Why I Stole Minecrafts NEW IMMORTAL MACE

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this is the immortal mace and because it's capable of one tapping wardens stacked players and even wers It's the Most Wanted item on the server however the only way to find where it's hidden is with a compass and only I had one but the problem is I also had some enemies give us that broken Compass legie are you kidding me you know how hard I work to get this thing we thought you were going to say that oh no I need to craft this scaffolding now let me just hit the clutch yes I can't believe I just did that let you go Dum for nobody gets out of this place what they just left and hold on a second is that a red end Crystal I don't like the look this place I'm getting out of here this seems like an easy escape to me what why have I got particles what is this energized I've never seen that before it's probably nothing what what just happened I just got hit by lightning in broad daylight wait surely it's not this effect right what oh my goodness it happened again wait a minute I saw some weird particles when I passed this block hold on a second don't tell me this is what I think it is let me have a look if I go back through the other side yep the effect is gone so if I leave this circle I have a chance of dying to lightning these blocks down here are definitely the cause of this so if I can somehow break them then I reckon I can swim straight past this what what are you kidding me how is this block not breakable that is not good news oh no and I'm drowning I got to get to the top quick so if I can't break it and I can't swim past then what am I going to do wait I have this TNT usually you can't blow TNT up underwater however if we pick up this sand right here I need to go back up to get some air this is bad I really can't spend too long down there okay let's put the plan to action if we go down here place the TNT right there put the sand above and then light it stand back oh no I'm drowning I need to go back up come on okay survived but the wall didn't explode this thing definitely is indestructible but if I can't swim over it then I guess I'll just have to bridge over but I don't have enough blocks on me I noticed that there's tons of trees here this shouldn't take me long and I'm positive that this will work okay let's get to Breaking hold on is there someone here wait what I'm not the only person here you have to get me out of here bro you have no idea how long I've been stuck in here no problem bro I got you I'm just glad I'm not the only person stuck on this cursed Island have you seen what's going on here things are pretty bad around here but that doesn't mean we can't escape that's true but for now let's get you out this box thanks wedgie I owe you one wa hey you have the other piece of the compass I do indeed bro we might actually have a chance of taking over the server the other piece is literally in my base you have the upper piece to the compass bro we might actually be able to get the immortal mace and my base is right there what I don't see anything take a look bro I can already feel the victory hold on let me see what you're talking about wait I see it hold on fif your base is kind of impressive well we know where we need to get to now let's just get there okay let's do it Fifth I have 36 planks so this should be enough I don't see why this wouldn't work after all we're building straight over the particles come on come on come on oh no you got to be kidding me I don't have any more planks it's all right bro take mine good stuff F I really couldn't be bothered to go back and break some more wood come on come on come on let's hope this works wait with through and I haven't got the effect yet oh legie do you hear that sound what's going on with those pillars if I have a bad feeling about this what what just happened it just turned night I'm not going to lie legie I'm scared of the dark wait we've both been affected energize three don't tell me this is going to be stronger than before Oh oh my goodness what is this that was a ring of lightning that was terrifying we need to get back inside the circle wait what it turned to day and the pillars are back to normal one thing we know for sure is that we can't get close to these particles but I tell you what though I have these two buckets two buckets what are we going to do with that there's lava right there I say we make a nether portal wait that's genius we'll get teleported to a completely different dimension and I don't even think you can get struck by lightning in the nether exactly let's do it I really hope this works FFF of course it will I don't see how this is going to fail I've seen some creepy stuff on this island we got to get out of this place you do the honors resue here goes nothing let's go we're looking good fif let's go we're finally out of this place what what just happened I'm a full heart you got to be kidding me surely we just got unlucky let's try that one more time come on come on what it doesn't work fifth that is some Next Level technology it's raining again wait it's raining again I just thought of something fifth I have a rip ey Trident in my ender chest and I have an eye ofender right here that's perfect but how are we going to get this obsidian watch and learn brosi diamond pickaxe effici 3 simple as that guys those who almost escaped with that nether portal listen up Emerald go down there and make sure they're not doing anything sneaky yep sure thing s me down good luck buddy you got this I'll make sure these guys don't go anywhere perfect I'll do this and there we go we have an Ender Chest let's get this trident wait what I swear I had a trident in there you got to be kidding me I have nothing but an elytra but it's broken bro what wait is that a phantom they must be spawning because we haven't slept recently okay this is actually kind of perfect when what do you mean bro they're so annoying they dropped Phantom membranes and that's what we can use to repair this elytra we just need to kill it come on come on he must be getting low you know what I'm sick of trying to hit this guy with the sword I just realized I can make a crossbow there we go let's load it up with an arrow and shoot right there what how did that Miss I swear that was right on point like that yes let's go did he drop a phantom membrane no he didn't wait don't worry about it there's another one right here okay here we go come on one more just like that yes and he even dropped one let's go fisy this is looking good he's got think they're flying out of this place that's not happening on my watch okay let's repair this elytra what what just happened was that TNT yeah anlo up the Anvil I think it came from over there that was ridiculous but wait I see what you're talking about there's a redstone block hold on a second let's go investigate you think someone else is on this island I don't know I have a bad feeling about this legie I'm not seeing any name tags I don't know what's going on wait what is that what is what hold on a second I think that's a lever check it out this isn't good I need to think of something quick let's see what this does wait reie down here hold on I had some Pistons secret exit let's go fif I think we did it bro but yeah check it out those are the blocks that caus the particles and now we can just walk straight through what what just happened hold on fif we need to get past this right now come on bro come on where did this powdered concrete come from I don't know but maybe we can go through the sides wa do you hear that oh my gosh that's TNT fif we got a go that was absolutely nuts that worked but that was way too close these two might be getting a little bit suspicious what are we going to do though fif wait is that a name tag on the tree where wait what I feel like I saw something move as well hold on a second let's get a better view of this what no one's here would you look at this somebody definitely built this to blow up our Anvil earlier wait legie over there what someone's on our Island wait I think that's one of the enemies where did they go what you got to be kidding me it's like they disappeared this is bad they found me I guess I'm only left with one choice where did this kid go man I swear he just vanished what oh no fif check in chat he's coming to kill us this isn't good bro he's way more sacked than us those messages in the chat did not look friendly what he's right there fif run this is not good fif he's right behind us what are we going to do man we definitely can't take a 2v one against this guy hey reie come over here oh my goodness he is right there what did they just vanish there's no way they're getting away with this oh my goodness V good job that was so close what are we going to do though man we're literally stuck in an island with a ruthless killer wait regie do you potentially know how to do the TNT scaffolding trick yes I do you mean the one with the fall damage why what's your plan here take these he is right there though fifth wait why have you give me so many blocks I have this sponge so if you bait him above the water and then do the Staffing trick up there I'll trade the water down here and he'll die instantly oh my goodness I get what you're saying that is a genius plan we just got to hope he doesn't kill me whilst I'm baiting him okay and my invis has just run out that is kind of perfect timing okay fif you better make sure to place this sponge at the right time broy there he is he's scouting the island see if I can sneak up on him I've checked the whole island they must be in the Water Somewhere have you checked behind you Broski what that's right I've been right behind you the whole time in invis and you didn't even know this you sneaky rat what are you going to do about it oh my goodness that's a lot of damage get back here what do you mean get back here bro I'm literally right behind you get absolutely bad Boozled come on come on come on okay I got to start building up like this what do you think building Up's going to save you I do indeed come on just a little higher come on come on come on okay this is nice and high if I put my TNT here and the scaffolding just like this go over to the side get the flint and steel and the Snowballs out my inventory light right there and then we spam the sow like this fif dra the water yes let's good legie we got him I can't believe that worked let's go fif we executed that perfectly and there's even a bunch of stuff here for us hold on legie what's that sound it's happening again check it out we both have the effect and we're not even outside of the circle do you think that happened because we killed the guy I don't know but I'll tell you one thing I don't think we're safe ah see what I'm talking about this is not good fifth ah what's happening we need to stop this what are we going to do I have absolutely no idea what's causing it in the first place it's got to be something to do with that Ender Crystal what if we can somehow blow it up hold on that's actually a really good idea let me get out this crossbow wait a second I forgot I don't have any arrows but I do have these fireworks that's perfect that should blow up the ender crystal if we shoot like this what did I miss I go a bit lower this time yeah you're right somewhere around there come on what I swear that hit it hold on a second something fish is going on I'm aiming it directly onto it it's just not blowing it up H maybe Rockets just don't work you have anything else to throw in it oh my goodness if this is not good let me check I got to have something right wait snowballs wait that definitely works let's give it a shot let me get nice and close aim around there like that come on come on come on what did I miss let's try that again come on like this you got to be kidding me I don't think I have the range and I only have five snowballs left come on please bro you got to be kidding me how did they not hit ah this lightning is bad ah I just got hit again if we can't break it from down here let's build up and break it wait that's actually a really good idea to be honest we probably should have saved some L and tried to throw him from this high up but it's all right because I think this has a higher chance of working come on Fifth we're almost there I'm out of blocks you continue yep yep yep I have 14 so it should be enough wait regie there's particles particles what is this oh my goodness I need to hit the clutch okay come on come on that was absolutely insane I can't believe we survived that what oh my goodness this is terrible bro we're going to die on this island don't give up y regie I have one last plan and I'm pretty sure this is going to work why are we going up this tree tell me the plan bro relase your hope it's a solid one if we don't have anything to shoot it with and we can't break it up close we can blow it up from here wait are you talking about a TNT cannon hold on a second I'm catching your drifty fify what are you on about bro I'm trying to concentrate and we're done it's looking good bro now it's time to test St all right fif tell me where to go what this is getting really bad brosi I'm running out of food here you can take some of my steak but let's hope this works go for a brosi I'm ready when you are just like this come on come on stand back let's hope this works okay wait that was actually pretty close if we time it right then I reckon this will work let's try again come on brosi I feel like this is the one did you see the speed of that TNT F I sure did maybe we should take out some of this TNT and lower the power wait that's a good idea I reckon this has a bigger chance of working come on Fifth let's hope this works come on come on yes let's go we cleared the effect and there's no more particles happening on the towers good job Broski you know what's even better Broski we're getting out of this place what wait is that an Enderman how is that going to help us even if we throw Ender pears there's no chance we'll be able to throw it far enough and get it across the second wall what if I told you I know a method that can throw an ender pearl at least 600 blocks hold on a second I think I know what you're talking about follow me Broski let's get these pearls I have a looing sword so it should drop us a few go bro you got this yes nice I got two follow me prki we can get the other piece of the compass from my base sounds good to me I'm just glad I have such an expert on my team 600 blocks with one Ender pear that sounds absolutely crazy let's get to work bro I can't wait to get out of this place okay brosi is looking good now let's place this TNT in the dispensers okay last one let's do this brosi you know the Dr fisy let's throw these Ender PS down like that just like this yep that's looking good now we get some blocks and we make the protective layer just like that I'll put a lever right here so you're telling me this should be lined up perfectly with your base right yep theoretically we should land directly on the roof all right brother let's send it come on come on let's hope this works stand back oh my goodness did you see that that was nuts now let's just hope they teleport us wait hold on fif we did it bro it actually worked and hold on a second I'm not going to lie Bros got the most insane base ever I appreciate it brosy but let's focus on what matters getting that compass from over there and going straight for that Ma you're so right hold on where are you going wait there's water down there but as I was saying you're so right brosi I can't believe that we actually have a good chance of getting the mace going fif lead the way we just got to get out that water wait fif there's name tags do you know these people uh no wait a second that's the people that trapped us how did they find your base let's go up these Vines I think they're going to the compass this is bad there're right there they're going to get to the compass before us brosi don't worry Broski I have a plan the compass must be around this corner let's go get it guys just like this let's go the compass is ours wait what it's all right guys this man threw it wait good job viff whatever you did worked and it brought us some time but I don't know how much longer that's going to hold them off hold on legie I have an idea you go and distract them I'll get the compass distract them oh my goodness that's a bit risky but with this armor I think it's a bit more doable I just have to make sure I don't die come on come on I need to act fast though there they are I see them in the corner of my screen come on guys we're almost in I got no time to waste let me get out this Compass hey losers you're breaking that for nothing I have the compass right here oh my goodness let me get these ladders out okay there we go I need to run there is three of them right behind me give us that Compass now legie this is getting pretty bad I'm a 1 HP let me jump down here oh my goodness okay I think I lost them I need to heal love I really hope fif's got this Compass because I'm running out with food and healing guys he's over there let's Ambush him wait hold on someone's coming and from there as well oh no I'm getting ambushed you're legie I got you wait fif pull me bro they're coming right now oh my goodness go bro go we need to get out of here I'm a one heart and a half and I got the compass let's get out of here Broski guys they got the compass what do we do you guys are stressing over nothing wait is that dexi yep it's me and I found ourselves a different Compass follow me we're getting that M all right fifth moment of truth let's find these two compasses there we go I can't believe it check it out FY it's pointing directly to the mace let's go FY this mace is ours wait hold on is that a name tag all right guys follow me wait what I'm not positive but I'm pretty sure I saw one of those people holding a compass this is really bad fif they had elytras what are we going to do don't worry Broski oh you distracting them I looted up here take some stuff no way you got an elytra looks like it's a race to the mace let's get it brosi we just got to keep following this Compass but I do only have six Rockets left and it looks like we're crossing a pretty big ocean right now this ma is our fisy there's no way we've done all this for nothing let's go guys we're here yeah that was the last of our Rockets good thing we made it that right there was my last rocket come on come on wait this must be it my compass is pointing directly at it wait fif there's people quickly get on these trees this isn't go legy they got here before us wait hold on fif I think she's got the mace wait what's happening I think they're arguing about something I don't know why you don't want to let me try it but this ma is ours just as much as it's yours listen here guys if it wasn't for me you would wouldn't have even found this place I see what you're talking about FV something is definitely about to go down right now pop the attitude deck and just drop it how about instead I just do this what what I can't believe it he just got one tapped I can't believe you've done this you still don't get it do you this has never been about us now that I've got this maze no one can stop me you're a monster I'm out of this place I can't believe what I just witnessed that thing is actually so overpowered wait reie check it out you there listen we can help each other quickly follow us this way wait did I hear someone talking prob believe she did it I'm never going to see them again sh stop talking you're going to get us killed we're not sure but she could be on the lookout for us right now wait hold up that's her name tag guys she's literally right there that makes is so overpowered we can't go anywhere near her wait guys what if we bait her into a trap I like it but I wonder what we could use to bait her with we need something that's really really important to her wait guys I think I know just the thing we can use her frog huh frog what do you mean frog he'll do anything to protect that frog it's her number one R possession to be honest I kind of like the sounds of it bait her with the Frog kill her with the Trap here's the cl to her base I'm going to try to distract her really I'd be careful if I was you because the last two people she spoke we've got one tapped be careful Taye we're going to head to that base and sit up the Trap come on leie let's get this frog these cords lead to a place only 100 blocks away hold on I think I see it looks like nobody's home he must be keeping her busy yep but I don't know how much time we have so let's find this rug brosi wait I found her but what she do in that witch's heart I think I got an idea oh yeah well I got a better one finally those three losers are gone I can't believe the dummy fell for their amand trick now all I got to do is put this maze back home simple as that where is this frog at man what are you opening the chest for as if a frog's going to be at a chest you never know Broski oh no F looking chat oh no she got to her we need to act fast this is crazy where the hell does she keep her pets no this doesn't feel right I definitely wouldn't put my pet on the balcony wait whaty over here right next to the water good job fifth nice broy he's got a bit of a weird but I think you all do bro is actually called cookies we got what we came for quick let's build this trap come on fif come this way wait no you got to be joking BR she's literally in her base F do not get spotted this is nuts I can't believe she decided to come back right this moment okay the trees are giving us some cover and we do need a place with a lot of sand so I think this will do the job here take these things and make a sand trap with dripstone at the bottom you can start building right here I'm going to set up the frog in the right place okay FY I think I get your plan and oh my goodness dis shovel my so quick we'll be done in no time we just got to hope that dexi doesn't catch on to us cookies time for dinner what where's he gone you got to be hitting me I have to figure out who did this okay FY this is looking good I've mined out a decent amount brosi now we just got to cover the whole place with dripstone it's working good bro I'll get sorted on the signs we should be done in no time almost done almost done I have a strong feeling this is going to work fky that trip stone is looking hella deadly nice fifth oh I see what you've done you strapped the Frog to a redstone TNT timer that is genius bro she's going going to have no choice but to go over the Trap all we got to do is place in this final sand F check it out she seems to be angry which is perfect because the Trap is set up you know the drill I'll go and bait her and you pull the trap on her once she's near wait legie take this redstone block so you can activate the TNT timer oh yeah for sure okay broy wish me luck be careful you don't get one tapped by that mace bro I'm going to have to eat this Golden Apple but I'm not sure it's going to do much against that mace is she in her house I can't even see her name tag wait never mind I see it now she's 100% for certain in this house I just got to sneak up on her and not die okay here goes nothing hey Dex what legie oh my goodness she almost hit me with the mace I got to run I got to get out of here get back here what have you done with my frog your frog oh he's right over here check it out dexi he's safe and sound wait is that TNT about to blow up you might want to help your frog dexi it's not looking too good like this oh come on yes we did it fisy she's dead B check it out fif I can't believe it bro all this work is paid off the mace we've actually got it fify let's let's go broy we've done it
Channel: Minecraft Curios
Views: 916,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft revenge, minecraft friends revenge, minecraft gameplay, minecraft revenge gameplay, minecraft hardcore revenge, minecraft curios, minecraft royale, minecraft 100 players, minecraft curios animations, hermitcraft, quiff, quiff revenge, prison escape, minecraft prison, minecraft trapped, minecraft curious
Id: oCHnqLsVTNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2024
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