100 Days in a Zombie Apocalypse in Among Us

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all right boys we're on the island take out the zombies take out the zombies we'll explain what we're doing here in a minute Boys Everybody line up this is my third time coming here there is a zombie outbreak we are trying to find the Cure we only have if you look in the top right 100 days to find the current boys down below you have 100 days to hit the like button now listen to this idiot listen to me Boys Follow Me Biffle I took Biffle you boys need to listen to me I told you do you all trust me now uh yeah I'll follow you Sunday let's go will you listen to me now uh yeah over here oh boys hit the like button hit the Subscribe button we will find this cure for the zombie outbreak zud sigils follow me what comes Mitch Nico go north we'll go south come on wait hold on let me grab these eggs I got ammo so you can see down below we have ammo we can get items first thing we need to find is a weapon come on boys we need to protect ourselves follow me wonderful I feel sad for my phone oh here we go so we have health above our names right if we die to death then we're dead to death you know hold on can you repeat that for me look oh I got 40 ammo already how much hammer do you guys have why do we not already bring web uh it's a pacifist Island you gotta trust me as we're punching right yeah okay so you wouldn't get it done as we're playing this every time we go to sleep and the days change new things happen so uh just be on the lookout I've been here four times before just trust me I thought you said three times hey guys hey look um hey guys I get it two more ammo before I get it oh boys yeah like I said I've been here five times this is where we're gonna set our hide up out come here I said four what hold on what was up every time here is the machete rabbit so I'll explain how this island Works uh let's go find the people and fall asleep in the sand what okay all right two by two let's fall asleep boys come on there's seven of us all right here we go day five the ground's really uncomfortable and since it's day five uh follow me more zombies are spawning day five take them out take them out take them out oh no I'm scared look at how much damage the machete does now come on okay sigils uh I'm gonna need you to be my second in command take the machete I'll get the gun you get it from all right this is our Hideout this is the first area that opened up on day five we need to grab these planks place them down we need to place barricade Zod you get the left wing Mitch you get the right wing look them you get you heard them go cook something look them yeah help me you heard okay we gotta grab these place them down we gotta build up barricades get that trash bag over there your channel oh that's mean sorry kill the zombie all right boys place this down right here we got our first bear okay now we can jump over it God yes all right good build up South Wall we need the this wall there we go and now we need that we need to look at the map we'll figure it out later come on place it down I've been here like eight times place it down all right we need one more and last wall there we go boys this is our house right remember I said every time we fall asleep different things happen it gets worse follow me everybody grab a bunk bed let's go sleepy time good night princesses [Music] all right boys this day another house has opened up and there's a new zombie you remember the old zombies they're a little bit slower yep be on the look outside sigils follow me careful we can also shoot each other like Zed watch this sorry sorry I have 100 ammo all right we got so the these uh doors are closed these oh that's a runner zombie there's the news dude I hate this I want to go home can you guys get better weapons please fast he is fast I don't like this have you guys seen any of the buildings that are open these are all closed no they didn't attack sorry do better listen if you guys want to make it through this I've been here nine times you have to trust me here's the building boys right below our house oh okay uh son I'm gonna promote you to Second Corporal commander of the commanding here take this yeah you have to prove yourself well how can I with this butter knife look at how fast this gun I can't turn it off sorry sorry I've been here oh my gosh I'm on ammo somebody drop me some ammo how did you get so much ammo oh you're holding ammo I have 230 ammo now wait did we find a duplication glitch wait guys hold on if I put down ammo I dropped one can you pick that up for ten right yep I pick it up for ten wait uh wait what's your bad news what happened um what time did it make it what where what do you mean we're following you private where are we going protect me protect this city oh oh this is fine all right come on follow me this is what we're this is what we're gonna do this is what we're gonna do we're gonna go to sleep now Nico admits you guys since you let one of our soldiers die come over here you look at the South Wall Nico you look at the left wall you dude you don't sleep tonight yeah we get to sleep can I sleep next to you no all right boys next day let's do it oh this is where it gets oh yeah we also heal Health in between days while we're sleeping day 25. there is a zombie you think we're safe inside our house because there's some Runners they can't get in here right right some zombies did you guys see anything last night anything suspicious oh I was half asleep but I was awake you do not fall asleep on my watch I'm here there's nothing here okay you go north me Sizzle zud will go south follow me Roger Roger Roger this way there's that Canada oh boys we need to look for the open door I'm on an island those those uh zombie kangaroos can jump over walls keep that in mind oh that's not good that's fine oh here's the door and grab one oh it's more grenades I'm gonna grab them all oh gosh I just got 10 grenades I just got 10 grenades well I have one okay that's good so do you have any grenades I got some okay grenades um do something better with your life unless these zombie hordes are getting insane all right let's go we gotta do this come on we're not ready for this we're gonna do this boys we're a quarter of the way done boys day 25 out of 100 let's say let's start going to sleep come on oh boys what is this [Music] producer all right you guys Hey listen you guys did good this time you didn't die you didn't take damage I'm proud of you let's not you guys get to sleep this time pick a bed okay good night sleep tight don't let the zombies bite Dave dirty dirty what's gonna happen here I forgot oh another okay okay miss you Nico oh no oh no oh no oh no don't grenades nice dude this I don't like the kangaroos uh no we don't eat here this is all it's all fine okay Nico top left mids top right sigils bottom right zud follow me following we gotta find it oh look I found it also a duplication glitch if you spam pick up you get a ton of ammo watch wait are you so dumb that's cheating all right hey look at cheating look this house was locked this house was locked last night now it's not and look what's right there it got un corroded you see that besides you're getting up you're getting promoted to Admiral Corporal uh Sergeant here take this yay hey do I hide this gun until signals can't have it no we're gonna get we're gonna oh we're gonna promote him to grab your gun where is he let me grab the ammo oh my gosh that's so much ammo sigils you're getting a promotion here take the gun there you go yeah go promote Nico with that machete I'm going to oh oh my gosh oh my God we have a shotgun look at how much damage this shotgun does oh my god oh oh dude the animals are nothing now oh all right boys let's go to bed we are getting stronger day 35. everybody hit the sack it's lights out we will find this cure we will fix the world and we will make everyone happy day 50. you guys aren't gonna like David ah bite him no food okay so you guys think the the animals the grooves are bad trust me I've been here 10 times you pretty much die those are big boys they look like people okay here's the here's the orders for today Nico mitt top right me sigils stop asking for food sizzles with me we gotta find this empty house Roger I find food from it no I'm not fine oh man my pistol s dude so we've been in Mouse uh-huh what about this house over here oh are we okay is this a new house boys we gotta be careful oh check every corner oh we're good oh there's oh a lot of damage and they don't die they don't die time Central he has a stop shooting me you literally have no petals stay with me stay with me oh my gosh you shouldn't protect me last time were we here before my grandma Sizzle stay back no I'm fine I'm fine I'm literally fine that wasn't the house guys I was lying this is that here's the house oh oh here's oh I found it where's the clear okay uh sigils I'm gonna give you a promotion I'm promoting you to Gunner Corporal Admiral uh Sergeant private what the heck there you go that's like really good that's really good I have this sniper we need to get oh sizzles come here come on what what's wrong what what now what did I do what for your first uh Duty you need to go into the house and sit there because you're about to die you said duty all right I want to test this bad boy out what's this sniper do let's do it oh my God look at them all you can you can also zoom out with this sniper wait what's this dude oh can I have that that's right that's uh is that that's pretty broken oh please I don't want to feel hot chocolate still asking for food this is not what we do Soldier don't ask for food again I said don't ask for food again I wouldn't test that Mitch but you should do it anyways chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate oh man I I didn't I didn't think that would kill her I was bluffing no I was fluffing Partners fluffing I didn't think you were seriously guys no listen I've been here I've been here 13 times you need to trust me all right boys let's go to sleep you guys need to trust me uh Central cler Sunday killed myths no I didn't Day 75. come on boys this this is oh we're all we're all healed okay good all right oh no oh no shoot him shoot those brutes they can jump in here too dark grenade shoot him take him out oh take him out take him out take them all out oh no this is not good I'm not looking so good all right we're fine where's Zed I'll be help help help judge you are not looking good all right we need to find this next house I need to give one of you guys a promotion why is Nico low I don't know I got attacked is this it okay help me help me help me help me I'm trying to find the house with my scope I'm trying to find the house oh here's the all right who wants to who wants to promotion uh Nico you don't have any guns here take this I'll promote you to Nico Vault there you go there you go oh wow he goes straight to Nico ball that's crazy listen I have a rocket launcher okay yeah okay and we need to survive everywhere we need what's happening oh no oh no oh no subject got turned into a zombie so that got certain turn into a zombie this is how it got turned into a zombie no get inside get inside get inside get inside I'm trying why did you not pick up the sniper Nico because I don't know oh no oh no dude this rocket is insane oh you finally got the sniper good job all right hey boys we need to find a cure for Zod we cannot leave this island until we find a cure for Zod all right good night boys we will Zod we will get you we're day 76. we gotta go find it we gotta go find the new the medkit Dead careful where is it dude this rocket is insane you're so broken yeah protect us it's all right I'm trying but those root brutes are scary fight there isn't oh my gosh they're so strong oh here it is I got to make it boys I got the med kit oh oh sorry I got the medkit I got to make it we can we gotta find Zod but here's the deal if he bites one of us we turn into him as well so we have to be very careful I'm not trying to get bit you know yeah me neither yeah no not at all no no no go inside go inside go inside oh no that's cool I mean they were the worst two but we lost people oh my god oh no um we have to make a choice son or Nico uh what if we keep it just in case you or I get bit instead that's a good point that is uh but also I'm mad at Nico because he got promoted past me so I vote that okay sorry oh my gosh you saved me uh put him out of his misery put him out of his mystery put him out of his misery boys wait did I bite him oh yeah do we leave him and try to find another cure for him watch your teeth here's the deal Zod got infected we found the Cure which means the Cure is in his blood we need to make sure we leave this island with zud we are at seven day 76 we are almost done come on boys it's just us three left we can do this how do we go from like six to three I don't know I I've been here like okay that that guy that killed Biffle in the beginning that giant zombie yep that's what we gotta get past all right so now that it's day 85 listen oh sorry listen I've been here like 16 times this is where we need to go yeah I don't know I don't know this is the generator stand back okay what are we generating oh stand back boys vandalism no it's not we need to do this to Leaf here we go [Music] yep uh that's more scary than anything good no that's where we need to go oh no boys three more zombies pick them up all right Perfect all right day 85 is complete let's get a little bit more Health let's get the full health before we go back to the to that little thingy over there and die probably and if you guys sleep really good tonight day 90. I am gonna give one of you guys the promotion of a lifetime yeah yeah I'll salute attack oh attack Apple I need to find an open house oh this room oh here it is boys okay sigil's listen since oh no oh no oh no since you do have the thingy uh go here take that hey thank you there you go you've been upgraded to Rocketeer Rocket Man pharah what does that mean okay oh look I think that was an OverWatch reference we have the goods this is the most OP gun in the game I have leveled up to my final four oh and also here's this look now I have armor okay oh my God are you guys um come on boys what did I just see one last sleep let's get to full health and let's do it okay good night sleep good good night I'm awake all right let's oh no oh go oh I'm scared and I can look at all of them look at all this [Music] why do you have that um that thing's broken oh Unstoppable the brooms calm down any more ammo oh crap oh gosh ow hit him hit him get more ammo oh it's all right sorry stop you're you're cheating you're literally cheating you're literally cheating you're literally cheating too I can see two yeah yeah are you guys ready to go into the Coliseum that we unlocked oh gosh oh my God right right cool all right boys it is almost day 100. let's do oh oh no boys look at the top left we're fighting so many bodies no no I need to stay alive oh no attack is that up oh no exactly you have to survive this God died the big Zombie's dead and so is sigil somewhere and here Russell zoom in when sigils died also zoom in when this guy died I'm sorry uh wait does that make me the best soldier then I don't know I'm going to sleep stud I must make sure you escape it all cause we will get out of here follow me I'm built with the Cure literally like literally all right I gotta protect you I gotta protect you today oh okay we're good put grenade at me everything's good here we go all right we got it dude this is my first time ah no hold on activate it helicopter coming in four five seconds defend I'm defending go look up here let's go I'm on it yes we escaped son we gotta vomit we have it we can save everything let's go oh gosh oh boys hit the like button hit oh gosh hit the Subscribe button we did it
Channel: SSundee
Views: 13,417,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: D_QDo0iluo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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