Catch'n Cook Bacon Bass Jalapeño Cheddar Poppers - Day 3 of 7 Day WaterWorld Survival Challenge

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look at that everything we ordered is actually in the box that came to us that's amazing here's one for you chris coming off of that yeah nice i say we keep that we haven't eaten a chain pickerel yeah those are good the popper and tail you pop it into your mouth well let's check our anchors and get our anchors a little bit more solid that's a little disturbing i'm zachary fowler and this is the seven day water world survival challenge [Music] fish on water world survival challenge is brought to you by mystery tackle box check out the link in the description below for them and the water world survival challenge official gear video good morning what a beautiful day look at that look at my window i guess like right out my window i could probably can i reach out no i can't as i say reach out and just you know wash my face from bed it's it's so gorgeous it's such a beautiful day out there we were kind of up a little bit late playing around with the fishes nothing spectacular happened just you know kicking it by the fire joking and laughing and next we know it's kind of late so i slept in i feel i feel really good and what is chris doing out there i hear a drill i heard some coffee beans pouring we better get up and find out you clever sod time for that handle stuff yeah no hand cranks here so that's the coffee grinder you put it on there when there's a little hand crank and i guess he decided we're not doing that right now no time for the hand crank we need the go juice and i want to go for a swim i'm warm hot already that's what happens when you sleep in the sun's up high and you're temps insulated although i have to say once again had this been a regular camping tent and not insulated we would have been roasting in there it would have been a sauna whereas this thing's open let the aaron don't don't mind our messy room here the uh it works really good i have my head over there by the that back window and only thing it needs is bug screen if there had been a lot of bugs these windows don't have velcro and bug screens i'm gonna have to make some for it because i'm thinking i'm keeping this for this very purpose [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i can live like this almost every day i think thank you dr squats for providing us with this wonderful so what which one did we bring with us i had no no that's a sage oh sage oh yeah does it get any more manly than this oh isn't that nice and the beauty of the docker squat soap is it's made with all natural ingredients so it's safe to be with you in the wild don't i feel like a million bucks right oh cup of coffee look at this guy look at he's like completely wheelied up on his he's sitting halfway up the boat and the thing is just ripping even the motor itself is like making the boat huge yeah but it's like a 50 horse yeah if not more like an 80 horse on a on a small boston whaler or something oh my goodness whoa that's hot maybe yeah it's malt yeah you know what something this video is brought to you by carl's bait and tackle the maker's a mystery tackle box and carl's bait and tackle in honor of that we're going to order some stuff and uh and have a little uh fish off today order some fish and lures and some goodies some stuff let's uh check it out it's a little website we've got a whole bunch of stuff here soft plastic sorry we're going for soft plastics first that's always you know you always get to see soft plastics on the brain do they stock google as well they do stock googan baits yeah maybe a couple cracking craws or mondo worms i mean they all work pretty good but i don't know where my sunglasses are so i'm going to pick out a pair of pair of those get a couple shirts i don't know [Laughter] maybe we'll laugh wait and see how about these uh fuzzy beavers is that what it says i thought i was reading that right yeah fuzzy beaver from ryan bates yeah let's try that couple of those what are those biospawn vial bugs those look good in white i know i've never used something like that so yeah yeah the bubonic the bubonic nothing looks sick i like this one with the pink belly and the green i think we'll go with that that'll be a good one oh that's ketchico brand too nice oh football jigs yeah i like those they kind of like you know drag it through the weeds i hope you guys i guess still got some of the saw craws to go on it okay kind of thing and ordered and special fowler only airdrop how long does that usually take oh about 15 minutes cup of coffee and they'll be here all right today on cooking with fowler we're gonna make bacon wrapped bass jalapeno cheddar poppers this is actually i think this is gonna be pretty good it sounds a little weird but uh let's do it i forgot about the little crappie [Laughter] three bass one crappie i think this fillet knife is a little big for these fish the game warden [Music] don't mind us just blow right through blow right past as i'm not trying to make my breakfast or anything i kind of picked a a good spot i mean there's a little passage right through so most people don't come bombing through here you can hear them bombing around on the other side so i'm glad we picked where we did this thing is full of bait what what we got bait holy cow okay that worked way way better than uh are they they're like baby yellow perch or something yeah they are i think they're baby yellow perch holy cripey dude well that's amazing yeah that was the goal and uh man i wish i had like a a pond to stock you know like can you do that stock a pond with the yellow perch uh no if you have your own private pond private pond that's what i mean like if i had in my backyard and managed to build a pond i really want to do that maybe next year and uh just a small pond for micro fishing kind of stuff i did not expect that i didn't expect in like that deep of a water when i let it down you got to pull up on the line and let it hang for a second and then and then let it set otherwise it ends up upside down if there's one crappie in here there's a ton more so maybe tonight we will have to uh get the fish finder out and uh because it is very hard to jig to those fish because they they hit it so fast and you just feel that like all of a sudden you're just like and then they've already stripped you of your little grub so it doesn't look like a huge amount but crappie they got a nice piece of meat here but they actually have a little bit more i probably could have done a little even better than this to take more time and the bigger they are the pieces of meat goes right from here to here and it's a big chunk of meat all the way through to the belly unlike some other fish which white perch and stuff like that you'll get like you get a strip like this when you're done you don't even when they're bigger you don't get much for the belly the same for the bass but but the crappie will have a full piece of meat [Music] wait what that's not a popper's ass popper entails you pop it into your mouth that's a bacon burrito [Music] check the wind move the grill what do you think are these going to be epic or epically disgusting yeah how are we going to kill them cooked or we did not bring aluminum foil which you should always bring we'll figure something out a piece of birch bark that'd actually probably give it some flavor the 2.0 is gonna have to have a solar cooker on it of some sort how cool would that be [Applause] [Music] so [Music] bacon bass cheddar poppers oh yeah i'd say that's working pretty darn good [Music] oh i think i hear a drone thank you we got our package that was quick oh i hear another one it looks like a second package i only ordered one i wonder what it is [Music] oh it's a it's a bigger one like a rod box and my little drone all right what have i got here i don't think i ordered this should i open them without chris oh he's right there chris hey hey i heard the drone in the packages yeah the packages are here come on if you want to open them with me yeah check it out all right let's see what we got that's the only thing about these swiss army knives i love my swiss army knife but i can't really open it with one now that would be a swiss army knife mod if i made it like a the blade is on the outside edge what if i made it so that i could could open it with one hand you know just like a flip if the blade was on this side you could just have a finger flip a swiss army check that out although carving you do want it up on this end not down here below and maybe a finger flipping out here or a lever on the back side of the nevermind we're supposed to be opening it you guys are all waiting to see what's inside the box took longer than i thought was what a couple hours we got our food ready that was so long first thing so we got some swim bait trailers those are pretty sexy i like that the green sparkly and white bottoms on the you know little shad thing right and we have these riot things what are they called fuzzy beavers is that what it says i thought i was reading that right so these say fuzzy slayer but on the website it said fuzzy beaver maybe marketing team didn't like the fuzzy beaver i don't know i liked fuzzy beaver but fuzzy slayer works too what else you got oh my sunglasses oh wow everything looks more beautiful er yeah i know you can see through the water good with these i like these better than your polarized because they wrap around so i look cooler like a ball oh yes i keep the bankroll and then oh these are the uh googan baits there look at that everything we ordered is actually in the box that came to us that's amazing that's not amazing that's just good customer service some jig heads and my little crankbait and some merch there we go we're sporting our merch got our sunglasses we got our baits here's one for you chris there you go awesome now we're twins you got your green one and i got my blue one let's go fishing wait there's more do you even order this i didn't order that they don't usually send you extra stuff when you order but because we're working together carl's bait and tackle check out the link in the description below so you can get your cool fishing stuff i really don't know what this is i mean it's obviously it's got to be a rod but what is it i don't want it i'll just i'm going to throw it in the water you're going to throw it get back here with that it's pretty slick a googan rod i did not see that coming thank you very much carl's bait and tackle i will get some use out of this not just a rod or reel as well yeah rod and reel combo how does it feel you know speaking of which they have the new googan rods that are up there sounds good on the website feels good yeah it feels solid i've never actually touched a googan rod i didn't want to really it wasn't my intention to sport googan gear you know we got our own thing going on i mean we like the baits i felt like rods are kind of a custom thing i really like my frostbite rods for ice fishing so i do support eric that way that does feel really good there's all fish nice thank you guys very much from carl's bait and tackle first cast wow wow ah beautiful lure beautiful pole beautiful day less talking more fishing let's do this let's give one of these bad boys a try if we cut the biggest one open the reveal [Music] that looks good that's cooked through i'm going to try it will let you know how it is that has to be the most delicious thing i've ever made the fish and the cheddar and the i forgot to pray lord thank you for this food thank you for the bacon wrapped jalapeno cheddar balls uh bath cheddar balls amen let's let's dig in dude try one of these oh it's oh it smells cool didn't get in sync but thank you i prayed for both of us we're good you're covered you're nailed it that's pretty dang good right i got a little bit of everything that was awesome never would have want i mean i did think that's why i did it part of me was wondering if this was a good idea yeah hit me with some aces cage in here oh yeah that's even better with our custom splice bun for ace daisy's cajun should we super tasty for some of the convoy that we have yeah they smelt it and you got to watch out for them wild lake people around here the smokers the smokers the smokers are coming no regard for the tote float yeah hold on hold on everything wait oh we're still tied i didn't know we were tied on the second one well i saw you pulling it so i thought that meant that oh goodbye little home away from home we'll see you in a little bit should we go that way we didn't go that way before let's do it let's head that away through the through the breach yeah should we fish this first we could kind of like come around just let the wind blow us along this shore all right before we head to the breach i like this rod i did not expect that i was like i thought the green was gonna make me not like it but uh you know i like it i want one in custom fowler orange my fish senses are not tingling not at the spot is that man-made was this a bridge and i have to say that does look like it is cement it must be man-made yep it's kind of cool over there i wonder if you could sit on that picnic table and fish off of it like having a lunch and fishing on it what is it is it just a sandbar i don't understand what's going on oh it's probably i think it's rocks and stuff but yeah mondo worms or the little fish off which one you want all right all right purple flaked fruity tooty whatever he is here chris is going to run the purple mondo worm how about a joystick that goes on your on your fishing rod so when you control your trolling motor right here with your thumb wouldn't that be kind of cool it's a beautiful day to catch a fish who wouldn't you be won't you be my neighbor i've always wanted to have a fish just like you i'm just kidding whew these guys got a scent to them well it's like licorice i want to eat this thing i like like it doesn't taste good it does not taste like licorice so and i i no longer want to eat it so that's good i guess i can see my forehead for some reason right now you told me not to eat those mayflies in my coffee well it's a fish i don't know about a good fish he's a tiny little thing there oh there we go good enough hey we got a fish that's a nice oh boy you pierced yourself good buddy that's a hook set and a half yikes there we go i think i unhooked you fairly easily i think what do you think there we go i just opened up a brand new thing of baits i just ordered and then you go out and you catch a fish with it i mean can it get cooler than that imagine if we were swimming along we're exploring and and all of a sudden there's a skull as if i'm not already a little baby enough when we're going into the water no you don't need to plant a fake skull on me [Music] oh good oh little guy no that was a little bass and there we go not big but it's a fish that's an odd fight are you okay bro whoa it's another fish chasing the other fish we got a frenzy going on here folks oh my lanta is that monster we might have to throw it on the scale that could be my pb but check the old fish brain see where other people are locking catches that are any good brook trout northern pike nobody's holding up monsters let's check out this river at the other end yeah moving water is great all right full steam there we go after finally a better fish that's a good size pickerel bring it here nice there you go i said we keep that we haven't eaten a chain picker yeah those are good they're good eating oh he's squirting everywhere what'd you catch that on oh that's nice that went on there nicely is it is that a thing where people put those two together or is that just something you did that's what i keep saying trailer oh good trailer wow that worked really good two rods in my hand fish on it i think he's tangled in the weeds there we go got him what do we got oh just another bass oh all right see there's bigger bass back here yeah he saw something right in front of me oh well don't waste our time with this guy you are catching them left and freaking right and dude is that a good fish like big i don't know that's a good fish dude i just saw it that's like three oh yeah that's a three pounder that's a good fish oh well maybe not three two don't come off buddy come on come on bring him up oh my freaking line oh he jumped right into the net that was great that was great yeah that is a nice nice fish there we go ow that's a beautiful fish right there let's see what we got that's worth checking to see what it is hope you stop wiggling 2.12 how will we let that one go that's the first sizable fish we caught here okay stop and have a bacon ball break um good job on the net bro half-handed on upside down like the commitment in my hand different world cheers look pretty successful it turned on it's not over yet though i feel the life juices just flowing through me the energy just like that step into a bacon bass jalapeno popper ball yeah it doesn't flow off the tongue though step into a bacon wrap bacon bass jalapeno cheddar popper step into a bacon bass hella step into a bacon step into a bacon bass jalapeno cheddar popper are we supposed to be snapping into them not you're saying step into aren't you yeah like step into a slim jim i thought it would snap into a slim jim oh maybe it is snap into it that would make much more sense than stepping on a slim jim you don't want to step on your slim jims you want to snap bite into a bacon bite into a bag of bass you're messing up my thing i feel like my teeth are just like full of bacon ball how'd that look boy we got quite the life huh well we're gonna head back we did pretty good i feel like we figured the lake out a little bit better and that's kind of the fun of coming to somewhere new it's like figuring out a location right yeah getting an idea that's fun yeah we worked our way up in fish size all day and ended with some good ones had a couple on that weren't on camera you know when the cameras were overheating because it was so sunny and warm and now we're gonna head back and sound good to me let's do it you know i have to say i really like crawford pond it's kind of a secret location because there's no public access but there's a a smaller number of camps than most lakes have uh i love seven tree it's like my home pond since it's right next to my house there and this is still almost next to the house and so if anybody knows of a piece of land for sale on crawford pond the water is just a bit clearer here there's no river flowing into it which i feel like makes seven tree a little bit more fishy than this one you know what i mean it's like a little bit more true a little bit better but i don't know we're nailing a lot of perch it's just yeah and we haven't even fully figured it out and on fish brain i've seen some pictures of northern pike in here so if we could figure that out that'd be pretty cool so we're gonna have to maybe try to troll for some of those tomorrow tide's going on those trees what did you say the tides going out we're getting pulled out to see is that what's going on so when we left earlier those trees were like over there so we've moved and i don't exactly know why maybe 40 feet yeah but there's three cinder block two cinder blocks and one acre like i would have thought the anchor would have been enough yeah do we still have the anchor yeah it's still i tugged on it you talked down that did except for now our solar see now that doesn't make sense what because the anchor is headed that way you think someone ran over our anchor line they got too close to it or something no how could the anchor unless it just completely released itself oh i got it it was held by the cinder blocks in place and and then when we were blowing it blew us the opposite direction away the anchor was taught hooked in so when it blew past the anchor dragging the cinder blocks it flipped the anchor free as if you know when you when you pull up on an anchor well let's look at it like this we're on a new fishing spot now it's a little bit better right here i'll find out for deeper get a good feeling for it right here with this guy let's see if it still drops as quick boom that's about the same well let's check our anchors and get our anchors a little bit more solid that's a little disturbing yep if it had been we could have been in a big trouble if this thing when we came in hadn't been all 15 feet if this had gone deeper this direction and we were in 15 feet and it got to 20. those anchor lines and all that stuff we would we could have found the float way over there like somewhere we would have been able to find it we would have been able to find it but that would have been a little bit like oops he doesn't look so pleasant what's wrong with him nothing he's just stiff as a board why wasn't he on ike we had the cooler with us oh that's pretty silly huh or whatever he's gonna get eaten tonight which role i've climbed to my favorites for keeping really tastes like crab meat to me oh my girl tastes like crab yeah it does taste like crab and consistency it's like crab to me it's like little pieces of crap a little bit drier but yeah but good but good yeah one oddly funny advantage is the raft turned and it followed the sun all day the energy apex battery about 95 charged even though i only hooked that up today cool [Laughter] this it's not that gross it's not the stuff that smells like food luckily you missed a spot right there all right i'll clean the fish since you had to clean up my mess are you hungry i feel like that bacon wrapped uh that ball is like sustaining me what fish it's what's for dinner i don't know about you but i'm not too hungry are you hungry i'm feeling good i'm feeling good bacon bombs those bacon wrapped uh cheddar jalapeno jalapeno jalapeno aces cajun two thousand calories apiece well there are only three strips of bacon in each one we'll get the fire going if anything get the fire going and see if we can't catch some fish from the uh from the float huh i think we finally hit saturation feeling good yeah feeling good these little pieces of uh fat wood they were we got those a couple years ago a year ago many yeah we got like a whole case of it but it's such great stuff i mean you can buy it at most i know vic's hardware store has it and uh i did notice true value and a lot of people you can buy them in a big box like this big you know so it's like a pound of the stuff and one pound of that like one stick every time you light your fire at your house if you have a fireplace things like that they they sell those fire bricks and all these things to light your fires but the little pieces of fatwood you shave up the end of it and as long as your wood is dry and go right onto it you'd think we'd get tired of this but fishing tired of fishing what so we're just using ice fishing jigs i'm just using this little guy the cool thing about this little guy is this little fin on the back means that when you dive down and or jig it it actually planes and glides so it like kind of swims in a circle and to make it actually work instead of just like if we're lucky enough to hit him in a friendly feeding frenzy you throw a little wax worm on there whoa actually worm down buy these on amazon for feeding lizards usually it says they work great for trout just the white grub thing they just fish just love it kind of like worms so i i would say in the most catch ability for catching trout at least trout uh it would be probably be worms maybe first and then grasshoppers and and and these guys or something like that they love the grasshoppers if you can get a grasshopper and toss that in live on a hook and it's floating down the stream and just boom they they'll eat it every time i think [Music] so [Music] oopsie yours cheers dear jesus thank you for the brussels sprouts the fish and the adventure and the fact that this float is still floating and the fact that we're still floating yes amen you're not crappy as well that's the first time my first time having crappy that brussels sprout had a piece of garlic burnt to the bottom that was so good the crappies good how's the pickle excellent do you like pickles cooked perfectly yeah we can't exactly show you how just epic this is so juicy it's juicy yeah so flaky that was a good size that was the biggest chain pickle i've ever seen because the last time i played one there wasn't plays like this on they were tiny no i love that i used his first cast on fish that's the midnight special brush my teeth go to bed well i don't know about this is just too much fun i'm just going to stay out here i'm just going to have to move move in permanently sometimes the editing studio would fit very well i need to double the size quadruple maybe just yeah just keep like building these and bringing them out like once a week you're filling out a new one i don't even know the song now you got those like two lines it's a midnight special stuck in my head well i remember bad it was a good evening i had messed around with some a little bit of night fishing didn't really get up to too much and uh made ourselves some brussels sprouts and fish oh that was so good with that oh cooked up in that bacon grease from the leftover of our bacon bacon bass jalapeno cheddar balls i think we did pretty good today tomorrow i'm probably gonna get up something try to get on some trolling and some bigger fish maybe a little fish off with the barbie poles who knows it's been a fun adventure so far and i look forward to tomorrow so i'm going to bed see you in the next one oh they're out hey thanks for watching make sure to subscribe because i can't think of any good reason but thanks anyways
Channel: Fowler's Makery and Mischief
Views: 785,596
Rating: 4.8940072 out of 5
Keywords: fowlers makery and mischief, fowler, fowler survival challenge, survival challenge, floating fishing cabin, build a floating fishing cabin, waterworld survival, waterworld survival challenge, catch n cook, catch n cook bass, Bacon Bass Jalapeño Cheddar Poppers, Catch'n Cook Bacon Bass Jalapeño Cheddar Poppers, waterworld, 7 day survival challenge, 7 day survival fishing, 7 day survival, catch n cook bass poppers, catch and cook survival, catch and cook survival fishing
Id: YaVEZjWihbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 21sec (2481 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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