"My NEXT IS NOW WITH POWER" // NEXT IS NOW series (Part 3) by Pastor John Hannah

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah good morning everyone welcome to our 7:30 service early will I seek thee for those of you that are on Facebook those of you that are unparalleled closly that are on youtube those of you that are on our app can we get you to share it but gospel everyone we need you to share the gospel listen to me God is a good God in spite of everything that is going on we still have to give God glory this is a description the Bible says out of everything that happened to job the Bible says something about job and all of this in all of this job did not sin with his lips which means that we have the responsibility to still give that glory we have the responsibility to steal pray there the responsibility to still call on the name of the Lord let's pray so that we honor you we magnify you'll be glorify you you are God you're great you are amazing you are sovereign you sit on the throne and we continue to say that the earth is the Lord's the earth is the Lord's so that we honor you for just being sovereign we honor you God for sitting on the throne we honor you for being alert aware in knowing all so God have your way this morning God feed us this morning feed us this morning release hope release faith release joy release peace in this service have your way in the name of Jesus listeners a lot going on but I'm excited because we're about to go into worship as we worship with our praise sing with I band with our dancers I want you to pay attention we have all male dancers today young men to let the devil know that he's a liar come over here our sons would not die in the street and they will be everything that God created them to be come on let's go into worship I dare you to lift your hands wherever you are I dare you to lift your hands wherever you are I dare you to let your hands wherever you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] whoa [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] spirit break out [Music] break a wall [Music] spirit break ow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we wanna feel your presence here show us [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] glory glory huh me I want to see the glory of God come on wherever you are can you just worship God wherever you are right there let's have a intimate moment with God right there come over just for a few seconds open your eyes and begin to bless the Lord at all times we bless you God we glorify you you are great you are amazing you are awesome and you are our God and we honor you on today God is amazing hallelujah let me give you a couple of announcements don't forget that our first prayer conference is coming up if anything I say right now it is ever time to pray this is it this is it it's different this year we normally just do the 12-hour prayer but it is different this year the Lord put a greater demand on us you can look on the screen me you can see how you can register I need you guys to join me in Perm believe God for this that we will have at least 5,000 people in prayer on that day to God be the glory we are already we've already exceeded over 20 I'm sorry two thousand people that have registered already so we're almost there we have almost halfway there but I need you all to register to be a part of this conference what does it is more than prayer there's mentorship there's a worship room it's going to be amazing it's a Friday from 12 noon to 12 midnight go to 12 our prayer calm and make it happen for 11:30 don't forget our children's church we'll be going on and then 1:30 our teen church will be going on if you believe in the power of prayer and you want to be a part of our innocence routine they will be praying on Wednesday at 7 p.m. please go to our app download our app so that you could be a part of everything that is going on in our church if you are going to defeat cancer if you have already defeated cancer if you are in the middle of fighting we have what we call a cancer support group everyone can't relate to what you're going through I need you to be a part of that group is gonna be on Saturday it's at 10:00 a.m. that's June the 6 go to our website or I app and you can figure out how to be a part of that I want us on the last Sunday of this month to get our ties and are offering ready for everyone that is watching us right now can we get you to share but for everyone that is watching it's the last Sunday of the month of May and God has been faithful to us he has been faithful why has he been faithful because you've been faithful you've been consistent remember what me and pastor Jim own taught you who you were off the cross before you started going through is who you will be on the cross when you begin to go through in spite of everything that is going on we still need you to be faithful why because we've been consistent can I tell you some things that we've done you guys know that we fed the hospital's already so now what we begin to do is that we have already began to minister to Chicago police departments and if there's ever time to minister to them it is now you better hear the timing of it it is now we're going to go to the police stations and we're going to begin to pray with them we're going to begin to go to the fire stations we're going to pray with them we're taking food there we are feeding them we're hiring small catering companies we are taking care of them what are we doing it's called outreach if there's ever time that we need to minister to them you better hear me that time is now you better hear me don't get caught up in this wave you better cover them in your prayers innovatively them are not right you just saw God expose the enemy but everybody's not wrong that's all I have to say everyone is not wrong so we want to make sure that we do what God called us to do how we able to do it why because God bless us we bless the house and what does the house do and the house finds a need to meet it I just think divine timing is so amazing to me when covent 19 came out the Lord told us to hit every hospital we hit every hospital in Chicago now the Lord is saying now I need you to go to the police stations Wow perfect timing how are we able to do it you'd be a blessing come on let's get our tithes and our offering everyone get your ties enough already if you want to text and give text to verse NLCS II to seven seven nine seven seven if you have our app it is one of the easiest ways to give if you want to write a check if you want to drop it off at our office our office is located at 55:17 South Michigan if you want to mail it in still walking around with a book of stamps you can use your book of stamps and you can mail it your tithes and offering how do you melamine humility New Life office where is it 55:17 South Michigan Chicago Illinois six zero six three seven everyone get your tithes and your offer and ready for those of you that are watching so but this is not my church but we feed you on a weekly basis can you sow into what you believe in can you sow into what you believe in come on well I'm believing God for something special today in tithes and offering get your seed ready lift it up to the Lord wherever you are repeat after me I'm Italian a giver you say one more time my 10 people in this building I open in a mouth I said my 10 people help us Lord repeat after me I'm Italian to give it and I am blessed beyond measure I have more than enough I'm living in my overflow come on repeat this I am living and Ephesians 3:20 how long I'll be living it for the rest of our lives amen begin to show your Caesar at this time I want you to receive our praise team as they minister again in song [Music] there's nothing worth more that can ever come close you can come home [Music] [Music] the sweetest my heart becomes free and my shame is [Music] Oh Holy Spirit you are welcome here come flood this place and fill the atmosphere your glory God is what our hearts to be by [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] we need that with me with me we need ya we need got a happy cheese come on in the homes you practice [Applause] Oh gonna have you yeah Wow who just said that line one more time Holy Spirit I want you to begin to call the Holy Spirit wherever you are right now let's just say their line one more time Holy Spirit you are welcome come please come on whatever stings your [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] wherever you are clap your hands and welcome the Holy Spirit in your area hallelujah God is faithful listen give everything if anything I want to say to the believers to the believers that we are light in the midst of darkness that we are the salt of the earth which lets us know that darkness will come but we are supposed to be light in the midst of it hear me clearly in the midst of it we are light please hear me for we wrestle not against flesh and blood this thing is spiritual you better hear me there is a spirit that is lingering over the United States of America and if the Saints don't go up and begin to war and begin to fight and begin to bind this demonic force that is over the United States of America we could back it up with Scripture if you want me to the Bible says that when Jesus got off the boat a man came to him running out of the graveyard and said allow us to go into what the pigs but this is what they said but don't make us leave this region don't make us leave this region and what if the pig what did the demons do they left the man went into the pigs and did what jumped off the cliff committed suicide that was the spirit that was over that region there is a spirit over America and it is our responsibility to call on God so it has been going on for years the same thing happened with the children of Israel they were in bondage for over 400 years and the Bible says that God heard they cry by God he cannot ignore the cries of his children don't look at the time but look to the Kiehl's from with cometh yo yo amen and we believing that God's gonna do something supernatural whatever city you in whatever state you're in you are there to be a intercessor you are there to cry out for your city you are there to begin to bind the enemy you are there because what's over you bound honor should be bound in heaven whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in him call angels see your city come over here and X God to show up in a mighty way and I believe that God's still gonna do something miraculous its revival time let's go let's go to the Bible all right so pastor Jay moaning I've been teaching this series my next is now can I get you to open your mouth in spite of everything that is going on and declare my next is now come on I need you to get excited about your necks and get excited about your now I need you to be your number one cheerleader open your mouth wherever you are in Sycamore shout and I need you to say it come on address I need you to say it open your mouth for Saint my next is now my next is now on the first week we talked to you about the man that was on the porch and we showed you that your next is going to be something new now everybody else was looking in the direction of the water but Christ came in another direction for many of you all stop looking for it to come like everybody else came but know that yours is gonna come new direction last week we talked to you about the woman who had the issue of blood and we gave you the responsibility that your next is on you please don't wait on anybody to give you anything the Bible said that the violent do what take it by force come over here there's some things that you're not gonna that you're gonna have to take for yourself you're not gonna get in line I need you to be a thug in the spirit well whenever there's a move of God whenever you feel the anointing I need you to reach in and this passage amongst a reach in and snatch your future my god get everything that God has for you at the 7:30 service last week we see it my reach is about to pay off my reach is about to pay off today we want to let you know that your next is now but when you come out you coming out with power mmm come over here you're not going to be like everybody else when you come out you bout to blow up my god come over here eyes have not seen ears have not heard what God is about to do in you come on let's go Bible after he was raised from the dead I want everybody to repeat after me I have a promise I have a promise can you say that wherever you are can you type it on the screen I have a promise I have a promise the Bible is as though that after he was raised from the dead he presents himself to his disciples and they're sitting at a table what is he doing he is preparing them for a promise for a promise for everyone under the sound of my voice God has promised you something and he is preparing you for it they are in a certain location on pay attention lockdown hmm he locks you in for a reason come on let's go Bible the Bible says no in acts 1 and 4 X 1 in 4 he says do not leave Jerusalem but wait for the gift my father did what he promised you and I need you to be in the right location ah come on let's go be in the right location there's a promise that has an address on it and it's coming straight for you let's go Bible if you go in the same chapter go down to the 3rd verse the Bible says and when they arrived pay attention they went upstairs to the room where they were what staying they locked the door they locked the door when they get behind closed doors God makes a promise please hear me What did he say he said in acts 1 it ain't he said but you will receive pay attention power hmm you gonna get dynamite when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be a witness pay attention where I'm going to send you is bigger than the room that you locked into right now well I am going to sing you is bigger than your address bigger than your city he said you will be witnesses in Jerusalem in all Judea and Samaria it is and to the ends of the earth I need you to hear me your promise is bigger than your present location I want to hit somebody right now your promise is bigger than your present location but location is key please pay attention in other words I am going to promise you something if I promise you something location is key I said that it's less under my devotion location is key pay attention timing is key and consistency is key how many of you all that are listening to me right now watching me know that God has made you a promise come over here if God has made you a promise I need you to open your mouth and say I have a promise come over here promise carry us I need you to open your mouth wherever you are typing on the screen and say I have a promise he showed me some stuff he whispered something in my spirit he gave it to me in a dream I feel this thing like I lost my mind for those of us that God has made a promise I have a door here watch me he is literally put you in a location locked you in and told you something bigger and something greater is coming come over here questioning anybody can praise God when the promise finally shows up but we are eight people of faith and we know that if God said it it has to be done my god can I give you a scripture to let you know that God is not forgetting about you in numbers 23 and 19 everybody that is a promise carrier I need you to pay attention to the screen it says God is not human come over here that he should lie watch me he is not lying to you it shall come to pass my god God is not human that he should like but she is not a human being that he should change his mind come on here he's not gonna lie to you and he has not changed his mind pay attention Sonny I'll say but I messed up look what the Lord took me to tell you your promise is bigger than your mistake come over here your promise is bigger than your mistake I need you to sit on the edge that you'll see and believe that your package is on the way your delivery date is now this is this is does he speak and not act does he promise and not fulfill anybody hear me come on here I need some of y'all I just need you to get a kick in your spirit to let you know that you're still carrying something that is bigger than you you're moving you're gonna transfer come over here God eyes have not seen God's gonna do something amazing those of you that believe that God's gonna do what he said that he's gonna do that he's gonna enlarge your territory that you are bigger than the dorm that you're behind I need you to rig it ready release the praise watch me this is a faith praise I hear the Lord real clout I hit the Lord saying that if you praise me I'll Drive every line demon out of your environment god I'll Drive every lying spirit that's been telling you that it's not gonna happen I rebuke your age I rebuke your birth certificate I rebuke your pass and your history and I speak the promises of God about to happen over you if you believe that God is able to do what he promised you to do even why you own lockdown I need you to get ready on the count of three to release the praise wherever you are all I need you to do is just put a praise on watch me when you praise God your fate is gonna kick in when you praise God come on here angels are gonna come to your rescue when you praise God demonic forces are gonna back up off of you but it's all based on your praise on the count of three is on you one two three go hope toda raba I give you glory I honor you I magnify you I praise you hallelujah come on begin to praise God right there that your promise shall come to pass that show promise shall come to pass that show promise shall come to pass God's not gonna change his mind God's not gonna lie to you I have not seen hears have not heard what God is gonna do in your behalf come on you promised carriers I need you to open you my friend really get the release of praise go go come on I need you to wake up this morning send me out a feeling of kick in your spirit that God is about to do something supernatural every promised area open your praise right here my promise is coming my promise is coming my promise is coming my promise is coming by promise is coming that promise is coming my promise is coming that promise is coming my promise is coming my promise is coming the promise is coming back on track is coming my monies being release my healing is on the way is about to be open my door is about to be open - aya but time that i MA SE que lo so today bionda i need to calm down I need to calm down I need to calm down but I feel a kick in your mouth but like papal sake is fine see he could baby under them a higher my promise is coming a promise is coming my promise is coming my promise is coming by promises yummy the doors closed right now but the door is gonna open the doors are closed right now but the door is gonna open the doors are closed right now but the door is gonna open come on you better open your mouth the door is closed right now but the door is gonna open the door is closed right now but the door is gonna open the doors closed right now but the turkey is going to open water Rasha Rasha Rasha Rasha too too greasy i gotta calm down grandma higher [Music] Jiki here are not nama saya I got a countdown yeah the doors are closed right now but the door will open but the doors are closed right now but the door will open the doors are closed right now but the door will open clothes right now he's preparing me I need them to come out of your mouth he's closed doors what is he doing he's let's go further let's talk for a minute ah so there is a promise is the promise what the doors are closed and behind closed doors God this is me is preparing you pay attention for the opening hmm watch me he cannot open the door and you're not prepared everybody hear me but divine timing it is divine that we are all locked down hmm because this new season that's going to come your old stuff wouldn't work hmm come over here so behind closed doors he's going to address certain issues let's go behind to do it so what is he fixing it's me behind closed doors he's addressing questioning your fears hmm let's talk about that for a minute because why because you watch me the promise cannot land on fear let's talk again the promise cannot come where fear is so he has to address your fears the Bible says that they are afraid why are they afraid because they believe that the same thing that they had done - cries is going to happen to them hear me clearly there's some things that happen to some other people who I feel God that's not gonna happen to you you dine like your family generational curses are already broken come on here I don't care who how many people are suffering you not gonna suffer like that come over here I don't care how many people in your family dad I can't say you ain't down and no cancer come on in why because you have you've already received the blood transfusion why behind closed doors come on here God's doing a new thing in your life he's addressing their fear that what he said he said I'll never leave you I'll never forsake you lo I am with you always and there some of you are right now you to become afraid when you think about what God is gonna do for you but I came to let you know he is already preparing you for something huge hmm come over here what he is preparing you for is bigger than you could even imagine but he is not going to let you the door open until your fears are addressed please hit me you're not dying and no darkovan 19 no covin ain't even knocked on your door come here just cuz you got a sore throat don't mean you got Kovac y'all ain't singing unto me come on hear that devil is a liar why how come Koba can't come to you though cuz your door is red your door has already been painted in blood come over here come on yet in the devil paint cross the bloodline y'all nice and I need you to open your mouth and say he's preparing me he's preparing me he's addressing my fears not only is he addressing your fears please watch him he's addressing to make sure that you could handle separation and isolation what do you mean if you do your homework I'm gonna show you something ready look at the screen in first Corinthians 15 and 6 watch me before the promise comes how many people were behind closed doors the Bible says after he appeared to more than 500 of the brothers and sisters at the same time there were over 500 people behind closed private to meet behind closed doors ready if you go to acts 1 1 in 15 it says in those days Peter stood up among the believers the group numbering what you mean 120 but I thought we started out with 500 which means it 380 please pay attention they opened the door and walked out because watch me they didn't have what it took to wait on it some of y'all there's some people that have walked out of your life wait don't wait on them to open the door I need you to open the door I need you to tell everybody that don't want to be your friend can you please leave I need you to tell every liar please leave I need you to tell everybody they don't want to be in your corner please leave not to cry when they leave but I need you to get in the door and I need you to begin to give God a praise for everybody that is left she doing this season oh yeah I need you to praise God why is God making your circle smaller come over here why is God making your circle smaller so when your promise comes it doesn't have to fight to get to you it doesn't have to deal with Dallas it doesn't have to deal with naysayers and some of y'all God has already exposed your Judas my god I need something to give God a praise watch me watch me you didn't quit them they quit you if you don't open your mouth and get out of praise I hit that camera with this microphone if you don't praise God that they quit you why cuz if you can't handle my present what you're gonna do when my promise come if you don't like me with the little stuff I got what you gonna do with me when I really blow up I need some of y'all that you've got appraiser that show prayer partner left come over here I need you to give God appraiser that your boyfriend of your girlfriend left I need you to give God a praise that your BFF is on in your corner the way that you push me I need the door to be open but I need you to remain right there I need you to remain right there watch me and once everybody is gone I need you to be okay ready I need you to go ahead watch me and close the door watch me and celebrate who's still with you shut up I need you to celebrate who's still hung hanging in there with you who still believe in you who still know that God's gonna do something amazing in your life I need to I need to go here for a minute cuz I need to look in this camera for those of you that know that God's gonna do something amazing I am your biggest leader much mean he's about to do something amazing he's about to blow your mind he's about to exceed your expectation you are going someplace that you've never been before I'm your biggest shilling forget everybody they don't believe in you look at me I believe in you I believe that God's gonna do some amazing stuff in your life I believe that you going places you've never been before I believe that your name is about to be brought up I believe that your resume is about to be pulled I believe that you'll your yo-yo your pass is about the sweet for you something big is about to happen you right now open your mouth and you know that God's gonna do an amazing go go go go I'm not playing with you open your mouth get your behind abutted beer get up there kitchen table and start walking around and believe it I wanna give God glory I'm gonna give God glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] go let's go let's go so he's addresses my fears I'm scared I'm scared I'm not scared I'm not scared he's spinning out my circle praise God praise God pray what are you doing I'm not crying I'm not I'm not upset what are you doing why are you sitting the seat behind closed us cuz this is what's called the seat of expectation please watch watch your posture right now come on when you waiting on something you sit on the edge when you waiting on something what's your posture you sit on the edge it's almost like I have this alarms this this doorbell on my house call ring so wherever I am in the house I might not be able to hear the door but you know pop up on my phone someone is that the dog hmm and for some of you all your spirit is gonna begin to ring because you are sitting in the seat of expectation that's all how many shopping online oh I'm guilty and sometimes when my packages are not coming as quickly as I want them to I can go online and go to the site and look up the tracking number I need you to go to the world and look up your tracking number and know that God is still because delay don't mean denial y'all and send them to me watch me I just need you to know watch me there it is closer than you think if y'all get in the spirit you can get the revelation what's about to happen we everybody been sitting up waiting here with the governor or what the mayor is going to say on when we can come out I need you to know that God has delayed some states and some of you all because you're not in your seat of expectation come on here watch me watch me your attitude determines your posture which means that either you can sit here and look mad or you can rock like you believe in it's about to go down either you can sit here or you can kneel knowing and believing that God's about to open that door soon for you either you can sit here or you can dance around your seat knowing that is not gonna be like this always oh my god but the main thing is that you are still behind closed doors why because your delivery date is now now allow me to shift if you don't mind allow me just to begin to prophesy slip into the prophetic for a few minutes I need you to pay attention to me it's closer than you think it's closer than you think power is about to knock on your door oh my god knock knock who's there power power who power from God power that when the door open yes you're gonna be bigger than you could even imagine come over here if you don't mind even those in the building I need to here just worship it might be only ten of us in here but I need to hear worship coming out of the mouths of ten people everybody there believe that when the door opens it's gonna be amazing and that power is coming watching me watch me you got the promise you've been prepared the only thing that's waiting now is the power can I get you to worship God for 10 seconds right here go go go Tim move around my shine shine shine down on my son 9 yes god yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord 8 you're slow yes Lord yes 7 six fine for don't open [Music] come on come on come on come on I see you I see you [Music] doors opening doors opening doors opening my name being brought up my knees me brother promises now but next is now mine is now I'm not coming out the way I went here but when I come out I'm coming out with a party when I come out I'm coming out with confidence when I come out I'm coming out with my authority when I come out I'm coming out with a confidence when I come out I'm coming up with the authority would I come out [Music] pay attention please he that hath an ear let him hear he they're happy to hear let him hear he that happened here that I'm here he that hath an ear let him hear let me show you something you ready watch me let me show you when the door is opening you ready ready let's go here in acts two and one do for he said when the day of Pentecost came they were all together in one place and suddenly a sound come on I need you to open your mouth saying I'm hearing something I'm hearing something I'm hearing something I'm hearing something I'm hearing something I'm hearing something I'm hearing something different in the spirit I'm hearing something different in the spirit I'm hearing something I'm hearing something I'm hearing something I'm hearing something and suddenly a sound and suddenly a sound like a blowing like the blowing of a violent wind came in heaven from heaven and fill the whole house where they were sitting which means that you need to be around people who could hear what you hear I'm hearing something I'm hearing something I'm hearing something I'm hearing something those of you that have been hearing the changes now those of you that know that you're next is now can I get you the type on the screen my next is now I'm hearing something I'm hearing something I'm hearing something I'm hearing something let's move I'm hearing something I'm hearing something different I'm hearing something different I'm hearing something different verse two they saw oh my god they saw they saw what seemed to be the tongues of fire that separated hit whatever they mean I'm seeing something I'm seeing something I've seen something when I close my eyes I see something that I've never seen before when I'm dreaming I'm dreaming like I've never drink before when I look in the spirit I've seen that things are happening it's gonna blow my mind I am hearing something I am seeing something come on let's go further let's go further in the Bible says that when they saw what seemed to be tongues of fire and separate heat and came and rest on each of them what does that mean I'm feeling something oh my god so first I was hearing something then I saw something then I start feeling something please hit me I need you not to ignore what you've been feeling lately my god I need you to not ignore what you've been hearing I need you not ignore what you've been seeing I need you not to ignore what you chi'lan and the bible says and then each of them spoke I need you now to open your mouth cuz what's gonna come out of your mouth is what network equipment would did not come out of your mouth when the door was closed something bigger is about to come out of your mouth based on what I hear based on what I see based on what I feel and based on what I speak oh my god based on what I hear based on what I see based on what I feel and based on what I speak [Music] what I see you see little I see plenty I know what I see you saw the size the crown of a man's hand but I know what I heard I heard abundance is there anybody else that you've been hearing some crazy stuff that when you have vision your vision is bigger than you could imagine what you feel you can't even explain it but I need you to open your mouth and speak what you hear what you see what you feel if you can't put it in words that means it's only supposed to be our praise and here is something I'm seeing something I'm feeling something I'm speaking something I'm here is something I'm seeing something I'm seeing something I'm speaking something I'm hearing I'm singing I'm feeling I'm speaking I'm hearing I'm hearing I'm hearing I'm singing I'm singing I'm singing I'm saying I'm saying I'm feeling and I'm speaking let's go here I'm hearing I'm hearing I'm hearing I'm hearing here I hear he I hear come on pricing I hear I hear I hear I hear I hear worship I hear worship I hear worship I see I see I see I see the house being full I see people giving God praise like they've lost a man I feel I feel like a breakthrough was coming right now ha and I speak I speak I speak I'm speaking something that I've never spoken before I'm sneaky something and I never have spoken before I'm speaking something that I've never spoken before I'm speaking so question me push me so after they after they ready after they hear after they see after they feel and then after they speak watch me in in the house then the opportunity comes for you to step outside the house but you can't come outside until you hear to you see till you feel and until you speak I'm a practice make you practice behind the scene someone the opportunity come outside you already know that this is your one opportunity and everybody hear me wherever you are right now and you know that God is speaking to you can I ask you to do something crazy can I ask you to stand wherever you are can I ask you to stand whatever you are could I ask you to stand wherever you are can I ask you to stand wherever you are come on here you've been you know that God has a promise you know that he's been preparing you and you know he says I'm gonna bring you out but in order for me to bring you out I gotta make sure everybody pay attention that you have power because when you come out it's gonna exceed your flesh I'm gonna put it when you come out your knowledge is gonna be bigger than what you study it's almost like you gonna have a supernatural a supernatural encounter that whenever you an opportunity presented sir please pay attention whoa you got to knock it out the park you are about to you must exceed your own expectations cuz you had an encounter with God based on what you heard based on what you saw based on what you felt based on what you spoke on the count of three I just need you to say your name out loud because your name is about to be dropped in somebody's spirit and then you're gonna be called and opportunities gonna present itself and all when you come out like what like like your neck you're never here mean God thank you you're next your name is next on the list a de batata Debussy hello I need you to get ready Hacha your name is next on the list a my G and the Bible says in Peter stood up that's why I told you to stand because when you stand it's almost like I'm willing to step to the plate to do what God has called me to do some of y'all I've come against the spirit of procrastination i bind fear and i speak to you right now and i say greater is He that is within you than he that is in the world and the strength of God the supernatural of God for every singer the next time you sing you gonna execute with power for every teacher for every preacher that next time you open your mouth it's gonna be done with power wherever you go to a businessman whatever you do in your field it's gonna be done in a spirit of excellence it's gonna blow your mind because your next move it's gonna be watch me you don't say oh my god this is really deep and the Bible said and Peter sit up now watch me and when he stood up he began to preach watch me it was a hundred and twenty people in the room but when he stood up and he executed his opportunity the Bible says what then then three thousand what women I thought that you were only speaking to at first you will only speak it to 120 but now that you have received the power now that you have stepped to the plate now you watch me three thousand people come to the door what is it that's increase everybody hear me everybody hear me your next opportunity when the doors are open pay attention when the ban has been lifted hmm when the roads have been cleared when you are called into an office to sit down and they say we've been thinking of you and something big is about to come your way I want you to look like dear to me give me the opportunity that I've been waiting on cuz based on what I heard based on what I've been seeing based on what I've been feeling and based on what I've been speaking it's a powder chuckle now look at me let me show you your future look at the screen last capture this is you God can do anything you know God can do anything you know God can do anything you know far more then you could imagine requests or during I'm done doc could do anything you know far more than you could imagine requests a dream he does it not by pushing us around but but by working within us oh my god his spirit deeply and gently within us if you know somebody that's doing something can I get you just let's prove the God that we're not selfish can we just let's just start speaking on other people that speak somebody else's blessing um think of somebody dishes forget I decree and I declare that Larry's barber college will be fooled every school will be filled and that finances will come from everywhere I decree and I'll declare that's low when the ban is lifted you'll have to decide which gig you're gonna take i decree it I declare that every business owner that the next wave gonna have your name on it and you are going to blow up I decree and I declare that Bill's grilled that truck is gonna be worn out you might have to get two trucks because I need to make sure that you are going to exceed your expectation I decree and I declare that Fred not only schools but photography is gonna begin to do some amazing things for you I decree and I declare that I pray seem that we will record and that the song will be sing the songs will be sang around the world i decree anon declare that the Glens family oh my god that eyes have not seen in years I've not heard how God is about to blow you all up I decree and I declare that embarrasses will have more women estate as a matter of fact I want you to have multiple units with multiple apartments so that you don't have to deal with these two units I will got to give you hope blocks I decree and I declare that rodney east that you will come under will see you online and like how you mixing you produce and your name will be brought up i decree and I declare that Jessica your name will be measured around [Applause] [Music] [Applause] shia i decree it out of the clan that joshua that does not set up their people will be gonna call you and ask you to come and set up different things not just in Chicago but you will be calling out to do weekend events but you have enough people around you because your [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on come on I need you to begin to say your name it's based on what you hear it's based on what you see is based on what you feel it's based on what you speak it's based on what you care it's made so what you see it's Mason what you feel is Rachel what you speak open your mouth [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on is the look braids right now open your mouth man you open your mouth so my young dancers ever in the building I need you to open your mouth scholarships are coming Telos ships are coming passwords are coming you will travel the world what you can speak it's bigger than what you can imagine it's bigger than what you can dream it's bigger than what you can speak it's bigger than what you could dream it's bigger than what you can imagine open your mouth a few minutes under we gotta go whoa [Music] hiya come on Chris you in the building for a reason yeah come on Mike are you in the building for a reason everybody have your moment in your house hey so what you here based on what you see in the spirit make sure what you feel Faison would come out of your mouth hey so let's you here [Applause] thanks so much you see [Music] based on what you feel come here you ain't crazy you're not crazy what you've been feeling is huge what you been feeling is amazing what you been feeling is supernatural this thing is gonna be gone give me ten more seconds [Music] [Applause] [Music] I hear [Music] I see feel a sweet here I see feel speech here put the words on the 3c feel here I see [Music] see see [Music] [Applause] come on say it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] that's the Holy Spirit [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] it's [Music] so what you feel [Music] what you hear it's right so what you see it's mixed on what you speak it's been so much you sleep [Music] [Applause] I'm giving you an opportunity to speak right [Music] protecting a house how're your children rappers healthier business over your ministry your ministry [Music] the Holy Ghost [Applause] Rosa follicles speak illegals Holly goes jealousy lately [Music] lady your belly [Music] [Applause] [Music] we I need you to begin to spit to drop off I need you to begin to publicise - a secret account the SAP to your own recipe I need you to begin to speak over your own children [Applause] so leave [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] to see your results jumping up late [Applause] worship wherever you are [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] listen [Music] is based on what you hear [Music] is based on what you see is based on what you feel my god last thing is based on what you speak my god his face so what you see get right on what you see in space so what you see is based on what you feel right now now open your mouth cause it's based on what your speaks based on what you speak my god it's make so much against tones what you see Oh see what you go and I submit I'll let you float your flow [Music] come out of your mouth like this but come out of your mouth [Music] listen I need to Anita wrap this up but there's someone that's listening to me right now look at me please you can't do this without God and you can't do it without power [Music] some of y'all are tired because you've done it your way long enough he says now I said if they don't knock I locked you in so that I can knock so when the doors are open you're gonna come out and it's gonna be supernatural look at me it's gonna be amazing but it's not gonna be amazing without done and someone right now that you need to accept the Lord is just say there's somebody all right now you listen to me you know it no judgment but you have not been walking in the spirit you've not been living in the spirit no no I had the Lord say recommit rededicate he says I am married to you did as some of you all that you you don't have a covering and God has sent me to be your covering this is your church whatever state you live in whatever city you live in you can actually join online you can physically be in the building you could be a virtual member so we are if you know that I'm talking to you Elmo to Detective her his new life to three-one three-one three-one you're gonna accept Christ if you're gonna rededicate are you gonna join I want you to text the words new life you can do this today today don't wait till tomorrow don't do it today no life 2 3 1 3 1 3 1 and then you gotta get a call from my office on tomorrow it's based on what you hear it's based on what you see in the spirit it's based on what you feel in the spirit st. your flesh the last thing is based on what come out of your mouth cuz we're come out of your mouth with demand results and the results are going to be exceedingly abundantly above all you could ask or even think this is a supernatural move of God on Pentecost Sunday I get the Lord say I am empowering you right now lift your hands wherever you are and receive the empowerment of God and right now he's empowering your gift your skills your talent your business what you do now has supernatural oh my god what you do now has supernatural when your business flow up it's gonna be supernatural and your name is Karla to be supernatural when you gotta go and get another truck bill is supernatural this thing is supernatural Wow this ain't you this all God there's some of you that came in late and you didn't so I don't know who I'm talking to but some of us is supernatural it's a supernatural thing right now that he would access to do something supernatural for those of us that know that even our finances are gonna be amazing I don't know who I'm talking to there are two seats that you can give see the 25 or $50 see phone use based on what you hear based on what you see based on what you feel and based on what you speak if you know that I'm talking to you you could text it you know CRC just seven seven nine seven seven you can give on the on the app but those of you that know that God has doing something in the financial department for you and it's going to be exceedingly your next spot of employment is gonna exceed your expectations I want you to so that and believe into it and on the convent part I want you to put next my next I love you guys praying for our country we pray for every city and I repeat for every city that you live in your call your there to be a inter system and know that God is doing something supernatural - stick it right here praise team it's based is based on what you hear see feel me speak my god is based on what you hear see feel speak receive them at this time [Music] is peace [Music] it's based on what you [Music] is based on [Music] [Music] it's based on what you see it's been snow what you feel [Music] so what'd you see it's based on what you hear it's based on it's based on what you feel [Music] don't love you he is way snow
Channel: Pastor John F. Hannah
Views: 4,643
Rating: 4.9716311 out of 5
Keywords: #johnhannah, #pastorhannah
Id: 0Z8WFW6N9Os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 3sec (4863 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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