you pointing at what are you pointing at what's wrong with you why AR you talking what is wrong with you s s why are you po why you three fingers I set myself on fire though Oh no I got to go hide I got to go hide did that prank him wait I am actually burning am I going to die am I dead I can't am I dead I don't know if I'm dead am I dead okay we're good Bounty is done two of four done now I'm waiting for my next Bounty okay I'm going to UND disguise spread the N spread the N spread the pranker was destroyed pranker Sig is pranker oh no science was destroyed by one punch man okay I'm going where's portal maker what looks it's not what are you the no no no no it's not what it looks like oh God actually that's called an Angar not an angler am I oh God stop it we already know you got the moves I'm hey Z you did it wrong hey Z you did it wrong Z you did it wrong Z he did it wrong okay are you the guy all right well do I have a new prank I got to hurry up I need two more what do I have oh look at there I got to give a prank cupcake to zud Des uh dessert diarrhea H here's what I'm going to do I'm going to put the uh diarrhea right here okay oh gosh don't get caught don't get caught don't click the buttons Okay click this one I'm going to disguise not as sigil this time because zud won't trust sigils I'm going to disguise as Biffle disguise as Biffle go down here Z still down here have we seen have we seen sidles around hi Bibble why are you ner emoj what's wrong with you take my why you pointing no this is what sidles did this is what sidles did speak bi speak right what is over here what yeah there's nothing over there what do you want stop you're being weird okay why what is wrong with you I have exposive diarrhea I stop dancing who are you this is actually mle I can't stop pooping I can't stop pooping I'm just pooping everywh come here come here you diarrhea boy stay away Bounty complete there we go why am I always targeting zud I have to Electrify zud dance Look At Me dance Look At Me dance oh yeah oh yeah oh what is happening where does this go my little head wait you know what actually wait I'm going where are we going oh my God why are you like this zud why are you it's not me I don't like you it's actually not me you didn't fall I I'm out of here I'm out of here I'm out of here would I have an idea if I put this here shock screen right there we go one there and then over here I'm the only one that can see this right right there is that going to work now we're cooking I need to go find Zod uh zud listen listen listen listen listen zud listen this is important information stop crying okay uh hey uh there may or may not be a dead body up in h drop ship so uh my god let's go report it let's go report suy you me right up there right up there help please suy I don't think this was anybody but you but I'm going to act surprised anyways who no no it was it's up here Z just keep going it's right up there son it's right up there right up there I'll Trust you I'll Trust you I'm going have been pranked there's nobody hey you got pranked you know I just uh stun you right now and then I can go call Mini right okay well I can just that was the wrong guy and win button all of you are getting pranked look at my why why why why why why why it doesn't end wait who's the impostor all right let's go to my one punch round oh I just got it instantly okay this will be fun all right so my goal is I have to kill everyone and Destroy eight parts of the map this is going to be good and uh listen I don't this is all recorded out of order so guys hit the like button I don't know if I said that already I don't know anything just hit the like button hit the Subscribe button all right uh transform I am one punch man the strongest being in the world okay what do I do um to unlock my abilities I need to get kills to get kills I need to punch someone in the crewmate form so I got to be careful there's also a medic so I'm going to have to invis so if the medic reviv Liv whoever this is um they don't tell them it's me so I got to be careful you know what I'm going to kill Gary I'm just going to I'm just going to and kill Gary what the and there we go our first ability quaking leap is unlocked and now we have one kill so this is how I start corrup or destroying the map because I am one punch man what do I want to blow up first um Gary's still dead I got to if there's a medic I got to kill the medic too okay I'm going to I'm going to land down here here's Ranger oh coms was destroyed wait wait wait that unlocked me Flurry of Blows me alone if I use this on rer they'll kill me one man don't please I am too strong I have destroyed this entire part of the map and killed someone is that two kills two kills what of the okay so this is on a long cool down I got to go on this I got to wait for this every time this is off cool out I have to use it they already two eight the way done oh and there's a drone specialist great all right cool is there a medic too I also have to see if there's a prankster because they could win easily don't tell anybody Gary but watch Gary watch I promise you'll be why did Gary's back there's a medic all right great who revived him I need to know who revived him who did it who's the prankster there are so many things to keep track of Ni Go's the prankster hold on I'm going to Quantum Leap I'm gonna leap up here I'm going to destroy down here oh specimen was destroyed look at that destroyed it all okay let's un transform I'm going to go down here and talk to is there a sheriff because I know Nico is or I could get him voted out could get him vote him out or Sheriff oh there's a there's a hacker listen listen I'm trying to protect this city there a bun of idiot I'll tell you my role if you tell me your role I am a detective a anybody around why was why was there a drone specialist come here come to my office okay com to your please don't kill me I'm protecting this city are you the sheriff am the Sher yes saw something then and I was either going to call a meeting and try to convince everyone or find the sheriff do you trust me biffl uh actually you have to trust me uh biffl um I'm 99.99999% sure that Nico is the prankster listen all I needed was 1% I'm down let's do it all right let's go find him come on let's find where is he we're on a mission wait why are we going through the portal Welcome to My Secret laborator can I do it can I do this guy in don't don't do that guy don't do don't do it come on Biffle we're on a mission why won't you do me no get out of here zud we are on a mission zud get out of here get out of here that was a muing mind why did you me on him where is he shut up sniff Him Out Boy sniff sniff him out I'm sniffing him ni Nico Biff found something information out uh Biffle interrogate him Nico where are you on the night of November of night of November I was in just end it pipple just end it um actually he was not wait no if he was a crew mate you would have died I would have died which means you were 99.999 correct wa no actually you were 100% right dud so you trust me right you trust me you trust me oh boy okay that's great uh that helped me get kills this is perfect I'm having fun all right is my thingy back up my quaking leap is up okay here we go zud's there who's the medic Pat just revived Nico and Nico's the prankster Pat is the medic Pat's the medic and Nico's the prankster I got to get Nico kill wa I can just kill Nico hold on I'm going to kill Pat electrical was destroyed and you do this oh no that's I'm literally alive wait I have shattering jab I have twister too H twister oh my please I want to be this okay bye I left the room oh my God and then we'll do shattering jab on Pat if you're alive what does this do please oh god oh oh at least I still have my life and the medic is dead cool now I need to kill Nico before he wins with his prankster abilities okay um who else I need to kill I need to get more kills oh I need a qu I need a quaking leap sigils no I was doing that task okay that's just rude I why do you look like that you look like in you're asking the wrong questions why do I look like this sigils and there we go that's perfect okay so my shattering jab if I hit someone with it while they're inside of a destroyed area they die but if I hit somebody with it that isn't in a destroyed area they just get stunned so I need to test that wait I need to be careful though I don't want to get caught I don't want to get caught I'm going to I'm going shoot this at Gary right there look at me I am the strong oh wait did that work is he stck I don't I can't see Hello Gary Nico in my hold on I'm going to do a tornado I got to slow them down while my cool down is off why do I have a sideways tornado what is side tornado run run run why do I have this okay here I go I'm dead I'm a goner how my family I love them all right there we go um quaking leap is back up I need to hurry do this there we go and top right I need to kill Nico he's pranking again no no no you will not prank again Nico I will not allow it this is my area you will not win you can't win H actually you're not allowed to win because I'm going to win how many pranks do you have huh how many pranks you think huh I'm the best one punch man huh I'm not telling you wait well you you should have told me something or you should have pranked me you're dead it was a cool all right uh six kills I need one two three three more wait I got to destroy more areas crap I need to unlock more abilities I don't want to kill Biffle though he's my alibi he trusts me where is he okay biffle's right there biffle's with zud I got to be careful have you guys where's this taking us we talk go in there I wouldn't Welcome to My Secret layup what ha can I do it suy what uh he's the portal maker you'll just die do put me out of my own want part of whatever you're talking about do it do it now do it okay Zod do me a favor do me a favor Zod do me a favor remove that blue portal uh okay go ahead like that okay got it good now I got rid of them oh God Biff now you're stuck here um got to go all right I'm going toak break this down here now admin destroyed all right bi stuck down there perfect thank you Z and I need one more kill wait two more do I need one more or two more I don't know I need to destroy two more areas too who do I kill um there's Gary Gary's still dizzy looks I'm going to kill look if I snipe this I'm going to sleep if I hit this I'm going to sleep here we go right there shoot it up there we go there we go how did I miss he was standing still he was not a moving Target no how how do I miss that I wa I don't understand how I miss that you know what I'm going to try this again Point Blank I'm not going to miss this one looks no no no you think you can evade death you dead oh I can jump again let's jump uh where do I jump now um that's all oh drop ship oh drop ship how many more how many more eight kills everybody's dead I think I need one more wait I need to kill Gary no Gary's been dead who's who has who haven't I died to death wait Biffle I'm going to set the best what did he just do you know what I'm just going to I'm just going to I'm going to St oh no I'm just going to do this all right well um I think the last person I need to kill is Biff yes oh Gary you're dizzy Gary am I dizzy Gary you're dizzy Gary it's suay it's Sun I can't go that way Gary Gary you're dizzy Gary uh so the last person that is alive is biffl and he's off the map so just point me in the direction I'll start walking there okay uh he's that way oh God oh God I'm going the wrong way all right let's go find Biffle um how do I get back down there oh yeah I can just leap that's right okay cool uh and hey Biff no sing to my S hey Biffle so uh I have all eight areas destroyed right no you don't so if I get one more kill you I win no listen how do you want to die do you want to die at a shattering jab or fur Fury of blows uh how about I die of old age and you uh grow hair old man you did you you didn't want to say that Fury of blows down up down down spam the but are you going to defend yourself P are you going to defend yourself why aren't you defending yourself defend yourself okay I got the wind button so whenever I jump down here it uh it damaged the last part yeah look at the map the map is all destroyed and Gary is still dizzy I'm so close Gary Gary Gary I have I'm going to I'm going to press this win button now no I'm so close please one oh no stop punching me please stop punching I'm getting angry I'm getting oh God and I'm a little confused by that okay hit the like button hit the Subscribe button uh we did it
Channel: SSundee
Views: 1,240,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uNuT43sNBwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2024
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