Upgrading Myself in Among Us

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crewm mates are the weakest beings in Among Us that's why I'm upgrading myself to become the strongest crew mate ever and no one on earth will be able to handle my final upgrade all right so I need to upgrade myself you can see in the top left I have zero levels in all of these right but check this out you see this little uh snowman here I'm going to train oh look at I level zero snowman if I punch it again I gain bolts look at the top left I have 415 bolts if I want to level up my stuff like my arms right I need 1,000 bolts where's another snowman come here snowman there we go is that going to give me enough nope close I think I can punch medbay too yep look and since I'm the impostor as I level up my arms and uh upgrade myself I get abilities I have a hit list here I need to uh kill sigils with oil broil I don't know what that means um guys do me a upgrade the like button down below the video If you hit it it'll upgrade and turn blue I don't know if it does that anymore just try it hit the Subscribe button oh there's a lion what is that a tiger I don't know but I have 2K bolts let's go upgrade let's upgrade my arms this is going to make it to where I can start punching level uh one and level two things right oh look at you wait what is on your headest what is on your chest is so strong try me why do I have what is that why is he supposed to be saying something bkkk him off buk him off I got a chest piece so I can cover my boobies what what is wrong with you okay well that should have given me a quest right I got that upgraded my hands talk to trapped crew mate um look see I can't do any damage to that cuz it's level three but the map will slowly start to deteriorate punch the gas go ahead okay here we go oh God okay we're good level zero level zero I want that no I want that give me that oh no I want that one hold on hold on come help me fight this guy I'm going to fight this guy I'm going to beat this guy up hey guy I heard you've been saying bad things I'm going to beat you up is that not the right thing help think you can get this rock off of me oh I'm trying to help him not beat him up oh look stop it look break the rock to free the crew mate you got this suy I'm really proud of you all right time to take him out oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh why you have so many fists easy now I'm going to beat you up talk about hitting rock bottom and I right nothing okay fine take the resources that was an awful joke thank you for money now I'm going to beat you up stop beating him up he looks like SEL yeah beat him up he looks like s beat him up okay I'm beating him up okay I'm done I don't have a fist yet I'm done beating him up I just got 17,000 bolts all right um I'm going to upgrade my hands so that I can break more things because look at this this is a level four this entire wall is level four what is this up here level four okay what is this level two okay I'm going to upgrade my hands first I got rocket punch who should I kill let me see who who am I supposed to hit list with rocket punch looks okay um let's go ahead and shoot this up here now I got a rocket I'm going to zoom out there's looks and uh I know that looked bad what did you guys just do no no no no no no no no no no listen it there's a very good reason for this what no one likes look good point is there a medic anywhere is there any Medics call a meeting vote them out vote out look call him meeting vote him out yeah yeah vote him out V out you know what I got a lot of money I am going to upgrade my fists my hands good luck okay so now my hands are green oh look I'm the Hulk heck yeah you look like cels you look like the worst color you could ever be oh true you look awful dude I look awful I can fight level three stuff now watch why does look the way he does look at him dri is we your pants get I am dripped on dude look at me I look SI here I'll take this D don't worry you don't you're not strong enough you idiot I got it guys I got it give me that I'm oh look at the bolts look at the bolts 6,000 can I upgrade again oh I can almost upgrade wait I want to upgrade my hands doing and and now I can break level four things wait what kind of Strat are you doing don't you worry about my Strat helmet oh look at the damage level four you still so weak wait I should probably upgrade I forgot if I upgrade so look's been limited if I upgrade let me see hold on if I upgrade my helmet whenever I break things i' get more parts I should probably do that next right yeah I'm going to upgrade that I'm going to grab my helmet so I get more parts okay that should be enough that should give me level one in the the the helmet if I get level five in everything I unlock my final form so boys stick around till the end this is going to get insane oh gosh four looks me I look great look how great I look look at my helmet you look like a weirdo without a shirt and you have a helmet and you have roller blades he's got like roller blades it better don't make it now the kicks match the helmet what do we think why do you gets it this guy gets it why are you what is he looks like he looks like a dad like with his roller blades and his helmet trying to be cool and it's not what do you mean all right I'm upgrading my helmet I'm upgrading my helmet are you level wait what the look at my stupid look at my hands you're about you're about to catch these hands why do you got everything in your color what don't you worry about what I do all right so I'm going to use rocket lach just to slow them down SOS looks like he's getting a lot he's got all the armor so far and whenever I hit them it takes some of their bolts watch sigils here we go soon as he levels up I'm going to hit them and I just took some bolts all right what what quest did I get let me see test your helmet smash bricks in drop ship Strat hey can I show you a strat what I got to go smash bricks and drop ship though oh upgrade here upgrade your boots really quick I promise you won't get boots I promise I'm going to show you a strat that you can do no I know what you're going to do I'm not an idiot all right hold on I'm going to go up here drop ship uh what do I do smash bricks okay testing my helmet smashing bricks check oh I got to break six bricks okay I'm going to St you I hope they're fine stop it why would you do that why would you do that why would you why would you why did I hit that no I I'll take this one I'll take this one no stop it and oh I got all six what did that do oh BR I have 11 5 seconds on that zud how many do you have what's your timer what's your timer ugly idiot huh beat you I'm literally going to beat you well yeah I'll be right back I'm going to go see if you do you don't you probably don't cuz you're ugly all right uh I have 15K 16k again I'm going to go upgrade my helmet listen stop what we look look look at the dri now what are we thinking more like you've been dripped on you can't can't say his last name don't wear it out all right I'm upgrading my helmet so that I can get more parts whenever I break things look at my drip they don't call me uh oh gosh I have a I have a glow up mmax I'm literally mxing stop stop stop stop we don't have to be like this I'm maxed let me go check his score actually I I unlocked another ability oil broil who do I need to kill with that sigils I'll save him for later he's going to be fun to mess oh God wait hold on I'm going to Rocket punch s or Nico so I can take some of his bolts and then oil broil who should I I'm going to oil bro if I use oil broil I get two shots right so if I shoot zud oh I can't because he's in the game can I shoot Nico now Nico's blinded I stole some of his bolts I can't see hey Z wait come on did you beat my score dude here take the L crap take the L take the L take the L take the L take take the L loser all right oh Nico he's legless and blind that's too bad all right what do I need to do next um kill siil I'll do that in a little bit 7K should I upgrade my boots my chest I hardly no cheetah why are you a cheetah that's not a cheetah that's a that's a you should upgrade no reason okay I'm upgrading I'm going to upgrade my lagging so I run faster hold on I didn't give him my legs and it still took my thousand yep that's what I tried showing you earlier how did you unlock that ability by the way now with great power comes great responsibility dundy okay you say the Spider-Man line no I don't all right okay all right zud's life is not going to be fun now he is not going to have fun um no he's not so I'm going to do this I'm going to do this I'm going to shoot that there hit him right and I'm just going to hit sigils I'm going to hit sigils right there no they're both blind what happen Z oh gosh what is happening are you okay Z I think this is karma I think I got karma for doing that thing to you hey sigil follow my voice follow the sound of my voice sigil follow the sound of my voice is it this way this way right there okay listen listen I know you want to get more parts and upgrade and win right but I'm not going to allow that I'm going to set you on fire and kill you now are you kidding I should have known when the leg hit I should have known that it was I what what are you doing I can't everything it's getting warm it's Hit List is now complete I'm going to go talk to Z I still can't say Z just look do anything do anything with your life D you know what you actually kind of deserve this for breaking my legs I already said I got Karma what do I need to do next I need to upgrade so I got legs I should have got another Quest what is this talk to the distressed zookeeper catch the oh the cheetah I got to Che catch the cheetah but I got to first talk to the keep her down there all right I'm go look how I'm getting faster wait I should upgrade my my legs wait can I go out here I can go out here to use this one we're slowly breaking the map here we go okay that's kind of all right now I can just can I can I just leave now all right let's upgrade my legs there we go now we're going to be able to run faster can I upgrade my legs again let me see no 15,000 can I just break this wall we hit like a truck I can almost get it look here's the Zookeeper dude hold on zookeeper guy talk to him oh it's Dreadful my favorite cheetah has gone missing with those legs you could surely catch up to him let me go upgrade my legs again then I'll get him I'll catch that fast cheetah upgrade my legs level three okay now we're fast now we're cooking okay that's only level three out of five okay now we're cooking now we're cooking now we're cooking now we're cooking now we're look dud the kicks make it different look I'm this look at my look at my kicks it's the look I'm telling you I'm telling you the kicks I'm leaving I'm going to find a cheetah where's the cheetah come here cheetah I will break through this wall to catch you cheetah get over here cheetah get over here cheetah get over here oh here I got you help me help me put we're shortcut for him make a shortcut come on more upgraded well I don't really have robotic arms I'll use this oh sorry sorry let me use my strong hands I'll use my strong hands thank you there wait just break everything how are we going to do our quests I don't okay all right where is he where's the cheetah come here cheetah come here cheetah cheetah come here I can L TCH that cheetah what do you mean I'm literally faster than come here cheah wait my thing is up three two there we go I did it who's a good little kitty yes you are a I suppose payment is in order yes pay me 15K okay let me go down here uh oh and I unlocked homie stride what is homie stride am I like a homie am I dog homie why did I do that um hit list Nico homie stride okay I got to go invis for this one right cuz if I get caught running fast oh my gosh where's ni there's ni what sorry Nico no oh got to go I got to be careful there's Pat just stay still okay we're good now we're back to normal speed all right that hit list is done now I need one more power chest but I still need to upgrade everything to level five I'm going to do something I'm going to upgrade my arms so that I can take out level four stuff easier wait no if I get one level in my chest piece I'm pretty sure I get that uh explosion thing Sonic pressure the thing that zud was doing look at me boys I'm looking good hold on um are you guys okay no I was feeling shocked hold on come here thank you here mean oh sorry why would you do hey get the thing get the thing you do no Dam I'm going to upgrade myself I'm sick of this oh gosh why is he what is he going to upgrade okay should I upgrade my helmet so I get more stuff or upgrade I'm going to save to upgrade my hands yeah yeah save to upgrade my hands from upgrading what no please don't I mean no why not I need to upgrade my hand so I can break tier five stuff okay I will no I will follow you but for no reason don't worry about it Z I don't trust you I don't trust you I don't trust you hey do I look like a traffic cone you look like a traffic cone but like a cool traffic cone no you look like you're trying to match your roller blades with your helmet why are you like this it look like The Flash no where's zud I'm going to shoot um I'm going shoot a rocket punch at zud where is he there's there he is and got him all right now he won't be able to stop me whenever I upgrade upgrade my hands is this level four hands level four hands look at it moys now I can take out level five right it'll just take a while this has got to be level five up here right level five wait that's level five the drop ship is level five give me all these bolts give me all the bolts help me hey Z I'm just taking out a level five don't mind me can you stop punching me why are you so strong what do you mean I'm not I got to try something if I auto click right click right and auto click will that instant break it stop you are a bad person I just want you to know that hey level five gets a lot of money Z I'm not happy with you okay ah oh you missed okay that's good to know um I probably should auto click that's cheating but you know I'm going to do it anyways I'm going to Oil royal and I'm going to shoot Z if he stops is he going to stop did I hit those did I I missed I need to hit these I need to hit these oh all right Z is now Frozen perfect um 57k can I upgrade something final form of the Fist wait I should upgrade my helmet so I get more oh wait no I also got the uh the chest piece so the chest piece whenever I upgrade the chest piece it does more damage with Sonic pressure so I should probably do that I need to defend yourself against the cannon talk to the crew mate with the cannon yep the Cannon's right here hey man hey Biffle I got to talk to the cannon guy hold on should I stand in front of you nice torso upgrade if you can block some shots from my Cannon without going over the line I'll make it worth your while okay man I bet you can't I got a block Shota me do do do okay we're cooking we're C we're cooking um now what LF d z n q oh we're C again we're C again go fast um cxj a BJ BJ no ABJ oh oh we barely did it we did it um I barely did that you almost died if I would have crossed that line I would have died um I'm the best my drip what no please don't please don't up please let me upgrade my drip please okay go ahead upgrade it go ahead let me upgrade my drip you're about to see something magical I just I just do you know how much I just lost do you know how much I just lost you were trying to go to five so you lost 50k huh I will be seeing you soon all right upgrade my helmet so I get more and wait should can I so if I upgrade my helmet to level five break a tier five five at level five how much is that going to give me I should also upgrade my torso so I can do the Sonic pressure thing I'm going to do that look at my torso it's growing my torso I should really do more damage now right okay I'm going to do the toor the sonic pressure right here not bad okay I can one punch level four stuff now okay now we're cooking now we're cooking I'm going to upgrade my helmet to level five and then we'll go take out a level tier a level five this is going good okay there we go and now I can just walk anywhere let's upgrade can I use the upgrade helmet upgrade my helmet okay Biffle I have a fully upgraded helmet what do you think I can do with that uh how many how many things do you think I'm going to get whenever I break a level five I don't know probably like a Pilon wait you upgrade your helmet too and we'll share level five all right bet hold on let me get my helmet upgrade and there we go I will also this is not looking good you are not good at this oh no z z z z Z I'm right glad I didn't fail that all right is this a tier five this has got to be a tier five right it is how much am I how much am I going to get for this oh and I also have power chest I also need to kill Pat with the power chest we'll do that in a little bit hey z um help me punch this okay I'm going to Auto clicker it though please don't auto click that's not nice Sund stop auto clicking how much am we going to get level five helmet level five uh building right all the bats the bats are mine Z there's so many bols they don't it's not stopping it's literally not stopping oh my gosh it's not stopping all of Dr wrong with you that's my engine no got more sick um hey that's cheating that's a lot that that's a lot I need to upgrade okay uh time to upgrade that is a lot how much what can I get that's maxed out I'm going to max out my hands then I'm going to max out my boots so I can get to to places faster there we go oh I'm looking like Iron Man I'm going to upgrade my chest piece actually I'm fast enough look at me I am Iron wait I'm not Iron Man yet no no I need 10K more no is that 10K I get so many with this upgraded helmet and Kaboom wait that didn't blow that up I need to upgrade the chest more come on here we go what can I blow up now hey hey you look good look good I know a second to upgrade okay I don't don't do it don't come on I I have a I have a mission for us where's where's Pat you want to troll bi some more no no no no I don't pat listen listen listen listen listen I have information I have come here I have information are you just destroying the entire map one still look listen listen listen this is important this is important information I have a tier five chest piece so if I click this button and use my power [Music] chest K pad oh my God all right now he's dust perfect um my gear is gone I'm so slow oh Z your Gear's up there I see it I see it I'll go get it I'll go get it I need my gear I need my gear to fight back please what is wrong with you get wrong with you okay how about this how about this if if you can get to the meeting I'll let you press the button oh there it is hold on okay I at least want this piece I hate you I'm going to I'm calling you out I'm calling you out I'm call tell bble bble it's Sunday it's Sunday call wait well at least I can get my on guys hey Bibble it's Sunday by the way just so you know call meeting did you break the table was that necessary Neary after how cool I look now I can't see ad I have no legs all right well that's fun what do I need now level three boots how fast do I go with level five let me find out Pat's Dead all of my Hit List is eliminated and Boots what do I do now do I get my final form the Ultimate Upgrade the Ultimate Upgrade hey boys um I have the Ultimate Upgrade um hold on let me fix the map for you so you can press the button there you go boys I fixed the map go ahead and call a meeting I'm calling a meeting where is it hello all right boys uh I'm going to go I'm going to go Ultimate Upgrade things it's time for the Ultimate Upgrade we will destroy the entire map oh gosh am I going to get all of those yep I'm getting all of those part look at my look in the top left I am over a million and they're still coming I have so many parts okay well what's going on hey Pat time to go hey he's got to go he's got to go he's old I'm going to snipe look him oh I can just Auto clicker okay cool let's Auto clicker hold on I'm going to Auto clicker no okay stop it stop it nobody likes you all right there's Biffle there's sigil and guys listen do me a favor hit the like button hit the Subscribe button I am about to end their career I don't have one did I win yep that was fun we did it
Channel: SSundee
Views: 1,790,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CWcoCwOihyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2024
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