One Night Prayer Revival with Pastor John Hannah

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[Music] [Applause] --kavitha round found the Bible says in heaven as he sits there four beats fly back and forth non-stop just saying holy holy Lord God who was and is to come then the Bible says 24 eldest and take off the crown is what does that mean never let your position or your title stop you from giving God glory be willing to lay down yo-yo Authority they take their crowns off and if I'm sensing they do this day and night it never cease but then when he looks at you and he knows that everything that he's done for you [Music] [Applause] he said ever if anybody should be giving me glory it should read I kept your mind I kept your body I protected you from danger see some things I don't even let you see there was a bullet that was supposed to come in your direction and I and the only thing I action right now is that you open and give me glowing come on everybody slip your hands up get something on your mind that you know that nobody did for you but God with that one thing on your mind come on now begin to open your mouth we open our mouths and we give you glory because you are God you are great you are mighty you are strong you are amazing we give you glory on today because you've been a good god you're the God that brought us over into another decade and we say thank you we say thank you that you carried us on eagle's wings we say think of that you've been I protect our eye shield you cannot fight and for that we give you glory come on everybody your lips should be moving open your mouths for a few seconds and give him glory right there let me hear you let me hear you give Messiah glory glory hallelujah clap your hands up release another breeze right there hallelujah on your way to your seat I just need you to release a statement of faith I don't know how long you've been going through something but we gonna put a decree you gotta put it in the atmosphere on your wait till you see just two people let's say tonight tonight that's all I want you to say tonight tonight tonight dawn tonight tonight tonight tonight notice you be seated tonight tonight tonight I'm not going home the way I came tonight tonight I will do some beatings but tonight is about to be the last night I'll open my mouth and I'll put it up here tonight tonight tonight tonight by the time I get home tonight but a time I go back to work on Monday tonight but a time I go back to the doctor tonight come on y'all you gotta put it out there oh they they taped a row so today beyond ah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah come on say tonight tonight that is a statement of faith put it up there tonight you can be seated uh yeah yeah [Music] he ma chatte amen i honored God for being here on tonight and I don't know about you but I'm one of those people that are crazy enough to believe that my steps are ordered by the Lord I don't know about you but I'm at a time in my life that I don't have time that's to go to church just to be going to church but I need to be in the right place at the right time and I need to be around the right people so we can get what we need amen and I honor the Lord for the men of God the Shepherd the overseer the angel of this house and we show the men of God some love we honor you on tonight we honor you on tonight amen I don't like standing next to him every time you see me he hugged me like this hey I would like don't do that don't do that one time he walked up on me and I grabbed the chiyan spinning and I was like now what's up amen but I honor him for him being a light in this season never gets so common with what you have because what you have many wish they had so be sensitive to the Shepherd that God has given you amen and always wrap him in prayer amen amen so I'm honored to all the other pastors evangelists prophets prophetess apostles bishops teachers everybody who has a title and those that think you want a title god bless you tonight as well amen active service there's a table in the lobby and you can order online a couple of things out there there's a healing CD the Lord had me to go into the studio and just do scriptures on healing just play the word amen just play them why because his word cannot return to him boy the second thing that you can order by the books as a book called desperate for Jesus I'm 56 I got saved at 17 I was a senior in high school and and the Lord saved me when I say save me he snatched me up real good and what and he has kept me let me think I know he's a keeper because I went to an HBCU if you can be saved at a HDC you really got the Holy Ghost [Applause] I've always been in church all my life but he's saved me at 17 one of the things that has scared me is those of you that have raised in church they don't have been in church for years and because I've seen your fire go out it's almost like we got to beg you to come to church beg you to open your mouth because you've become so common with God and I've always asked God never let me lose my passion come on here never let me lose my passion like can take you through some things but God never let my fire go out never let anybody have to beg me to open my mouth and give you glory as long as I got my mind come over here cuz when I think I need you to make sure you sit next to somebody who still got the fire yeah [Music] and the book talks about how do you maintain that how do you keep that because life can knock the wind out of you there's some things in life that will knock you off your feet but you if you have that fire you'll know how to get up and keep it moving so the book is called desperate for Jesus for any of you on that follow me on any form of social media to God be the glory I've been doing let me say something Meo first Chicago racing here there's a underground tunnel from Chicago to Texas and if I find it I'm a close it up a man for those of you from Chicago while I'm preaching you can go home and get your stuff I have buses pulling up cuz I know you're hungry I know you've owned some Harold's chicken some Garrett's popcorn some home run in pizza they not even like that down here you can get a biscuit with some gravy down here but listen that's the key god I had no idea you was from the hood I'm so glad to know that that that made me love you more just knowing you got a low whoo it's still in your a man sitting up in church Arlene one of the things that God has blessed me to do and I'm amazed at it is that he's allowed me to call the body of Christ into prayer and we would assume that if you're saying that you pray but to be honest with you there are a lot of believers that don't right and you know and we can't blame you because no one took time to teach you how to pray even the disciples said Lord teach us how to talk to God so that we can get the results that you get I was taught prayer in college and we met an old lady at a grocery store that's only in the South Piggly Wiggly [Applause] that's a southern grocery store Piggly Wiggly and we met this old lady in a grocery store that we called mother Davis and mother Davis met some college students and said listen I have been sent to get you and my assignment is to teach you how to pray she says here's my address you guys can meet me and we're going to begin to build a relationship and we're going to learn I'm going to teach you how to call on God we went to her house it was not clean that thing was not clean she didn't have a television she only had a radio and I was like man has this woman living her whole house was very uncomfortable and the Lord had it to be that way listen because in assessor's have to learn how to pray in uncomfortable situation come over here she was the one that taught us how to pray listen to this fun Alice when she first when we personal time she said when we call a shut-in you're not going back to your dormitory I was like who is this old woman locking us up in the house she says we don't pray on our reading out or praying out what reading now and I was like why do we have to go for an hour is he hard-of-hearing and then she began to teach us the levels of Prayer she began to teach us how to build up our vocabulary in prayer like many of you are you only come to God when you want some give me this give me this give me this give me this come at just somebody every time you see them me like gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme when you see them coming you gonna run but then she told us at a recent adoration is how you woo him adoration is when you don't activate anything but you begin to pull him in your direction just by the words that come out of your mouth what you mean like I love you today you my God my Savior my deliverer of my provider you're the beat of my heart the skipping my step you the reason I get up in the morning I got up to tell you that you're my everything you're my shield you're my hat tower you the God that go before me and mikta way clear astray I can't live without you hallelujah when I open my eyes you the first thing on my mind and I give you glory I blow you look every day you're bigger than a problem bigger than a bird and bigger than a situation and I give you glory in spite of everything that is going on you are God the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof in a the twelve Aryan you are rock every knee shall bow whatever I need you to make sure you mix to another rule come over here come on look at the name say let's give them glory right there open your mouth let's say something good about your God who do you say he is he's my heel of my deliverer of my way because my provider my Savior he's my counselor he's my mother he's everything that I have I need and I want and I give him come on the way to your seats enable say tonight tonight have a seat so she taught us that she taught us that she taught us that she taught us how to do that to a whole she taught us she taught us how when you go in the spirit she says based upon your warfare your tongues might change come over here she say sometimes your tongues will be sweet because she just basking in its presence and then other times your tongues become violent because of the warfare that you're going up against ha come on you got to know how to cuss to devil out their tongues come on yeah yeah so she taught us that and so then I graduate and then I go back to Chicago and I don't start pastoring until I'm 40 the Lord makes me wait that's a whole nother sermon what to do why you waiting and so then when I start my church about my church is only 15 years old so about 12 years ago the Lord say I need prayer at 4 o'clock in the morning I say fall that's all God ain't nobody coming it is I saw singing that old Motown song just the two of us but to my surprise the first prayer meeting over a hundred people in the building and it's done every second and fourth Tuesday and it has never been canceled if it's snow if it rained and I want to put that out there because you people down here you won't come to church if it rained [Applause] Park listen you let some War who run from water the neighbors they come to church come to church it's never been canceled in the revelation behind that is consistency the revelation behind that is consistency and since we've been consistent we've seen it grow from 100 to 300 from 300 to 500 and based upon certain days we can have over a thousand people in prayer due to social media now that we're streaming it over 20,000 people from around the world meet us in prayer um it was in print of the Lord gave me the press cars and I've seen some of you whether the press cops it only has scriptures on it about prayer we tell you that when you pray anyone has these cars around the world you got back up in the spirit room so when you pray you wrap yourself in the press car and the only thing that God sees is his word he doesn't see you and his word cannot return to him boy can you touch a neighbor tell him it's time to pray if you have your Bibles come on let's go to mark 9 mark 9 mark 9 because you're doing that I want you to do me a favor I want you for those who don't have pen and paper for the rest of you all how much it to go to your phone we want you to that you want God to do for you in and throughout this sermon I want you to keep that in your hand for those of y'all that have injuries we're taking our time talking slow because we know that it's gonna take you a little longer but then Android so we're gonna we're gonna slow down for you okay I don't know why you won't you need to come on over amen but I want you to put down one thing that you need God or that you want God to do for you you can't have these type of Prayer means and God not and if anything that God does is that he honors corporate prayer if you studied the book of Judges the Bible says that every time it should be zero we'll get in trouble that God would turn them over to their enemies watch I mean they were in up in slavery but how will they get free they would offer up supplication there's one line that you would read about six or seven times in the book of Judges listen to this line and the children of Israel cried unto the Lord and the children so every time they cried God came in they missed you cannot have this kind of gathering and God not do something for us and to have a gathering that all we want to do is talk to you God you are next in line for a miracle come over here come on and some of y'all I don't want you to write down something is easy I need it to be one of the most difficult things that you're facing right now and I need you to write that thing down if you have your Bibles we're gonna go to the Gospel according to Mark the ninth chapter we're gonna begin reading if you don't mind if the fifteenth verse quite a bit of reading but this would work with me him as soon as all the people saw Jesus they were overwhelmed with wonder and ran to greet him come on you former Baptists come on stand up [Applause] that's a baptist thing right stand up for the word amen come on let's go they were are green he says what are you arguing with them about he axed can we go let's read what am i that's hidden turned around shut up don't tell me where I am a man in the crowd answer teacher I brought you my son who's possessed by a spirit that has robbed him of his speech whenever it seizes him cuz this is not my son it throws him to the ground he falls at the mouth gnashes his teeth and becomes rigid I asked your disciples to drive out the spirit but they could not slide down if you will to the 21st verse Jesus asked the boy's father how long has he been like this from childhood was less us know that demons don't discriminate according to your image come on let's go further it who has often thrown him into the fire or the water his intention is to kill him but he's a survivor [Music] but if you can do anything take pity on us help us if you can Jesus says everything is possible for one who believes immediately the boy's father explained how to believe I'm gonna need you to help me cuz I struggle sometimes with unbelief that's how that's honesty right there cuz some of y'all want to act like you've been sipping tea with Jesus 24/7 when Jesus saw that the crowd was running to the scene he rebuked the impure spirit you deaf mute spirit I command you come out of him he is my life and never enter him again you'll never be back to this place again another dig in your life one last verse if you don't mind 28 and 29 after Jesus had gone indoors his disciples asked him privately why couldn't we drive it out and he replied real simple what is in your hand this can only come out by prayer what's gonna change what is in your hand it's gonna be the prayer meeting then we are about to have tonight I just need you to make sure that you sit next to somebody you ain't gotta have a lot of faith but give me something to work with if you don't mind can you just turn to the one on your right in your lip as you take your seat and just say only through prayer it's gonna come on hold that thing in your hand hold that thing in your hand go ahead and have a seat only through prayer so here we are in the Gospel according to Mark Mark Matthew Mark and Luke are known to be some not big Gospels because what you find it one more than likely you will find in the other this incident cannot be found in any of the gospel please let's back this thing up and then work our way on to the ninth chapter in chapter 1 something very interesting the Bible says that Jesus was led of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil what do you do when God sets up an appointment with you and Satan this appointment is not to kill you but it's to launch you the Bible lets us know that his ministry does not kick off until he comes out of listen carefully his wilderness experience for some of y'all you've been going through a wilderness but this is your runway this is your launching pad and I came to let you know that your wilderness days about to be over I need you to speak to somebody when I take this week to somebody I'm not talking about speaking for know 2020 I'm talking about for the decade so anything I speak is about to happen in your mix here yeah come on y'all I need you to touch your neighbor say you you have been cleared for takeoff now your business is about to take off your house is about to take off your ministry is about to take off your name is about to be have a seat in the second chapter I have a seat in the second chapter we get the revelation of having the right friends some of y'all got some friends but they not real friends we understand them that there's a man lying on a mat and he can't get to Jesus his friends get to the house and the house is full this is why some of y'all need some G's you need some dogs as your friends because when they look they didn't say no man we can't get in let's turn around and go home now they climbed to the roof the roof the roof the roof is on fire shut up look at here they climb to the root and begin to dig a hole please watch and they Lord the man right in front of Jesus and then the Bible says something that blew my mind and when he saw their faith which means that you need some people watch me you might not have faith but at least be surrounded with somebody they got faith can you make sure you sit in the faith section come on look at somebody say ah Eve God I need this thing to come out of your mouth like you really believe it God could be really big come on y'all Testament say I believe in the 3rd chapter we understand how Jesus empowers for every leader we must understand that you have you're led to in power anything that you do you should be raising a group to be able to do the exact same thing the Bible says that he empowered them to preach and to go lay hands this is good he gave it to all 12 stop including Judas some of y'all wouldn't have gave giving your enemy nothing but had you set them up is my blessing them anyway come over here I need you to understand come on let's go let's go papa let's go back up the box or to the fourth chapter in the 4th chapter we read something that we hardly ever read in Scripture and there's a reason that we read it that Jesus is sleep at the bottom of a boat they are going to the other side have you never been with Jesus and a stone come and it feel like he's asleep the Bible said that they ran downstairs and woke him up come on here it's a me do you hear that we about to died here he got up anybody what is he doing he's teaching you how to handle your storms stones should not keep you up at night stones should not have you walking the floor but a storm should put you to sleep come on here he got up and he didn't go out there and fight the wind he just spoke to it because whenever you bound on earth should be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth gonna be loosed in heaven I need you to tension able to say peace be still shy around outside come on let's go / but let's step on over into the fifth chapter in the fifth chapter messed me up because when he gets off the boat a man come running at the graveyard here's a man has been keeping the whole city up at night can't nobody contain him the Bible said but when Jesus come to me and come and kneel at his feet watch me it starts all the Lord what did you come to torment me but then the demon said something that we don't pay attention to him he said listen I know I gotta come out but do me a favor listen carefully don't make me leave this region because I've we've been assigned to this area demonic spirits have been assigned to certain regions y'all not saying that the name somebody said well what kind of spirit was over that region please listen the Bible said that the demon thing would you please beat us to go into these pigs that are walking by the Bible then said that he allowed the demons to go into the piece and then what did the peas do the pigs ran off the clip of the mountain and committed suicide listen carefully the same thing that the demons did to the pigs they plan on doing to the man but because Jesus showed up some of y'all you were in a region and poverty was supposed to get on you suicide was supposed to get on you this function was supposed to be to you but Jesus came I need you to touch the neighbor say it could have been me go ahead and have a seat it would have been me it should have been me that never had me for a season and he didn't think that I was gonna be set free but God this is why you can't let nobody tell you that it don't take all that when you start giving God praise why cuz you don't know what I've been through you don't know how to never had me those of you that gonna test them on it I'm just gonna I would show how much your plays to tell your testimony I'm a pellet 3 I need so plays to tell me the blue bin deliver tonight what you three go hallelujah Maya whoa reading God come on let's have miss them on these servers on your way didn't see nothin even say it should have been knees have a seat have a seat it should have been me it should have been me it got my family but it didn't get I'd a stop come on let's go come on [Applause] some of y'all in Houston should be giving God some praise cause this some spirits has been a sandy Houston but yea though I won't be the family in this channel of course I don't feel any evil come I need you go ahead have a seat that's the founder wait till you see let the neighbors say God knocked it have a seat y'all have a seat sit down [Laughter] sit down come on let's go further let's go further let's go further leave alone she are good I love crazy praise listening ready let's go further let's go to the next chapter when you get to the sixth chapter a multitude is following Jesus let's talk let's talk let's go let's go yeah look at me Allah knows to get out Jesus business well let's talk the Bible says a multitude is following him and he could pick up that day hungry he turned a next one the disciples ooh how much money do we have to hook them up the Bible says so listen carefully he adds them oh no what he was gonna do here gonna win got enough money to feed all these people shut up I know we didn't I never asked a question because I don't know the answer I asked the question to make sure you get the revelation come on let's talk he said have the people sit down now watch me only John tells us what a snack pack came from only John says there's a lad not a bishop not an apostle not a prophet there's a nobody that got the bag some of y'all keep looking for important people but the ones sitting next to you they don't have a title they don't have a position but they got the bank and if they open up the bag they are bad they devil in your I don't pay me like I'm a cheeseburger total Potok come over here come on let's go further have a seat sit down y'all come on let's all sit down and the Bible says in the lad let's go back and the lad open the bag when he opened the bag come on here it was only two fish and five barley loaves I'm from the projects that was two sardines and five saltine crackers and Jesus made a happy meal into a buffet let's say them to me all I need you to do is open the bag if you open the bag everybody in your section can get delivered if you open the bag everybody in your room could have a plateful if you open the bag don't be stingy open [Applause] y'all gonna stop looking for important people then look for greasy people you better look for somebody who got the anointing you better look for somebody who got the bag you got the collar you got the title but I got the bag you got the degree but I got to you anointed you get the position but I got the oil after the south okay let's go to the seventh chapter we meet the lady that only want the crumbs we meet the crumb snatcher many people have fighting over the Lowe's she says I don't need the loaf because whatever's in the crumbs is in the law you sitting up here waiting on a slice this give me the crumbs y'all extended I mean some of y'all too needy ain't nobody said just let you an aunt in passed by if it passed my eyes snatched but I I need you to make sure you got another crumb snatcher next to you come on look at some I say I'm getting mine tonight I'm getting mind and I hold that thing in your hands shaking it in a sound get man tonight come on hold it say I'm getting mine tonight tonight is my night have a seat have a seat have a seat we almost there let's go you step over to the eighth chapter and that is one mess me up here we go again partnership friends and we are living in a day right now that you don't want to trust nobody you feel like you can do this by yourself you got your deliverance is attached to somebody well let's talk some friends bring Jesus a blind man and they big Jesus can't you just touch it you need some people that are big for you don't be like Louis touching that ain't no I need you'd like oh Jesus ah God you need a travail it makes to you you need somebody that when they open their mouth gosh stop and pay them some attention come on touching it Jesus do me a favor I better stop stop stop stop [Applause] so so when they get done begging then he take him from them I need you to have friends that are willing to release you [Applause] some of them want to keep up with you so that you can know so that they can get some of the credit for what he's done but the Bible says that he grabbed the blind man watch me by the hands and separated him from his friends and I need something I ought to be okay with the separation don't you call him again don't you inboxed him again don't you ask him that I do something me you you didn't do nothing he took you you didn't hear what I just said he separated you cuz what he's about to do in your life is what you've been holding on to for ye yeah my Sharia but I know so today they see tigre let's go let's go so then after he separates them have a seat can we all sit down listen after he after he separates them as Simeone denoted show healing is in your separation [Applause] the only way that he can heal you the way he want to hear you is he gotta separate you why does he have to separate you because the process that he's about to take you through he don't need pay opinion come on let's go Bible the Bible says it after heal it wrapped him and then separated him let's talk then he pulled them from the city to outside the village what does it mean I'm now out of my comfort zone and I need you to get comfortable being uncomfortable because he's about to rock your world you've been you're only gonna be uncomfortable for a luau I need you to come on y'all I need you to make the one next to you man up a warming up I need you to know some say take it take it take it take it you're not going home the way you came back you came in one way but you go walk out another way come on have a seat then the Lord after you separate me and then after you get me out of my comfort zone then the Lord is something that messed me up he spit in the man's eyes now I might not be able to see but I can help why is he spitting on you because your healing is gonna be in your humiliation sometimes I got a spit on you to make you feel like you ain't nothing so that I can get you to be who I want you to be I gotta humiliate you I gotta spit on you I gotta make you feel a certain way but if you stand there take it let let me know if you could take this you could take any time and I'm telling something out of stand steel cops about to do something know what let's live your life he's maybe humiliated he been divorced publicly even humiliated your kids acting a fool publicly you've been humiliated you ain't got nothing publicly but this might tip your situation for my permanent breakthrough oh come on have a seat put some eyes they take at that here we go again give me going in here we go yeah here we go here asking a question do you see anything he never asked is the question because he don't know the answer he's asking a question to make sure you get the revelation do you see anything that this is the last thing he said I do I see man but they're walking but they look like trees then the Bible says he touched him again which means that God has a way of teaching you how to stay in his presence until you become home don't run off so fast now then the Bible says something to mess me up the bow says and then he looked up and saw everything stopped and then he looked up so you mean to tell me when you saw me in his trees you wouldn't look which means that you had vision before you has sight [Applause] I can't give you a sight until I give you a vision Oh insane to me I'm trying to get you to see that you're gonna be your millionaire I'm trying to get you to see it so family gonna be saved I'm trying to get you to see that this is about to be the best ten years of your life I'm trying to get you to see that it'll always be like this I'm trying to get you to see that eyes haven't seen it is haven't heard what God those of you that have a vision with your hands there was a God for the next five seconds five four three two yep I know so today they say he my son daughter also totally here on Ohio batata that's the neighbors are you gonna see everything clearly you don't see your kids same you don't see you get out of the situation you've been in three years I need you to touch somebody say you're going to see everything clearly let's go have a seat have a seat can y'all sit down please and pretty go to now come on let's go to now yeah let's go to now let's go to now let's go to now you step up in the nine when you step over in the ninth everybody came dance cuz everybody can go he take three of them as they come on let's go up a lot higher some of y'all need to stop trying to bring everybody up when they want to stay low many are called but few are chosen ain't neva I need you to make sure you sit in 2006 it I need you to make sure that you sit next to somebody when we go higher you will feel it in your section your hair go get like robot Ron da da Basha come on put atom an ordeal such a say let's go come up with a the man in your section come on snake let's go higher Oh Baba sha we don't here we don't nobody else here you don't see what ain't never nobody else see I need you to put it a man only he's only took three of them you don't need a whole lot of people he just need two more partners it's not afraid of height let's go let's go come on touching everything let's go hi [Applause] he take them higher oh my god can y'all try to sit down can you at least try to sit down please please sit down and get your get your thing in your hand he take Peter James and John up to the Mount of Transfiguration and then a cloud come and then heaven opens and then they get a visitation who's the visitor the Bible says they got scared please listen some of y'all want to go higher but you really don't know what you asking for I said there was Elijah there was Moses and the viruses and God spoke from heaven and the cloud came over all that him no Watchmen you gotta get the revelation everybody can't handle spiritual height you you can't stay up there long cuz your mind and your flesh can't handle it that long the Bible says when Peter say let's just stay here and let's build three Tabernacles huh one for you one for Moses one for Elijah he said come on let's go down from here cuz you didn't you talkin crazy you put them on my level and I only brought them into the new because I took them out of the old they never had a funeral I just took him Moses couldn't go to the promised land but he showed up in the New Testament stop crying about what you didn't see and get excited about - atchoo wheel see let your neighbors say your future is up amazing yeah come on let's go back what come on let's go Bible come on let's go Bible let's go bye have a seat have a seat so the Bible somebody come down you've been so high but you got to step down into a fight and the Bible said if there's an argument going on and Jesus and the father steps forward would have thing in his hand have you ever handed your situation for somebody but they didn't have the power to endl it in the disappointment comes for you to release what you've been holding on to and I need to hear the worship of those that are holding on but you've had to face some disappointment until I some disappointment and people who follow Jesus come over here after my some people who who had positions and titles you gave them a situation but they didn't handle it right can I hear your worship if you still hold it oh give me 10 seconds of your worship wait wait wait we shall thing in your hand lift your hand and begin to worship put that in your hand 10 [Applause] seven six five [Music] can can I should have asked for this early can you bring me three cheers on the stage can you bring me three cheers on the stage give me three cheers or quick I need you to make sure you say this is somebody that still got it in a hand come one sense anyway say you got it you got it you got it thank you thank you so when the father comes to Jesus he basically sits in the seat in the middle for those of y'all that fly have you noticed while you were running to try to get the window seat cuz you get that window you can lay that hand for those of you are like pastor you want that out seat so you can stretch that leg out the most watch me and those that get in he sees they mark the territory they immediately put their arms on the rest for those that got a cinema like I got this already and here comes the one in the middle the one in the middle is the most uncomfortable seat because you have to adjust to us on your right and your left come over here and that is the seat of the intercessor come on let's talk for a minute that's the seat of the intercessor and some of y'all what is in your hand is bigger than you come over here when you sit in the seat of the intercessor you have the father and you have your petition in your hand but you sit here watch me and the father comes because he's holding what he loves he's holding what he has Bert what's mean anybody else would have say it put him out is easy to say put out was not connected to you come over here that's why you gotta be careful with who you share with what is in your hair who am I talking to in the building who am I talking to come on let's talk for a minute and the Bible says please with me he only comes as a surprise me I'm not here for myself but I'm here for who's next to me remember the Bible says that when God was going to destroy the truth in Israel the Bible says and Moses gap between the chosen of Israel and God and God in God's face and watch me and God said because you asked me yeah not because they asked me an innocence or watch me God would do it because you asked for it I wish she was sitting next to her intercessor right man cuz what you holding in your hand they can say God do me a favor and hook them up cross because in assesses are not selfish in a substance just so off something for themselves they want to see every man in this connected to them get a breakthrough you're not sitting next to me my chance of my accident but God but she next to me for me to make sure you get what you supposed to have every innocence again I make sure you're not selfish give me a favor tell him say God give me a favor and woke them up if you believe that God hears your prayers if you believe that God answered with you acts I don't want sweet innocence don't wait on God to do it you praise them in advance before you even see it this ways is not for you but is little one next to you I mean it pays to be hard I hear on the count of three give God a plain not for you but for us in their hand won't you please go tire do me a favor come on tap your neighbors may God give me a play button whenever they got in their hands I want you to do it poem I want you to move in the direction I want you to open the door there's no man the clothes I need you take near the house yeah you ready come on your intercessors centennial centennial on your way did you see i decree another Claire it's already fun have a seat for one minute it's already done this already London cause we love it if you don't do it because you held on he don't do it because you act so it he's about to do it because you made it because you waited you coulda went home because you waited because you made Joseph come out of the house come on y'all we gotta move on going come on Tecna baby say this already done by now yeah this suppose they say hey man I'm on top hi you gonna answer your prayer he won't answer your prayer kneel on answer your prayer he won't answer your prayer come he's alone have a seat probably one minute let's go further come on hold your thing in your hand hold your thing in your hand whoa your thing in your hand so what you're holding doesn't talk so he's never gonna question what's in your hand [Applause] [Music] what you holding doesn't have a vocal cord what you're holding is under what you're holding is spiritual what's in your hand I need I need I need to wake some of y'all up what you're holding is not natural this thing is spiritual I need you to warn your neighbor tell them you have been under attack come on y'all I need you to wait they spirit man up you've been responding in a natural way but not dogs about to show you what you need to do with the Spirit Ram he's about to create a spiritual atmosphere [Applause] because what you're holding is starting to affect you mentally because it's hard to look at this and not mess with this oh my god but you're holding someone you always started to affect you physically the Bible says that the fact that the spirit would take him and throw him to the ground throw him from the water to the fire some of y'all is starting to affect you physically your blood pressure is not good you're not sleeping enough you're dead tired it's trying to stress you out but God since you wouldn't miss building before that devil break you ah my cheek teeth grow so totally Shia my tongue little singing what's in your hand is messing with your emotions coz one minute you up it next minute you down one minute you happy the next minute you not have one minute you going off one minute you don't understand next one is you do understand this is too much what you're holding is affecting you socially you honestly believe that this father brought this boy outside a lot he didn't because it was will be embarrassing oh he try to have to explain it some y'all I'm watching the enemy pull you back further and further socially making you embarrassed that you can't come outside the devil is a lie you gonna hold your head up regardless of what is in you I need you to touch the neighbor say it's your turn it's show turn it's your turn it's shut please do what I tell you to do please do what I tell you to do touch your neighbor tell em it's your turn it's your turn it's your turn it's your turn what you're holding is spiritual what you're holding is spiritual for we wrestle not against flesh and blood this thing is not normal and God is about to address your spiritual issue suddenly a my everybody sent to your feet everybody fencing your feet everybody fencing your feet lift it up in your hands [Music] can I show question can I ask you a question can I ask you a question how long have you been holding that how long have you been struggling with that how long has that thing been affecting you and the father says oh say since he was a child and just because it hits you as a child don't mean you have to live with it for the rest of you [Music] [Applause] oh you open your mouth a it's about to be over he never asked you a question cuz he doesn't know the answer he asks you the question to give you the revelation that you've been struggling with that for years but today is its exit day I'm so glad you didn't accept it I'm so glad you didn't make an excuse for it I'm so glad he brought it with you tonight [Applause] then he challenges him cuz the father said you can do anything can you have pity watch me on us it ain't just my son that's suffering this thing is messing me up too and I'll know what Shubin I'm so tired of faking I'm so tired of walking in smiled in the neck like I got it together with my insides are crawling but tonight I came to say God can't you do something fun come on I need you to say God can't you do something for us boo bah Shia got the receipt a shaky please listen please the Lord challenged he said all things are possible for him that believes what I love about the father he's not gonna fake like some of y'all he said lord I believe I'm not gonna lie sometimes when I look at this thing I ask myself the question is this it someone need you to help me when it looked like a vacillating don't take it personal [Applause] [Music] [Applause] just deal with my rollercoaster ride another commentary say he what he was really saying is I know you're able but will you do I need you to make sure you got the right bones around you please you do not need to be surrounded by doubt right now you do not need to be surrounded by people who don't believe that God is able can you just check on your right in your lip and make sure you got another person I believe that God is able please do what I tell you to do come on look at them say I believe only to friend only to friend only to only to prayer you can go and sit and be preached to all night but what's in your hand is gonna be broken only through prayer only to friends this is what I honor the Lord for you because you heard God at the beginning of another decade saying let them give me this so that I can get this up off for you so you could run through the next ten because what you do in the next ten can set you up for the rest of your life I need you to hear what I just said to you I need you to hear what I just said to you we now celebrate no year we celebrate in a decade because what you doing is next ten can set you up for the rest of your life you'll never be broke okay now what is in your hand would never be your issue again can I hear you worship for five seconds for five seconds cuz laughs about to give you a second win bad [Applause] [Applause] ready you ready you gonna obey me obey me please listen please hear me loud and clear the word that I just gave you I'm weird sometimes he'll speak to me before I get to a city most times he won't speak to me until the plane land the closer I got to Houston him and start talking he said I need you to tell them that I'm about to take it from him [Applause] whatever they got is about to be released but you gonna need backup in the spirit I got 22 minutes look at me look at me please follow my lead I need you to get in groups of threes one two three I need you to get in groups of threes it can't be fours it cannot be fourth watch me getting groups of threes that's the key on only get with people that you trust right now three three three somebody I can't count lord help us threes you ready let's me watch me I need you to look in your group and identify who gonna be number one who's gonna be number two and who's gonna be number three it's a prayer meeting DISA pram me it's a pram me it's a pram me and if you touch and agree on anything it will be done for you oh my Shia you ready number one raise your hand number one I need you to get between two and three get between them hey two and three lock them in take both of your hands mmm and lock number one in there you go just like that that's it that's it just like that lock them in like a man hey number one you got back hey number one hey number one hey number one you are not going to believe but the Lord told me to tell you that there's a part of you that feel like you have not made it that you disappointed that you didn't do it right that you've failed in some areas you represent the disciples who couldn't do some things but because you doesn't couldn't do it doesn't mean you can't do it you didn't hear what I just said hey number one he's about to increase your failure number one number one number one number one he's about the pool you looking closer yeah but that I Bopha cuz guess what number one is so much in you number one we gotta protect you we gotta make sure that you don't throw in the towel we gotta make sure that you don't commit suicide we gotta make sure that you don't walk away we got to make sure that you don't abandon your assignment because you couldn't do that don't mean that you're not gonna be able to do this hey number one greatness is in you number one number one eyes have not seen number one lift your hands hey two and three I need us to begin to pray for number one cover them hey number one we cover your purpose we cover your assignment number one we come against every area that you feel like you did not succeed in and number one we tell you that you are great that you are mighty that God has his hand on your life number one eyes haven't seen and ears haven't heard what God as for you number one I need you to hold your hand up number one I know you feel like people are looking at you but I heard a lot of sake that's what the same when if they saw that you didn't do that they gonna see you do something else even greater I need you to be okay number one lip your hands for a few more minutes it and outside come on stay there come on stay there come on number one we got you we cover your assignment we cover your purpose we cover your name we cover your ministry we can't celebrity laugh if it negative report that devil is a liar we sweetly off-leash at number 1 we say greater is He that is in you than he that is in hey number one done with you number one out of your belly pops about to both your dream number one I just need you to be encouraged number one I gotta make sure you ain't carrots I gotta make sure you a Parrish I gotta make sure you in carries I gotta make sure you ain't carriage I gotta make sure you ain't carriage I gotta make sure that you don't feel like you fall down you don't feel like you're failure I gotta make sure that you know that part is not done repeating the board come on y'all I need two or three should we get a conversion of one day by Rousseau to Lisa T not a terrible city who blew to breathe AC he dun dun na na hey hey hey hey hey two or three I need you to start tapping number one say God got so much more god there's so much more that does so much more God does so much more God does so much more God has so much more he hain't with you number one he victim number one he hand-picked you number one he hand-picked seed number one in the morning he wanna give you wanna give we wanna build number one he fits you because he know you he picked you because he saw potential in you he picks you because you know your name you pictured because you know what you could deal with paint number one he picks you cause he know that she'll survive hey number one you ready number two get in the middle hey one two three it's not tipping number two say your turn your turn your turn your turn your turn your turn your turn hey number two number two number two your word is that he's about to perfect those things that concern of you number two hey one two three like a man like a man like a man like a man lock them and lock them and lock them in lock them here number two you represent the father number two yes with some fees this what kind of weighing you out hmm number two number two I'm amazed that you did not give up [Applause] number two number two the devil been coming after was close to you [Applause] numbered soon numbered soon the Lord told me to tell you the he's about to honor your faithfulness the bachata will show to maybe shake a loss aha this a fish a number two I'm so glad you got a good grip because number two anybody else would have anybody else would let go but number two Oh number two he's about to give you most shrimp hey 1 & 3 let's stop praying for strength for number 2 number 2 I pray that God give you strength because you've had to carry some things for quite some time that has been amazing number 2 I cover your mind I cover your mind number 2 because what you been carrying but they never wanted to take your mind but number two I cover your man and I say he will keep you in perfect peace number 2 you have been called to be the intercessor number 2 he called you because you stronger number 2 he didn't even trust you with it number 2 he called you because he knew that you could handle it so number 2 we gonna pray that God give you strength hey number 2 I three another car you cannot quit you cannot walk away you got a hold own hey number 2 we don't stand still and you will see the salvation of the Lord hey number two number two number two is a bad mean for you number two number two disappointing for you because number two there's some things that you've been wearing that God is about to get up off for you number two popular to make your name lighter God's about to make your loan lighter so god I pray that you begin to prove this Singapore for them but I play then what they do make it easier for make it easier for hey hey hey hey one two three start pepper dip and say God make it easier for [Applause] hello y'all you gotta make sure they strong you ever make sure they get they sit back you gotta make sure they got they stripped back number two we are intercessor number two you feel it you feel it number two you feel what don't nobody else feel [Applause] why do that always be so sensitive number two that's the way that God made you you feel what don't nobody else feel yeah hey one two three it's not tempeh number two say the stripper god the strip of God the strip applies greater than speed that is within you then he that has been the world waited his knee that is within you than he that is in the world so I didn't bring you this matter to you to let go right then to bring you this one for you a quick I come against your disappointment I pray to God give you a second grip saya I pray that God give you a second grip I did not give you a second where hotline number two lift up your hair oh he takes to the King of glory come here who is the king of glory and mighty you get it they wanted three just remember to tell them you got it you got it you got it you got it you got it you got it you got this you got this you got this just a family you ready you ready number three number three number three we [Music] number three number three hey one and two lock three in number three you gotta hear number three you your warfare ain't no Punk [Applause] number three you got to give the revelation like number three Hale is upset with you know number three you need to really hit this you are the one that was supposed to have been dead [Applause] like the enemy thought that would he when he was given permission to hit you the enemy thought that what he took you to from the fire to the water his whole intention was to take you out for by Shia but parece tales Rondo roll Shia number to lift your hands let me flow numbers number three there's some stuff number three that hit you as a child and people make judgment without knowing your story [Applause] but I hear the Lord telling me to tell you number three at times you felt like I had left you but the fact that you are alive is proof that I have always been in your life [Music] hey number three number three why won't you die why won't you die some of the things that you've been through why don't you give up why you keep pushing hey why don't you just submit to it why don't you just can I tell you why you won't coz has always been a a piece of Hope in you he caught me on about SIA I've always hoped in you shake the Honourable SIA I've always put just a little with you you've always had that feelin it got to get better it got to get better it has to get better it has to get better it has to get better it has to get better it has to get better it has to get better I guess what the Lord says [Music] and it is number three is really Oh turn number three you under the best survivors that we got into building number three we are amazed survival skills greater quality used to fly you can't be paralyzed she used to be down he can't be like you used to hit through well Adams about to be greater well Adams about to be greater hey one or two I mean either get in number three here and just are saying well that is about to be greater well Adams about to be greater well Adams about to be greater well Adams about to deflator your manners a lot to beat Vader your land is about to be greater to be greater head of you head of you ahead of you I'm so glad you didn't die I'm so glad you did give up I'm so glad you walk away we may be secured and wanted to movie an older man locked within we probably we cover your dreams we cover your tetanus we cover your tribe we cover your persistence we cover your tribe Aramis that is y'all ready let them vote one two or three I need you to release the best name like all y'all just get delivered and in Judah and he's a place to be better than that and he's good place to be better than that let my warns that when I choose that well my please I need your place to be better than that that means your place would be better than it and he silly ought to get out of your seat I need you to song walk in the altar hold a base hit up up up up up oh ho I need you to walk me out I need you to walk the also knowing that God is real Oh situation in a family in a family in a family thing it up swear me in a flam people in a we're meetin in a family this came out back hello walk with heads you don't have you anymore let's Gordon you don't bother you anymore what you caring for the last fear you not go carry this here I give you glory I need you to push of God let you swing this is not for your emotions business for your spirit man I need you to open your mouth to the dog that is able to do exceedingly that you exceedingly that you exceedingly low becoming lowly coming coming coming coming coming the glory of God is about they hit this deal that he's about to steal but he just filled them you got to be heavier in here whoa you good mmm hold that hand oh that hand I have two more things and I'm done [Music] squeeze that hand it just say clover [Music] squeeze that hand again just a clover [Applause] listen the weight of God is about to come in the throne he's about to seal you when the glory comes on you it basically gives you the extra to go with you like I know you've been teaching I know you've been singing I know you've been preaching but there's about to be another deposit of glory so how you used to do it will be nothing compared to how you about to do it and think you did business oh he's about to blow you mine you ready now hold that hand hold that hand one of the things that I find amazing you hold mine is that we always end up in the same place either you before me long before you and God trusts us to feed a lot of people that God want to give us there's another level of collaboration [Music] I've been stressed out over some stuff the Lord told me the only way that the oil can be produced is that it has to be squeezed you wouldn't have it squeezed lately but Glory's about to hit this room squeeze that energetic glory my son grew so today base shake he squeezed it one more time just say glow ring I want you to get ready hold that and say don't you let me go until we have a glory encounter oh my but the count of three I want you to shout glory as loud as you can and I want the supernatural power of God to come in this building and seal you that what you've been doing for years you're about to do it on another level what used to be difficult is about to be made easy for you okay they may say I'm not a messiah we wanted to get ready baby you got a straight Gloria's how does she pay them when I say three the supernatural couple plays team can I get the praise team come on that on the stage because God's ready to do something supernatural for the praise chamber you don't add on the stage over they they say who died by Shia Oh baby Sheikh Baba - come on y'all come on y'all hurry up hurry up hurry up hurry up more they learn like oz will not produce something right like the next time you get on the stage that the power of God is about they hit this building lacy look arms yeah I'm never behind you ready when I say three now god I've done what you told me to do I preach the word I've been obedient to you now that only thing axes that you now sealed this speech your glory I pray that the supernatural or all power of God hid this building I need something he baptized with the Holy Ghost and he gifts to be stirred up I need gifts to be stirred up I need business to be released and he dreams to come to reality and he said to me Aneesa I need the supernatural of God oppa what's up baby you are a two three yes yeah [Applause] aha don't you that needles until I get a plateful don't you let me go I can feel the powerful come on willing bananas little minutes you wanna bet me you wanna tell me you want to marry me we about to do something for you you wanna marry me give me the bobbin answer papaya let that handle up your hands and worship God hater well we're you better get your shirt you better get your strength you better get some stress you better get some rest I mean jidoka chef sir I mean little bits of sweat I think you don't get so strip will get it that means would be annoying oh come on y'all we'll leave it in a few minutes come on we gonna leave on your way to your seat are you willing to say my god that answer by fire let the dry bed answer my fire let the table that answer by fire come on y'all we want that glass eat less tonight as they grow will they go sneak over there they go sneak over there they go steak over there they go sleep over we heard homes run tonight the Lord Hawk drop tonight the war hold on another level will get just that's terrific well this just gets through whoa come on on your way through your feet walk your way back to your seat adjuster I am a Ponderosa cute neela nama saya and evolution Oh come on y'all we leaving we leave it will even but god no call on the positives of a fighter your hands in worship God like this come on lift your hands in worship dog Frankie cut all the music nothing but voices come on nothing but voices nothing good boys nothing but voices nothing good [Applause] only through prayer only through prayer only through Fred come on no I'm past my time but I heard the last thing you've been waiting longer than this to get what you wanted hug someone on your way back to your seat and saying only in prayer come on make your way back to your seat nobody leave this building nobody leave this building don't leave this building leave them on the floor don't touch not one of them let them stay in come on keep a worship on your lips keep a worship on your lips keep a worship on your lips come on what my warns and keep a worship on your lips what my to Zed keep a worship on your lips what about three people worse Wow I have one last assignment and I am done I have one last assignment and I am done hmm I went to him that is even now when take him that is able now went to him that is able he are now nothing she can rope so to wrap give me some intercessors to just gather round this family give me like three intercessors to get around them listen can I do my last assignment and I'll be released one of the things that God has shown me is that he's ready to raise up some people in the body of Christ we need millionaires when he got to bless people who he can trust financially if you believe that God can trust you financially lift your hands and worship God for a few seconds [Music] come on just worship God there are 500 of you in this building and it's called a sacrificial seed I want you to get a seed and I want to pray that God make you a sponsor for Kingdom what does it mean that whatever the church acts for you will always have it to give I want those of y'all that believe that I need you to get a seat listen carefully a $57 and I need you to step into the nearest town near you [Music] 57 let me touch your hand one more time just $57 [Music] come on just get in the aisle closest to you if you know that I am talking to you if you wanted those people get in that pile you and that I'll lift your seat up and begin to worship God but what's about to come in your direction if a business owner you better get in that aisle anybody in management in hit position pastors leaders get in that IR because God's gonna make you the head and not the tail come on he's gonna make you the liver not the borrower come on begin to worship God for that seed that is in your head watch me I want you to walk and I want you to place on these these are yours I'm a sponsor for Kingdom that means that God can channel money through you come on if you text to give it tap your phone and say I'm a sponsor for Kingdom Come on we move it quickly they're moving quickly I am a sponsor the kingdom the kingdom he blessed me to be a blessing come on we're moving quickly we're moving quickly hallelujah come on [Music] [Music] hallelujah come on we're moving quickly they're moving quickly hammy I know this was God when did he do it he did it in drag he did it in I am a sponsor for Kingdom I am a sponsor for Kingdom come on we're moving quickly when did he do it he did it in prayer come on say he did it in prayer I gotta go I got to do another premium tonight I done lost my mind I had to go laugh at a few minutes they waiting on me ain't this a mess [Music] yeah well moped me on Facebook Instagram and periscope tonight with him praying Monday through Friday 20 days of fasting and 20 days of frame when did he do it he did it in pray come on bring your seats I'm gonna turn the mic over I thank God for pastor Cheon and I believe that the supernatural is about to do some amazing things through us guys haven't seen the new years haven't heard what God is doing in us if you don't have the 57 let me teach you how to be blessed he knows what you have because he gave it to you then if you don't have the 57 you get the best seeds you can in your hand and you bring it to the altar but one thing that you should never do never be in an anointed service and don't release anything whenever there's an anointed service you need to put something in that because you sow into the anointing come on we're moving quickly Texas I love you guys keep me in your prayers pray for me as I pray for you and I'm gonna turn it over [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we worship you we are [Music] we worship your name the sphere that's what we're here we are [Music] mmm [Music] we worship you yes that's what [Music] [Music] [Music] that's what [Music] it Oh [Music] somebody oughta say that's me [Music] [Music] Oh well we go [Music] hallelujah Center your feet there is not another word that needs to be said after that work can we on the pastor John Hannah in this place tonight [Music] that was a stirring in this place shaking and for those of you who may have for this watch [Music] I hope you now see what I mean when I say give him glory everybody lift your hands in the air we're leaving but I want to show you something as you walk out of the door when I said lift your hands you chose a position but it was not all you had [Music] most times when we praise God we praise Him just like that but we want the return to be like this you cannot expect him to give you all you need if you don't give him all you have when we say worship Him when we say give him glory it's not what's comfortable every time I say give him glory I want you to extend yourself until somebody thinks you have lost your mind do me a favor tell your neighbor we can't go back [Music] no more average worship no more average sprays every time we give Him glory we're going to give him everything yeah yeah God we're walking out of this door but we're not walking out of your presence let this thing stick let us get home and still be drunk in this spirit let us walk through the door and transform everything in the atmosphere we're going home and we're going to chase away every evil spirit that has found itself at home and our places of domicile our homes our apartments will be places of worship places of praise places of glory Lord we give you this ministry this church for we are thin vessels depending on your glory to help us to keep it together now out the Potter we are the clay allow us to get home and find everything in order if you believe it's shoddy man hook somebody on your way I'll tell them I love you ain't nothing you can do about it god bless you god bless you [Music]
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 38,893
Rating: 4.8906107 out of 5
Keywords: Keion Henderson, Lighthouse Church, One Night Prayer Revival, one night prayer revival with pastor john hannah, one night prayer sermon, lighthouse sermon, lighthouse worship, lighthouse christmas, lighthouse church of humble, lighthouse church worship, latest sermons of light house, keion's korner, worship, faith, jesus, God, grace, forgiveness, sermon, bishop, pastor, god sermon, strength, waking faith, church, lighthouse, elevation, christian church, bible, lighthouse church of houston
Id: rRw4KlsHw1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 47sec (6827 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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