Floating River on Inflatable Dock - Fishing Catch Cook Camp

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[Music] [Music] [Music] I've been pumping at this for two hours and eight minutes there's something wrong it's not holding air look at that what did that that's not a clean cut that's like an abrasion tear well I just got off the phone with customer support they're gonna send me a new one to start it tomorrow I'm gonna ship back that old one and we're gonna try this again in a few days all right boat just sent me a replacement dock let's go give it this another try back to the river all right we're back and this time our raft does it have a hole in it at least not yet one lesson I learned last time is that the electric pump is worth every penny all right while the raft is inflating me and the boys are looking for helga mites and crawdads and we're just having a ball and check this out I found the biggest helga mine ever he's so creepy look at that that thing is massive look at the size of him it's like the critter from Rapa Khan oh there's a dead one look at that he's big enough to eat are you having fun I'm already seeing bass and some really big sucker fish we got some bait we might be doing a catch and cook video here a little bit later [Music] this push is easy all right guys you ready to do this all right we're gonna go spend the next two days on this River and I am excited huh whoa all right you guys ready for this all aboard all right we're doing this just thing handles like a dream it is so easy to maneuver it bends a little bit but this thing is rock solid is this fun yes this is so cool are you gonna get a paddle us we got Huck Nate and Tom nickel so this pole I'm using the push is 16 feet long it's just a couple two by twos we're taking a table saw and I've ripped the corners off them to make it kind of like a letter octagon or whatever and we just couple them together with a piece of 2-inch PVC pipe screw right through the middle to keep it together and this is my push Pole and just in case it breaks I've got another one right there as a backup I floated this river a couple of times without the boys on storage bin rafts that I made they're really similar in design to the floating fishing cabin we made it a couple months ago that's an awesome video if you haven't seen that by the way I'm gonna pull out the fishing rod real quick whenever I get a little downtime between steering I'm trying to do some fishing if we catch something decent we'll do a little catch and cook tonight blowing it Oh a little breeze kicked up and it actually blew us upstream about 15 feet this thing is so light on the water it just gets pushed around really easy well the winds push it against the current a little bit but if I sit down it seems to cut our profile enough where we head back down streams anything you're getting good at that this raft is only eight inches thick and we're not even halfway submerged so we we got less than four inches of draft on this thing we can go shallow oh that's the way kid hey Thomas what do you think about going over your first waterfall I made a huge mistake well guys I hope you like that cuz we're gonna be going down some even bigger Rapids here a little bit we're gonna go through the squeeze a little class three action for us well it is a beautiful 85 degrees today and Nathan's wants to go swimming here yeah is the water cold [Music] one of the things I've learned from experience is that you don't ever put the pole downstream okay because you shove it into the rocks and it get stuck or you don't move it quick enough the raft runs it over it'll it'll pull the pole out of your hands or it will snap the pole you always push to the side or upstream there we go hold on tight it turns out if you just lay down on the ground and do nothing that then the wind can't push the bonus budget we got dinner well we put in some good miles but we need to start thinking about camping and so we need to look for a campsite someplace it's flat and has a lot of wood because we want to build a fire oh look at that all right let's check this place out well this looks pretty good it's not super flat but I think it's flat enough and we got piles of wood up in the trees and we can burn that so let's start gathering some wood for fires all right guys where we gonna build a fire yeah right there looks pretty good down there all right oh boy I turned my back for one second and he falls out of a tree geez you okay real simple trick here I've got cotton balls soaked in Vaseline I put one underneath there put one on the end of a stick and then I use my flint and steel to go and ignite the one and then get it under there I've got a decent little fire going well let that mature and we'll be cooking a little bit well the biggest white water on this whole trip is a set of class-three Rapids called the squeeze and I was a little vague on where it was but as I'm sitting here oh there it is that's the entrance to the squeeze so looks like first thing in the morning we're gonna be taking this raft down some class-three Rapids that's gonna be fun yeah you want to squeeze yeah all right we're gonna boil some water get dinner going here all right boys why don't you come over here and show me what you want to eat for dinner tonight we have Italian style pepper steak and noodles and chicken time to eat our meager catch all right we're gonna try eating fall fish tonight yeah Nathan you like your chicken noodles yeah yeah they fixed it for you all right there we go Italian pepper steak our little fall fish is coming along nicely all right who wants to eat some fish and take a little bit of skin off or got a lot of Bo he grabbed a piece of a lot of bones in it what do you think does it taste any good pretty nondescript tastes like many other white fish I've eaten it just as easily be a grayling skins pretty good well would you guys like some hot chocolate yeah sure are you guys like that [Applause] all right yeah it's gonna be so as a dressing for winter camping you want to watch a movie all right cold wet shoes worse Tommy you want to stay there tell you at the fair going we're gonna mix it up a little bit I got a package of birthday candles here and we're gonna use that to start the fire there you go a little birthday candle fire Tommy are you having a good time yeah are you glad you came we got chorizo flavored spam today we're gonna give that a try for breakfast who wants to try the tree so spam you know it tastes it tastes like if you mix chili with spam smells like chili to your forked knife look at this nothing screams America like a folding fork and spoon set look at the cool part about this tencel's come apart yeah look at that there's Nathan's folding fork and spoon set all right guys you ready to go down to squeeze [Applause] what do you think of that Nathan well maybe we'll have to do some more whitewater rafting in this thing okay yeah but this raft is so big it just kind of it doesn't matter which direction you go down and you just he just go down and hold on did the only thing you have to worry about is hitting the trees and having sweepers knock your gear off ah today is lovely it's sunny it's warm and no wind that wind was killing us yesterday no this is gonna be great Bob are used to living yeah I can be my boat motor [Music] [Music] I love this thing the draft on this is so shallow did you like that I think the boys just discovered their new favorite thing whitewater rafting guys you want me to go swimming oh no guys it's a leech here you go so one of the key techniques is putting your feet in the dead center when the feet are in the center and you push any direction the raft moves in that direction if you stand on the edge the raft will spin more centered you are the less of your energy gets put into spinning and more into steering right now it's too deep to use the pole so you can just kind of use it like a kayak it actually works really well a lot of smallmouth bass last time I went here you're getting better [Music] [Applause] what a heck of a way to travel this is so nice I gotta tell you what I am really pleased with this inflatable dock so far and I definitely think we're gonna be doing some more trips like this this is just too much fun if you guys want to learn more about this thing I'll put a link in the description to their website you guys can check it out let's go here alright guys this looks like a good spot as any to make lunch you guys find a nice little swimming hole alright well the boys are swimming and playing I am gonna prepare a Nathan's favorite meal cup of noodle there we go well that water's boiling let me show you something cool see all these rocks down here amongst the trees this is a big bend in the river when the river floods the water and current comes straight through these trees and it acts like a sieve so all the debris and stuff that gets washed into the river get stuck up in here look at all this stuff yeah it's a soccer ball yeah yeah baby look at this this is just a mountain of flotsam and there's like another soccer ball or something over there look at this how far it goes last week the water was 16 feet deep and so where you were standing was underwater the river was flowing right where you're standing and all this stuff hit up against the trees and got stuck here that's how it ended up in this big pile look at this look at the size of that stump man that thing's huge this is why you cannot be on the river when it's flooding because you'll end up getting washed into these forests and then you get stuck in there you never come out nothing keeps these boys more entertained than playing in the water you guys like your swimming hole well the boys are really complaining about being hungry so I pulled over and I made them their their favorite thing and they haven't eaten they're just over there fishing best part isn't just getting along and having a good time together as brothers it's the best they need a little bro time I'm just gonna sit here and eat my food and let them do their thing all right guys you ready go all right Wow [Music] oh this has been fun sure hope our good weather holds out we may or may not get some rain storms here in a few hours so we'll see look at those haunted trees guys yeah those things are creepy lookit look at that one you can hide inside you like take a bath inside that tree look at that tree yeah look at that huge thing owner how high you can climb up inside that thing oh that's so much fun and it takes zero skill and this thing just do we got a jump out of that tree Nathan you excited try that you ought to try that table all right you want to get my back hold on just high enough you wanna go higher date well jump just jump right off there there you go buddy Nathan was that fun it's my turn oh I thought I was just carrying Nathan up did you like that okay go down oh there we go Tom hey can I see it that's a pullout spot no ward look guys did you have a good time I hope you guys enjoyed watching this as much as we enjoyed making this video don't forget to check out our other videos including our floating fishing cabin video our abandoned Island camping video and a lot of other stuff I'll put links in the description don't forget to click subscribe we put out new videos every Saturday morning thanks for watching guys if you like this video don't forget to check out the outdoor boys youtube channel where we have hundreds of videos just like this and don't forget to click subscribe so you can see other great videos every Saturday morning and hit that belt button you'll get notifications thanks for watching woo we got off the river just in time boys
Channel: Outdoor Boys
Views: 4,037,250
Rating: 4.8356314 out of 5
Id: 75fUfnddXE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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